I was invited for the show...would have loved to be there to witness the showdown...hehe...but I have to be here with my family for Christmas...but I have paparazzi there who will watch for me and tell me who kisses who first..:-)
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Aproko! lol
well...let's wait till ur papz bring us the meltdown.
Tonto might decide to accompany her boo sha...
Hhhhmmm this kind linda self eeehhh!!!! What's the problem with you and kisses????jounalism don corrupt ur spirit die.hehehe...after the cut(linda are u single,married,dating,flirting or sss??)
..by the way, Yvonne has really shed some weight o! she still looks gorg tho..
I won't say that Aproko will 'k**ll' Linda,cos I know she gets paid 4 minding peoples business. Btw, I pray that non of them will infest the others glass of champagne with poison.
Iyanya should better put on a bullet proof or an acid proof... Cos he has stepped on d tail of a tiger.... Hahahahah( laffin in spanish)... Abeg notin dey happen. Iyanya stick 2 tonto jare, she has more flesh ...
Marilyn oge
Mehn, this chick is fyn! nd I'm a gurl.
This sounds just like Bona in disguise! You're "praying" while making a dry joke. Lol. #no beef
Hope Tonto dike will follow him as well. The visit might further strenghthen the passion. Improve on your intimacy life no matter your level of knowledge join this facebook page @ www.bit.ly/livelyintimacy
She's got a gorgeous body....
Linda r u a baby that has to stay with her family for xmas? Put on ur big gal pants and do big gal stuff. Lol Jk.
Linda abeg answer Martins Aboy's question. Are u single and seriously searching or dating or flirting or ... or
And leave Iyanya alone abeg. He has denied dating the girl. He talk say all na propaganda and I belive him.
this yvonne girl is toooooooooo hotttt ooooo. chaiiii. *on fire*
He liked one of her pics on insta an is still ff her on insta unlike Yvonne! He mite still be feeling her
Linda its ' I have to be here and not I have be here.
The ghana chicken shd go perch wit one of then blackies!
yvonne's body is banging!!
Bt yvonne shld knw nw, he didn't only sing yvonne nelson roll am ooo, he also said tonto dike roll am ooo.. So afta tonto, tiwa savage shld gt ready :D
Make dem ignite d shallow flames of luv again##
Yvonne Nelson tries too hard!
Thought Yvonne said she was not bleaching. No be yellow pawpaw I dey see so. She has lost so much weight. Loving her flat tummy though
i just love yvonne nelson!! Plenty homo!! Sexy everytime i see her..wish i had her body
Friggin anorexia
Yvonne Nelson looks stunning, didn't know Ole girl had it like that.
celebrities...rough life, i dont care things...
I swear I prefer dis girl 4 Dbanj 2 Tonto Dike.(Eyes rollin) winks
Linda, linda, linda!!! Nawa 4u
Sir why do u always comment more than once every time?...
Irony of the world,tiny girls wants to add some flesh and then fleshy girls wants to be skinny..
I just hope Tonto doesn't have something up her sleeves for that event, but as for Iyanya and Yvonne I think courtesy would demand they just behave civil, I don't expect anything out of the ordinary.
Yvonne seems to be the hurting one, the showdown wud be better if Mƴ dear Tonto was there. I like not just to see but to start some mischevious stuff between them........linda borrow me Ʋŗ invite, hehehehehehehe make no body insult me o
Linda pls connect me with iyanyan,I want 2 hv a taste of him too
They might reconcile there...nd dts my prayer...tonto abeg make fever catch u dt day Oo弡 make u no come spoil show for dis swt couples...lol
first kiss kwaaa......lolz
Abegi! this babe get curves in the right places. Got to hit the cross trainer mhenn.
She looks so pretty
Yvonne looks lyk she has Aids sha,too thin.
Can't wait 4the gist/pictures
Mtcheeeeew dis one no b news! He aint gonna do Notin!he is eatin a Nigerian coco yam.shekina say so
lin in other words u will send ur "monitoring spirit" dia abi?
