Last year, after 10 years of marriage and two children, Vanessa Bryant filed for divorce
from LA Laker Kobe Bryant after a private investigator provided her
with proof that Kobe had been cheating throughout their entire marriage. Well, they managed to sort things out and have decided to stay together.
Yea dats d way it should be..I call dat maturity in marriage
Why do men cheat a lot? It's so painful
That's the way to go, marriage may not be a bed of roses but its about learning to accommodate each other, make mistakes but correct them and learn from them. I am happy for them, wish them more fruitful years ahead.
Nice...i guess she has true love for him and not really after the money..
Happy for them. Vanessa, I will advise that you learn simple and healthy Nigerian Meal Recipes at He is a black man, Lol?
She can handle his bullshit. Each woman needs to know her worth. I will not be with a man who has broken his marital vows throughout our union. That is no longer a marriage now. Fuck a ring. Fuck a social status. Being a Mrs. isn't by force. I will choose being a happy single mother than being a depressed paranoid wife.
hahaha...maybe she got the wind that the divorce wouldnt favour her #prenup tinz...thats why she decided to stay put!
Anywayyyyys (eLLen Dengenre's voice) More grease to ur marriage@contract
Can †ђξ likes of Joseph Benjamin & Jackie Appiah imitate these positive people pleasee? Naija imitate †ђξ good & leave †ђξ Bad biko! Reconcile 4 ur kids & respect †ђξ Sanctity of marriage plsss!
Cool stuff
Who cares??!!
Good 4 them, glad they working it out
Eeyyyy, a̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊ so happy for t̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊,especially Kobe,
Good for them. People keep quoting infidelity as grounds for divorce forgetting that there is a place for forgiveness.
That's a good one
this is so sweet! work out your differences and make your marriage beautiful. wish them all the best.
I'm happy for them..they decided to fight for their love
Great news na. It is better for their kids. That's why you have a lot of num-skull kids in America.
Let d̶̲̥̅̊ married man D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥ has not cheated ☺n wife befor raise his hand up ,ℓ̊ bet none men r cheaters they cheat even I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ 3months of marriage dey cheat 10yrs na cheating spree na madam
Awwwwww, this made me smile. happy they have made up. Its important to always try and work things out in your marriage. Along as its not endangering your life sha.
Private investigator? Wonder y some women wanna ruin their hapi home themselves! Let sleeping dog lie mhen n enjoy life. Good uve reconciled, if u like, higher 3 investigators dis time around. Shiooooor
Thank God there r still young couples in hollywood who still believe in marriage and working it out. Nice eexample
Tank God 4 dem oo cos a broken home is nt gud at all bt if it wz vanessa who cheated whld kobe hv 4given her?
Lolz Kobe u're d man,when I grow I'll like to be like u. u ate ur cake and had it.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Bitch you wasn't with me shooting in the gym. lol those that know what i mean :)
Hahhhhhh, that's gud, I hope our own Artistes can learn form dis. Best of luck.
This is good to Hear... I'm happy for them. May our good God grant u peace. There shall be no cheating again in Jesus name - Amen!!!
Hahhhhhh, that's gud, I hope our own Artistes can learn form dis. Best of luck.Mama B
I'm happy to hear positive things like this. I pray that God gives them and other couples strenght to persevere and overcome obstacles in the course of their journey/journies together. God bless them.
dis is a real couple....... So many odas wud av gone 4 d shortcut(divorce)
I'm happy to hear positive things like this. I pray that God gives them (and other couples), strength to persevere and overcome obstacles in the course of their journey. God bless them.
Hmmmmm.. Good luck to them!!!
Cheaper for him! Good call. Make it work.
Good for the kids and marriage.
Good 4 d show. Its all abt d more no less.
Men cheat no more,e dey unah body
I hope other celebrities would learn from this two people,its important face your demons together and have the kids interest at heart cos they are the ones affect most
Money money money!
Hiring private investigator????? The truth is 99% of movie n sport stars cheat. My advice to her n other women is dat Kobe would still cheat, just make up your mind in not knowing what they do behind your back if U marry any or better still, dont marry a star cos it extremely difficult not to cheat when countless hot women are constantly around you. It the sad truth but it is a fact and a truth.
Madam eya shey u haff enter iya basira business ni?
Guess u r not married or u'v never really dated a guy 2 knw and accept his flaws....can bet u aint perfect either
People are just making nonsense of marriage. Wont be surprised if the divorce is enforced again.
Most celeb wives that stay is bcos,they don't want another woman to come in. Not prenup,but the social circle, the life style and so on. So after10years you just walk out. Examples are Denzel Washington and the wife, Gordon ramsey and wife etc. no matter the severance package, once your husband is the celeb , it is had to leave.
I love this, this should be used as a great example, divorce shatters homes.
Well said hun....I'm happy for them tho,they did the right thing!!
