"I must confess that I never knew my love affair with the father of my baby would turn awry but it did. Fortunately for me, the guy I was dating before stood by me when my daughter’s father rejected me. He saw all that happened as a script written by God, which had to play out. He stood by me throughout the pregnancy and he is still there for me. I am not bothered about any issue now. I just pray that the joy God has given me will live forever! Indeed, I am fulfilled as a woman." - Bisi Ibidapo Obe told Punch
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»Good for you ma'am. But that bingo you were married to is indeed an idiot.
Hope she really knows better now.
Sexting: A New Kind Of Perversion?
ok! good for her
Rubbish!!! yu are sooooooooo dumb
Alainironu ara galatia!
Dnt like the pix used here...looks like a cosmetic surgery gone sour!
Btw.....cute lil angel dia!
Dats what u get wen u decide to date sum1's hubby.karma is a bitch just know DAT wen u get married anoda babe will be sleeping with yours.
Days what u get wen u decide to date sum1's hubby.karma is a bitch just know DAT wen u get married anoda babe will be sleeping with yours.
*He saw all that happened as a script written by God, which had to play out*? Seriously how is sleeping with another woman's husband a script written by God? Na wa o......we'll say anything just to justify our stupid acts
Awww.. So swit. Its gud 2 move on
I pray u truely learn from d global disgrace u earned, leave married men alone
Enjoyment galore
It s well my dear such is life men indeed are wicked....but try and give your life to Christ Jesus...
News cos got another baby Daddy...
Thank God for your life
Idiot of a woman..now you have gone back to your old man because the money bag Dumped you..Men Gan!!!! We don suffer sha
stupid woman..love ko
Guess u left him for Dino, poor dude. Its only 1 out of 100 dudes can do dis. Cute boi tho, a replica of Dino
Nice one baby mama......
What goes around comes around. Be highly expectant!
Such is life....pele!God dey
So not interested. Why date a married man in the first place? Abegi next news Please....
STF lady! You were fucking another woman's husband. U aren't a teenager that was used and dumped!!
ohhhh hian...seriously who cares wether ur heart break to pieces...tomorow now na another story we go dey hear..u think say man go just dey chop one soup
So not interested! Why date a married man in the first place?
Next news please...
So not interested. Why date a married man in the first place? Abegi next news Please....
Wow, people are so shameless these days. You wanted to spoil someone elses marriage and you are saying he broke your heart? What a wicked generation. Even giving press interview? TUEH!
linda nawa 4 u o punch is now a soft selling maagazine
U know what we call people like u Bisi? Afaanu. Didn't your mother advice u bout dating married men. You were bout destroying one's marriage n u looking for pity and calling on God's name in vain. Pls cry ur own cry.
Another woman don lose her husband again...na wah o
Why not? Life must continue . I
Your love for money put u into this mess bisi but it has happened just move on with ur life and work harder to takia of ur daughter as for dino u have just started oh ur suffer dey cooler
if to say Dino ,give her chance,can she came back to the other man, please woman always think before do something, if to say me i wont take u back.
Don't blame anyone but ur self, did u not know he was married with children before u went into the relationship? And u went ahead to get pregnants for for him. Did u think he was goons marry u? And this is also a lesson for all the young girls who hang around with married men thinking they will leave there families for u.
yeye woman. ode a da'to lenu (a silly ass that drools spit from a gaping mouth)
You don find love again so quickly?
You didn't know you had to be wary of Dino... or you refuse to acknowedge the fact that mankind should be wary of women like YOU?
I pity the values you would end up infusing in your kids. You who don't find any shame in spreading your legs faster than a bee spreads pollen. So long as there is butter to be spread on your bread, you will spread, spread, spread.
I beg go bury your foolish head somewhere make we hear from better people.
He stood by you cos he was enjoying the money you get from dino,thnk your stars he is not a chop and run, atleast he has conscience not to abandon you n d baby.
Wow!this baby sure looks like Dino...
Wow....that was so fast,into another relationship while still breastfeeding.? You dey try.!!!
Ha ha ha. Bisi u r so dumb! Wat did u expect from a married man with 3 children. U got what u deserve. Talking about disappointment. U wanted 2 break up a home. God turned the tables around. Now u ve gone back 2 ur ex. See ur life.