God is watching u!
Linda ur gbeborun no get part 5. Haha which kain winch u be. Omo I dey fear u o
No na iyamiyam she go connect u with. Thief!
Yvonne nelson,,,your waist,,,all i want is...this girl is too Hawtttt. Tired of celebs with big stomachs, pls take a cue from Yvonne
If Tonto accompanies him then....I hope sometin happens wey go sweet our ears'hehehe!
@ Anonymous 9.24, Its so obvious you are a fat pathetic idiat or maybe you have AIDS. How is her body too thin? Its so annoying when people hate on others for envy's sake. Post your own picture lets see how fat and AIDS free you are! Idiat! pls get a life.
Ode,u should know that's an error of omission now,for how long have u been this dumb?Ah!
Iyanya baddest boy...
U must b fat, soriooo, lol
U must b very fat, sori oo, if she was a white u wuldnt cpmplain, jealous pant
U must b fat, soriooo, lol
Mennnnn I can't fucking wait to hear the inn thing#winks# two foolish girls,as far as am concerns iyanya can't ever love any celeb truly,his just using their heads and their just too blind to see. That Tonto sef na winch na everybody she wan date with that her winch voice
I ve always luv yvonne nelson frm wen she started actin,& I still do..una dey beef ghanians, hw many of our nigerian actress ve dis kind of shape xcept 4 ma mercy johnson.. U people 4get dat we r all one. This gal is hot, haters stop d envy..bsides, iyanya said, he's not datin any of them, they r jst frens. Linda, usef na serious amebo u b. I luv u though.
@Anonymous 11:15; tank u jare...bad beLle pp. Sigh!
zoelander, bloglord is not a guy. She is a gal. Which makes wonder y she used dat name(bloglord). Bloglord hun, are u a Lesb.... U knw wot i mean
Yvonne body shape is really cute with a nice pose. Hope she keeps maintaining that. Lovely pix. If you yearn for such lovely good looking shape, just join my facebook page where you can contact me as well to discover the secret of going about it. No overnight pills but simple diets with a little workout. It's for real. Join my facebook page for tips and techiniques on weightloss, flat belly and healthy life style @ www.facebook.com/flatbellyweightlosstipsfornigeria
Iyanya are you high on drugs? Why leave Yvonne for Tonto Dikeh? Na chick be that?â„“☺â„“ ...That girl is so Razzzzzz,i still L♥√ع you and Yvonne though whether or not you guyz are together...
Did someone say stick to tonto lmao she has more flesh, tonto is short, shapeless, honestly aside her pretty face nothing hot about her body yvonne beat tonto dike hands down it terms of beauty, shape, height, acting sef so who thet hell is tonto comapared to yvonne as for that akpa apku saying she looks like aids patient you must have aids yourself to know someone has aids fat shapeless smelling pig all this fat girls and jealousy, jealousy go kill una *roll eyes*
Sooo true!! I wanna be like her.
they look so lovely. why? why?? why??? did they have to break up? WHY? lol
Linda u fucked up by letting them know u would mount surveillance at the show! Now one of them may not be der for the smackdown.......ng owerri
Abeg smell out joor..with your boring blog..mtcheew
Kai- that's true o!!!
A million gbosa 2 Iyanya jahwe(omo aye).. Afta he's through with Yvonne's waist, it' d national cake's (Tonto Dikeh) turn. Tiwa Savage is nxt on d list+++others... #Mehn Iyanya is d s*x**st man alive
Aunty Lindzy, it's "who kissed WHOM". You are welcome darling.
Happy holidays y'all!
D gurl sef wor-wor
Choi! True tho
i like her pic she could make a good groupie
Choi! True tho
I wish we knew the real truth tho, all we have is the media account and we know how exagerated it can be.
Make tonto follow am show some Diobu antics - like get into a low down cat fight with hair pulling and dress ripping. The man must have a solid paraphenelia of office.
na the bobo loss sha. even me wey be woman fancy the babe. if you see better thing, just praise make God bless you jo.
Kip wishing....
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