Covenant University expels 200 students for not attending Church service | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 29 December 2012

Covenant University expels 200 students for not attending Church service

Culled from Vanguard
About 200 students may have been expelled by the authorities of Covenant University, Cannanland, Ota, Ogun State, recently for what was described as “disregard of paramount core values.”
Frustrated and angered by the development, some of the affected students who gave account of what happened battled emotions while narrating their situations to Saturday Vanguard recently. They however pleaded with the school authorities to tamper justice with mercy in order to save their future.

Saturday Vanguard investigation revealed that out of the figure, about 126 were expelled for not attending the ‘departure service’, meant to sign off from the school after the end of the Semester and Matriculation of students on November 30.  Five other students were thrown out for smoking while unconfirmed source said additional 60 got the same fate for violating other rules bordering on the University’s core values. A few others were given four weeks suspension for failure to sign the head count that was conducted a couple of weeks earlier.

A letter of expulsion signed by the Registrar, Ntia Ubong, a copy which was made available to Saturday Vanguard stated that the affected students contravened Chapter 1, section 30, page 40 of the 2010-2014 Student Handbook.

We gathered that the massive expulsion was predicated on the anger of the Chancellor, Bishop David Oyedepo who was said to have been infuriated after seeing students loitering around when they were supposed to be at the Chapel for the Departure Service.

He was said to have personally chased students to the Chapel and ordered for a search into all the halls and colleges to fish out those who did not attend the service.

Several attempts to get the school authorities comment on the issue proved abortive.  The Instituion’s Corporate Affairs Head, Mr Igban Emmaunel also refused to comment as calls pulled through to him were unanswered and text messages not replied.

How it happened
A few of the affected students gave account of what happened to Saturday Vanguard at different points.  The similar accounts go thus:  “On November 30, the last day of the semester, preceding our December break, there was also a Matriculation for the 100 level students; in fact some students had their last semester exams on that day, some of them finished around 3:00pm while the matriculation started around 8am. Some students retired to their rooms to relax while some engaged in some other activities jubilating the end of the semester.
“Some also got drinks from the matriculating students. Even as these were going on, some students who finished around 3pm retired to their halls. By 5pm, they announced that we should get prepared for the ‘Departure service’ which was to start by 8pm. Some students were already seeing their parents off while some of us were just trying to relax to get off the stress of the exams.

“Most of us hadn’t gotten through the tiredness of the sleepless nights of the exams; so, some us stayed back in our rooms. The departure service is usually a day before we go home and it is usually presided over by the Chancellor. Before the commencement of the service, they used to lock up the main doors of the halls so as to prevent cases of theft. I was not bothered since there were a lot of us in the hall. Some minutes past 8pm, they switched off the light and all of us in the hall went into our rooms. Because of the darkness and the cold, I slept off immediately.”

He continued: “The persistent knocks on the door woke me up and I realised that they had come to search for people who had not come to service. Before I realised what was going on, I found myself with other students numbering about 30. They took down our names and counted us to make sure that no one was omitted. They said the Chancellor was at the service and we refused to come. I heard them talking about other halls and they asked us to wait. I didn’t take it seriously because I never believed in my widest imagination that we would be expelled. We were later asked to go to our various halls.

“Some of those who went into hiding were lucky as they were not found. Shortly, those who went for the service returned and told us there was poor attendance at the Chapel and how students were diving in through the windows, scampering for seats. In fact, one narrated to us how the Chancellor jumped through the window to vent his anger on some students who had jumped in,” he stated.
Another expelled student also gave similar account of the incident. “I couldn’t go to the service because, I was not feeling well which was as a result of the stress of the exams we had just finished. After a while, I managed to go but I heard that they started driving people back around 7:30pm while the service was to start around 8pm. I was surprised because the rule was that you’ve got to be seated 15minutes to the service. Again, it was never made compulsory, but they tried to get students out of the halls to prevent cases of theft. So, because I was not feeling well, I went back to my room because I needed to rest for a while.

“I thought it was a  joke when they said we are in for expulsion because we failed to come for departure service. I have never done anything contrary to the school laws. I have never faced any panel before  and neither did I have any unpleasant case in my file. I never thought it was real until letters were handed to me the  following morning.”

Giving account of how letters were handed out to them, the visibly troubled student said: “By 6am, they announced the names of  those who were caught in halls and colleges. Usually after the departure service, one can sign out from there and go but because it ended late and no one could travel, students had to wait till the  following  morning. But the hall officer told those of us whose names were written down that if we leave, we should  be considered gone from the university forever. That gave us an insight into what was likely to come as punishment. By 7:45am, we were called once again to go downstairs for our letters. Those who collected theirs before mine were crying and I wondered what the punishment could be until I read the letter stating I was expelled from the university.”