What a pretty baby but sadly the same cannot be said for her mother,such a shameless woman!
Your former boyfriend stood by you or slept with/by you. oshisko limited
Shameless ashewo girl. Abeg, shift
"I must confess that I never knew my love affair with the father of my baby would turn awry but it did. Fortunately for me, the guy I was dating before stood by me when my daughter’s father rejected me. He saw all that happened as a script written by God"
Gawwwd! it amazes me when people involve God in an illegal act,when people try to make wrong seem right.
u had an affair with a married man and u're here talking about script from God,u cheated on anoda guy and u're trying to sound as if u giving a testimony.
so what arevu insinuating? what are u trying to teach oda young girls looking up to u?
Its not our fault,this God is a merciful God.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Hmmmmmm!!! Jesus Christ is the only true joy.
Does your life depend on men. Why not find some thing useful. Most it be men and men?
foolish is an understatement of what this woman is....she is so so shallow....she should just shut up!
Gud for you dear.....some men r animals in human skin. Funny enuff, d baby resembles r irresponsible father.
Sorry to say, but at the end of the day, this man's wife is the one who will be hiding her face in shame despite being the innocent one. Nigerian women though... *sigh*
Na u sabi if u like don't learn. Though Dino too is wrong, If he didn't dump u, u wouldn't learn that its wrong to sleep with a married man.
After bringing problems upon themselves dey will now say "it was a script written by God" as if God didn't give u brain and bible.
Bla bla bla. So u even had a man at dat tym n u wer hvin fun with Dino. Bisi no just call God 4 dis ya yeye mata.nonsense.
the guy that stood by you is a great mugu, u were dating him before u met dino, u slept with dino and he still stood by you....can't u see how stupid is he? bisi, can u do the same fin. i know that dude....he's in london. tell him to come and take good care of him family in surulere and stop following u ashana. Please repent and give ur life to Christ.
Jeez! That baby really looks like Dino. Haaaa!
I hope this one is not another married man with family, 'cause obviously Dino is married to one of the nicest women on earth and was not ready to throw all that away for some emotionally wrecked actress. Congrats on ur new baby and ur old flame rekindled love, Bisi.
Thank God 4 u madam, pick ur life up! And stay clear married men, stay clear soft cell magazines too.
This lady should lie low!
D baby even looks like father...yet him and his wife are busy acting Nigerian movie...mtcheeeeewwwww...
Oloshi. Cheap publicity. Linda next plz!
Please shut it Bisi! U just showed ur lousy xter with this statements! U shamelessly dated a married man! married with children for that matter! u carry belle & he ran 4 his dear life & now u have the mouth 2 wax lyrics 4 us? I pray that ur new ode marries u & u fall hopelessly in love wit him. Then sit back & watch as ur hubby will go about impregnating women left, right & center ! One more thing...leave God out of this dirty issue of yours.
I hope its not another married man u are talking about here.. This one that u are saying the guy stood by u..hmmmmn
u were sleeing with another woman's husband n u r suprised u got burnt? u must be mad.
I usually dont leave comments i just read them......but dis time i had to cos of the anger! how can a grown ass woman be dis darft just listen to ur self talk? ur just foolish
I cant laugh! Bisi! you are a comedian! Babe is so delusional!
Am so happy for u,jst thnk God for ur life n learn ur lesson!Linda post my comment ohh...ehenhen!
Lyk criously did she vomit does words!ds girl is a fooooooooooooolllll!cnt she do witout a man?dts wat u gt wn u tk smtin dt dsnt belong 2 u!I hp her nu man or wateva is single,pick up ur life girl tk kre of ur daughtr n move onnn dts wt I xpect of her no all ds tales by moonlight kmt!
i dont get your stupidity, Dino is very married with young children and you knew it, you opened you legs or him because of money and dod not care that you could wreck his home...you set out to wreck his home and take over...God did not let this happen... So you should just shut your dirty trap, you and all your useless actress friends and take care of the baby... The least that beautiful baby deserves is that you shut your trap and take good care of her... hopefully Dino will be able to support the baby financially when the long arms of the law catches up with him but babe, you got what you deserved.
