The couple, who have a kid together, got into an argument in the early hours of January 1st and before anyone could stop it, Lungi stabbed Tony severally in the stomach. Tony died in the hospital a few hours later. Lungi has been arrested. See another photo of the family after the cut...
that's what happen when you marry a woman with a temper
Na aye dey do dem
RIP to him,
But this serves as a warning to all these odeh nigerian men who like to leave nigerian beauties and chase foreign women, they will stab all of una to death o!
Naso all these SA women be sha, satan worshipers, I'm sure she sacrificed the poor guy.
Hmmmm issssok
Linda (10x). It haff do ooooo! Haba! Is dis how we'l live dis year? Seeing such news evryday? Wat a rough start! Smh. RIP dude.
sauti no dey smile
Its really a crazy world! God help us!
She dey crasi? Bring her to obodo Ngwa make we chop her flesh like soya. Dammmmmn how can his 9ja guy watch dis UGLY BITCH stab him to death. Na so she strong? RIP bro, its α pity.
What would she tell her daughter??!
She would have to live with wot she has done!
RIP Gidi
Oh my God,what is happening to nija peepz,outside d country.nd diz woman must b a heartless witch.God av mercy on us all........end time is near oo
Linda pls follow up dis case cos I am 70percent sure she'll walk away free South Africans dnt regard us nd see us as animals nd criminals despite our struggle with them during the dark days of apartheid if this girl isn't found guilty nd jailed 4 at least man slaughter due to our citizen he's daughter who's now in her care the govt should stand up nd cut off every intertnational relation with SA.RIP sir.
Na wa sha...afta South Africans wee do as if na Nigerians bad pass...ordinary argument..RIP man...
Mizz Mac
What an act, dis is so Sad, may his soul rest in peace.....luv u linda...pls post my comment
Na 3 naija men in diaspora don die since d beginning of this year....2day is 9th of January ....356 days to go..may GOD help us Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo ..
so so sad. RIP BRO.
Hahaha @ obodo ngwa... Ure funny jare
foreign women are still better than naija babes any-day
Linda I've bn commenting on ur blog,and uve neva posted my comment what kind of wickedness is dis na...am a fan can't u see, abeg post my comments...u are now begginning to annoy me....
What kind of stupid blmes this on the fact that she is foreign...and makes this into a Naija vs Sa thing? Any human being can behave this way, regardless of ethnicity or nationality. Get a GRIP! And do some research on how many Naija women poison their men on a daily basis...before you talk such generalistic trash. El Stupido!
So sad!
A woman comes up to me with a knife, its either i make way, or try to over power her and then beat the crap out of her.. Its plain simple. My ex girl once threatened to stab me with a scissors, i am sorry to say, she got massive a beat down.. Some women are evil.
RiP to d dude......bt I often wonder where d place of love is when I c shit like dis happen......can u hurt sum1 u love.....Ping 277DDBCD for clothings @ affordable prices.
U r so shallow! Such a fool! What a waste of earth space! A man died and ur peanut brain attributes it to his marrying from outside his nation! Smh! What if it was a naija woman that killed him? Categorising alll s.a women like that! U r sure she sacrificed him, ur mouth would definitely put u in trouble, sure indeed! Desperate house girl, if men r not toasting u, it's not "foreign women's" fault, u hear! Stupid child!
Hmmm... Is she hot-tempered or what?? What could have prompted d stab? Na Wa o.
U hav seen CIA. Abeg the more u look, d less u see. Just rest jare
My friend shut up and stop talking nonsense... Because one south african lady killed a nigerian man,south africans are now devil worshipers? Woman grow up and stop condemning people stupidly. And yes,I am nigerian...
Na fool u be mumu suegbe oponu
Sexily Endowed you are not from Ngwa and you know it so be quiet.
Anon 1:06, linda, is that you??
An argument and you draw a weapon. Painful thing is that I've read about many cases. It seems even family can turn against you anytime and it happens more frequently nowadays.
For some reason I just remembered uche jumbo family violence movie damage.SAD
How I wish I could handle this silly heartless bitch tha stabed my fellow nigerian guy to death,I will make sure she die slowly and will regret ever being given birth to...bitch like her...tcheeeeew.. Murderer
How did she overpower such a big guy??? She must have extraordinary 'special' powers!This year has started on a bad note for nigerians abroad already,RIP dude.
