Barely a week after she was named most stylish actress at the FAB
awards in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa’s screen Siren Rita Dominic was yet again
announced a big winner at the fourth edition of the KALASHA film and Television
awards on Saturday December 8, 2012.
“I dedicate this award to God for his mercies, the media for their
immense support, my team for their continuous sustenance, and making me believe
that the sky is just a starting point.
A special thanks to my Kenyan friends for voting for me and to the
Kenyan Film Commission for this award ” she stated from her base in Lagos,
After a brief hiatus from the film
industry, Miss Dominic returned to the silver screen this year, and has clearly
had a good year. In April, she went home with an AMAA for Best Actress in a
leading role for “Shattered”.
In October she premiered THE MEETING, her first outing as
co-producer. Since hitting cinemas
late November, the film has been described as one of the best movies of 2012 by
critics and pundits. “It keeps
getting better and better, The Audrey Silva Company is dedicated to cementing
its place as a first class production company, and we look forward to an even
better 2013.” She concludes.
Rita Dominic headlines “Streets of
Calabar”, another big budget film slated to premiere in Nigeria on December 21,
Congrats Miss Sunshine!! There is no stopping your shine now, its your time. She is always looking so glamorous!
Go born pikin rita!
How nice! Congratz
Old age don report o aunty rita
The make up and airbrush is too much in the first pic joor.
Wch one she close one eye na?
Ok na, congrats but abeg try win at least one guy heart, marry am then dedicate ur next award to ur kids. Biko nu. No slacking next year o. Worried Banga Soup.
Rita is out o. Sha. Goan. Marry
Congrats Rita! Love u
Back with a bang! That's my love:-)
Me love u long time miss Dominic and yes plenty homo Lol. Congrats
I really want to watch this movie! Looks like a psychological thriller and I love thoseeeee
Rita can never go wrong in my eyes, she's just almost perfect! Congrats dear
Oya Linda come go act make I sponsor u so u sef go win Cameroun award u hear
Congratulations Ri
Where can I watch it?
Really back in full force! Welcome back, we missed ur movies.
Soooo happy for my love Rita. Congrats
Hmmmmmm the sky is just the starting point for u miss Dominic! Keep making us proud
Marry me Rita Dominic
This woman is too sexy. Very soft type of sexiness, beautiful.
Linda abeg gimme her address make I send my people go do introduction 4 her head
Lovely pictures! So Linda u get all dese fine photo of Rita and yet u go dey post nonsense photo of her, God is watching u! Lolz
Why do we let marriage define us women in this continent?? The girl is doing well for herself and let's just define her by what she has achieved please! Besides all these marriages breaking up left and right can't be encouraging for the next person so leave her alone and go marry your own miserable husband! We re nie
Empty heads that know nothing apart from marriage, apart from letting a man take care of all their stupid needs. Askor!
E be like say she don join illuminati
At anonymous 12:10 am what's ur business u miserable elephant?? It's her prerogative if she wants kids or not besides she's still young so let her be! Shior!
Anonymous 12:11 u how old are u??? Rita looks very very good for her age and its something to feel proud of. Can u feel proud of that?! No! Nuff said!
Love you Rita and well done on ur achievements. Like u said in ur interview on Silverbird E weekly, keep letting all the negative comments bounce off u. Congrats girl and keep shinning
Congrats dearie........More to come
you are just a Compound Fool...........Ar u GOD?.......Silly Ass hole
Well said my dear. Am getting tired of ppl bashing celebrities bcos dey neva marry or neva hv pikin. We need to b hapi 4 their achievement n define them by those rather than using societal norms 2 criticize them. The earlier we start realizing that not everybody wants to marry or hv children the better we will in dealing wit women and children issues.
Fools like u must rili fink illuminati is 4 every tom, dick n harry...I'm nt sayin Rita is cheap but den again I don't fink she can even smell d 4 walls of it. Pls grow up n stop sayin rubbish! If ur type is nt talkin abt illuminati, its dat sumtin has bin photoshopped I just tire 4 mumu like u
We let marriage define us in this country. A lot of empty headed girls hide under d guise of "married woman" to cover up their frustration. Rita is a lady who has done well 4 her self. Married or not, she's happier dan most married women. Am sure d "get married" and "have kids" comments are comming from ladies. Let's learn 2 be happy 4 a fellow sister who has achieved so much. Marriage will come when it'll come.
And most of them commenting are even miserably married. Sad fellows. Why r u on this blog if ure so happily married wit kids ehn? Leave Rita alone jor.
Whether marriages keep breaking up or not doesn't mean one shudnt get married!
Dats such a cowardly thing 2 say!
Did u pass all ur exams in skool?
Did all ur business risks succeed??
