My dearest Adeolu (Paul)See the rest after the cut...
It has taken some time for me to distill my thoughts and pen my tribute to Pastor Paul Adefarasin - the man I know. Though words are insufficient to capture the breadth of my thoughts, I'll try to give you the essence as I write about someone who is many things to me; as my best friend, my big brother, my boyfriend, my lover, my mentor, my coach, my greatest encourager, my husband, my pastor, my boss, my everything...after my Saviour Jesus Christ.
Where do I begin? I can barely recall my life without you, as for a greater part of my adult life, you have been such a strong and positive influence, instructing, directing, moulding and shaping me into the woman I am evolving into.
From our very first encounter, your passion for the things of God endeared you to me. In today's parlance, 'what's not to like?' - listening to a tall and handsome, cultured and eloquent, courteous, six foot three inches hunk of a man with an inimitable baritone, small wonder I am married to you today.
Over the years, I've watched you evolve from a husband to a father, from a pastor to an apostle, from giving pastoral care to parishioners to counseling kings, from penning sermon notes to becoming an author, from gathering a handful for fellowship, to erecting a worthy cathedral for thousands to worship and commune with the Lord. You are really a multifaceted man.
Your commitment to the family and the sacrifices you make to ensure that you spend time with the children and I, regardless of cost or personal inconvenience challenges me to do the same. The perception with which you correct and direct us all inspires me, while the patience with which you bring understanding to difficult matters is worthy of emulation. During the course of 18 years together, not once have I had cause to fault your leadership and direction over the family as a prophet, priest, and provider. Again and again, I have learnt from your actions that being there when it really matters is not an option, it's essential. The ways in which you express love to us all, elicits our love to you.
You are indeed a terrific husband. I thank God for the desire you had almost two decades ago to spend your life with me. I recall with a warm heart, you writing in the sand, 'will you marry me?' as we walked the Lighthouse Beach. I pray our marriage will be engraved in the indelible 'sands of time' as we together fulfill purpose.
Thank you for being the loving, caring person you are. Thank you for being the selfless person you are. Thank you for being the trail blazer you are. Thank you for how you relate with the youths, including our 'first generation' children. Thank you for being the great husband and father you are.
As you celebrate this milestone birthday, I pray God's very best for you as you embark on yet another season of fulfilling God's mandate to the nation.
I love you deeply
Love you foever
Ifeanyi Adeife
Wow! A great tribute to a worthy husband. Wish u both bliss forever and many more years on earth.
Wow! A great tribute to a worthy husband. Wish u both bliss forever and many more years on earth.
Wowwwww!!!!!!!!! Even my own head dey swell.....lol. Lovely
Nice one from a virtuous woman
Wow! Awww! Sooooo deep and so sweet,brought tears to my eyes. Pastor Ifeanyi has tried to write out her heart on paper...this covers every inch of every.. and it still won't be enough.LOL! Much luv to her and Papa..I love em both dearly..Chai! P.Paul is truly 50 sha..he still looks 30 joor.LOL!
awwwn!! so sweet! *tears* lol.. many happy returns!! :) muahh!
Dat is so sweet of u mrs Ifeanyi
How romantic, wish them many more marital bliss.
awwww! quite heart attending.
Ma am very obedient, God fearing,celibate,handsome and very pious. And with d help of ur daughter I can do more. plz I want to make heaven.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
no hate but why all the typo's? i hope it is linda's typos o and not what was released officially to the church....
Where are all the women like this gone to these days??....Dear God pls bless me with such a woman and give me the strength to be for her more than the man Pastor Paul has been for Pastor Ifeanyi...Amen
Deep! Well written! Congrats to you two! No marriage is perfect but when a woman takes time to write this then there really is something about that man!
Wow i am so thrilled.....
wow, am humble. i pray some day i will say more than this of my husband when i get married. some men are sent by God to their wives. happy birthday Sir, and congrate Ma for ur ever loving darling husband. may the good lord continue to bless ur home.
This is wonderful. I love this. I wish them more joy in full.
Lovely Tributes, HBD Pastor Paul, wish you many more years! You are indeed a blessing to not just your family but to all Christan who seek to serve God !I always look forward to THE EXPERIENCE every year!
Happy Birthday Once Again and God Bless you.
Dat's a dream woman rite there... A great man is who he is because of a great woman by his side...
