Residents of Langbasa, a community in Ajah area of Lagos, are accusing a woman in the neighbourhood of causing a grievous harm on her two-year-old stepdaughter. Kehinde, as she’s known, is in trouble for allegedly dipping the two hands of her little stepdaughter, Esther, into oven-hot water.The girl’s hands were boiled terribly, and many are raising concern that one of them might have become utterly useless. Esther, it was gathered, lost her own mum about a year ago a few days after her first birthday. The poor little girl has since been living with her father, known among residents of the area as Baba Eleja. Baba Eleja, Esther’s dad, later brought in Kehinde, a mother of three, as his wife. He put Esther in the care of his new wife, Kehinde.
Trouble started for the woman on Wednesday, October 31. She wasn’t feeling good and invited a nurse to prescribe drugs for her. It was the nurse that noticed Esther’s boiled hands. The nurse also realised that the little girl was very unhealthy. She sought to know what was responsible for the little girl’s condition and Kehinde allegedly explained that the girl mistakenly put her hands inside a bucket of hot water in the room. Obviously not satisfied with that explanation, the nurse went to inform Kehinde’s neighbours about the strange development.
Many of the neighbours, who had all along suspected that all was not well with little Esther as Kehinde was always beating her, rushed to the room to see the girl. One of the neighbours, who described himself as her father’s kinsman, spoke to the reporter. His words: “When we saw Esther, lying on the floor with her boiled hands, we were moved to tears. We feared that the poor girl might die any moment from then.
We quickly made efforts to rush her to the hospital for treatment. I don’t think Esther was the one that dipped her own hands in the hot water. In fact, if you see that damage done on those hands, you would know that somebody must have dipped those hands in some boiling water. The hands were boiled to the wrist. Even that poor girl wouldn’t be able to use one of the hands again.” Another resident of the area, a woman, said Kehinde never spared the cane on the little girl.
“She is always beating the girl with canes. You can even see scars of the wounds that her canes inflicted on the girl’s body. Since we noticed what happened to Esther, we have moved her away from the woman. Earlier today, when the girl saw her stepmother, she was so terrified that she cried and ran away. That shows she (Kehinde) has been wicked to her. I advise the relatives of the girl’s mother to take her away from her father so that something more terrible than this doesn’t happen to her,” she told the reporter.
When Daily Sun sought to speak with Kehinde in her husband’s one room apartment in Olugbe compound in the community, her husband as well as some of her relatives wanted to prevent the encounter, saying they didn’t want the family’s dirty linen washed in public. Explanations by the reporter that since the matter had gone to the police, it had already gone beyond their private domain, did little to persuade the angry relatives. In fact, at a point, Baba Eleja got angry and rushed to the nearby Langbasa police post where he reported the “intruding” journalist.
Meanwhile, other relatives as well as the landlord of the apartment granted audience to the reporter and urged Kehinde to grant an interview. In the course of the interview, Baba Eleja suddenly materialised with a policeman in tow, apparently to get the ‘busybody’ arrested. But as soon as the police officer discovered the reporter’s identity, he asked the journalist to continue his job. He advised the enraged husband to cooperate with him. Amidst verbal invectives being hurled at her by neighbours and some relatives, who believed she did dip Esther’s hands into a pot of steaming water, Kehinde told the reporter her story: “It happened a few weeks ago.
That morning, I noticed that Esther was looking very dull. So, I asked her to come to me and I gave her a potty for her to urinate into. I discovered that the urine was black, which showed that she was sick. So, I didn’t allow her to go to school. That day, I was also bleeding because I just had a miscarriage. After a while, I kept a bowl of very hot water that I wanted to use on myself beside our bed and rushed out to the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard Esther’s piercing cry and I rushed back into the room only to see her struggling with the bowl of hot water.
By the time I could rescue her, she already boiled her two hands. I thought she wanted to drink water because she was eating the rice that I cooked for her and my own children before I left the room. I quickly went to borrow N100 from a neighbour with which I bought some balm that I applied on the hands. I also gave her some drugs for her fever and she soon slept off. “When her father returned from work in the night and noticed what happened to her, he beat the hell out of me, in spite of my condition. It took the intervention of our landlord before he left me.