At the Chapel
Another student who found his way to the Chapel also told Saturday Vanguard that while the Chancellor was being driven past, he noticed that students were loitering at about the time they were supposed to be seated at the chapel. He said that this apparently infuriated him and he alighted from his car and chased students to the chapel with knocks. “I saw him, alighted from his car and chased students to the chapel; I quickly found my way to the hall. Not quite long after, I saw students jumping in through the windows. It was a big commotion. Even the chancellor was going after those who jumped into the chapel. Later, he addressed the students saying  he was very disappointed by the behaviour that the students were not seated 15 minutes before the service.”
Another account had it that while the Education Secretary, Prof. Aize Obayan was addressing the students, the students were murmuring, then the  Chancellor immediately took to the microphone and said: “if I hear the voice of any student, the curse of the Lord shall fall upon that one.” The chapel immediately went dead silent.

Our source who was also late to the service stated that the Chancellor later directed that those students who did not come to the service would be purged out saying they did not belong  to the school. Our source stated that at the end of the service, he prayed for the students in the hall.
Another source in the school hinted that at that point, the Vice-chancellor pleaded on behalf of those who were absent but the Chancellor insisted they must be  purged from the school.
Our source told Saturday Vanguard  that  the Vice-Chancellor while addressing  the  students announced that a search would be carried out in all the halls and colleges to find out those who failed to attend the departure service, advising them to wait behind.

Saturday Vanguard investigation revealed that out of the figure, about 126 were  expelled for not attending  the ‘departure service’, five were thrown out for smoking marijuana, twenty-five final year students  and undisclosed number of  lower level students were caught violating rules bothering on the University’s core values.  We also gathered that a few others were given four weeks suspension for failure to sign the head count that was conducted a couple of weeks earlier. Some of  the students opined that  failure to sign the head count was even a greater offence which implied that the student was not in the school at the time of the exercise but yet got a four-week suspension.
The private  university is known for its strict rules and discipline such as not allowing the students to use mobile phones within the school’s premises, while it is mandatory for students to always bring their bible to the chapel.

Parents react
A few parents who volunteered information spoke to  us on condition of anonymity  fearing that their children might be victimised in case  the issue was resolved amicably. One of them  said  with bitterness that it is unacceptable, adding that the expulsion was not commensurate with the offence deemed to have been committed. He urged the school authorities to rescind  its decision adding that the future of  the students is at stake.

“For me, it is not acceptable. These students were  not given fair hearing. Expulsion should not  be a punishment for failure to attend service. We all agree, it is a Christian school but failure to attend church service could be due to a lot of reasons. I gathered that some of the students even finished their exams about 5pm that day. So, those people that finished at that time had barely three hours to prepare for the service. But stampeding them to congregate for service and then expelling those who did not come is a decision taken too far. For me, if there was poor attendance, I think the authorities have a responsibility. They have not been fair in putting the service so close to the examination. Even God will not do that.”

He however commended the Chancellor, Dr. Oyedepo on his vision towards the education of Nigeria children especially when the government institutions are failing, but urging him to tamper justice with mercy.

Another parent who was  afraid of the press noted that he was still studying  the situation and would not want to comment but noted that he was reliably informed that some group of parents made frantic efforts to meet with the Chancellor on the issue but without success. It was not clear the level of the efforts made. He further hinted that some students have not told their parents about their expulsion, still hoping that the issue would be resolved.

He lamented that his child had been having sleepless nights, going through mental torture  unjustifiably. “I agree that discipline must be instilled in the students but it should not be aimed at destroying the life of the students. Expulsion is too great a punishment for non attendance of a departure service, without even a warning especially when the students hitherto, had not been found wanting,” he stated.

What the Student Handbook says
The Covenant University Core values border on Spirituality, Possibility Mentality, Capacity Building, Integrity, Responsibility, Diligence and Sacrifice. On the spirituality aspect, it states:  “The Christian ethos underguard our activities and conducts at all time and every student of Covenant University is expected to exhibit character traits and dispositions of a Jesus-centered heritage. The Jesus – factor centered approach to all issues is non-negotiable and central in the pursuit of our mandate in raising a new generation of leaders and in the realization of  the objectives of our purpose.

To this extent therefore, students will be committed to maintaining a high level of spirituality and shall act in such manner as to facilitate their spiritual growth as well as work out ways to evolve and implement a spiritual development plan. Attendance at Chapel Services is a  compulsory part of students’ spiritual development where a bible and notebook are essential kits for the service. Students are expected to demonstrate a deep reverence for God at all  times.”