Life aint perfect but we still hav 2 go ahead wif it!
Marriage aint a bed of roses but dats not an excuse not 2 marry!
I mean kids r a blessing!
After all des movies, flying around d world like linda, owning cars and homes...
At d end of d day wen life leaves u, who d fuck remembers u or who do u leave all ur hardwork 2??
So rita darling...if marriage aint 4 u, have kids out of wedluck!
Ull appreciate it later in life!
Freeze ur damn eggs cos u r nearing 50
Take my advice
Billie jean
Wow! congrats rita! always loved u and i still do :)
Always with a head tie. Is dat d new fashion trend? Abi no hair left to attach weavon on.#just passing#
Marriage is just a little part of people's achievement as individuals we have our set goals, even if i am married and don't achieve them i will never feel complete, so please stop attaching marriage to everything.without it she is living her dream and Happy.. Even some marriages causes set back. I beg Rita will marry if she is ready..You are a goddess Rita!!!
me love rita, congratulobia, keep the awards coming
Bush /backward Nigerians still with that mentality! When will u realise there's more to life than marriage?! Besides not everyone wants to get married. No be by force. You don't know if she is desperately searching but still hasn't found the one that completes her. You don't know if she's a workaholic and her career is her family. There are people like that in this world, you know? Stop insulting hard working women like Rita and Genevieve because according to your standards they are underachievers. Smh! Go deal with your own problems and let them be. They're making their millions and u ain't.
you look good rita, keep it up
congrat rita, keep it up
some retarded nigerians are very myopic and thats why things never change in this country. forward never backward ever. All of u screaming "go and marry" have kids and etc,have u achieved half of wht she has achieved?is marriage the ultimate goal in life? some of u married ones are opportunist,u married to achieve certain things that this woman is achieving without the help of any man. marriage this days is "let me marry cos my mates are marrying and the man is rich"m no longer for love. Rubbish! Husband will come when it will come and she will eventually marry. cant remember seeing any age in the bible that a woman will reach and will never marry. PLEASE ppl give it a rest with this marriage talk. is bcos of this talk that makes most men and women make mistake in chosing partners,they are quick to say yes bcos they want to wear that ring and answer married woman. Tomorrow when they separate,same ppl will talk. tufiakwa!!
You are the compound fool!
Idiot! Defence minister !
Is the comment on ur head?
Blockheaded buffon!
tonto dikeh, take a cue from rita. u hardly hear or read anything negative about her. and well learned too. nice speech rita. and u look beautiful in the first picture
Beautiful woman! Very classy
Billie Jean u're a big fool and a cheap pathetic liar! Rita is in her 30's please u miserable animal besides its her biz if she wants to have kids or not and not yours so mind ur sad sad life! Shior
Congrats my sweetheart and let the haters keep hating while u keep excelling
Kudos ms Dominic, keep making Nigeria proud!
Those are turbans mumu hater!
Back in style. Rita's things must be different! Much love and congrats
Kenya loves you and we want to adopt u, congrats girl!
Keep bringing it girl, well done #TeamRita
This Rita Dominic is in a class of her own shaa, well done
Hmmm Riri ma superstar proud of u, congrats!
Which one be kalasha awards again??
So how does this story put food in my belle Linda? E be like say u don dey crush on Rita Dominic nowadays na so so Rita dis Rita dat now abegi make I hear word
So how does this story put food in my belle Linda? E be like say u don dey crush on Rita Dominic nowadays na so so Rita dis Rita dat now abegi make I hear word
African Marilyn Monroe! #Nuffsaid oya haters start drinking poison one by one
Ewu caned beer. Is dt ur only prob go born pikin? Ur mates r moving 4ward nd u r there giving birth make una continue dey born criminals fool Lag, no born d one wey u fit train neext minutes nw u start looking 4 ppl 2 help u train some monkey
I love rita,all dis bad belle and bitter people go and hug a transformer,Congrats sweety.
Haba! So much hate on dis blog, y'all sayin marriage is not an achievement, am sure u re just miserable old ladies without a man, u're just sayin this trash to console urselves... Anyway, congratulations Rita, kudos to ur achievements, i pray dat God puts d iceing on ur cake by blessing u wit a man dat would make u happy, all in God's time... So, pls enough about marriage not been an achievement , am happily married and its truly one of d greatest gift to man, money is not everything, period!
All of u dt commented against marriage are all stupid $ brainless,who told u rita hvnt been crying abut marriage despite all her wealth,no matter d kind of millions she is making now as some of u said without children 2 enjoy it,she isn't happy,so stephien,mercy johnson,chioma akpotha,uche jumbo $ many others dt married ren,t making millions?
Dats wat is called professional make up!bad belle!!
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