Man attempts suicide twice over eye problem | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 13 December 2012

Man attempts suicide twice over eye problem

Culled from Punch
Taofeek Muraina never had it good as a child. His adulthood is not even better. This, perhaps, explains why the 40-year-old bricklayer thought it wise to die rather than being put to shame by friends and neighbours.
Twice this year, he has attempted suicide. The first time, Punch Metro learnt, was about five months ago, while the second one was on December 5.
On December 5, he had wanted to poison himself when a neighbour arrived on time and raised the alarm.
Muraina has been battling with an acute eye condition since when he was a child. As he grows, his condition worsens, making life unbearable for him.
Explaining reasons for attempting suicide, he said, “Life is unbearable for me. I was born with an eye problem. My wife, Tawa, left me and dumped our 10-year-old son with me. I learnt that she has got married to another man.

“I attempted to commit suicide by poisoning myself while my son and neighbours were not at home but my landlady got home while I was preparing the mixture.

His landlady, Mrs. Aminat Oseni, who said that Muraina had been her tenant for five years, explained that it was the second time that he attempted taking his own life.

Oseni said, “He (Muraina) is a friend to my son, Fatai, who is a welder. My son appealed to me that we should accommodate him when he came begging for accommodation.
“According to him, he was sent packing by his former landlord on the ground that the landlord’s family wanted to make use of the apartment. But he said the landlord only ejected him because of his eye problem.”

Muraina, whose left eyeball gorge from the socket, said, “This is causing acute pain for me. I have been living in pain since I was born. It became worse during the crisis within the National Union of Road Transport Workers three years ago at Moniya. I was hit in my eyes by an object and since then it had been worse.”
His relatives, according to him, came with a promise that they would help him but they never showed up again.

Muraina’s landlady said, “When they saw him they burst out crying. They said that they would take him to the hospital but they could not do so for lack of funds.”

A Mass Communication Student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Yusuf Oseni, said Muraina had not been having any medical attention as a result of poverty, adding, “That is why five months ago he attempted to commit suicide by hanging.

“Having tried all available means to help himself, he decided to take his own life. He has no money to treat himself in the hospital. He is alone with his problem. When he went to the University College Hospital, he was asked to pay N10m. 

Muraina, a resident of Gunwin Akingbile, Moniya, Ibadan, Oyo State, said the excruciating pains he experienced on a daily basis had made life difficult for him.

He said, “I am a bricklayer and I mould blocks. People in the neighbourhood always make jest of me. I take native treatment because I cannot afford the cost of surgery.
“I decided to end it all because I could not afford the cost of surgery and no one wishes to help me. With my condition, I still manage to work to feed myself and my son but people hate me.”


dera said...

Linda u too lyk amebo. U no dey sleep?

Anonymous said...

So sad and touching...

mz leemah said...

Sad sad sad.I pray help comes your way soon

Anonymous said...

I wish some charitable organization would come to his aid. I truly feel his pain, his hopelessly. I couldn't even last a minute in his shoes. I really hope someone sees this and reach out to him. His child needs a father, how sad for that little one to even be abandoned by both his parents.

The suffering some people endure in this life is truly heartwrenching. Forty years is too long to have suffered so.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

I feel this man pain but its not the end of the world, see to the bright side that you still have one functional eye. Suicide shouldn't be your option. I think you and your family can bring up a cry for help fund raiser to raise money from the help of compassionate Nigerians for an eye treatment to make better your condition.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that helps this very man will receive unending favor beginning from the year 2013.... I have spoken and so shall it be do not doubt for only in faith shall thou do without seeing.

Anonymous said...

May God intervene .... Since birth? And ere I am complaining over nothin... Lord am grateful...

Anonymous said...

Linda wot does URL means?

Anonymous said...

This man is going thru pain,he needs help fast!

Anonymous said...

so Linda how can we all help? set up a charity or provide contact details

Unknown said...

May God help him... so sad!!

Anonymous said...

Linda , I'm sure some people will like to help this man including myself-
How would an account be set up for him so that people can donate funds?

Anonymous said...

Please let us have an account number. i'd really like to help dis man.

Nneka said...

O GEEZ MY GOOD GOD. I Feel really sorry for this young chap. I wish some good philanthropist would come to his aid. Why dont i have this Plenty Money ah ah. Li li keep it up dearie

Anonymous said...

Linda,could you please get a detail of how our help can reach this man? please do another research and report back.

Anonymous said...

make u na see where you na suppose the give you na tight....u na d give person when get jet

Anonymous said...

