The decision of the South African Court that convicted Henry Okah this morning of charges relating to terrorism is politically motivated and legally incorrect.
As counsel to Charles Okah and others who are facing the same set of charges under Nigerian Laws, I have been actively involved in coordinating the trials both in South Africa and in Nigeria.
The fundamental flaw in the trial is that Henry Okah was not given adequate facilities and the opportunity to defend himself. This is because after the prosecution closed its case in South Africa, the defence attorneys and my Chambers here in Abuja tried frantically to summon the witnesses of Henry Okah who are based here in Nigeria to testify on his behalf. These witnesses include some government officials.
In this regard, we wrote to
the Attorney-General of the Federation who replied and directed that Henry’s
counsel in South Africa apply to the court there for an order to secure the
legal assistance of the Attorney-General of Nigeria. This was only two weeks ago
(please, find attached a copy of the letter from the Attorney-General of the
Federation to my office and note that the date on the letter was mistakenly
given as 8th January, 2012 instead of 2013.)
Without giving Henry’s counsel
in South Africa adequate time and facilities to follow the directives, the
South African court foreclosed his opportunity to call witnesses and rushed to
convict him. This is a breach of his fundamental right to fair hearing and an
obvious attempt by the South African authorities to please Nigeria at all cost.
That is why the judgment is nothing but political.
Whilst all Nigerians empathise
with those who lost their lives and limbs in the October 1, 2010 bombing, it is
wrong to convict anybody for it without due process. Henry has been convicted
without due process.
I condemn this judgment and
call on Nigerians and the international community to condemn the trial and
judgment of Henry Okah whose only offence was his refusal to accept the
so-called amnesty offered by the Yar’Adua-Jonathan administration and his insistence
on the Niger-Delta controlling its resources.
With the recent condemnation
of Jonathan by some militants who initially accepted the amnesty programme, I
am sure they now know that Henry Okah was correct not to have accepted the
poisoned chalice called amnesty.
The Nigerian government must
immediately use all diplomatic efforts to ensure that Henry Okah does not die
in a South African prison and for the South African government to grant him
unconditional pardon. This is without prejudice to his right to appeal against
the judgment.
Thank you.
Festus Keyamo, ESQ.
Plenty story.. Only God knows who is wrong n who is right.. + I don't get why south Africa would want to please Nigeria.. Btw,what's the meaning of ESQ?
this clueless man GEJ is starting to show himself as a very ruthless man…first he sent ibori his main nemesis out of circulation next its very okah then babalakin….
are we going to continue with this devil after 2015?
Festus makes a lot of sense here just like he always does but the sad truth is that if those at the top of affairs just like the government want you to go down, most times nothing judicially done can stop that from happening, especially when your hands are soiled with past "sins"
Hmmmm wahala dee, anoda militancy insurgence, Jona Jona Jona how many times did I call u?hmmm better Use ur sences b4 ur delta bros go Start again, I no fit shout000 make d no block rd and stop me from crossing d bridge to d oda side ,
This is completely off point but Festus hasn't aged a bit. still as handsome as he was the first time I saw him on T.V as a kid. :)
Festus,why r u always in a controversial case.dis wicked n evil money u r enjoying to justify evil,hw I wish u wil loss atleast one of ur loved one in a bomb blast,so u wil feel d pain too.God wil surely judge every enemy n destroyer of our dear country Nigeria dis year whether u r a leader or follower.God is watching
People lost their lives and limbs and you're talking due process! Watch your tongue before you vex the people. I advocate that Henry be given fair trial but don't try to make him innocent
We have had in the past situations where people suffer from what they know nothing about.
Every day around the world especially in lawless countries like Nigeria.
The ordinary people have been betrayed,used,killed and incarcerated for just no reason or because they were prejudiced.
Just appeal! You and I know the political system in Nigeria has been turned topsyturvy . Its no longer news to Nigerians that certain people control us, until they are sent to the grave Nigeria will not be revived or experience justice.
A country where money buys everything and the monster piercing one is buying people's right with money.
A country where people are raped and be scared to cry out because the same rapist threatens to kill them if they cry out. Women will be beaten and then police will smile and say Wetin make I do na,people get robbed in day light while people and the police turn their faces away from the scene,you don't feel secured and protected in anyway.
Everyday I cry for the citizens of my country Nigeria for what have been taken away from them because I see how Americans control and protect their own with passion whether you reach or poor you still have access to fundamental things of life. Health care,light,roads,school (financial aid),loan etc.
