Kas said:
"That digital camera contains my private stuff that I am not ready to share with the public. I’ll give $2,000 to anyone or group of persons who are in its possession,”Some mischievous people are alleging that there are some nude photos of the fimile crooner and a Nollywood actress in the camera, that's why he's so desperate to get it back. Haha! Hmmmm...wonder who the actress is?
Hmmmm.... wonder why people still take nude pictures (if it contains that sha).
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Gud 4 u
He shuld make it 20k$ d camera go fall out.........T
Lol... Na wa o... Only God knows what can be in such files within the camera. But with such desperation, it can even bring him more wahala o!
he will pay more if i find out whats on dat camera
He should just forget it. People are very mean and they might really use the pics to blackmail him if its true. He's in hot soup. Lol.
Have you met Hollywood's Sexiest Couples on GISTville ?
What shall it Profit him! Ehy take the pics in the first place? To wank after...plz! That camera go missing for a reason*...we waiting to see the Pictures o Linda! Heehehe
Exactly, so why give it back? Blackmail time!
Hehehe!!!! Caught in d act
we gat yo shit madafaka.lol
next stop world star hip-hop
ABEG WHO EVER GET THE CAMERA SUD 1ST POST IT MAKE WE SEE......LOL.....next you click delete or better still transfer to laptop.
Hehehehe gud for him!
Awwwww,feel so soRry for him
Ehyah...can feel hz desper8n doe if hez willin to pay $2000 for juz a cam...I pray Ɣ☺u find it sha...buh knowin nigerians if there r aktuali nude photos dia..hehe# na blackmailin tinz for Ɣ☺u..Ɣ☺u go pay pass diz 1 sef...MizzMac
Uk based nigerian singer my foot! more like Aguda based nigerian singer! Duh!
If the pics are that private and important to him, I wonder who will be attracted to the $2,000 when I know I can sell d pics to Linda Ikeji for $200,000. Increase the offer bro . This is an era of celebrity craze whose story sell more than durex condom.
Pictures pls *widegrin*
I have the camera.
*that camera *WENT Missing*...hheheheheh okay, I will pay whoever has that camera 5000dollars!!!!! Send a mail: to me now!...*silent wealth tinz!
In Eldees voice.......if u really check am na wash,dem de wash
Every1 wan attention dis days!
2,OOO dollars....dats chicken change, if deres actually a nude video inside dere, den it shld b worth more....
Make we see d pictures abeg...which kain stupid 2,00usd.*singing* all we are saying,show us pictures* I can't wait to see d nollywood star in d pic
Y take things dat are easy to displace to a night club? Lin, I think Cossy is d actress in d camera
Na me and him take d nude pictures...abeg next.
OOOOOR maybe its a publicity stunt considering he lost the camera since december and unless he has the blueprint of the white house architecture on it there can't be anything that sensitive on it…no woman or man will take such pics on a digital camera which is almost extinct these days when they have smart phones
...wind ur waist
Copy the damn pix, try to bargain and if u can't get him to up the price, take the 2k and still copy the damn pix and...#winks# lol
I can bet with my father's house,the nude pixs wil be him and Tonto dikeh
Yeah.. Worldstarhiphop
He shud bring it out frm whr he hid it and stop craving for publicity , hisssssssss
Itz poko baby! Kaz on the bit yea......hmmm thyr sexikally fit.
what an idiot.. How can u have personal pics on a camera and take it out to d club... Wonder why he took it out.. Probably, he actually sold the pictures off sef and lied that he misplaced the camera... pschewww
D idiot z married wif a son & ma family pwend. I guess he doesn't want hiz wifey 2 see wat hez hiding.
Y do I af a feelin u live in orile or aguda???? Hhehhehhehhehheh.
Uk based ma foot.
He was deported 4rm uk.
I pray it's tonto or Gene
Why do people take nude pics? It's so dumb.
@anon 11:50am,wat eva it is dat he dsnt want 2 share wit d public is wat he does often wen he goes 2 d club.so he was der wit d camera 2 capture more of his escapades...but God decide 2 arrest am first.who eva is wit d camera,look 4 a magazine dat wil pay U̶̲̥̅̊ more and sell d pictures 2 dem.dat prayer U̶̲̥̅̊ hav bin prayin 2 God 2 observe U̶̲̥̅̊ dis year,dis is ur ansa. U̶̲̥̅̊ done hammer already.
lol, anytime u take pics, when u get home, upload to your pc and delete the pics from your camera...that's what i always do, so that if i loose my camera i wont feel too bad...
Wahala in medudu!!!!!....laughing so hard in Spanish!...hohehohehohehohe!!!..really caught in the act!..u have Berra increase that price if u want ur camera back.had it been in my possession,I will demand a price so high,enough to get me a range rover evoque!...
Linda keep us posted pls...itching to see the end of this..(pics preferably)...hahaha!
It's 'who has it in their possession' & not' who re in its possession'. Duh!!!! Don't know if d blunder is from Lin Lin or statement issued by kas. Camera dey possess person?! Lol
Well, people should not take nude photos! To what end? What's the value? See how you are Saddled with worry? now I am waiting for the embarrassing photos to hit Linda's blog. People, camera's are meant to capture memorable moments. Please Start thinking highly of yourselves and carefully define what a memorable moment is for you based on your thoughts!
Annon 12:06. I feel you die. 2k dolls is small nah if it contains nude or sex pix or videos. I can see it @ least for 10k dollars to big time bloggers or celeb sites.
Make im use the $2,000 buy another camera na.
Between Abstinence and Chastity
hmm en dey oh
He should be ready to pay 2k for the cam, then later pay 20k for the content of the cam
Cheap attention
Cameras are not extinct. I still use my camera no phone can beat my 14mp camera. Don't be confused
Tonto dike maybe? looooool
If true then d actress must be our own very tonto dike.
Hot guy noni!! Married wif concubine, he be solomon!! Men tho!!
this Linda can put one in suspense sha.. b4 next week we go see those hidden pictures i trust her, by the way ogbeni Kas beat.. why take such pictures ..ori e ti daru.. 50k dollars ur camera will be given back to you untouched (wink)
"That digital camera contains my private stuff that I am not ready to share with the public. I’ll give $2,000 to anyone or group of persons who are in its possession,”
..Dude needs to pay 2000USD to society for this mess up of the english language...tueh!!!
I thought he just moved to Munshi...LOL
You know your ass ain't gon get that shit back, right??????
Anyone with said camera in their possession can make more than $2000 if its contents are funneled through the right channels...
Linda Ikeji are you listening?!?!!!
And to the thief: don't forget to sign a contract for residual income!!!!
Someone sold a cam t̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̅ m̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥. Got some of ♈ōϋя pics on it if it's ♈ōϋя how do we see bro.
Of course there are naughty sturvs in the camera, otherwise he would have just bought another one.
Ahhhh! Cnt wait for d juicy pictures to leak. Hehehehe *evuls
hehe... the price of camera maybe cheaper of $2000.... thank's linda
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