Atiku has reacted to the content of the book,
It amazes me that El Rufai can pass off fiction for self-gratification at the expense of truth as a book. El-Rufai's attack on my person is to say the least not surprising considering that this is the same man who has notoriety for disparaging religions and their icons, including lately Jesus Christ.
If he could go to such irreverent extent to disparage religious icons, who is an ordinary mortal like me? It is my belief that any man that can cross the boundary of reason and decency deserves prayers rather than anger.”
I wish to state that the book is as a collection of fiction, half truths, exaggeration and reflection of selective memory.
These guys need to work on the state of affairs in the country instead of this childish display of machismo and grammar... The streets are starving in arkness you're talkig about books.y'all suck.
This. El rufai man, me no like... Rude motherfucker.
LOL @Collection of fiction.
Ist to comment... Puhlease don't insult ♍ƺ Oº°˚˚°ºh cos if U̶̲̥̅̊ do you'd βε̲̣ insulting U̶̲̥̅̊я generation.
Love story gone bad. Both liars and corrupt people.
El Rufai is too cunning, arrogant and nonchalant for a leader abeg, now that he is out of government its now that he knows how the right thing should be done and is telling everyone that cares to know, even on twitter. Are we fools not to remember how he turned Abuja lands to his personal property? I call his case that of a pot calling the kettle black.
All na talk talk... why re u just letting us know... Ds govt non pay abi???
Tank God u admit sey truth dey am at least!
Half truths huh???
Thank God there is truth in it!
Btw I wonder what Atiku is looking for again in the political scenes that he's trying so hard to correct statements and accusations....useless bisexual thief!
If it really is a lie, sue him to court for defamation of character but we all know you can't... And he disparages religious icons? You can definitely aim better. Very weak cheap shot.
Half truths lol, atleast he acknowledged some truth.
Both of them r corrupt abeg, but @least atiku is not denying totaly, but this idiot called el rufia is a finished being, its nw he knws dat pple r sufferin, when he was in office, wot did he do dan to crush pples dream of owniin a house in abj, i tink we shld just ignore him in 2013
Birds of a feather ... We're yet to see the end of mallam's superstory- Oh father, Oh daughter! Trust me, next time would be OBJ's turn. But trust that one to bring it on if he ever dares him. Ndi ara! Odes! Mallam El-Rufia u be real ochi nnama. Why didn't you resign then or at least bring the situation to our notice till now. Okpo ngaji! Make I go yab you for twitter joor before I sleep.
Baby leave d morafuckers let dem open their asses. Useless northern leaders. Atiku na big ugly thief and El Ruf na short arrogant devil. To hell wit all corrupt leaders in Nig. "I dey vex"
Leave christ out of dis,el rufai might b bad but he is confessin....atiku,Obj and co r all thieves,so dnt insult our IQ by being sentimental.....u r begging d question......as usual common to all lyin nigerian politicians......fool
Atiku is one of the most corrupt leader we have ever had...only if u guys knew the extent.
Nigerian politicians are known for war of words when their colleagues elsewhere are making impacts.
The 25-Year Old Virgin: Part II
*In ur face Atiku! Haha, Truth hurts. Deal with the message & not the messenger. You see, that 'Jesus' tweet by elrufai applies to u too, not just To Abati, Maku, Okupe & Reno.
Some laughter to cool off temper. Abeg don't fight o, so that the grass won't suffer. #whentwo #elephantsfight.
Mehnnnn!!!!see how big boys de beef dmselves.....LWKMD.....one go waste im time and money write book wey na only d ppl wey im write abt go read...mtscheeeeeeew....Pls guys,look for other ways to sort out ur issues....nigeria already has plenty problems as a country dn to tk up personal issues from two corrupt politicians.....
This el rufai has has HIV,he cursed,like atikus response,smallish pple eh! El rrufai is just going abt lookg for trrouble,yeye man,he evn has d nerve to insult jesus christ,dat man wiL soon b disgraced by God.
Elrufai is one of the biggest pretenders we have in politics. The midget is just as cunning and arrogant as anything. He is power sick and desperate for attention. Is not his fault tho, I blame GEJ's inefficiency and loophole in performance which has made Elrufai's baseless criticsm to look potent. He gave choice lands to his family members, girl friends and cronies as FCT minister and he is now talking about corruption. Who is he fooling? Atiku introduced Elrufai to OBJ and he was appointed into BPE, today Atiku is a piece of shit in his eyes. Yes, Atiku is a desperate politician but Elrufai must not feed us with lies so as to make his book a best seller. He has no moral right to even talk, he deserves back seat abeg. Only a fool takes Elrufai serious!