Can our leaders emulate other countries for good? And why do they go out for those needs when they can stop their looting so things can get better. Well God bless Nigeria my Country.
I support you sir!dis is sad
I said it before,it might be lack of fair hearing.
There is a difference btw being really guilty of a crime and convicted,and being convicted for lack of a gud counsel or not being able to exonerate. yourself!!
Somehow I also think there is more to this than meet the eye.
May God help Henry Okah,If he is actually not guilty!
Go and tell them in South africa.
He might b right. Who knows
Is this another round of noise making by Festus Keyamo or does he have a point?
Symptoms of Sexual Addiction
why deny the man a right to fair hearing, it is constitutionally and morally wrong to do so, well we hhope the judgement is appealable .
Keyemo pls be serious! Mistakenly dated 2012 n u dat I knw did not cry out as usual* strait face*
Ystydy it was a mad controversial pastor,2day again its one mad controversial lawyer.Okah sef mumu if im serious he 4 pik one of doz PDP lawyers defendin electn tins.
Crap lawyers! Appeal the gaddamn sentence! You shouldn't have let it hold in SA in the first place. What nonsense! The MEND guys were sponsored abroad to go to uni etc and are now big boys, yet this one is being made to pay everyone's sins. (That's if he's even guilty) President, you have messed up big time.
What about the other terrorists that survived????? Those ones you guys were always claiming to have caught, and paraded a few times, even.
The minute respect I thought I should have for u, as per you being president, has disappeared. I hate you as much as I did when you were campaigning, and then your FB page! Hope there's a hell so that all you evil people can rot in hell!!
the big question is, is he truly guilty as charged? If yes, let him face the consequences,,,if No, God will soon set him free. This is a year of pay back to our politicians for abandoning those that helped them cling to power....TB Joshua.
this guy is d real deal for d bad guyz...festus ur cup will soon full
It's almost obvious the conviction was/is political.
But then Keyamo should've held off issuing the statement just for a bit, keeping in mind that the seeming procedural lapses provide a basis for the conviction to be overturned on appeal.
Knowing the way international politics works, this might just be South Africa's way of playing both sides: one the one hand they have convicted Okah to appease the Naija govt, but at the same leaving the door open for the conviction to be upturned!
U dey sharp mouth abi cuz u r a lawyer okai oooo
This is a big case...I taya who we go believe?
What is Keyamo talking about? Instead of Henry's legal team to rise up to the demand of the occasion at the time, they were more interested in his telephone calls to Al-Jazeera and BBC. What is he saying? They gave him all the needed facility, those ones that are important to him, i.e. press freedom inside the prison. Let him face his appeal or go serve his time. Enough of this press nonsense.
thats a load of crap from that lawyer........
thats a load of crap from that lawyer.....
thats a load of crap from that lawyer.....
Who come do the bombing? Ah baba God, you're so merciful. I fear your judgment day which your people take for granted. God will surely judge the person that this even starting right here on earth. They should free the innocent soul if no evidence charges against him.
I juss love dis dude.......
This guy is looking very old. He must be going through a lot of stress.
The real Willow!
I concur! Smefn happened in nigeria, citizen of nigeria n hz case tried in s.a, n hz spozed 2 spend hz life sentence in sa I'm lostt! Abeg evn if he dd enifin, wat about offices n organiization ur home
Keyamo please we know you are doing your job as an attorney . Do you consider the lives this Man has wasted. You are talking about fair trial . Did tis Man give fair trial to those that died and those that lost their limbs on the independence day bomb attack.
You don't pity an oppressor
Go and tell them in South Africa. You always look for celebrated cases to seek fame.
You always look for celebrated cases to seek fame.
With due respect mr keyamo or whatever you call yourself, better get a life. Blackmail won't do the magic for you.
Henry Okah is an Idiot,imagine calling GEJ name last year that he was the sponsor of that attack,trying to implicate the President,when all we see in the president is a humble man that cant hurt,Nigerians nobody is perfect,its not easy to be a leader,especially in Nigeria,GEJ may not be the best but he is trying very well,Henry Okah,rot in Jail,cos i know your sentence is genuine over there,like Ibori,s own,no wayo like what we have in Nigeria and this Stupid Festus you are only making noise because Henry is your fellow south south Brother,stupid lawyer like you,i can never hire you for anything
So are u saying henry ukah is guilty????be very careful d words u utter! If his innocent and still proven guilty his bloood shall be on d hands of those who put him there!
