After six years of marital bliss, former beauty queen Nike
Oshinowo has packed out of her matrimonial home. Dr Tunde Soleye confirmed it in an
interview with Encomium magazine. He said:
I know for sure that Nike Oshinowo moved out of Dr Soleye's Lekki home mid last year and even when they stepped out together at Folorunsho Alakija's thanksgiving party in September 2012, they were already living apart. Nike now lives in VI, while Dr Soleye has moved to Parkview Estate, Ikoyi.“We are no longer living together. Nike and I have sent out a joint statement on the issue. It is simple and clean. This is not a scandal. We had three options, the best of which is to tell the world the truth that we now live apart. We have been living apart for a couple of months now. We see occasionally. She calls me when she wants and I speak with her too. There's no fight. I have been to where she lives. We are still friends. We are going through a difficult time and we will come out of it.
Nawa o
hmmm na wa o weti come happen na?
Awww! So sad. Well, they know better though?
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I knew there is no smoke without fire. So now rumor of their breakup is no longer a rumor but a fact.
nawaooo,make she come live with me na
That's the life in Lagos.
Polygamy is not easy.I am single at 36 and seen as "stubborn" by my family for resisting their efforts to match me with a married man. All nigerians want to hear is that u r married even if to another womans hubby. They demonize single ladies and push them to marry anyone. Even married friends tell me to "go for deliverance", this from ladies who used pregnancy to shag a mate o! Is it a crime to be singLe eh?!
Good for them joor......Linda,,ur aproko no get part 2 ooo,,,u even know where each of them reside now.....
Dey ar still frnds?mtsheeeew
hmnnn..failed marriages here and there. too bad. anyway when so many people go into it for various reasons other than love what to you expect?
what happened in this case now? irreconciliable differences?
Money is good o,see them moving 2 choice areas,unlike some dat will separate and move 2 e.g ajangbadi,now dat will be a painful split
Nike is such a beautiful woman. Well the marriage lasted wey longer than I expected.
Owk noted,onto d next.
~BONARIO~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Thats the thing thta scares me about most ladies these days. Them too open eye..... can't even sty in a marraige and wor things out!
Wetin concern me with dis kind story self. Na wah oh.
I pray is for gud
I saw a picture of dis woman dis morning n it's really unbecoming of a married woman.she was severally accused of infidelity n she was even spotted @ a party outside d country with a man last year(can't rememba d guy).so am not surprised her marriage crashed.I like her though
Tres civilisez!
Way to go oldies
Its a pity.I pray they sort out the problem soon.
Mummy! Mummy! Oyoyo!! Linda hun#muah#
We alredi knew that since na! Y dey con they lie before!
Why have marriages started failing so much in Nigeria? All we copy is evil from whites.
I knew it!! I knew it wasn't gonna last.hw did dat man stay married 2 her 4 6yrs?she's proud n doesn't dress her age!!Dnt like her one bit
Na waah o.I no even like d woman b4.she's 2 proud. UNDISPUTED
Can she display like a peacock again?nd mr man,go bak to ur first wife.For job vacancies updates visit,www.jobgoals.blogspot.com
She is still qualify 2 marry another young guy if she wants.
so it's true they were just acting all this while,well wish both of them all the best
Mehhn! Wat is really goin on in d world at large. Pple now think dey can go into marraige den move out or end it weneva dey feel like.....hmmmmmm,End time saga.
Na wa ooo..marriage
Beauty and the beast!!!
Nawa for Dr Soleye ooooo,I thought they always flaunt their love everywhere,God help them.
Wow! Its sad whenever a marriage or relationship ends. I hope people allow them grieve in peace. That being said,I have heard alot of crazy rumours about the woman....ranging from pimping of girls, especially former beauty queens to infidelity. I really do hope there is no truth to the stories. She needs to comport herself if she seeks the comfort of another marriage because alot of men will stir clear. They will just use her and run.