U are favoured Maam,men like ur husband are rare...God bless u real good...Pearl Vok
Hmmmm...so so sweet.God Bless ur marraiage oh n bless m to get ma own hubby too oh.des notin as sweet as avin a wondaful maRriage.HBD pastor
Very lovely
Whaoooooooooo...Love the writeup
highly inspired,pray to ve a husband that i'll worship like this. it takes the grace of God!
Okay,this is the most one of the most touching letters I have ever read.it has depth and quality,considering its even coming from his wife!its also inspiring..nice one.if all these words are true qualities of the man of God,then wow.who said there is no such thing as perfect?
Wow!!!! I pray i have more beautiful, graceful,God fearing words about my husband to be in a few years time too.she is a blessed woman
This is beautiful!
This is awesome! May God continue to bless their marriage.
Great Tribute! Very deep!
@Madame Ifeanyi, if he likes Local Nigerian Meals, I suggest that your chefs visit where they'll see the real Uncut cooking of afang, white soup, edikang ikong and other Nigerian Recipes.
Truly wats nt to love about dis man, i thank God 4 his life n may God continue to bless U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ family n mine.....Queenpen
WOW! am almost breathless, there is indeed nothing like marrying the man after God's heart for your life, a man with a heart that pants after God. its like signing up for everlasting on earth and beyond, a husband that will also be your mentor. am so Happy for you Ifeanyi and i Pray that God Establishes me with the Man after His heart for my life so i can have a great testimony to share tomorrow.
How Touching... I want a wife like this o. Do I have to be a great pastor too...?
What a lovely and inspiring tribute. This man is a great pastor. For him to have great tribute, it shows he is an upright man. Wish them more happy and peaceful moment in their union. This is evident that inter-tribal union is good and working. Forget apostle as some people have this myopic arm chair speculation. Discover the Secret to losing weight and burning tummy fat
WOW! Touching and Romantic
after reading this I ask myself 2 question in 1: WHO and WHERE is dat man??? (I mean for me)
Lovely, Good, Marvellous, its good to appreciate ourselves especially our Spouses while still alive, Your love will continue to blossom IJN. Its inpired me a lot. Mama B
But dey have ears oooo! Ngwanu#
That's sweet.
That's sweet.
That's just so sweet nd real
Awwww Sσ sweet,that's true lσνe right dia. I wish dem all d very best buh d wife's ears are Sσ powerful thαt all d children were anointed by it.
Beautiful! This should be the testimony of married women! Gob bless your home dear!
My prayer is that i will feel this way about my own husband one day In Jesus name Amen...what a loving wife and a touching write up to her Man! Love is very sweet oh! chei!
A piece from a very proud wife...
awwww..from the heart..i love this.....oya waiting for lonely and angry comments....
Awwww#in tears#So romantic.
Beautiful.... I tap into this woman's happiness
Eiyahhh! Soo touching.
I love these two together, I love their love. This tribute to Pastor Paul by Pastor Ifeanyi, you can feel her literally pour out her love for him. To have a husband I can speak about thus is truly a blessing and that should be our goal for us single sisters. Pastors Paul&Ifeanyi Adefarasin, may your paths shine brighter and brighter unto the day of perfection.
Celibate where? It was on this forum you regaled us with tales of how selfish and greedy you were in sex matters. Otondo. Better go and marry the daughter of a dibia
Pastor Ifeanyi, biko frame this and hang it on your bedroom wall. So sweet.
I was holding my breathe. I thought she was going to get to his sexual prowess
Choi!!! Very wonderful piece indeed. Hope i get someone to write such for me.... chai!! i wish! i wish!!
Wow! This really sounds gr8 to d hearing.I imagine ladies who didn't take ds man serious 2 centuries ago must ve settled 4 less.
Is it mere coincidence that yoir comment and that of Prince charming follow each other? #justthinking
Lolol bona wit ur 3310 4ne u wan marry dis kain cream girl?it can't work!mbanu,go find ur match :p
@bonario...u r nt serious
An inspiring write up.for your company profile ping me on 2A83094A
the word of love, of encouragemnt and of upliftmnet.
this really shows the depth of their love and union. worths emulating...no wonder they the family that prays together stays together. keep it up cos ya kids will learn from you to build a better home of their own in fute...one love...
emperor nero
The kids all got her ears!Nice tribute sha
Hmmmmmm with excitement, God bless your marriage.
Wow my head dey swell....I luk forward writin dis to my hubby someday
God bless you pastor.Congrats mr nd mrs.
