"I didn't batter my ex-girlfriend contrary to what people think. The only time I hit her was the day she slapped me for dating another woman. We were not married. We dated and we had a baby. The mother of my child never stayed at home whenever I away for movie roles. She was always away and because of her attitude I started dating other women who helped me at home. She was misbehaving so I had to let her go. I couldn't condone her indecent dressing. We were not married but that does not give her the right to misbehave. The mistake I made was to feature her in my movie. The result was that she wouldn't come home for months. I was the one taking care of our child. Is that a woman to marry? I dumped her because I could no longer cope with her" - Newly married actor Ibrahim Chatta said when asked why he didn't marry his babymama.
Ibrahim Chatta married the daughter of former Kwara State governor, Salamatu Lafiaji, on Sunday December 30th 2012.
First to comment. Hehehe, now let me go back to read the story.
next please...
Linda linda, u sure know aw to rob it in... i can pick 1001 messages from these few lines... celebs shld just pay for PR managers already...
second to comment.
Abeg go and rest jor
Uhm!!! I hp U̶̲̥̅̊ didn't marry her 4 d money, contract n so so on sha**rolyn eyes**
Dnt mind dem, kip on rocking jare... Ex-Govnor's dota??? Oya na!!! Greener pasture cos u rili dsavd beta
There's always a reason to hit a woman,it takes only a real man to overlook d excesses of a rude woman.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Tswwwww! Wu bloody cares.
You said too much man. Don't make your private life public. Celebs always miss this point. You can keep the media guessing. Don't go into details. And you can never wash your clothes clean in front of the media so avoid stains in the first place. Seems you are trying to absolve yourself from every blame. What do you get more HATE COMMENTS. See below. And never hit a woman. #okbye
Get Lucy Lian's look at the Golden Globes Awards on naijaPOSE
That na ur side of d tory o,Make we wait and see na,cos once a hitter...hmmmmn na by d special grace of God he no go hit again.
Ibrahim, this is apparently a white lie, you are the one to be blamed for the girl's behavior because you took advantage of her she was barely 16 when she had a baby for you. Move on with your life and stop castigating the girl. wish you a happy married life though!
Randy cock...How you go marry her when you don catch cat fish...you no know say na waka waka before you score first goal like obagol. Go sidon for canteen jare make mama iyabasira give you chop...
Na Shaba Lafiaji's daughter u marry? Sharp boy...no be by force to marry ur baby mama jare if she's outta control.d wife looks cool n reserved sha. Goodluck
Wa Gba K!
Yoruba boys aka gold diggers
Wa Gba K!
U sound arrogant.Mumu
So you only hit her once... the current Mrs shd be careful. Wife beater alert! *rolling my eyes*
There is no excuse for hitting a woman. Any man that beats a woman is a coward. And how do you expect us to believe that it was just once that you hit your ex?
Som of dis men always ve a story!!!!we dnt want 2 kn,mind ur new wife nd ur new home,I hope nd seriously pray 4 u nt 2 come up wit another story,by d time u will start dating "formal president" daughter..*smh*#some of dis yoruba men too like wher soft#...#Ofethinz
His comments are quite patronizing. If you were tired of the relationship or you felt like moving on, just say so. There is no need to start trashing her.
If you are a wife abuser, guess what? It will come out.
Maybe dem take broom flog her for leg naim make her no de sitdon one place. some women and bad manners ehn? phew!
but guy, next time, no matter what, please do not hit a woman. simply walk away from the drama.
Silly man,abi he was looking for fame...men ehnnnn may God help us..post ma comment o!
Yh ryt...... That's wat dey all say. Now he has married money. Let's see if history will repeat itself and if there will be any excuses. I say Once a hitter, always a hitter.
Stop talking nonsense and get away joor..useless foolish man.
Whatever o!! That's his business.
What a fool..talks with no respect or sens e of dignity
Most yoruba guys are gold diggers and damn lazy!its in their nature.when he has caught a big fish what do u expect him to say?rubbish!!!
Lmao jare.Y he e no cum marry ordinary poor girl instead of the former gov's daughter.Naija 4 show.His ex is ......Funky5
hapi married life Ibrahim Chatta, lindi.. Pls post ma comment(1st timer)@least
You HIT once? Ok direct the new madam to www.wivestownhallconnection.com for healthy Nigerian dishes
Chris rock 1c said, 'I will neva hit a woman, but I will slap d fuck out of a bitch.' Am just saying...
If you could date/see other women since you two were not married, why couldn't she DRESS as she pleases since you both WERE not married?? "I couldn't condone her indecent dressing. We were not married but that does not give her the right to misbehave"
Aafa Chatta, you said you couldn't condone the dressing of your ex-wife, and so you have to divorce her. But is it not the sexy dressing that made you to lay her at first. Aafa, hope you are not a fornicator. Please ask for asfagartu-lai 7 times, before i continue to read your story.
