Ayem says Chris and Karrueche's relationship is very open and that Karruehce didn't mind one bit.
Ayem told the mag,
"It was beautiful and flattering. Some will criticize me, but I put any girl in challenge to say no to Chris Brown!"Rihanna needs to let this guy go already, geez!
Sooo..wat shld we do to dat??
#maltina cares tho
Ehnehn!!!!!!! Dat Chris Brown dat nw lukz lyk aids patient. Sum gehs ehn. Smh
lol let me see if you will post this
I just don't undst y she would tolerate Chris after all he's done. Well it's her cup of tea, she can choose to drink it hot or cold
The babe hot sha, and Linda, she is in your fav colour- Black! *wink*
My dear Breezy, if it's true, we all know you are a star and the temptation is much but please don't just stick your d**k in any ''hole'' ready to accept it naw. #TeamBreezy Still sha.
PS: But this story sounds fake! How can Karrueche be there while the act is on?
ok!!! its confirmed then the guy has a massive "abunna". He's been tested! lol
if only Rihanna will use her head to realize that chris is not ready for a committed relationship with her.
what's karruche's ow?, am sure the babe will be having a good laugh at rihanna, no wonder she didnt mind one bit.
Too bad! They need to grow up. Shop and earn at www.solva.com.ng
Now dat was some staged shit by Kelechi 2 make Riri leave CB..pretty sure she planned it wt d french gal and CB d gullible 'morrafoka' fell 4 it..pardon my french.
Anyways,I want dem all 2 leave CB cos 'the boy is mine'
clap for yourself
Chris brown shld berra nt try any bullshit wif rihanna *sad face*
Bad boy chris breezy
loolz was about criticizing her before she dared any girl to say no to Chris. Seems like a big achievement to sleep with a celebrity now.smh
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
That Ayem or whatever is a slot. So dirty minded. You saying no to Chris doesn't mean other girls will follow suite. They have thier own standard and taste. Rihanna should just let this guy go ASAP. I don't know what kind of blind love she is having for him. Love to have a flat belly, lose some weight, maintain your body shape with fitness. Get these free books and report @ www.bitly.com/fitnessandweightlossreport
Goosh Linda, u believe every crap! Abeg make una park well joooorrrr..... Oshiscos!
I no talk am. Pls come laugh with me ooo.
B***h!am a girl and i say a BIG "NO"...confused lot. Dear lord,let me never be in this kind of situation(dating an asshole like CB) IJN.
Chris Brown is a SLUT,WHORE,ASEWO(spelling check)
I pity for Riri
Firstly †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ french lady is a whore, Chris brown is not worth †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ trouble, not saying rihanna is better, lastly they should all go jump inside lagoon for all I care.Mtscheew
o boy no be small thing so d model shag chis brown in front of karruchee tram,men this is so kool.karruchees surname is tram simply put the girl is a tramp.
truth be told Chris has gotten is players mode on play indifnetly the brother is cripping from one booty to another poor rihanna jay z warned her to let the punk go i quote jay z during the Orlando nba game "baby he aint good for you"
i guess jigga is right to think that she booked a villa for them to stay during the festive period i will be damned. may Chris catch gonorrhea and may his dick-fall of punk
He will soon sleep with her mum rite in front of her@karrueche_bitch !
Rihanna!u must stay with Chris o!if I hear say u leave am!
Stupid gal!
Chris brown doesn't even look cute to me anymore, he's such a turn off...i'll turn him down a million times gal
I wudnt say no 2 chris brown either!
Itl b worth tasting dat butter!
Billie jean
Moi aussi, j'ai couche avec Chris Brown. Olofofo, u open leg finish for man come dey advertise for the world! That is if at all u did it sef. Shameless groupie wannabe. Kai KMT! Mschewww.
Hmmm,that sounds more like 3some to me..This dude really can't keep it in his pants..Ride on brother,its not like Chris is the only dude that Rihana sleeps with either..Let the dude have some fun b4 he's too old to..
(˘̯˘ )
@Linda,ur new theme is ugly!i hate it...dats my 2cents!
