They've been sending me mails, DMs and now tweeting at me. They say the pretty lady above, Lala, is Ice Prince's girl and not Yvonne Nwosu. Well, it's the person that flaunts him that we know na, abi? Oya, carry camera, snap photo and send to us, biko! Hehe! See more after the cut...
Who cares? Shame!!!!
All dis gals. Shud go and hide thr face in shame. Must u kill urselvz all becoz of a celeb? Like wdf?
Linda "GossipGirl" Ikeja na where u dey dig all this tatafo from. Una wan turn Ice Prince and Yvonne into Breezy, Riri saga abi. #nocomment
Omo did you hear that a KFC Customer found tiny brain in his fried chicken. Check it out on naijaPOSE
loooolz Lindiway. Anyway dey can reach an arrangement,btw there's love in sharing and d cobra no get meter.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
So who is d real girlfriend linda pls find out oh!
@ Linda, this small Children will not kill you IJN. i know this chic @ ceecee pokerface. her name is Nwando Nzegwu. she too dey date one artiste.... They too should tweet pix na! Abi the r/ship is under bedsheet???
Another girl? Haha. Iyanya in the making. Anyway, you never can tell who's lying and who's not.
Remember that rapper that committed suicide and tweeted it before he did? His girlfriend said she didn't breakup with him o. That they were just friends. See her interview here on GISTville
Where the f**k is Ice Prince to clear the air on this??? Only Him alone has the final say here.
Which ever way, she's cute though.
Check out
http://trendevolution.blogspot.com is now live, its a global news blog and magazine. Happy viewing.
is that a right hand steering wheel? Just asking#####
Hmph, all this rubbish for ice prince and his okpolor head, that lala girl should even shuttup, look whose calling yvonne agroupie, when they r BOTH groupies.
When you know that ur supposed bf has a babymama that he isn't taking care of somewhere, and the same bf sleeps around, aren't you a fool not to break up wiv him?
Ur here disturbing our dear linda, tweeting her rubbish, mscheeew!
dem go dey alright
Come o, is this anoda Riri saga? Girls,protect urself for pete's sake! Let the guys flaunt you not the other way round.
Yvonne is well known for snatching people. I'm not surprised.
┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥Æ ̴̴̴͡K⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥, â„“ don hear. Groupies n •-̶̶№ groupies. Nxt gist pls
One thing is certain ice prince likes them slim hahahaha
its about to go downnnn! where's my favourite chair again? someone pass me a drink!
It is absolutely impossible for a celebrity to be faithful or keep to one date.
Not that they wouldn't want to be faithful, it's either they go for dem ladies, or the ladies throw themselves at them.And for all that I am aware of,the entertainment industry is not relationship/marriage friendly.
Guy/lady, should know what they are going into in the first place.Good luck to them....
They will all wake up when reality dawns on them.
SMH for these desperate old hags.....mtchewwwwww
Linda saw u on Instagram seem u av moved out of d contra again Linda has travelled she's not in naija for now so we re Waitg for our gift oo frm tht ur trip to anywhere u re
Is that a right hand steering wheel? Just Asking#
On a serious note,its not classy for girls to start arguing over who's dating who. We don't need another Chris Brown in Nigeria.Sending your friends to talk on twitter only makes one sound desperate.
Yvonne is the girlfriend we know. In other news, waiting for Yvonne's answer
This is Interesting...
She is going the Mrs Dbanj road... Very bad idea.
But it's no news at all now... Most celebrities cant just keep a single successful relationship, mostly because of the press.
@LALA, d way u are holding d BMW steering just shows that u dont even know how to drive or being the owner of the machine...so, you are just posing in it & taking pics with ice prince. U are just a jumpoff or knockoff...take ur pick & get the stepping! LOL
Una wan turn my Panshak Zamani to dat mumu oyinbo boy calld breezy abi?Bia Lindiway mk dis no turn to naija version of KT and Riri Oº°˚˚°Âº
Linda we were on the same plane to Ghana, post my comment an get the rest of the gist"bbm wink"
but why you sis linda... www.gistyinka.com
Wahala dey. chris brown of Nigeria. i will just sit and read comments cos i know one if not two of them MUST write.