Dis is great news, so happy 4 dem..... Obviously dis happens in 1 out of 100 marriages, hp odas can learn 4rm dem. Angelic
Dis is great news, so happy 4 dem..... Obviously dis happens in 1 out of 100 marriages, hp odas can learn 4rm dem. Angelic
You're a saddist.. Bitch
the guy is a fool, he married an 18yr old girl and didn't sign a prenup.. any woman that leaves a man for cheating is dump, cause the next guy is going to cheat, stop wasting your time jumping from men to men.. if the guy is nice and he doesn't rob it in your face, be glad, love him and live happily ever after.. trust me we all cheat, Just some of us have respect
Bitch you wasn't with me shooting in the gym...word!!! maybe drake finally achieved something positive...hehe
I thot u guys wanted the divorce,KOBE for broke die
U better be tolerant n take it easy no man is better go n marry b4 acting like a fool here on LIB..
Says who?? Re u a learner?? U need to embrace google more d silly kobe byrant didn't do any pre nup so she would av parted away with over 80 mil dollars u can look it up
Men nawa for u oh,how can he cheat on such a beautiful woman and I'm guessing the lady he cheated with would be fugly but God just made men very greedy beings,hian!
aww yayy im happy for both of them! such a cute couple
Sorry oh aunty cook
I don't get ur "he is a black man,lol?
Are u making a statement,asking a question or questioning y u are "lol"ing
Pls make ur self clear
Kilokan artist ni be nse?is he an artist?olodo
My uncle fucks his babes in his boys squarters all d time. His wife knows too! So she is an enabler!
When he is not in d country my sqarter friends feed on his babes!So shit happens!!
Why am I better off than most of my mates? I stayed off easy cunts!
Contrary to what you said, she actually stands to gain a FORTUNE if they decide to divorce! Get your facts right :)! What is left? I guess she truly loves him! It's not always about the money!
Thank you my sister, the man is just a serial cheater and I bet he will do it again nd again.Women pls know your worth, there are many men out there and not all of them cheats.
Thank you o, I was thinking the same, definately not! Men and their stupid ego, he would nt take her back even if he was guilty of the same act and ws not caught. Sometimes I just hate some men for being cheating bastards, God will judge y'all
Thank you my sister, the man is just a serial cheater and I bet he will do it again nd again.Women pls know your worth, there are many men out there and not all of them cheats.
Nice one Kobe, atleast you saved your 150m 😀
Nice one Kobe, just saved yourself 150m 😊
Its bcoz she never get boobie #ironboardtinz#
You're totally right but americans and other western nations are damn funny.."private investigator provided her with proof"
Well at least he'll get 2 keep his $150mill
Aunty u r already paranoid nd depressed!
Why becoming a single mother in the first place, why not impregnate urself and leave men completely . Listen to urself single mother.
It's eithher u re single or u ve never been loved. Besides, ur opinion doesn't represent that of a real or good woman of virtue!
I'm sure you have answered the question of why you are not married yet or probably will never stay married.
What love can do. Happy for them
Like seriously she should learn healthy Nigerian meal recipes? U can't be serious (~__^)
PrivateAnonymousInvestigator 293287F0 find out free...
Madam chief cook,
"He is a black man,lol?"
Are u making a statement,asking a question or simply asking y u are "lol"ing?
I really don't get it
Are U sure????
What exactly do u mean by *artistes*??????
Grow to where again? You wey old pass Kobe? Abeg pass the mic.
You still believe in love? What about Santa? The Easter bunny? Or the tooth fairy?
Datz wat I call true love,disagree 2 agree
For how long before the next divorce filing? Guess they are just buying time
His lucky he has a sweet loving wife. If I was the one eh would never respct him again so it wud b beta if we go separate ways.but happy for her she has a soft heart n hope he has learnt his lessons to Stick bt his vows
Poor spelling "Hire" is d word
Wonder what gift he gave her this time around? 100million usd
She didn't answer the question wrongly. Its only when u wear the shoes that u will kn where it pinches.Experience they say is the best teacher.I am a victim n I am proud being a single parent to my kids today.
Methinks the word dude is looking for is 'celebrities'. Ur welcome.......
LMAO...... Jaded much???
Its our nature and most times we don't know what we are doing but like doing it not until we are caught then we can show u our very honestly pity face indicating that we are really sorry and even when we do it again we will try to be very smart about it and cover all the loop holes... That's y my dear pls always forgive us 70*70 after all that's what the bible says
Its our nature and most times we don't know what we are doing but like doing it not until we are caught then we can show u our very honestly pity face indicating that we are really sorry and even when we do it again we will try to be very smart about it and cover all the loop holes... That's y my dear pls always forgive us 70*70 after all that's what the bible says
Babe u sound jaded ooo...... Who break ur heart like dis?
kobe bryand will heave a massive sight of relief lol he would have parted with a pretty bundle although for the sake of their children and loved ones money cannot even quantify their joy
To every sucessful marriage come prayers so i belief if dey make God their fundation everything would go perfect
that's really nice. marriage should be all about forgiveness and uncountable chances. God bless them.
she should walked away nah nansense...another woman who kws kobe's worth will run in asap! sm1 like me ;);)
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