did you give a thought to his wife and kids?????/why should we care about you??? i can bet this new guy has also abandoned his family for you...yeye dey smell... you better be civil and discuss amicably with Dino and also savage your reputation by apologising to his wife and kids so they can at least know their baby sister and love her accordingly...By the way tell your friend Foluke Daramola that she should sleep with one eye open...since she thinks she has suceeded in wrecking the pastors home finally
i dont get your stupidity, Dino is very married with young children and you knew it, you opened you legs or him because of money and dod not care that you could wreck his home...you set out to wreck his home and take over...God did not let this happen... So you should just shut your dirty trap, you and all your useless actress friends and take care of the baby... The least that beautiful baby deserves is that you shut your trap and take good care of her... hopefully Dino will be able to support the baby financially when the long arms of the law catches up with him but babe, you got what you deserved.
did you give a thought to his wife and kids?????/why should we care about you??? i can bet this new guy has also abandoned his family for you...yeye dey smell... you better be civil and discuss amicably with Dino and also savage your reputation by apologising to his wife and kids so they can at least know their baby sister and love her accordingly...By the way tell your friend Foluke Daramola that she should sleep with one eye open...since she thinks she has suceeded in wrecking the pastors home finally
She try!! Hissss. I thought the guy is married, what did she try to do? Snatch another woman's husband and the whole thing backfired on her face. All these actresses will never learn, especially the Yoruba ones. They are so local and ignorant. Sleeping with a man that sleeps around (with no condom)ha, I fear o, that was a very risky and dangerous move o. Please my sister, biko, shine your eyes next time bcos not all that glitters is gold. Refined pan da sef dey glitter these days.
But u fine sha, why u no see single guy marry? Ok, u want a ready made guy...Ole, Anuofia.
Congrats Bisi. I'm happy fr u.
Oghenelinda to upload comments na tug of war oh. Its easier to pass a bill in d House of reps than to upload comments for ur blog. Maybe u shd do auto-comment then u can scroll thru when u hav d tym and delete d ones u don't want. Hw do u c it?
Bisi,you keep behaving like a fool,ogbodo gbe enu buruku e da ke ni.idiot of the highest oda.
She is an idiot. What did she expect from a married man? That he leave his family for you cheap whore. I wonder how long it will take girls to realize that just because he is sleeping with you doesn't make you worthy to be shown to the world. All girls are fuckable but not close to half are worthy to be wifed
Rubbish! Do you know what love is? If not you wouldnt have left Mr. Nice guy for Dino.
Bisi you are a Stupid greedy homebreaker! You slept with another woman's husband...what were you expecting?.. Idiiiaaaat!you are lucky his wife did not pour acid on your ugly face fool!
Happy for him..
Are you a true soccer fan??? Then make your voice heard today...
b sure b4 concludin on a relationship now dt u av a baby. God help u.
hope this lady has a mother. They better advise her. Shameless woman, hear what she says'my formal boyfriend'
So there was someone in her life when she went for Dino?smh,so that means there was no proper relationship btw her and Dino,it was just a 'one afternoon stand' aka runs?!......
Also Hope u learnt to be weary of where u go for golddigging,cos some sites are cruel'!!
So Punch is now a soft sell magazine? It's ok!
Shameless woman!!! Oro rirun
So Punch is now a soft sell magazine? It's ok!
I can never understand yoruba actresses...they are always having babies for married men!!! Its a good thing he dumped u,that will teach u next time to stick to single men!!!I pity the guy that is still with u,u don't deserve him and I bet u he'll soon leave u!!! U wanted a married man to leave his wife and family and come a marry u,wicked lady!!!it is innocent child I feel for...u got what u deserved!!shiooor...
Aii dats good.....
Such is life,and the pains of the past can never control the future.Much joy dear
oh puleez. take a seat madam.
u wilfully dated a married man with kids, enuff alredy with the sob story.
hw wont it turn awry Bisi? anoda woman's husband...SMH
Bisi should better stop lying nd face her life.who cares... Mshwwww
Mcheeeew!! All these wayward yoruba actresses, their own is to wreck someone's marriage. See her opening her rotten mouth dey talk abandon. Rubbish ashewo.