Na wa o.....buh come 2 think of it how can dis lady just take a knife nd stab dis dimkpa....m dear not buying dis story abeg...m take is dat she stabbed him in he's sleep buh ofcos d self defense shit agn..just saying....by floxyfire
Wen I see things like this,it just suprises me,cos where did all d love go to?how can u stab someone u share a bed with.how can u even have the mind to kill the father of your child?what kind of example are women setting these dayz? Wot kind of anger can overwhelm u to think that way? Violence is not an option ooo.
Pretty trick says so
You sound so ignorant
I stay in SA,nigerian men are slave to them becus of papers,God help our men..ones she is released she will have another boyfriend immdlty, case close..RIP
I live in sa and I can tell u dt sa girls are very temperamental! Ofcourse d govt will support her! A girl stabbed my naija flatmate cos she read a text on his phone! And for naija guys dt say sa girls are finer dan naija guys! They are just cheap!
Hmmmmm! How on earth did this happen? Could it have been self defence? #confused# This is quite very sad however..By the way, am Nigerian,but people trying to make this seem like a war b/w southAfricans and Nigerians shows just how shallow-minded and how totally backward they are. We live in a very violent world today,it could"ve happened anywhere to anybody regardless of where you from and which country your spouse is from.. Also,men do these to women more often than not and again,regardless of where they're from.Pretty sad though,RIP MAN
Pretty Girl
Poor guy... Must have had great plans for 2013...
Lol..... see what ur diarrhea mouth has caused u, next time censor ur comment bf posting.
Linda CIA
Anon. 12:55am, your tongue is mightier than a two edged sword.
RIP bro Tony.
Stories have being hearing nowadays foreigner kill nig men, in Nig, Nig men kill Nig women na wa o. God help us! Ladies pls be careful of the type of bf you have, some of them can be so violent.RIP man
This is alarming the rate nigerians diaspora are being murdered
This is alarming the rate nigerians diaspora are being murdered
At the end of the day,S.A government will cover the case up.They'll prolly say she's schizophrenic with 2nd person auditory hallucination i.e a voice commanded her to stab her husband to death.
Taking another persons life is evil and not of God purpose for Man, whether is a man or woman involved. This is a clear pointer to the fact that Man has reduced the value of life to that any animal on the street. We must return to our creator to truly know our purpose and uphold the sanctity of life. To this man and all others that have departed in similar manner, may your soul continue to rest in peace.
Government will need to be more stringent in implementing laws that has to do with such cases to serve as deterrent to those that are contemplating that as an option to addressing there differences.
@ gloria sharon....the woman was with a knife,and your talking about overpowering. Or do you thunk the dude knows kungfu? Wake up girl.
May his soul rest in peace! Just a coincidence.
What a bright comment!
¸.•´ ¸.ℓoℓ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))
Not cool to beat a woman oh but yeah its better than hearing all this sad stories!
I live in South africa.. And it is very common that these women do these things to Nigerian men. Especially if they are rich. They are poisoned or stabbed or they set up some hijack. Its happened a lot of times and I don't know why these men still commit to them. May his soul rest in peace.
I live in South africa.. And it is very common that these women do these things to Nigerian men. Especially if they are rich. They are poisoned or stabbed or they set up some hijack. Its happened a lot of times and I don't know why these men still commit to them. May his soul rest in peace.
U idiots here shudnt say jackshit u don't knw,I stay in south africa and I knw aw bad thr girls r when its cmes 2 temperaments...this isn't d first nigerian guy 2 be killed by southy woman..RIP tony
Omase ooo ,so pathetic wot a cruel world.
This is terrible.....RIP Man!!1
Linda,,,pls....i haff tire for all these bad gists in 2013 oooo,,,the year is just too early for dis......Let thy kingdom come Oh Lord!!!
Just because of an argument and her fury got to the point of ending her husbands life shows that lady is sick upstairs in a way, at least she should have thought about the fact that her baby would become without a daddy, this is bad. R.I.P Tony.
It can happen in Nigeria just as it happened in SA. Naija girl can stab her man to death too, its all about managing your temper.
