They said Bisi's delivery has further shown that the baby is not Dino Melaye's, that if she truly got pregnant for Melaye in April, she should not have given birth by now, going by her claims in the interview.
Meanwhile people close to Dino said he laughed when he heard about the delivery and also said he's standing by his previous statement. - "I am not distracted a bit about this joke and imaginary creation of a serial liar. Am not her 1st victim and may not be the last"
Get a DNA test and put an end to all this!
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Exactly Linda, they should get a DNA!!! Why all these speculations and arguments??? And the poor baby is so cute! Look at her chubby cheeks, precious! Her mother behaved like a whore and we are not sure who the father is.....so sad!
If they like make them meet in April born June. DNA is d answer.Na by wen they meet #rme
Must the picture of the baby be all over this shameful story. Please let us sheild the innocent baby. What these two adults did with themselves in their privacy is their business. Dino a married man slept with a free girl, called Bisi. Dino is NOT faithful to his marriage. Bisi, a runs girl decided to have child for a comfortable politician, knowing fully well the guy has a wife. She got herself into the mess. Let her cover her face in shame. But let us protect the baby. DNA, I agree with Linda should resolve their claims and counter-claims.
lol.. na wa ohhh, mayb d baby is pre-mature lol *just saying*
If this man is so sure that he is not the father, won't he be the first to ask for DNA testing? Has he asked for DNA? Did the mother of the baby refused this? These are the necessary questions instead of all these denials on the face of newspapers and blogs by this man.
Some men are just too callous.
DNA test to the rescue. This Bisi girl needs to get a test done. Just to put an end to this messy tale. Take a cue from Mel B. Do the test, prove to the world and move on with your life. This is a rather disgraceful issue abeg.
What a shame!
Abeg Dino and his supporters should rest jooor. Only a woman knows the father of her child if she says u (dino) accept ur responsibility and stop being a thug as always.its not like ur bill gates or Dangote!!!! congrats bisi may this child bring u joy and fulfilment.
well, considering the dates Dino aint the daddy
If they did the thing the same day they met,it is possible that he is the father.see what they have caused for the poor child.people should think before acting
Exactly! They both should get a DNA test as soon as possible and put an end to the huge cloud of doubt on their heads
Chei...this chic has suffered sha...her enemies must be laughing their arses off. Olorun ma je ki ota yo wa
For some reason sha me o..I'm kudu a convinced Dino is the daddy....ONI shina okunrin
Dna test cost thousands of $.so who go pay?
Linda u read my mind mehnnn...I really dunno y they're still at this. Just get a friggin' DNA test. The baby's right there!
Exactly! Get a DNA test both of you and lets see who was telling the truth all along
Linda dnt mind her foolish friends good for nothing bitches instead of them to stand for their friend dey r deer talking shit cos of the lil bribe given to dem! Bur come to think of it let's take a good look at this pix even a blind man can see that this child is dino's she got his NOSE and EYES she got bisi's cheeks noo need for test it's clear already dammn!!!
Shame on our ladies o. Why on earth will a lady wanna force paternity on someone? Money or what? Yeye dey smell
linda pls grammar.... 7 months after!!!!
Hey linda,jes went thru d blog.know u ve a lot to write on n problly very busy
Pls publish my story,yu can edit it,I jes smply need to kno if der are permanent cures to snoring and if I ve a medical problem wf nt bn able to ve sex.waitn earnestly.love u vmuch.
ŊO̶̷̩̥̊͡ comment
Exactly! The both should get a DNA test fast! That poor baby deserves to know who her real daddy is
Bisi, Dino and friends re too old for these games... Linda guess what?!!... It's my birthday today *smiles*
The issue of who the father is not supposed to be the main thing here, but that as a married man he even got involved to the point that his name was even dragged as to one of her lovers! With all these HIV scourge, he even risked his wife's life by sleeping with her as soon as he met her in April. I think that should be more room for concern than the paternity. Afterall so many love kids are growng up without their fathers involved. Chywe
Dis is just d beginning......story continue.......Bisi, Dino, Lola, am still watching........