If its true she hits u,then uv every ryt to hit back.Goose n Gander things.Enjoy ur honeymoon.
I agree with u damn lazy, d yoruba guy I dated denn complete gold digga n so freaking lazy.
Dem tell una sey Shaaba Lafiagi still get money abi?LMAO,man wey be sey we dey gather enter Ola express from Abuja to Ilorin,money don finish abeg unless e don get political appointment again.
As for Chaatah sharrap there!Tapa boy feeling funky mschewwwww
Ha ha ha! He has "married up"! Its the new mantra for young 9ja boys o! One told me its not his fault that his dad is poor but it would be his fault if his father-in-law is poor.
Same story with kefees ex alec, heard he's beating his new wife now.Ibrahim won't dare beat this one,u know why *hahaha if u dare,ur dick might be sliced for Suya. Pls shut d f**k up,shameless cow! Madamwife
Dis Eya! Mbok! D way wey u d go about this u kitchen hia eh!!u no de even try. U jst comment anyhow and load it wit ur kitchen. Ironically, which Nigerian dish is not healthy?smh
There's a yoruba adage that says, pasan ti a fi na iyale on be lori aja, I guess ur wife shld also be prepared for the same beatings. Gold digger
I said it b4 o! Na bcos this new wife is a senator's daughter. His baby mama should be in her early 20s now, u bloody took advantage of her. U promised her heaven and earth. But if that's how its done, do it and go scot free. Mad man, always speaking English by force.
I am disapointed in you.....you mean you hit her once,Ibrahim the like i have for you is ......God have mercy ooooo gody digger....to new wife pasan ti a fi na iyale owa ni oke aja fun iyawo ,law of karma
If you guys weren't married then how is she your ex wife or is it a typo?
wat a dick head. you only hit her once coz she hit you( ode man). then you started cheating on her because she was not looking after the home and your child. idiot, its your child, raise him . why are you leaving that job to just the woman and the other women (moafo. this mumu needs help.
Men, don't mind them, looking for financial security all over tht ws how my boyfriend of 7yrs left me for a very rich girl, 7yrs of cooking, cleaning and constant fucking. In the end, he claimed I wasn't his type( it took him 7yrs to realize I wasn't his type, 7 yrs and a rich girl). I don't blame him sha, when money is involved; what's love gat to do with anythn
No matter what why will u hit a woman, i like you morethan what u have done to your ex.Happy married life sha! Pls stop beating woman ooooo
You HIT a woman you are a BIG MORON, am a guy and under NO circumstance should you do that. You're lucky you live in a lawless society like ours, God help your new bird. MORON!
So u really blive his story??????????SMH!
@angela U̶̲̥̅̊ are very stupid 4 saying yoruba guyz are goldiggers.what about ibo guyz.if U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt hv anythig to write why not fuck off stupid goat
well its unfortunate though but like is cruel.
what's the point trying to sell the public a reason for marrying someone else? except his conscience is tortured but who am i to judge?
the baby mama, get your act together, learn and move on
new husband, we haf hear you kindly concentrate on your honeymoon and the new lady but know that you cannot slap a senator's daughter and go scot free o. your hand will be shar'iaed. just sha note w are looking and waiting.
this dude's wifey is the most beautiful celebrity wife i know. shez a natural beauty. She is blessed from the bosom of mother nature. A replica of the goddess of ure
Lol Ikr. Looool. She even referred Kim to her blog to make some dishes for kanye
He don jam be that? Does Lafiaji still have money?
Sorry darling, 95% of us men are like that, including me.
Madam new wife. "Pashun ti won fi na iya ile ori a ja lo wa fun iyawo" meanin "d cane wey dem beat first wife, I'm dey 4 top of cupboard dey wait 4 new wife". I wish u a happy married life tho. Mr ibrahim once or twice u r a woman beater, u cn even open ur mouth to say u hit a woman. Rubbish!
Thank you!
Unnecessary comment.