The school declines comment
Several attempts were made to get the school authorities comment on the issue. The institution’s Corporate/Public Affairs Officer, Mr Igban Emmanuel Kalu declined comment. At first, several calls were pulled through to him but he refused to pick his calls. When the reporter persisted, he later picked but said he was driving and could not answer any question. But few hours later, other calls pulled to him were unanswered. A text message was sent to his phone and up to the time of writing this report, he did not reply.

I’m not aware —Prof Julius Okojie, NUC Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, NUC, Prof Julius Okojie said he has not been briefed on the matter.
Prof Okojie stated this during a telephone conversation Saturday Vanguard had with him a few days ago. “I am not aware of any expulsion by Covenant University; I will ask the school authorities. Right  now, I am not in Abuja, I left Abuja few days ago and until I return to Abuja and find out details about the matter, I cannot comment on it,” he said.

Source: Vanguard


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Anonymous said...

Fellow eagle I so agree with you

Anonymous said...

Am a student of the school...its a real fucked up place....dont mind these idiots that are trying to save face for the school....and btw we didnt really know what we where going into before we entered...we had not even been given the handbook...the school needs to be shut down forever...i dont really care and am in final year!

Dsimonsayz said...

This occurrence is symptomatic of the Nigerian problem. How can a law breaker become a law maker. When students enter a school, they need to follow the rules. I attended Lagos business school for my masters program and Unilorin for my BSc. @LBS, you are not allowed the use of cell phones and laptops while lectures are on going, lateness to classes are not tolerated. Even, if you happen to be the CEO of a commercial bank, you will be asked to wait outside while the lecture goes on, when you miss 6 classes, you repeat the course. Conversely at Unilorin, you could miss the entire semester and still pass the course, because you know why. I think if we have agreed that our institutions are for learning. It should be for skill and character. Every school is obligated to punish for rules broken. How else does the school instill discipline if everyone can bend the rule to their advantage. I spoke with an Indian friend recently, and he mentioned that the one problem that stalling Nigeria's progress is indiscipline.I couldn't agree more. I imagine soon enough these young school leavers will join the workforce and break the rules there too, because .....(of what again did they say caused their missing the service)

Anonymous said...

i'm a student of that school and i have had four weeks suspension before,for an offense i did not commit ...but hey, its not just the best private university,its the best university one could ever attend. you people don't know anything about covenant university so shut up and stop saying things about an anointed man of God,the power upon his life is greater than what you think, don't let it work against you,be careful.

segun'nowo said...

TO ALL U DUMB AND ARROGANT Nigerians who don't love LAWS..the university is a LAW-DRIVEN institution....and as a student..we all signed a matriculation OATH to abide by the if you dont like the LAWS...gerooooooooooutttttttttttttt..there are other lawless uni's....stop these unnecessary and senseless chatting cos it wont change anything..u dumbads""""

Anonymous said...

2bad,n quite interestin.
But that is d kind of tinzs that go on in private universities.Jst pray dey take una back n d skul shuld beta do before some students get naughty,cos d ave invested alot in their education.
TO ATTEND UNI NO EASY,talk more of wen d person gets expelled

yamhead said...

The issue is, the students know the rules. They knew the risk they were taking by not attending the service. Many of them are no strangers to d wrath of the bishop. I'm not saying that they deserved their fate, but an excuse like 'i had exams that evening ' can't be tolerated. All we can do right now as usual is to pray for mercy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is total rubbish. is it by force or there is something attach to their not going to church service? only GOD know who is serving him my pple

Anonymous said...

This is absolute bullshit! Covenant Uni better restructure ur rules, make it have a human face! I see no discipline... All I see is bitterness, frustration and hatred. Bishop Oyedepo, imagine your ward being victimised like this and sent outta school! Am a final year student in Uniuyo. I know the rigours involved in managing to scale through each semester. Yet someone claiming to be God's just decides to put the dreams, plans, future and career of 200 people at standstill! In philosophy and Educational Psycology, punishment can be classified. This is a NEGATIVE punishment! If Discipline was meant to make one cautious of his/her actions and make them to even subconsciously do the right, this aim is far defeated! Well all I can say is thank you. Thank you for not have the Christian sympathy. Thank you for planting hatred in minds of the expelled.

Anonymous said...

Idiot! You must sell this shirt shaaaaaa!

sony loves said...

to be honest people should learn to tell themselves the truth.. as an alumnus i most say d truth.... the rule says you MUST go for chapel services.. now you go there and you are upset because they expelled you for missing service on purpose....comeon people if u know u cant conform to d rules just leave now.. rather than get expelled... thats d rule...

Anonymous said...