Though I am not her fan bt really felt for her.u better open ur eyes n shine it well in order not 2 make another mistake.wish u all d best in dis new found love
Gud for her.
Hmmm, talking like this about another woman's husband? How would you feel if a young lady starts giving this kind of interview about your husband tomorrow?
Anyway, see step by step pics of how to cook Ikokore at:
Na wa o......cant this shameless girl be quiet for a while? Even the yansh never heal she is here talking abt another man
Why did she leave her first love.? Hehehehehe women! Sha
Yes o,when one door closes a better 1 opens,u only live once,heart break shouldnt hold any1 down.
Na so u dey find ur own luv? Nw nw u av found luv again. Wasn't it just yesterday Dino dumped ur stupid ass? U wil kip on givin birth 4 married men. Mschewwww.
Fulfilled woman indeed! bloody gold digger like you. onye oshi amu. so your plans was to settle down with another woman's husband. you should cover your bleached face and dick sucking mouth in shame at least for the sake of that baby you're holding.
i'm a woman but you disgust me so much.
Toriwowo abeg another tori
Jay says...dats it baby,move on wit ur life,it shuld alwayz be 4ward eva,dino is ur past n shuld be kept dere,ua lucky 2 av gotten anoda chance at luv,all d best dear!
Already back in the wagon, and some of us are still searching. Hmmmmm.
That's the thing about life, u never know till it happens to you. Let he that stands take heed lest he falls!
Which dirty disappointment u did not know he was married be4 u went to put ur head there Nonsense. That how my cousin's father died in d plane crash and d other woman he had left over a decade ago started claiming to be his wife after he publicly did not acknowledge her. Her claim to fame is he didnt come back to collect her bride price what a joke of the century how much is d fucking bride price that he wld waste his time to collect. Gold digger oshi her only daughter is kuku like her the apple kuku doesn't fall from the tree. She learnt from the best
u r nothing but an ashawo, who is not contented with the man she had initially, instead ran to the arms of a politician called dino all because of greed, lov of money and class. if u no see person tell u wether u leave ur boifrnd for politician, or u dey tell ur boifrnd u luv am u still dey fuck politician Ashawo na Ashawo he no get another name.
Wonders shall never end.Putting her hopes up for a married man. Home Breaking is definetely part of your life. SMH.
Instead of her to cool down and codedly enjoy her new life.she dey blow alarm,make Lola Alao come help her pour sand-sand 4 her garri again.Mtchew!
Auntie Bisi! I just tire for you!!! Sharrap and focus on your daughter jor *rolling eyes*
Its nice to know you have found love again. Where on earth are Religious Leaders to keep emphasizing on good morals? What has happened to the days of "No sex before marriage" or "Not having a child out of wedlock".
Certainly I know you all will term me as old school and tell me to shut my trap but truth remains that God's law can never be changed, remodeled or upgraded.
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A busy without the right advert and awareness is like a guy winking to a girl in the dark. He knows what is doing but NO one else does.
good for her/them couples
yeyenatu! Ish
She sure picked up her pieces so fast! Forget Karma sef....anoda babe is fucking your current guy and will soon bring belle come too. What makes u think u r special? So, this new bobo isn't cheating on u right?! I laff in Swahili hehehehehehehehehehe
The guy you were dating before money led you to dino, stood by you? Like wtf, who does that? That man must be under your advanced spell.
Looks like this girl is an illiterate,she reasons through her anus, someone's husband! Hia
Bisi so u mean u abandond ur bf bcos of dino.Now u re bk in his arms wit sm1 else's baby.smhfu. Abeg is d guy a learner.
Did they ever have the DNA test? I seemed to have missed that.
What was the result? I am happy you have moved on though
AM not a judge over you Bisi but am glad u have moved on and I will advise u keep ur love life out of the media. Cute baby.
Are you all foolish?? Wasn't it wen she was 6months gone that she got to know the usless Dino was married... Dino lied to her dat he wasn't married nd promised her marriage... So shut ur mouth if u don't know d story.
You must be psycho Bisi..You are talking about disappointment from a married man with 3 whole kids what did you expect.?you better change o..its not worth it
I hope her supposed EX dsnt dump her soon.
