Obafemi and Abigail in a private jet |
Obafemi Martins is dating Mario Balotelli's elder sister, Abigail Barwuah and Mario is said not to be particularly happy about their relationship. But in a recent interview with Goal.com, Obafemi dismissed insinuations that Mario was not happy that he's dating Abigail
“Mario is my boy. The respect is there
because I used to play at Inter, in the youth team with him. He’s giving
me my respect and I’m doing same. People are putting it in the news
that he’s upset, of course he’s glad.
“He’s glad that Obafemi Martins is dating his sister. But if he gets
jealous then it means he doesn’t want his sister to grow. But it’s not
like that. The boy is not a bad boy.
He also said he and Abigail haven't discussed marriage yet.
“The relationship is true but getting married or not, we haven’t
discussed anything like that. She’s upstairs and we’re happy together.
Abigail, 24, told the
The Sun
in an interview in April that she couldn’t date a footballer: “Mario
wouldn’t let me anyway. He knows only too well what they are like. They
are surrounded by women. Girls throw themselves at them.”
Ok . So what ? How is this important. Just see the girl sef. Meetcheeeew . Next I begieeeeee
Who gives a toss
Linda Remember Hillarious NGOZI NWOSU one of the veteran Artistes who set the stage for the new crop of artistes we hav now. She is critically ill and needs help. Naija Celebs hav don dis b4 I have no doubt that they will do it again. Dat was hw i started feeling Davido and d rest.
Comment Signed,sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy
Which kind skeletal private jet be this. Na wah for some of these our nigerian celebrities. so, even this one wey i dey see for picture na private jet??? LMAO
'THE BOY IS MY BOY! HE IS NOT A BAD BOY' Trouble dey sleep...yanga go wake am. Wetin e dey find???!!!
I expect to see something from Ballotelli via Twitter soon. Dont say i didnt say so oh
Naija una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i see dis
Ow does dis reduce d price of petrol. #Park well Linda
D abigail chicken self ₪☺ fine..Mtschews
D abigail chick self ₪☺ fine! Mtschews
Fine chick. And the lady looks calm too; though looks may be deceptive at times. Enjoy while it last my man.
Brothers will always be possessive. That is what it is to be a brother to a chick.No brother wants to see anyone shagging his sister.I beg, if na my sister too, i will definitely not want anyone [not even my hommie] near my sister. Anyone remember the film scar face and how scar face killed his hommie because his hommie was shagging his sister. Kai. Na wao. Na so life be. Dont worry, just treat the girl well.
Babies! Who ks tho?
They look good together but who cares? lol
But Obafemi what happened to all our Naija girls nah? Anyways, good luck to them.
Na wah o! Me sef go be celeb o!
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Don't dull it.
Y do both sound a little childish to me? Happy 4 them tho
E be like say that family like ugliness shaa?
Love simply means "doing something for the benefit of the two party involved";so there is no big deal if he is dating the girl or not...or will mario marry his sister???
Isn't Abigail an adult? So why should Mario even be supposedly angry that Obafemi is dating her in the first place? Its better now that Martins is clearing the air, wish the couple all the best.
Isn't the name Barwuah instead of Barwuash?
2 of them dey drag who wowo pass... NEXT!
Two of them dey drag who wowo pass . Mtcheeew...NEXT!
24 years old? They are good together the gap is not too much as boda femi should be around 36. 27A1F09B add me up peeps
As far as she aint white ....am happy....enough of these oyingbo women not allowing our men to rest...you need to see how they behave when they attend the clubs usually used by footballers ....like say them never see man before!!
24 years old? They are good together the gap is not too much as boda femi should be around 36. 27A1F09B add me up peeps Linda I'd like to be supplying or updating you with news but don't know how to get accros to you
Oh dear. A bit unfortunate she looks like Mario..... But anyhow, good luck Obafemi, as long as you are happy, what else matters???
