At a service held yesterday, Sunday January 13th at his church auditorium, Pastor Chris Okotie told his members (a few of them LIB readers :-)) that tattooing their body or even undergoing plastic surgery is
not a sin before God. He said a lot of people misinterpret a scripture in the bible which is supposedly against body art and enhancement. He said getting tattoos and plastic surgery is an individual decision and has nothing to do with God.
Some people don't agree with him. Me I do sha! :-).I think God cares more about what's in your heart and soul more than what you're putting on your body. What do you think?
1 – 200 of 427 Newer› Newest»Leviticus 19:28 ; ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead, or TATTOO any marks upon you : I am the Lord. J.D
hmmph! ehn u agree wid him so why do u want to know what we think? or aren't u sure abt ur stance? *rollingmyeyes*
I agree with him, there are somethings that are not a sin against God, We get defiled by what goes into us, not on us...God cares about our heart..
hmmmmm He try
hmmmmm He try
this is the most confused man of God in 9j
Well, I guess I agree with you Linda... It's all about what we as humans have on our inside and not what we do or portray outwardly... Great post!
Individual decision.... I so much agree. Its α worldly fashion & has got notin to do wit God cuz He {God} looks in ur heart not ur flesh. My own opinion too.
stop talking trash u no whats right. y choose the wrong path
Some issues are better not discussed by Pastors and this is one of them.
God is no fool Linda. If He didn't mean it, He wouldn't say it. Since He says it, ours is to obey.
Is he really a man of God?I don't expect such comment from someone who claims to win souls for Christ.ppl just interprete scriptures to suit their not surprised though,judging by his serial monogamy(wreck it get a new one)he's capable of doing anytin al in d name of being a pastor.God is watchin
Linda anyways its your believe and you are entitiled to it..
What did. The bible said about our body?you are now judge that knows what God cares about in our life?Miss abi Ms you can also interprete divoice to suit your own understanding madam.
Dat watsup
So who owns the body we are talking about???i guess he molded his own body himself.......all I know is dt God's standard remains d same irrespective of whoever u are,,,so let him twist the bible to suit his desires......d word has been written and no one can change it not even u,Linda(d famous blogger)....
As for me, being a liberal person, I belong to the school of thought that believes everyone deserves a right to his/his personal desire once its not a crime, but as for whether tattoo or plastic surgery is religiously correct I can't say much on that. Its a free world, everyone do what makes you smile.
He is d one misinterpreting d bible.He shld repent n stp deceiving d children of God.
Hmmmmmm......No comment..... Ruthie
I disagree. Its a shame for a pastor to say this. Really bad!
Na wa o. There's nothing we wont hear from pastors. That's why i have my bible. I'll only follow what it tells me.
Darey's Valentine Concert is gonna be off da hook by the way
Did you read the part of the bible that says, our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and also that we shouldn't grieve the Holy Spirit. Please do not be deceived oh Linda. The world is coming to an end and these are all lies of the devil, especially using so called men of God. Would you even take advice from a man who's had two divorce?... Salvation is a personal thing, true, but the bible also said guard it with FEAR and TREMBLING. It is all about Christ, just think, "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO"
Ok good! Buh linda how would u feel if u see a man of God n tattoo all of his body?
Linda,first pastor chris said masturbation i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ not a sin and now okotie i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ saying tattooing i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ nt also a sin....TEACHER Ω̴̷̷̴̩̩̩̥̐͠☺ TEACH ME NONSENSE
. . I believe your appearance needs reflect what is in your heart and the kinda people you wish to attract to yourself else it is a compromise or hypocrisy. If you wanna attract perverts pls dress or behave like one and you will have your wish turned real .
Hmmmm......if datz true, den.....all i can §♠Ƴ Ȋ̊§ hmmmmmmmmmm.....Lord Hλ√ƺ mercy!!!
ÚRight, I'm getting you
Is he on code considering getting a tattoo or even both?
Too bad to hear dat from a hand of God ,mayb u pple ave forgotten that out of the abundant of ur. Heart the mouth speaketh.b4 u can wear. And. Do anytin u must ave tot of it ,soooo dear don't say d lord only care abot the heart alone .I strongly diagree wit u Linda
I dnt think there's anything wrong with the olden days,pipl had different drawings on their body!I agree with him on dis!!