Since then, Esther has been staying with me at home. She has not been going to school and I’ve been doing my best to treat her. “But a few days ago, I invited a nurse, who is also a neighbour to attend to me. As a result of the miscarriage, I have been feeling very weak and I have lost a lot of blood. The nurse came and I was lying on the bed. Esther was resting on a mattress close to the bed.
The nurse came to attend to me but when she saw Esther, she looked worried and asked what happened to her. When I explained, she asked why we didn’t take her to hospital yet and I said I didn’t have the money and that I was expecting that Esther’s father would do that. “The nurse promptly attended to me and hurriedly left after examining Esther’s boiled hands for two or three times. It wasn’t long after she left that a crowd of neighbours broke into our room to see Esther.
They soon pounced on me and started beating me. It took the intervention of policemen, who were invited by some of them, to rescue me from the mob. I would have been lynched. They thought that I deliberately dipped her hands into boiling water. I didn’t do that at all. I have always been taking care of Esther as if I were her mother. Even people call me Mama Esther because of the way I treat her. I couldn’t have done such a terrible thing to her.”
The woman(Kehinde may be saying the truth cos i still cant understand how someone that has passed the pain of child birth and labour can boil a baby's hands simply cos she's not the mother.if she actually did,she wont go unpunished.they should focus on how to treat that girl and take her away to avoid futher damage.
Illiteracy,poverty and wickedness are a very deadly combination. She was waiting for the dad to take the step daughter to the hospital, who was careless with hot water in the first place?If that child was hers,would she have just applied balm to first degree burns? So she had enough money to call a Nurse to attend to her but not enough to give her step daughter proper treatment? And the father too was strong enough to beat up the wife but not smart enough to whisk the child to the hospital immediately?? I'm speechless!!
I pray to God that he should give every woman the grace to take care of her children by herself.
Na because no be her pikin, may God forgive her sha.
mama esther ko,mama esther ni...big witch,u should be treated same, even ana animal dat dips his hand mistakenly in hot water will immediately remove it,so long as the burn were up to d wrist its obvious the step mom put inside and made sure it stays there,asin both hands,that cant possibly be accidental...how wicked can some women be,i cant believ shes a mother and did dat to a helpless child,why didnt d accident happen to her own kids,plus if she werent of questionable character the neighbours wont attempt to lynch her.also why didnt she call the nurse to treat the baby?? but she was fast to call the nurse to treat herself yea,may God punish this woman,she intentionally deprived d girl from sch but God has a way of exposing evil ones...Aluu descendant oshi,may u rot in kail where u belong.
via my pink ipad 3...latest edition
Pls pple, don't believe her, there's a difference btw being burnt by hot water and being boiled. Pls, if u do warm compress on a child, won't d child withdraw from pain, does it mean dt d child doesn't respond to stimulus which means there's no nerve supply to dt hand n she can't feel anything on dt hand. NPF instead of killing innocent souls, pls torture her to tell d truth, because if d there's severe nerve injury, those hands will b amputated.
The heart of man is wicked. Very hard to beleive the womans story. I cant see how the little girl would put one hand after the order into hot water. May God almighty give every mother the chance to take care of their own children.
Two wrongs cannever make a right,say NO to sporadic action.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda pls look for another word or phrase to use cos we r tired of 'allegedly and 'spotted'
kehinde is an heartless human and i dnt believe in what she is saying you dnt have to take her to the hospital and you can not borrow from your neighbours.but if you want to for party you can borrow to buy cloth even if you dnt have.the police needs to treat you bad cos u are not worth to live among human biegn.am very sure that if this girl is you own daughter you will lool for the money to take her to the hospital.you purposely put the girls hand in hot water
@Eze chukwumereze,how do I contact u!
To the hand to burn this much, it was held in the hot water for a while..... Not taking this child to the hospital immediately is evident of child abuse from both the father and step mother.
If Kehinde was so innocent why was the child kept indoors such that the neighbours did not notice the burns?
I hope a God sent relative takes this child away from them and takes better care of her.