I just love this womans hair line..... Anyway make she carry her wahala go jare! This case is simple, let them do test!
Hmmmm. See the baby's nose and lips and compare with Dino . I think there is a semblance. Meanwhile, why didn't Dino use condom with her.
But d bby kinda looks like him tho#
=D ♒ђåª•ђåª•ђåª♒ =D! Bisi wasn't truthful from †ђξ onset. Thank God though for †ђξ safe delivery.
Bisi Whordapo obe!!!
Pls remove the "ago".thought she gave birth last month?wch makes it few days ago,7mths after having sex wih Dino Melaye
Linda ur confusing us o, is it dat she gave birth 7months ago after meeting Dino, or 7months after meeting him. Pls correct the sentence.
Chei bisi u no do d calculation well..u for no talk april na..n d baby went home with u so no be premature...issoriat
Linda, that cute baby no resemble Dino
Linda Nwannem e be like say mercy Johonson don born confirm oh
this baby na cabon copy of Dino..see the head shape,and lips
Linda,na you wan force Dino do DNA? Weston be your own, make Bisi face wet in she caused for herself..
Infact this is strange.after all d rockings here n there n as beautiful as u are with ur age u never know who's responsible for baby.what story will u tell this innocent girl when she grows up.this will serve as a lesson τ̅☺ we ladies that are fond of having multiple relationships.gud day
I luv cool n calculative guys like Dino! Even if d DNA shows his d father eventually, he'd hav his way around it! I admire his attitude jare
am i the first on this? well, Bisi, its game over. be straight and stop paintin our artists as gold diggers. dont want to use the bi**h word but i think thats wat u r.
am i the first on this? well, Bisi, its game over. be straight and stop paintin our artists as gold diggers. dont want to use the bi**h word but i think thats wat u r.
Shikena! Let d drama end! I soooooo love babies,she has hair like her mum ooooh ,sweet looking baby :)
Lin u said it all he shld get a pregnancy test.
she doesnt know who the father of her baby is? does she wear pampers?
Who is telling a lie? It's a shameful thing when a full-grown lady cannot tell who her baby-daddy is! And it's also irresponsible of a full-grown man to deny his child!
Yes get a DNA and put d real liar to shame.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda pls rephrase d caption! Which one is she gave birth 7months ago afta meeting dino, abi na 7months later e suppose be. U sef.
Yoruba women specialty! Tie and ruin a man with pregnancy!
catch the mugu...hahahahahahahaha na big mugu she wan catch ooo cant stop laughn..s um ladies are dump abi na pre mature pikin she born. lmsao
Sorry i ve to sound raw here.when he as screwing her he didnt remember she could get pregnant.Meanwhile which DNA does anyone need.THAT BABY LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE THE GUY SO WHAT THE SHIT IS HE TALKING ABOUT.IREESPONSIBLE MEN DENY PREGNANCIES DINO AND I TELL U ,YOU ARE ONE!
Aunty Bisi,see as U̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥. Yeye urself
yeye woman..... as if her life depends on the guy, if you are reading this just get a life. haba
And how does ur headline explain the story u jst wrote?gve birth 7 mnths ago after meeting im?ow is nov 7 mnths ago??:/
Dino Malaya is so childish....
Now lets assume he's not the father of the baby.... he is not even admitting he ever had anything to do with her...
all these unfortunate politicians in nigeria...
and also nigerian actress are too cheap too... they go after politicians like they are not paid for the movies they act...
so pathetic...
disgracing themselves and heaping insults on the new born baby like its a toy...
Abet check ur title, it's confusing.
Rubbish.... Dis gurl story sef don dey get k-leg.... Am beginning to get confused
Exactly linda,get a DNA test and put an end 2 this rubbish.ono.
How silly can his friends be? Helloooo... She can actually birth a healthy baby at 7mths plus! Its a life they re toying with here. Millions are spending millions for fertility treatments while some jokers are playing blame game with a life! Go get a DNA if u re not guilty Dino and learn to zip up pls if u can't own up to ur responsibilities!