Yeye dey smell,am not surprised. Chi bor anu ozo
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda shut up and stop being an anti Christ by making excuses for sin. Don't misinterprete the bible woman
Linda,I agree with U̶̲̥̅̊ but whateva U̶̲̥̅̊ possess inwardly can only be projected outwardly. Think about it...
Pastor chris pls read lev 19:28 very well n tell me what the bible says about tats and tribal marks
Truly the end has come.Brethren, beware of where you worship. The Bible clearly states that during the end time, many fake prophet will come to you in my(God's) name. And you Linlin, u better give your life to christ.
This man is deranged, this are all #SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS, Why dose'nt he get one on himself to prove his point, and let him make it on his neckline, a roaring lion running through, with 3D effects and mounts himself on the pulpit to show it to us.
Tattooing, piercing, and cutting existed in Bible times. They were most often practiced by pagan nations in connection with their religion. Understandably, God forbade his people, the Jews, to imitate those pagans. (Leviticus 19:28) As God’s own “special property,” the Jews were thus protected from degrading false religious practices.—Deuteronomy 14:2.
While such decorations as piercings or tattoos may be popular among some people, a Christian needs to ask himself or herself, ‘What kind of a reaction would such a decoration provoke in the area where I live? Would I be associated with certain fringe elements of society? Even if my conscience were to allow it, what effect would my piercing or tattoo have on others? Would they view it as an evidence of “the spirit of the world”?
Our bodies are living sacrifices presented to God for his use
“Some surveys show that 80 to 90 per cent of people with tattoos want them removed at some point in their lives,” says Canada’s Vancouver Sun. ... “Because there’s been an increase in the number of tattoos people are getting, there has been a coinciding increase in the desire for removal,” notes one dermatologist.
God forbade his people on having cuts on their body, what is Tattoos? having decorations?
People need to get that man checked. He is missing his Wife. That am sure. And its making him not to thing straight, she has forgiven you Chris, take her back in.
*****An Observer******
Critics prove me wrong on all my points.
Linda, sow when are u getting your 1st tatoo. get it and show us the picture!
What happened to the saying .....Your body is a temple of God.
Enough said
This fake pastor again!!!
I still wonder what he does on d pulpit
anyways as for does of u saying God is only concerned about whats in ur heart, den i guess God cares notin about indecent dressing...probably he made a mistake creating clothes for adam after dia fall...
BTW, Linda i'm utterly disappointed in what u just wrote about God and d heart ish...keep ur opnion to urself and stop leading ppl astray
U r stupid o 4 agreeing to dat. Anti Odde! Its a sin. Big sin
An observer, i agree with you, this man is missing his companion, he should really read his holy books before he answers topics he isn't sure of.
How do u know when an orange is ripe? Answer: From the skin..... Do not deceive yourself. It's what is on the inside that reflects on the outside. #Okbye.
Hmmm, pastors plenty sha,, on that day judgement day hmmm, alot will happen
HMMMMM........I DON'T KNW wat u feel is rite.
hmnnn whatever rocks ur boat
Okotie is a mentalist. He needs to define this his religion cos this one he's practicing is not Christianity. The real Christianity is really all about good morals and living a christlike life and that's not always trendy.
well, in my opinion, God looks at your heart and the way u portray urself as a child of God. Why would people want tatoos? I think d reason matters alot. Btw, y wuld i evn listen 2 a pastor thatz getting a divorce?
Chris okotie you don dey mad oo
In a way I agree with him but as a christain there are certain things u don't do,a kind of material and earthly things in the sight of men.
"In the last days, there shall be false prophets who will say all sorts of things in my name."
Linda, don't you think that what's in your heart reflects on what is on your outside? "Many's ears will itch to only what they want to hear" and Okotie has told you what you want to hear. I advice you to be wise and not just pick up what any man says in the name of God when he really speaks of what his evil mind thinks.
chris okotie is not a man of God,He is an agent of the devil also he has not ever read the bible.I am sorry for those who are his apostles.
