Yakowa, Azazi and several other politicians attended the burial of the father of the Special Adviser to President Jonathan, Oronto Douglas in Bayelsa this afternoon and several helicopters were hired to transport the dignitaries to and from the event.
The helicopter conveying Yakowa, Azazi and others is believed to have crashed between 4:30 this evening around swampy Okoroba Community at Nembe local government Area of Bayelsa state. Nigeria's National Emergency Management Authority say they are still looking for the helicopter.
hmmmm. May it be that they survived o. What a waste it would be if its true. -VeenSaint
Infact I'm too shocked 2 comment.Lord hv Mercy on them!
Hmmmm....r u sure this isnt/wasnt planned. A manipulation of some sort. See d pple involved, y their own helicopter out of d several others. I remember this yakowa man has/had a nephew who is a BH member? Someone correct/refresh my memory. Is anyone pondering what I am pondering?
Na wa o, sad tho
Na wa o sad tho
Yes .... Why won't they die since they cant not travel on our roads..thank u Jesus 4 answering my prayers..all our corrupt leaders should die n go 2 hell..linda post my comment Oº°˚. 1st 2 comment sha
Ahhhh! death roll on the increase. God please keep the rest of us alive very safe in Jesus name and those who have passed on RIP. what???
Political crash-killing!
Why this sad news again? May God keep them safely.
BREAKING NEWS IN AMERICA- State Department: Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion, now recovering at home - AP
OMg, i am so scared, I was just chatting with his son Sharon Yakowa like 20mins ago and he was so sad that he wont be spending xmas at home in kaduna because he is in Birmingham Uk. We are friends, grew up together, attend the same church at St. JOhns catholic church kaduna.
omg, wtf, this is so sad, what is happening .
This is good for the guys in government,the money that was meant to build bridges and road was diverted to private pockets so that they can hire helicopters and jets.Am sure if there was a bridge to that community they will not need to hire helicopter.
God, please may their souls rest in peace. I just feel pained for their family members.
WE NEED DIVINE INTERVENTION IN NIGERIA (yes things are happening in other countries but guess what? WE R NIGERIANS SO WE SHOULD FOCUS ON OUR OWN PROBLEMS WHICH ARE VERY MANY compared to those other countries). GOD GOD GODDDDDDD PLEASE HELP US PLEASE. Some of us are tired of hearing about deaths, plane crashes, kidnappings and accidents. PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE AND HELP US PLEASE. :(
What a shame
This is really sad. May their souls rest in peace if true...
Very good. May the Dana victims continue to rest in peace. These families will now feel the same pinch and pain.
O.M.G!!! I pray they are safe..
SMH 4 my country.. We can nvr tell wats up .. Its even crazier nw with all the political turmoil..RIP
May God put an end 2 all diz tragic news ooh.
Second governor so far......they all go private. Well let us wait for confirmation. Shame.
Babu Sarki sai Allah!! RIP
May their souls rest in peace. Very sad. God Bless Nigeria.
Pls linda no
my uncle no
OMG this is not true
this cant be happening
oh my word no
Allah ya ji kan su! Yakowa na kowa!
Baba God don answer GEJ prayer #redemption camp. May their souls rest in peace. May God forgive them all their sins.
Lord so close to end of the year- may their souls rest in peace. Just how modern are these small planes & helicopters?
This is what happens when a government fails to build and maintain world class roads and railway systems. VIPS feel there is no other way to travel within the country other than air travel. First it was the Taraba State governor, now this.
I hope and pray that the passengers will be found alive.
This is very sad! God help us with our aviation sector!
The governor is now confirmed death!! So sad!!!
I pray they are not dead ..
RIP owoye azazi so much for d elites & burgeiose travelling by air if only d illiterate educated orubebe aka clark boy had completed d east west road by now am sure dis wouldn't have happened
This is really sad and pathetic. Azazi is one of the men i so much respect. May their souls rest in peace.
o wow, sorry to sound rude but i really don't feel bad for them they don't want to fix the system for a better life,they want to keep the money all for themselves alone and let civillians die. guess what since they want to enjoy life alone,it's from that enjoyment they will die from. abacha died from eating a poisonous apple he got from a pretty girl.I don't wish death on anyone but since they wished death on most nigerians by not caring for them, that death will haunt them back.
This is really sad and pathetic. Azazi is one of the men i so much respect. May their souls rest in peace.
This is really sad. Haven't gotten over the death of thos five children now this? Even if they were stealing money or didn't act right, its still not enuf for them to die. RIP to all that were in the helicopter.
