Now see his full tweets before he pulled the trigger, after the cut...

Freddy E's last tweets before he committed suicide after his relationship ended...
Honey Cocaine allegedly ended her relationship with Freddy and posted on her Twitter account that she was single. Freddy E killed himself shortly after...
After she was blamed for Freddy's death, Honey had to come out to defend herself...
The family of Freddy E, whose real name is Frederick Eugene Buhl, released a statement via Facebook ...
Na wa oo how person go commit suicide bcos of a woman?
I read this news few hours ago online... My own take is, I still am surprised what triggers people to take their own life. Take your life because of a girl? God will not forgive you for pulling that trigger, son. I never see anything wey go make me commit suicide talk less of a babe? Mschew
The first thing to teach your children about falling in love is never to depend on love or another person.
He relied too much on her and she fucked him up. He was too weak to think positively. So sad. RIP! He should have cried and moved on...
May his soul RIP...buh i don't see the reason y he should take his own life*sad face*
This is so not true nw.....
Pretty sad Linda. Such a waste of one's life. A pity. Tragic.
Have you seen R Kelly's latest video? He paid a tribute to the families of those kids shot at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary.. Check it on naijaPOSE
Hmmmm...a long sigh* futulity of life he made a very wrong move, acted out of emotions. Anywayz R.I.P dude. I hope u are forgiven
this is so sad. may his soul RIP. nobody shld blame d gurl, not all relationships work out n shes not d 1 wu pulled d trigger
HELL in capital letter
Blame the girl for what exactly? Is she the first to end a relationship? Abeg. The guy had issues and that his freaking business. How many of us have been cheated on, beaten, heart broken n we stilll here? Worst things happen to people every day. Some where in African, someone hasn't eaten since this new year n he hasn't killed himself. Someone just lots a WIFE, he is sad but thinking of how to remarry already...
The devil used him period. This life isn't your own n u hv no right to take it.
Is this guy for real??? Killed himself over a woman?? Maybe in his mind, he thought d girl would shoot herself too.. The girl go fuck tire... Marry another man, and have babies. He has caused his parents grief for a woman? I can't shout
Hmmmm...a long sigh* futulity of life he made a very wrong move, acted out of emotions. Anywayz R.I.P dude. I hope u are forgiven
eni toku lo segbe (na pesin wey die him own don finish).
he is a fake rapper, he is meant to be hard as a rock, but now every dick, joe and harry claim to be a rapper. smh
the guy na confam, mumu. exceptif his death was not staged to look like suicide. forget about the tweets. am automatically signed into twitter when ever i cold or warm boot my system. see what i mean!
Ds is freakin insane. In naija heart brk na normal tin, if I count d no of times guyz ve broken my heart, I for commit sucide long time ago .
22 yrs old? Hmmmmmmm I'll pass on dis 1. God 4bid no human can make M̶̲̅ε̲̣ take my own life. Not even myself. So help M̶̲̅ε̲̣ God.
Ehya, d dude for chill sma, might hv fallen in love again... Pity sha
why hand ur soul to the devil,prayers up for him,RIP...such a handsome young man.
Jesus, suicide live on twitter...na wah
OMG!!! This is weird! There is more to this sucide! Pple dont die for love nowadays! What a waste,RIP tho!!!!
Jesus, suicide live on twitter...na wah
I don't bliv sympathy is needed here!
He made a choice..
He was SANE...
He decided 2 end his own life..
He didn't kill honeyCocaine along..
He left alone,..
Kudos 2 him...
D oda life might even b more fun dan dis life..
Who knows...
Billie jean
Sorry mate you are in hell now !!!!
Kill yourself over a woman what an idiot. Jesus is all you need in life the comforter,the healer,the provider, no R.I.P for you mate pity because were you are now you ain't coming back eternity in hell just wished you knew Jesus before your foolishness ......
fuck no matter what, you don't have to take your life, well R.I.P
Wow!!! Crazy things happening alova di world#EndTimeSigns
Thousands of ladies will walk past your grave mumu
RIP freddy E this is sad its all bad.
Na wah oh! Love wantintin for real.
So sad that this fine looking man could do this but I choose not to belive its because of woman. Maybe other factors as well.