Haha! Another love triangle...let's see how this goes.
Linda omo daleru daleru *in helen paul's voice*
maybe her man shouldnt be in bed with other women then. . . . .just a thought!
lol i knw ds ccpoker chic, alwes seekn stupid attention,was all dt neccessary smh. iceprince nvr snap pic wt u or evn mention u fr once in hs life n u cm out to say ur hs babe? lmaaoo u must be a high def.learner.
Okay we don know lala babe now,what next?
Settle ur matters with him privately. Do u expect us to be sympathetic with you now that ur goin about it this way? If really he was dating you, I don't think he wud let yvonne post all those pics with those captions. But trust plateau man and women. Dem no dey carry last for woman matter.
So women want to die for this boy of yesterday? Despation.com
This much drama over someone you have no legal right over??? Soon he gets married to someone totally different from u two. Whatever happened to self respect, u two should have one or move over!!!
Linda, U keep forgetting that some people actually like their privacy. So if she doesn't snap herself frolicking with iceprince and send d pic to U, U won't believe her story, right? Na wa o
Hahahahahaha, I laugh in Arabic.is that guy by your side iceprincezamani? Yvonne is wh we know o
Drama things o!!!!! D LaLa babe fine sha.
Oh well he parades her all around maybe u are not good enough for him
Lobatan! I'm enjoying dis movie.. Ve seen season1 can't wait to see d rest. Lol
I am loving this.drama in lagos
My dear go and sit down Jare u don truly carry last send us ur own pictures na na u be the desperate groupie lets see how this thing will go
Nawa oo wetin be all dis one nah,is this the NIgerian version of Chris,riri and tran?.
Who con be d GF na? Abeg u guys shud leave Linda na wetin she see, she talk (www.bvibes.blogspot.com)
Lobatan....... And ontop of wetin? Ehn? This young girls shd go siddon biko? What will his baby mama do?
Drama, drama, drama... Smh!! Moving on..
Is Lala the same Lala on NFC page? She's so with attitude and drama?
Na Yvonne we know who u be na u just wan disgrace urself
Na wa for girls oh lala na under bed sheet the boy dey date u Abeg prove the relationship make me see ice has been seen everywhere with the other girl wet in be your story really
Private by going on a social network to cry blood? Cut me a slag
Lala my dear pls rest ur prostitution will not carry u anywhere oh u was d one that came here to comment saying ice had a gf dat came from London ,u are d highest groupie on planet,from mr mayD to David ,to bred now u won claim ice ?are u a learner anyways babes just start to pack ur load now dat u have brought ur leg out,trust Yvonne the tiger to deal with u accordingly !!!!be warned
Heehehehe some girls mumu sha,he carry yvonne go ghana,they snapped and he let her upload it on instagram,the 2nd time,in bed and he let her upload it.yet u claim u be the real babe?
darling this is 2013,being a side hoe isnt in vougue. Either be the babe he flaunts or dont be d babe atall.
I dont know much about ice & yvonne but abeg,the babe na big babe,independent too,so sorry darl. try W4
Linda! U bi number one agbaya, if u like don't post me comment. Like omowunmi would say wet in concer you
Lol...superstory tinz
Abeg Abeg Abeg this lala girl na thief go rest Jare obviously he just fucked u like once or twice u come dey blab for twitter
wat a shame!9gerians gals has lost dier pride, behaving like d americans dat hav no moral values, pride,godliness. desperate gals lookin 4 whom 2put dier frustrations on, der re nice & hardworking guys out der 2 luv & cherish u,yet u look 4 celebrities dat oder gals hav suffered 4.SHAME!!! celebrities my foot! Bitch ass bitches!
As in ehn!J-town guys,terrible womanisers and professional heartbreakers even witout shishi'(cash) for their pocket!talk more of now,Omo boy don clean out'
If u ask iceP,he will tell u both of them are his friends*winks*.cos anyway na way.