Yeah...what is on your body doesnt matter...u can tatoo the devil on ur arms and wear short dress until your _________ shows but its only what is in your heart that matters.....story
I love the way God wrote his commandments and laws in the bible, no legal team can find any loop hole. ths okotie needs to go read his bible again.
Linda pls read Leviticus 19:28 before u agree.
His take is not surprising coming from a man that jheri curls his hair.. He would have been a hypocrite if he had said otherwise. Personally, I have no opinion on it as I am not God and have not seen any biblical injunction or otherwise on it..
i believe him
Coming from a "pastor" who's been divorced twice? No thank you.:-)
Linda pls read leviticus 19:28 before u agree.
I totally agree with Chris. Those who criticise tatoo and stuff don't even know what xtianity is all abt.
I agree with him also....what's in ur heart nd soul is all dat matters b4 d almighty.......
After overcoming corruption, eben, I can talk tattoo.
Btw, simple Nigerian Dishes at:
Guess he is getting ready to have a cosmetic surgery then. He is just telling them in advance so they won't question him when he does it.
there is a difference between caring and still loving you. If you steal God still loves you but he does not condone the act. As a Tattoo enthusiast I myself cringe at his declaration. Look at Lev19:28. Things get shady when people start touting their interpretation as God's own. we should never ever judge a person by his appearance, yes, but Okotie there is no need to bend God's law to ensure that. He already has the overarching law: love thy neighbor
men God dey try gan ooo cos if na human the destruction no go funi oooo
Those who criticise tatoo n stuff don't have an inkling of what xtianity is all abt... Gbam!
I agree
Am sure leviticus 19 vs 28 which says ‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves grew wings n flew away 4rm d pages of his own is well
I think you(linda)are wrong,everything God created is need for plastic surgery,God created u original,don't die fake.
Linda.It will be so sad if after all this publicity you are given to Chris Okotie, you don't get paid for it. I remember you saying you love tattoo but can't have one. Do u really think tattoo looks good on anyone?
Hmmm, don't wanna say anything blaspheming, but i don't fink is right. Some people would start using what he said to justify such act, he is leading some people
wrong cos majority of tatoos out dere, are made based on bad motives
hmmmm lindos,how interesting to know u dont see anything wrong with wondering why you dont have a snake tattooed on ur right boob or arm....God is more concerned about your heart and your motive behind ur actions.but im also pretty sure He is also concerned about the impression you as a child of God sends out to the world....what if ur catholic priest had a tattoo on his forehead?ngwa...linda i put that question to you....answer it during ur quiet!
Pst. Chris Okotie, i think ur wrong abt dis one. God cares abt wat we do with our body bcos it is writen dat our body is d temple of God. Tattooing ur body is a sin b4 God... Dnt mislead d pple pls.
Tattos is of d devil while plastic surgery is telln God dat He is not perfect so u want to help him
Pls,he shud do his job and leave dis part
He is very right. Although I don't have any tatoo. In this part of the world, no matter how u try to justify it people will think ure a loose person. That's just it.
For me, I don't is a sin against God!.. But for a man of God to encourage his members to do so!.. No!!!!. Is so, so, out of place!!!
Leviticus 19:28
“Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks
upon you: I am the Lord.”
I'm very sure he said "basinga" after preaching, if not then sumthing is wrong
Linda and all who think He's right, 1 Cor 6:20 clarifies it all. Pls don't just search through google, take time to search the bible as well.
but it is clearly written in Scripture .
Leviticus 19:28
"You shall not make any cuttings in
your flesh ...., nor tattoo
any marks upon you: I am the LORD"
Tattooing didn't just happen, it has been practiced thousands of years ago by pagan and occult civilizations . that it why God forbade the Israelites against it. sometimes I wonder what Bible these pastors read. its high time Christians start thinking for themselves. Just because your pastor says something doesn't make it genuine .
Put Gods word over any pastor's , or better yet form a relationship with God so He can speak to you directly .
and as for plastic surgery, I feel sometimes it is needed to treat facial deformities such as cleft palate etc , or disfiguring scars and marks . However Cosmetic surgery is whr the line must be drawn. God expects us to love our selves regardless of how we look .
cosmetic surgery is selfish. and selfish people are too consumed with themselves that they can't love others around them . Everyone should learn to love themselves, flaws and all. Cosmetic surgery doesn't solve the problem, it infuriates it
but it is clearly written in Scripture .
