Brooke tells The Sun
“For Kanye, what other person besides Kim Kardashian is there? There’s Halle Berry, J-Lo and Beyonce but they are all taken. She fits into his brand.
“Part of being untouchable is having what other people want. It’s about saying, ‘Everybody wants her and she wants me’. That makes sense in Kanye’s world.
“I know he has had a thing with her for a while. I’m sure he watched her tape. After we broke up, we caught up as friends and he mentioned her, I knew something was there.
“In Hollywood, you cannot say ‘forever’. Them being together satisfies them for now.
“Having a baby ticks a box. She wanted kids and it’s his legacy.”About their relationship, Brooke says Kanye was incredibly insecure
“He was not macho - he needed you to be with him and needed your opinion. He was quite vulnerable.
“He was insecure as he couldn’t be with me every day. I got the impression he worried he wasn’t good enough for me. He needs people to tell him he is good and that he is needed and wanted.
“He wouldn’t start his show unless I was at the side of the stage. One night the show was delayed because he couldn’t find me.
“He refused to go on till I’d told him it was going to be OK.”The pair eventually split up because Brooke could not handle sharing her man with a string of other beauties. She revealed:
“I was very naive. I was a normal girl and in my life you meet a guy, you go on three dates and that’s your boyfriend. But he was a superstar and it got too much for me to handle.
“I was never OK being one of many or even one of a few.
“There was a lot of attention from other women. Kanye was very open and honest but it ended up with me knowing too much. I don’t want to be silly and say it wasn’t cheating because I knew about it.
First to comment!!! swag!!! BIg boy Peter!
What a looser...does she know how ,many people would kill 2be in Kim's shoes...she should go nd sit her psychotic ass down nd stop bitching about other people's happiness...jealous mofo..
Yes, This chic is BITTER, most gurls want a man who feels incomplete when shes not wit him! #Insecure is not d right word
The most important thing is they are together and probably getting married. Peeps should just leave them alone now. Haba!
Tinsel actress Uru Eke says she doesn't want to be like Tonto Dikeh HERE
Uti Nwachukwu announced he wants to fall in love this year and spoke about his past relationship on
Linda...there's nothing bitter about what she said. Rme, you so much worship Kim and Kanye you can't even understand the simple sentences Brooke made. Kmt
really, he needed you to tell him to impregnate Kim
Read this on huffington post a few days ago
Why so bitter. You didn't want him, someone else did. Why try to knock her hustle. Does Brooke have a husband and kids yet? You just gon be hating, and she'll just keep wining.
shutup dia....see ds mgbeke oooooo,why saying ds now?we didnt even knw u,taaaa gerrout hia
Yimu! And you are? Brooke what? Brooke cinematoghapy!
Aint nobody got time fo dat....
Brooke your time is over Hun! You miss the banana? You never yoyo? Another karrueche Tran.
Mere looking at him, u would no he is insecure and kim is the best thing that ever happened to him. I didn't use to see kanye as an insecure person at the beginning, he was hardcore and very deep. His lyrics were tight too but the moment he lost his mum he became a different person entirely.
But somehow he's been doing perfectly fine without u and ur encouragement! Attention seeker!...Meggy!
Oh puhleeease..... Brooke girl, all you said puts no sh*t on Kanye, I even see most of all she said about Kanye when they were together as Kanye being a man who was loving his woman well. She doesn't have to make Kanye look like a weak man or something just because they ain't together no more, just get a life girl!
my friend free dem joo. if he is all u said he is, why didnt u stand by him every time he needed u? he has gotten sm1 who is ready to sacrifice all and be wit him everytime, so why d hate? ur indeed a bitter ex mchewwww
That's just bitter mehnnnn!!!!Gals sha o
Bad belle...