Please child!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like seriously??? I don't think this will be a surprise to anyone. Nike is all about herself. A User, Very egoistic, rude, arrogant, self-absorbed, fake, superficial, vain and anything you can name it. Of course, there is no marriage but a business marriage just like her mother said when they got engaged. This lady is not marrying anyone but herself. Of course what do you guys expected. Tunde Soleye is not as rich as he used to be and Nike is not for a sucker. Everything for her is all about money,money and more and is a bonus alongside with some power. All she see's in her dictionary about life is MONEY AND POWER. Honestly i really have nothing against this old cargo but is just that i get creep out when she is being praised like this almighty God. She talks down on people and very arrogant. She always think she is the best thing that has ever happened to Nigeria since slice bread and she is so far from the real world. Of COURSE THEIR IS NO MARRIAGE BUT A BUSINESS MARRIAGE. Get all the money you can from him and send him back to the burner. This lady have nothing in her life than running after all these rich married men and everybody in Nigeria thinks she is someone that should be praised. GIVE ME A BREAK, PEOPLE. She has never done anything for the community than going around with designer clothes/jewelry like that is what life is about. She is now robust and looks like a snail.
old pple\'s quarrel.abeg linda tel us something else
Dirty hypochrites! How can an
educated man chase his family
away just to be with this slut?
LoL linlin, u can like to feel like one confirmed aproko ehn. What cracks me up, is dat pic on ur profile. U will drop a bombshell and "keep" face like one innocent bbe. I love u jor. Lol
This lady should go away. She is nothing but a mean spirt person. Of course the marriage will end. Was there any marriage in the first place? This lady knows nothing about any other thing than money, money and money. She is as fake as they come. I honestly see nothing special about this old cargo. She is too short in the first place to be a beauty queen and everyone at the pageant that night knows that she was rigged to be a winner. i'm sure Abiola Okoya is laughing at the corner right now. Who does what Nike did? Taking your friends boyfriend all because of money. This lady have nothing called morals when it comes to money. LIFE IS MORE THAN MONEY AND YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO THE HOLE THAT YOU CAME OUT FROM. I have no regard for materialistic person like her. Honestly, and with no pun intended this lady is not all that. She has no source of income and all she does to enrich her pocket is going after one married man after the other. Is that what this life is about? She should use her name for a charity to help the needy and everything shouldn't be about me,me and me. She a calculated manipulated evil person in my own dictionary.
Why r u jzt dropin diz news.. Read it since yesterday...
HURRAY!HURRAY!!HURRAY!!!. The african magic has failed. Nike go back to the hole that you came from. You are no longer a factor in the society but an old cargo that no one cares about again. This woman is all about money and designer outfit. No source of income than running after all these old married men for money. She has no morals and integrity and all these media fanfare has to be stop about idolizing this whore. What is there to be praised about someone going after one married man after the other? Like seriously? Please give me a break and stop talking about this woman.
Karma is a bitch,maybe the guy is no longer loaded enough to fund her lavish & expensive lifestyle.Meanwhile,Dr Tunde Soleye belongs to someone else before she snatched him from the spouse.#GodDoesNotSleep
Dr. Show na wao! Please just go back to Dr. Funmi that is the only woman that truly loves you.
It's like a box of chocolates, you never know, until it's open.
I wish them well!
Hi Nike, I don't see you entering the kitchen soon, I'd have suggested a cooking site where you get to see simple and healthy Nigerian Meal Recipes.
Na wahhh
Bi like say the good Dr's coins has finished , I'd wager she would be unto GEJ now , only be say Aunty P will run her outta town , Nike gentle yourself oooo don't want to hear any negative gist .
Hmmmmmmm.... Where is Shade Okoya sef?
Mschew dese old dead tins.. Pls next
She actually lasted longer in that marriage than I thought.
It couldn't have been marital bliss if they're separated
Eh he!nd we should do wat?....who was expecting it 2 last...atlst not me!!!oga doc abeg move on wit ur life ur better off abeg..mscheeeEeeeeew...floxyfire
Na wa o!Things stay happening
Wonders shall never end.......hissssss
Not surprised one bit. Nike obviously could not come off her high horse. Wth her proud and arrogant attitude, her ex-husband even tried to put up with her for as long as 6yrs. The cookie has finally crumbled.. Chywe
Dats is a mature seperation not some idiots!! I love their guts some pple would say dat they will always be enemies once they r seperated wen I. Left my hubby he tried to disgrace me irrespective of d fact that he was d cause just dat he couldn't stand anoda man talked to me!!!! Watever tin they r passing thru I sense maturity#fact#
So what were they 'trying' to cover up when this news was carried late last year.