So I advise dese gals to reserve their energies for their future husbands dey will soon meet!
Menh lala u are too desperate o
I tire! I tire for women with no dignity. Women fighting over men....smh
As far as am concerned lala ur just an attention seeking young lady with a troubled mind cuz ur age and brain would hv told you its more sensible 2 sort it outta social media as far as am concerned VONNE is ice's girl. Dnt try be a rihanna.
Hmmmmn!...linda u had better expect more pictures oo, more are still coming @ u,...hehehe ds panshak zamani tho!...ice is a celeb, ds babes had better ave a sharing spirit or move on!...hehehe
Lmao,none of these nkita's is even his babe.his babes name is farida,her dad is an ex Gov.Kill yourselves yvonne & lala.
Lastma!dt was december last year.u welcome tho
She is not a groupie so why is she coming to the media to claim boyfriend #eyesrolling#
Lala where are you coming from with this Biko park well are you trying to seek attention here sorry we are not in support of ur ranting why are u begging for love on social media bring your own pic onto bed make we see don't try claiming other people's property try get your own na
please even bella naija said ice prince was abi is datin d yvonne girl.. why she dey attack linda???? mschewwwwwwwwwwwwww
old fools... ice price dont marry any of u?... mumu children ..after the will say these once na mature girl... Lili oya na who be the real girl friend
You mea DESPERATION ? Or is 'DESPATION' a new word ?
Lmao. This one is even more stupid than the yvonne babe.words can't even fill in how foolish the ccpokerface voltron is. Groupies Calling groupies groupies..Nigga pls!she's even more of a groupie!.If she's really ice prince's babe.she'd av the decency to thrash it out with her boo indoors instead of going on twitter desperately trying to hit the news. Well good news is Linda as usual has helped you by bringing this idiots clearverly disguised as adults our way...Womanhood is now below ground level. Shameless things!
Lol she should better go and give birth. Y'all will soon hit menopause. Oldies!
Its d man who shud identify with either of u,and nt u ladies fighting or hating each oda,so y'all can rest,too much drama and really low.
Lindaaaaaa, you be agabaya o. Abeg leave the otondos alone o
Rihanna back with Chris Brown, Yvonne Beefs Tonto,Kim Rocks Baby Bump, ice prince has anoda girl...They are celebrities,they will sort themselves out. Worry abt urself dear, you don chop?
Hehehe @Tobun "sharin spirit"....which ever way,thumbs up Icy..lala,cc n vyonne A̶̲̥̅♏ sure der's anoda babe smwher dat knos berra dan 2 make noise outta her r/shp wif ice. ... Ruthie I izzz
Smh,Ruth Abokoku,Didirin meji
Gud for him
give your life to Christ He alone does not disappoint
Old mama Yvonne shuld leave ice-prince for young Blud Lala,shey shame no dey catch you??
Lala of sleeping with artist well done u are here again this time around u want to make the news don't let us expose ur dirty shit here is it now ice prince?common girl
Very shameful.am sure dias anoda iceprince's girlfriend somwia laffin her butt off cos of dia stupidity.all dis girls wey dem toto never ripe finish.I hear say d guy get one ex govnor pikin wey he wan marry.awon ashewo oshi dey send stupid pics.
No its a back hand steering wheel... Just answering#####
No its a back hand steering wheel... Just answering#####
Hahahahahahaha this is so funny this girl is obviously seeking for attention lala u even cc Linda ikeji to make u popular chai na so e reach u? Bring ur photo make we see na I fon tire for the boy def bloody cheat your yansh don open for public
Wot rubbish lala u are an attention seeking girl
Buh really,I'm not going to insult any of the ladies,buh lala is girls like u that give ladies a bad name,u claim to be his gf and yet yvonne was flaunting him around even on a bed,who r u supposed to be attacking? The girl who may not know u even exist? Or your alleged boo who owes u loyalty,its high time we ladies have respect for ourselves,celeb or not,if he doesn't respect you enuf as to be committed,sweety u have 2 options!!! 1)walk away..2)stay and be a doormat,instead of attacking pple like linda!!! If you can't have respect for yourself,you think he will?my dear he won't!!
