Jacintha Saldanha (pictured above left) is the 46 year old nurse who killed herself after being duped by a hoaxer pretending to be the Queen. Three days before her death, Mrs Saldanha was manning the hospital switchboard where Kate Middleton was taken to for acute morning sickness when she took a call from two Australian radio presenters – Mel Greig and Michael Christian – (pictured above right) impersonating the Queen and Prince Charles. They were transferred to the Duchess’s ward and broadcast confidential information given to them by a second nurse. Although she wasn’t blamed in any way for what happened, friends said Mrs Saldanha ‘took it very badly’ when prank was broadcast.
She was found dead on Friday morning in the nurses’ accommodation at the hospital. May her soul rest in peace.
Meanwhile after 17 days in the US for an International Leadership Exchange Programme, I'm heading back home so I will be MIA for at least 24 hours. Muah! Later...
I don't believe she killed herself. The Royals know what happened to her just like they killed Diana. Obviously, this Saldanha lady didn't remember that it is illegal to release such personal information over the phone in the UK, so the Royals must have felt she would gladly tell others about their personal issues without hesitation. This is my take on the whole issue. Yes, she would have been punished for what she did, but she it wouldn't have been too serious, so there was no real reason to kill herself.
Wrong move!! But seriously, killing yourself doesn't and can never solve the problem or change things or make things right.
die dey hungry am before. No one is to blame. Those prankers are innocent, its not like she lust her job selfish woman. she doesnt care about her kids.
If such a prank was played on me, I wudda still bn laffing till now!
Cmon it wasn't dat serious!
Besides she wud hav bn a Big Celeb now appearing on talk shows and making good money cos d British ppl wud turn anythn 2 celeb!
She prob tot she betrayed d Royal fam in her mind!
Ppl need 2 relax more!
Life aint dat serious!
R.I.P lady! 1 way ticket 2 hell! Ciao
Billie jean
May her soul rest in peace and I don't understand why she committed suicide
Rest in peace,you say?d lady was probably already hankering for a reason 2 end her life..wish she knew wats on d oda side for peepz who take d life which dey neva gave diaselves in d first place.
Or maybe she had a mental disorder dat had been lying dormant and d prank just sparked it up,else wat justifies a mother taking d coward's way out of life.
Or shez among doz peepz dat like 2 take life 2 seriously and couldn't appreciate a joke.
NOTE:some pple don't know humour and jokes,even if it bites dem in d arse and on d breast..don't prank or joke wt everyone
maybe she had some other issues troubling her. i doubt the linkage of her sucide to the prank. but if that be the case, then she is sure tired of life and just looking for an excuse; of which the prank came as a perfect one for her.
I hope she knows she is not going to heaven sha?
and u believe she wasn't blamed in anyway? she must have been harrased or threatened with all sorts by her superior and co. Is it not dsame royal family we know? May she RIP. still not an excuse to take her own life sha.
This is crazy---like she thinks her world has come to an end. I think she myt be mentally demented, the prank experience just set it off.
Lool linda the royal family can take you down to hehehe those witches and wizards!! Blood sucking demons!! Ooo yes don't let oyibo people fool you oo.. They will kill in less than a minute! They don't give a damn!
I think it's very insensitive of you to say somethings just don't make sense to you, she might have had underlying psychological/family issues, based on how the brits worship the royal family she might have been discretely threatened by her place of work for making the mistake of passing on the phone to a more senior nurse who i believed gave some information to the pranksters, in the medical profession making just a simple mistake has a very strong influence on the perseverance of your abilities, may her soul rest in peace and may the pranksters also be able to live a normal life because I'm sure this would have a tremendous effect on their mental state of mind.
Too bad...
please Linda check your mail and yur twitter DM #Urgent.
We on the outside see it as not a big deal as it was a prank.. A lot of the times an already fragile mind can be tipped over the edge by the slightest push. Her humiliation was global .. And she probably could not live it down. Suicide is not a decision that is contemplated lightly, and when it's carried out the heartbreak left behind is indescribable. But the people that kill themselves always think it is the " only way out " of their pain.