I was raised by my Father and Step mother also... and I daily pray that I never have to leave my children for someone else to raise.
wat nonsense is dis poverty striken wicked creature spilling out of her maggot infested mouth? a 2 yrs old gurl would dip her two hands in to HOT water n even allow it to boil up to her wrist? linda u dnt knw dis women,once d child is nt theirs,dey start maltreating such child,dey totally 4get abt d pains dey demselves passed thru in a labour room,let alone anoda moda's pains,may God strike u,evil descendant of jezebel...wish u quick healing dear Esther
oh please, she was struggling with the hot water?,liar. when you dip your hands in hot water, u immediately take it out. but with the kind of burns suffered by this little girl, it's effing obvious that
she boiled the lil's girl's hands.
@Willow 2:18 PM, I thought I was the only Willow here(LIB). Welcome, namesake.
@anon you can follow me on twitter @merez1
The child can not put 2hands in the water at the sametime, or hold it in the water long enough to cause that kind of damage. I hope the woman didn't burn that child cause she think the child is a which and that's why she had a misscarriage, because Nigerians like to blame people for their problems. God help that little girl
the child shld be able to talk, abi.
Woman,God wil nt let u go unpurnished,nd ur womb we never carry another child, u r nt worthy to b called mother.Dear esther d God of d motherless we intervene for u dearie.
Kehinde or whatever her name is May your rot for the rest of your life, because even a toddler will not there it. She means that the little girl put the first hand inside the bucket and after that feeling put the other hand inside the boiled water. May this woman never see good in her life time.
Going by the report, I don't believe that child would have dipped BOTH hands inside a boiling water, UP TO WRIST, and leave them long enough for both hands to be terribly burnt. A 2-year old child would have properly developed the Withdrawal Reflex - the ability to INSTANTANEOUSLY withdraw from a painful stimuli.
What a wicked world! They should treat that child fast enough and take her far away from her step mother.
And thanks to the Nurse for her alertness.
ohhh pleaase which kian super story lie b dis 1. so d 2yr old gal dipped her 2 hands inside a "bowl" of water not even a bucket. abeg d police shud also tell d woman to dip ha 2 hands inside a bowl of water....mshewwww. wicked fugly woman
Pretty boy!call me maybe ;)
Kehinde or wahtever ur name is....U re meant to be in d zoo!!!Hw could U do dis to ur husband's daugther?????Ur not a Mother and U wil never be...Ur children wil regret having U as a mother!!!KOHINDE d MONSTER,d supernatural LAIR,peace wil not locate U"".......A wicked Goat calling herself mama esther"....!Oloshi Abiamo!!!........Teesexy says so via bold 5
Though I am nt meant 2 laff bt I can't hlp wit ur comment
I am just so speechless how a mother can just leave boiling hot water in the living. I don't believe the stepmother at all. I pray for quick recovery for Esther.
poor child!
Firstly, one definitely need to focus on how best to help and support this child. Two, the facts need to be properly established but I am STUNNED and find it unbelievable how a two years old kid can boil her own hands. I can only think and pray for this child, this is clearly not the best start in life.
woman tell that story to the BIRDS.i wonder if there is a spirit that enters women immdeiately the get marrid .for me,if i cant stay wit someones child i wont dream of harbouring that child..most women are fond of maltreating oda peoples chldren
Wat a wicked world!!! How can a 2yr old geh dip her 2 hands inside boiled water? Oh pls go tell dat to freakin birds!Ʊ did it cos each time Ʊ remember d child isn't urs,Ʊ are always sad,dat was y u loose anoda baby Ʊ were suppose to ave for ur hubby. Even d useless fada cud not tk d geh to hospital n both of Ʊ tried to hide her away frm neighbours if not for God's intervention! May God punish both Ʊ and d fada. God help us wit all ϑι̥ž callous human being!
That woman is very wicked!she deserve to be punished.
The wicked woman did it intentionally by doing it under duress, dipping the poor girl hands using an object like spoon to hold the hands for long time to burn. May God forgive you! that why you had miscarriage.
I myself have been a victim of maltreatment form my step mum, she always potrayed to be nice to me in public, but behind closed doors I received hell, it was like she hated me with her soul, and couldn't forgive my father for bringing me in. That little girl was burnt by her step mother. The wickedness of most step mothers is beyond this world.
