He granted an interview to Encomium magazine this week, telling his side of the story. See it below...
I received the news from a man claiming he's representing the church that he has been directed by the pastor of the church and members of Household of God church that I should not come and worship with them. His reason, he said, was premised on E24-7 magazine's expose - pastor Chris finds new love, says I will not get married again, but may opt for surrogacy soon. I found it shocking that a day after the publication hit the streets, his media department sent a release out and it confirmed our story. He actually made those statements and we reported it. I think he did not think anybody could have known about his romance with the girl, Naomi. He was caught off guard..but as a journalist, I owe our teeming readers that responsibility. I feel fulfilled, though I will miss his theatrics, his stage performances and verbosity.
My perception of the church and my respect for the man has changed. He is not a serious preacher of the gospel. The job of a good shepherd is to seek a lost sheep, not to ban a sheep or send away a sheep from the fold. It is only in our environment that these kind of things happen. Because I worship in a church, I can't write the story of the pastor even if the pastor is doing what is wrong? But the pastor and the church will hail me if I praise him or do a PR story for them.
Despite the ban, if journalistic duties calls I will go there. In fact we were there the following week after I was barred. It was the week he claimed Christians can do tattoos and plastic surgery. We went with a whole crew, looking forward to a show down. I'm a free citizen. I can not be cowed. And I stand by my story on Naomi. That is not disputable!
Na waa, story after story! Pastor Chris needs a break!
Was police actually looking 4 inyanya. I didn't hear dat 1 oh. All dis 100 box mag can carry zobo,dats hw 1 said a security man told Daddy Adeboye to do frog jump n he did it kos he is a humble man. Taaaa gbafwo dere.
N if it is true,let's wait n see. Abi sun fit hide 4 day.
This igbo pastor sef...
just passing by....will comment my reserve....ishh "pastor"
Only God Know's the Truth of this Story because its Unbelievable. May God Help Us.
Lol... This is just too hilarious and ludicrous! Stopping someone from attending church? That demeans the true meaning of what the church should entail.
i pity the people that worship there. chris okotie is going against the will of God totally. he should get more familiar with the bible...! e too like fine girls ha!
So you go to church for "theatrics abd verbosity"? Issorai o..........ng owerri
See I'm red eye sef
This is crazy. How could he do that to a journalist as a 'man of God'?definitely the story biodun published is true. Kudos to you,keep up the good work!
Well! If truly he's engaged to dis babe Y denying it? Dis will soon come out whether he likes it or not. So Nija shd learn au to come out n face nofin buh d truth. Gbam
Some matters are too high for me to get myself into. Let God be the Judge.
Spend some moment with God everyday. Visit www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com your Online Christian blog. God bless you richly in Jesus name.
A leopard cannot change his spots. Pastor or no Pastor, Chris Okotie will always be PUSSY man
you were not going for true worship but for stories that was why you went with your entire crew and expecting a show down but alas you were disappointed make you go si down
That's serious.
Check out talks on Life, Love and Relationships on http://docife.blogspot.com/
U'r just doing ur job ohh LOL!
Chris Okotie:---Sum1 is reconstructin d truth to fit his taste..i dnt knw y ple wld delve in2 d soCial media raisin InsUlts and aspErsions oN my able PersOnality under d umBreLLa of "JoUrnAlism"###Of cos i knw Naomi and i can't deny it...i read abt Her in my BiBle.--
am speechless, but is this man living the kind of life he should as a man of God........
The world is surely coming to an end.
Please what is this man up too, are ladies just foolish or are they just after the money, and wait ooo is not an end time church, supporting all sort off ill acts. Church members run for your lives before he ask all of u to drink something and claim its a fast way to haven.....please help ur self House hold of God members
Lol, this man eh! Okay o
Hehe, this Man no hold joke o. Lol. Lord have mercy on us all. *Clears throat*
Linda check out https://twitter.com/NickCannon post about SHOWDEMCAMP...https://twitter.com/NickCannon/status/299506592896929792
Shame....awon iranse esu,
It is well, may God help us. God know those that are truely his
I said it den n I will say it again,dat pastor likes fine tins. Nd dat journalist is not loyal 2 d church, just lookin 4 gossip.just sayin...