This girl should shut up, sit down somewhere and stop granting interviews. What dos she know about love ? Ode
Silly woman. Is she now telling us that she want the guy to leave his wife or she wants to be a 2nd wife?
Linda you must be kidding me, is this not the lady that slept with another woman’s husband crying wolf, na wa oh some people no get shame, as the saying goes madman no get shame na em people the same for am. Lady go and hide your head in shame, you have not found love oh that man will dump you so fast that it will make ur head spin. Shameless Idiot.
Even thou I don't like all these bleached and juju loving Yoruba actresses,anyone who knows Dino can testify that he swears with the Bible that he is NOT married....Bisi sorry eh,next time look well well.
The man stood by u through the dino saga how we dey sure say no be im get the pikin u could not wait to get into bed with him abi oloshi
I won't condemn or judge you for having a child for a married man, all I can say is move on with your life and cater for your daughter to the best of your abilities. Cheers.
dis woman i tire 4 u o
You must have conquered shame , how could you ? With all the scandal that surrounded you open your mouth again to speak about love , this early , there are no prizes for showing how dumb , illiterate you can be , now it's certain that been beautiful does not make anyone intelligent or sharp in the brain dept , your are just an air head , your pride as a woman is to the dogs , you are not even thinking of your daughter , cannot imagine who you are trying to impress . Am certain the mugu that stood by you is bidding his time . Omologbalogba .
All these yoruba girls dating peoples husband hehe *Godiswatchingthrough3D* be very careful Bisi cos what goes around comes around in Justin Timberlake's voice!!
Repent! Jesus ÈŠ̝̊̅§ coming very soon .He loves us all.
dis woman i tire 4 u o!..na so so jump u dey jump frm 1 man to anoda. U no dey tire??!..pls get a life o. hiah!
I can bet on my life that Dino settled Bisi to come and say all this rubbish. Was Bisi not with Dino over the weekend in Lagos? Why did she come up with all this rubbish a day after they saw? Ha ha ha ha...Dino don settle this babe big time! I pity Bisi sha.
Oshi,shey U̶̲̥̅̊ saw honourable and money, U̶̲̥̅̊ left d person dat luvs U̶̲̥̅̊ 2 pursue vanity.. U̶̲̥̅̊ didn't evn learn a beta lesson. Fate shld hav left U̶̲̥̅̊ a single mother...one tin i knw is,a leopard dsnt change its spots...wen U̶̲̥̅̊ see money again,follow eh,and get pregnant again,der are many rich men in nigeria,soon U̶̲̥̅̊'ll b moda of a nation.
Bisi cannot speak a correct sentence of English so i doubt she said all this let alone of using the word "Awry"
Liar, liar. Whose husband now?
...But bisi U̶̲̥̅̊ r so disgusting being a lady. U̶̲̥̅̊ never finish breastfeed U̶̲̥̅̊ don jump dey f...ck anoda woman husby.na wah 4 all dis nollywood refined ashee ooo.na ur baby gal I pity most..tufiaka
So you were in love with another woman's husband? I laugh in Abakaliki...
You gotta be kidding me with that STUPIDITY!!!
Istead of coming up with some BREAKING NEWS that you've done the DNA to prove that your accusations were on point...you yarning stupid about how you're now f$cuking the guy you used to gbensh b4 Dino!!!
Now I'm begining to believe Dino that's he is NOT YOUR BABY DADDY?
Rubbish! See this idiot oooo! Heart break fire. Why ur heart no pieces home wrecker. All these yoruba actresses no get single shame at all, they will just be advertising their stupidity. Another person husband na im u wan turn ur own. God never punish u reach even this new fool that is wit u will soon leave u 4 another woman. That is karma.
Linda post my comment oooo. This is d second time I'm commenting becos u didn't post d first one.
Rubbish! See this idiot oooo! Heart break fire. Why ur heart no pieces home wrecker. All these yoruba actresses no get single shame at all, they will just be advertising their stupidity. Another person husband na im u wan turn ur own. God never punish u reach even this new fool that is wit u will soon leave u 4 another woman. That is karma.