Linda I don't no how dis can be done but u no its possible to raise money for this man surgery. Your readers incuding me can contribute money towards the surgery. U just hav to open an account for everybody to contribute money into and den let us no how much has being raised on a daily basis. Even if all u readers contribute 2k I am sure it wil go a long way. I no some people can contribute more dan dat.wit our collective effort we can do somtin to make God proud of us. SPICY.

Anonymous said...

all of us can make a difference in his life, lets not just pity him, if u know a charitable organisation dt can help him please call their attention to his story. His story is also on Page 4 of today's Punch Newspapers.

Anonymous said...

is there anyway one can offer help to the man?

Anonymous said...


God's Chosen Few
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman
But those who suffer He delivers in their suffering; He speaks to them in their affliction. - Job 36:15

He was born with cerebral palsy in South Africa. He barely survived his birth. He did not walk until he was four years old. One leg was longer than the other and he could not speak well. For most of his life, his hands shook and he had little control over them. Feelings of rejection and bitterness at his plight were common occurrences during his growing-up years. During his school years, he was chastised by kids and generally rejected by society.

At age 17, his father felt led to take his son to a healing service. That night, the young boy's leg divinely grew two inches. He no longer walked with a limp. Bradley met the Savior and began to grow in his intimacy with Him. God began to speak to him and show him things. Prayer became his source of comfort and strength. God gave him insights about people and situations, bringing blessing to all who encountered him. Today, this young man travels around the world as an internationally known intercessor and founder of a school of intercessory prayer. Literally hundreds of hours of knowledge about the way God speaks to His children have been birthed in and through this young man.

One evening Bradley walked forward in a meeting of about 40 workplace believers and handed a note to the leader during a Christian business conference. The note was for someone in the room, but Bradley did not know whom it was for. It was the last day of a 40-day fast for this writer. The message gave a specific description of what I had been experiencing the two years leading up to that night. Nobody would have known such details. I knew it was for me. It was a miraculous "telegram from God" that provided confirmation and encouragement of where God was taking me. God used one broken man to speak to another broken man.

God's ways are not our ways. His preparation of His warriors seems cruel and hurtful at times. His ways are much higher than ours. Trust the God of the universe that He can orchestrate the events of your life when they seem the darkest.

MoiMoi Expresso said...

This has to be an acute orbital cellulitis. If ophthalmologiical care was given at birth, it wouldn't have got this worse. Can we start a #SaveMusiba campaign. 10m is much, we cud get an eye NG0 to assist. Linda pls look into it, Chukwu ga gozie gi ihe ukwu.

Ngozichukwukamma said...

Oh God! :'( Linda pls start an appeal fund asap, let's see what we can do for him...he can get a surgery abroad for less than N10m. He might not have sight on that eye eventually but at least d pain will stop. I urge all of us LIBers to reach out to ds man, nothing will ne small. Thanks.

slimzyose said...

I really feel 4 him

tricia said...

can we donate towards helping him,send an account no we can reach him on,its not his fault he wants to kill himself,even wen u are complete pple wont help at least he isnt on the street begging,he tries to work for a living,he deserves a second chance at life

Anonymous said...

the only way u could understand a human is through pain cos its inevitable we all go through pain.. GOD please help u with ths 1, touch the heart of those whom could afford it.

prolific said...

May Almighty Allah intervene as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

The word 'Acute' is only used wen a particular condition has lasted for a few days, it becomes chronic wen it has lasted for months or years, just his case.linda take note.

Anonymous said...

Linda please how can one send financial assistance to this man. Please help make enquiries. Thank u.

Anonymous said...

this is where most nigerian's should come to an aid of pple, but dey wont do that rather to be buying jets up and down. God is watching u with 3d glasses ooo

OSHODI said...

May the good LORD send you a helper in the mighty name of Jesus.Amen

Anonymous said...

linda what have done to help him???

Anonymous said...

linda what have you done to help him?

Prettyass said...

Can we ave an account no to send d money to

Nonye said...

Linda please what can we do to help this man? Please set up an account, pay him a visit, whatever please we need to do something fast! I'll be willing to assist in whatever tiny way I can, foodstuff etc.

Queen Bee said...

Oh pls Mr Prophet,why won't the charity Start from u setting the pace and Stop all these hypocritical prophesies!
Afterall faith without is dead!

Anonymous said...

Pls Linda, get d bank details of dis man...

BLOGLORD said...

This man is blessed. he attempted suicide twice but was rescued. It means God has a purpose for him. God does'nt want his soul to languish in hell by committing suicide.I pray he finds help. If only one good socialite or politician could foot his bills and give him a reason to smile in life.
i wish i had a lot of money...