Na wa oh
Also check HypeHit
Oooooooh poor little baby , how could your mum put you through this ? Bisi omologbalogba just gather all the men you have been with in the last one year and compel them to run a DNA test . The baby does not look prem so sort this out fast I beg of you .
My dear child the lord will keep you , you shall never be like your mum .
Why does he have white patches on his face?
Like Linda said, biko u guys should do a DNA test and stop all this rubbish, ah ah kiloderm? Uncle Dino is trying too hard to make her look like a liar, the only way out of this is for him to subject himself to a DNA test shikena. And you Linda, this their matter is no longer news biko, I will rather watch ur pissors with Pat Utomi and Uncle BaNGWELL, lol.
nah wah o! lINDA
she gave birth 7months AGO after meeting Dino?
What sort of English is that?
Why is this woman embarassing herself like this naw. Na by force?
Shuuu, wat if d pikin na premature?
Where the frnds aware of the exact date and time, he was doing it? The woman knows best.A DNA test wud put an end to all. LMA0 @ serial liar
His frnds are now talking? so he did the girl unprotected in the first place? Dino thumbs up! Momma Baby, u said u met him in April, 7 months after u born neh? u too sef i tire ...anyway DNA is the way 4wd!
Abi oh linda....fools
If she got pregnant in April, then its very much possible she gave birth in november. Count d pregnancy frm dat April till end of November. D normal time 4 ladies 2 carry pregnancy is 8months 2weeks. So it mite be possible.
yeye man! u better accept your baby cos she looks like u a lot. you av the same lips with your dota!!!!!!
so carry your pikin!!!!
She has only herself to blame for the embarrassment if the child is really not dino's baby. Bisi u would have kept ur mouth shut till after delivery n D N A has been carried out. This just shows the kind of woman u re...
i have always knw that dis woman is a bloody lair cos no responsible woman wil hv d gods to cm out in public to d whole world and say all such rubish about d man she claim is d father of her unborn child i have always knw that shes fake and God wil neve 4gv her for dragging an innocent man's name to d mob, making people lashing insult on him lk that, thank God his wife neve bought d lairs shes a good woman indeed.
Linda, whats up with the background music which i definitely didn't request for? Please do not lose focus and make this all about making money. Most of the people that visit your blog are on limited data plans and i am sure that they won't appreciate it if it all gets zapped just because they visited your blog.
Linda, you don goof for your calculation. According to the previous link, she talk say na March or early April... If the guy sammer am for late March and she come born for late November, na 9 months be that...
Linda I commented on this story n u haven't posted it...why na? Abeg post my comment oooo.I commented that bisi has herself to blame if the child is dino's n would have just kept her mouth shut till after delivery n a DNA test has been done. Just shows the kind of woman she really is.
assssshawooooooooooooo.e don see money e wan die there.no greee oh mr man.
enough of all this rubbish.
7months ago after meeting him,..doesn't sound right
Am now confused whether the baby belongs to Dino or not. But to my own understanding let both of them go for DNA test. Then if truly the baby belongs to Melaye then He should take the responsibilty of the baby and Her mother and also seek for apology. But if the baby does not belongs to Dino the Bisi Ibidapo Obe should be brought to book and be charged for Conspiracy and Deformation of Character and also pay damages for Dino Melaye.
I rest my case. PERIOD.
Anon 8:35am, plzzzzzz Dino is not innocent, i hope u know the meaning .....ur english na waa sef.
Anon 8:35am, plzzzzzz Dino is not innocent, i hope u know the meaning .....ur english na waa sef.
I agree. I wonder where Linda learnt her English from. Seven months ago abi seven months after meeting Dino. Lord have mercy!
Wtf ur English is wicked!!!!
The fact remains that, Dino had an affair with her despite been happily married...has he considered the implication on her family and reputation, the same Dino claims to be a social crusader on "social media" can he consider this a good example for others to follow, Dino should be ashamed he's cought up in this mess, rather than bragging that a DNA from one shameless slut will vindicate his irresponsible act.
Really, Linda you need to go see an English professor and take english classes all over again. 7 months ago abi 7 months after.
