Last night after the Destiny's Child reunion at the Superbowl, singer Keyshia
Cole trashed Michelle Williams' performance by Tweeting...
But the thrashing didn't bother Keyshia, she fired back...
And then she implied her remarks were in revenge...
"...by the way The Bitch Michell said some foul shit while I was performing once. But no one recalls that. I say what I want. No Likey. Run up."
pls u people should leave michelle williams born again for me o!
LINDA.wats with u n jim iyke.give us the full jist.
i hear there was a night stand btw u two
That's mean
But Michell fuck up true true like she was scared to sing... I thot her mic had problem... But after watching again she obviously didn't knw when to sing
Slight resemblance between linda and mitchell..
lmfao @ How can u hate outside d superdome?u can't even get in.
She came with raw beef,but some bad mallams made her eat d hot suya.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Black bitches! Always beefing! Damn!
The hate is so unnecessary...but true she doesn't perform as good as beyonce and kelly
Short of words toh,cos I actually lyk both of em... I hope dey sort it out.
Lmaooo KC na werey..
They shud all go n pokoso jire. Then see keisha talking na. Lmao
Dats rite she can say watever she wants. Go kill urself, every1 is entitled to their opinion. Am α fan of both so no hatin...... Bitches bitchin around, sort yourselves out hehehe.
LMAO! Ehen! Drama!! Draggggggg her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol.... Twitter brawls, both girls are birds of a feather though
Lol @ "....In a dark hole with roaches & Mike Jones".. Truth be told, i dont think its healthy when u come out to criticize a colleague in public like that, even tho we love to eat up all the unfolding drama..
Such nerves!!! Bitch wants some attention and she got some msheww, irrelevant bitch
Tit for Tat, if she has done something like this to the babe, then it's her time to fire back..
but se michelle sabi sing self?
For those who had hoped Keyshia had an iota of class - she has answered your question. You can take the child out of the ghetto - but you cant take the ghetto out of the _____ you get my drift right?
Michelle just cannot sing, no stage presence and i wondered how she was ever on the group. Her little piece was terrible, I agree with keisha cole jare. Don't believe me, just look at their progression after the group split
Michelle looks like Linda ikeji. Pretty smile
someone, pls remind me of 2 songs Keyshia Cole sang. don't worry, i'll wait... still waiting......
it's so sad that our dear precious english language is already carrying a 95% chance of being extinct in the next few years..... what the hell are all these people writing/speaking!!!??? ati keisha cole o, ati beyonce o, ati omo unilag in nigeria, ati naija red carpet bigzgals... its such a big shame SMH!
Lol, looking back at the pic u r kinda right...they really do look alike in some roundabout kinda way...
Yea, u r ryt.
Michelle has absolutely no stage presence,she fades away like a background dancer. Can't sing. Sounds forced.just sayin.
Ivory chi goat bitter women like you right?
Keisha sang more dan 2 songs. Browse ha songs out if u dunno.
Dat's showbiz for you,esp wen you need peoples' attention drawn!....lolz
I think Keyshia is right jo. I actually didn't like Michelles performance.
Last time I checked keyshia cannot sing nor dance as well..A case of pot calling kettle black. Because she singles and album out now she thinks she can sing.... Smh. Apart rih,kelly rowland,some few blacks every other black musician keep hating on bey and everything related to her!!!
Has *typo*
LOL! but michelle didn't do so good either! :(
Lin,u didn't tell us ow d lyt went out for abt 30mins at d "SUper bOwl"..if it happened in Naija,u wld av been d 1st to tongue-lash us.. i stay in D.C and ur blogspot speaks of ill-tots of our country..CHANGE!..Nsikan Idung(freelance Journalist a.k.a amebo)..