May he rest in peace.
Me, if I find this kind of guy that can die for me ehn, I will never let him go.
wetin this fake rapper wan miss pass t o t o. The akpos killed himself because of vijay. Na wah o.
Am so dumbfounded,am so lost for words coz av experienced love unreciprocated.
It hurts in true love,coz u alway have something to mortgage,either ur heart or time,sometimes d both.
An unreciprocated love is more dangerous than a stray bullet. But taking ur own life presented u as a coward bruh. when love knocks u down,u get back up beta. No situation is worth taking ur life,talk more love which is d source and summitt of life. RIP bruh.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Choi!nawwa Oo becos of woman...hmn...
Awww! This is so sad! See wetin love dey cause? This fine boy just killed himself becos of this cocaine geh! Who will commit suicide for me eh? Ihe love neme!
Doesn't add up,i tink der is a deep rooted secret he doesn't want out.Hear name sef,COCAIN.Either way,u die
They are both mad!!! But the Freddy guy is the 'Maddest'.
Love just cost his life. *sad face* Visit the coolest Blog today: www.charleslimelight.blogspot.com
Orishirisi. So sad sha, but why would he kill himself cos of a woman??? I pity his parents. I'm speechless.
Wow!!! Crazy things happening alova di world#EndTimeSigns
And u took ur life because a girl dumped you?
Na cane dem go take flog u first when u reach the junction before the pearly gates.
He killd himself cos he was heart broken?.... He sed God was callin him... Hope my dear lord forgives him n dosnt giv him a big knock for taking a life he cannot give.... Suicide is neva d answer!!!!! RIP dear buh dis is insane!!!!
But why? Such a fine guy! God help dis generation. RIp Fredy. So sad.
this guy is a standard bastard!
Hell is real!
O ma ga o!
It quite unfortunate.In Dis 21st century I wonder Y a Guy nor A lady Would Kill his or herself all In D name of HeartBreak. Dat crazy. Anyways RIP, and as 4 D lady A̶̲̥̅♏ suprised she isnt feeling guilty enough. All na 4 Obodo oyinbo sha oooo. I trust ma Naija Folks, Nothing shocks them. Linda Pls Post ma Comment ooooo
Sad.the guy has to have been doped to the hilt.kill yourself over a girl? If he'd waited & moved on.Ask him the girl's favoutite food in 5 years,he won't remember! So sad.What a waste.
Things we do for love!RIP Freddy
its sad , i will never kill myself for a woman .hian ?? when women never finish for this world ....rip to the guy but /......
These people need a better orientation about life
He obviously didn't kill himself because his gf left him, this guy had mental issues and he was obviously sucidal, probably his gf leaving triggered it.what a waste!!!
Hian!!!...Ije loovu! O di egwu really.
Dis is really sad... Culd dis b luv? Well aint tryin 2 judge buh I hope devil reduces his own fire.. D honey cocaine gurl is gonna get anoda dude next week, she hz already announced it"I'm single"RIP freddy u did'nt have 2 give up ur life 4 luv,Jesus already did dat
Even if she broke his hrt is it enof 2 commit sucide ni?guess he had oda issues n wz already tired wit life.ppl shld nt blame her she did't pull de trigger besides oda ppl hv passed tru worst situation n they moved on
Wat is wrong with dis peopl sef?y take ur life cos of a failed relationshp..SMH too bad RIP tOO early in d year to start sayn dis
Am I mad???y wld I kil maslf cz I gt dumpd...evn God won't 4gv mi...rip sha...
D girl wud cry 4 some tym nd go nd look 4 anoda broda,may his soul rest in peace
OKWA UNU AHULA! See local love oh mbom! May his soul RIP*sadface*
Fuck Love Meeen.....Since I stupidly carry my school fees give my ex to use for her own project,and she later dumped me for an aristo, I hate LOVE....
WOMEN ARE JUST MEAN!why they are only good for Blow Jobs.....
AaaaaaW serious Love. poor boy.
oh my! I jx find it difficult to believe buh reading doz last tweets of his, gave me d shivers. God! Y na? A Cutie lyk u? At d prime of ur lyf ?? sad!