Buhahahahaaahahaaaa!!! For those claiming rihanna and chris = true love, etc. There u go! But hey, is anyone really surprised? Karrueche didn't fret about Chris cos she obviously is only riding on his fame and success. Mumu desperado (Rihanna) carry love for head 4 dis small boy. Buhahahahahaaaaa
Its even good. Rihanna go wan wound for dis hahahaha.
Anyway, she should just use this one to break up with Chris finally. Abeg d madness is too much.
na wa ooo anyway saw CB's dick online No wonder Riri wont just let go....... as for this babe fake or real she is a big mofo
Wch 1 b uR own 32 mata na? Beta open ur 32 nd smile off wat u ve nO biz about. Na ur Blog?
the french girl is seeking fame mehnnn u guys ar helping her, soon she will post d video lolz proud ashawo"@science guy via nasa satellite
Ahem, guys, HIV, Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis B, and diseases yet to be named. She who is so pleased/flattered to have you dip into her pool has secrets so deep, you dont want to know. She who is so willing to share her man and watch has even deeper secrets that you dont wanna know. No sex is free. There is a price to be paid each time you connect your thingy to someone else's thingy. When sex is easy to come by, both engaged in the practice have deliberate intent to give and receive whatever cooties they have. Make una open una eyes oh. Sex is never free. No woman is loose. No man is loose. These are sane people. Dem know wetin dem dey do.
If i discover dat dis story is true,i wil deal with chris if he steps foot in naija.nobody fucks with my girl RiRih and gets away with it.yes! Speaking From Rih 'tent' here in 9ja.
@neks onyeara ki bu......lmao, wakeup frm ur slumber bcs if u use juju sef u won't sight him 100 kilometres
@ queen, lmao......if chris toast u by chance, u go gree??? No lie ooo, u knw say u b my person........guys wud alwys b guys
You do know that this might not be true
Olodo. Karrueche's surname is TRAN not TRAM. Half baked wit.
congratulations french whatever!
Rihanna, well, dont know what to say! my question is, is love enough to condone all this? answer sincerely and decide!
anon 3.02pm whats ur problem,is ur comment based on this post or u have personal beef for Linda?
This is just some cheap publicity. She is lukn 4 cheap fame. She is a fuckn whore. Riri shld behave like victoria beckam nd b smart abt ds. So many gals will come claimn dey av slept with ur man or ur man fathers their child, bt how true is ds? Should b d 1st question u shld ask urself. Even if its true, pls if u still love d guy nd he is sorry, stick to him nd dnt let some cheap whore steal him frm u. Shikenah.
Linda, I bet u too can't resist CB.I work with one of his producers. I can connect u two. Holla back if u are interested. DJ Mo
Maltina cares
Dis "32" guy is a bastard (permit me 2 use d word bloggers) if ur tired of linda, y go 2 her blog? U just come here n say rubbish on her blog. Linda posted ur comment bcos she alrdy knwz ur an EWU!!! MOOOOOOOOO
Linda, how is it your headache who Chris Brown sleeps with? Don't these girls chasing him have sense? If they spread their legs for him, oh well, just his luck! Last I checked Riri and CB have not said they are dating, so you can like to take a chill pill! Riri is a grown ass woman, her decisions, her life, nobody's business!
E dey happen. It is a precursor to Menage a trois.
E day happen. It is a precursor to Menage a trois.
I completely believe her. Chris was in Dubai just this past week and he slept with my flat mate and I'm sure he slept with more...
Still a man's world..take it or drop it!
chris is not mentally stable that i'm sure off
Lily he's in lagos this dec sha.
Lol @stevebond007 I know you're linda. Anon don piss linda off to comment. Ehya sowie
i hate it when people blame linda 4 d comments she post.......make una free am joor
No ooooo make she no leave Chris Brown!Dem tie their placenta together. mtchew...that CHris of a guy is Sick.
Lily,I no dey Available sef for mi to dey tempted of thinking am' ....hahahaha!u one gal Lily bad!!
Besides i can't be a cougar!
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