Linda post my comment oooo. This is d second time I'm commenting becos u didn't post d first one.
Bisi omologbalogba, stop tempting God by saying he's been with u. Karma is only serving you what you deserve and hasn't finished dealing with u coz in the end when u finally settle down, another woman's going to take ur husband from u and u won't be able to do anything!
Hmm.married men saga.no single woman should date one,no matter how lonely,depressed,broke and catty she feels cos they will most certainely 'eat'their cake and still have it (loyal wifey will alwys have the turd back)and life will go on .hope u lrnt ur lesson.
Bisi u messed up.. But dat stupid useless being called dino... A DNA is a must..
Na wa o, are we sure that the ex self is not he real father of this baby? How many men will just accept a woman like that after supposedly having another man's baby? Silly woman.
Can this woman rest a little and manage her life in peace? Irrelevant people trying so hard to be relevant. Signs of underlying complex issues. And i believe she wanted to say 'wary' instead of 'weary' seeing that she is in another relationship. So she aint weary yet.
I can alomost assure you that the ex she went back to is a married man too. Cos 99% of the times, the married ones are the ones who stick around no matter what casue they do not have anything to lose.
Linda pls help m tel bisi dat karma is a bitch n she got served what she deserves.den she shudnt blasphem coz God wud neva alow u sleep wit anoda man's husband.rubbish.d guy wit u is jst enjoin d money mayb wen d money finish he dumps u.coz I dnt cee his ppple if dey are typical nigerians getin married to an old cargo or rada a tokunbo..mtcheeeew
Na wa for all this shameless woman, Bisi pls how do u think the wife of Dino feels anything u open ur mouth to rant bullshit? Honestly some women have no conscience and is hell bent on destroying fellow woman's marriage. The guts of a woman. Woe betide any woman that come near my husband, her fate will be worse compared to Goldie's sudden death!
Stay clear my husband o,am screaming it now cos when it starts hmmmm
I go show the person wat okija and ihiala shrines is capable of doing!!!
Sme of u guyz dates married men and still come here hide under d umberalla of anonymous and say rubbish things abt ppl...Its so unfair,most of d ladies now adays depend mostly on married men. Y can't married men jst stop kip chasing unmarried Ladies and face dr marriage...its jst so unfortunate dat everyfn turn upsyd down here in 9ja wen thingz lyk dis happen.. I don't blame Bisi cos na Dino go woo her and srzly she really crossed her boundary by gettn preg anyway..wish her well
Hmmm did anyone take a good look at d child, Dino cannot deny the paternity of d kid oh. Anyways miss Obe be prepared for another heartbreak, this ur present guy will be leaving u for his own greener pastures. Be rest assured, Karma is a bitch
True talk.....
Bola Na wah oooo, some bitch-babes can be so dumb sha. Let M̶̲̅ε̲̣ advice u for free, dis is sometin I'd for α livin but ama give it to u cuz ur situation is self-stupid. 1] “Stop tellin abt ur private life for now, focus on dat lovely innocent baby of urs & make him have α nice life out of ur yung stupidity. 2] stop exposin any so called relationship u have wit any man, not all men likes exposure [cuz u dnt no wats in their minds]. 3] ur sad mata neva reach beta 1yr, yet u're been interviewed & u open ur mouth to talk of how ur ex has been dere & accordin to Linda [found luv again] so u've gone bk wit him [not dat is back] but bk wit dat same character [bla bla blaing....] My dear, u ain't α baby so dnt make urself look dis cheap plzzzzzzzz #thankmelater
thank God for some good ladies around. Its people like this shameless actress that keep giving women a bad name. Rubbish..
I don't know why all these Yoruba actresses are such dumbasses. Is either they are married to a man who has already five wives or they are dating one in anticipation that he would abandone his family for her, if it's not one tout who is a chairman of transport worker union in Oshodi, it's one afro juju musician..like seriously? Often than not, you see them bleaching away their dirty skins off. Dirty bunch of morons. By now, I thought you would lick your wounds in silence (shame) and never grant another interview, but it seems you are breast feeding and messing around. Dino is a guy man, he played a fast one on you dumb fool. As for Dino, Mr Maga for all the Nollywood and Ghollywood actresses, he's own judgement is coming, for the sake of his child he abandoned, God is watching. Bisi, my penny wise advice for you that's if you would listen, never grant another interview, concentrate and train ur child, I'm still at lost the kind of upbringing you would give this child, from a mother like you. Quit dating Married men so that I shall be well with you. Haba. #forcingthing *rolling eyes
Linda post my comment. What are deliberating n checking ?
