Directed by Stanley Ohikhuare, the movie also stars Femi Jacobs, Patrick Doyle, Nse Nile and others. The yet untitled movie tells the story of a young pastor and his wife who battle to save their daughter’s life and their troubled marriage.
Waje who has always professed her love for acting, enters the film after bit parts in stage plays most notably ‘Olorunbi’ in 2010. She is also adding finishing touches to her album which is due out in March. See more photos after the cut...

Waje, acting? Ha. Na wa o. Everyone wants to multi-task sha. Lol.
So kim kardashian and kanye west are getting MARRIED according to what i read on GISTville
Hmmm... Nice one. The truth is, there's an actor/actress in every singer. This' the edge I think singers have over actors/actresses.
Lovely lady...i wish her well-;)
Nice one. Multi-tasking is good.
Not interested, just passing. Next please
Mr M is in d movie.Yayy!
Good one Waje u hv doz Screen qualities. Anam A chikwanu I huru ukwu ezem.
Comment Signed, Sealed and Signed by DATSHAPIBOBOY
Wow! I am happy for her. She is usually so emotional. I cant wait to see the movie when its done.
Eeh ya. I'm happy for her
Waje now acting.....its good to try oda stuff....but we don't wanna see sum BS acting ooo....wish her d best shaa in her new found love...Ping 277DDBCD for clothings @ affordable delivery within lagos and Benin.
yaaaaaay, first to comment, nice one Waje. she looks gorgeous
I love wake,from her stage performances you can tell she has a huge personality.cant wait to see how this turns out.
Nice one....
Wish u well dear.
Tru!its easier for singers 2b actors cos dey re already very soulful(wateva dat means)lolol,anyway I think I have a crush on dis Femi jacobs o.chai he's lucky am taken,I 4stalk am.
hmnn...musicians turning actors/actress while actors/actress turning musicians.
That's great I wish her well.
The movie is TUNNEL
M xo happy 4 her@wajelicious
Hehehehehehe.. Watin happen? Music nor dey pay her way again abi watin! anyways she actually look gud on set I pray she make d movie worth d look tho
Nice,all d best.
Waje! My sweet heart! I love you!
Cute..I wish her all d best
Diversify!! I am in love with Waje! For me she has so much sex appeal!! If I catch her!! :-)
She's not thinking straight I must say, because most actress are going to music industry,how much is she gonna get paid.
hmm let see the out come of it, i blv waje wil be great jst saying toh.. buh she is great
Linda,check out ds Murder news dat happend in igandu area jst yesterday,a young guy has jst stabbed his gf to death,jst gat T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ news from a friend stayn around dat area,accordin to him ds guy av bin dating ds young girl of 22yrs for a few yrs nw A̶̲̥̅̊nÏ‘ was a regular face at T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ gals family,he later impregnated the gf 's 18yrs younger sister which made T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ Family to bar him eva havin anyfin wit both sisters. he stalking T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ gf to know where she usually by 4pm not knowin dat she was seein a her gf whom she intended learning hair braiding frm,havin traced her2 dat her gf house A̶̲̥̅̊nÏ‘ received a shunning frm her,he went home in anger to pick up a sharp kitchen knife,came bak to wait 4 her in a dark corner close to T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ house of her gf she went to visit,finally her gf came out to buy a recharge card he pounced on her stabbing her severally ond neck A̶̲̥̅̊nÏ‘ leaving T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ gal in a pool of blood, she died b4 she gat 2d hospital. T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ police says d suspect is still at Large, News sent in by Josimar.
Singers wanna act, actors wanna sing
I think its high tym d musicians start acting too,since all d actress and actors want to sing.imagine D.banj acting?I can't shout abeg!
Must they all do singing and acting, hope it doesn't land her were tonto dike has found herself Goodluck one naira star
Awww. I luv her so much. Wish her all d best
and that is ella, joke matanmi's daughter..... go ella!!!
Actors turning to music. It's high time musicians exacted revenge!
Dats d defination of entertainment my dear,she can decide to venture into any of d sectorz thumbs up waje!!!
Hmmmm the way actors and actresses are diving into music is d same way musicians are flying into acting. Na wa ooooo....I wish I could leave this bank for law or Medicine #coveringface.....:)
SPOTTED or POSTED! I hate when bloggers act like they don't know. Somebody sent you her foto on set it on holiday and you tell your reader he or she was SPOTTED, whose fooling who.s Ikeji you should know better. Careless if you pub my comment.
Spotted by who? Pls give us a break!
I luv Ʊ waje,, pls do ur tin.
Wat has multi-task got 2 do with dis now. Using d wrong word in dis context.
Lucky her and Good for her
Good for her...That Femi Jacob is an excellent actor..he was awesome in Rita Dominic's movie "The meeting"...where has he been?
Good for her,luv her too :p
Dis girl is nt jst fine
@vee,being pretty has nothing to do with being talented,u r obviously very shallow,ride on waje.your name will b remembered
Don't I just luv femi jacobs!!! *whew!
Femi Jacobs is a talented actor, I'm pretty sure this will b a good movie,plus Waje on it is a very gud plus.well done Waje u added more to ur CV,u go girl.....luv ur songs too
entertainment has to do with both singing and acting its all d same ish...nice one waje
Hunger din set in...Abuja Mugu never land.
She's nt fine buh she's got d talent innit?....*hiss*go do ur ting girl.....
What u people shud knw is dat entertainment is not just a particular talent. What if mikel turns musician? Not for money but for fun. Foriegn artists do both singing n actting n we dnt conderm dem. We shud learn to appreciate our own. Weda its actting to music or vise visa goodluck to dem. Waje is good considering her act in her music videos.
nice work waje, i'm sure this is just the beginning of the so much u have for us this 2013.
That's cool. Wish her all the best.
The movie Director, Stanley Ohikhuare is one to also watch out for as well as he's quite a talented artist with a good eye for uniqueness.
Check out some of his awesome work on and
God will never let you catch her.
Obviously you only do things for money. Some other people with money do things out of love and for the challenge.
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