Who knew Dr Sid could sing like this? Tiwa Savage and Dr Sid were in the studio and asked fans on Twitter to pick a song that they could make a cover of. Fans picked Labrinth ft Emeli Sande 'See Beneath Your Beautiful' They did a great job. Listen to it below...
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Extremely lovely
Its sounds horrible
Wow...dis is beautiful..iluv Dr.Sids voice. dint tink he cud sing dis way n have a melodious voice. Cool..
Luvly one,dey both luk gud.
Beautiful Song. I luv dis.
not bad!!! but the original sounds much better… too much auto tune!
Nice one!i suggest they both do a duet for real #just saying#
Nice and cool duet.
Seven Things Not To Do on Valentine’s Day
Best collabo 2013.......Nice 1 palz
Not bad, beautiful song. He should try not to over-pronounce his words, emphasis on the 't' is a little too strong. Regardless though, i enjoyed the song.
unblieveable.so cool Dr sid sang it beta dan tiwa. don't lik d fact dat her voice was mixed n dint com out all natur
Decent effort and i fink Sid really did well on his part but tiwa's voice was a likkle shaky i mean Emeli is a powerhouse so theres no way we wont compare..Less autotune..they shld listen to the original well na its just two strong voices creating a masterpiece of fantastic melody..
But all the same decent effort..
sincerely, they made dis song horrible. what were dey thinking? eeeeewwwww!!!!!
Its soooo nice! Alwayz knew d both cld sing well! Love me some Dr. SID# wink#
Dr Sid has an amazing voice! I wonder y he doesn't utilize it. Tiwa's voice is awesome.
This is awesome! they did a great job and i love it.
This is really good...best combo of the year...fantabulous...
Am so much in love with the music...
Best song I have heard lately. Amazing !
its so beautiful, wow! who wud hav thought Dr sid cud sing like dat. Pls d person dat says it sounds horrible is tone deaf!
Oh wow,they kldnt av done any beta,I tink they both did great
U nid2 av ur eardrums checked oh sadist
But wait oh Tiwa looks hella old in dis pic
U nid2 av ur eardrums checked oh sadist
Oh wow,they kldnt av done any beta,I tink they both did great
I love it but I can hear some small small auto tune inside
Dis s Awesome ......Kudos.....Love you guys
Sound nice......Would have been better without AUTOTUNE!!
It was good...buh labrinth and emeli,did justice to that song..they didn't..buh its still good..I loved it..
Download beneath your beautiful to mobilehere
Don't like how tiwa sounded.
This really is horrible
Sid change yur ways u 2spoilllll
They did more than well,at a time I began to doubt,thinkin is d original song,bt wow they did hit d song,so nice.
I'm really impressed. Nice!
Abeg abeg,too much autotune in dr sid's voice... Dats so not natural.... Compared to labyrinth..... Hmmn happy val's lin lin... Who is seeing beneath your beautiful!!!
But tiwas dress sense tho its nt a good somthing
I love it.
OMG dis is beautiful Dr Sid needs to do more of stuffs like dis am impressed.
Mehn!!!!so Dr Sid get voice lyk dis???....so cool.#me gan dey trip#
Nice song. Tiwa and Dr. Sid can both sing very well. Fellas. check out steps to make your woman love you more on http://sarahntuba.blog.com/2013/02/13/fellas-five-simple-steps-to-make-your-woman-love-you-more/
Very lovely,me likey.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I used to think I am the only one that sings it better after Labrinth but Dr Sid amazed me
Linda, I can't see any link to the song pls, anyways, anything that Tiwa puts her name behind is for sure always something to listen to over and over again
Sing ur own, let's hear you. Hater!
Sounds horrible. I love them both errr No. Horrible
Wow!!nyc song,melodious voices..got me screaming awWwwhh..
Ok....i hardly comment! Kindly be informed that your speakers her faulty. Pleasethrow it away n get a nu one. Haba,dis aint horrible na,biko! Be nice.