Wickedness in high places. her story doesn't make sense cos its so glaring she boiled the poor, motherless and helpless girl's hands. ok, let me assume lilttle Esther dipped her hands into hot water and got them burnt, why didn't she take her to the hospital? yet she had money to call a nurse to come and check on her!!! Even the girl's dad is to be blamed cos its obvious he doesn't care else this kinda thing be it intentional or accident wouldn't have happened. i'm pissed!!!
Leave Eze C alone. you have seen London and your eyes have now opened.
Nigeria!!! When will my country turn from its crude, evil and barbaric ways? Smh..... Is it that the type of humans here are so different from others for them to be acting this wicked?
Obviously she was d 1 who put dat poor little's gal's hand into d water cos a baby up to 2 years knows wen somfin is burning her..wicked woman..u neva get miscarriage reach
Abeg which kain lie be dat, even my unborn child knows the woman was obviously trained by a dog..Gaddamn.. This is wicked
This just brought some memories back, years ago our house maid flipped my six month old brother's hand on a burning stove. My mum almost passed out when she came back from work, finding him agonized in pain. Her excused was he put both hands on the stove when she carried him on her back while cooking. The maid passed away during child birth, am not sure if that was karma. My bro is in his 30's and still have some faint scars. If this is deliberate this woman will get paid, the unfortunate part might be thru her kids. May the little girl receive all the care she needs.
Re we sure that the woman's kiddz didn't do dt?
hmnn, if she isnt saying the truth she must have dip the girls hands in hot water,because she had a miscarriage.
The degree of wickedness that is inside this woman is very alarming! obviously this woman dipped
the little girl's hand inside hot water after she lost her pregnancy because of hatred. She is a Devil and that's why she doesn't have a child of her own!
Na wa Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo. Its not possible for the girl to put both hands inside HOT water na! Y dis yeye woman dey lie, sebi she sef get pikin. D girl needs to be taken away from them b4 she is killed cos woman wey do dis one go just kill am
if d girl actually put her hands in hot water hersef at 1st impulse ahe wud hav remove it immidiately , but 2 d wrist ???????? haba no amount of rubish she says wud save her 4rm d lie . we all no wat it is 2 hav a step mum , i personally know wat dat child is going tru, esp @ 2 . d man sef go marry woman wit 3 children hmmmmm make dem flog d man tooo abeg .
Please let's try to reason before we make comments. How can a child dip his or her TWO hands in a bucket of hot water to the wrist at the same time? Common man!!!!! Was the child playing truth or dare. Abeg put the child in a motherless babies home away from this evil woman and weak husband of a man before something worse happens.
I don't get it. This story is 'alleging' a crime yet the faces of the alleged accused and the child victim are not disguised. This is a hall mark of junk journalism and can only happen in lawless society.
Befor some peeps start throwin curses on d woman,remember that she may also be innocent of dz but due to d wicked ways tht she's been known for,nobody wants to believe her. I've met a lil girl in a hospital who put her hands into water tht her mom wz boiling wt an electric boiler and it wz so terrible I wept. Wen Ʊ av a wound nd dnt give proper treatment it worsens! Na only God go judge her but tht Miscarriage too cud also be from Gods anger. Esther recover weLl
Abegy...are u saying the girl cldnt feel the hot steam coming from the water? Even my 1yr old niece knws wht hot water is and even if she dipped why didn't she immediately tell d nurse wht happened instead she waited for the nurse to notice and ur hear talkn rubbish....
When I read things like this I wish what I see in nollywood movies can actually happen! Let Esther's mum come and torment her until she admits her wrong.. All I can do is wish
Tings children go thru wen living wif step-parents...*sighs* emotional,physical,psycological truamas...God be with u Esther
4rm all indication, d woman sounds gulty.
The little girl cannot dip her hand in hot water 'n allow it 2 burn to dat extent, without removing it. Why is it not one of her own children?
Homicide department will dig out d truth frm the woman if DPP can involve in this.
pls dey shuld bring d child let me take care of her!!Smtcheeeeeeeeeeeew!!!amusu woman!!
Mental illness. If no intervention is done, the next move will be more dastardly. The child needs to be taken away from her until it is clear that she did not do this
Ppl r really wicked. Thank God d nurse noticed it. If nt, I wonder wat wud hav happend 2 d lil girl.