Please learn to reason like an adult and not point fingers and call names
For once, Bonario has made sense.. *claps like celestial women for you*
this guy truly needs a media/pr person…he should learn than no matter the reasons you come up with to justify your actions there will always be people poking holes in it and also drawing something else out of it so less is always more…
its not a must to marry your baby mother,and the reasons he has given to me makes sense from the way the guy interprets his roles in movies,and his personality its obvious he is a deeply religious and pious muslim especially being from kwara so if the woman does not comfort to an islamic ideal of a wife he has a right to kick her to the kerb…
any woman that slaps me will receive a slap back after all we are in a feminist world 50/50
Ole buruku, if GEJ offers u his tenage daughter, u ll definitely give us anoda excuse y u dumped the ex -governor's daughter, Ko so oro be rara. Mama B
Linda Who is this infamous dude please?...such impudence!!!! My dear UNDERTAKER...I've got a few to tell you. 1) Your highly morose and stupid for even attempting to answer that question thrown at you for battering your EX!! 2) You said you never battered her contrary to what people think and that the only time you hit her was when she accused you of dating another woman. Punk...do you even own a dictionary? You didn't just batter that young lady, you also assaulted her, and I put it to you that you must have abused her emotionally, physically, spiritually and other wise. "I couldn't condone her indecent dressing" Iranu...#saint# you didn't know how she dressed before impregnating her Fool!!!! Assault and battery is the combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence). This is pure domestic violence and the moronic man even admitted...merely accusing you of dating someone cannot result to PROVOCATION because you even admitted that you did!! 3) Your purely crazed, delusional and psychologically traumatized!!! I advice you seek medical rehabilitation... Am sure your poppa beat your momma that's why you copied and pasted your miserable phalanges on that poor girl's face. 4) You not only look hungry and beggarly...your a cheap skate and a gold digger. 5) Mrs whatever it is your husband's name cos I don't bloody give a flying fuck!!! I wonder what this dude fed you with that made you so gullible. Common sense has led me to tell you that THE NEXT SLAP IS YOUR PORTION!!!! And that is because if he hit his baby mama for accusing him of smthn he did, your slap is assured. I hope it resonates soundly TO WAKE YOU UP from your stupidity and mistake.
Stop hating! He always makes sense and I enjoy his jokes
I blame u dear for hanging on for 7yrs. I can tell u d writing was on d wall but u refused to see it.
This actors surely do act their movies in their real lives.
Is the babymama "Sherifatu" in Omoleele? This guy has acted this his real life show in a movie, but he should remember what happened to "bother Azeez" in the movie. You wrote the script, you produced the movie, you acted it in your real life.
you only hit her once and u stil ve d gut to say it...you are jst a fool and idiot...isshhh
Ibrahim is not lying at all, cause Mariam Yinka Solomon is my friend and she is very wayward, She is not a wife material at all, infact we live together on the same street in solomom close in mushin, her mum ruined her life, she is currently dating anoda movie actor, ibrahim congrat on ur new found love
Tell him ma
Linda why do you have to be posting this nonsence childish first to comment crap here.
Na wa o! Ur comment sef long pas the article! D thing pain u wella o! No vex ehn! Pele!
God dey ooo Ibrahim Shitta which girl dey dress indecently?? the girl you impregnanted while she was in secondary school?? that you flaunted your affairs before?? and anytime she says anything about it you beat her black and blue.
D Guy dat said 95% of Men Beat. Clap 4 urself and more greese 2 ur elbows....I promise u, u will meet ur match & ofcuz u will get wat u deserve. WOMANBEATER
You people will die in your poverty. Life is full of people who choose to move up in life. Who care if he is a gold digger? He is richer than all of you put together. You are here commenting while his account gets fatter. p.s: If a woman slaps you, please reply with hot slap. It's called self defense-newyorker
@new yorker
than you o,the most annoying are some hypo ritical men on here trying to score points and look good when the guy was sharing a single room with other actors like sanyeri and the other one no one was there to say anything,when he was suffering and could not even afford three square meals while talentless female actresses who came after him and did not have one quarter of his talents were riding in 4x4s overnight no one said anything they are now calling him a gold digger
if he is a gold digger you too go and dig your own platinum if its that easy
i repeat if a womb slaps me i will wire her my reply sharply before it gets cold
@Anon January 15, 4:27PM. You just gave yourself a name. BIGGEST FOOL
@Anon Jan15,7:54PM- just wish to marry or date a rude girl. When the temptation rise, it take the holy spirit to do the right thing. This is sincere fact though seems personal. Any married woman or lady that is hubby or boyfriend has never even for once shout or yell at before should be praising such man because they are hard to find. Hope you get that line of words very well and is always for ladies to test their man with this. Good luck.
u r an idiot..why r u mentioning the poor girl's name here.....and her full names to boot...is that ur idea of bringing her into the scandal? I'm sure u r either the foolish Ibrahim or his friend...
what u have said abt her anonymously is not disgraceful enough,, u have to mention her names......u will never escape disgrace In your life....Ode!!!!
U are so right, its the girl that acted Sherifat. Don't worry nemesis will catch up with him, does that girl look like what he painted in this article? He bloody took advantage of the young girl and her young age. Its just a matter of time, what happened to him in d movie ll happen to him for real.
This guy is just a big fool, he's the defination of nuisance. This guy impregnated 2 girls @mushin and one of these ladies gave birth for d fool!!! He's got no talent!!!!
Lwannakmd!!! U see yasef? U just had to be d 1st to comment regardless of d substance of ur comment abi? Lolz! Mission accomplished, doh! Fine geh /boi. Oya drink cold pure water, scroll back to d instant tori, read n post a more detailed comment.
For your information, he is not Yoruba but Tappa....it's a tribe closer to the north..*tongue out with an eye closed* ela!
U will surely reap what u sow,u bastard
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