Killed by the establishment and they fed the suicide story to us. It's more sinister than you think.
smh dats what overcomfortability can cause,in her next world I pray she comes a Nigerian,then she'll learn to appreciate her life even in d most difficult situations.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
WTF!!!! Btw I ve ALWAYS hated pranks...They always end up badly!
Weirdo - shut up with the ridiculous conspiracy theories. Stop spending your life leaving daft comments on stories on the Internet.
Wow, that that's a new angle even I didn't think of.......killed by the establishment?
Indeed things are just soo hard to believe and understand !
The woman must have had serious mental issue to have taken her own life. This was just an excuse jor. The DJs did nothing illegal so the police should leave them the hell alone. Not the first time someone is being pranked and wont be the last.
The same way princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed's murder was made to look like an accident.
I agree! Someone has to pay the price for the indiscretion. What a sad thing!
Its weird to say someone killed herself cos of a lil prank like just receiving a call?......wat was said on the phone?or possibly She had intended suicide before then!
But for watever reason..life is beautiful.suicide is a no no!!
I just don't believe this story.....let them tell us what really happened
hmm may her soul rip,if she really killed herself,thats pathetic
To be frank, i don't think her suicide was linked to the hoax in anyway. It was just a coincidence. Maybe she was depressed and going through stuff
I was just discussing this wit a pal before I opened your blog. Na wa for oyibos sha. May her soul rest in peace
She took her job too seriously, Linda. It happens. It's extreme and rare but it does happen. RIP
Its hard to explain this, but in the UK the media take issues about the Royal family very seriously. Poor Jacintha had no hope the moment that hoax call was made public. Most likely she would have been subjected to an NHS probe, and the media would have hounded her for making what many now call an honest mistake.
The fact she's also an immigrant wouldn't have helped much as well. Brits are now becoming more and more ethnically and racially conscious. The hospital should have done more to protect her identity when this hoax call was made public, but they didn't. Poor lady must have become overwhelmed by everything and felt the only way out was to end her life. I hope her family gain the fortitude to bear her loss, and that such issues never happen again.
It must've killed her confidence and all that but suicide wasn't the right thing to do,
Abegi no mata wht she has no right 2 kill herself.itz nt like they convicted her 4 murder.she get time
I disagree. She killed herself some people take things too personal and find it hard to forgive themselves.
I D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ suscept queen.dat woman enjoiz secrecy
See. Smooth killing.... #silent. #r.I.p
She felt humiliated.
There may be more to it than meets the eye and we may never know. May she RIP. The female Australian DJ is now on suicide watch. Only God knows what pressure she went through at work as a result of this. They have said she wasn't reprimanded but we will never know. Suicide is never an answer to a temporary solution. Sad for her husband, 2 kids and family in India.
Linda don't tell me you believe that crappy story the media is feeding us?
Journalists and their quest to get information at all cost is really getting out of hand. I blame her death on those journalist, though on no occasion should someone take his or her own life. Journalists are fast becoming criminals all in the name of making headlines, look at the scandal rocking news of the world corporations where journalists hack into the phones of victims and celebrity and bribe the police to give them information. Please to get news is not nigerian political office that is a do or die affair. Linda take note. RIP nurse
Why dont u make a thorough investigation before coming out here to make an accusation.
Believe Linda, dat she killed herself, n ul believe anytng! Don't joke wit ds pple!
It wasnt suicide, biko
There's defintly more 2 dis story....MI6(british FBI) things
Linda u dnt like posting my messages,I tire oooo
Yea...u re probably right..a family friend dat is a nurse w her family abroad,was in charge of a patient,she left d patient to come bk to Nigeria,b4 she Returned d patient died....few days after dat she called my mum to transfer all her mny into her sons account..she called everyone togeda d night b4 she died and Said some stuffs...she slept n didn't wake up d nxt day....I still wonder wat happened till today.
