Hadiza was accused of killing her husband in December 2011. According to the family of late Ibrahim Abutu, Hadiza allegedly used a double barrel gun in shooting her husband in cold blood, supposedly over his plans to marry a second wife. (If you missed the story, read it HERE)
Hadiza was found not guilty and is a free woman now!
Thank you lord
U r nt guilty until d law proves u so. RIP to d MAN.
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DATSHAPIBOBOY
Na waaana
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston Churchill
But If I may ask Is she related to Kazeem Afegbua? IBB's Spokes person. If so den ......
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DATSHAPIBOBOY
Thank God for her.Let God be the final judge.
How come? Sounded like an open and shut case
Hmmmmm hope they don't come after her.
Linda it is Abutu not Abudu.
People should becareful of this woman... A killer is on the loose in Abuja!!
Sorry to say this, I'm more scared of women than men... I'm scared of getting married. What happens when you get married to a monster who's been faking all the while you were dating her?
Wow... $ure dia i$ more to the $tory..
I'm happy for her
I followed this story when the incident occured. The facts were quite sketchy then. The woman claims her husband shot himself in the chest with a double barrel rifle. The question I asked was how do you kill yourself with such a long gun by pointing it at your torso, instead of your head? Well since the prosecution could not establish a valid case against her, then the rule of law should be upheld. If she's innocent, good for her; if she's guilty, then I daresay she's already living in hell, unless she doesn't have a heart or conscience.
Thank God for her.
CoMplicated!---d CoUrt az a rational view of dis---
the powers that be have done their worst. Its ok. Her concience and GOd will jugde her. she and those who lived with her know the truth and of course God. I hope she remembers that.
This is probably the last we would hear of this case. If it were the husband that killed his wife this would be an outrage. The woman's story of hearing a gunshot from the kitchen is incomplete. Where was the gun shot from? Has the gun been recovered? What tests were done on her to exonerate her? So many questions begging for answers.
That woman is capable of doing it cos I also stay I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ parakou crescent few blocks away frm hers. She is a very wicked woman. Linar
I missed the original story. I don't believe Hadiza can do a thing like that. We were classmates @ Unibuja running a PGD and I know her husband is doing well but that has never stopped Hadiza from stopping to either offer you a ride or come to your seat and ask how you doing. I thank God she has bn cleared and acquitted.
Mmm @last, I thank God oo, because I knw d couple, d man worked with NNPC.
am so happy , i know dis woman personally and shes innocent . i can swear she is very innocent . thank God she out and to think she was preganant and gave birth in the hospital God .
It's Abutu.....not Abudu. Ibrahim was a friend for over 20 years and this incident continues to leave me really puzzled. Yes they had issues on the home front like many people do, it's hard to comprehend Hadiza killed him. It is such a mystery as I know them both and cannot see why she would shoot him. However' the whole scenario leaves very little clues as to what ensued. I listened to her tell her side of the story and I believe her but still I remain confused. I have tried to forget this incident and pray Ibrahim's soul rests in peace and Hadiza and his kids live a fulfilled life. God knows best.
She is a mean woman but I don't think she is capable of killing a being!
Anon 7.40 where did u see Abudu? Linda spelt Abutu!
She's his blood sister so your deductions may not be far from d truth.
she is related to kazeem afegbua, a sister or cousin am not sure which one now. but its definately the same family.
Am so happy for my madam!I personally know her and she narracted the whole story about the so called Abuja lady that want to snatch her husband from her after all they have been through together.so shocking to me when she was accused of killing her husband.I must confess she is a nice woman to a fault.she has assisted me in so many ways anytime I visit her
Yes she is
Hmn, nigerian men, be afraid, be very afraid.
Thank God oh cos hadiza is so innocent. I know her well enuf, its well
When will Nigeria have the forensics to carry out proper investigations?What happened to DNA matches and finger prints?
anonymous9 .12 PMit serves them right.u have a beautiful wife u still went ahead to marry another? Why?infact i do not pity men at all.women who can DEAL WITH MEN SHOULD GO ahead.Hadiza
Anon 8.10, if only your darling Ms Ikeji earns to acknowledge corrections, you would know she changed I after she was corrected.....
if u know u can't stay commited to a woman for a life time,then do not go ahead & marry her.i feel she killed her husband,it serves him right.let him go to hell and marry more wives.this should serveas a lesson to men who are not contented with wat dey have.
You can only hide the truth for a while with all the wealth and connections but at the end, the truth will sure speak for itself. What is the judicial sys turning into? HOW CAN A MAN COMMIT SUICIDE 4 DAYS AFTER HE GOT MARRIED TO A 2ND WIFE WITH A PUMPACTION/DOUBLEBARREL?