Wen I need something to make me laugh, I simply read the comments of lindiway fans. Typical naija people must cuss each other out. Unfortunate news though.
ONCE she is... Not 'ones'. Am not talking of ur 'immdlty'.
Mtshew... It is a true story, d man in question is one of my best friends uncle, his family members read this blog too. For those that r saying how can she overpower him, what if he wasn't expecting her to do such, she took him by surprise...
am a gay and I lyk big penis. Please advice moi. 08160117855
I will go to SA for nations cup just to find this bitch
SA girls are VICIOUS gosh! Beware of them.
A "pair" of scissors. Sorry couldn't resist :D
This is not a matter of SA girls or Nigeria girls. SA girls are bad, one framed a man up when his company sent him to a company in SA. She ask the man to steal the company funds and when he disagreed she lied that he was selling the company off. And he was put in jail. And she later confessed that she wanted the man to marry her bcus he didn't accept that's why she did it. They are bad. I know its everywere in the world but southy girls likes nigeria men who are well to do. So many of them destroy homes. And there are so many stories u haven't heard too.so don't conclude. I have stayed there I know what am saying.just like someone said the case will be closed after some time.
Dis has nothing 2 do with south Africa. It's just years of built up anger nd d fact dat both parties re not sattisfied with each other. To think dat Jan 1st I nd my husband were busy hitting each other due to some major misunderstanding. There was no gun or knife around d corner, but believe me..... Lots of injuries. Dats exactly what happened 2 dis ones. and pls we re both nigerians.
But its true na,abi una nor dey hear d story?hw many naija women stabs their husbands?even wit all d stupid tins dey do dat deserves serious stabbin.naija 4 lyf.stick wit ur ppl,period.
this is just so sad. what is love all about? what sort of anger will push you to hurt someone u love? i can't just get my head around this. RIP young man.
So sad !
Anon 12:45 foreign women GBUE ISI. Ur own case na deep freezer dey she go lock u put come on the fridge so that when them bring u out u go don turn STATURE of LIBERTY... Omojati jati
Anon 12:45 foreign women GBUE ISI. Ur own case na deep freezer dey she go lock u put come on the fridge so that when them bring u out u go don turn STATURE of LIBERTY... Omojati jati
Well can't really blame him for not marrying a Nigerian woman. There is actually a survey that says Nigerian women are the most devious in the world.
God we de beg u,no let evil temper enta our body wen we de face any kasala. Ameen.
One of d reasons why i dnt argue... RIP bro.
Just sad. Where has love gone. Temper is such a bitch n'uncontrolable dat it just leaves u miserable after d'act. May God protect us from ill tempered folks. RIP bro
Any way nigar girls are hoTter than SA girl, watch sarafina now and see wt their short short legs and ugly looking face. Even God said in the bible Abraham go back home and marry among your kinsman. Atleast if she is from your place, she will thinks twice before she stab you. Anybody that hate my taught should go to hell.
Its really a crazy world! God help us!
Its really a crazy world! God help us!
I live in South africa.. And it is very common that these women do these things to Nigerian men. Especially if they are rich. They are poisoned or stabbed or they set up some hijack. Its happened a lot of times and I don't know why these men still commit to them. May his soul rest in peace.
Yup yup....nigerian girls r mostly ugly to hehheehheehe, but their men r something else hmmmmmm :p
ZAynab or wat ever your name is,ur brain is so shallow that naija men wouldn't want you not to talk of men out side the country... You are a fool.. Don't we hear of naija women do more terrible things... May God pls not make me come across a woman like... You would even do more than she did.... I hate pole who don't face reality...
when i read stories like this, the next thing that will come to my mind is what is LOVE? and the next is fear of taken a woman to d alter bcos when there is lost love, the next will be domestic violence that may either lead to one of the partners's death or divorce. MAC
U should be sent to a home..ignorant retard oshi
it may be he was 2 timing and thought this was nigeria where a man can do wateva he likes and the woman will keep mute..
RIP to the dead.. When ur time is up, nothing U̶̲̥̅̊ can do bout it. Just dat we shld tink of d afterlife. Accept Jesus NOW.