Sad story, nothing sinister about it. Some people take things to heart. Peace
It is not sbout oyibo...it can happen to anybody...stop the ignorance. Peacd
Nothing to do with race or tge fact she is an immigrant. It is an unfortunate situation. Peace
Some 9ja celebs will soon commit suicide after some crass comments from some insensitive linda ikejis blog readers. U never know if words like mumu, ode. Bleaching tinz, ashawo kobo kobo, fugly. Fat, thin, yam legs, gay, old etc could cause death. Let's take it easy cos for some of them its just not easy............ng owerri
So, u'll just write this kin long thing when ur nt sure??? Details wer released after her death!
What the hell does this have to do with this post?
Na waa o
Mumu woman. All she needed to do was make a public apology speech and Sue d radio station and make a lot of money from there. May her soul Rip anyhoo.
® u sure she actually committed suicide??? Hope dis is nt some Jack Bauer type tins...Hmmm
First anon December 9, 2012 5:21 PM, she just took the call and passed it to the other nurse who divulged info. Agree with you but just pointing out she didn't reveal anything.
i just don't get it
anon december 9, 2012 5:58 PM please forever stay clueless and leave those who know how these things work to comment.
Prank dey really hungry am true true, if na kill she kill herself!
That word is PRANKSTER NOT PRANKER, by the way someone just lost a life here and you open your filthy mouth so say she craved for death. Show some respect you MORON!
No mind dem. Na so papar*zi chase princess diana till she kpai for unda bridge
the royal can do and undo, i dont trust them
ever since they killed diana, i know they can go to any length to keep their dirty linen away from public
Very wrong move.
She prolly felt she had betrayed the govt & could not live with it. Or was scared for many reasons.
Too bad tho.
Linda,u no tel us say dem don kidnap okonjo-iweala mother 4 Asaba.Giv us d latest
6:16 - ur level of intelligence and awareness is rare on Nigerian gossip blogs.
Bloody drama queens. Dey will certainly force their gp's to refer them to a psychiatrist to avoid facing the consequence of their foolishness. D level of selfishness of an average cauc is appalling
I'm reading a lot of this online; Russian news stations were reporting that Ms Saldanha committed suicide because she was worried that it would be discovered she was in the UK illegally.
Lol.. am sorry but your point is baseless and stupid.. what other "personal issues" would she have known. Most of it was already out in the public domain.. clear case of not thinking before you type.
Well, Linda, there is really nothing to understand= the woman was obviously going through some sort of mental anguish before the prank and then got really upset by the prank.
its a lie.roayal family fabricated this story.the woman cannot foolishly take her life for a mere prank...said by prechey baby..
i smell some foul play...so many truths we'll never know until judgement day!!! Im in the school of thought that doesnt believe her death was a suicide.
Linda,plz giv us d latest about d kidnap of Ngozi Okonjo-iweala‘s mother
You said it all
Who is d moron?? its either u or d woman dat killed herself ... Who send her.. Person say him wan die no b to give am options
Well said
make she go rest .death dey hungry her b4 upon no be she gave out the info na only call she pick abegggggggggggg sleep well
U are very correct!¶ suspect d Royal Family,just like D̶̲̥̅̊عƔ did to Diana and blame her death on accident,now this one too on suicide! #godiswatchingyou
Kate will give birth and they will forget about this woman. How can you take your life, abi she believes that she will reincarnate as Kate's baby??
Meanwhile her poor family are devastated.
¶ can bet anything on it that it aint suicide! We know d Royal Family better than that. Remember how D̶̲̥̅̊عƔ made Princess Diana's murder look like an accident,God dey Oº°˚˚˚°Âº¨°∙◦
U are very correct!¶ suspect d Royal Family,just like D̶̲̥̅̊عƔ did to Diana and blame her death on accident,now this one too on suicide! #godiswatchingyou
What part of "ds is my take" did u nt see u moron of an ass! Linda asked why did blah blah tk her life? Its an open debate whr u will get diverse opinion accordin to what u understand! Nw u re more stupid to call sm1's opinion stupid. Slikky!
I think she had mental health issues.
She just put the pranksters through to the nurse who did, which makes it all the more baffling.