LOBATAN!...hehehe!wonders shall never end Alakori pastor.
Only God know those that are his
na wa for chris okotie ooo...y wuld he do such a thing...its so annoying..WTF
na wa for chris okotie ooo...y wuld he do such a thing...its so annoying..WTF
My head is just shaking,well pastor Chris case is chocking now,am sure you other bloggers will be tired of it by now,well that's why we have Linda in Amebo department of blogging..... hahahahaha
Linda, iv always admired u nd I believe u get ur facts straight before posting anything, but I'm highly dissapointed at u for posting this, this is a false story and he is just trying to sell magazines, below is the reply given to this lunatic called a journalist, you can check his facebook page to confirm:
Facebook news feed post by: Chris Okotie
Ordinarily, no serious-minded person should dignify the discredited junk journals by responding to their usual malicious and scandalous aspersions, which they habitually cast on reputable personages and institutions to make cheap sales.
But once in a while, it becomes imperative to refute patent falsehood deliberately peddled as “exclusive stories” by scandal sheets seeking market penetration, like is the case of a soft-sell journal currently in circulation with false news of an alleged romance between a young, innocent member of our church, and our Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie.
The story is not only false, it is calculated to inflict psychological pain on the lady, embarrass the pastor, and cause disaffection in our congregation. We’d like to restate our earlier announcement that Rev. Okotie is not involved in any romantic relationship with any woman in or outside our church and has foreclosed any intention to remarry. Any speculation on this issue should, therefore, be regarded as a mischievous charade.
Finally, let this be the last warning that a ring of character assassins masquerading as worshipers who regularly infiltrate our congregation to seek whom to scandalize in junk journals, are on the radar of our security operatives. They should keep off or risk arrest and prosecution.
Ladi Ayodeji
Media and Communications Strategy.
Awwww That's not true.Neomi is my friend and I know everything about this issue.Let's be very careful
The sheep and d shepherd are foolish! Period!
who cares about you and what you think or write
Facebook news feed post by: Chris Okotie
Chris Okotie wrote:
Ordinarily, no serious-minded person should dignify the discredited junk journals by responding to their usual malicious and scandalous aspersions, which they habitually cast on reputable personages and institutions to make cheap sales.
But once in a while, it becomes imperative to refute patent falsehood deliberately peddled as “exclusive stories” by scandal sheets seeking market penetration, like is the case of a soft-sell journal currently in circulation with false news of an alleged romance between a young, innocent member of our church, and our Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie.
The story is not only false, it is calculated to inflict psychological pain on the lady, embarrass the pastor, and cause disaffection in our congregation. We’d like to restate our earlier announcement that Rev. Okotie is not involved in any romantic relationship with any woman in or outside our church and has foreclosed any intention to remarry. Any speculation on this issue should, therefore, be regarded as a mischievous charade.
Finally, let this be the last warning that a ring of character assassins masquerading as worshipers who regularly infiltrate our congregation to seek whom to scandalize in junk journals, are on the radar of our security operatives. They should keep off or risk arrest and prosecution.
Ladi Ayodeji
Media and Communications Strategy.
Correct guy, everything he said is the truth . I don't know about him finding a new love Ohh
Facebook news feed post by: Chris Okotie
Chris Okotie wrote:
Ordinarily, no serious-minded person should dignify the discredited junk journals by responding to their usual malicious and scandalous aspersions, which they habitually cast on reputable personages and institutions to make cheap sales.
But once in a while, it becomes imperative to refute patent falsehood deliberately peddled as “exclusive stories” by scandal sheets seeking market penetration, like is the case of a soft-sell journal currently in circulation with false news of an alleged romance between a young, innocent member of our church, and our Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie.
The story is not only false, it is calculated to inflict psychological pain on the lady, embarrass the pastor, and cause disaffection in our congregation. We’d like to restate our earlier announcement that Rev. Okotie is not involved in any romantic relationship with any woman in or outside our church and has foreclosed any intention to remarry. Any speculation on this issue should, therefore, be regarded as a mischievous charade.