Elrufai is trying too hard to remain relevant. Dude we see u for who you are, a rude,spiteful,cunning,religious fanatic,anti-progress son of d devil. Jus shut da fuck up man!
Daniskan mutun kawai!
Dirty politician. Elrufai is going crazy by Tʰᵉ day. Frustration at its peak
Anybody that takes this man El rufai serious in this country is a Big learner.Tomorrow now he can wake up and tell us that Atiku is the messiah we need.Nobody is good except him.He should go and get a life.
U know ur stupid but I stil want to let u know from the bottom of my heart..
Nigerian politcians can be very interesting.
They really don't have permenant enemies but permenant interests.
From IBB, Col. Anthony Nyiam and Great Ogboru hugging and shaking at Alex Akinyemi's book launch. The merger of a group of regional political parties into one.
And this latest issue about Mallam Nasir El-Rufai's book's attack on Atiku, Who were suposed to be political bed fellows.
Who say Nigerian politicians have regional, tribal or religious leanings, they are all join together by one permenant interest their 'belly'
"half truth".... Dah means dat sum of od things he said bou u are true then.... All bunch of power/attention seeking psychophants..
This fool called El-Rufai went to d extent of saying Jesus slept with Mary Madalene. I seriously think he should be called to order in d intrest of peace,cos some other religion would have gone A wire on dis.
This fool called El-Rufai went to d extent of saying Jesus slept with Mary Madalene. I seriously think he should be called to order in d intrest of peace,cos some other religion would have gone A wire on dis.
Atiku I hate, EL Rufia I hate most ... Let there world among them in Jesus name ... See el rufia talkin of corrupt leaders ...shm!
They are all corrupt but Atiku is more corrupt...even Obasanjo swore with His life that Atiku can't rule this country in his liftime...Atiku goan sleep
THESE SO Called politicians are writing so many books...
El-rufai should take severay sits jare,when he was der what did he do???him and that jobless omojuwa will just be sayin nonsense on twitter as if if dey give dt omujuwa post in abuja he won't go....greedy and self centered pple....nigerians they are not fitin 4 us o,they are fitin because they are not in power anymore so no money 4 dem
What Atiku should do is to write the other half that he feels El-Rufai is not stating. We need to know the truth.
naija 4 life...we go live and see how dem go open dem self nyash...nonsence
El rufia or wat eva is seekin for recognition nd I feel so bad for him coz even in my dreams I can not vote for him.after acquirin d whole land in F c T he still has d guts t talk.rubbish
I think el rufai is right,I think he is tryin to get shit off his chest before "bisexual" kills him.Remember azazi.
Personally, I would rather believe El Rufai cos even though he might have exaggerated things, its ABSOLUTELY TRUE that Atiku is a greedy, power hungry politician. I also think its childish of him to try and bring up the whole 'Jesus Christ' issue again; If what he said is really 'untrue' you just keep quiet and don't dignify the accusations with a response. Agbaya buruku!
EL rufai.what r u up to.tell us r u not part of thesame govt.see who is critising.thief like u.Abeg cary your nonses memoir book go.
Reading Atiku statement countering El-Rufai’s attack on his person by tagging the book collection of fiction, half-truths, exaggeration and reflection of selective memory. and also him(Atiku Abubakar) painting El-Rufai a bad man, disrespectful and disparaging religions and their icons by using the retweet made by zeebook on Jesus Christ as a bait is a TOTAL BIGOTRY & HYPOCRITICAL.....With Due respect to Atiku Abubakar Please tackle and face the fact.
Lol! We all know the kind of leaders we have in this country,all the same. Notwithstanding we are not interested in all this political gimmicks and razmattaz permit me to use the word but personally I believe a book is a tool and an intellectual property not a revenge device,if both of you had issue then it should be btw both of u.don't mis-use the purpose of a book by even specifically stating his name.
Dey are both foolish men and dey don't deserve our time bcos de wud neva stop being d crooks dey ve always been. Mtshcewwww
D problem with Nigerians is dat we don't like the truth.dis man was there and even if he was bad,he has repented and he is coming out to say the truth.
All d allegations against him has not been proven by anyone or court.let's come together,reason,and strategise on how to save the country.
Concerntrate on d messaage and not d messenger.
We can't be bothered what the two of them think of themselves. As for El-rufai he shld begin to ask for God's mercy for his nonsense twitt. evry body is seeking relevance for the next election season.
El Rufai has a track record of blowing below d belt. He never Keeps to d rules of d game. He's too intemperate with words n eratic in all his dealings. I consider him a casual fellow.
ATIkU, always a gentleman. I admire him, anytime, anyday. He's indeed,a political maestro.
Hmmm No honour among thieves.