Ona Twins said...

URL (uniform resource locator). It means a web address.
Linda, I think u can help this man.think about it.God will bless's not just about giving people gist. God puts people on our path to be of help.

Anonymous said...

I wish some charitable organization would come to his aid. I feel so sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

No 1 said/asked- where do we make donations, how can we help? SAD

Anonymous said...

Oh No....Lord plz use individuals 2 turn dis guys life around again. Dis Just melted me....I have no reason 2 complain anymore. God Plz Help.

Ruth said...

Linda please is there a way you can take up this man's case, and lets source for funds just as you did for debbie. This man is really in pain and i believe with enough publicity, he can get his surgery done.
Please look into it, GOD bless you amen.

Anonymous said...

Just shuttup ur filthy mouth if you dnt hav anytin to say, must you comment? Linda no dey sleep, u wey dey sleep why r u here? Linda put this up cos this man needs help, a good samaritan could see it and decide to help him, u r blabbing abt amebo. Rubbish

Anonymous said...

Is there any means I can reach out to him? I'm so devastated and crushed hearing his story. Ur days of hurting are over.

Anonymous said...

Linda... Let an account b opened for payment of the bill (10m). Den alert 9jarians on dah 1. No mata how lil each psn contributes it will go a long way. Pls reply asap... Tnx
#Jade Said#

Anonymous said...

God is the greatest healer. Let him attend Christ Embassy healing school and receive his healing free of charge. Jesus Christ has already made provision for his healing years and years ago.

A new session comes up in Nigeria by February 2013, and for all with health Challenges reading this too, you are also invited. Your faith will make you whole.

Anonymous said...

God is the greatest healer. Let him attend Christ Embassy healing school and receive his healing free of charge. Jesus Christ has already made provision for his healing years and years ago.

A new session comes up in Nigeria by February 2013, and for all with health Challenges reading this too, you are also invited. Your faith will make you whole.

Unknown said...

This is why we need universal healthcare in this country. Healthcare left in the hand of capitalists will keep us in this continuos cycle.

Lets at least give the poor hope that when they are ill, they would get the treatment they need.

Anonymous said...

Yes God is the true healer but the good Lord is not against surgery. Please Linda let us where to send the contributions to.

Anonymous said...

Pls LIBers let's try n help this man,little drops of water makes a mighty ocean 10million naira is not too much for 1million ppl to raise

MJ said...

Linda when you report cases like this and it get solved thats what makes you influencial.My

Anonymous said...

He is watching all of us not just the super rich. So do your own bit too

Anonymous said...

Linda please can we have an account number so we can donate our widow's mite. Its not enough to say eeya, we would like to help.

Anonymous said...


all he needs is assistance nt pity, Lili pls take up his case until something is done, Nigeria is an i dont care attitude place if its abroad he wont b left alone, lets do wat we can bt Linda u hav to take d lead

Unknown said...

Awwwww *tears* pls Linda let us join hands together and help dis man, may God heal him in Jesus name Amen..

Anonymous said...

Is there any avenue to support this man?

hurlar said...

Sad sad sad.I pray help come his way very very soon,I don't mind his account details too, pls Linda can u help us wit that

Unknown said...

And yet the Pastors buy private Jets.

Anonymous said...

Dera, why are u awake reading Linda Ikeji blog. Linda I know u still have jetlag? Carry on O jare , thanks for the stories, how can this man be helped? His story is touching.

Anonymous said...

Tears...Really sad... lets know how we can help

Anonymous said...

Linda please get details of the man and let us see if we can raise some money to help him. Eye ailment can be a very difficult one...

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, Please contact this man and obtain his bank details, i will like to contribute financially as well.

Anonymous said...

This shows that we are living in a failed country. How can a government leave its people to be suffering like this? Shame on our corrupt political leaders. God will judge you for inflicting pains on the citizen!

Unknown said...

Chai! Life is so not fair sha,I hope he finds help fast cos he just might succeed with a third attempt.

veeon said...

so sad

Anonymous said...

Linda please drive help for this man...I trust you and I want to contribute to help him...Let us know how we can help asap.

Anonymous said...

I shed tears as I read dis! So heart-wrenching,my God!!! I decree it is well with u in Jesus name.

Anonymous said...

God pls help dis man, l feel his pains becos 40years is not 40day, is not easy

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is truly sad, he doesn't need words of encouragement he needs money for surgery. Please everyone extend your help do something good, sow into his life, don't wait for a charity organization, some people have uncles n aunty's who are doctors, free medical surgery isn't to much to ask. The most valuable thing in life is giving back. That's why it saddens me when I see that all what our leaders are doing is stealing and not giving back to the society.

