Mrs Ukpabio's three sons, Joseph, Charles and Emmanuel Ukpabio (pictured above) were allegedly killed by men of the State Security Service (SSS) on Sunday March 25th 2012 in front of their aged mother (Read the story HERE), who family members say never recovered from the incident. They say she died a very unhappy woman sometime last month and kept begging people to help her get justice for her children.
Of course, what do u expect? loosing all three sons same day. that's traumatic. sad. rip!
Of course, what do u expect? loosing all three sons same day. that's traumatic. sad. rip!
Linda thought u wrote she passed out sm days afta d death of her sons or i may be hallucinating be dat. al d same i pray she finds rest in d bossom of God the Almighty. visit simja.top3weightlosssolutions.com
May her soul rest in peace!
Ha..... This is really sad. I don't know what to say... Just that everybody should know where they stand because this world is way complicated than you can imagine. I live and wait for God.
Thats really Sad. watching your own son killed in front of you! May God Judge the guilty.
Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what they did,this is really very sad....May God take control...
Na wa oh! What exactly did the boys do? This is a real real sad story :(
This is really painful..may her soul rest in peace.
Please what kind of English is "they say..."
Eyaar.... How tragic and sad! :( Poor old woman. May her soul and those of her 3 boys rest in peace amen!!
comment reserved...d world z rily wicked.
Ahhhhh! This country!#sadface#
Ahhhhh! This country!#sadface#
May their souls rest in peace. Poor woman.
Meanwhile,some people will call this Karma cos Helen Ukpabio caused the death,maiming of hundreds of people including children whom she termed witches and wizards
Its sad, may her soul rest in peace.
No justice has been done yet, crazy country.
So sad, may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. So sad to hear this.
May the woman RIP. This is so sad and disheartening...May God comfort Evangelist Helen Ukpabio and other members of the family.
Jesus christ,I don't get this,what actually happened?
Jesus christ,I don't get this,what actually happened?
God have mercy,wat a wicked world,may a her soul rest in peace,as for d so cal sss,their soul will neva rest in peace even wen they are dead,killg 3 bros infront of their mother.heartbreakg
OMG...such cruelty, watever those guys did. poor woman.those SSS av succeeded in destroyin a family. Linda biko tell us d full story, wat did they do 2 deserve death by those who r supposed 2 be protectin us. Chai!!! Justice must be sought.'Sobbing'
all spiritual attacks to me.
Chai!!! poor woman.
What a sad story in one family, may God comfort the living and may all rest in peace. More News @ http://nellieybelle.blogspot.co.uk
May her soul rest in perfect peace
r.i.p five lovely people
This country is not safe any more God please help us
May God grant console you Ma'am grant you the fortitude to bear the loss@ Helen Ukpabio
*Linda. Just read the one sided story. I doubt that "some white men" or black men would just go and execute innocent people. We are always reluctant that armed robbers/ kidnapper could be our own family members. Its always good to have balanced reporting.
Pls get report from the policemen. Our officers are killed daily in the line of duty and they never get credits for their work
sooooo sad! may her soul rip
4 children in a few months! How terribly sad. What agony she must have gone through. I hope she rests in peace.
I doubt if the brothers were innocent though
Really sad that anyone would loose a loved one, much so 3children on the same day, however having watched the BBC documentary on the "Nigerian children witches" a cause supported by Evangelist Helen Ukpabio and seeing how children are maltreated, beaten and made to confess what most of them are innocent and unaware exist it begs the question to say whether God is paying the family back for all the evils been perpetrated by one of their family members.
Life oh life....may their soul rest in peace and perpetual light shine on them.....amen!
Oh my Goodness.....Dis is dis-heartening, Am just short of words.
Wot a tragedy!! Is a pity, may dere soul rest in peace.....Amen
Justice indeed!
She should have called her husband and sons to order when they were killing people in their hundreds and destroying properties. She should have called her daughter to order when she was maiming "child witches"
Eni bimo oran lo n pon. May she choose a better destiny if there's a next life.
Lord, this family needs your help, something is not right and let there be justice. RIP
Eeeya may her soul rest in peace.