I have a stepmother,I lost my mother at the age of 9 and it wasn't easy but God protected me. I can imagine the hostility that girl has suffered at the hands of that woman. When a 2yrs old baby touch something hot he/she will immediately back away,so Its obvious the woman boiled her hands because no adult can stand the heat of hot water for a second not to talk of a baby
She had already tag d' poor gal Witch responsible 4 her miscarriage and out of annoyance she did it obviously#African belief and dirty tinkin.
Its the father I blame,you married a woman who maltreats your child jst cos her mother is late and you don't do anything about it? What kind of man would allow anoda woman treat his kid dis way!!! Poor girl,let her mother relatives come and take her since its obvious her so cald father doesn't want her..as 4 d stepmom,she should be arrested and charged to court for child endangerment..useless woman,why won't u miscarry,you think that womb of urs will carry a child when you are treating anoda woman's child dis way!!!
Lmao @ dive inside the pot!
Smh,, things dey happen shaa.
Some Ppl are so wicked that a times I begin to wonder the God they worship,may God have mercy on us and heal that little girl.Kehinde may God forgive you
listen to yourself, you kept a bowl of hot water in the room? May God forgive you..children are gifts from God therefore we should be able to care and show love as you would like your own children to be treated.
We dey talk anoda tn,u dey pursue man..u need help o!!..yellow boys no dey your village?
My neighbours 2yr old dota once dipped her hands inside a bucket of hot water from perboiled rice that her mother kept but she immediately brot out her hands, so from wot is being said, I think d woman dipped d little girls hand there for some time before she released her. If Esthers mother wasn't dead.......tots! May she b healed in Jesus name, Amen!Dazzling.
U hit d nail on d head.....very good reasoning.....may God forgive her....
Dis woman Ȋ̝̊̅§ terrible,horrible,irritating,disgustin.....m sure she's 4rm Aluu...lol.bur dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ bad,real bad...she's heartless,4gettin dat dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ a lil child(angels).nobody knws 2mao oooo,anytin culd happen anytym,she also has kids.hmmmm,God hv mercy.
Linda,why is it that you don't post my comment?
Na wa oo
Mschew.well since there was no witness why r they accusing the woman.this is all speculation
Esther shuld b questioned.she can say smtin.
This woman is worse than the devil himself. This story reminds me of my ex who has only one eye as he was beaten with a hanger by his stepmother when he was a child. He too had lost his mom at a very young age, this guy happens to be one of the nicest people i have ever known but still has issues from his childhood and has refused to get married and have children even though he's very rich. Father! my prayer to you everyday is do not let another woman take my place in my children's lives(Amen). Very sad....
Am still pondering on the cheap lie the woman just told. How can a 2yr old dip the whole of her two hands into a hot water to cause an extreme damage like that. How wicked some women can be to their step children, God knows best.
Dis woman Ȋ̝̊̅§ terrible,horrible,irritating,disgustin...Jeez,ℓ̊ fnk she's 4rm Aluu community..lol..bur dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ bad,rily bad,a lil child at dat...nd yet she's a woman wid kids.nobody knws 2mao oooo,u dnt knw wah wil happen to ur kids...God hv mercy
Thank you! Ori e pe! How can anyone say she might be telling d truth! So sad! This is child abuse! Where r our social workers! In their poverty and inabilty to take care of 4children she still tried to get pregnant and have more!!! May God deliver us in this country!
I see the truth behind her lies... Its obvious she is a Poverty stricken witch.... Here is my own theory of what I think really happened... So maybe on that faithful day she got a miscarriage....apparently she is saying to herself that the miscarriage was caused by esther's late mom.... She is furious and frustrated but she can't just vent her anger on the little girl for no visible reason only to catch Hungry little Esther eating the rice meant for her children
If is 1 hand I will agree is a mistake but d 2 hands no is not,God pls spear our life so we can train our children ourself.[Amen] God will heal u lili Esther
Dat aw u pple easyly fall prey 4money rituals 4 ur eye u don see fine boi I pity U 2012 is goin to an end make it into d new year contact koh colabo niii oleeh oleh
What I notice about nigeria poor people are weaked and rich people are abusive n agrogant.