Dat was jst too low of keyshia. Well I'm nt surprised..do u watch her reality show on BET?? She's jst frustrated!and very uninteresting. But,seriously michele has always been last in dat group #seriously
Please for ur info MITCHELLE is 1.destiny's child 2.grammy winner 3.gosple music award winner 4.broad way singer and OFFkeyshe cole is BET award nominee......so what are we talking abt coz we all know mitchelle won't stoop low to insult mitchelle
Tit for gini? How come no one remembers what mitchelle did to her but her self......mitchelle is destiny's child she is frankie's child
=)) º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) nice one
michelle was soo lost on that stage and did fit in hoha! in strongly support ma gal keyshia!!!
this is home, i love this
Who says she can't sing? Checkout their progression after the group split, she's still making more money than Ms Kelly Rowland! #JustSayin
Trust ft monica and the ballad..sent from heaven and sent frm heaven remix fr mario
please leave my home girl keyshia alone. she is qualified to diss michelle, have you heard her sing? girl is talented as hell
One is class and the other is trash!Go and sleep keyshia!!!
dAMN!!!!!!!!!! LINDA U LOOK a lot like Michelle
personaly i agree with keyshia o, michelle was steve abeg didn't put energy into the dance routines and wasn't looking confident.
i think, Michelle didnt want to sing, i saw an interview where she confirmed she wont be performing at the super bowl, so, i think the "handlers" must have forced her.
Keisha is a she-goat with a dying career.
Seriously Michelle was so lost. What was she doing on that stage? E be like say dem just dey manage am. Keisha was soooooo right. Na Michelle carry last.
@Anon 12:57, "sent from heaven" and "Enough of no love" ft Lil Wayne. Now,ur turn.Mention 2 Michelle's song *I'll be generous,so u've got unlimited time*
Nick whr did u get dat from?dat she makes more money than kelly wen she hasn't even endorsed a product before never go for world tour aside music n stae drama what else does she have go for ha.but seriously I love ha but she has accomplished less compare to d oda two members of group.Bey is reli d queen dou,she's got uncomparable talent
i luv mi my Michelle William but sadly i have to agree with Keyshia. She did screw up that perfomance. She was totally lost on stage, couldnt even hear her voice!!!.
keyshia cole is irrelevant! michelle williams would forever be relevant for being a member of the best group of all time!
I have always been a fan of keyshia Cole but she so wrong to diss Michelle like that...
Yeah Michelle does tend to go off key a bit but keyshia needs to step back and stop hating... Michelle been in the business way too long for a fucktard like keyshia to jump in on her like that..
Funny thing is Keyshia said what was on everyones mind.However, Michelle is more successful than her.Michelle is doing well on broadway and west end and whether Keysha likes it or not, Michelle is a member of the most successful girl band ever!
nigerians that DONT know SHIT bout wat Goes on OUTSIDE NAIJA SHUD SHOT THE HECK UP!!! Keyshia cole is VERY HOMELY number one, NUmber 2 Michelle dissed her b4, doh i dont suport tit for tat, Number 3, Keyshia was raised Ghetto bt has become a woman of her own and has helpd her entire family..so Y all the "Bitch calling"?? SHOT THE HECK UP PEOPLE!
R u nt a fool? Whoz hatin on bey? Michelle cnt sing.. EOD.. Dats who dey r insultn!mumu
Infact I wonder what the future of english language is in this country with all the abbrevations and spelling of english words in pidgin and other languages. Its so sad
Keysha Cole has a heavenly voice and the banging bod......Mitchell is best described as destiny child plus one. KC has said it that the "power that be" don't want her at the Grammy's. Tbh there is nothing classy bout Mitchell, she's am average looking person. #NuffSaid
give it up ft Sean paul,sent from heaven,one wt Diddy.....lots more
I support keyshia michiele spoilt the groove.like she was damn scared to sing
linda, is Michelle your long lost cuz or sister?? I see some uncanny resemblance here.THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN
I love your sense of humour Linda, you just subtly letting us see the resemblance abi??lol..This Linda self, you are so witty, if I wasn't engaged I would have come after you with some serious gift buying and my six-pack, chocolate brown skin, 6'4' slim frame and not saying what's under, I'v got slim long fingers, so do the math...THE GREMLIN JUST FOOLING AROUND
errr first of all i think michelle will never make enough money to hire a maid to clean kelly rowland's shoes, so the troll there should shut it's trap...dont come making noise like u sing in ur bedroom. plus michelle does have a bad stage presence...nuff said...shes the least child of destiny in all ramifications
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