According to the people who sent out the story, Tiwa was attacked last night in her apartment at 20, Yusuf Street, Araromi Bus/Stop Alimosho by Tobi after they had a misunderstanding earlier in the day. They said he broke a bottle on her head then stabbed her.
Tiwa was rushed to UETA hospital where she's still receiving treatment, and I hear Tobi was arrested this morning and is being held at Moshalashi Police station.
I don't know who this lady is or know anyone that knows her, but I will look for her and get more details about this incident. Violence against women should never be tolerated.
cant just understand y pple still take part in dis uncivil act. Tnk God shez alive @least.
OMG. I trust female police women to deal with him in the cell. This brutality against women would really have to stop
what ever she does, dont ever hit a woman
Next time she go pay rent
African men don't respect women at all! Poor girl, I wish her quick recovery!
WooW, this aint cool
Violence against anybody should not be tolerated not just women. For how long should men be endangered specie. Always women and children.
I concur Linda, Violence against woman shouldn't be tolerated AT ALL!! How does it make you more of a man when you attack a woman? Smh... I am so sure these two aforementioned names could have been having a relationship or something or maybe the guy asking her out. How sad! I pray she recovers well.
Violence in general should not be tolerated!!!! That is extremely brutal!!!!! I wish her quick recovery.
Oh my God!! What makes people wanna hurt a fellow human being? It really sad...
Violence in general should not be tolerated!!! That is extremely brutal!! I wish her a speed recovery.
The beast should be locked up for life. But trust naija sha, they will eventually release him. Poor girl. Banga Soup.
Hmmm. I dont know if this lady will want to see this her photo of her saddest moment on the internet forever (because folks will copy linda's post and transmit). Just saying. About the brutality of the crime - na so we dey see for Naija. Rabid folks in need of double dose tetanus shot running around under camouflage. That is why I dont argue with anyone any longer. Many are mentally deranged and seeking a kill thrill.
Justice must prevail,dat guy has to be caught if the nigerian police are to be watever dey stand for!
Pple now behave like there is no law cos dey do barbaric tings and get away with it!just imagine!
If u dnt ve anytin 2 say pls go nd sleep monkey
Sm pple can b so wicked...imagine a comment frm anonymous 1.15pm.talkin trash bout paying rent,even if its rent does he av 2 b dis brutal?sm tmx I imagine d way most of us comment.I wish Tiwa a qk recovery
Anon 1:15am....God punish u for that state,so even if she does not pay rent does dat mean the guy shld stab her,I'm sure u are a bigger beast than that tobi.ogun fire u and ur generation for that statement .woman beater.bastard
Violence against women should be TOTALLY CONDEMNED by all,no matter the circumstances or relationship in existence.Two wrongs don't make no right.Though sometimes, they tend to go too far,a man should try as much as possible to be patient and act maturedly @ all times.A woman should be protected and not destroyed. I wish her soonest recovery.And as for Tobi,I can't even imagine how bad this would be for you. #CorrectMeIfAmWrong
Linda, violence against ANYONE should NEVER be tolerated, not only against women. If this story is true the culprit should rot in jail.
The heart is deceitful above all thingssss,,and desperately wicked...who can know it?...No one except GOD.........*Quick recovery @Tiwa*
This is not about doing this to a woman. It's about learning to treat EVERYONE with respect. We I live you can't slash even an animal like this and not face the consequences. VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE whether against a man or a woman.
Some pple re wickd sha..nd am sure D̶̲̅ey ve chatted,gisted even laffed together at some point or the other..see wat dat animal has done to her nw..*sad face*
please you guys should ask this guy which this girl was his sister how will he feel? any way na the way u see the babe..this kind of tin happen every day cos of d way d isuue is been treated
Aint funi at ul! Tobi z a beast, he shd be caged. Recover quick @ tiwa
She probably did nothing more than refused his romantic advances.
When a man can't get the woman they want the ugly comes out in full force.
U must be drunk... Its people like u dat do these
Dis is crazy,hw cud he treat a lady witout respect? These ladies r supposed to be pampered,handle with care and respect. So so sawi dear. Wishing. U quick recovery.