Ur the only one this blog who sense, of course she was killed, indians r not patriotic the work to earn a living , who is kate for her to kill her self, plz, don't under estimate their power
You know there are things that happen in this country, that we leave unquestioned, like for instance, do you know what happened to the man that jumped the fence of the queens palace and allegedly had tea with her??
he was sent to a mental home, where he would never come out of for the rest of his life, under normal circumstances, he should be charged and arraigned in court, at worst he'll get a penalty of 7years in prison.. for ''breaking and entering''... but that wasn't the case, they said he was mentally unstable and would be a hazard to the public. this is the Royal Family, the most powerful monarch in the world, so anything is possible... you do realize there are people that are trained to make a situation look like an accident?? lets not even talk about the Diana situation and many others that have been swept under the carpet. then again this isn't the 1st time the royal family is being pranked, remember the canadian radio host that called the queen posing as the canadian prime minister, and spoke to her for 20mins, discussing vital issues like her backing canada in negotiations with the USA, he lost his job, and has been missing ever since, now they say the australian radio hosts have resigned and are going through psychological trauma, and would be away from the public for a while until they can speak, just watch how they would disappear into thin air, and no one would know of their whereabouts....lets not forget, the queen has her hands in the day to day running of Australia.... God sees all!!!
I don't believe she committed suicide. I think the royals have used this situation to make an example of the media and to send their message of "don't phuck with the royals"
i already commented earlier.... mentioning the incident that happened when the canadian radio host called the queen.... another thing i'll leave you all to ponder on, lets say she actually committed suicide, are they saying that someone working at the royal hospital, that could be taking care of the royal family when they are sick, is mentally unstable?? with all the checks that would have gone on, the background checks and all.... mehn we aint all stupid, some of us might just act like we don't know whats happening in this world....
Linda am with u jare. Dont mind oyibo people and their iberibe and ogbanje, person wey get issue go kill herself and they carry am hook somewhere
ThIs a transcript of the hoax call: Christian: Here’s the thing. We’ve been handed a phone number and we have been told that this phone number is the hospital where Kate Middleton is currently staying. We thought we’d give it a call. We don’t want to cause any trouble, we don’t want to stress her out because she is doing it tough. But I reckon we could maybe get her on the radio tonight.
Christian: Let’s give this hospital a call and see if we can get Kate Middleton or maybe even Prince Wills on the phone tonight. So the number is going in ... oh Jeez, I hope this happens.
Receptionist: Hello, good morning, King Edward VII Hospital.
Greig (Queen voice): Oh hello there, could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter.
Receptionist: Oh yes, just hold on ma’am.
Greig: Thank you.
Christian: Are they putting us through?
Greig: Yes.
Christian: If this has worked, it’s the easiest prank call we have ever made. Your accent sucked, by the way, I just want you to know.
Greig: I’m not used to playing 80-year-olds. (Phone connects) Kate, my darling, are you there?
Nurse: Good morning, ma’am, this is the nurses station, how may I help you?
Greig: Hello, I’m just after my granddaughter Kate. I wanted to see how her little tummy bug is going.
Nurse: She’s sleeping at the moment and has had an uneventful night, and sleep is good for her, as we speak. She’s been given some fluids to re-hydrate her because she was quite dehydrated when she came in. But she’s stable at the moment
Greig: OK. Well, I’ll just feed my little corgis then (barking in the background). So when is a good time to come and visit her? Because I’m the Queen so I’ll need a lift down there. Charles! When can you take me to the hospital, Charles?
Christian (pretending to be Prince Charles): When will it be all right to come down and see her? Maybe in the morning or something? If that’s OK
Nurse: I would suggest that any time after nine o’clock would be suitable, because the doctor will be in in the morning and we’ll just be getting her freshened up in the morning. I would think any time after nine
Christian: Wonderful. Is Wills still there or has he gone home? I haven’t spoken to him yet.
Nurse: He went home at about half past nine last night. Actually, probably about nine o’ clock last night.
Christian: OK, Lovely. But they’re all OK, everything’s all right?
Nurse: Yes, she’s quite stable at the moment. She hasn’t had any retching with me since I’ve been on duty. And she has been sleeping on and off
Christian: Wonderful.