Nike's beauty has become a big problem for her. I wonder who she will hook next and I cry for fellow wives. Chei
Let the man please be returned to his rightful owner. That is if she will accept him back.
Linda abebo
Sounds like it was a contract wedding they had and contract is over with.....well Nike is now settled I guess....hehEhe
I guess this is a surprise of the century. Like this is some kind of news. Who cares??? I guess i don't as a person. This old woman is shameless. Good for Dr. Soleye. Of course he knows what he's going into. Nike is a selfish, allof and superficial person and off she's gone the moment that the so called Dr. is not as buoyant as he was when they met. Please,give me a break. All their so called friends knows this is just a joke. Who in their right mind we marry Nike Oshinowo and expected it to last? This old cargo is nothing but a gold digger and once the gold is drain, off she goes. She is very superficial, self absorbed and vain. Nothing about her is of morals/integrity. I wondered what all the oh la la is about her for. She is just like an average woman on the street. Short and plain. The media should stop making her to be who she is not. She is not only superficial by the way, she is also rude and think the world revolves around her. Wake up Old Woman and stop parading yourself like some factor in the society. Perhaps you are a factor to your so called supercial/fake friends. But not to the real world.
oh well this was bound to happen now... she is probably on to greener pastures.. once a gold digger, always a gold digger
Hmmm!saw it cmin
Just proves 'only fools fall in love'...I was wondering when that charade was going to end?
Linda shey u chop d yansh of fowl nii?dis ur tatafo na get part 2 oo,you no dey carry last @all..
Hummm, interesting. God help them.
b4 nkor?what do u expect?
do u blame d man.Nike has practically slept with all d big shots in naija n beyond.
ashawo ten kobo
That's how it's I kip sayg this if boys nd girl re not lookg other side apart from beauty from a girl nd money from a guy u marry her becoz of her beauty nd u ladies that marries guy becoz of money beauty may go or fade nd d guy also may go bank ruptcy so it's only d love from d heart that will stay may God help us coz dis generation now re not lookg for real love anymore it's only money nd beauty they re going after
the cane they used to flog the first wife...
Hmmm.. I don't like to judge but sory ohh.. Dis woman has serious attitude issues maybe dats y dey seperated.. She doesn't act like someone dat would be submissive in marriage.. Maybe..
Bt wait, how on earth did Dr TS think he was going to keep a high maintenance lady like NO, this lady only move with reigning champion, once u aint buoyant anymore, she moves sharply *unto d next one*, 4get all those tales of *i don't want a child* person wey don use her womb in her occultic endeavors, who does not know that her mentor is Erelu, this women are d real Eko women, they wud rather perch on juicy fruits & suck till its dried then move 2 d next one, they are into powerful voodoo things...pls flee from them..Dem get clique..most members are above 50..Ab-Do,Ab-Fo etc..NO is one of the youngest in that setting,I'm very sure they'd be nurturing Ladies to pass on the touch to..
Eya, Eya, Eya, this one cracked me up!!! I don't see her entering the kitchen ever.
This people are old enough so can take care of themselves. We spend to many times worrying about celebrities and socialite than about our immediate self(environment). Have you eaten today, that should be your worry.
My dear its not a crime, God bless you and send your own man to you sooner than you think. It is well with your soul
Emmmm you sound like u have a personal beef with her,my advice to u it get over it,cos NO doesn't give a shit abt u or any other person tryn to bring her dwn,like u stated...so madam chillllllllll,to her she is living her life,sum1 dat has stated publicly dat she no want pikin,wat does dat tell you?
@Lindiway, why do u always need to approve our comment, where is the freedom of speech if you have to vet our comments. Just saying
Such a jealous cunt .... Stop crying you ugly fool ... Aunty Nike is the baddest bitch....
They will soon get hooked up again, it's normal for them.