@ anonymous 2:28, is that English u wrote?
stupid woman. it's people like her that should have acid thrown at them.rubbish.
stupid woman..pls leave God out of this...u shamefully slept with someone's husband and say it is a script in God's book or whatever nonsense you are talking?I have no words for u..until the son of man arrives...
destroy someone's marriage and u think you'd find peace?you'd even be fortunate to have a man stay with you.
Another married man I guess*hiss*linda pls nxt
Last i checked, Dino never seperated or divorced his wife. You were aware and knw what you want when you went after a married man. Were you expecting happily ever life? Your friend Lola Alao has been advising ladies to go after married men if the single ones are not serious. You reap what you sow. I pray your daughter dont take after your character.
I can relate with the mistake of sleeping with the man, but was he expecting him to leave his family?
Pls remember to catch up with my christian blog. After much gossip get some Word of God inside you to keep you going. God bless you.
I hope u have learnt your lesson Bisi. This also serves as a big lesson to all the ladies/girls/women chasing married men around, you would get your fingers burnt if you do not stop. Whatever you sow, that shall you also reap in ten fold.
Na wah o, can't believe a lot of married men still sleep with babes without using any protection. That is so risky an dangerous. But Bisi, what did you try to do? You tried to break a home but it backfired on you. How can you think of getting pregnant for a married man. You're even calling the name of God, better don't let the fire of God burn you to ashes for calling His name in vain. Pele, biko, na you stupid now. Some yoruba actresses need to be taught a lesson or two. They are so ignorant and local, dem local no be small. Imagine her saying all the rubbish, I loved him. Maybe she's even trying to beg the guy. She definitely wants him back. So he should leave his family and marry you abi? Ode, anofia.
Anyway, I blame you both bcos it takes two. He should have protected himself if he did not want a baby. hissssssss
God punish you for calling him into this matter,you were sleeping with a married man with kids and your so called god supported abi, now you have trapped another 1 and you are still saying same nonsense. onye ara, onye iberibe ka ibu, maluzia ife
Ur lesson shud be stay clear off married men ,Âdultery is a sin!
I'll assume those judging this woman and her innocent child have never done anything wrong in their perfect little lives.
Nigerians are so full of shit and hypocrisy! That shit bag of a senator needs to be a man and look after his child!
Was the DNA done?!tell us na babe
I think keeping your sex life low key would save u from this embarrasment. Its bad enuf we know u got preggy 4 a married. Pls go hide ur face in a corner nd stop talking 2 d media, cos it kips reminding us YOU GOT PREGGY 4 A MARRIED MAN.
Which kain yeye man be that,she went to play away match and brought pregnancy as her trophy and u stood by her!
Obviously not a man in the real sense of it!
Me I know that this girl cannot write all this enlish in quote,swear down!
On the story itself,no comment!
Every mallam with him kettle!
Where you expecting love from a married man?? FOOL
Gal pls face reality & stop living in oblivion,we heard the DNA result was negative..no dulling dull doll
Well said. D babe na mnÄ› ode mÄ› oshi. Home destroyer.
Your words're exactly the words my dear late mother'd have chosen to use...i miss her.I personally have no words for this female.
Who says she was married to him? Hediot! Know the full story b4 u comment!
I wish Bisi would just shut the hell up. What is the matter with u? Are you sick? Se o gbadun bayi? Must you grant interviews? Ki Lon worry e mehn. It's bad enough that you had a child for a married man, not happily married obviously, cause he sleeps with anything that crawls, even insect. People should stop blaming Bisi, they are both guilty. Married men should pls tuck their weak dicks into their pants. They are everywhere. Single girls pls ignore them. Bisi shut up finally. Please.
