The update: She's done pre-surgery, which is the implant of port and is on the right breast. This will reduce the stress of transfusion through the vein. She has also done PET, MRI, Mammogram and Biopsy.
She has been asked to do echo-cardiogram, this will make them know the condition of her heart because she was told the chemotherapy injection she was given in Nigeria was harsh and it might have affected her heart. See more photos after the cut...

Debbie at Cancer Center - Howard University hospital

Debbie left with her Mammographer - and right with her chemo-therapist and Hematologist
Wow this brought tears to my eyes
Thank God for her life. Despite the BS going on in Nigeria, we still have some kind hearted people!! Hope Debbie gets well enough to share her testimony.
Wow! I hope she beat it! Wishing her a safe recovery. God bless Debbie..x
You will be well soon Debbie. God bless you.
Awwwwn, lol :p
So since that time, it's only port placement they have done? Okay oh
Linda well done. Such a large heart u've got! Debbie,receive ur healing IJN. Jesus is still in d biz of doing miracles,just believe. Pele dear
awwww wishing her quick recovery.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
God has healed you permanently Debbie,i believe IJN.
I wish u safe recovery dear. The Lord is your strength.
she's looking way better now. thank God for her life. wishing her a complete recovery.
i sincerely pray that she pulls through.... i pray for her, SHE IS ONE STRONG WOMAN.... www.
Linda always break my heart in a good way. Always!!!! God bless you boo boo
God is already on her side,she's heal in ijn.
Thank God 4 her lyf o,she is gettin beta
Ur a fighter. God is with u
she is very pretty..I hope it all goes well
It is well with u dear nothing will heppen to your heart in Jesus name
wish you speedy recovery....
I am so happy for her! Praise the lord. Thank You Jesus..
Debbie is beautiful, even in sickness. I pray God will heal her IJN.
Yes! I must practice in US, dat is wia medical practice is sane
It is well with you Debbie. U are going to get past dis alive and stronger in Jesus name
God bless oyibo people o if not so many people will be dead by now with the way the Nigerian health care system is. I look forward to a time when we will be able to receive proper health care in Nigeria without having to go abroad
Don't knw why bt I strtd crying wen I saw her aunty died of cancer! My grandad died of cancer jst 2months bk and now my grandmom jst less dan 2months lossn her husband of 60yrs has cancer! Be strong debbie!
Am glad she's better now.
Chei, God bless America and the western world. In Naija, the chemo drugs they were giving her was harsh i.e killing her slowly. For this our obodo naija, na we dey do ourselves.God bless your soul Debbie.
May Jesus sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and heal you and give you peace IJN....
She is really looking good .. happy for her .. Sad she was given some harsh injection in nigeria that's the height of 9ja unprofessionality, I hope it doesn't cause anymore damages .. #teamdebbie
Aaaww shez looking much better. God is faithful. He will do more for u IJN
May God heal you, Debbie
Get well SOon Debbie!
"she was told the chemotherapy injection she was given in Nigeria was harsh and it might have affected her heart".
Trust Nigerian doctors with wrong diagnosis and excessive treatments! God help us..
I LOVE her spirit. Go girl!!!
God will surely heal you completely. You are a strong woman..muah!
God be with her. I hope she survives it all. May she be a source of inspiration to all other cancer victims
harsh ke? Chemotherapy is by definition a toxic harsh treatment. It is not "benevolent". Mthcew.
Glad to see she is getting the needed help.
I still believe in Nigeria and I believe that one day our medical system will be functional and efficient enough to take care of cases like Debbie's. Its easy to talk shit about Nigeria but then we need to ask as individuals, are u truly making this country a better place to live in? Just food for thought.
fank u Linda for dis update... Its nice to know dat people like u still care enuff to check up on dis pretty soul... May God see her thru this trying times and her new year testimony will be of total healing frm diss terrible disease in Jesus' Name..... AMEN !
Debbie God is with you through out He will never forsake you in the Name of Jesus Amen. You are totally healed in the Name of Jesus Amen.
Debbie God is with you.
may God c her thru, God bless u linda.
Such a beauty! Thnx guys,we did it!
Thank God for a sucessful healing process
Chemotherapy injection she was given in Nigeria was harsh ?? Which way naija?
I wish her the very best in health
She is healed ijn
Nigeria!!!!May God help perfect her health.....
Awwwwwh wish her quick and speedy recovery.. Ameeen.
So sorry dear,may God Almighty heal u.
10nk-God she is Getting Better,wish u quick recovery by God grace.....