Anonymous said...

Linda, it hot u were going open an avenue for people tod= dn=onate money for him to get his eyes fix. please try and raise money for him mbuk. Thats one o the reasons you blog.

Anonymous said...

is there any account number we can send donations to the man to treat himself?

Anonymous said...

Dis *i wish I had a lot of moni* touched me, I wish so 2. *sad face

Anonymous said...

sad...pls how can we reach him.and he looks like the guy who acted in yoruba film..oko aje

Anonymous said...

Linda,wot was your reason for blogging abt dis story?You left pple in d middle of an ocean without a paddle.this man does not need all dis "kpele"from us,he needs money for surgery and daily living.y not find abt dis guy and get an account so we can contribute.this is xmas biko,show some love.This man need our support.inbtwn,am a student sha bt i can sacrifice to help a brother.

Anonymous said...

God help u

Anonymous said...

@DERA your eye and mouth will be WORSE than this poor man's own I don't curse because it will manifest, am a traditional religion practitioner and I cast this ÈKPÈ on your. Bò timà rí funn è ní yè. Aśhè!

Queen Bee said...

That's true Linda mayb an acct will we can contribute!
Not fake ass person coming here to prophesy without making an attempt to help!

Anonymous said...

pls lt us know how we can help him ASAP

Anonymous said...

All i imagin is pain..pain..nd more pain

Anonymous said...

Oh my! The others eye is compensating already, it's bulging out also. He needs help ASAP

Ndidi said...

How can we help Linda ?
Do you have his contact details ?
Does he have an account ?
We can all donate and help him raise that fund ?

Ndidi said...

@anonymous 7.06pm

I feel you but trust me if we can all donate the little we have then we can make a difference !

Anonymous said...

He truly needs help. 10m is chicken change to some pole o. Mrs Alakija, pls help this man.

TOLANI said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah d guy who acted this film with funke adesiyan ..forgotten d movie title .e

Chop Chop said...

I con cor!

Anonymous said...

Pls account details needed asap!

Anonymous said...

Datz wat annoyin, if all d money for jetz are put togada, a lot of good would be done in Nigeria to peeps like dis

Anonymous said...

HOW can the surgery to fix his eye be 10million when that girl who had stage 4 cancer only needed 4million abi?

salami1010 said...

Our society has totally degenerated. people rake in millions to their bank account daily, fleet of cars, private jets, lots of mansions owned but just a generous act to better the lots of another is a hard nut to crack. There is so much gospel about love here and there but non truly exist.

God help us

motheroffour said...


Anonymous said...

He is well IJN.

Anonymous said...

Pls let him quickly go to The Social Welfare Service Unit, Cathedral Church of Christ, 29 Marina, Lagos. Let him go on a Monday (not on a public holiday o) exactly 10 am. They hold their meetings and attend to the cases of the less privileged. I assure you that if he presents his case well, they would sponsor his eye surgery, rehabilitate him and empower him thereafter. That is my Church. He doesnt have to be a Christian or a member of the church, all he has to do is to be genuine and do not lie. Because, I bet you, the social welfare officers there are very intelligent and smart. If they discover you are lying or present forged documents, Omo, end of case for you o.

Anonymous said...

Pls let him quickly go to The Social Welfare Service Unit, Cathedral Church of Christ, 29 Marina, Lagos. Let him go on a Monday (not on a public holiday o) exactly 10 am. They hold their meetings and attend to the cases of the less privileged. I assure you that if he presents his case well, they would sponsor his eye surgery, rehabilitate him and empower him thereafter. That is my Church. He doesnt have to be a Christian or a member of the church, all he has to do is to be genuine and do not lie. Because, I bet you, the social welfare officers there are very intelligent and smart. If they discover you are lying or present forged documents, Omo, end of case for you o.

Unknown said...

Very Gud church.

Unknown said...

Very Gud church.

Anonymous said...

My heart bleeds....What a world.pls linda help us in locating this Man for his acct info...noting is too small or big.Lord i thank you

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....we Nigerian guys got a strong humor...yes that guy's case is pitiful,plz help people,if yur wealthy enough.

Anonymous said...

Linda pls contact dis man ASAP so dat we can send some money to him at least to d treatment

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Unknown said...

Hopefully there is already a progress about this problem, We from Manhattan eye doctors is praying for his goodness.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for his welfare and hopefully there will be an organization that can help him and resolve his suffering.
Eye doctors East Side NY

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