Any seven month old baby ll be a premature.and Bisi's baby is nt one.
I agree. I wonder where Linda learnt her English from. Seven months ago abi seven months after meeting Dino. Lord have mercy!
Dino should be ashamed of his involvement with this "slut" in the first place, rather than priding in the fact that one DNA will vindicate his irresponsible act.
This action is not worthy of a social crusader he claims to be on "social media" I can imagine what runs through his wife's mind now
DINO, u better keep quiet now! wait until after the dna result.. and as for bisi, congrats to the birth of a new born child... buh useff nor try! what kinda role models are you both ehn! wich kain mama n papa una 2 be seff? dino's wife get set to accomodate a step daughter too oh!
waiting patiently for act2 scene 1
first of all Dinos friends are very bad friends,the man cant zip up or tame the rod between his legs and instead of cautioning him,u are busy calling Bisi a liar....he is a disgrace to husbands for even getting entangled in such a shameful venture in the first place...i really feel sorry for his wife..cos if to say na me ah ah!world war 3 would ve started by now and my dear husband will knw no peace for putting me thu such humiliation...rubbish!!!!!
She should b in Desperate house wife season 8
O ga o,so at ur age our dear aunt Bisi u no no who got u pregnant? Shame on u and for d little babygirl may God be with u#kisses#
Kai abeg! Ur GBAGAUN is life threatening! *i dodge am sha, big grin*
y we dey drag dis matter na, make dem do DNA na, i go pay...i wan knw who fit lie pass ashawo OR tout
But cant she just keep quiet, what is all this rubbish, at least she is not the first person to have baby out of wedlock without presenting the father.If at her age she cannot identify the person that bulalala her, they think money is everything, go school, they will not go, she thinks she has become a celebrity over night. I beg jo - beta matter this morning.
Lmao @ gods n mob.
so if she had the baby at 7 mths it means he cannot be the father..ever heard of premature birth??/..he should shut up his loose mouth and go and do DNA it is his kid and he is looking for excuse not to perform DNA...
Artists? Does Dino Melaye have an album i don't know about?
Oh shut up u dumbskull! Can't u calculate or mathematics wasn't part of d subjects u wr taught in primary n secondary school?! Mchewwwww!
English correctors STFU pls. Linda writin ago is prob a typo or mistake, so get over it. Do you want 2 say u dnt undastand d story, r u dat dumb! If u dnt hve nythin 2 say, GTFOH! Mshew. As 4 bisi, leave the fool alone, u can take care of ur child alone, u r more than capable. Vicky Itheh
Na wa for u o. Y u no go drag dipo go hospital na. So u wan make dem break our linda tooth pick leg. Abeg o linda don't mind this person.
Bisi discover she was pregnant in april & it very posible she conceive in march. Mr Dino & his frends are irresponsible fathers if not dey won't b saying rubbish. The question is did he sleep wit her unprotected or not?
Pls anon 9:05 tell juanisha talking like she has a dozen in her house
My dear na google go fit ansa this ur question o
April 2 Nov is 8mnths nt 7
Understanding lo matter n stop acting like u know it all.
Ha! The babe f-up, she wan do jackpot on top the guy head and she nor calculate her move well. Smh for her.
Common shut up dere. Which normal time is 8months n 2weeks. Please young mothers r on this blog too so we know how many months we use in carrying pregnancy. Ok bye
yea exactly. a DNA will put am end to all of this drama. but looking at that baby, she's got dino's nose.
Lmao Linda I authorise u to fine anon 8:35. N for u anon 8:35 wetin we do u this morning u neva tell us o buh I know we r all innocent of this allegation.... Bless
Paternity test, thank me later. #winkwink#
You mean *dumb*. You better check yourself ....
Bisi leave this man and move on with your life! He is not worth it...
Pregnancy Test ke? Buh she don born nah! 'm guessing u mean DNA test... Lol
@ Anonymous 8.35,and @ anonymous 9:21, u guys are super draft, why on earth will a woman who isn't 100percent sure of the paternity of her baby
"They said Bisi's delivery has further shown that the baby is not Dino Melaye's, that if she truly got pregnant for Melaye in April, she should not have given birth by now, going by her claims in the interview."