Violence against Women
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, and it cuts across boundaries of age, race, culture, wealth and geography. It takes place in the home, on the streets, in schools, the workplace, in farm fields, refugee camps, during conflicts and crises. It has many manifestations — from the most universally prevalent forms of domestic and sexual violence, to harmful practices, abuse during pregnancy, so-called honour killings and other types of femicide.
International and regional legal instruments have clarified obligations of States to prevent, eradicate and punish violence against women and girls. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) requires that countries party to the Convention take all appropriate steps to end violence. However, the continued prevalence of violence against women and girls demonstrates that this global pandemic of alarming proportions is yet to be tackled with all the necessary political commitment and resources.
U dat said nxt time she go pay rent, ur a bastard. Is smtn wrong wiv u. A dog like u did ds nd ur nt ashamed. I pity u
So so sad na waa oo.
Jeez!av got chills...wat a cruel act!!!
Damn!fine geh
This guy wicked sha
She just monkey d girl completely
Get well girl.
From anoda report their neighbours say the guy does dat stupid act often n brag about it dat he can't be arrested cos his father is an ex police officer.stupid beast
Dat dumb ass mufuckar is a fool
LIB Violence on anybody male or female should not be tolerated! Not just against women. We trivialize evil behavior to sex. Please even men need to be spoken for!
LIB Violence on anybody male or female should not be tolerated! Not just against women. We trivialize evil behavior to sex. Please even men need to be spoken for!
Thank u my broda
Jail that bastard son of a Landlord... Sue his father and take the house away from them. Sorry to the poor Tiwa Banks.. Saw her music video back then on Galaxy and MiTV.. She didnt really blow.. Now this bastard boy wanna cut off her vocal chord.. God punish him where ever he may be. I cant even use bottle on a man talkless of a woman..
I know hwr so well, even his younger brother works in my office, was told by him that the 23yrs old guy stabed her with a broken tumbler in the dark cos there was no power supply, in the attempt of helping his siter, the guy tried stabing him on his chest but he just had a little cut in his chest and hand. this is so sad, she is an upcoming artist i have listen to some of her tracks even galaxy showed her video sometime this year. I PRAY FOR QUICK RECOVERY.
A single event should not be used to classify African men which are over a billion in number. Pls take note and write like one who's been to school and socialized with like minded people
No nid 4 arguement n xchange of wordz cos u dnt knw wat human beings r capable of dis day cos most of dem r possed wit evil spirit 4 de bible says de heart of a man concieve evil
Might be that he want to date the girl and she no gree for him.....whatever it is, violence shouldn't be the last resort. The beast should rot in jail!
D guy shuld be dealt wit.
Violence against anybody shouldn't be tolerated...
Violence against anybody shouldn't be tolerated, not just women.
Wish I knew d guy dat just said "nxt time she go pay rent" u sef na even a worse devil.Am sure u go don kill person smwhere. Touts like u shld be in prison wt dat cursed landlord's son.if na Lekki him papa get ause nko? Wetin e for do...shoot everyybodi 4 d street! Smh!
this is outrageous, we say goodluck is bad, we say the senators are bad, we say d government is bad, that y d country aint moving forward......
is it d government that killed dis girl.....
nigerians!! we needto stop taking out our frustrations on ourselves..
may her soul r.i.p.
Violence in all ramification shouldn't be condoned,especially against women even men,coz some suffer in silence.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
The guy was bragging that he is a son of an ex-soldier and cannot be arrested. imagine the shit! thank God she survived this. crazy!
"That is why I don't argue with anyone any
longer. Many are mentally
deranged and seeking a kill
Bless you; so many mentally sick people in our midst these days.
...Oh please, Linda, this is violence, and so lets work on this growing case of violence in our society. People get stabbed -- boys, girls, men, women, "lovers" even go about stabbing each other crazy. So don't go on with this talk about violence against women. Everyone is a victim.
Some people's comment are just soo annoying they should see a psychiatric,thus is in-human and he must be sentenced accordingly. It's beyond the issue of a woman or no woman it is human life and should be valued with high dignity.....