If any of u lack wisdom, ask!!! This woman is farrr from even askin for wisdom, cos she neva even cross d stage of common sense!! With all due respect, She no get common sense!! D least level of common sense she no get.. Sadness, Bisi, ask God 4 common sense then maybe 1 day u'll be elligible 2 ask for wisdom... Wat a dull fellow! *rme*
Lol the way you look dis little girl does she resemble dino*big smile* ole olojukokoro she want to reap from where she did not sew, unknowing say dino wife self no well*lol* ever since i know here she's has been a wayward since childhood.
Good for her ooo..but for me i think this whole publicity stunt she is pulling is a show of stupidity..how can u come out after a show of shame surrounding who's d father of ur baby and still open ur mouth about ur love affair???..Linda, if this kind of people call themselves role model; tell what kind product our society will produce...
like seriously? you think you can eat your cake and have it? i sorry for you. hope u know the law of karma still exists.
This lady obviously is not intelligent.
I am very sure Dino and his wife are just living in the house, she must be giving Dino grief. The 'soul' of that marriage is gone.
U are too quick to curse, u either learn from a story or ignore, am sure what u just contributed hasn't added anything to ur pathetic life.
Lmao! I say you get bad mouth..
You a heaux plain and simple
Its no longer news that this Bisi girl is as stupid as th word itself! I have only one advise for u; leave this ur ex who seems like an angel and move on to som1 neutral, it all seems good now but he might someday remind u he did u a favour n take revenge nott all men are this forgiving so be very careful if not u may not even find ur heart this time!
All of the women on this blog criticizing this woman are ASHEWOS themselves and they are probably doing the same thing right now. Shagging married men all the time for money.Yet they are here posing with write ups as if they are righteous. Wonders will never end for Nijja. I am yet to come across a Nijja babe who will not open her legs for money like this woman did. As long as u have some loose coins in your pocket, they will shagg you. They are all rotten with rotten smelling pussies. Out of 199 young girls less than 15 yrs old, it will be a miracle for you to see 1 virgin out of them. Was that not the reason why that principal in Ogun state was crying out virginity test on her students? Why come here and start abusing somebody who is practising your trade. After messing up their lives, they start praying for husbands. Yeye people. Who wan marry una now when all the good juices have been sucked out of una? Pot calling kettle black.
Oshi o daa
Tufiyakuwa!!!. EH! I wish and hope other girls have children 4 ur husband when are finally settled with ur final husband and feel u are a happily married woman. Have we totally lost our morals these days becouse of MONEY? U know say im dey married yet u open ur dirty p^$*¥ for him even with out protection knowing he has a woman and kids at home ehhh! Na so ur Mama train u? Go and ask for forgivness and stop messing our 9ja ladies pls. Make other countries no take u do example say na so 9ja girls dey. Rubbish girl, home breaker, gold digger gbo gbo ti gbo..
This girl is sooo dumb! Pls don't involve God in ds matter, if you don't want 2 incur more of God's wrath. I am sure u av no idea wat karma is... Oniranu.
This woman is really pissing me off. She is by far the most foolish fool ever. After sleeping with other people's husbands including Dino the noise maker u still want us to believe that there is sum1 who is more foolish than U? Mba....If truely the guy u claim stood by u actually did then he should be stoned to death for being foolish. I have no doubt about the paternity of the innocent girl sha (Dino cannot deny her). Lastly aunty bisi pls go for playboy audition or better still start ur own porn industry cos that baby is just to young to av her mum sleep around like u r presently doing. I used to like u but u don fall my hand. If u no won make I yab u again betta send me credit.
You all are raining insults on Bisi. How many of una no fall in love with married man? No be married man be Razak Okoya? Sade was dating him codedly na before baba alaye marry am. So wot do u say to that? Sade is not the first neither will she be the last wife of Alhaji Okoya. Raymond Dopkesi no be person husband before Tosin too fall in love with am? Abeg nobody holy pass
it has to do with the agreement she and Dino had,not knowing it'll boomerang. Abeg make una leave the girl alone.she has learnt her bitter lessons.
Libers oya make una start to wag tongue. I dont care in Jenifa's voice
...and it is those shrines that you put your faith and trust in, that will cause the sudden death of both you and the husband you want to die over IJMN.
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