Women women women... Must you kill him, you would end up comitting suicide because you killed what you can't create.Cant you just divorce him,steal his money o get him deported rather than killing him. This shows how devil is walking on top of peoples heads these days and keeps decieving them.Your lucky that you dint kill him here in Naija o if nt eh ur flesh wuold have been roasted for the Vultures as a special meal. May GOD guide us away from evil.RIP
This has nothing to do with marrying a South African woman, its just plain wickedness. Stabbed the man severally!!!! I believe she was possessed at that time. Poor kid,no mum no dad. May the soul of the deceased rest in peace!!!!
God!this woman has succeeded in climbing high on the scale of evil,do I say congrats?...sad dou I know she is so full of regrets right now!
Wat will make someone go dat far,dats y its good to think of the after effect of a reaction before u do it,and it helps one to restrain!
patience and self control are great virtues!
Naija guys like passport,that's his luck o it shows she's violent and he stayed cos of papers. This woman wld hv been giving him some blows and slaps b4 d final stab,if na naija girl open mouth shout on naija guy he go beat am die but na sa chic no lever. Gud 4 u dude.... Naija guys LEARN!!!!
Its crazy wat dis world is turning into
You are very right.
Marry from Naija u say no u wan marry foreigner.A naija woman will never do this,she will only prepare love portion so u can love her more.Anyway,rest in peace
Looks like a planned homicide ..... Why several stabs? . . Why on the 1st ? . . .Why . . ? Really we can't be too sure of what must have ensued between them before the murder but she has snuffed out a life which shouldn't be . .. .
The difference between SA women and Naija women is that an SA woman will use a knife but a Naija woman will use acid... Naija is better according to Zaynab, cos with acid you may have a 2nd chance!
why the killing!!
i survived paedophilia! http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2013/01/real-lives-real-talk-i-suffered-and.html
U don't Kill a Man U Claim U Love,She wz Never In Love Wit D Guy,RIP
Me I havent lived in SA but I have been there, those women are scary with their big backside and dreadlocks, very cheap and our guys follow them like flies follow shit just because of paper and cheap fucks. They know how to follow rich Naija men and then throw them out of the house after they marry them because their society supports women rights. Naija babes if a guy who lives in SA wants to marry you better do your research wella cos he has babes over there.
Wow! What a coward. It's so disgusting when I hear the way people speak in regards to battering women. Haven't you heard of dialogue? It all stems from the major abusive nature of Nigerians. They have been so dowtrodden for so long all that emanates from them is vile and angry. Constant cursing of each other. It just saddens my heart. It'll be nice if people are more constructive and seek a way to better ourselves, our relationships as well as our foreign image. People disagree. Unfortunately Nigerian men kill their wives more than the women kill the men (well, according to repirts I have heard) the women are overly subservient and subjugated. Sad.
I second that! They are so deceitful! So damn materialistic with no ambition. Most of them are just plain dumb. I will like to see more girl leaning about Science and wanting to change the world as opposed to......you know the drill
1st of january is just a day to be careful with as I almost go killed by my husband last year on that day. Thank God am still alive to say the story
Lol keep dreaming dear that's why even in America they still chase after SA girls who don't even have papers SA girls are beautiful don't judge by a movie made 21 years ago hater if you have not seen SA girls are been there then ur talk is irrelevant
Just goes to show which type u are urself most women in SA don't have dreads u haven't lived there but I'm sure the time u spent there was where all the foreigners from outside of SA come prostitute our ladies are very beautiful so please sit ur butt down this is not about SA women being wicked it could happen anywhere period
Ts no big deal to southies
Very cheap, give them 20 rands, u get a child from them
Oh SDFU, ur women r cheap while some of them go bald cause they cannot afford salon touch, carry rasta cause they don't v to wash for weeks, walking wt flies dancing alonota
On their heads!, they marry Nigerians for money and once d guy has made enough they kill them, that's d way they train them n their family, wicked souls
wat she did was uncalled for she should have found another way to resolve the issue.
wat kind of a person says SA women are cheap give them R20 and get a child? see how heartless u are. wat u plant u shall reap n the evil u doin will remain with u, remember u have sisters, it will happen to them it mite not be now it can be even 50years or 100 years laters later but it will haunt u. i noticed most the women wth kids wth naija it's either they have been forced to sleep with them on the first date or forced to sleep wth them against their own will. the bad u a doing will remain with u mark my words!
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