Dis babe must be referring to someone else. Kanye's is too arrogant to be called vulnerable
sittin down n sippin me pepsi n eatin pop corn.watchin on 4D.long time no comment aunty linda.smilin face
Hmmmm...All I knw is that you wouldn't be saying all this if you 2 were still together..Am I d only one sensing jelousy here?...what ever it is,dey are hving a gud life ryt now so haters are welcomed ..you 2 shld go ahead and enkoy ur life and congrats on dere baby boy that's on the way..
jealous witch
Nne biko shutup. I don't like kanye and I don't like u too!
See why he dumped you in the first place ??? Talking about his vulnerability like it's nothing. Jelousy go kill you for there!
BTW, this coming AFTER he has been accused of being gay . . . I wonder o!
Who is she and I kinda sense bitterness.Young woman,kindly get a life and move on.They don't care about you.
Linda don't say bitter plz,her story could be true oo!
Its nt dat dere ws no one else,he has loved her right frm time.
lol he wouldnt start a show without you??..oh dear you wish!
Well dats kanye 4u brooke..I'm nt criticising on wat she said,bou I fnk d bitch is jealous....cos he's got wat fits his lyf and atleast his happy wit kimmy!
What will she say b4? Obviously pained
She's soo deluded.some gals sha...
What will she say b4? Obviously pained
Nw wer u dey???? M shur u were feeling lyk Don baba J bk den.. Go n luk 4 a husb jor. In Ʋя face
Jealous much.
my dear bitter girlfriend so u had a man dt need u to encourage him b4 he does things and u let him go.dnt worry the kardashians re very good at encouraging their men.so back off and shut up.
Bitch please....don't nobody want u plus u look like a scare crow #teamkimye
Linda,I'm beggin pls post my comment.av been puttin up my comments nd u av nt 4 once posted it,its nt fair o.
She's just consoling herself because he isn't with her any more.
this kind of confirms my suspicion all along.
this kind of confirms my suspicion all along.
Linda u are really vexing dis year..As in!!...u wan use gist kill person.OSHEY!! God bless ur hand work.
Hmmm, yeah i believe most people date certain kinds of pple just to feel relevant,while some would rather just maintain the class they already have. It seems the guy seeks his partners opinion, which is great for me.
Before i forget, has anyone ever shopped at www.cimabrawn.com ?? I just checked it and iv seen some stuffs I like but una know naija naa, I just want to be sure its being run honestly.
Ehn dat is serious
There is little or no sense in everything you just said.
Fine, kimye may work for now, that is celeb world for you, but i dont think its a bad thing for your partner to get affirmed by you or any other person who cares. I am yet to see anyone that does not want affirmation just that its not equal, so I dont get how that is a weakness or minus. I feel that says a lot about him being a family person. so dear brooks or whatever you call yourself we have seen you "a ti ri e" you probably want some attention and you got it! so shift!
And what exactly makes her a "bitter ex" Linda? *Confused look*
Linda have you seen Jim Iyke's attack at you because of the last picture you posted? and u said it o that this crazy dude will attack u...lol
So u think that is a 'weakness' for him. Women r looking for men that will actually need them n value them not like a piece of art or property but can actually depend on them. Can u imagine saying dat kayne refused going on stage cos she wasn't there to tell him everything is ok. My question is since they separated hasn't kayne been performing on stage?
Anyway, I have never been a fan of Kim but now I think she is one very smart lady... go Kim
Lol....tis so obvious dat the guy has complex issues
he loved u stupid girl!
y diss him?
he couldnt start a show without u!
her head they there! there is truth in her statement but jealousy lies somewhere in between
Who u be? Abeg go sit down. He no fit do show without u there n he never die as una don split.ode panla.
Stories dat tickle the bum bum!
Linlin, no be say i wan dey pedantic but you for try add "s" to "girlfriend" to make it "girlfriends:. To say you no add one of, then e for dey ok to say girlfriend but as you don come join plenty omoges and come single out one there, e dey necessary to add the "s". How you reason am?
Linda, when are we going to hear your own love story? I believe you are an interesting lady with a beautiful love story you are hiding.