Nurse: I think it’s difficult sleeping in a strange bed as well.
Christian: Yes, of course, it’s hardly the palace, is it
Greig: It’s nothing like the palace is it, Charles? Oh, when are you going to walk those bloody corgis?
Christian: Mumsy, I’ll go and take the dogs outside
Greig: I need to go and visit Kate in the morning. My dear, thank you so much.
Nurse: You’re very welcome.
Greig: Thank you, bye.
Christian: Goodbye
(Hangs up)
Greig: She was giving us real information!
Christian (as Prince Charles): Mumsy, I think that they believed everything we said.
Greig: I am the Queen: bow for me, bow for me.
Christian: Bow for you and your terrible accent.
You said it all, I just love you Billie..kilode? Why so serious? Come to think of it, they didn't clear that conspiracy ishh about Diana oo.. All hail her royal highness, the moda' sucking tax payers money..
A big no no! Even if na garri, if there's life, there's hope for a better tomao.. Plus I don't think she killed herslf.
Shanday, I hp this your name is not the female version of shandu? Hmmmm! I know what m sain, if you understand me sha..
Are you an adult educator? @ "school of thought" ADE 116 or so in Unilag..
A big no no! Even if na garri, if there's life, there's hope for a better tomao.. Plus I don't think she killed herslf.
You said it all, I just love you Billie..kilode? Why so serious? Come to think of it, they didn't clear that conspiracy ishh about Diana oo.. All hail her royal highness, the moda' sucking tax payers money..
are we sure she killed herself,speculations.
There's definitely more to the story and I think it's being investigated but because of the link to the royal family the media probably doesn't want to speculate until they have facts.After the nude Harry then topless Kate fiasco, plus the fact that if they're wrong there'll be major drama they probably want to be careful. Lol the first thing I thought was 'yea they offed her' but I don't think they'd risk it. It's too obvious - and for what really? A prank? Her death may actually be unrelated to the prank. And if she really killed herself over that... then I don't even know what to say again
she was killed. chikena
Yes Linda this is the hottest news in Sydney Australia where i am now.It actually happened last week i think on Tuesday or Wednesday night because the radio is a hit Station called 2day FM 104.1.They whole thing was a prank and when you listen to it,you will actually think it was the queen who called but everything was all prank.Anyways,the presenters have stooped there shows called hot 30 count down every evening week days for now until further notice and the owner of the radio station said the are sorry but meant no harm.Even Prince Philip said he didn't see anything wrong with it because is all a joke.She killed herself because she thought the royals will be after her for giving out information about the Princess.May soul RIP,Amen.
Life of an immigrant from a third world country.
In the UK, dedication to duty at work is never recognised or rewarded. A simple fag break, tea break or toilet break may have averted this.
Red blood has been sacrificed for blue blood.
As for d Ozzie dj's - what do u expect from the descendants of criminals?
Bull crap, u don't have to comment just comment what personal issue? RUBBISH! And Linda not the Queen Camilla n Charles.
Can she confirm if Kate is carry a boy or girl?
Come on people, the nurse is originally form India, over there (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) suicide is nothing.
They view it as honourable to some extent.
Suicide is a coward's way of escaping reality.
Lol @ on Judgement Day...so what do you plan to do, grab a bag of guguru and groundnut, cross your legs and watch as judgement is meted out? enh? Hahahaha
All you this judgement day people dey make me laugh.
Having a giraffe
She is Indian and Indians believe in honour and integrity. She must have felt she let her employers down and embarrass her family. May she rest in peace
R.I.P to her,Safe trip linda,I will visit America soon,i would have love to see you,My Blog-Maryjanedavidson.blogspot.com
Me I don't think she killed herself...I suspect a British cover-up.
Well said Jide Talabi.
Well said Jide Talabi.
Did she really kill herself? Or that's what they want us to believe? Or has she wronged some powerful people?
This is a clear case of MURDER!with sheep clothing of Suicide. Its sad she had to be a scape goat to the Royal Family...I bet they must have resolved to take-down anyone who brings their name to the news after the Duchess nude pics were exposed!