They've been confirmed dead o
2012 has been an exceptionally bad year for Naija. I hope the elites learn from these happenings.
Oh Yakowa!!! Our dear governor... It's really sad
Not again, this is really going to be a year to remember
Oh Yakowa!!!This is really sad...
God have MERCY
No hating, just M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ opinion.but Ɣ do I feel Jonathan has somthing to do with this? First his broda died on his birthday, now this crash in his State???Olumba things sha. May their souls RIP
"Let dem Construct Good Roads n Live Long...or else.. d Airspace 2 dem is not Safe"
May dia souls rest in peace!
i pray there are survivors, but how can helicopter carryin such dignitaries crash lik dat
This is sad RIP.
bad for them not trying to sound mean but i really don't feel bad over this news, since all they want to do is embezzle money and enjoy life, well guess what they would encounter death from that enjoyment, since they don't want to take care of the citizens, service infrastructures and get new stuffs for d country. not taking of the citizens to me means they don't care about the amount of people that will die from poverty or not eating properly. so since they wish death on most people by not doing the right things guess what that death would haunt them as well wherever they are. God is watching them all in 3d glasses. them just start.
Haba !!!!! This kain hard year sef....ng owerri
*sighs* Now this is sad. I bet many already suspect fowl play. May their souls rest in peace. #Always*keep*your*eyes*on*your*coffin
*sighs* Now this is sad. I bet many already suspect fowl play. May their souls rest in peace. Amen
So sad
Ordinarily, there should have been no need for the helicopter if there were roads or bridges linking those communities. Or bad as e bad, effective boat transportation. Thousands of ordinary citizens have died over the years crossing that river. Death is no respecter of persons and this crazy system created by our leaders will eventually catch up with every1 - riCh or poor. May their souls RIP
What is this world turning into? Is this truly end time. Pple are dying every second and minute. The sins of men are becoming too much oh that is leading to all this. God have mercy upon your children oh. May their soul rest in peace oh
hehehehe..all these people sef..no good roads,so they have all taken to flying..but the birds keep falling...Selah
Omg! Rest in peace ur excellency! Soo sad
maybe God himself is helping put an end to all d polithiefchains. I hope they are found alive but dt they learn their lessons dt He who made you can take you when He wishes.
Chia, wat a pity, hope nofin happens to them....tho sompple r updating RIP 2them....Linda comfam dir state of condition
RIP Gov yakowa and Gen. Azazi
Rest in peace sire. Into ur hands I commit Kaduna state Nigeria O God. Show ur might dear God in Kaduna state. Let ur Glory shine!
Linda, I just bot bb bold 1, make I send u d pictures? At list this na gud news.
Nawa oooooo May God save us in dis country. And I pray dey find d plane @ least dey will feel hw d masses feel durin plane crash
GEJ at RCCG camp on Friday and a day after a helicopter crashes. What did he see or what happened there? Wahala dey oh.
It not yet confirmed if they were Dead
May their gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
This is gonna be a sad/dark Christmas. from the USA down to the UK and now Nigeria. Yakowa, was a good man despite everything. And those of us opportuned to celebrate this Christmas, never relent on knowing the reason for the season. It is well with us and our families. God bless!
If only our government will repair our roads all these plane clashes will reduce,since they don't want to overhaul the Aviation ministry.I share my sympathy wt their families.
This is disheartning and a great loss.May their souls rest in peace and may the good LORD give the families and friends the fortitude to bear the loss.
i am absolutely gutted, its obviously a sabotage.
I think we ave heard enulf death for a day.God pls guild ur pple.
May his soul rest in perfect peace
Hmmm.....Olorun ama shanu wa laye yi ooo....kilode nw...tragedy nw Ãήϑ den; here Ãήϑ τ̅ђε̲̣ir..ahn ahn! Ha! Oma wa ga ooo! What Ά̲̣̥ scary world; ds year Ȋ̊§ damn bloody mehn!
The vanity of life. Here today, gone tomorrow.
I think we ave heard enulf death for a day.God pls guild ur pple.
They have started paying for their sins one by one #RIP
Linda it was planned i work closely with Generals wives ,they wanted this man out since ...The SSS and the military killed General Azazi...R.I.P Sir I still saw you Oct....Barbara
Oh no,Yakowa is gone
We are reminded in times like this that all is vanity! Repent and give ur lives to christ! No repentance after death.