Leviticus 19:28
"You shall not make any cuttings in
your flesh ...., nor tattoo
any marks upon you: I am the LORD"
Tattooing didn't just happen, it has been practiced thousands of years ago by pagan and occult civilizations . that it why God forbade the Israelites against it. sometimes I wonder what Bible these pastors read. its high time Christians start thinking for themselves. Just because your pastor says something doesn't make it genuine .
Put Gods word over any pastor's , or better yet form a relationship with God so He can speak to you directly .
and as for plastic surgery, I feel sometimes it is needed to treat facial deformities such as cleft palate etc , or disfiguring scars and marks . However Cosmetic surgery is whr the line must be drawn. God expects us to love our selves regardless of how we look .
cosmetic surgery is selfish. and selfish people are too consumed with themselves that they can't love others around them . Everyone should learn to love themselves, flaws and all. Cosmetic surgery doesn't solve the problem, it infuriates it
Pastor Chris Okotie is right. All these people forming like they know it all, una don hear?
@linda will u have a heart and soul without a body? If ur body is pierced and tattooed so is your heart and soul so pls don't make a case for our vain lust.
Let assume I'm a preacher or better still a doctor and I'm d best in what I do.You, a patient requires my service- maybe a surgery and u see this 'charlie boys'' type of body design on me would u b convinced abt my ability? HELL NO!
God is no human. But if u a human doubt my abilities a property of my body, heart and soul I wonder what God will...
As far as am concern it aint nofin wrong wif tatoo...just dat our hypocritic nature n eye service nature in this country as overwhelm our sense of reasoning God doesn't care abt wat u write on ur body but rather ur heart.
Morally it doesn't seem right. There is an amoral ethics to how tatooes have been abused. Now every jack and his dog have tatooes all ova their bodies. I sha feel Chris Okotie is a confuse "man of God".
Tatoo or not,d body is left bhind wen we leav dz world
I think u're wrong. God is interested in our body becos the bible says that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Linda are u considering a tattoo or enhancement?
Lev19:28 says you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor tattoo any marks:I am the lord. Which clearly talks about tattoo okay,ve been to okotie's church manytimes and there are bad things I know about him okay,tho we r not under the lway but why wud one risk death beacuse of pershable benefit?(That makes plastic surgery sinful) aside that we are fearfully and wonderfully made,can u take such risk and pain for the gospel of christ? If no, it means u put urself n apperance before God,which means u r worshipping urself,since u can't go that far for only urself alone,God is not complaining abt ur looks,bask to tattoo why why u make ur body a canvass becos of ur love for art? I love tattoos don't get me wrong but I ve none,I think God doesn't approve desiging our skin for fashion sake,but I also think if its to the glory of God only(like positive ,bible quotes or a design dedicated to lost one is still reasonable) but when u cover every where or ve meaningless tats just to be different or show u r wild doesn't make sense at all but its forgiveable if u dnt glorify it n ask for foriveness,linda no go kill ur self cos of fetish love for ur self,that obssesion n narcism,iu r flawless,any woman that wants to maintain her shape shud stop being lazy n summon will to exercise regualary,eat right every time,little or no junks,stay away frm bleaching cream and synthetic drugs #maddingcrush
I think d people of d world now preach d bible in d way it will suit things of d world. God knws best.
Linda the more myopic u are, the more scared I become of u. Its true that God is more interested in our hearts not our physical body, but the things we do or put on our physical bodies are expressions of what we have in our hearts. So gettin a plastic surgery to enhance our physical look is a way of telling God we do not appreciate how He made us.
tattoo/plastic surgery is like telling God that something is missing about you
join us here
na wash.
Linda,U are beginning 2 annoy me,like seriously,wt your wack opinions.
First,it was ur post on agbani and Genevieve,which I gladly beg 2 differ.
Then ds shit,post it and let's decide..4 heck's sake,U are supposed 2 b a role model,dunno y u wld b endorsing a shitty thing like tattoos.