Ahn ahn you go fear now
May the lord have mercy! Wat sort of wickedness is dat? Hw can one says she's a mother of three do that to a two year old? She needs to be arrested and brought to justices to prevent further recap also that stupid husband of her's. He is the worst father on planet earth.
Anonymous 8:43 PM. Weaked? There is no word like that. I guess you meant Wicked.
she said her children were in d room 2getheer with Esther but why didn't any of her child put hand in d hot water?why was it Esther?
I 1der wat a buket of hot water doin in a bedrom instead of d bithrom, plz women let us no d truth nt lie. God pls heal d litl angle
How else can one describe wickedness? I hope she is severely punished for this satanic act.
people can heartless.This poor gal may never use her hands like she used to.She should be treated before it gets infection.
She's so guilt as charged, God doesn't sleep, she has started gettin her reward via miscarriage. If you don't want another woman's child to live, why do u wanna bear a child?
Kehinde the Jezebel, Cruela de ville, wIcked step mother lying thru her otaba stained teeth! God will judge her. I pray d lil girl is adequately taken care of so she doesn't get any infection. This kinda rubbuish only happens in ds country Nigeria...madam wld hv bn chilling in a female detention facility by now for negligence, child abuse & attempted murder. Nonsense!
I am speechless how can a step mother dip her two years old daughter's hand into hot water. Some people are so wicked and I pray for Esther's quick recovery.
Hmmmmm, This Life..........
She blame that child for her misscariage, she probably think the child is a witch cause in nigeria they don't believe anything happen natural, someone must be blame.
Poverty could lead to frustration....HOUSE OF ZINNO
Awww! (˘̯˘ ) come to my area, you go see as mama dey beat pikin with iron.. @ a point, my sis wanted to arrest a paticular woman..
M̶̲̥̅Ɣ thought exactly...d witch thinks d gurl killed her unborn child....foolish heartless woman
Tat kehinde of a woman shd b sent 2 ALLu lord hv mercy ohhhh
Asewo kobo kobo.. Oya oo chuckumgberigbe, ans her..
Amin Jesuuuuu
Awww! (˘̯˘ ) come to my area, you go see as mama dey beat pikin with iron.. @ a point, my sis wanted to arrest a paticular woman..
U r a witch..... Oloriburuku somebody, omo iya aje. Like mother like daughter.
Ehn!! 'Angle'bawo, pls dnt add to d baby's injury oo... Lol
I went through all comments and 99.9% believe the woman delibrately 'boiled' the little girl's hands. If I had never been with a child, I would have said the same thing, but I know better. My younger sister burnt her laps as a baby by trying to hug a lantern, it was spontaneous and happened in the full glare of her parents. There have also been cases of children getting into more terrible and sometimes tragic accidents.
The way Sun newspaper has reported the story is unnecessarily sensational,what do they mean by boil hands? Wouldn't her next door neighbours have heard the baby screaming while her hands were boiled? And trust the typical irrational Nigerian who believes in hear-says, why did the neighbours decide to beat the woman TWO weeks after the child was hurt? Did they not see the baby during this time, did any of them buy drugs for the child? No they rather decided to feign anger when the police was alerted. Hypocrites!
Fellow Nigerians pls be careful of what you hear, be rational, don't let your feelings rule your head, think things through or you will be no better than the people who lynch others based on 'dem say'. Peace
AMEN ooooooo
May be u can email her the words u want. Say for urself not 'we'.
i think this is a serious matter, we should look carefully into the mental wellness of the lady kehinde, reflex will withdraw the childs hand even before her fingers are well dipped. the woman obviosly did it but she might not be ok and people won't notice. in psychology it is called hidden chronic schizophenia, hope this will help.
Seeing that her lil cute face brought tears to my eyes. Sorry darling, your hands will heal okay? And if your step mom has been mean to you, God will fight for you, and you will be better for it. God sees all, and HE alone, knows the truth!
Amen poooo.my Kid's won't be suya for one wicked witch by his grace
It is obvious evn wit out any1 sayin mch dat dis very Woman did dis inhuman act to di s litle girl of tender age...OMG at large! Hw disheartin it is.I tink dey should likewise boil a big bucket of Water n place it in front of her,tell her to unknowlly dip just a finger of hers insyd,if it didn't get burnt like dat of Esther,den she should put d both hands dwn to her wrist....hw wicked pple can be abeg joor....Mtchewwwwwwwwww.