Finally, let this be the last warning that a ring of character assassins masquerading as worshipers who regularly infiltrate our congregation to seek whom to scandalize in junk journals, are on the radar of our security operatives. They should keep off or risk arrest and prosecution.
Ladi Ayodeji
Media and Communications Strategy.
Ok nah, but talk trueoo no b blc of this nw u go come de twist talk,na ur head u go use carry am wen e set.na motherly advice I de giv u so.
Toksyb: Na wa oooo what is dis life turning into....smh
Oh dear this girl is about 18yrs old and went to a very good school in Ikeja. OMG this Pastor is a disgrace. What the hell!!!!
Lol. No go kee ursef on top writing story oo! Ppl r very wicked and can do anythin to keep u away.
Do I also see that iyanya is decleared wanted????
This enconium sef..dey too dey give nonsense gist..
What is happening to Rev chris?is he still annointed?how do one explain this?and the women all look alike;
ωση∂єяѕ ηєνєя ѕнαℓℓ єη∂ σ!»-ÝëĄĦ※₩ħǞτĔ۷ƎƦ-►
All these pastors that can never keep away from scandals.
ωση∂єяѕ ηєνєя ѕнαℓℓ єη∂ σ!»-ÝëĄĦ※₩ħǞτĔ۷ƎƦ-►
Hmmmmm Okotie, guess she was the reason you refused taking stephanie henshaw back.
Yet you call yourself a pastor jumping from one woman to another.
GOD is watching you via plasma tv!!!!!!!!!
And pls leave the man alone.
ωση∂єяѕ ѕнαℓℓ ηєνєя єη∂ σ!»-ÝëĄĦ※₩ħǞτĔ۷ƎƦ-►
What did the guy expect? A homecoming party?!
You publish a not-so-good article about a man, and you expect the man to still welcome you into his house.
He may be a man of God, but he is still a man.
What he did will be considered as betrayal in some quarters you know
Pastor chris okotie again? Na wah oh
Please i thought this man is man of God
Chris pls its nt by force to be a pastor if this allegation is true, pls respect chrIstIanIty if u cnt respect ur self
Uhmmm I don't know what to say abt this cos d bible has told us not to talk abt his prophets buh ds man has many issues n it gets me rily wondering...God save him
mr biodun kupoluyi this your story sounds delusional sha...I'm not a fan of okotie....but I think u might be hallucination,,,, I don't believe u jo...looking for cheap publicity for your magazine
And the will still call him pastor , God will judge.how can a sheperd send his ship away ?... To the Naomi lady I hope u knw a cooking pot for the camel is also a cooking pot chameleon wait for your episode it will soon be release
Wonder dey say never ends...*lips sealed*
Thank you brother..God bless you.all these men of God sef....may God help his people Amen
Wonders shall never end........
Ladi Ayodeji can we invite you to get lost with your propaganda, we cant prove this guy's story but its out there for the world to see that okotie is a serial divorcee...We don't expect your press release to be affirmative so stop being a novice in defence of your sect and paycheck by turning the truth on his head. i find this journalist very courageous.
Hmmm,I dnt really believe this jornalist ,at the same time I dnt trust pastor chris,thr is no smoke without fire....naomi,I guess its chris okotie dat bought u ur bb posche,pls chop his money well but dnt marry him
the girl who claims to be neomi hoffmann friend,is such a liar cos if u truly are her friend u must have noticed her life style changes,all the expensive things and the fact thay she travelled wt pastor,we are householders and we all know the truth, neomi also just started coming to household
In other news, wetin iyanya do wey police dey find am?
sadly a lot of men in positions of authority get away wt evil because people blindly follow them,so they never change,i have been a householder right from obasa and for that long pastor has had all kinds of stories about women,we kept refusing,in time we got to know he has such a weekness for women and when caught was able to get out of it with all kinds of lies,i am so sad that over the years pastor chris has refused to change.i have to my wife that last sunday was our last day tere
It beats my imagination dt pple still attend this church.too many blind idotic followers dis days.