Even if U dnt c anytn wrong wt it,keep it 2 urself,U know its a touchy subject.
Dats y I hav neva believed in ds role model shit..apart 4rm my mum,I c no oda.
As 4 Mr Kris,I gat no words,I just wonder at d ilk of his members..myt b paying a visit 2 his church soon,2 gape at his gullible members.
This is the height of stupidity from a man who called himself a man of God....the both CHRIS are misleading their followers...its clearly stated in the bible that for no reasons should we draw any tin on our flesh....I pity you that agreed with him cos your just an ignoramus...your 3 bedroom flats is waitin for any1 dat yeild to what these fake pastor just said in HELL FIRE.
HOGWASH Pastor!!
Pastor Chris Okotie is right. All these people forming like they know it all, una don hear?
I disagree..Linda go read ur bible well o. #assysayso#
has nothing to do with God? is there anything in this life that has nth to do with God?? anyway me i'm not a fan of tatoo tho i admire cute ones but its sth i know i will never do or get. whatever rocks ones boat mehn. on d judgement day, we will know which is which.that's how pastor Chris said masturbation is not a sin/ i tire for these men of God o
This Linda you can sabi fall person hand!!!
So when God called our bodies "his temple" you think he was joking right?
If you modify your body for reasons that do not align with God's plans or laws, you are on a veeeery loooong tin o!!!
Really!!! I don't agree at all, cos i don't tink Christ will support dis
Really!!! I don't agree at all, cos i don't tink Christ will support dis
You body is the temple of the holy spirit and that temple you are, if anyone destroys this temple, God too will destroy him....
I pity u,as many who says God luks inward wil av demselves to b blame bcos b4 u decide to go for tattoo,u tot of it frm inwards,d world has come to an end,all beware
The body is the temple, that's all.
Linda please don't join this new age teachings, please... please, don't.
You and him will rot in a mansion in HELL!!!!!
if u think your tattoos are perfect by you, what about the hearts of people that will be caused to sin after seeing your tattoos?
Even the bible kicks against tattoos....nuisance
Is anyone surprised? Linda, how won't you agree with him. Aren't you an ex model? You should have no qualms with prancing around naked, tattoos or drugs for that matter. They go with your territory.
Can you give the bible passage against body art and explain to us exactly how we misunderstand it.
I'm sure you can also find a passage to support a philandering pastor.
Well I also think God is more intersted in what comes out of our hearts.
The makes us understand that we should obey the lord our God!
In leviticus 19:28 God clearly states his view on marking ones self (Tattoos)...
By and large its really not a function of what we think but what the word says...
He is obviously on crack..
if u think your tattoos are perfect by you, what about the hearts of people that will be caused to sin after seeing your tattoos?
I'm paying attention, Pastor Linda. I know very soon you will find us a pastor who will prove to us that Homosexuality, fornication and adultery are not sins.
Its only a matter of time
hmm, Linda,i totally disagree IMO.
For all i care to know and believe to be true, your body is the temple of God and if "tattooning" the temple for whatever reason looks like reconstructing the walls. And the reason for committing the act stands big against us in the day of reckoning. those who have hears let them open wide.
Finally, I do agree, not jus cus I hv 8 tattoos but cus its wats in d heart 4real... I do plan to be a pastor soon and God see wats in me.
If u like insult me, I don't knw u, so I don't give a ****
Toyin A
abeg no de call dis man pastor
D heart matters. If u hav a pure heart n ur covered in tattoos does dat make u worthless b4 God? I don't tink so. Der r pple who hav no tattoos or (piercing sef) n dia heart is sooo "dirty." And NO I do not hav a tatoo.
I am not a fan of this Pastor or pentecostalism but I have to say that this is the first time a pastor has not misinterpreted the bible. We Christians forget what Jesus said about it is not what goes in but what comes out of the body that causes sin. Sin is in our hearts, words and actions. Not tattoos and plastic surgery
haba Linda, someone wit a good heart should nt tatoo. Dis chris guy is fake. A musician nw a pastor... Yeye
He said "getting tattoos and plastic surgery is an individual decision and has nothing to do with God"? Okay...