Lindiway,u've av been an instrument 2 plez life..and God's blessings wldnt b far-fetched..i knw u already,more bleSsings íڪ wot i declare in ur i start my prayers,jst start sayin AMEN..AMEN..
1.Your heart desires shall b reached..after mine..say amen!...
2.God wld bless u after me..say amen again!!..
3.And finally,..may ur blessings b mine,,did i hear anoda amen??
Wishing her speedy recovery!!! God be with you Debbie!
Lady mumu shld be your name. What do u know abt chemotherapy?
Get well soon debbie,its well dearie.
It is well with u debbie. u will be perfectly well again IJN
Dear Debbie,God dat kept me alive will surely see u thru.was diagonisd of breast cancer almost a year ago after 2 surgeries dat almost killd me from supposed unqualified consultants frm our teaching hosp.until a frnd linkd wit an american doctor dat God used to keep me alive.thru wit chemo which wasn't easy n also giving a clean bill of health.debbie,be strong n never give in to d lies of d devil n u will come out is well wit u
With tears in my eyes , I pray God heal u permanently Debbie, u r blessed !
It's well with u, Debbie!! Christ defeated Cancer or any of disease on the Cross!!! Oh that great Cross!! Debbie, keep on looking up to Jesus!! It's the author of ur destiny not Cancer!! Hold on to that Faith, Amen!!!!!!
New Studies show that Cancer is hereditary so incase your pops or mom or granny has. You should try go for check up once in a year!!!! Please oh...its for your own safty oh. Nigerians attitude of what you dont know wont kill you should stop! God is with you Debbie!
Naija una too much, i sip my coffee jeje
nigeian doctors r nothing to write home abt..debbie i wld advice you to stay back in usa.
You are healed IJN Debbie! My mum is a survivor.
Hey doc,checked ur blog out of this article (*wink
you will live IJN.
Debbie, Ў☺ΰ я̅ healed in Jesus Name. Miracles still happen. Keep being strong dear.
Debbie the Lord our healer,will perfect ur healing. Linda swtie,hv I tld u lately that I'm proud of u?
God keep yu strong Debbie.
Get well soon Debby.naija doctors eh
My prayers and thoughts are with u Debbie. U will pull through IJN Amen.
Debbie may God perfect your healing! Linda Ikeji you shall not know sorrow,you shall continue to win! don't ever think that people are not seeing all these things you are doing,even though you don't blow your own trumphet,some of us are silently praying for u! Pls just keep thanking God because He just started with you!! God bless you.
I thank God for so far. Wish her good health and peace. Want a flat belly, burn fat from part or entire body, eat right for healthy sake and maintaining your body shape with fitness.Visit this website to learn more
God will heal u debbie. God will send ur pains away and replace ur health back in Jesus name amen
If I am so positive that u are healed Debbie, then I hope u stay strong in faith and receive the healing, .. Faith comes by hearing of d word of God, so pls listen to healing tapes and Cds as well as worship songs 2 keep ur faith strong for dt God dts eva faithful, ever loving, ur Jehovah Rapha(healer) who is impossible to please except by faith. May d Lord strengthen u iJn! Your faith will surely make u whole, ♥ u! Waiting for d goodnews anxiously!! Ur in ma prayers dear...xxxx .. Don diddy!
God bless you Debbie and may he see you through! Thanks Linda for the update.
God give Debbie another life to carry on this life?
Thats great to hear. I'm a US Doctor and I still would like to encourage folks to keep her in prayer. 5 year survival of her condition (given the stage) is about 15%. I notice many people on here are heralding our US health care, but the focus should be on Jesus. He is the one that will work through the team to bring forth His healing to her, and that is when it shall be permanent!
Thank God for U debbie....Friends,we can in our own little way checkmate breast CA....Ladies chk ur boob everyday n go for regularly chks in a hospital yrly or every two yrs....guys,chk ur ladies' boobs....any form of lumps,discoloration or pain shd be reported to a physician ASAP....dt way,we dont hv to wait until d cancer becomes advanced or spreads ....sometimes,removal of dt tiny lump can save dt boob....n in worse cases,removal of dt diseased boob can save a life..All hands must be on deck.....May God help us all....shalom
Wen I hear d way pple criticise Naija doctors I Marvel at Ȋ̝̊̅† .go abroad n see how many Naija doctors u ll see.d prob isn't d doctors but d system.N pls for ur information for those dat care to listen.d treatment of breast cancers ie d chemotherapy is d same in Naija n worldwide.chemotherapy is d use of toxic chemicals to kill of d cancer cells.I m sure d echocardiogram she is to undertake is to check if her heart can withstand d major surgery she is to undertake.stage 4 of d kind of breast cancer(invasive ductal carcinoma) she has aint an easy pls Linda confirm ur stories b4 u criticise Naija doctors.Debbbbie,God ll see u thru.stay strong
Health they say it,s wealth . Truly a strong woman and even thru it all she still got this cute smile on her face... Lords divine healing hands is with you debbie you would give your testimony
I wish u d best in life girl. It is well with u and I also belive dat god is on ur side. Enjoy d rest of ur life girl.
chemotherapy injection she was given in Nigeria was harsh and it might have affected her heart. Nigerian Doctors are just in fact I don't know what to call them.