what do people expect,that is why this big men have press secretaries to release press statements to cover their evil,the goverment does it,they all do it,what do people axpect for okotie to say he did it ,there is no smoke without fire,why is it always okotie and women,as good looking as pastor paul adefarasin is how many times has he been invovled in women scandals,why is it only okotie people are lying against,pls wake up the man is just weak for women
God dey
Best comment... Hilarious :D =D =)) :D. =))º°˚˚bello˚°ºlaffsº°˚˚˚°º°º=)) :D @I read abt her in my bible... Nice one... =))•´¨)
¸.•´ ¸.ℓoℓ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))
Wats with dis man and pweety ladies :]Y he 'love' wear googles oh infact he's viewing on 3D
how una dey........una never tire bah,,make una dey take panadol for anoda person headache.....busy bodies
And d Naomi grl could almost pass 4 his ex wife in ds pics. Or are my eyes deceivin me?
Some people go just dey speak bad bad English for this blog. Cook pot cook chameleon. Myschewww. Next pls!
IGbo men are generally stupid. Can't stand their ignorant ass'
these people should free Iyanya o! ah ahn!
Why is he complaining now he said some trashy and mean things about TB johua then too.I think its karma!
lol............Pastor Chris.
Actually the journalist in this case is wrong - and trust me l am no fan of Chris Okotie. The journalist pretended to be a part of the congregation and then blabbed. Very low.
WASSSSUPP LEE!!! I jux drop by to say helloo....bible say tho shall nt judge bt then we cant see the truth nd nt say it out...why ban a member frm Attending fellowship na yu get church.....the house of GOD is fo nobody bt christ himself....aspa noami nd the pastor romance story hmmmm #lip sealed#
Oga ..sheep nt ship..
Yes Linda there should be freedom of information. By the way, the story might be true. The pastor has a blood vessels.----------------------------------------
Please Linda, try to research and post the deliberate black out in OAU Ife residential Halls while student still have exams and lecture. This act is getting too much of the magt. They are wicked even to the postgraduate halls who are having exams and some still have lecture. Kindly run a story on it for the public to know what we are going through in silence. Great IFE of yesteryears is gradually dwindling.
Mr boidun kupoluyi I believe ur story,dare's no smoke witout fire in dbanj voice.....may God continue 2 lift u higher.....I remain ur humble student back in da days......wit much respect sir takia.
An interview with a security guard who worked for Chris Okotie and also accused him of stealing his woman. Read Interviewbelow.
When did you join Rev. Chris Okotie’s Household as a member? When didyou work there and for how long? How were you sacked?
I joined Household in 2006. I was interviewed by pastor, got the job in 2009 and was sacked in 2010.
What were you employed as?
Security Guard
We learnt you were in a relationship with a lady, stephnora Nwamaka Boniface, also a former staff of Okotie
That’s true. She remains the mother of my only child.
What was Nora (Amaka) employed as before she left the job
She was working at the campaign house with other ladies there reporting to him directly.
What does she do now?
She is a modeling agent, they say.
What’s your baby’s name, sex and age?
Isabella Adejo
How old?
My beloved daughter is two years and six months. She was born in Dafe Hospital in Ketu September 2010. I had to delete everything about Nora from my life. She almost ruined my life. I’m just trying to start again. I want to be seeing my child. That’s all I want no.
How did you meet Nora?
I met her in a café where she was working as a café attendant
Where and when?
That was in Ketu, in 2006. WE went our ways in 2010 after she met “Baba Olowo”
Who is that, please?
Rev. Chris Okotie
How old is your woman?
She is 27, by July 9 she will be 28
What made you suspect she was dating Rev. Okotie?
We fight and quarrel often. She is pretty and wants to keep appointment with too many men against my wish. She goes to him (OKotie) every now and then, frequent calls from him. He usually asks her to buy clothes, meet him in his church office to test and see how the clothes fits her.
She will come and be discussing how Okotie has bed in his Church Office and a whole lot of things, bros e too much. My eyes opened when he instructed that I shouldn’t live with the mother of my child, a lady I have spent almost all my life with because he rented a two-bedroom apartment for her and my child.