Hmmm!okk o!nice babe anyway
Just wait let balotelli beat the hell out of you.you know he doesn't take nonsense as he face resemble gorilla so
Na mario wan marry him sister?
If he dnt want u 2 av a realationship wit his sista wount u rest probably he knows ure a womanizer.all dis celeb sef una own 2 much must u marry ghanaian?oh so record go say ur wife nr b nigerian.wit ur wowor face and plenty moni.
Interesting.....! As long as it's LOVE sha o
nice jet.
So mario's elder sis abigail is 24????all dis footballers n deir lie lie age.......dis obafemi martins animal is annoyingly rude WTF is wrong wit him
Martins, as a footballer u do all this things @ summer not now
i comment my reserve...*Isorite*
Hogwash,bunkum,absolute rabbish!!
It seems everybody has abandoned the normal plane for commoners...private planes and jets are now the in thing now.
It is well.
Lol @ she said she couldn't date a footballer, I also 1nd said I cld never date a short guy but now I am *covers face
Lol @ she said she couldn't date a footballer, I also 1nd said I cld never date a short guy but now I am *covers face
Wish u all the best !
Is not a bad thin' to date mario sis,because she's a grown woman and she has the right to make her choice,this is a freewold.well done martins
I could marry her cos of those legs..lol
This guy is 2 ugly yack...
Hey!!! Martins done fall hand! I pray she is not like Super Mario! Lol well all dem gals keep adding need more contacts 2759B706....!
hmmm....keep it up bro martins
Obafemi, u cant see those clean white babes to date, na dat arrogant balotelli sis u see. U dey fall hand jor.
She looks like a lokito (local chic). Or maybe its a bad pix
The girl no fine sef.see as she dey like a man.mtcheew,Obafemi,there re many fine girls in naija
i think this abigail looks good.balloteli is always arrogant...linda post my comment o!!! My name is LAPXZ 4rm aba.thnx.
for im mind naaa...mario na im boy! d babe no too set sef.
D Balloteli family & strong face gene. Issorait since money dey jaburata.
obagol shuld mak up his mind if he is marrying her.we do nt want 2 hear they had a crash and then d r/ship crashed.No.And he mak sure he respects balloteli's respect 4 him,ok?..pliz dont disappoint us mehn..1 love!!
Y shuld he b jealous? He shud b api 4 his sis. Bt martins shud b serious abt d relationship
d girl sef be like villager
D gal wowo self smh
Kk,tanx for the info most eligible bachelor!
@happy am dating his sis'..rubbish talk!.
U had better marry her!
Studies have shown 55% – 80% of women fake orgasms. Yet ask any man on the street and they think they are handing out orgasms like a bag of peanuts on an airplane..yea right! . That math is not adding up people! As sexual as our society has become we still seem to not have a great grasp on all things sex. This lack of understanding and knowledge leads to a lot of sexually unfulfilling marriages which many times will lead to plenty of infidelity. The reality is that there is so much more to the female orgasm that many have not embraced. We just go off of what our friends tell us, and some of the experiences we have had. That in itself doesn’t always create an accurate perception. So let’s start to take a closer look at the female orgasm. Starting with the fact that you can’t guarantee she had one.
Did you know that at one time the female orgasm is believed to be a myth? That’s right and this isn’t just based on some men who had to come up with a way to defend their inability to satisfy their women…or was it? Well some scientist themselves believed that it was a myth. The reality is that there is no physical evidence you can present to prove that a woman has climaxed. Not to get too graphic but for those of you who were under the impression that the white discharge you sometimes see a woman produce is evidence of an orgasm, you are mistaken. That is just a buildup of her natural lubrication (“wetness”) and the friction from sex can provide its white color. So any woman can moan all night, scream your name, and make her body tremble all in the name of making you feel like “King Ding-A-Ling”. She can say she had 5 orgasms and you will have no way of proving her wrong.