Who knew wot he's bn going tru, b4 losing hope- cos i dnt wanna believe its jx cos d gal broke up with him tho it myt b one of d factors.
And we are neva alone, God is alwz there for us, jz tell him to take d wheel n see things work out for good.
Commiting suicide is neva d solution! OMG!
I weep 4 his Poor soul.
Honey Cocaine! Lol. Anyways Honey Cocaine Nne it wasn't ur fault. Dude obviously had other sturves going on that he couldn't handle. Either that or he was taking this rap thing toooo seriously. May his soul, somehow, rest in peace.
biko wen will a guy love me lyk ds:(
So they attacked her, that was wen she rememebered him abi?
That's when she needed a break to offer prayers.??
So she decided it was then less important to look for new man by advertising her singleness?
Useless girl!
One reason I love my country Nigeria...in spite of all our troubles,suicide is like d last resort.
RIP Freddy E
Big hiss. What's with that name glorifying cocaine? Is her congo made of titanium? People need to stay off drugs. God forgive you for taking your life? Hell awaits. Waste of space. Tomorrow she will go and sleep with other people.
This is what happens when you are in a drug induced haze. Sorry but maybe honey cocaine's breakup now meant he had to pay for the drugs. I pray God forgives him for taking life that he cannot grant. However, if one is this deluded, then perhaps it is a good thing he took himself out and not others.
How can a young handsome man kill himself cos a woman dumped him!!
its problem dating such guys,d type dat will call u 72times in 24hours!wanting to be with u alone day and night....to Me its a sign of weakness and obsession!
Hope he's prepared with wat he wants to tell God,Tancx gudness he knows suicide is sin.
God let mi rather have females Dan have a weakhaated son!!
What a twisted world...dude,is a heartbreak enough to take ur own life? Rip all the same.
oooooommmmggg!!! na wa o..RIP
Hisss na wah ohh such a fine boi. Why would he take his own life because of a woman. He must have had other serious issues going on in his life linda pls post my comments haba!!
Sick world!. Anyone that hasn't accepted Jesus Christ should do so bcos a lot of things and signs are happning now, culminating the 'END TIME'.
Hoeloshi..as woman plenty reach ..
Folish pathatic phyco. So bc his babe walked away he has 2go kill his mumu self? When they are lots of babes yaning for gud talent like him? Na him. Family I pity.mitchewwwwwww.Even see watin d bitchy babe D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ tweet abt him afta his death.
Pathetic is the word. Hmm.....What a pity. I could feel his tweets, he really need a helper from his psycho trauma. Rest in peace.
Young kids making money and using drugs! What does a 22yr old know about love? Who says there's only one love for you? Too bad tho. He can go and rest!....TC
Na wa ç..dz life sha
Honey cocaine deleted lots of her tweets that led to this.
And I don't think he is dead,his twitter acc is active,he was ff 2980 peeps,then it became 3000 then 2999.
Bros u no try,how can u kill ur self.life is sweet,woman is everywhere.i cant kill my self because of bitches.Am disappoint with you as Nigga
Sad. Who z he 2 take his life? Suicide was d dumbest thing 4 him 2 do. Well he n God will face it. Such waste....smh
Why take ur life??? WHY?????? I can never seem to understand it. This babe will mourn, meet someone else, marry etc. I know depression is real but never ever think that suicide will make it all go away... The only thing GONE is YOU
Wow! God Ve Mercy.
big fool...make i hear say no be hell e de go..the girl doesnt even care..i dont blame her..i knw suppose comment sef..
I'm not sure why, but I sincerely wish God actually forgave him...
A part of me doubts the possibility of that happening though, but then You never really know with God...
RIP Freddy E
Naaaaaaawaaaaaooooo!kaaaaaai see wat pple do to their souls!mennnnh I can't say rest in peace oh!
I'm still in shock, love his youtube videos#RIPFreddyE
Linda the tattafoo/lady journa!!! Long story sha!! RIP freedy E but it sounds a little bit crazy,why kill urself bcos of a lady or any other thing it has to be??