Isn't it their sisters church that they kill children or is that another person?if it is then those who kill by the sword must die by the sword.if not very tragic
SSS!!! Which way nigeria, only God would resue us out of the nation woes. May her soul rest in peace and above all justice must prevail....linda pls brief us as the issue get unfold
SAD ....why where they killed?
this is horrendous God of justice must avenge for their.
Lol......No be only rest in Peace. Am sure by now, d fire of hell is burning them to pieces. I just wish u knew how many souls, properties, this boys, Helen Ukpabio and their dad, Chief Esesien Ukpabio have destroyed. U will just be happy they r gone. The Evil that men do.............LIVES AFTER THEM
Linda.....no put mouth for dis Helen talk o. Make the curses wey dey on top their family head no reach u o. Na Helen and her Papa remain to go.
Wow! Dis is just too bad , ki Olurun ma fi ina omo jo wa oooooo , may God av mercy on der souls
i guess the spirits of the poor children killed and maimed in the name of being child witches, by her daughter, decided to give her a taste of the same medicine
no matter what y in present of their mum.....Nigeria need to develop n learn from developed countries.bombing, killing of innocent people out there what have they done about all that rubbish upon rubbish...one thing i keep asking what about this age woman was their mum or this guys their brothers? so so sad....God help us all
May she RIP! So so sad.
if something like this happen in a civilised world you wld hear of it everyday on the news people will ask questions, why, what happened,someone will resign, there will be investigation but that stupid country called naija where state security can just murder people and nothing is heard of it after that..shows theres no hope for that country..
Dey had a land dispute with d community.expatriates were using dia family land and paying mega so d jealous villa ppl called dem fr a meeting to settle dia cut.3 out of 4 sons went and were shot dead.1 of d 4 daughters died after getting d news.sad part is dat I met d dad in clinic a month ago nd I spent almost 1hr getting history(clerking) him cos of tears..he was diagnosed with cancer of d prostate which has spread.so I dunno if he has up to 1yr left.
If memory serves me right,d boys were killed cos they robbed or kidnapped someone they later killed and they were known to terrorize their neighbourhood so much that d pple in d area celebrated their killings.Apparently d late woman herself was their armourer n she committed some heinous crime against humanity hence why the sons were killed in her presence.
Please how did she cause the deaths or maiming of hundreds of people? Alleged witchcraft? If that's the basis for the accusation on this page, I'd say 'nonsense'. Poor woman. May her soul rest in peace.
ehhyav I pray they find peace altogether!!! amen.
Ur name tho! U really need God in ur life
@anonymous 8;16pm: guess thats what they told u when u were taking history.thats just their own side of the story.
Linda, I begged u many times to help the Ukpabio family and to trigger a viral protest against POLICE BRUTALITY....help them with just like you are helping the Aluu4
U must be an idiot to say dis. Dis must be Helen or one of her members. Do u want me to start saying all d evil acts u, ur father have caused in d village? How long did u tink ur father's jazz can kip ur brothers bullet-proof? Do u remember how u brag to my father's face dat u can pay up to 50 mil to release ur brothers wen they shot dead Ntete and his three brothers in cold blood? Do u remember how ur brothers took Chief Ndaeyo to ur dad and he disembered his body bits by bits untill he finally died? Or is it they three villages dat ur brothers set fire on, and killed more than 200 people(young and old)? Till today, no soul steps his/her foot in Ikot Offrong, Ikot Akpan, and ibono villages. Helen kip on deceiving them.....if ur Almighty Brothers could be killed, then indeed Jesus is lord for hearing d cry of Nkari Clan
3sons and 1 daughter in a twinkle of an eye??
sad much
rest well ma
RIP mama!
Dr Nya is an insider and i'm liking his/her posts.
Helen Ukpabio karma is indeed a bitch the souls of those children killed on ur accusations that they are children witches have exerted their revenge, keep using GOD'S name in vain he will eventually come for you.
Help Ukpabio family or prosecute the remaining ones?