Safe trip linda
How many times u wan talk am...notice me. Ur mama "Aunty Linda is MIA @ d moment...so get a seat already!
just a prank and she killed her self
there are other people who needs that life she juts wasted hmmmm
check out this inspirational blog
@Awuli...your comment makes sense, that is the way to talk unlike the moron who say death they hungry am. Show some respect pls.
She had no right to have taken her life; though in a civilized world like that, cases of that nature are more or less respected and revered.
I believe its either inform her that she will be suspended or maybe she had some other problems, pranks calls have always been around.
it's funny how predictable these comments have become. Nowadays i just read the headline and start rattling out the different comment possibiities from you guys before i click on "comments".
i expected the "spititual-over-sabi" group to point out how the "victim" is going to hell. Without considering the possibility that the victim was already living through hell and the actual location (hell on earth or hell in hell)made no difference to her.
What's my point? even if the bible tells you someone is going to hell...you can still choose to show the person compasion. it will cost you nothing.
Secondly, i of course expected to see comments suggesting she was assasinated by the same guy that killed Diana, shot JFK, and crucified Jesus. You guys watch waaaay too much TV but thanks for no falling my hand sha.
I was disappointed by the low number of "Rest in peace" messages,...disturbed by the "Pranks are legal" messages and surprised that no one suggested that England is declaring "PRANK WAR" on Australia i.e. The nurse never commited suicide but the british media is pushing this to make the Australian Radio presenters look and feel like shit...all this with the blessing of the royal family...and Mi6...of course *shrug* smh
Rip to her.its Not a good look but as long as she did it without taking anyones life like boko haram i am happy.i think Ppl who kill themselves make God angry for ever puttin his time in creating them. Killing yourself will neva solve a problem, It will only lead to more questions.
hmm,i personally believe the woman had issues in her life before the call. I just hope the radio djs wont go and kill themselves too as suicide dey sweet those people so.
what is actual the problem of her,
Dumb move but may her soul RIP!
Whoa! sometimes i wonder about the IQ of some people who make comments on this blog. Do you think other cultures see life the way africans do ? where integrity, discipline and loyalty is not considered.
Hmmm.na wa o!I dunno wat to even think.there r so many angles to dis story.May her soul RIP.its her children I pity d most.
i also think she was killed by these royal family people. because i find it sooooooooo hard to believe that she will kill herself because of something so silly. seriously.
Dis one is even better dey kill themself over nothing just bcos of der. Fragile heart at any little panic. We see dat everyday especially when a little case comes up at work.even those dat made d call has to go for councelling just to make sure they face d issue at hand.we pray God to accept her soul.
U guys are all soooo dumb!!! Just writing rubbish up and down!lol
mehn!! She doesnt have a good reason to take her life.. Funny suicide.. Prankster shit
suicide is not an oyibo thing nigerians also get frustrated and think of suicide. life can be sometimes sad agreed but what about when your life is constantly sad? i mean when u practically live in hell on earth when your so called family frustrate d living day light out of you. mehn its easy to make stypid decisions then like i almost did few hours ago.
never judge anyone cos u r not in their fucking shoes.
hey guys..please chk out my blog..kingebuka.blogspot.com
Her death should be investigate well. It rooms for a second thought and suspicious. Rest in peace.
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Don't mind him/her. Its sad though but its clear she had other reasons to kill herself, and if its because of a simply prank call she killed herself for, she must be really stupid!
linda u obviously flying flying mode activated
pls give us gists jor
In my life I saw 70% of married person commit suicide.
Wrong move indeed
Na wa o!
Hello....LIB readers...Kindly advice me..
I Want My Husband To Get A Vasectomy So That He Won’t Have Kids Without Me....
I’ve been pregnant a handful of times. Once was a miscarriage. The others resulted in my family: four lovely healthy children for my husband and me. At my last check-up, my doctor asked me what my preferred method of birth control was. I told her my husband would be getting a vasectomy.