Finally Linda, U̶̲̥̅̊ hv woken up 4rm Ūя̲̅ slumber and decided τ̅☺ paste d important gist, we are still waiting 4 U̶̲̥̅̊ τ̅☺ talk abt minister Ơ̴̴̴͡F Finance mother's kidnap.... Or hvnt U̶̲̥̅̊ heard Ơ̴̴̴͡F dt one?
I actually listened to this yesterday on wazobia fm. D gal's broda called in and narrated the story to the presenter. He said d landlord's son terrorises ppl in d neighborhood and sometimes without provocation and yet his father does nothing to curb his excesses. Sad much.
U must actually be sick upstairs. So even if it's a rent issue does this pay the rent. Only animals would say such a thing like that. Please get help immediately cos u soulnd like a potential murderer.
She toast am tiwa no gree,him cum dey see tiwa wit som fine Guys, jealousy mk am provoke cum bust bottle for tiwa head,blood cum dey rush,kasala don bust,tobi shud arrested,charged to court n jailed for 2yrs.end of d matter.
The culprit should be tried and dealt with according to the law... nothing can ever justify such an act... smh
The culprit should be tried and dealt with according to the law... nothing can ever justify such an act... smh
The culprit should be tried and dealt with according to the law... nothing can ever justify such an act... smh
Er, what of violence against men? Like when women nag violently against their spouse - Tonto's Tattoo
Get well soon Tiwa.
U tink its funny, u must b a bastard, God punish d womb dat carried u 4 9 months
She's such a wonderful Singer. She's featured me in one of her videos 2009. I know her very. Wishing her a quick recovery in Jesus name. Amen.
#yawning# footnotes plsssss..
Are u demented or dyslexic? Where did u read that she died? God forbid that yeye arrow wey u throw.
That's so true, a male frnd of mine threatened me because of 200 naira cd I took from his house, jst becuase I haven't had chance to return it, when I saw the threat, I took time to go to his place when he has left for work, drop d cd with a note. B4 I went to my work. I apoligise to him, that it won't happened again becuase we won't be friends again ever. We work in same company but different department. The guy is really troubled. So ladies be cafeful
Haba! Mr one word man,read properly b4 commenting.She's not dead o
Oloriburuku ni Omo landlord yen sha...Omo irankiran #quickrecoverytiwa#
Violence against anybody should not be tolerated you idiot. Women aren't the only ones that face violence. A joke is what you are.
So its ok if its a MAN, You are SEXIST Linda, Violence against ANYONE (MAN/WOMAN) shouldn't be tolerated.
U re very stupid,its people like u dat even rape small kids,idiot
Mr One word Man: Open ur eyes & read well. the poor lady isn't dead yet...dont wish her dead by tping RIP.....Tiwa May God grant u quick recovery. Amen.
U re very stupid,its people like u dat even rape small kids,idiot
Wht of violence against men?
Anon10:30,what has the womb got to do with the act? That's so uncalled for. Most likely he wasn't raised a bully... Even God created an angel that chose to become Satan. Pls may we chose our words wisely, even in the heat of anger.
Sparkle speaking!
Oloriburuku pikin.smtcheeeeeeew!
Violence of any kind should not be tolerated regardless of gender.This is so sad and I hope she makes a full recovery.The sad thing is that the bastard who did this to her will eventually walk out a freeman ! Thanks to our failed Law enforcement and judicial system.
My comment is yet to be posted, I don't like Linda again
i dont know which is worse...the act of violence or the iodiots whos standby , take photos and spread it around.
This same thing shud happen to u! So u will know how painfull it is! Idiot! Motherfucker
@one word man,,,,,,is a pity som pple ve eyes prob,or is it dt dey cnt jus read.....d report didnt say d gal died,so y r u writn rip??....jeez......plz read nd undastnd b4 comment......
Dt bastard(d culprit) shud b jailed wt hard labour 4 som years cuz he mayb mentally retarded.....fool....mtcheew
tiwa banks plz recover soon..so sowi
@Kim that's an ignorant generalization.
Dat fool dat said "Next time she go pay rent",u r a born idiot,its ur type dat rape babies,rob on highways n bomb churches,fool,wish I can see ur ugly face.trust me very soon u will get a taste of dis stabbing directly or indirectly!Maggot!!!!
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