MEHN.for a girl you took your life..make I hear say I do the same she ain't even your wife.How sad.May the GOD we serve answer your prayers 'n' forgive you like you ask'd
This grl is serz'ly stupid
People need to stop saying suicide is an easy way out and just be grateful we have never got to the point where we feel it's the only option... Suicide gurantees hell. Sad for u bro. Just gotta say RIP
Linda :(
I pray make I kill myself maka love.
Guys don finish?
Dem dey line dey wait dia turn...mtcheeew#
What shall it profit a man to gain the world and loss it own soul.what can a man give in exchange for is soul.the thief come but to steal to kill and to destroy but i come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.TAKING A LIFE THAT YOU CANNOT CREATE IS A SIN.IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH ANYTHING IN LIFE LOOK TO SOMEONE THAT CAN GIVE YOU REAL PEACE.HE IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE AND YOU WILL HAVE REST FOR YOU SOUL
This is the reason why we keep telling pple about God. God is our only hope. People go thru depression and some fearful situations and if God's light is not shown in them, the devil will take hold of their minds and force them to do terrible thins.
At least he didn't kill the girl, I wish someone had been close enough to tell him how much God loves him.
Blogging is not all about gossip and entertainment you know. Since pple love blogs, hence i created my own little Christian blog to help spread the gospel in my own little way. If i happen to touch one life doing this, then i have achieved something. RIP YOUNG MAN.
Do check out my blog, www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com
Remember to put God first always, God bless y'all.
I know right? She doesn't even seem remorseful! Like yeah whatever!
Bona brother, you couldn't have said it any better, you just took the words out of my mouth! Your words are on point!!
Love hurts, especially when your affections is been throw back at your face by someone you love dearly but then life goes on, just time and all the pain will all fade away. Too bad he couldn't see it that way. May he R.I.P
people r staving in 9ja, some people work as alaru carrying load on their head all day long, just to hv enough to eat, the dont take their own life and this 1 that have money, a promising career took this own life cause of woman anther man will be enjoying by next week. not sure if i should insult him or rip
who said,love dont cost a thing????..but this guy na hyper mumukemia,something fishy,are you sure this idiot was not suffering from a deadly disease???like cancer or something
who said,love dont cost a thing????..but this guy na hyper mumukemia,something fishy,are you sure this idiot was not suffering from a deadly disease???like cancer or something
lol abi ooo...
this is sad but ur comment made me laugh
eeyah pele. men are also mean!! ah i can call men bastards oh with what ive gone through in their hands but na God dey help person.
This is just an issue of obsession...,I kno what I mean becoz, some1 in my past life has shown to be almost suicidal...the truth is, Men are supposed to be stronger but ironically when a man is heartbroken...its just the worst case,and yes, only few truly fall in love, this dude jus happend to be one of them....if this wasn't love, then wow! I fink the social media contributed to this thing tho, let's just becareful, coz the truth is wen ur gf or bf posts somting on facebook or twitter, just know dat person wants your attention so bad and doesn really mean wat dey posted.
wow..really sad... Story of a young and misguided young man... RIP....
on an unrelated note, what type of nickname do people give themselves nowadays!! what on earth is Honey Cocaine! just like a naija musician picking of all names "Shina Rambo"......wonders really will never end....
Stop it! all y'all saying he took his own life cos of a girl stop it!
the guy got issues. he loved her madly, yes! but had had other issues which was eating him deep. growing up, he battled with some stuffs, finding someone who would understand him better and love him unconditionally, but he got none. he felt Honey will fill that vacuum, but things did'nt play out the way he got it figured and then Bam! he felt it was right over, nobody seemed to understand him, nobody felt his pain, nobody truely loved him, the only he felt did, maybe did'nt. what's the essence of life? how does he go on? where is he going from here? the world is lonely! he can't continue....
sad u took ur life bro. u should have made peace with urself. you really could't forgive urself and u blamed it on Honey.
It is quite unfortunate cos t
aking your own life is like taking another person's. I pity you o.
I don't believe this ish,there's more to it..I have a feeling he didn't commit suicide,he was killed.it might even be his gf for did it..can't someone have access to your twitter acct?ask yourselves that..this young man didn't commit suicide,he was killed obviously.am not buying it @ all.