If I had not taken her to Household of God, would Okotie have come to collect her from my one room that we were living before?
source – National Encomium
I just love d way u mk ur comment,u seem 2 b an intellectual. Like d use of ludicrous.
Dis is d best comment ever.love u 4 dis
Well, they have WARNED YOU!!!
Nor be by FORCE dem dey take be (John Alice)Journalist; please leave their church alone for them....and as the bible said, let HIM (GOD) be the JUDGE; so why you dey drink PANADOL FOR ANOTHER MAN'S HEADACHE!!!
BODY NOR BE FIRE WOOD and OGORO (frog) must jump; so if Pastor Chris want to do anything with his body or his congregation...so be it and he's a FREE MAN to do it; ONLY GOD GO JUDGE!!!
You oga (John Alice)Journalist; please NO MAN IS WITHOUT SIN....maybe you should spend some time to take the specs out of your eyes instead of taking out the logs in Pastor Chris Okotie's!!!!
Let me start by saying I am so surprised that some gullible followers of this man are dropping comments on this particular issue, You should firstly know that it is very wrong for a man of God to have a record of 2 ex wives than to sound so stupid and unacceptable here. I should as well not forget to let you followers of him know how God has been telling him, he would be the president of this country. (when God says yes, no one can say No) The same God said yes to his first wife and said no later on, giving him the benefit of doubt on that ( he is as well human) , the same God said yes again for him to get a second wife, The same GOD OF HIS told him to divorce his second wife, Cant you see that is a high degree of insulting God. If truly he has not committed this said offense. he is still not justified, We all know what is wrong cause our minds tell us , you can't keep stealing and feel you are right when you know you are always not free to do it. we are meant to follow the examples they lay for us. i don't in anyway see the said man being my marriage counsellor, What will he teach me , how to get tattoos all over my body or how to go for a plastic surgery when the same bible i read tells me that after creation. Genesis 1/31 : God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! ... King James Bible (Cambridge Ed. and 1 timothy 4 /4 also says For every creature of God is good, and nothing should be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving. Or is he going to teach me how i should not be understanding and patient in marriage and by so doing divorce my wife . What is wrong is wrong . 1st timothy 4 1- 3 says Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times , some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and the doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. what is wrong is wrong we all know. Linda Please, make sure you post my comment, i am YNOT(A.O.O). We adopted Christianity from the whites, Don't die by being led by a wrong leader. Read your Bible, Infer the truth out of it. We are all children of God , no one is perfect , so am i . some only have a better way of understanding things , that is why they are leaders but that does not mean we should be rams.
okotie's camp faild toaddress the issue. how can a pastor be thinking of surrogacy,belivein divorce and promote plastic surgery. The journalist was just investigating by going tothe church as he said he is not a member of the church. I think we should salute his bravery becos many girls and women are easy prey befre pastor. it'sthe sam pastor that a man alleged he took his wife and his wife said he has a beautiful bed in hisoffice.think hypocritical Nigerians saying my pastor says,my pastor says
I swear. He has eyes for fairn fine women
Ok. But shey pSt okotie is human. After being sexually active, how will he rain pure now
I swear. He has eyes for fairn fine women
Abeg o. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. I no dey o!if Im dey sleep wit people wives no be me be God o.i no fit judge am....shhhhhh.
Check what Neomi wears now u go bow. We were in Grange together before she was expelled. Now I know better, she don enter the place for Pastor Okotie. If Neomi is paid cos I know she get strong eye for monmey she go follow Okotie do anything, I bet
Tank u o jare
Shat up there!!!!!..is it suppose to be his house or a house of God?...does Hod cast u away when u do the wrong thing?..if you do not know what to say you keep quiet!
useless pastor...what kind of "man of God' is he? banning someone frm attending church because he is exposing his wayward ways. he betta take a chill pill.
Anon February 7, 2013 at 7:39 PM is it Chris Okotie you are calling Igbo? I guess you didn't do Social Studies and Geography in Primary school.