I am a student of covenant university and a victim of this issue and so I mud appreciate it if something of u get facts straight b4 saying crap, bishop is an amazing person just that he has a raging temper none of u hv d rite 2 insult or judge him the only thing is dat it was a departure service and we dat missed for a 1st time offender the punishment shuold be a letter of warning but because the man was angry he said expulsion, I know d lord would lay it in his heart to free us or reduce the punishment but I hope it's b4 we write exams in February. Someone like my self I had 3 test that day and I had stayed awake 4 2 days straight preparing so taking a nap and waking up late 4 the service and getting my self locked up in the hall was really sad. Funny Neuf I wasn't the only 1 but cos I wasn't aware of the searching unlike some of my friends heard and had the chance to hide b4 Der rooms were checked. So no1 should judge and say we knew what we were getting ourselves into by going to the sschool in the 1st place cos we didn't tinker anything like dis mud happen. I have never committed any offence or stabbed any service in the 5 years I hv been in that school and I hope bishop would change his mind. I can't even tHink of starting again.

Anonymous said...

Yamhead u had beta stfu dere b4 I give u a dirty slap do u hv an idea about what u r saying I hv been in that school for 5yrs dis is my final year I hv never committed any offence or stabbed any service b4 the its wen I had test and I slept too long den I got locked in den I get expelled u hv no idea hw dis feels I all d students live in fear cos we hv no idea who or water mud come n say water u r doing is wrong cos we hv no idea what is wrong or right anymore

Anonymous said...

before you open your mouth and insult covenant university or the man of God in charge pray to God to direct. all the students talking ton the press knew what would happen to them if they missed that service. we all know the rules, you abide by the rules. its as simple as that. we were there, we had the same discipline and we are not dead. if you cant abide by the rules dont even apply to the school in the first place.

i rep CU

Anonymous said...

Well, am a CU alumni. Most punishments are not funny at all but before there is matriculation, there are terms and conditions you have to agree to so you agree, u enter one chance.

Chichi O said...

I know this is an old post but i had to comment as for those who say that its a breach of human rights its a breach that they paid for and accepted so he cannot be sued. As for him expelling the students for missing service it was harsh being an educator myself I know how the stress can build up especially when dealing with privileged kids ( i hope their was another plausible reason behind this). instead of expelling them they should just institute a Fine I bet you when the parents have to pay once or twice the kids will start coming to church, loss of money can be a great deterrent.

Anonymous said...

Neva attended d skul, but hv so many cu graduates as friends. One thing I notice in almost all of dem is dat dey hv got an irritating low self esteem/self worth. I guess its as a result of years of being subdued. For crying out loud dis are adults, nd when u can't allow adults make decisions for demselves, dey generally loose confidence in deir abilities nd invariably themselves. Cu students should be given more freedom to enable dem mature as individuals. Even if dey make wrong choices, dey wld willingly bear d consequences of their actions, nd only den wld dey truly learn. Ofcourse u don't expect dem to make same mistakes in future except dey re fools. Afterall, a university is meant to be a learning process. #just saying.

Anonymous said...

Neva attended d skul, but hv so many cu graduates as friends. One thing I notice in almost all of dem is dat dey hv got an irritating low self esteem/self worth. I guess its as a result of years of being subdued. For crying out loud dis are adults, nd when u can't allow adults make decisions for demselves, dey generally loose confidence in deir abilities nd invariably themselves. Cu students should be given more freedom to enable dem mature as individuals. Even if dey make wrong choices, dey wld willingly bear d consequences of their actions, nd only den wld dey truly learn. Ofcourse u don't expect dem to make same mistakes in future except dey re fools. Afterall, a university is meant to be a learning process. #just saying. *Daniel's take*

Anonymous said...

u guys dnt no half of wat hapened dat 9t so none of u guys ve d rite 2 b sayin all d bullshit ur sayin. anybodi dat didnt cme 4 dat service knew wat dey wer getin into its bin in d rule book 4 years i was der my self wen it apnd if dey rili wnt der admision bak dey shuld beg 4 it nt sue 4 it evry schl has der rules n wen der broken ve consiquences dey shuld face it of ask 4 4givnes

Anonymous said...

wat apnd was unfortunate bt dos dat got expled knew wat dey wer getin into i was der dat 9t n saw d ole tin u guys dnt no half of wat gos on inside cu so u shuld jst stop takin shit bout wat u dnt no n d guy dat says he has cu frends wif low self estem i gues he 2 has d same prob cos u no lyk dey say show me ur frnd n ill tel u wu u re n d skul is nt 4 d church n was nt built wif d churchs mony in case u dnt no bishop david on his own is a very rich man so stop takin shit n wu eva says dey wer nt given d hand book is a liar dey make dis anouncements 3 tyms evry week so even if u aint got d book uve gr ears wel xcept uve neva atended any cervice b4 n dat gos a long way to show y u got signin off ive said enof if anybody stil doubts cme 2 skul n find out tins 4 ur slf n nt bliv evrytin ur tld

Anonymous said...

Here's a lucid well laid out case for the students

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