Linda Ikeji this message is especially for u with ur sexual innuendos and instigating ur readers to insult some pastors.
Dem don kpai!
What a terrible loss. My heart goes out to everyone that has lost loved ones. May the lord protect us all amen.
Oh my God!
Its really a pity. Ma condelences.
I always knew this private jet madness is bad news. May they RIP.
linda, jet lag still dey worry you? which one be all this one one news wey you dey update today? please spoil me with gist ma'am...
if the matter is true then may their souls rest in peace!
if the matter is true then may their souls rest in peace!
if the matter is true then may their souls rest in peace!
I hope they survive tho... all these tragedies this Christmas, me no likey...Lord pls come take control...
'several helicopters hired' just from here to bayelsa,what happened to travelling by road?no!the roads are too bad for them to use,
Barely two months after suntai,obviously the blood of the innocent that have died due to bad governance in road accidents and all other uncountable disasters,that blood is crying for vengeance!until this govt starts to fix things right,maybe this is God fighting for the masses.May their souls rest in peace!
I wait to be crucified on LIB tonite.I don't give a damn!
We are all going to die one day anyway.
God have mercy on Nigeria too many disasters in one year
Heal our land Lord heal our nation heal Nigeria Lord we pray
so sad lord have mercy on us
if the matter is true then may their souls rest in peace!
How I wish they all die..since he was busy carrin our money out of de country 2ru his son..
May there soul rest in peace Amen
First of all go down low*wink*lwkmd
May their souls rest in peace Amen
Not another crash!! Good Lord, I pray they would be rescued alive... Anything is possible with God
I pray they should be safe pls
they r actually dead! RIP sirs!
Too bad, not again pls.
Goodluck jonathan pls tell us oh. Wetin ddey hapen.are uin any cult?y is dia so much blood shed durng ur tenure.
I pray for these men, God can keep them as He did Danbaba. Meanwhile sorry Linda am using ur blog to reply SR since dy won't let my comments tro. SR pls verify b4 u continue to carry falsehood about danbabas condition . Notin do the man. His ememies wil soon be shamed.if its true about Yakowa, hmmnn, it is well God help us have Mercy Lord..
Yakowa na kowa! May ur soul rest in peace.
Sabotage tinz o.But God dey sha.My heart goes out to their families.We all must die some day no body go fit carry dis life take.We re jst visitors.
We have been screaming hoarse about the state of affairs in this nation but to no avail. Well, let's see what becomes of this. Sorry!
Two down,many more to go
Hmmmnn.....death here and there. RIP...God let Your MERCY prevail over JUDGEMENT.
Hmmmnn.....death here and there. RIP...God let Your MERCY prevail over JUDGEMENT.
Emeka Rapheal, May God forgive you... don't you know whatever u wish upon another u wish for urself? RIP Yakowa and all those lives lost. God knows best.
oh no! God this is a sad one Gov Yakowa y?may their soul rest in peace
But TB Joshua predicted that top government officials are gonna die in a plane crash before the end of the year and that they should pray but people were accusing him of always seeing only bad news *sigh*
so you didnt publish my comment see me coming back to read, its not that bad anyway.goodbye to lib.
Linda why don't u like posting sm commemt on ur blog.RIP may ALLAH grante dose departed ALIJANA FIDAU.GEJ plz tell us wat u are useing naija pple blood for.not bt u coming 2 Redeem camp dat make us blive u are inocent o.linda I beg u post my commemt oo.hummmm
May Allah forgive them all there shortcomings.this is a lesson to all being.Nobody knows his or her last action in this world.let us fear God and do goods always
RIP 2 dm all. Bt it serves dem rite 4 not traveling on our deplorable roads
This is sad may dia souls rest in perfect peace
Folks regardless of what you think of Nigerian politics and governance, these are still human lives. I despise Nigerian govt but this is extremely unfortunate and just SAD!!!
Your parents may have collected bribe or paid bride in civil service or have unpaid bank loans, that doesnt mean if they die today, that it should be celebrated. Lets stop this cycle of wickedness in Nigeria. It starts with the masses, you and me.
@Emeka Raphael, watch what you say, no one knows tomorrow, never wish death upon any man, even your worse enemy.
U are a heartless fellow! Smh
Sullivan chime has joined them also lets see if the rest will learn a lesson.
U̶̲̥̅̊ nust b a fool
@anonymous9:40 What's so funny idoit!!!!! Laff wan kill u dey unto say peeps died! Heartless idoit laff well well,remember every1 is entitle to dealth
Take dangerous technology from Nigeria until we can guarantee that we are mature and responsible enough to use them.