How could anyone say that nonsens? i am not a medical Doctor but i am a woman, if dey met in April and dey made love in April(almost immediatly dey met and also b4 her mensis in April) D Doctor will count d days backward to her last memsis in March, her EED day will start counting from her last memsis day in d previous month in dis case which was in March. from March Till Decemder how many months is dat? it is 9 full & matured months. So what are we not talking about here? Advise Dino to consider a DNA.
"They said Bisi's delivery has further shown that the baby is not Dino Melaye's, that if she truly got pregnant for Melaye in April, she should not have given birth by now, going by her claims in the interview."
How could anyone say that nonsens? i am not a medical Doctor but i am a woman, if dey met in April and dey made love in April(almost immediatly dey met and also b4 her mensis in April) D Doctor will count d days backward to her last memsis in March, her EED day will start counting from her last memsis day in d previous month in dis case which was in March. from March Till Decemder how many months is dat? it is 9 full & matured months. So what are we not talking about here? Advise Dino to consider a DNA.
Dino go and carry ur baby oooooooooooooo!
She's got ur nose!
My only question to this lady is this...why start this child's life with so much controversies and lies. The effect of all this will not be a good thing in the child's life in the future. May God have mercy on her.
Ah ah this is not an English writing competition blog
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Lmao @ anonymous 9:25 u wnt knw who lie pass ashewo or tout,hahahahaha
Do a DNA test and let's know the way forward
Typical Yoruba man attitude,the more the merrier for them. They just love to have kids outside marriage.Smh
@Anon9.34am-in ur attempt to ridicule Bamidele,u came off looking idiotic-much!Meanwhile d spelling's artistes.
You sure can have a healthy baby between 37-40weeks.... Pregnancy are calculated by weeks and not by months. So if she discovered that she became pregnant in April and had her child late November, then it is possible that whoever she slept with at d end of March to d beginning of April is the father. No one can decide unless we get a DNA done or does anyone know Bisi's LMP so that we can calculate her supposed due date. Lol
The baby wasn't born premature.It's clear.No need for a DNA
Na WA for una o!...babies can look like anybody now,even a passerby!!
But its wen dey are growing u will see who dey resemble!
Besides dis case na DNA be d solution o!
@annoy9:48, I dnt think u ar a mother, cos if u ar u will knw dat 8mnts nd a day is 9mnts, tlk less of 8mnts nd 2weeks. D nineth mnt must nt end b4 u knw its compelete 9mnts
Amin oooo. Aduntos!
Happy Bday. Aduntos!
English teacher's no1 is above mistake dis 4 dose correctin linda,Dino go do a DNA b4 u being dey make mouth cos d babe gat ur nose n mouth SEXYPRESSY BONARIO GF N WIFEY
what surname will the baby bear #justthinking# dino n his friends r irresponsible,madam bisi just takea of ur baby n assume her father is dead, may God help u
DNA or NO DNA,d father of the baby will cum claim her,dis is 4 sure bcos d docktor dat will perform d DNA self might kollect bribe either 2 favour DINO or BISI....watchout for the father in 15yrs time now......
Shut the fack up hummingbird ur pal Bamidele wrote 'artists' in the first place. Whose looking like the fool now retard?
You people have started again
#gbam! D child looks like him! I dnt even get why they r fighting over who is and who isn't! Bisi can take care of this child so can dino... Sooooo, make them rest biko! Hian! Shebi when this child will start getting morked @ skool bcos of this useless arguements and media craze it will be fair??? that's how people will jst ruin other people's lives! Mtcheeeeeew! Karma is a bitch!.................. Linda, u kwanu, mind ur business na?
Una don start????? Oloshi
U̶̲̥̅̊ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ callin Dino Onishina Okunrin,wat abt d shameless she goat dat opened her leg 4 a married man without condom, Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ dia not single guys out dia?all D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ want is a fully loaded married man&dis is wat she deserves.May d Lord b with dis Innocent baby&direct her path,so she won't follow her mother's steps.