Please don't insult Aluu4 by linking them to the the terrorist family of Helen Ukpabio
Linda, is this not enough for us to "occupy" SSS?
U guys shouldn't mind Helen o. All she needs is outright repentant from her sins. Atleast wen she too is gone, God will take her soul. Too much attrocities commited by one family....
LeMme start by telling u her brother's names. 1. Ibak(wicked) 2. Nduehe (never forgive) 3. Ewot (kill). Let Helen start by telling the whole world the names her brothers were known in d village and stop all dis polished names. Maybe from there, we will be sure they are gone o. And start planing how to go back to our fatherland....... After yrs of exile by the ulmighty Ukpabio's family.
Helen Ukpabio is a serial killer. U say u r a woman of God, ur father is a herbalist and u guys are best of friend. U buy guns for ur brothers to terrorize the community. U and ur dad destroys any household who dares tell u wat u are doing is wrong. Ur brother kills, steals and destroys, yet u kip on supporting them....... Don't worry your own time will soon be here and the whole world will get to know whom u really are
RIP ma. No matter what they should have been tried in a court of law. I think the killing was sponsored cos shortly after the incident, the SSS dude, Ikem Noel Nduka that shot them came into money, started building a massive house in his hometown, Oguta in Imo State which was built within 6months, bought himself a 2012 Toyota Camry. Fact! We all grew up together in Umuahia so I know him well. Judgement day awaits us all.
I'm not from Nkari Clan but am from Ini LGA. The whole truth about this killings is that, these boys are better dead than alive. There would have been have been no better punishment for this woman than kill these hoodlums in her presence. She failed in her duty as a mother. I pray before her husband passes on, Helen Ukpabio and his son that is remaining be killed in his presence too so dat peace will return to that village in Jesus Name. Amen
this is what happened....
No way I can feel sorry for this woman, or even her daughter, Helen. And I hope more pain and suffering befall this family. Those boys deserved what they got. Nigeria may be anything, but do you really think the Nigerian police and SSS agents will coordinate such an attack for no apparent reasons? Come on, stop being foolish.
Helen has destroyed the lives of many children. It's time she got a taste of her own medicine.
Lie Lie Lie from another Liberty gosple "blind" follower or Helen herself. Keep on with your evil deeds. The day of the mighty wind will soon be here
u absurd fellow, u won't kip ur fingers inside ur pants if u don't knw wat 2 type cos if u kip commenting loathsome tings against Lady Apostle Helen Ukpabio d almighty God of liberty will command his justice over u...and remember,wen it happens don't say u wer nt told......
Nawa ooh, wicked life indeed, how can 3 brothers be killed and nothing is done abt it ? Dis country is so scary and anytin can happen anytime. Pls dr nya wat did U̶̲̥̅̊ do wen U̶̲̥̅̊ learnt dat dis 3 brothers burnt down 3 villages ? U̶̲̥̅̊ kept queit ? U̶̲̥̅̊ cldnt call d police ? Lair and D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ re killers and terrorist still U̶̲̥̅̊ knw abt it kept queit? Poeple knws how to criticize and condemn poeple. Dr nya pls if U̶̲̥̅̊ ve nothing to say pls shot Ūя̲̅ mouth and let justice be done ...
nigeria is a total disgrace!
U r as stupid as ur comment. Go to Nkari clan, ini LGA. Akwaibom state and check out these three villages dat he mention here if u will see even a fly. Destroyed houses is all u see. And u mentioned d Police? Mbok lemme tell u, d last time an order came from Abj for their arrest when they destroyed their paramount Ruler's palace and sent him on exile which he later died, Helen confided in my elder bro thet she paid 20M for the case to be closed down. So now tell, wat rubbish are you talking about here?
Please let me answer you this Question. Helen Ukpabio, her dad and brothers were like demi gods in their clan. Even if u tell the police, what do u tink will happen? I'm talking about boys that hang their guns on their shoulder and roam about the village even in police's presence.
From the comments on the first post and this one, I can say I have no sympathy for the Ukpabio family, they obviously got what was coming to them, if u do bad, u shall reap it, shikena!
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