Pretty boy ke? LMAO desporado
Ehe was waiting for ur useless self comment, I take it u still havnt found work, Linda ooo plz allow Bonaria his commission this week
Stupid nigerians, which one is now rituals, Dammn plz leave them, how do u know they won't meet n fall in love, u can be preventing our 1st LIB marriage, (exspenses on Linda)
WooW this woman looks Exactly like the stupid house maid I had, Thank God I sacked her, maybe they r related
I'm Shock the woman is not igbo, cause igbo women are the 1 who treat their step children this way, a few igbo women hv been deported from yankee over abusing other peopLes children, sometimes they forget they r no longer in enugu. 1 last year put hot pepe in her step daughters pussy, they gave her 2yrs in jail for it
the woman might be telling the truth,dis is similar to wat happened to my sister's daughter she dip her left hand in kettle with boiling ring in it.the hand was boiled almost to the elbow.
Wicked woman. God will punish u.
this woman is wicked, the little girl and even her own children shoild be taken away from her by cjild welfare. She so wicked and heartless.Some women are so wicked to other peoples children cox they are not their mother. God why are people so wicked?
'cryin'.... a 2yr old girl? this a nefaruos act... that woman is a witch, a vampire and an amplified Jezebeel... i will kill her myself if i get hold of her, bathe her with acid so she would see how it feels... omg, tears can stop rolling down my cheeks.... i wish i can adopt that lil girl... that woman must be from aluu community... i think the evil spirit in aluu has possessed so many... its not like an epidemic call 'aluu syndrome'... tufiakwa, ndi oso chi egbu....
Theresa im sure from the story you can decipher that the child was idden away from public eye and was not even allowed to go to school. The neighbours got wind of the story when the nurse alerted them lets be objective here and wait till Esther can probably speak. My heart really goes out to the girl and speculations will help no one now. so says Rita...
An orphan's curse can drag down to hell the holiest of saints! That woman is a liar!
What of the neighbors that claim she has long since been abusing the little girl! She should be hounded and beaten. It's not like they've killed her! They just want her to know what pain feels like.
Poor poor motherless child.
i don't believe it jor,how can she boil her own hands,kids might be stupid but not stupid enuf to do that, the damage was much besides if if she did it herself the damage won't have been that much cos reflex would have made her remove her hands and the damage wouldn't have that much
Anonymous said ....
She is a wicked woman. I pray to Almighty Allah that Esther will become a useful daughter in her life without a mother
she will defntly get her rwrd in the same measure
u will rot in hell!
this is wickedness, a child of dat age knws wat is hot, so cnt do such.
This is serious wickedness in the highest hierachy,be not mocked,whatsoever a man sows,he shall reap,May God give us long life to take care of our wards.
May God have mercy on us,this is cruel
This is wickedness but good enough Be not mocked,whatsoever a man sows,he shall reap,may God give us long life,long enough to care for our wards for ourselves and not b pseudo wicked people
Mayb kehinde wanted to eat boiled fingers for lunch... #Jade Said#
I weep endlessly for d little gal. The woman should be crucified upside down. See her half past eyes when be like montster own
Anon 2:18pm, da is d most brilliant comment and a praya evri woman shld be saying. God bless u and a very loud, endless amen to that!
Kehinde, u must be a winch for doing that to ur step dorta. U said u dnt hv money to take Esther to the hospital, yet u went ahead to borrow #100 from ur neighbour to buy balm. You so wicked ur children will definitely go through this pains. May the pains of that lil child affect u nd ur children amen. evil mother hissssss. linda post my comment biko..... Sweet choco
oya madam kehinde d so called mama esther,dip ur two hands by mistake insyd boilin water dnt 4gt to allow d hands boil den u can tel d reported wat exactly happned n wat it felt lyk. Den let we nigerians comment...... Ur husband didnt beat at all,if he did u shuld hv bein ansin d reported 4rm d hospital...oloshe
That dat little girl dip her hand into boiling water to the extent that it got so bad is a lie. A bloody lie. No one can ever withstand such with a reflex action taking place. No one can withstand it for more than a second. That woman should be dealth wit
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