Which kain talk be dat,are u in naija at all.
Do u know much money Dino has stolen from the govt..oh sorry I meant'how much money he has'
Wtf are u. Talking abt payment?
Well spoken! Its obvious that there's a dino in that child! Look closely! Even if his lazy old sperm didn't fertilize d egg,it did shower the baby while she was a foetus and helped make her. He should be ashamed of himself to be in this drama sef! How d hell would a man sleep with a woman without a condom if he doesn't want a child??? And what kind of stupid woman would all that if she knws her man is irresponsible and she won't be able to raise the kid alone?? Infact dino and bisi are the stupidest elders I've ever knwn! Mtcheeeeeeew!
Anon 9:40am , na u dumb pass. U were so in a haste to comment that u cudnt even read properly. U shld shut up! Or better stil learn to read n understand english. Ode!
Those always pin pointing mistakes or gbagan...English is not our Lang.. Ɯe can only try...
Dino and Co, dont rejoice yet.
Mr Dino did you have an affair with this lady. Unfaithful man, wey no go put im Penis for for one place na this kind of thing e dey always dey see.
Please go for DNA test and stop ranting!
Bisi, u no try at all. U no know say this man get wife. Just look at the mess you have put yourself bcos of money.
O God take care of the little girl, do not allow the sins of her parents affect her in any way. God bless you cute baby
@ Linda someone is either lying or saying the truth, but the facts still remains that a Baby can be given birth to on the Seventh month and He survives. Sometimes some Men can be irresponsible not trying to take responsibilities for their actions. Linda abeg post my comment.
Can't deal!!!
April may,june,july aug sept oct nov dec =9month let face reality here DINO IS THE FATHER
Leave the poor busy alone,no one is perfect ,im 100% sure Dino is the father ,take a look at the nose haba pls stop all dis rubbish and face it april to dec =9 ,enough to deliver a baby nomal
is between 38week and 40week
im happy for you Bisi @last u are a mother .work hard and look after your girl she is your oluwafeyisarami aramide.Dino will cry one day for rejecting her
God pls help dis adults just imagine wat u pple r putting dis baby through even at her tender age she has subjected to media object,hmmmmmm. as u mr Dino wia is ur shamme? wia is ur integrity as a father cos i knw u hav children, u shld berry ur head in shamme nd as for his so called friends- am nt surprised wat kind of friends will such a man keep anyway. Birds of a feather they will always flock 2geda. dis i guess is d beginning of d movie, d part 2 go soon come out. no b here we dey we ice prince deny him own, nothing wey him no use cause d girl bt now he is saying on paper dat being a father is d best feeling ever bcos he don see hw as 1 of d P-square guy dey always pose wit him fine boy. mtshew!!!!!!!!!!!! we stil dey wait Mr Dino wen she go win miss world, den u go carry ur wrinkled face out den. i pray we will all b alive to see u conclude dis story, nd Bisi if i were a child i cant b proud of U
What i dont really understand,was that if she went into the relationship to have baby for him after she knows quite well that the man is fully married.May be her intention is not to have fun but to distroy his marriage and take over the home.question is, if she is a secondry school girl, who cannot take care of herself in this age of Condom ? Men this lady is a Gold digger.
If they truly met in early april as she said, don't 4get that counting of the prenancy month shld start in April & by d look of things if u people calculate well she is due early this month has she has given birthday. A woman can give birth 2weeks b4 or 2 wks after 9mths, so she is still within 9months. Pls don't judge what u know nothing of.
Actually if she got pregnant early april and gave birth ending of november that's a good 8months and 2 or 3 weeks. A baby born from that point can be very healthy and the regular size since its just a week or 2 to 9months. Not all babies come out at exactly 9mths, some come a bit earlier and some a bit later. So Mr. Dino should put his money where his mouth is and go for a DNA test if he is really sure of himself!
From my own calculations APRIL TO DEC = 9 month due date is between 38weeks and 40 Weeks.... i was pregnant with my son in may and had him in febuary @41weeks which medically is late. stop making story .dino and bisi should be mature about the whole thing ......go for DNA text abroad and sort it out and stop blackmailing each other. no one is perfect.