Causes of Sexual Addiction
My dear don't mind them. Make sure you follow your heart. Whatever you do should be your decision alone that way any mistake will be bearable. The Almighty will lead you down the perfect road in the journey of life.
Nike is a total disgrace to woman hood,that's if she knows the meaning.she's rude,highly dumb,arrogant n extremely cheap.She has absolutely no home training,I wonder ow Tunde managed her all these years cause she's a real nightmare.She's EMPTY.
I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did sef.. Nike looks so cold & frigid. She go gree make d man touch am so? Guess she's gotten what she wanted out of it so its on to the next poor sucker. Mstcheeew! Fake woman.
Aunty , this is ur 3rd comment here now. E don do, we ve heard! Bitter soul!!
She's rude,arrognant.she's the ladyfrom hell.Has absolutely no manners wot so eva.She's empty.
Wen an old man decided 2 play wit a money sucking machine! Nike hop u pack plenty money? If nt go back n arrange d money
Nike I envy u oh! Money makes d world go round jor, enjoy ur life
I meant her once as a little girl. Trust me she was just too rude and proud. She use to have a business in adeola odeku. Woman with such attitude can't last wit our men.
He saw the jazz and finally ran. But Linda he never lived in Lekki oh. What goes around comes around.
She is datin one of the South South Govt already.mylipsresealed.
Ok wrong statement. No woman can "snatch" your man if deep down he doesn't want to be "snatched", it takes two to tangle. The guy is not innocent,i can't come here and start judging people I know nothing about cos it could be the guys fault the marriage dint work out. And you need to work on your english too.
This is your 4th comment here.. Relax naaah haba! And your english sef tire me. "Expected" huh?
Do u really have a life than making empty comments.
please did anyone notice that anonymous 12:58, 1:06, 1:11, is the same person, using the same words! whatever Nike must have done to you must be very deep cos there is a lot of hatred going on here.....WOWZERZ
Hahaha My thoughts exactly, the other 2 essays before this one look so alike... Anon 12.58, 1.06 and 1.11 is the same person.
This Nike must really annoy you oo... Are you sure your not related to his first wife? Or did your father give her money and forget to pay your school fees? Lol just kidding...
Ђ☺ÏŽ U̶̲̥̅̊ get D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥♏ is Ђ☺ÏŽ U̶̲̥̅̊ lose D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥♏,heard she is madam follow follow. She moves unto †Ñ’ξ next highest bidder!
Yup. Them coming out together was just a publicity stunt. To think he left his wife of decades for Nike. In a public messy divorce. Shio!
U r very right. People seem to think there's something wrong with u if Ur Not married at a certain Age. Stand Ur ground, wait for Ur own man, he'll definitely Show up sooner than later. I am d Same Age as u, Met and married my Dream man at 33 but Not b4 everyone had laughed and gossiped about me. Even my own siblings Said really nasty Things behind my back.
wow! so much bitterness and hating! unbelievable! a split or divorce can happen to anyone, please dont be hypocrites.....
How sad but wot was Tunde expecting?she so lazy in domestics shores.Tunde can't share toilet with Nike,she doesn't allow him.The bitch took him to the drycleaners n now his sweaky clean(broke).So she's on to the next one.DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.Designer bag n al d fine things of life doesn't cover the whore in you.Am sorry for the next guy Aunty Nike claws catch.Old prostitute.
My dear oh @ Anon 5:20... Anon 12:58,1:06 and 1:11 is the same person...am suspecting it's Dr Soleyes ex-wife or 1of his kids cos d bitterness na die!!Lol.....my dear it is well ok?
Really I have issues with divorce or seperation, but what I haven't been able to get out of these comments are barages of abuses and insults. Who gave anyone here the right to judge? Has she slept with any of you guys here? If her husband is no longer buoyant, is she to blame? He certainly wasn't dragged kicking and screaming to spend on his "wife". So u all, come off it. I don't even know who else she has dated or married sef. Una just de abuse am, but can't link her to anyone else. I tire o.
Anon 12:58,1:06 &1:11 are u back here again? It's ok naw!