L O V E L Y!!!J'adore.#Yudy
I call that music, though enhanced but nice.
Dr Sid did a very good job, can't say the same about Tiwa
Soooo beautiful....
They try, even though they sound like alvin's chipmunks in some parts due to voice enhancing software. I feel they should marry. Vals tins.
#onrepeat........too lovely.
They should do "d closer I get 2 u" - beyonce n luther vanderous.
Wow dr Sid and tiwa good one
Amazing!! At A Point He Started Sounding Like Labrinth.
They sound great!
I love
Even on valentine's day,sum pple re still filled up wit hatred!WHY?I pray d God of luv deposits sum in ur life.den u can cum bck n listen2d song n give a fair judgement.HVD linda,try limit hate comments 2day shogbo?love u loads #nohomo
Beautiful thanks Tiwa and Dr Sid
They tried..That Tiwa's Dress though and that hairdo doesn't do her justice...she looks a mess in that photo,lol
Pretty Girl
Simply beautiful
And den dey bth destoryd an epic song..love tiwa's part tho
Tiwa has an incredible voice!!wow it beautiful and dr sid killed it too.bt if is wande coal he will do perfect justice 2 it
What do you know about good music
Same way ur life is horrible!!!!!!
Nyc,I love!!!!!!
Absolutely soothing! Away from all d no vocals songs.This is refreshing.
O_O dr sid can sing lik dis!!!!!!!
hmmmm....Tiwa has never disappointed me...Dr.sid, ur voice was all over the place...u sang and left and i am the one left to pick up the pieces...(in Simon's voice)
Awwwwwwwww....totally cool
Dr SiD killed it... Beautiful piece!
Oh really "its" does?
LMAO!!!! Dr Sid "I wanna let you! I wanna let you!!!!" Who's beating you? Hian! Tiwa...Big up yourself jare!
Why cover a perfect song? Besides the song is too recent to do a cover on it. Abegi leave the original with Emeli Sande and Labyrinth. Check it out on youtube - its perfect!
Why cover a perfect song? Besides the song is too recent to do a cover on it. Abegi leave the original with Emeli Sande and Labyrinth. Check it out on youtube - its perfect!
Incredible song,I love dis.
Poor labyrinth and emeli sande. They hvae murdered your song . Too much autotune . I forgive dr Sid because he's always been a crap singer but c'mon tiwa savage , I thought it was claimed she did back up vocals for some big star in America. These two have punched above their weight.. God loves a trier
i'm yet to listen to it, but i swear if these people spoil dis song for me ehn!!!!!
*In Tears*......they Killed it....lovely lovely Song....
Nonsense. Lola rae and emma will do a cover and it will be way better!!! see all the auto tune hissss
Very lovely song,Dr Sid, dats a nice voice uv got and d duet with tiwa its so awesome. You guys should do more of this
Beautiful song, beautiful combination of voices, beautiful harmony. Infact one of the best of Sid and Tiwa.
Better than the original, I have never listened to the original to the end but I listened to this one, loving me some Dr Sid and Tiwa savage....
This is beautiful lovin them both,but never knew dr sid culd sing so well.
I love thisSssss!!!
they did a beautiful cover on the song. perfect for the moment. i luv the way Dr Sid sounds. Muaaahhh
Aww really nice,but i prefered Tiwa's version.but twas nice all d same.
Me I just downloaded it AMAZING! Tiwas voice is honey!
I fell like cryin dis is extremly luvly
dey are not looking like celebs @ all>>>>>not cute!!!!!
Have always loved this song,they tried but still prefer the original
Absolutely incredible
Dear dr sid,d B in d word "climb" is silent and whts up with ur diction na? Haba!
Good work, sounds good, love tiwa a lot
awesome awesome awesome!!!!!!
No wonder ur family member didnt make it in life.....