Wld u shut up u tribaistic swine,y have unprotected sex if u don't want a baby.useless nigerian men.
Do u know how much he is spending on dis girls.. this is a big shame, with all her biz girls. very shameful act
All i knw is dat any woman dat goes close 2 my husband, my God will giv her a permanent, strong body odour...
Don't mind their silly nonsense selves...olodos counting from April to December ....hisss
if dino still denies the paternity lind plz tell d baby mama dat am interested in marrying her as my 4th wife and taking charge of the baby the baby is damn too cute but madam ikeji the question dat we should ask is of a very simple nature one is did Dino ever tell Bisi (take banana oyoyo) even if no be im born the baby mrs Melaye should still know the truth that dino gives out banana a lot but seriously Bisi get a freakin dna unless u no no whose banana u take
This baby looks like Dino ooh ...
It serves Bisi right, any woman that goes near another woman's husband and tries to destroy the marriage deserves to be ridiculed, get your own man..ode oshi
Ok here I come, I don't have a problem with Bisi or Dino or what ever the fuck their names are but I do have a problem with anon 8:35... Wtf was that, are u trying to kill me abi na wetin I do u this morning, see my chest don dey pain me now for over laugh, u just spoiled the topic... gods cor gods ni... U for just use ths phrase.. And he has the gbomo gbomo, I think that would have been better
Not thousands, maybe. $500. He can afford it. The man pays.
@souljachic, ever heard of the word "typo"? Give linda a break
Toothpick? Loooooooool. She does have a nice pair of pins
Heeeey! Linda dem don come for ya blog o! This na incantation?
This bonario don suffer o
Loooooool african science
Mr law maker oya ooooo time to practise what u did (or probably didn't) as a legislator- good law. Go to court and sue this bleached out bisi if u are man enuf. Idiot that could not face his family. In other climes he is finished in politics but in 2015 the efulefu may still contest and even win. Yuck.
As for the lady, baby plssssss you are ova 30 and have a hot career! Can't u have a bebe and take care of it? Why must u act like a confused teenager pointing fingers? Check out jim iykes baby mama? That one dey jee and now jim must beg to even c the boy. Yuck
Hello, people need to read the earlier article again. She said they met March or April. Bola Ahmed Tinubu's birthday was in March and the guy Dino stayed with her. For that to have happened they must have been intimate before then. Some ashii things some big boys and girls do behind the cover of darkness.
Well, all this naa story.
A DNA test would be great . However this is naija and if they can swap exam results which determines someone's future who says they can't do the same with DNA test , especially with his reputation and probably marriage at stake .
So Dino chop sef....
Dino's friends should mind their business. They were not witnesses when Dino, an irresposible man that has a wife and kids was sleeping without protection with Bisi. Let us get our maths right. It is claimed that Bisi met Dino in March or April. Let us assume she got pregnant on April 1st. So by end of April she is 1 month pregnant. May 1st to November 1st is 7months. Nov 2nd Nov 30th when she gave birth is almost a month. So how does all my calculation here add up to 7 months? She might even have gotten pregnant in March. The lady claims they met in March or April. DNA is the answer. Bisi should move fast to do a DNA for the sake of the child, raise the child and move on with her life. She should be careful what she says henceforth in the press for the sake of the child. I thank God for her safe delivery and God's mercy for a healthy baby created in the image and likeness of God irrespective of the circumstances.
He should have worn protection and it wouldn't be a Fukien issue!
Shame on the ladies in your own family. Sharrap jor
If she gave birth November n 4rm her interview she met him march or April den it is vry possible dat d child is his.. Do d maths. March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov. It is so fuckin possible, mayb dey had s*x in d mnth of March durin her ovulation. Just saying
Linda: i just love your last statement. It capture my heart.---"Get a DNA test and put an end to all this!" ASAP Dino and allies should not laugh now untill a confirmed DNA has been done because a woman can deliver @ 7mths of carriage. She is not first. Want a flat belly, burn fat from part or entire body, eat right for healthy sake and maintaining your body shape with fitness.Visit this website to learn more http://bit.ly/fitnessandweightlossreport
A court ordered dna test will not be swaped for a fake result as it will be monitored by the court. Mr lawmaker oya now*,create case law prEcedent on dna analysis for nigerian law students by applying in court
Don't understand y every1 is lashing out on Bisi...the Dino to is a useless man going after a girl when he has a wife @ home...women always fall victims to men like that. No one knows the lies he feed her wif...do you know what it means to even carry a baby for a man and have the child..DNA is the answer so that that worthless Dino will be ashamed of himself...
