Adam Lanza was dressed in black military gear and a bullet proof vest when he opened fire in the principal's office and then moved to a kindergarten classroom where his mother, Nancy, taught. The three guns (Glock and Sig Sauer revolvers and Bushmaster rifle) used in the shooting were legally purchased by Adam's mother, Nancy Lanza, whose body was found in the home she shared with Adam. This massacre is the worst involving little children in American history. How could something this horrible happen? Truly truly truly sad! Can't believe this guy went after defenseless little children. So heartbreaking. Our hearts go out to the mothers who lost their children and people who lost loved ones. May God bless the memory of all the victims.
Dis is horrible!!! Oh Lord have mercy! Wot is dis world turning into???
...oh dear, not again! this is barely three days after masked gunman Jacob Roberts opened fire in a busy Oregon mall killing two before turning the gun on himself.
what is going on? too many psychopaths going about freely.
Report says the shooting was carried out by a father of one of the kids in the school.
this is so sickening and sad.
May God be with all those whose kids were killed in this dastardly act.
How come evil acts like this are always carried out in mostly America ? Sad and depressing.....mschewwww
What a horrific incident,evil at its peak. D fact dat he went after defenceless children made matter worse. I pray that God will give their families fortitude to bear d loss.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
When I heard about this I remembered the saying... There is a difference from "Human Being" and "Being Human" This was so inhumane, innocent little children, I can only imagine the grief the parents will be feeling. One thing for sure is that Adam was sick psychologically for him to do this. This also raises issues over US Arms possession laws. R.I.P to all of them. May God give their families the fortitude to bear the loss.
"What was so terrible to warrant the death of 27 people? What did the mother do that was so bad to shoot 18 children? Science should look into the decrease in emotional coping in the us....one person is upset.....25 people die...you lose a job....16 People killed....slow car on fast lane...driver shot...girlfriend broke up with u...girlfriend's family and 50 passerbys go down.....what is it? this is terrible...."
USA and dr lax gun control laws! Ow can a sch teacher own 3 guns?just feel so sory 4 d poor families involvd.may dose little angels rip. U need 2 see d way dr lawmakers are supporting dr gun laws on cnn;sickening!
All these American Psychoz sef ...RIP to them all. So #sad
2012 is reaLly a bad year,but white people should step up @ raising kids...they are all psycho children....smh
The boy is insane,seem dia are many demon possessed people down there coupled with the legalization of gun handling in some states!
the soul of those innocent kids will rest In peace with God!
Adams, say hi to lucifer!
What exactly were his reasons? Did the school where his mom worked treat the mom unfairly or what? Why would a mother buy as much as 3 guns & keep in her home? If he had killed his mom alone e for better small but kill innocent kids & adults? Was he suffering from depression or what? To think its the same America we Naijas are fighting to go to? Their violence na same if not worse pass our own, na wa o!
Ppl ar talkin about gun control bt i differ 2 say many oyinbo ppl need pyschiatrist help.
Also parents must try 2 save deir marriag.Wey d guy papa?
Divorcd? Prison? Afghanistan?
RIP innocent souls.
So sad and disturbing... One would only wonder what really went wrong. I feel so terrible! RIP little ones! »btw Linda, why d "comma" after Nancy?? Almost made me loose d meaning of that paragraph....... God help us All, Amen!
Dese americans dey play violent videogames,watch violent films,listen 2 violent music on top of dat guns com dey easily buyable 4 d country.Why dese kain tins no go dey happen??E just b like naija pple having bad leaders & wondering why d country no dey progress
Too many psychos in this world.. God rest their souls
Wonders dey say shall never end,unbelievable,is dat adam mad?na waaoo.may their soul rest in peace.
this HD or 3D is not helping at all. am sure this boy would have been so engrossed with 3d computer games which involves shooting and as such cant seperate reality from fiction hence this dastardly act. u know that shit feels real when its being played? otherwise how do one explain the demon that got into his head?
i just find myself commenting more than once cos this really got me. so painful. u send ur kids to school, next thing, u get a distress call that ur kid is in danger as there's a shoot-out. God! better un-imagined.
The gun laws in America are too weak.
How many shootings have occurred for God's sake?
So sad...may there gentle soul rest in peace
The American Government had better reverse the law on possession of Guns, if not it might even get worse. May the souls of the departed rest in peace excluding the killer O°˚˚˚ .
Americans and guns....
Dat guy is heartless and a RETARD
The guy must be a psychopath.May God give the bereaved the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.
Na waoh! it not funny @ all ..... RIP TO THOSE DEFENDLESS INNOCENT CHILDREN
Papa don divorce mama,and papa don remarry.he was living wit d mom. Honestly one can never understand ds oyinbos abeg!
Dat guy is possesed,maybe dat his mission on earth and he has completed it..may de souls of de departed and de souls of dis cute babies rest in piece.*crying*
so sad this happened..may the lord give the family of the children heart to bear their loss and rest in the lord young ones..but the big question is how he got access into the school when there is a visual security system at the school...if he is dressed in bullet proof and all that ,they should know something was not right.most of the young children i av visited abroad,you press a buzzer which obviously have camera where the receptionist can see u from inside,he or she speak with you and ask you ur motive in the school before they can let you in .and if ur motive is not genuine they wont open the door..if you told them u have come to pick ur child u will still wait outside and ur child would be handed over to u at the door outside without u entering the school premises.am talking about london here and not the u.s though!to enter any school premises in the uk[ especially the younger ones ]before closing time is like a camel passing through the needle..all the same more security should still be done to protect these innocent children...feeling for the parents that lost their loved ones right now...may the lord never allow us any reason to weep over our children in jesus name.