Anon 5:55 centuries ke, d man is jus 50 berra think b4 typing thrash there its decades U̶̲̅ can as well fank ♍ƺ later olodo
Deolu was hot those days. Same goes for Ifeanyichukwu
Oh, i miss my late wife
The good time that made us laugh
And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
y are mine nt posted wetin i do u na ah ah
okay i thot it was dry initially,but i take it back.....nice
This is indeed touching. For those of you praying for such woman/man, you be the right person first, love and serve God with every fibre in you and see if God will not bring the very best your way. There are still loads of good guys and ladies out there.
so they have a perfect marriage......I see....
my own is- this woman has been married for 18 years, has 3 kids and looks this good .....money good o
The exact place all the men like pastor Paul Went to.
Thank u Pastor Paul for answering God's call upon ur life. Thank u Pastor Ifeanyi for being a firm support to make his call efficient. God bless ur beautiful marriage.
What a wonderful piece...I pray I continue to say this for my future husband everyday of my life..you guys are the role model we should be look up to...
Lovely couple. Right combination. May God bless their marriage forever IJN Amen. She is beautiful.
Wow!, so inspiring, she is indeed an epitome of the proverbs 31 woman. i wish you both many more years of marital bliss. Happy Birthday Pastor Paul.
Ladies of nowadays should take a clue from this.I hope i get a wonderful writeup like this someday.
6.43pm no it doesn't mean they have a perfect marriage i guess over the years she has come to know and accept him for who he is hence u can say now they are perfect for each other
After all that this lovely woman wrote of her nice husband all you've got to type is dry. You've got no soul and you're so dry of everything humane. So sorry for you.
Nawa for u,,
What is nice here! It screams fake and attention seeking to me! Tell it to him privately,not to your church fans. Or is dis a marketing strategy? Meanwhile,their daughter looks like she's in her early forties! *adjusts halo*
God bless this family in it mighty name, bless the children and do not allow the enemy to harm them in any way. Amen, God pls bless my husband too in ur mighty name and let me too write more than this on his 50th.
This woman is surely not a typical Naija woman. A typical Naija woman does not usually write such a loving tribute to her husband.
I bet you this woman's marriage is not perfect, but see tribute nonetheless.
Keep it up and your marriage will continue to be great and full of joy.
My hear goes out to you Mr. Steve Ibudeh, may she find eternal peace with God and may your life find fulfillment. It is well with you. God bless
Anon 6:30,Gbenue soun,alainise person lyk yu wey be say na 2 always luk 4 pple's mistake na hm be yur hobby. I knw odas ignored cos dey knew it was a mistake. Tanx alot though......lol
So they shouldn't? Enemy of progress!
Hahahahaha.....na nw i com believe §♠Ƴ ds bonario don kolo! Oniranu....yeye boy!
U̶̲̥̅̊ wan marry D̶̲̥̅̊α† stainless beauty...U̶̲̥̅̊ beta G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ find Dibia pikin marry 4 ЧЯ village as D̶̲̥̅̊α† Anon talk b4 ΐ†̥ƨ τ̅☺ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡! =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) !
This is wat marriage should be abt. BTW! Where are d fools screaming inter-tribal marriage is bad, dat d yoruba men are blah blah blah. In years to come, tolu and gozie will be celebrating too and u will be eating ur words!!!
Ah! Mama Eya is back with here invites + recipess. Milzed yu
Jealous atm, but this is a wonderful tribute, it encourages me to be the best i can be to all those around me. Congratulations to the Adefarasin's. Wish you all the best
When the money is too much, before nko. Plus he's the first man that has kept her sane and kept her beautiful legs together. He deserves all the praise.
LMAO @ otondo go and marry d daughter of a dibia!!!!
****Mufasa Said
So sweet...so very sweet..
Have you fed your soul today? Please do make out sometime for God's Word.
Visit www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com your Christian blog.
God bless you
Madam nw dat errone knws u'r searching for husband as it brought one? Express ur grieviances to God nt on lib..may God provide u a good man
He doesn't give head o,and no doggy,he doesn't get freaky in bed,he sometimes dnt. Even have time for bed cos he's busy praying..can u still cope wit such a man?
Double standard nigerians... Naa still igbo woman wey marry yoruba man am not seeing any tribal remarks other than sweet tallks... Hypocrisy in highest....
Errr...so she decided to make a private msg for her husband a public affair? Don't get it
one word- Beautiful!