Call him mallam, or any title of your fancy, el rufai (el-ruffian) is a rogue: quote me. I shall reveal this small man the way he is- physically(very tiny, but a big thief) mentally, he has a retinue of idiots who serve his big ego. This big thief wants to be president of Nigeria, and he has paid editors from the punch in lagos to leadership in abuja to say destroy buhari's well earned image as one who has zero tolerance for roguery.he tried his best to hijack the merger move, but he was shoved aside by the gen, who suddenly woke up to realize that the big thief -el rufai since the ptf days actually wants to rubbish him.hence, the former bauchi state dep gov now heads the cpc merger committee...will keep you all posted, every second of the way !!!
Atiku trying to divert the subject matter, what would have been ur point if the recent "religious. Icon disparge" didnt happen. Pls Atiku defend your self. btw Elrufai wasnt far from the truth are u not a corrupt power hungry politician as alleged. You all are even Elrufai himself. Abeg make una free us jare. Mama Darren
Seriously dis El rufai think pple re daft,hes no longer in gov so he's so bitter,faced him once on Twitter, n he blocked me. This kind of person ever gets to d top, he would kill pple if they ever confront him with d truth,he just can't run from d truth. Him and Dino melaye can't fool us, pls he shld just park well, I wish pple will 've common sense to know their game.
El-Rufai, iz a big tym ode, 4 sayin such abt Atiku na saint him b, idiotricot. Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
Cunning, lying bastards em both. No bother going @ Atiku, he's a notorious rogue. The Mallam however, intelligent hypocrite. I refuse to be fooled!
So Atiku can read??? I didn't know oo. Well Atiku, don't use the Jesus Christ Ish to cover the matter. We all know tha you are embarrasingly power hungry. That is why an old man like you could go as far as kneeling down to greet Obasanjo...and you are not even a yoruba man. I don't get it. You are corrupt and Power hungry. Everyone knows that.
El-ruffian is suffering from cognitive dissonance, that rogue converted the land in Abuja for himself and his wives.
Atiku...a homosexual with a reprobate mind...
Why are the atiku group jittery?
Instead of the atiku group to even keep their mouths shut, they're busy spewing rubbish out of guilt. Who doesn't know that atiku is a morally bankrupt
person who has sold his conscience to the devil?
This is somebody who does not hesitate to sacrifice human beings for rituals to satisfy his greedy penchant to become president at all cost?
Who doesn't know in the whole of adamawa that marabouts are the ones dictating to atiku and he receives instructions from them?!
Who doesnt know that atiku has sodomised and spoilt the future of a lot of young men from ages 15 upwards in adamawa?
Bros. nothing is fictional in 9ja! El. has bare something and a man of his nature can't just be wished away.
@ Ladex,pls dont talk about repentance at all! Do Nigerian politicians know what the word repentance means? They are all bunch of pretenders. l'm sure Elrufai who is now claiming to be a saint now has something up his sleeves. Let's wait and see, only time can tell.
oga el- rufai in my opinion u re worst than corruption.its so true what they say that ones pple leave public office they start calling others corrupt.u dt gave almost all the lands in abuja to dt ur yeye wife.now u come here to talk abt corruption,u even have d guts to write a book on corruption,what the freaking hell is wrong wth u cos i dnt get just get it.u obviously dnt think nigerians are that stupid cos u re the stupid one here and u re just an unpaid comedian who wants to be relevant again in our eyes(although u don pay urself wth all the money u carry. linda pls stop posting anything abt dis yeye man,if he is not talk about on social media he go est go sleep for house
Don't mind Elrufai, may be Aticu has a new mate and dats d reason why he's angry. Fuck em both.
Would hve been @ the Lunching of El-Rufai Book yesterday, but too much activities could not let me.....Reading Atiku statement countering El-Rufai’s attack on his person by tagging the book collection of fiction, half-truths, exaggeration and reflection of selective memory. and also him(Atiku Abubakar) painting El-Rufai a bad man, disrespectful and disparaging religions and their icons by using the retweet made by zeebook on Jesus Christ as a bait is a TOTAL BIGOTRY & HYPOCRITICAL.....With Due respect to Atiku Abubakar Please tackle and face the fact.
What is wrong with El rufai? Is it because they haven't given him any position of late. He's jes a hypocrite when he was FCT minister and demolishing peoples houses where was his sense of Judgement he should stop all dis notice me attitude cos he is not even better than all of dem put 2geda.Rubbish
El Rufai is bitter. I hope he is not broke. He is rude to his elders and can never be a good role model. He has ruined his image with various nonsensical comments. He is a Muslim and Northern bigot. He can never change.
alwaуs i used to read smaller pοsts which also cleаг their
motiѵe, and that iѕ alѕo haрpening
with this pοst which I am rеading now.
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