I have heard. Can someone direct me to be best tattoo shop in Abuja? If God ask me on judgement day, I know who to blame.
I dey Laugh OooooooOooooo! People pls don't be mislead, Tattoos is a Great SIN but I don't know of Plastic Surgery
Definitely he is not a man of GOD and the bible says there will be loads of false prophets when we are nearly to the end time.
Linda you fall my mind,how will you agree with him that its not a sin,first of all our body is the temple of the lord,so while defile it by making a tatoo on our body or by having sugery to change what God gave you,it means that God didn't know what he was doing when he created us,God is not mocked.beware all of you guys
OK! God looks at the heart only..does that mean ladies should move around without bra or pants or guys should pierce the noses and tongues?...Your body is the temple of God and anything alien to it is not acceptable..Am not surprised at Rev. Okotie tho'..Rock n' Roll pastor!
Well everybody has their opinions on Tattoos, as for me I am slightly not in support of the Okotie's view of tattoos. If he does his bible studies well, I think there is a passage that also says our body is the temple of the lord, if that is so I think our bodies should be kept sacred in the eyes of God...
Linda mind urself o, abi u don't bliv in God ne! This man is saying crap, tatooing and plastic surgery are both sinful in both islam and christianity
♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ in particular Ὼ̴̩̩̩̥☀̤̣̈̇ like tatoo sha but tatoo does make 1 look responsibly. Linda plz post M̶̲̅γ̲̣̣ comment.
In God we trust.....Endtime tins
hummmmmmm! End time sign
I Celebrate Ɣ☺ΰ, Linda! NO disrespect τ̅☺ the Pastor nor anyone, but tattoing the body is not only wrong, but a sin because God, in the scripture instructed us not τ̅☺ do such. As for the surgery aspect, I'♏ yet τ̅☺ find a scripture book that expressly addresses such, but aside medical reasons, I do NOT need it. We exhibit outwardly the contents of our inside. Fortune Ebel
Chris is supporting rubbish...
Crowd pulling tactics.
The bible clearly state that we should not mark our if u are a christian seruzly u shouldn't b listening to dis confused man, who does nt knw his bearing...d bible spoke of ppol like him as decievers n hypocrates.
Linda go and sleep abeg!
I can never listen anything this man says again. Look at Lev. 19:28
"You are not to make incisions in your flesh on account of the dead nor submit to cuts or tattoos. I am the LORD. King James Bible
It is in the Bible. I don't mind tattoos but I know it is against what is in the Bible.
We shouldn't however try to change what is written to suit our needs. What you think is your business, the Bible says something else. I know I won't want Pastor Okotie interpreting the Bible for me
He shld stop misleading us...God said our body is His holy temple and He doesnt want any form of body art or TATTOOS. It's nt only the heart that matters but also what we do wit our bodies.
Meaning? its states that ur body is the temple of God. what you do on the outside reflects on what your mind is thinking of on the inside.....
Yes boss!!! I agree with him anything he says is the truth...why..cos he is a brilliant man of God unlike the rest
Linda na dat one u go agree on ,see ur mouth like wht do u think .u better repent and be save .
Pastor Chris is really confused. I hope he doesn\'t mislead his congregation. Tatooes are amoral in the society
Makes no sense!
Though personally am not in support of tattos apart frm my religion believe.. He has said it well to d best of my knowlegde that is a personal thing.
I agree with you Linda, its the inside that matters. All these our greedy leaders that are stealing billions nd trillions let them go for liposuction so that they will at least look smart when they re with international leaders.Most of these nigerian leaders re embarassing with their potbellies no wonder they made trad wear their official wear. If u see most of them in suits hmm u will throw up. Useless pple.
Olorun ku. Aibinu
Linda,are u planning tattoos or plastic surgery soon......
I'm paying attention, Pastor Linda. I know very soon you will find us a pastor who will prove to us that Homosexuality, fornication and adultery are not sins.
Its only a matter of time
I agree with you Linda, its the inside that matters. All these our greedy leaders that are stealing billions nd trillions let them go for liposuction so that they will at least look smart when they re with international leaders.Most of these nigerian leaders re embarassing with their potbellies no wonder they made trad wear their official wear. If u see most of them in suits hmm u will throw up. Useless pple.