He must have been high on cocaine(see d girl's name sef).it's such a shame dat a good-lookin,talented boy like dat took his own life cos of a failed rel.wat a waste!
You have said it all....There is more to life, than killing yourself over someone...RIP to him.
thank goodness it was only his life hr took and not like the Connecticut shooting. he is a very crazy .well one less crazy fellow. the world is getting safer.
The guy dey craze for head. Take ur life becos of a girl. I never see d thing wey go make me take my life becos one one useless man disappointment or anything for dat matter. Anoda thing is the guy might have bin mentally unstable and the rejection from the girl triggers his suicide tendency. The girl even mentioned he was always talking abt taking his life sef which she never took serious. I thank God, he turn the gun only on himself instead of taking innocent lives like the bastard of last december school shooting did. D girl he killed himsef over sef no send am. Just read her tweet well.
Bonario, your best comment ever...
That is y I don't really support young people falling in love. Well any babe here that just wanna have fun? Add me pls 23771a0d
Pls wot does ihe neme means? Bin wanting to knw
very sad
too bad
very sad
Freddie, u was a KING. We is go'n miss ya; al-Chaddas, YoungBlaqq and I (Hillary Charles)...u shuldn't hav,we hommies
South Shouts to Freddie E in hell mehn...I shuld hav chosen a berra star mehn...Hillary Charles
@Queen Bee you r one silly little twat,though he made the wrong decision by taking his life what has that got to do with "calling 72 times a day"? "obsession"?A long time ago i dated a young woman who poisoned herself after i broke up,it took God and the handwork of a good doctor to save her right on time & i never disrespected her love for an obsession like you eloquently & rudely put it.Some women r more confused & dumb than "Akpos" himself they don't know what they want.PEACE
If honey cocaine blows up all of a sudden just know foul play is at work. Sacrificing a loved one for fame is real in the music industry.
Very sad comments here. Just as some are physically weaker than others, so are some mentally weaker. We are all built differently. Wish he had help. And it seems the church going righteous ones are the ones quick to judge. Sad, RIP
He did not fuck him up, they only broke up...it happens everyday. Peace
You have not fallen into deep depression then or don't have mental illness like bipolar...*Floetry in. Motion*
Call mee silly buh I see illuminati tins here. D gal says she knw wat was goin on wiv him..(So. Y didn't she say smetin or report to his parents ) dey knw wat happend to him
What are they attacking her for? Relationships end all the time for various reasons. The boy was weak ąπϑ selfish,taking his life without thinking of d people who love him ąπϑ of the creator that gave him the life †Î¦ do something good with. So many ppl battling for life,willing †Î¦ give an arm n a leg just †Î¦ be alive n because of a woman you end your life? So selfish. No one is worth anybody taking his/her life for. We came alone,we have diff purposes,we'll also go back alone.
Lie! "Don't get it twisted, sucide is real in Nigeria". Family members cover it up; for sure! My in-law atempted it *Floetry In Motion*
Its a cold unforgiving world if I do say. Whatever happened to a simple break up rap, a dis track, hooking up publicly with a groupie. Yeah, brother must have had some other stuff weighing on him, seems loosing the babe was the final straw.
There definitely was a lot more wrong with this guy than the heartbreak. Perhaps that was the last straw. All this oyibo people will never cease to amaze me. Take their own life over heartbreak at 22??? Preposterous!! At that age, I had received and doled out quite a few heartbreaks...lol
Too many trigger happy people in the world. No value whatsoever for human life. They take life like they can give it. *smh* RIP
Sick people everywhere!!!Why would I even think of killing myself?When m seeing a future brighter than the sun!He was a big coward!(Not interested)
to those saying it is foolish to commit suicide because of a woman...i would only say you have no idea the extent a man in love can go for a woman and then a heart break? Try it some time soon and post a feedback...
This must have been d case: he committed a serious crime like murder, only the girl knew about it, shez tires of d relationship and decides 2 break it up...he gets scared she mit let it out, so he decided 2 do it before d law does it 4 him...if d case wasn't as serious as this den he must av been suffering some psychological illness cos no 1 especially a man(cos its a man's world) should end his life cos of a relationship. RIP
Can't Kill myself for dat reason, Life Continues After many heart breaks.