Truth is what man would even want to prove his woman wrong. Men all like to believe that they laid it down right, so who is really going to question it unless it was a horrible performance on her part. Could you imagine some man jumping up after sex, pointing his finger screaming
“YOU LIAR!! You did not just have an orgasm, I did not just satisfy you sexually, and who the hell is this Mike guy you just screamed out!!”
Even if a man did do that, could he prove her beyond a reasonable doubt to be a liar? You see men provide hardcore evidence when they climax. Unless you have just run a climax marathon, something is going to seep out of your “tool” lol that shows the man has indeed reached this point. That just doesn’t happen with women and therefore you will never know 100% that she just had an orgasm.
Ok so what’s the point of me bringing this up? Well I feel the sooner men become more open to the realities of sex and female orgasms, the sooner they can improve their approach to the matter. Many men as well as women need a wake up call when it comes to their performance and understanding of sex. Really we all have room for improvement but when men don’t embrace that they make it harder for women to be able to be open and honest about what is really going on. Most women fake orgasms simply because they dont want to hurt their ego, push him away, or look like something is wrong with her. Now I am not trying to scare the men in to thinking all the orgasms your woman said she had is false, but don’t even focus on that. Just be willing to embrace the fact that maybe there are some areas that need to be addressed. Create an environment where she can feel comfortable admitting if she has faked it or won’t feel the need to fake it moving forward. Allow for constructive criticism to be given in your relationship and please don’t just point the finger at her if she admits to their not being many orgasms (if any at all) between you two and yes she has to accept her role but you are in this together. Take heed of these things and you will not just increase the chances of a better sex life but more importantly a much better relationship with that woman.
Taken from Tess umeh's blog
This boy wowo sha.....TC
Linda, there's no 's' in the girl's surname. you don't have to publish my comment
Good for him... I wish him all the best and hoping he's not dating her for ego reasons...
Hapi for u both ride on
And what's d point of all this unnecessary drama.....abeg make una ping 277DDBCD for t shirts nd oda clothing
this is interesting. d girl no bad 'tall. Linda get more gist..cant wait!.
Obafemi Martins.....Which one na. Don't allow Mario to attack you o. The gal is cool.
@Anonymous, December 29, 2012 5:43 PM- It makes me angry whenever I see stupid, racist comments like yours. Has it occurred to you that Nigerian and other black footballers date white women not because these women throw themselves at the footballers but because they actually like and even maybe prefer white women??? Grow up anonymous (and all the other narrow-minded Nigerians on this blog), we live in the 21st century now and Obafemi Martins or anyone black footballer will not be hurting anyone by dating outside his race! I have no problems with ANYONE dating outside their race and if you do, that is really your problem.
In fact for your information but given the stupid comment you made, most black footballers actually date black women.
This obafemi martins too like show- show life, am sure he is dating this girl just to show-off else why talk all this plenty talk about her brother, is it her brother he is dating? I won't be surprised if Mario doesn't like him, obafemi is a D-list footballer and may want to use his sister to famz him
It's absolutely disrespectful of those describing the girl as ugly, villager etc. She goodness sakes she did not create herself and neither can all you idiots create a common worm talkless of a human being. Obafemi isn't exactly any george clooney you know. Is it because she is not nigerian? for once be happy for others please!
As i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ like it changes d fact D̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅Ï„̲̅ Keshi dropped him from his team.
~BONARIO~says S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ via NOKIA3310
Shut ur trap, u poverty-stricken fellow !
U fine???
Show us ur pix make dis blog explode! Shio!
What are u on about???
U nko?
Ugly thing disguising as Anonymous!
Shut ur mouth for a min so that ur shallow brain can chill!
Who's adding u up?
Ghosts abi?
U can supply ur fake news to ur BBM contacts, pls leave LIBers outta dis.
Haven't u noticed how dry u are?
And with ur worwor pocket, u enter LIB dey rant like mad man?
Go and take a nap joor!