Father help me refrain from speaking negatively against a man that claims to be called by you. Amen. Exits post>>>>>>>>
if u think your tattoos are perfect by you, what about the hearts of people that will be caused to sin after seeing your tattoos?
dats bullshit pls, its clearly written in d bible, so lets do wat it says nd nt wat man says..#Godhasthefinalsay..
if u think your tattoos are perfect by you, what about the hearts of people that will be caused to sin after seeing your tattoos?
I agree With u babes,its all about da heart nt physical judge with appearances but God looks at da heart
Signs of end time!!!!!in the last days many will come in m name says the Lord!!!!!beware!!!of the things we say and do only God knws d ultimate truth....that's m take,thank u.....floxyfire
By their words we shal knw dem.wot do u xpet frm chronic pastor
Hmm....Linda,I don't agree..Those who under-go surgeries to alter their physiques(i.e those who wanna look like tigers/snakes/ rabbits) have forgotten that man was made in d image and likeness of God.Are they insinuating that these animals they so desperately wanna resemble are a better image than that of the Lord?My 2cents!
Only God can save us oooo
I don't give a care...#okbye
Linda do nt agree wit him ooo cause its wrong y don't u lyk urself d way God created u
tattoo na sin
Most people at their heart are good people that includes the liar, the thief and the murderer. Simply because one is okay in their heart does not necessarily make it correct. Making things right in your heart regardless of flashing red lights is as good as taking laws into ones hands.
While enhancing n adjusting ur features are u now saying God made a mistake while creating u? The bible said...He(God) made us in His own His likeness. That means u are perfect n beautiful in His eyes just d way u are.
Who are we to judge an anointed man of God?
This is beyond me,spiritual matters are not decided this way,that's how some churches say trouser is a sin and some do not.some churches support make up and some do not and in some churches,being in a relationship is not allowed(Bf/gf),so well,we all should read our bibles and ask for spiritual guidance!as for omalicha1,I personally do not like tatoos,and sugery?...too perfect 4 that!
i no believe jor, God wants us to be simple nd nt come nd be luking like rascalz
I really feel sorry for his church members....and Linda, you should study your bible more often since you also agree. Read the book of Leviticus.
This man is a mad man. Pastors my foot.
Me I'd like to know the type of Bible dis pastor reads!n urs too Linda if u rily a christian cos d kinda tings u say for every individual,God is not a man dat he should lie(dat goes for his word too) n Pastor Chris Okotie is a man....#enuf said
First comment tins
Linda, u jux want us to talk baa? Well, I 've come across a scripture in d old testament that forbids tattoo (Leviticus) I think.... buh I really dnt know about d surgeryzzz... As for CHris Okotie. .. smh
Its in Leveticus... Do not draw markings on ur body.we're all sinners yh. Bt we shldnt paint sin as good.
I think you are very stupid. Stop dragging souls to hell. You will be accountable on judgement day. Yet you wonder why you're single. If I was a good guy I would stay clear of you.
Linda d only ting I av to say to u is,u can't meet God's standard by jst bin "gud".its eida u'r righteous by his standards or not,can't be likewarm,eida u hot or cold...not to form holier than thou or anyting cos we all r sinners thank God for his everlasting grace bt I goTta say dis Linda judging frm some of ur comments I'd say u mostly bin lukewarm...chew on dat.God bless
Am sorry oo really confuse is this man really a man of God?
dats a lie i do nt agree wit him let him giv us a prove 4rm de bible after al bible tels us dat our body is Gods temple
I'm sure chris okotie reads his bible upside down and to u Linda God cares abt ur inward and outward life.u cannot be clean inside nd dirty outside.
Maybe u dont think tattoos is sin before God because you haven't seen d scripture where God sternly warned us against tattoos in Deuteronomy
Yeah right! Just like he will ok gay when he becomes president of Nigeria. Minding my chewing stick.
Linda check leviticus 19:28 in all versions of d bible u know äπϑ say for urself if u agree or not. God himseLf gave d instruction. If its not a controversial issue, υя spirit will not even debate it. N̶̲̥̅̊α u I d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ talk to linda no be Pastor okotie.