Life Goes On After Many BreakUps
He is now ur "angel" after he's dead?
dis is love... u all may dought it but it is... and if u all didnt feel awful and wasted, dat is not luv... and u guys should stop talkin lyk hav been 2 hell b4 and u saw him thr... and u guys are not God so u dnt knw if he 4giv him... God is d judge and not u guys... if u neva felt so awful after a failed relationship dat mean u wer jst foolin around wit uq partner...#truefact
Hmmm....na wao. Ope its not anoda publicity stunt if not we nid 2 tank God he went alone. He could ave gone 2 any shopin mall or skool like em all do n'taken many promisin lives with him, afteral dats aw dey always do it dere. As 4 him, may God ave mercy on his soul dou cursed already.
Sasha fierce is a guy?? weird much..
Where's Gui ness world record? Please dont fail to include this dude as the Biggest Fool of all Times. He deserves the award. Abeg make i find better story read jare.
Funny wat a guy can do 4 a woman dat doesn't care about him well anyways R.I.Pcs Nigga u need it.... Stupid fuck
am not too sure if this guy is dead...
He is an animal even 4 all the women in the world I can't even pierce my skin ewu dambruba nnama.luv the deceive peple wake up that thing deos not exist it is just a mirage.
Hahaha mugu, original mumu. U neva jam
Infact the HOTTEST part of hell........he's stupid!mtchewww
crazy ass, stupid c**t! Roast in hell, u twat!
This is really sad and pathetic. Such a pity.
crazy ass, stupid c**t! Roast in hell, u twat!
See the girl name sweet addiction, bad for a weak guy health. This just selfish. He had other loved ones. Rip
Never associate yourself with girls with weird looking names.Honey cocaine , sweet addiction,what happens when you can't get it anymore.Na to kill yourself remain now.
i have been there, emotional heartbreak is something that kills, people die everyday without committin suicide out of mistake jus cos of heartbreak u lose wat u have worked 4 jus 4 relationship, when it happens to u is like the end of the world that where the devil plays in start paintin pictures 4 u y u shud kill urself sometimes i feel love sucks pple just dont appreciate it wen someone shows u love u take it 4 granted women has been the major problem in this world from the start, guys do bad tinz 2 make moni jus 2 impress girls wen u fall shot dey dump u and they end up sayin boys are bad it was a wrong decision 4 him 2 take his life but at that point d devil is always lookin 4 situation like that am very emotional after my heartbreak i decided to stay away from girls 4 now women handle heartbreak more than men my story wuld have been same wit dis boy RIP
Hello All,
Are we really sure this was a suicide? the story says "A RIFLE" it is almost impossible to point a rifle at your own head and pull the trigger.
Maybe i have watched too much crime drama but i think that this needs to be investigated further.
committing suicide is as good as murder...all falls under one umbrella which is taking a life...God would not welcome you with such act...because it is a life he trusted you with and He expects you to take care of it and not terminate it...This world is turning to something else o...and one thing that causes all this madness is that Americans are deluded...they have turned their eyes away from the truth and have decided to embrace evil and thats whats causing all this unfortunate happenings we have been hearing...SMH for Eugene!
why is suicide the talk of 2013... everyday suicide **whew
Mtschewww!Took his life that he cannot create & all for what?Common pussy!I bet he's regretting his decision now wherever he is!Why couldn't he just cry & shoot his leg instead?Ehn?
Sasha F,u said she?
I tot u too are a she?
Oh I see the reason behind ur venom on the gay post.
But then u see both ways you can still get hurt and heartbroken,so its better to follow the Normal' route then even the pain will be less.
Stupidity of d highest order. So my heart wey linda don dey grind since na to go submit myself to boko haram lol.
fool of all fools, OSHISSSCO!!
ihe love neme= what love causes.
ihe neme= something is happening.