U are what's wrong wit dis country.as ignorant as shit. Dis short story is plenty story 4 ur thick skull. U don't even knw dat esq is short 4 esquire. Deres sumfin wrong wit our educational system. The New generation doesn't speak good english anymore
I know it would end like this, just unfortunate we leave in a society that disregard due process, yes i agree that people lost their lives at the bomb blast, can the government up to date not convict or hold any of the boko haram members they claim they know. why must only a few suffer for what they claim to have done?
how can a man be convicted of crimes he committed in a country in another country,Festus is right,something is wrong somewhere.Na Job men work be this.
quote 4rm above statement:(please, find attached a copy of the letter from the Attorney-General of the Federation to my office and note that the date on the letter was mistakenly given as 8th January, 2012 instead of 2013.) how can such error be? where u all blind b4 4warding d letter to d attorney general? after how many years of his trial? i no blame u now, sebi u don dey chop govt. money, and u no lost any member of ur family inside d blast, y u no go talk non sense. mcheeeew
I totally agree with Festus
Keyamo must be a learner... We are all making the big mistake of using our tainted eyes to judge other countries.. The fact that our criminal justice system is corrupt does not mean that others are. In South Africa, a whole President Mbeki was found guilty in a case and that was what led to his premature exit. I seriously doubt that Nigeria can get the South African Government to influence their judiciary into convicting somebody unjustly... Festus should get his lawyers to appeal if he's not satisfied with the verdict. It is that simple...
Those who live by the sword.... You don't just wake up one morning and decide to kill innocent people either by bombing, shooting, kidnapping etc, I don't give a f***k if u are MEND, MASSOB, OPC, and Boko Haram, once you are found guilty, you must face the music. Shikienan
Well said
Well said
Wait a minute Keyamo works for GEJ via EFCC now he's cursing GEJ. Biting the fingers that feed you, mercenary fame seeking Lawyer. Answer this question can u swear with d lives of your kids that Henry Okah is not a gun runner, so where were all his guns and weapons ending up. When u deal in death one day death will find u. He profited from d blood of many lives lost, now d dead are calling his name. He ran to SA thinking he'd be safe there, nowhere on earth will be safe for those with blood on their hands. U have a document with a mistake with d date, a 1 year mistake abi. Go to d bank and try withdrawing money with just one digit wrong and see whether u'll get paid. 2012 is not 2013, try another defence strategy.
Pls tell Mr Lawyer o. He defends only drowning men these days cos they'll be willing to pay whatever it takes to get out of d jam.
His days of fighting for the poor masses are over and was only a popularity campaign.
That's how he defended Rev King after he set his church members on fire. Watched him on TV and even though the evidence was plenty esp eye witnesses and victims accounts, his point was that there was no way to prove that what was in the gallon he poured on d girl was petrol...some crazy defence like that which failed woefully.
Henry, na South Africa you dey so abi? Na 19 houses SA govt carry from you abi? So the kidnapping you started in Niger Delta inorder to draw attention to the state of Niger Delta is still going on o, and ur people still poor with no water or school. U no fit go build 1 house for ur village? Na SA you run go chill after turning the once peaceful region into war zone. You are reaping the seeds you sowed. The evil that men do, lives WITH them.
Don't mind him. He takes their money and gives them false hope. Henry was charged to court how many years ago? Festus will not give Nigerians that info. If you had witnesses, is it not your duty as his counsel to ensure the witnesses are in court? Unless they "surfaced" at the last minute. Please no mumu will take sensible Nigerians for a ride again. We have learnt our lesson after NLC fuel strike. U don chop the guy money even though you knew you won't win the case. Make we hear word. Abeg.
If your hands no clean Henry, na so life n freedom sweet u? Well people that got hurt/killed by ur evil activities loved life too but you only thought of your selfish gain. Well their blood has cried out to God. Accept Christ and repent. He loves you.
I don't know if I'm right ooo! But was Charles Taylor tried in Nigeria for his atrocities and havoc caused in Liberia.... I'm not saying henry okah is right but there still are some invincible strings people can't see! It's only in Nigeria that a Man like Femi Otedola who was involved in Subsidy fraud and when he was being investigated he implicated his investigating officer by leaking their little bribe secret and now Otedola walks free and the Officer is being tried for involvement in Subsidy scandal.... As far as I'm concerned there's more to this Henry Okah issue than meets the eye!
Is this the Almighty Henry Okah in the picture. where is all the SWAG gone. Those cynical smile has given way to wrinkled, aged face. He who brings home a maggot infested wood invites lizards for a feast. I still de laugh.
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