Truly horrible, sad and pathetic. It's high time America really gave serious taught to their Gun Control laws. I also think that is serious fundamental socials issues in the America society that is driving people off the cliff. God bless the souls of the faithful departed. Amen
Y d defenseless kids????? omg tears on my eyez.. what d hell is in dis business of guns dat it can't abolished????? Its killing d innocent Naa!! Aw could d mum keep such dangerous weapons on his reach? God pls console d parents of d departed kids.
Not surprised at all,but sad tho...cos this are the signs of the END*headsdown*
These white faggots keep using the 'insanity plea' as defense for these animals, if it was a foreigner, terrorist, a black guy, menace to society.What rubbish? They should ban guns completely or ensure very strict compliance,like setting age restrictions(25 preferably) and anyone apart from the armed forces or police can't have an assault rifle and a glock. In no way, should people keep defending these senseless killings, what if your loved ones were involved?This is a serious issue that should not be ignored because you don't know where and who will be hit next.
Linda its most unfortunate that this incident happened and it affected the little Angles my solace is that those Angles have gone to a better place i know u just came back form the states but the truth still stands America is a sick society, America culture and way of life viz a viz liberation emancipation freedom of speech most especially the so called 13th amendment has destroyed that country's value system .
Africa is way better than America our value for life our sanctity for life is higher than that of the westerners the only issue wrong with Africa is poverty and corruption if we get this right Africa will be paradise on earth
repeatedly American youths and teenagers have acquired fire arms and gone on shooting spree remember the Virgina tech shooting the oak land shooting the Boston play ground killing and quite recently the cinema shooting until america repeal their fire arms law more innocent souls will go. what a society.
So sad!
Wen person pack hair cover all him head, how air wan reach him brain... This is why I still love my country.. I think every american is possessed, they just need to b ACTIVATED.. Yall ff @TWEETEST_BOI
Too sad! Iv cried my eyes out today watching CNN. God bless d souls of those kids and their teachers
Wat do u mean by how come evil acts like dis are carried out in america. How many souls including innocent children did boko haram kill dis year in nigeria dey run into millions
D worst crimes 2 commit r crimes against children. I really can't fathom d kind of mental ailment dis fucker had 2 mk him kill 20 kids!!! Dats just sickenin! D US is fast bcomin d most unsafe country in d world. Hw can I tk my child 2 school in a country dats nt @ war n d safety of my child's nt guaranteed??? Am sooo upset. Can't imagine hw their families r feelin nw. God rest their souls.
The 2nd amendment debate will rage and rage until something is done about it. Why would a mother and a teacher have three guns? Extremely sad. May they all rest in peace.
aye ma le o! This is truely disheartening! How can you send your child to school for them to learn, only to be asked to come and carry their lifeless body! Ah!!!! I can't even imagine! My heart goes out to the families affected! God who gives peace that passeth all understanding, would comfort them at this time! It is well!
RIP Innocent children.
Ghost Whisperer,pls show dem d light of forgivness let dem cross ova 2 a beta place.
Very sad but honestly, bloglord's comments cracked me up. Sorry for laughing but America took prayer out of the schools and now this is the result. Kids raised without God can only be willing tools in the hands of the devil. RIP little ones.
Ur post cracked me up, buh its d absolute truth! They really need to evaluate their emotional state of mind.
Sign of end time
Rest in peace children. Highly tragic situation. What kind of offence or anger his mother might likely cause to warrant this.
What is this one saying?
Abeg e worst pass our own.
You got the news wrong Linda, he killed his dad at home and when to his mother's school and killed her along with the 26 other victims.
So so sad, may d Lord comfort all concerned.
So so sad, may d Lord comfort all concerned.
So so sad, may d Lord comfort all concerned.
American wonder! Am loosing my respect and love for America since that country start pitching their tent with Godlessnes.
We might witness the demise of America in our life time.
This is how the Romans lost it and their power and civilization ended.
Moral laxity was what ended the Roman empire, America won't change, things ll only get worse.
Oh! America! How are the mighty fallen.
psychs pupolation is getin high o. God do sumtin.
His mother was kinda like a Sub or learning aid
Anonymous @ 2:04
I find that rude cause I'm an american and I'm not possessed
No he doesn't live with his father
Killed mother at home , went to school and killed the precious angels (⌣́_⌣̀)
Now they have to position policemen in all schools elementry, middle, and high
She is not a teacher
Now they have to position policemen in all schools elementry, middle, and high
Anonymous @ 2:04
I find that rude cause I'm an american and I'm not possessed
Linda, what exactly is my offence? I was d 1st to comment on ds post and u refuse to post my comment and ds is not d first tym ds will be happening...may god grant dr souls gentle rest
omo Oshi,omo iran ki iran,he will rot in hell fire, oloriburuku eda
This so heartbreakin.I don't even want to imagine d scenario.Gosh!many r mad bt few r roamin.dat Adams was a lunatic & nt even his mother knew.I wonda wat society is turnin into.Poor little children ☹.May deir souls & the souls of d teachers rest in perfect peace.Adams,enjoy d everlasting fires of hell!
In Brazil it also occurred, but were adolescents between 12 and 14. Known as "Massacre of Realengo," is a great pity that have been repeated soon in the U.S..
She's a teacher...shhhh!!
This lilian,stay off people's mention...not like u know anything......der's sense in this post.
Lord please ve Mercy on us and help us, Pls Lord dont allow ds to happen again, May God Comfort those that lost their child in ds pains & May there soul RIP.
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