Why are sm gurls foolish.....This only show Kanye is human after all....and dis shows a diff side to him,a side most women wld want dere man 2 hv....showin a woman dat u need her...so becos his a Celebrity he shld be hard and hv super feeling...d next tin now is ohh Kanye snores,or he farts or he eats with his hand...Get over urself Bitch....
sharrap girl. someone is only appreciating what u took for granted. u knew what his problem was nd u were not always there to fix it. bt kim knows nd she is always there to make him feel lik a man. so go mourn in silence nd dont be jealous okkkkkkk
You should not have crossed out the bitter. Brooke baby, have a seat! In fact, have several. I'm no Kanye fan, but to say Kim was the only woman left in the world who would date Kanye is really stretching it. Lets see who Brooke is with now. Bitter, broke bitch. Mama Ifu
ok we have heard you, it didn't work for both of you but its working for him and kim so lets see how it goes. stop blabbing because you are not making any sense to me.
She don't seem bitter to me tho.. Just as sincere and I sorta just believe her!
Eyah! Stories that touch! Smh
Abeg pack ur jealousy †̥☺ ursef, he has moved on n he is happy.
HisSsssS. Abeg make she go joor. He could not do a show without you indeed. No move on ohh Dey there dey decieve ya sef
word of consolation. u obviously still have feelings for Kanye. poor you!!
Ok anti lin,wetin she wan get wit all dis her silly story? I sure say dem don pay her heavy mny.silly woman...Next Pls.
Yea,she's a bitter one! Nobody even knows her!
Awww. What she said abt kanye just made me love him the more.... people need to free dis couple na
Love er honesty.. She just couldn't handle it.. Wish many girls ere will own up instead of staying in a relationship where u suffering in silence♥♥♥♥
Well, what can I say than congratulations and good for him.
Am not a kimye fan but they look good together
Ojuju calabar see her face as e be. She worwor no be small. Na jealousy jealousy D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ worry U̶̲̥̅̊.ЂoW̶̲̥̅̊ can U̶̲̥̅̊ compare urself with my beautifully deliciously endowed kim go Α̲̅πϑ take a chill pill jor, U̶̲̥̅̊ are a big time loser. U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt even fit into the picture. GO KIM! NO RIVAL!
Wow,this could be true. Nice one,probably he did watch d sex tape n liked wat he saw. If true he likes attention then they r 2 of a kind cos that wat kim is made of. Also Brooke is correct abt no forever in hollywood,so many to fill an entire higher education.
Hehehe she's just bitter cos kanye didn't show her off or sing about her like he did for kimmy...I feel sorry for her tho cos she sound so lonely
'how can I stay faithful in a room full of hoes''...one of Kanye's lines,and he is actually practising it!!its like dese pple don't sing for nothing!
I hope Kim can keep up with his lifestyle of many women anyway dou dey look gud togeda for now!
I don't believe her. Kanye has moved on, she should do same.
Causes of Sexual Addiction
How does dis story affect d corruption in naija?let her go n sleep if she doesnt hv anytin berra 2 say.can see why he choose u ova kim.mtsheew
All I see is another black woman who won't move on. Am nt his fan but all u just said is a description of my ideal man. I wish he will ask for permission b4 farting sef. hahahah,lol..... But seriously babe, let it go. Instead of making him look bad, u are creating more fans for him. MOVE ON!!!!!!
If this is Kanye's attitude towards his woman, then he deserves B.F of the year award. Its really sweet #nohomo. And she sounds kinda bitter, who would lose a guy that feels like this towards her and be so cool?
If this is Kanye's attitude towards his woman, then he deserves B.F of the year award. Its really sweet #nohomo. And she sounds kinda bitter, who would lose a guy that feels like this towards her and be so cool?
She doesn't sound bitter... she was asked a question and she said it as is.She's a regular girl,she doesn't fit into Kanye's world in my opinion she's better off without him. Shes' also very right about how Hollywood works there's nothing like forever there. Give it a few years we are all watching. Didn't we think Kanye and Amber rose would last forever?now that looks like a lifetime ago.Today she's Mrs Khalifa.
my dear he wasn't insecure just loved you and wanted your opinion any normal matured girl will love that you just missed out big time. can see you have still not grown up by all ur rant.