I followed this case thinking it would be different from the usual money talks bullshit works...Am I disappointed with the police and the judicial sys? a killer is let loose and on the streets of Abuja
If this is the same AFEGBUA, hmmmmm
I hope this is truth and the ABUTU's have not being cheated? Cos if the case were fliped all hell will break loose
datshapedowoman eya sorry to d man...RIP
datshapedowoman, eyah sori to d man...RIP
i know this, i live close to the couple, this wicked woman shot her husband with w gun early that morning, and yes! she is relayed to ibb's spokesman so that solves the issue, kai! nigeria. i cant believe they let this woman go, everybody knows she murdered her husband.
all of you saying you know her and she's nice pls STFU i know the couple well,my neighbours at wuse2 we were shocked she did it, but shr did bcuz she was a niwe lady*(so we thought). she claimed the man shot him self on the chest with the double barrel gun how possible is that?not even his head or tummy, his chest! she killed her husband, yes she was hurt that he was gonna marry anoda wife, but it shldnt get to killing the father of your kids.
The Prosecution hs a duty to proof the guilt of d accused, beyond reasonable doubt.n dat ws nt done n dis case. However, reasonable doubt does nt mean all shadow of doubt. #JUSTICE#
wetin de man de do wen d woman dey killam, na for sleep?
Imagine how the man lost his life. What do he want with a second wife ? Adultery has sent him to an early grave. What will he tell God ? Where will he spend his eternity ? The wife has the highest chance of repenting but the man doesnt because there is no repentence or second chance in the grave. He that calls the name of God should flee from all appearence of sin.
Are u a learner?,y u no read d story before commenting?u just wanna do follow follow "I must belong".he married a second wife and his wife was bitter so she shot him four days after he married d new wife*thank me later!
I live at d next house after dis man ... Where is justice is all I can say??? But Nature will always fight 4 u n even though u r denied justice may ur soul continue to rest in peace
He is a muslim dear anon n as such entitled to marry 4 wives ... But even if he is a xtian dats no excuse 4 murder plsssss
The last comment is the most stupid and offensive thing i have ever heard.He was Muslim and had the right to take another wife..and even if he commits adultery does one deserve to die for it?You that are writing that rubbish...haven't and won't u cheat?It is a sensitive case to the families involved...please close ur mouth if you have nothing to say!
STFU, U̶̲̥̅̊ evil, ђã†̥ happened τ̅☺ divorce ? Why must U̶̲̥̅̊ kill Ūя̲̅ fellow human being cos ☀̤̣̈̇f another woman. Fucking scavengers.
It is funny for peopie to run down fellow beings even when they do not have the facts on ground. There was no evidence against her hence she was dischrged and acquited. It will now be the turn of the Afegbuas to sue for damages.the prosecutors have no evidence. They ran away when the trial began. Devilish people God will smash them ijnmw
Ignorant comments! I followed the case in court. What saved the woman were
1. A cousin of the late Ibrahim who was at home during the incident, told the court that Hadiza was in in the Kitchen when the heard the Gun shot.
2. She also told the court that the brothers of Ibrahim, Obutu and Mike came to plead with her to say she was not at home when it happened.
3. The ballistic report of the Gun only has the man's fingerprint, meaning only him touch the Gun
Ignorant comments! I followed the case in court. What saved the woman were
1. A cousin of the late Ibrahim who was at home during the incident, told the court that Hadiza was in the Kitchen when they heard the Gun shot.
2. She also told the court that the brothers of Ibrahim, Obutu and Mike came to plead with her to say she was not at home when it happened.
3. The ballistic report of the Gun only has the man's fingerprint, meaning only him touch the Gun. The woman and any of the other 4 persons
During the court process, one thing that was obvious was that the brother of the late man was lying to the court and they were compromising police. Thank God for the cousin who was in the house and the neighbour who drove them to hospital? An innocent woman would have been wrongfully indicted.
The ballistic report of the Gun presented at the court clearly shows that only the man’s fingers were on the Gun and no one else.Besides the police refuse to bring the people present in the house who are suppose to be primary witnesses including the late Ibrahim's cousin.
The ballistic report of the Gun presented at the court clearly shows that only the man’s fingers were on the Gun and no one else.Besides the police refuse to bring the people present in the house who are suppose to be primary witnesses including the late Ibrahim's cousin.
Rest in peace my dear friend Ibrahim "Bernie" Abutu. It is well.
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