And who says with the calculation it is clear that the baby is not his.shallow minded people.a baby is fully formed @ 7 months and any woman can go into labour then...hisssss.
Lool I'm telling u
Linda u luking fo ma trouble o. U no post ma comment and I was one of the first to comment. Well all I will say is a dna will put matter to rest. Bisi knows d father of her child and I can bet dat dino is d father. Sometimes, we might start a relationship with someone and not remember d date we actually started dating. It possible bisi started sleeping with him in match but miscalculated and mention april. But d point is dino, shld pay for a dna which I ave not heard him talk abt to put everything @ rest if he is so sure d child is not his.
Bisi and Dino together in the hotel room, Bisi.. Honorable ejo eja ka lo condom Dino... Ha baby Condom ke why should we use condom when i have the intention of getting married to you as my one and only wife? Pls baby don't say that again and to be precise condoms are meant for kids cos am capable for anything that will come after we have sex... Bisi... Ok chief are you sure? Dino Yes am so sure. Bisi.. Alright chief i love you pls just promise me that you wont break my heart cos you know i love you so much... Next one month Bisi calling Dino on the phone... Bisi hello baby Dino answers hello iyawo mi how are you doing today? Bisi replies, honorable there is something i want to tell you oo.. Dino replies Yes am listening do you want more money tell me you know i love you i will give you anything... Bisi replies.. Ah chief ko se oro owo le leyi o honorable am pregnant o am carrying ur baby... Dino replies you are what laughs in a big man voice ahhhaaa baby you are joking.. Bisi.. No honorable am serious am not joking o am pregnant.. Dino replies Look here young girl don't ever tell me that if you tell me that you will know the stuff am made of you cant just tell me you are pregnant for me u should know am a married man with two kids and you know how we met each other through runs so pls don't ever tell me that am responsible or else or else... Pls watch out for the next episode next week... THE STORY OF BISI OMO JAIYE JAIYE WITH HON DINO MELAYE AKA SHINA RAMBO...
annonymous 2.10pm u must be an idiot what about u that dont even knw where to put question marks or fullstop nko?imagine pot calling kettle black even ur own sensless right up has md me laugh my ass out too,so that single mistake she made there was what was funny to u aby? is she a computer?even if she is wrong atleast shes better than u that dont even knw were to put question marks and fullstop, olodo illitreate english teacher aboki feeling professor,atleast when u read ones sentence u can tel if d person is intelligent or not i read her post and seeing her comands of english i already knw that was a common mistake must u specialise on it?even when u are not worldy cos ur own english bad pass.
I cover this innocent child with the blood of Jesus. Please God protect her and do not curse her due to her parents, please make something out of her life. God bless you little one!
DNA is the answer, yoruba women can mold the face of a new born to look like anybody.
Hahahaha! @ baby looking like a passer-by!
Hummingbird, common sense should've told u that Bamidele was being sarcastic with his comment.. Gosh!
*meant Goldfish was being sarcastic not that Bamidele that's ignorant..
Hahaha! I don see whr man dey get pregnancy test for Lib!
You speaking from experience bah? You were ruined with pregnancy since you refused to control "Junior". Tribalistic moron!
You can't use "typo" and "mistake together in a sentence. It has to be one or the other. *tongue out.
full term preg is 9mths plus 1 week from the first day of the last menstral cycle. i am a mother of 5 heathy boyz. unless shes saying the baby came like 3 weeks early... hmmmmm e heavy for mouth!
Can't YORUBAS appreciate their colour for once. Choi!!!
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