Chill ok, am I d only one that noticed that this guy actually narrated it all on TWITTER b4 doin it. I bow 4 twita o hian! Respct
I no dis Freddy very well.he is a fb friend of mine,even his tight friend ariel cripen and mani ar also my fb frnd, they blamin d guy 4 such stupid act. I can't judge but I tink dis guy is goin to hell, but God is a merciful God. Rip dude
na over highness worry dat boy jor, u smoked your first pack of cigarets nd u expect not to get the f#@* HIGH!!!? he should rest in peace or which ever way he wants to rest jare...(SMH)
The moral of this story is to get closer to God and learn to love him above man because truth is, HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN NEVER HURT OR BREAK YOUR HEART.
I can't shout......this is terrible,,,,killing urself cos a lover says she doesnt want u anymore......then u actually dont appreciate urself a bit.....RIP,,,that's if ur soul will find peace cos I dont know if God will ever love u for ur action.....no one should blame the girl,,,no be by force to stay in a relationship......
ihe neme means things are happening
Thanks my dear. I tire for this guy. People loose an entire family in tragedies but have not taken their life na. God have mercy. . .
I kno he was wrong but let's. Pray 4 ourselves
The girl was straight cold hearted saying stuff like 'nobody told u to love me.I don't date cos i can't deal with the extra shit,i'm about my money!' She deleted all the insensitive tweets cos her publicist advised her to do so but not before some of his fans'd munched the tweets.U can see the tweets on his brother's TL @johnniboybaby
For ur mind u sabi translate. Ebelebe!
Really sad, i hope he is now happy where ever he is. RIP
my name is mimi I am from USA i have been married to my husband for the past 6years, just 2months ago he left me for another woman. then I meet this powerful spell caster from Africa. I never believed he could help me but as a result of my frustration I decided to give him a trail. it only took me three days and my husband came begging since then he has been under my control and I am the only woman he now sees. you can contact this spell caster Sangospelltemple@gmial.com he could save your marriage too
Is big loss to young money (YMCMBWMG) and to de whole world ......rest in peace tyga......but f**k you cocaine
Hmmm Edi buruku! Shioooooor
Y'all insulting this cool dude should stop it, at least respect the dead. This is sure an issue of depression. If you go through his post on twitter that same day you will see a guy struggling really hard with his emotions. Its sad though sometimes how we love the wrong persons....the guy was just a good guy who needed love and affection but tried getting it from the wrong girl period. RIP freedy E
The gurl was godamn hrtless and insensitive, she tweeted "nobody told you to love me,I don't date cause I can't deal with the extra shit. 'Bout my money! And next tweet she says "Shit people do for attention" she's just one words. Heartless!!!!!I don't blame Freddy, sometimes you feel like ending it all!
Damn dis shit's crazy....ow could someone be so irrational to take his life bcos of a breakup....SMH.
Anyways we Got Nice designer Tshirts for prospective buyers, check out our Facebook page to Shop and Order for yours.
Damn dis shit's crazy....ow could someone be so irrational to take his life bcos of a breakup....SMH.
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This probably wouldn't have happened if there wasn't a twitter or Facebook.
All publicity is good publicity, even if you won't be alive to revel in it. Smh
i cant help it but cry!!!
pls dont be too depressed that u cant tell any1 abt it!
it kills!!!
i really hate this...
i hate writing this...
i hate this dispensation...
God forgive us....
mtcheeeeeeeew sad but daft.I always say it half of these kids abroad are just spoilt. If they went through half of what we experienced in Nigeria( no light, no water,no education,no health care, bad roads bad governance etc) they would all be dead. You are young, handsome with your whole life ahead and you waste it cos one girl said she was taking a walk? daft abeg.May the lord forgive him cos suicide is a cowardly way to die
Ihe neme- Things de happen
Ihe geme- Things go happen
This is sadonic and lugubrious...
Rip freddie
I hope you're forgiven dude!
Oloriburuku,to hell with u,idiot,opara e,fuck u
Someone needs to use the lyrics in his last couple of tweets and turn them into a song, as a tribute to him.
I dont know why people are having a go at him cause he was dumped and then killed himself you dont know how much he loved her or anything and God forgives people so thats what i have been taught. I dont think you have the right to bag him when you dont know the whole story. RIP
I dont know why people are having a go at him cause he was dumped and then killed himself you dont know how much he loved her or anything and God forgives people so thats what i have been taught. I dont think you have the right to bag him when you dont know the whole story. RIP
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