That bad? Its such a pity u are suffering from blood pressure at this age, how old are you, 20? I bet before your are 40, u will be in ICU for acute ethnic disease- its a terminal disease. So watch it, sweetheart
U r either a yoruba person or from one of these non recognised ethnic groups to make this ur stupid comment ..to show how stupid u r ,u didn't do ur research well because u if did ,u will know u r d ignorant fool cos he is a delta Man..keep showing ur stupidity to the world,I bet u can't stand ur ignorant ass that y u r looking 4 partners..sorry to dissapoint u cos u and ur entire ethnic group are no match 4a single igbo man.stupid naija racist!
This pastor needs more anointing. If you in London and you need an African home service chef here is the link http://www.gumtree.com/p/jobs/african-chef-available-for-indoor-catering/1007509408
Chris Okotie is not Igbo, he is Delta(urobo).pls tribalism will do u no good. I am yoruba
They just don't know the difference between igbo's and other tribe. seriously they need to travel out ofe mmanu dem - isaidso
He's Urhobo. чυя welcome
and the baby's name will be blanket
Anon 7:39 u ar a just a useless nonentity. Anonymous is aw u will remain in life with ur alrdy pedestrian life.
God Save him
Pastor am counting...how many wives? we go soon know sha!!! wait a minute na meh dis pastor likes pretty babes.
omo if na u nko? but na man of God. He should be a role model not a model killer.
Thank u Anon 12.05am
Dont mind d fool dat said Igbo Men are generally stupid!! he is really daft.
Bside Okotie is not an Igbo. dey just stay in font of dere pc's, phone's etc & type trash!!
There are pastors like that who stop people from attending their church ooo. In former church, once you dont agree with what the pastor says, you will be issue a sack letteras if u one wrote an application letter b4 one started attending the church. A lady wanted to get married and brought her finance to the pastor but cos they wanted her to marry a particular brother in the church , the pastor told her she can't marry the guy she broght to him. the lady went ahead with the relationship and one day she got to the church, she was issued a sacked letter which was delivered to her by one of the ushers.she was not allowed to attend that Sunday service. the church is @ Ozone Cinema, Yaba.
Even if d story is true or false.what kind of examples have ds so called pastor set for his followers in d past. Well I blame dos pple dat still flock his church. Only God truly knows who is worshipping him. I rest my case.
Sharap dere, so its a sin to dress nicely? I knw neomi nd if she was about money, she for don de drive range, so go and sitdown
I have been in the church office more than 1nce and I know for sure that there is no bed there!!! Nd how can a pastor steal a security guards wife, ahahn, security. Dese encomium ppl sha, dey can write rubish, dats how dis ppl said iyanya is wanted. Shoi, nawa o.
The truth that you know, shall set you free....hmmm
Wonders shall never end
True talk my dear...som naija publicity stunt....na lie that sh** no work.and as for u madam shelly bee abi SPELLING BEE(u ad better laff at dis)..he is not hallucination buh hallucinating ohhhh...!OLODO
Dts is why dey send Ppl away from church..because they are ships(n need to sail away)...OLODO
C'mon give it to the guy. That's theonly way he could have gotten the truth. I commend his gut for not allowing himself to be carried away by the fact that he attends the church asregular or not. I hope those giving awards are watching?
It is unfortunatly dt okotie is going through ds. My advice for hiM is to try as possible as he can and locate his first wife, he should find out if she is angry for him & he should be able to tell himself d truth. He should either bring her back or apologise to her for forgiveness b'cos what is happening to him is not ordinary. He should seek d face of God b'cos as a pastor he should be an example to others, i am ashamed of what is happening to him as a man of God he so called himself.pls locate ur first love,pray for God's direction & finally live ds young ladies alone be wise they don't love u but church money. If u are poor honestly they won't cm close to u (gold diggers)
show biz pastor... oshisko ashawo buruku.
Wow! I know Neomi, she used to live in Ilupeju....Dunno where she is now though..Yeah her life style did change...Her clothes and all...Hope the gurl is okay...She's off all social media now.
Yes ooooo.thats what being with okotie does to you...you change your friends and all....she was a former model now...doing ushering jobs and the likes...God help her though
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