When there's money,the work of God is very sweet.ofcourse she took time to write this tribute in an air-conditioned room.see her skin sef,by mere looking at the cars in her garage she go get inspiration to write.God abeg bless all those who are serving YOU in spirit and in truth.AMEN.money good o!!!!!
rubbish..she carry ruler measure her husband height before she gree for am??
you are writing a tribute that is supposed to be touching inspiring and spiritual as the wife of a pastor you are talking about baritone and 6ft 3in in other words all the single girls in your congregation should strive to only go for guys who are like your husband? her tribute has shown her as a superficial lady who is mostly concerned about physical appearances first and everything second who knows what the marriage would have been like had the man not succeeded as a pastor
@NIKKI LAOYE hope to see you& pastor fela durotoye in heritage house next thurday ....my man of God you're a blessing to this generation!!!
May her soul rest in peace. Sorry for your loss
Been married for almost 2yrs now, and I have a terrific husband too. I pray our love lasts forever. Amen
Congrats Pastor
LOVELY COUPLE- igbo guys will be angry at this also chineke!
U have the most beautiful children. Something just told me to look up the name on fb. Am really touched. May God continue to give u the strength and courage to bear the pain and take good care of your children. One love.
@ Alexandra Ehigiator. Are you on twitter? I want to follow you.
btw all the dumb people that attacked Olumide and Gozie i hope you can see his wife's name is IFEANYI!!! daft punks..BLESSS THIS BLESSED COUPLE Master Jesus
LAMO @ Anon February 5, 2013 at 9:40 PM.
Those type of yeye Naija girls no dey marry now. They are who my boys call gbogbo runz girls. They are just there for f**king. lol.
Truly beautiful and responsible Naija women are in short supply.
She is gorgeous and she dosn't need to open her body to look good, dat is an advice to ladies out there. Her speech was effectively communicated and congratulations indeed to this couple they are an epitome of beauty and God's blessing.
Naughty confession of a nubian,I can see ow fickle yu re in concludin dt d wife is Superficial.may I say ds; marriage is 80percent physical nd 20percent spiritual.God gave us eyes to see,nd 1 of d eye function is 2 to be sure yu re attracted to d person 1st,yu dnt just settle for any1 do yu?...it is when physical attraction overides everyoda thin dt yu can say 1 is superficial nd I thnk ds woman mentioned various good attributes abt het husbnd. BE GUARDED!
I wish him long life and GOD's grace in his ministry> I wish them long life and prosperity in their marriage. GOD bless them!
Am not hating but i cant make sense of this did she say all of this during his birthday party or she wrote d epilog of a book to share on d internet.....we criticize people looking for cheep publicity.i still dont get d rational behind dis besides relating with ladies from her congregation gives u d feel dat of fakeness as in they want to model relationships as though its a cindarella world..forgive me peeps just saying all dis publicity is not called for.All d same Congratulation to them on his birthday and their love
A very wonderful family indeed. It's nice to have spouses celebrate themselves truly.
Holy moses! Oh God give me a man whose love and actions towards me, will motivate me to write this kind of tribute during his 50th birthday too. Linda post my comment. God bless you
What a beautiful family.
It's Complicated: Deal With It!
All I can say is LOVELY...God bless her family
Hmmn.. "Being there when it really matters is not an option,it's essential" what a creative and prolific writer you are. Chao!
Anon 7:26 may God forgive you!!!
abeg anyone can see through the pathetic tribute….she is forming michelle obama and then releasing it to the public,that is no more a tribute to her husband but a show off to every single lady both in and outside her husbands church btw I'm male o
as a pastor's wife,any statement she is releasing into the public sphere ought to be mostly deep and spiritual in nature and understanding not superficial
Stupid comment frm a confused fellow!
U sound like a hypocrite! Marriage is both physical & spiritual. Do u expct dis luvly woman nt to acknowldge d physical endowments of her heartthrob in d name of bn spiritual? Maybe she shd hire ur type of person to do d praising for her hubby. Nonsense!
nice compliment...i pray for this
HBD 2 my pastor..D man of Great words. LLNP and Pastor Ifeanyi aka 1st Lady, u are cherished. May GOD bless ur union continuously AMEN
abeg wetin you expect first lady to say with all the good things she get from role as first lady.....
First lady will say these nice things to keep her role in church now...Linda..abeg...make we move on :-)
A lovely family God bless them , folk its unfair and bad taste to criticise their innocent kids esp daughter remember they are still young and vulnerable so please be merciful and lets appreciate kids not tear them down b4 they are grown, no one is responsible for creating themselves what they look like is not their doing lets remember that, now have a lovely day y'all
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