I am afraid to ride in cars in Nigeria. The tyre threads are all gone/ cars are poorly maitained. Thats a reflection of how we maintain our aircrafts/ refineries/ our hospitals.
I smell Boko Haram. The only christian governor in the north is finally out.
Is the Enugu state governor dead too? na wa o
Conspiracy theory...!
Is it just me or are other noses perceiving what I'm perceiving????
Big Eye Honduras is watching....
Ki lo wa kan aiye pelu story?
So wch helicopter should crash?
the one carrying poor pple abi!?
Can we say dat God has answered GEJ pray @ de redemption camp. Weather u are rich or poor,one day is one day dat u will emback on a journey and u would not come back.
Linda u dint post my comment is it bcos of the sahara reporter tin I said? Any way, tank u Jay O there r a lot of stupid pple around always sounding like God. Who r u to judge? U tink its only wen u don't build bridges or steal billions dat u have sinned? Shud God kill u for ur fornication and stealing ur fathers 5k? Repent ortherwise ur civil servant parents wil all die for shareing money meant for projects in their various offices.
OMG!! The General. General Azazi!! wow, This is sad oh. They were escaping the mayhem poor folks like us face on the roads, na im dem come die like chicken for air too. What a loss to ijaw.
He's the first Christian governor they have had in ages. He's deputy is a muslim. I feel its a set up to get him out of d way so the islamic regeime can continue.
Yeah ofcourse na boko now may their souls rest in perfect peace
Just say Jonathan is wizard ! Stupid talk
U'r mad!everyting u wish odas,same to u!
Yankee jazz at work
Sharon for a guy...na wah o!Dem run out of names ni?Anyway RIP to the dead!
U dey compose song ni?
And d biggest calamity is yet to happen before the year runs out,be prayerful,be vigilant and beware!
U left english class too early
I still saw dis man lst wik!RIP General Azazi...he was so humble!!a rily respectable man.God grant deir family d fortitude to bear dis great loss
Even if he survived d crash this ur english for don finish am
I saw him last week @ the Chistopher Kolade annual lecture.Listening to him speak gave me hope that there're still a few good men.He was the one that said there were Boko Haram members/apologists in the PDP.Rip to a fine officer!
U smell Boko Haram cos they're getting closer to u
Ur memory needs no refreshing but cleaning.He nvr had any link with BH, dnt cme here n start talking nonsense.
Shey na u give am the apple? U just put down words like u were der when it happened...di many reasons why nigerians cnt move forward.
No mind dem jare,na all d xmas chicken dey their mind...come to think of it even u sef,if not why u go call foul 'fowl'?
E be like say u don smoke lala if not how navy helicopter take resemble private jet?
You are obviously a very shallow & mean person. These pple have families, and for ur info, Yakowa is/was one of the few actually concerned and doing something abt the state of roads in Kaduna state. He died in another state not his. I wish I could give you a sound slap to take off some of d pain; he was my state Governor and the first Christian in d state. Now that u are celebrating their death, do u knw when and how urs will be ??????? I pity you.
You are placing ur blame in d wrong quarters; were they in aviation?
My dear Sista; its end times. Just pray to be in d right standing with God so that when its time you know u will make heaven.......
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :s
But you commented?
@JIDE FALABI you are a bastard, a big fool! Yak own was a good governor even the Muslims of I'd knew this,,,, respect the dead n stop saying shit you fool who has no idea,,,
An Officer and a perfect gentleman. General Azazi, a father millions could only dream of, a man of discipline, honesty, style and full of life. He carried me as a child, he was there for me, he raised me, he gave to orphans and widows, he housed me several times, from when there was nothing in his household until God blessed him.
Anyone who celebrates these deaths has drawn himself closer to Death. We have all fallen short of perfection and are all guilty.
RIP General Azazi, RIP Gov Patrick, RIP to the other four victims. This is the worse day for me.
CIA and America killed Azazi.he was sacked in June 2012 and was killed December 2012.
OMG.. i hope they are not dead yet. this is the most shocking news ever. GOD hope they are alive some where.
Is military helicopter meant for flying government officials to parties? I pray for forgiveness of their sins.
@Bloglord-i believe u meant death toll
¸.•´ ¸.ℓoℓ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))... Abeggi, don't giv a fuck if they all drop dead...
Wren FYI GEJ liked Yakowa..
I don't actually think he enrolled at all
thanks. #error#
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