Stupid old man. Left your wife of how many years for this! I hope ur wife succeeded in getting all the property she wanted during the divorce. Who will you spend your days with? You will either end up a sad, lonely man or with another younger gold digger with her spade above ur head.
Don't know why some men are just dogs in human form.
I love this woman, u r right up my street, never ever be pushed to do anything u don't want to. It's not fashion' dat u ve to wear dat cloth or do dat hair. It's serious n it's for life. I don't know y my pple stigmatise single women. Pple perish for lack of knowledge. Love ur strength girl. God is in control.
The life of Lagos socialites.
From all the comments here, this woman must be most hated 'BIT_H' in Nijja. I guess all married women in Nijja should be on the look out for the next married man this NIKE of a woman is going to snatched. As a man i like a woman like Nike, she keeps married women on their toes, clinging on to their husbands.
My dear, it takes much more than love to sustain a marriage.
Lwkmd....y'all are sooo right. Same person who seems to have a lot of insider info. Please keep talking.
Na wa o. This beef is off the chain. @anon ranter, can you not see our comments? E don do na. Ok she's sorry.
Maybe na wetin attract d ol papa. E fit like kinky tinz.
Pls which one be "she doesn't share toilet with him"? How you take know? Are you one of his babes on the side? Or you're the maid?
Exactly! Most people here have called her rude, snobbish etc. How would they know? How many of you are on her level? At the most you're familiar with her staff. What would your staff say about you? And have you considered that perhaps he caused the marriage to end. So she left because his money dried up? Really? I doubt if granpa is broke. And if she was really only in it for the money, she would have capooted years ago. Oil money nko? What if he left her for a younger woman? Marriage is not so black and white.
This man was known to have several women outside his marriage before Nike came along. He has kids with some of them. Perhaps his wife objected to Nike because he actually loved her enough to marry her and not keep her as a mistress. I wonder if such comments as yours would be flying around if they had not separated. And let's not forget that couples do sometimes come back together. Just saying
Pls which one be "she doesn't share toilet with him"? How you take know? Are you one of his babes on the side? Or you're the maid?
Na wa o. This beef is off the chain. @anon ranter, can you not see our comments? E don do na. Ok she's sorry.
thats what happened to husband snatchers
Damn. How u know this
Fikky are you not supposed to be reading your books!!!!
Hmmm......marriage! Al dese celebrities shld respkt themselves an stay single if they knw they cannot tolerate in marriage! Its al abt tolerance an patience.
Waoh !there is no smoke without fire;is it that our women cannot succeed without sleeping around?I don't know her personally but I thought that she is different;Lagos, lagos this una effizzy are putting a lot of our ladies into committing unholy acts!lekki house,designer that and oversea travels! Is it really worth it?anything for money ;Make Una remember GOD
he wants beauty, she wants money- they got what they want, what da fuse about, would av love both 2 stick 2gether, lov them both
God bless you all for ths words of encourgement.
"And you need to work on your english too"?! That's rich coming from you. It takes two to "TANGO", honey, not tangle. That's a very common idiomatic expression. On no account should the "E" in English be spelt with the lower case "e". You are welcome peaches.
If na the lady do bad thing, u fit work am out?
This your comment got me in stitches sha. Which one be ajangbadi again? Lol
I feel u my dear. Me I'm jst 26 n d pressure is erywhr. I've heard things frm a man frm my past cursed me n stuff like tinz r pursuing me, frm an aunt of mine. She hs bin coaxing me to go to prayer house I said NO!!! Jesu! @ 26 o! I hv even bin labelled a prostitute all coz I'm nt ready to marry. N trust me dis is nt frm outside bt frm family n wen I say family I mean my brothers n my father. Mstcheww. My stand is my stand, I will nt b defined by a man or my marital status. Funny thing is all those tlking dnt hv happy homes sef
Good for your Sister stand tall and stand strong.... We are human being and should not let society dictate to us that we are lesser being just becos we are single. No we are not!!! This is why many young women in a bid to be accepted in society end up with bad marriages and the same society is even harder on the woman then... Like a goodman said 'at the end of the day it is you and the man alone in bed' no society, no Pastor , no Father or Mother... so choose wisely!
They had it coming!
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