Listen 2 urself,she likes privacy nd she said all dese on social media.....LaLa r watever ur name is cald,stfu!!!....u said ur nt a groupie so dnt act like one!!!ice prince is ur man aiit,we heard!!let him tell us ur his woman.....next pls
I love IceVonne the cute couple lala u are a bush meat
Then farida too is a groupie. ...dumb chics.
eyaaaaaa,lala pele,we dont just know you,its yvonne we know attached to the prince,but ask yourself is d drama u are about startin g really worth it,because if the boy give u ella(#closing one eye#) na u go shame pass oo.so just keep keeping it low till the wedding day ijn.amen
Nail on the head...well said
I know this girl very well, her name is lavinia, n she is kenyan not even nigeria, n she is super ghetto, n check her twitter all her tweets do r @celebs, so who is d groupie, I'm sure that's how she met, iceprince
And what is the competition for? TO share vaginal and seminal fluids that are laden with viruses and bacteria from other partners and those in the trio. hmm. People have time.
What's with this obsession of dating lame-ass guyz who really are not stars?? ladies pls. respect yourself.
#celebs dat older girls dufferewd for# oya now why dem no marry dose wey suffer for them? Why dump them bcos dey r older?
In lala's defense, it was her friend who started the drama, though she didn't condemn it. Anyhow, if you feel the need to publicise your affair over the internet, then you're a groupie. Yvonne posting pics with ice under the covers is just as bad as the girl who was kissing a sleeping davido, bed na bed, we need not know you guys are sleeping together. Yvonne sef no try, she rolls with billionaires and all this is completely unnecessary. I guess you can never really tell if someone is a media whore until they show you. My only prayer is that ice will not pick up some pretty dangerous and expensive habits which yvonne is publicly known for. Amen
pls visit me guys..http://aomosale.blogspot.co.uk/
Thank you as you do..
and thank you too linda as you post this comment..
All dis ppl commenting and hiding under d guise of anonymous, una no get name? I won't b surprised if its yvonne or lala dat is d anonymous or deir frds sef. Ice princ get babe sef 4my skool. Her name na jemila.Linda abeg dey give us beta gist. Yvonne and lala, dere are cool guys in naija, ice princ is nt worth it
After cutting u a slag,can i cut u a slut too?Slack even *tongue out
If u say so :)
Hoes gonna be Hoes so don't blame Ice....carry on SIR..
The funny thing is he probably has 1 babe his mumsy has married for him!!
Can't believe it's Ice prince girls are fighting for...lool
abeg my friend , if you ACTUALLY like your privacy you use your inbox.
I know his chic,dey r always 2gether Weneva he is in benin.her name is Gabriella her dad is a senator.#gbam y'all claiming to b his gf I pity u.these guyz hide their main gf frm public eyes.
Yvonne self is from kas to d'prince to ice prince, is she a learner too? Fucking groupies, both the Lala and the Yvonne, donating pussy everywhere
Which billionaire does yvonne roll with? Tah! Packaging island girls, rubbish
Ok..... Yvonne, lala, fabrina, jemila, gabriella Etc. Still waiting for more name's n I bet d list is long. Babes let's have some dignity. SMH
Omg!! Ur soo ratchet!! Did she sound like she was fyting??!!! *sigh! N does dat look like ice prince in d car????
Get a life!
Pls leave them alone...they own right to live their privacy
Do they really need to showcase themselves? Why would they even stay wv a guy who takes that other pics wv another girl. These girls are sick and wanna make me cry! They are d rrasons d future of Nigeria appears bleak
pls oo..im iceprince real girlfriend ..who is not in the public light....
That's why I like the foreign celebrities. They would let you know who's on board. No question of doubts or rumors. Nigerians too get skeleton to hide, dem no wan spoil their market. Lol
Dating a millionarie doesnt mean you are a millionaire! Pls lend yourself some brain and work hard and be relevant.
these girls are in relationships with single men this includes the pokerface girl
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