I’ve been saying that every year since our baby was born. And our baby is now four years old. The facts are simple: my husband and I are in our mid-forties, and we feel our family is complete. I am not interested in complicating my hormones at this stage by going on the pill, nor do I feel it is necessary for me to undergo surgery in order to have my tubes tied. An IUD is not something I want to explore. I know everyone who has one loves it, but something about a piece of metal in my uterus creeps me out. Frankly, after giving birth four times, I think my body’s been through the ringer. I’ve done enough. It’s now up to my husband to be responsible for our birth control.
And so he withdraws. Yes, I am one of “those” moms. This method has worked for us for years now. My husband’s argument that he’ll eventually get snipped, but doesn’t feel it’s urgent, sort of makes sense. Every year I badger him about it, even threatening to withhold sex. But that doesn’t serve either of us very well. His younger brother’s gone through it, as have many of our friends, and still he resists. He even makes an annual New Year’s resolution – but fails to even call for an appointment, let alone show up.
He states we’ve been fine thus far. I know it hasn’t been a priority. He says he hasn’t had time. I say he’s petrified. He claims it’s me trying to control him. I claim it’s my way of keeping things under control. One thing I never say – ever – is the real reason I want him “fixed”: clearly I don’t want to have more children. But I don’t want him to have any. With me or anyone else.
We’re both healthy and fit, and hopefully will continue to stay that way long into our old age. Not to be too morbid, but bad things happen to good people, right? Also, it’s never a forgone conclusion that we’ll be together forever, though it is my fervent hope. And if something happens to us – or to me – I don’t want him biologically parenting any more children. I’ve seen it happen: man moves on, has more kids, originals are kicked to the curb. Sounds extreme, I know, but I don’t want my husband putting any other kids above – or even on par with – our own. I know he loves our children dearly, but I secretly wonder if his love is strong enough – or fierce enough – to put them first if I were out of the picture.
For now, I hope it is. And I’ll continue to push for that vasectomy, closing that chapter once and for all.
pls what is happening am i on d right blog?or has linda relocated to another site? pls someone should talk to me.
Linda has the royal family killed you ni????
interesting...wierd world...
She considered PEJ's words "I will rather kill myself than commit sucide."
hmmm, smells fishy to me. Check out my new post and share your thoughts guys! www.adainprogress.blogspot.com
definately MI5
definately MI5
@ Bam giggling like a mischievous chipmunk...guilty of being one of the conspiracy theorists.
@ everyone on here ldcmr (laugh don crack my ribs) I will never ever ever look at the word PRANKSTER with a straight face ever again. Pranker ni pancake ko.
I have the patent on the LDCMR acronym o...
Having a laugh.
i pray say this kind prank happen to black man(omo Naija) den e go come commit suicide lol! Men na small tin we love life oh!but oyibo too soft, dey take tins 2far.. dat woman if she really did it was dumb sha na straight ticket to hell
SOme people cannot handle public ridicule very well. Without her death, you bet the BRitish press would have gone on and on including have people mock her accent if she has any. She killed herself for the same reason bullied kids put a gun to their heads or the heads of their antagonists. But I can understand the sentiment of Nigerians on this issue. We have a natuarlly abusive relationship with each other such that this amounts to nothing compared to our daily soap called life as a Nigerian.
maybe she commited a crime and was hiding, the unfortunate insident blew her cover so she panicked and decided to end her life. may her soul RIP.
Linda give us somefing new 2 chew on now. Abi newz don finish. A.B.M
linda i saw this story 2 days ago was wondering why your blog did nt have anything on such a rioting situation excellent though that you have got it i like nigeria's views on this but ohnestly they left they all forot that the prank was targeted at the next queen of england which is a complete illegal act and 2nd it caused serious damages lie itself so the radio station and the pranksters are in for it and to top it all end pranks seriously it is a stupid idea and they all lead to stupid results. good luck following the story so many sides and views
Loooooool. Did you understand what you read? She was not the one that disclosed the information. She transfered the call to Kate's ward where another nurse gave the prank callers the information. Take a moment to understand what you read dear. No wonder some people fail exams after reading. They simply don't try to understand the exam questions before answering.