U guys in ur fam shuld do regular check ups ooh! Be strong dear ......Michelleogo
May God heal U completely ......Amen
Linda this is a good news! I hope she will be well very soon!
May d almighty God stretch out his mighty hand of healind and heal u from every sickness,cos he said in d bible that healing is the childrens bread.Get well soon debbie,d lord will always be ur strenght.we ur fellow nigerians we'll be waiting with open arms to welcome u as u return.WE LOVE U.
Shut up u senseless fool! Y didn't ur father take over the doctor's job! Ode oshi! Like u contributed 1naira to her medicals.... Idiot!
Plus hope u enjoying ur stay in our area jare linda n hope the cold isn't too harsh on u. Stay blessed hun....x
It's not a new study. It's a long known fact..
Get well soon Debby, Jesus loves you more.
Your life will be a living testimony Debbie in Jesus name....It is well with you.
Debbie will LIVE!
wow,this girl debbie would have been very successful as a runway model she looks really awesome even in spite of the cancer..a real shame pray her body fights back and successfully overcomes the dreadful disease.
personally i dont like you linda cause you can be arrogant,infantile and seldom take corrections but i can't knock your dedication as a blogger per excellence you r doing a good job
Get well soon.. God bless.
Beautiful Debbie. You will LIVE and be happy. Personally, i can relate with what Debbie is most likely going through. My mom has been ill for more than a year now,similar case...and lots more. Its been almost unbearable cos we had to put up with the most painful, hurtful situations nd experiences. Im only 26 and the eldest of two and her recovery has been my sole uncles or aunts or GrandPas or Mas. Gratefully, we give all glory to the ALMIGHTY for still keeping her alive and we are hopeful that irrespective of the poor financial situation that hasnt enabled us give her proper/better treatment, she will scale through this, just as much as im positive Debbie will be a living testimony to the goodness of God. Our good wishes and prayers are with you.
She's so pretty. I wish her the best and I will definitely be praying for her.
Wish her a Quick recovery
I have always wanted knowing how she's faring. God will keep you Deb. The prayer and goodwill of people will move God to touch you. Amen
hey people, i am doing a 3 day fast for debbie, asking God for her quick and complete recovery. please join me to prayer for her. God bless you and grant you your heart desires as you do.
Bless you! It's universal protocol as you said. It probably was adriamycin used and the Drs she met in US wanted to rule out cardiac toxicity and prep her for surgery.
Bless you.
Wishing u nothing but the BEST in this Debbie!! PERFECT recovery is urs IJN!! There's nothing our father Almighty can't do! U shall pull thru and LIVE Dear!!! STAY POSITIVE!!!
@Anon Dec 2,2012 4:06pm- Your comment has touched me sooo much dear! *Tears* Mom will be healed IJMN!! She definitely will, cos our father Almighty is in absolute control!! Love&Light to u my dear. *HUGS*
I think the doctors in Nigeria, seeing how critical her condition had become (the cancer had metastasized after all), chose to go with the most extreme treatment in an attempt to prolong Debbie's life.
I praise them.
Compared to other Nigerian doctors who would watch their fellow human beings die, or titrate medications to the point that it's useless but still insist they are treating you, Debbie's doctors in Nigeria did their best -- given the medications and equipment available.
Debbie my dear, my God see you through! May He make you a shining example -- and help you beat the statistics!
DR KHENINE.............u got a stalker here ohhh.
God bless debbie!!!! Get well soon dear!...cancer is terrible..i jst wonder hw I'd feel if ma hair strts fallin off..? God is wif u deb, hz ur strength nd wif him..ur permanently healed!
She is already healed in Jesus Name, Amen.
Nigerian doctors should be more careful especially when do not know what to do
may god see you through this debbie...
Ur miracle is sure n secured, get well soon
may the God of OYEDEPO heal u IJN and via yht shiloh ur healing will be perfected
I wish you quick recovery Debbie. you are healed by Christ's stripes, amen.
@ d end she will have a reason to praise d lord.
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