Born again, spirit filled person waving over here and I actually do agree with him. I live in Yankee, and I believe some times in Nigeria as a society, we tend to follow traditional structures rather than God's heart. This is the reason why someone will turn a woman back for wearing jeans to church, or not covering her hair. In reality, this person could be a strong woman of God, who hears Him, and is extremely powerful spiritually.
I dont have a tat, because of individual reasons, but I know that it is clearly not a sin. In today's world, many powerful evangelists such as Todd Bentley dont fit the mold of a suit wearing pastor, but anyone that knows God cant deny the anointing that is on their lives.
I agree too o!I was once part of those who were quick to quote d part of Leveticus 18 which speaks against body inscriptions but I av come 2 realise dat Jesus came to abolish those laws and make us grow spiritually in freedom as I also noticed dat we decided 2 choose d laws we wld follow n didn't adhere 2 some such as cutting of beards.What modern man does not shave!Develop ur inner relationship with Jesus,love others,dats d way to heaven!
He's right!
Linda, how can you say a thing like that! U should take a minute to think about it before you post your thoughts. Is it not the bible that says our body belongs to God and don't you think that it is the thoughts from within that makes ones decision. It's amazing that when people start to eat money , they start to define life differently and also see life differently then they start to make weak minds believe in them.
I agree with him ooo!I used to be one of those that quickly quoted to pple d part of Leveticus 18 dat spoke against body inscriptions but I quickly realized dat Jesus came to free us fron d bondage from old laws and give us freedom to grow in spirit n in truth!He luks at our in and not d out!We humans even decided which of d rules 2 follow as we neglected such as cutting of beards etc,wat modern man doesn't shave!!!Don't judge,love!
Na so God no mind as those gehs wey display dem toto be. E no dem heart! Issorait
Haaa... Pastor!!!!
I agree with d pastor. Na ur soul dey go heaven not ur body.
Linda u just like contoversial topics,2 get people 2 read ur post.
I had three ceaseran sections and the tummy just jutted out. The scars were hideous too. I had a tummy tuck and I feel more confident. God gave d plastic surgeon his skill! As for tatoos , well I 'll pass. I battled with acne most of my life and have marks from it. No need to add more on my skin
D world is really comin to an end! Choi!!! Neky_luvv
If u read dat verse well in d bible all d way down u wld agree with pastor chris.....wot God said specifically is do not draw tattoos on ur body in memory of d dead ie pple who lose a loved one n hv drawing of som sort on dia body 2 remember them,dat is wot God disaproves of.....Nice one pastor chris...But most pastors just stop reading whr its do not draw body arts or tattoo on ur body,dey neva finish d verse.
Okotie,wat can we say?u hv bin married twice,n u r suppose 2b a man of God!kip interpretn d bible ur own way.
You are absolutely wrong in thinking. Hello?? How can you even say he is right! Am a christian although not born again but i know what is right and wrong. Even people tatooing their body know its wrong..i guess u have a tatoo as well sha.
linda did u jus open ur mouth 2 utter dat trash abt God cares wots in ur heart nd nt wot u do wit ur body?..i wan2 come term u dont read ur bible coz if u do, d bible made it vividly clear dat our body is d temple of God n we shud not defile it.its nt only tru fornication bt tatoo n surgery implies..i implore evry1 2 hold unto ur bilble n beliv it..cos dats wot God az given us 2 guide our lives daily.peace b wit u all.#winks# ur boi vic3...
Dear Linda,
Read the bible well it says your body is the temple of GOD if He didn't care he wont say it. He is concerned about every aspect not just a part.
If anything u do is not making d person nxt to u to become bornagain then ure living for urself .... Chris Okotie is not d standard ..Jesus is! And u LINDA Beta give ur life toi christ b4 its too late ... Once a soul goes to hell, its irretrivable
If I'm fornicating then I,m not a sinner cos premarital sex is just my personal decision abii individual decision u call it*wareva* in Jenefa's voice. God sees my heart after screwing my bf. #whew#
He is on an aggresive membership drive
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