Idiot.which can u do.@ ur old age u are still searching for ur talent.sadist
People criticize every thing. Na wa o. Niceeeeeeeer
Beauriful.....♡♡♡ it
Awwww.... SWeet tiwa baby ***mwah***
An extremely amazing cover!!!!! 1 of my fave songs of all time and they did a fab job!!!
Tiwa I know has an amazing voice but Dr Sid as well.......hmmm too mad
Very nice
Nice one. autotuned though.
The only thing i can say is Tiwa is not photogenic cos av seen ha often times n she so cute even without makeup but ha pix alwas put me off.. beautiful song
I love....
I heart I love...song hAs been on repeat all dAy
They did an excellent job... Love it
#Beautiful! #Phenomenal on repeat until I get to work, if you're sitting next to me on the train soweeeee #TeamMavin Okbye
Wow! I think I love their version even better. I can't stop litsening to them. Why can't nigerians write and sing songs like that then??
hmmmmmm. Lovely
I'm not suprised @ Tiwa but Dr Sid just shocked me! Had no idea,he could sing dis well! They both simple AWESOME!
I keep saying it dat Tiwa can't dress to save her life!..wat sorta ugly puffpuff outfit is ds chic putting on?
I wouldn't wear dat shit for all d tea in China.Haba!Upon all ur money..I doubt she employs a real tailor to sew her clothes,its gotta b an 'Obioma tailor'
I don't like. Tiws's voice in dis song bt dr.Sid killed it.
Whoooooooooow super cul. Dr sid did gr8 (unexpectedly) buh tiwa just killed it finish.......not lik it matters buh I'll hav prefered tiwa and wande coal .......melody jam melody, its all gud tho
Oh wow!!!*lovestruck*
Aaawwwww I'm love with dr sid and tiwa over and over again
Dr.Sids voice was cool but Tiwa had to much going on would 've loved she sang it simple.
We don't want copy right again I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ our music industry this ȋ̝̊̅§ how τ̲̅ђε̲y start to kill us . Abeg we don't this yeye copy right abegi
OMG.... I'm on the floor right now... That song brings back memories- love of my life sent it to me recently (the original one). Again, I had tears in my eyes as I listen to Tiwa and Dr. Sid's rendition.... Ahhhhhhhh (screaming in glee)...
Nice nice nice
Wow! Perfection!
Lovely tune! They did justice to it! I never thought of Dr Sid to be dis good! I'm impressed!
You look horrible that's why even nice things sound horrible to you! Appreciate good things when you see them.
I like!!
I love this song and they did justice to it, I love, right valentine song!!! But the lyrics eh, very touching and soothing. Nice
Dis tiwa's pic not makin sense jor
now this is music. brilliant!!!
The original song (by Labrinth & Emeli) is horrible.
So is this one!
Dr Sid pls sing without the autotune let's know how gd or bad u really are....tiwa's voice is so beautiful.....
Dis so lovely trust me
It feels like its 4m d heart
Come and sign 4 me
Tiwa's voice its not fantastic here
They just succeeded in ruining a classic!!!! :( Dr Sid really destroyed it. Even with all the auto tune. Damn!!! They should have just left the song be. Tiwa why????? U should have done this with someone like Tim Dakolo or Darey. Acts like this can destroy ur ratings and ruin ur career!........ Mr C
You are a big fool,it's people like u that will never see d good in others but wants to be acknowledged...okukor igbo
Absolutely Beautiful...wow...Dr. Sid and Tiwa Savage...thumbs up
Great job ...TIWA awesome as always .
Wow....classic ,the energy was on point
A very good effort, though it falls a bit short if you compare it with the original. Maybe I am biased because i just adore Emeli Sande and I think anything she sings is perfect. I think Tiwa made the cover worth listening to. Dr. Sid tried somewhat, but his beginning solo had me cringing a bit. It didn't quite make the grade. And I think I detected some auto tune going on when he was singing. It became better when Tiwa joined in. In all, I'll give their effort a generous C grade. :-)
Wwwwooooooowwwwwww!!!this is beautiful!!dr Sid killed it!amaze-balls
I used to be a fan of Tiwa Savage, but not anymore. Stars need to know that their fans "made them". So they cant go around with their noses in the air when a fan is trying to say hello with so much excitement on seeing the star she adores up close for the first time!! enough said!