She was not the one that supplied the information o. It was another nurse. She was the receptionist that answered when they called and asked them to hold on while she transferred them to the nurse that talked to the pranksters. The nurse that gave out the info did not kill herself, its her that simply transfered call without saying more than 2 sentences that committed suicide. Doesn't add up. They are attributing it to stress prior to the incident. My 2 cents is that she was probably blasted and fired by hospital authorities and she felt it was unjust as she was not the one that gave out the information bt was blamed for putting the call thru to Kate's ward. Years of unequal treatment and stress may have pushed her over the edge. Only God knows what really happened. May her soul RIP
My thots! The hospital must have blamed her or even threatened her. Don't understand y the royal family is held so high..almost like demi gods. Wish she didn't do it. No matter wat, its not worth committing suicide. May she RIP
She had a lot of other things going on. No one kills themself over a phone call. You're busy answering phones.. You cant stop every time and just assume its a prank. To avoid this kind of thing in the future the hospital needs to set up some kind of code. If the caller doesn't know the royal code word, the call doesnt go through. End of problem. I'll bet an extensive look into this nurses life will produce a history of depression or other issues. Clearly, much much more was going on. I believe more answers will present themselves as more time goes by.
Dat was thoughtful of her. Hail foolish warrior. You can hunt me on www.oma3.sosblogs.com
I doubt that she killed herself because i don't trust the British MI6. Those guys can make the pope commit suicide. Who knows the kinda information she gave out.
i think she must have been under alot of stress..i think the second nurse was the private nurse who works for the royal family...when she just transfered the call to their private nurse and later found out it was a prank,she must have been in a lot of trouble by the hospital and the royal family..they would have even told her that she could get sued over this..no one will just take their life just like that..there is more to this...its easy for people to judge someone when they commit suicide..firstly we have to accept we are not all strong minded people..some are strong and some are weak..she must have thought if she will get sued and legal action would be taken against her then maybe she thought she did not want her family to go through all the shame...i think making a prank call to a hospital is stupid..this line should be used for people who need medical attention and not for pranksters..i dont blame the 2 dj's,i blame the producer of the show...and the hospital in how they would have dealt with the situation..
Someone said she had issues with her life. Everybody does, and i agree there\'s more than meets the eye. Just leave things as they are, believe me there are so many conspiracies in the world...which started right from the start of time or do you think cover-ups started with our generation? Face fact, humans are something else; i can\'t begin to imagine
if she indeed killed herself..then i guess a reason for that action is that she breeched the confidentiality of the royal family. Because nurses are not supposed to give out client information to anyone that is involved in patient care (part of the nursing values). She probably took it too hard on herself because its a big thing do that to a royal not to talk of a commoner. This is my reasoning sha.. thats if she committed suicide tho
Occupy me it is nt about IQ. It is ridiculous for hr tonkill herself ove something that was clearly nt her fault. Sure the western communities don't view life the way we do but they ain't stupid. Haba
But please why she do such
I think she was killed joor.
those Royals think they are god!
Don't believe everything u read. Do u think Diana really died from an accident?
I smell a rat here guyz. U know how dez British Royals are, all protocols must be followed STRICTLY. She obviously made a BIG mistake by letting 'Commoners' ridicule the Queen, not just that, she allowed them speak to Wills n Kate....dats just a major major breach; it's possible dey might have sent MI5/6 to do a clean job n make it look like suicide.........#pointmade#
she wasn't blamed by the hospital... yeah right, i'm sure she would have been given a proper bollocking by them
Oyinbo people are mad as hell...I always say this,quit rasing kids around them.its the grace of God to see an Oyinbo man that gets it...smh
blame the stupid journalists joor,i hope they paid dearly for this, patients information are meant to be confidential let alone that of the royals
abeg, the royal family killed her , oyinbo pple are wicked sha
Odd that she was suicided allegedly for answering the phone and saying both children and doing fine. The Royal family are all fake and none of them are Royal. No genuine Royal on the throne since 1840. They are money grabbing con artists. She did not kill herself. Huge cover up. Was Kate really pregnant? Did she use a surrogate? Two babies were born and not one? Read all about these deceitful Nazi scam artists on Gregg Hallett's website.
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