Miss bukky, u don straf am before?
Y e dey pain u like dis na?
Its funny how a Monkey like u knows d difference between fine n ugly!
Jobless thing, keep looking for contacts o! Yeye!
Slot price, are u wishing u were in her shoes???
Keep dreaming, ur dreams can only come true in ur dream.
U can have all the Naija girls while he has what he wants. Pls stop being a cry baby, its irritating!
I always have a good laugh each time I read comments from Nigerians....
Ff on twitter though @Yellow_pawpaw
This Obafemi guy is not that ugly, He just needs to remove that disgusting hairstyle and he'll move up a point in the ranking.
My thots exactly!
They ar hope less
@ Anon 6:26pm.. He plays in d LaLiga n der r on winter/xmas break. So hes chilin.
Nyc one tho! Al dis Ghana gals n dia crazy luv 4 9ja studs.
U wey be god wey create urself post ur pix make we see. Wide mouth
Obafemi, your gist sounds a bit, em how do they say it, retarded and somewhat disrespectful? You love her you love her and that is that. Chikena. No dey fumble dey talk about her brother being your boy and all that shit. He has a right to his opinion of you and your relationship with his sister whether casual or otherwise is her business as an adult - unless she is under the age of 18. Also, man, what with the private jet and all your face still hard/kponku like dis. Mehn!
Obafemi sounds kinda arrogant abt this...@oban j,u are a real ogbanje,if she's not fine,show your fugly face now,cow!
sharrap there! ''Coffee weh u dey drink'' u well at all? Shift joor!
Am sure dis lady ain't 24, buh hw old is balloteli...i smell fishy things here btw
Linda, post ma comment make I no take u as enemy enter 2013 o #vexing gir#
Obafemi what you are doing us but good, you abandoned your brother's only son Malik to be taking by British govt, they gave him to Forster parent and your are here flying around in private jet with woman while your family are suffering, Ladi's wife is struggling to survive, Biola your elder brother in Manchester with his twins babies are still illegal immigrant in UK . Ladi died in penury last and ugomma still fighting to get her son back from Jamaican family.
If obafemi marry that wowo igbo smoker sister, na taribo west or obasanjo dem go born, even the so called jet na tokunbo, molue better pass am, we dey call am stop there make I pass, the jet no get toilet, na shot put you go do inside. Obafemi come back home & select one of this our aristo's, some of them are still grade 3, even though senator & governor don finish the vitamins wey dey their body. Lol
U don enter one b4! Bad belle
Obafemi with all d money, still looks like a modern ape, d babe is just there, without money they both will look like roasted yam. Hehehehehehe
Oba oba wor wor pikin.he don experiment finish with Naija gals na go settle down with a fellow beast like himself...asswipe..Sharon
How does this prevent the Super Eagles of Nigeria from Crashing out of the Nations Cup nkwanu???
the biggest fool on lib is cicy.
mumu with a capital M!
U guys just post anything u like on peoples blog, u beta be creative and do something for your lives. Even if done before but differently so u could also stand out. See Linda she is making her cool cash on her blog and you are busy giving out myopic comments. Nigerians will never be civilised.
Cicy go n sleep abeg if u dnt kno wt 2 write or go n take a chil pill
@sharon.....may God punish your mouth for there! Idiot like you....how u go call person beast? on top wetin? abeg enter toilet go shit! mumu
this same guy was dating SHARON EGWURUBE travelling up and down frequenting russian like madt.she was in face of elite pagent 2011.nawa 4 dis ballers sha.
sharon he jst finished with u take a chill pill,he is a baller is jst like moving to the next club.LMAO
no blame sharon she was also dumbed by him,she should take a chill pill snd dont call him beast u wnted his money and fame he got what he wanted is trade by barter.
Go n get married finally footballer Christian obodo just got married stop all dis gal fr talk
I saw d trad weeding pics wonder who d chic is congrats obodo , obafemi u are next in line
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