She can sing all she wants, but i wont listen!
1st tym i'm pushed to comment,,,whoeva sd dz duo didnt try is a full fledged "bad belle", dey tried wella, dts 1 of ma best songz n dey sang it well
Woooow! Lovely..
@Anon 10:22am what's ur problem. Don't call anyone a big fool. Its obvious that u haven't heard the original version of the song otherwise u'd agree that this thing Sid and Tiwa did is very horrible!!! Mr C
Mehn great job am inlove wit d song already Dr Sid great voice cute face thanks guys
Lovely!!! Me liking it:-)
so in love with this cover.... they wowed me
Dr Sid!!! Oh my God!!!...culd dis b. Dream??...nigga gat nice voice meehn...luvly song
me thinks its a beautiful attempt, they did justice to the song. haters plz stop ur nasty comments, its really annoying....talkin abt damage to ratings, mtcheeeew!!!!!
Wow...so beautiful
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Nice one
Very nice!
All u bad belle pple. Typical nigerians. Make una go sing nah..twas lovely!
wow!!! Sounds good
Very very well done. One of the loveliest songs I've heard this year. Aww! thumbs up Tiwa and Dr. Sid
I have not listened to d song n i doubt i will....but the first thing i said was...whats dis fool singing again. Tiwa...u want to enter my black book abi..ok o
AMAAAAAZING!Dr. Sid did a great song! Pls start doing R&B DR Sid! Tiwa did good too!
This is one of my favorite songs and they really did justice to it!
Orin oshi
This is really beautiful..im really impressed.
Powerful vocals, they could as well compete with Labrinth(not sure of spelling)and the other lady.
I suggest they leave Mavin and join a stronger team,maybe Konvict records or so because while Dbanj is topping charts abroad DonJazzy is selling Loya milk.
Dem try
i absolutely love the song..dr .Sid got talents! his voice was lovely
sucky sucky yucky trash.... how can you guys make such a beautiful song song sound like garbage? stick to what you know and pls pls pls stop it!!!
Wow, i absolutely love Labrinth's version but this is just wonderfull
Haba! Unless you are tone-deaf how can you call this HORRIBLE! Twas a good effort. We shld learn to appreciate people's effort and not be too quick to tear others down.
they both did good. thumbs up dr sid n tiwa.
Sometin different loves it in Lindas voice lol.Tiwa's voice is divine.
They did justice to d song...... Lovely!!!!
Nice job. Why don't they sing this kind of songs.
Aww, cutee
It's Toinlicious
This song made me sit up and go quiet the first time i heard it...Dr Sid and Tiwa did a great job with it...i love it!
Lovely!!!!dey tried.haters u can hate it 4 all we care buh dey tried!Period!
OMG, OMG, OMG they just had to ruin that perfect song, upon all the auto tune, it IS CRAP, i knw some of deir God daughters nd sons will take ds personal but it dsnt change d fact that the song is crap, so KILL yourselves if ds comment hurts u.... they shoulda just let wande do it
Tiwa was on point! you can tell she understands the song and her voice, beautiful as always. i feel Dr. Sid was struggling with the song. nice try though. thumbs up! except for the auto tune. i no know why we like to day use that tin sef *eyes rolling*
Awww..Dr Sid did a good job,big ups to Tiwa too.
Its ok. I didn't like tiwa's voice in dis tho. Dr.sid killed it sha.
Beautiful .
Nicely done. Obviously didn't beat the original but was a fantastic effort. Didn't know he could sing like this. Impressed!!
Sid was struggling with d part. You could feel d effort he was making to make it beautiful.but tiwa...u killed it girl n I might add better than emeli. Generally it was lively
Can't find it...I culdn't listen to it oh
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