Nothing wrong in what she said; it's the simple truth. even things she said about herself are simple and true. kanye is with kim for a reason - "untouchable or whatever. Jay-z has his beyonce and they are music's first couple. Kanye can like to get Kim K too too build his own legacy...what do you think?
Madam u no dey advitise ur website again?
Maybe u for talk say make she come learn ow to cook nigerian dishes for ur website to attract kanye bak.
Your statement is so naive!! Most people put up an act so people don't know their weaknesses. Na wa oh! So every arrogant person is really tough. Taaaaa! You never see.
Never liked the guy. and there's truth in what this ex is saying,whether she is bitter or not. Oh gosh kanye west and ghostface and neyo jst came on on my iPod lmao!! Anyways,ye ppl like kanye put up an act. Try to look all tough and shiiiii. Nothing wrong with being a sensitive guy tho. But if what she's said is true then me sef I can't tolerate this kind of man.
Chic u need to move on and stop telling the media "a bed time story book about Kanye"...guess what he is with Kim and ur skinny ass is bitter, lonely and A NOBODY...
Go drinking with ur girls u will be fine
Bitch go take α nap, u look sick already.... How can any1 compare? Brooke or watever de fuck ur name is, u sound like ur name brooke brooke. We ain't interested, Kayne has made his choice, move on already African Yvonne Nelson. Smmmmmh #bbm talk to de hand face.....
She rily does sound bitter
If d story is rily true,she's a terrible person!!
She rily does sound bitter
Ol boy, you bi jjc abi.
He has the right to feel like that coz he is human that doesn't mean he is insecure
I agree, ignorant eejits did not even read the interview. The only thing that may have been construed as bitter is her insinuating Kanye is/was insecure. But, who wouldnt be? No one is a 100% perfect, MJ was plagued insecurity as well, where Kanye has Kim, MJ had his "pain killers". I guess, the whole superstar status gets a little much for them - uneasy lies the crown and yada yada.
May the Lord bless you.
She's not bitter in my opinion either. She just made a couple of statements. But Linda is extremely biased so trust her to put a spin on it
That's (kinda) what I said...
Ohh please , Linda and everyone else and can't believe u guys generally take the sun as a legitimate source . The sun is probably the top tabloid paper that brings out absolute shit , the possibility of this being true is like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009%
Hahahaha I get it now. Kanye's gay story broke out and just when pple were trying to question his sexuality...he made a smart move by paying this bish to talk about him like she's bitter but indirectly making him human and straight. I sense foul play. Why didn't this bish come out to talk since? Kanye's PR and cover up tactics is working. People will then concentrate on this bish story and disregard the gay story....u dey try. Kanye is insecure ...I laff in japanese. Kanye try something else. MOVEMENT
I really wanna see Kim's sex tape...pls where can I find it? No yeye answer pls.
Bitch you threw it all away.
I agree, there is nothing wrong with what she said. Infact, if you followed Kanye from the onset of when he initially appeared on the music scene(tracing back to his very first album), it was actually Brooke that he was singing about. This chick was his first love. However, when she broke up with him, he started to go downhill in regrds to his selection of women: Alexis, Amber, and now Kim K.
Therefore, her comments should not be deemed bitter or cruel, but speaking the truth. Kanye is a huge attention seeker, and loves to be in the limelight. What best way than to be in the limelight and have crazy attention than to be with the most attention seeking female currently out at the moment--Kim K.
Am nt a fan of kimye bt dis girl sounds foolish.wat she said regarding kim is lame and evryoda tin she said abt kanye is irrelevant and pointless.
@super Mario, just on recess!
Exactly @Gozzy. She is just an irrelevant chic looking for some attention. She said Kanye is insecure, yet she was d one who ran away cos of other babes around Kanye. She is d one who is insecure n jealous.
And your point is?
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