Why is it that each time Barack Obama is about to submit himself for a Presidential election and seek a mandate from his people there is a raging, monumental, earth-shattering and record-breaking freak of a storm which kills numerous people in America? It happened a few days before his Presidential election in 2008 and it is has just happened again a few days before his Presidential election in 2012. Again why is it that on the first day of the convention of the opposition Republican party, both in 2008 and again this year, yet another violent and dangerous killer storm hit the towns in which the two conventions were held causing them both to be partially disrupted? What is Obama’s relationship with the elemental forces? What is his relationship with God or some lesser deity? What is his source of power and what is his spiritual foundation?I'm a huge Barack Obama supporter so I kinda find this article shallow. You read it and tell us what you think...See the full article after the cut...
The American Presidential elections will take place in a few days time and frankly some questions still need to be answered. I wish that Governor Mitt Romney had put one of those questions particularly to President Barack Hussein Obama during their last Presidential debate which was on foreign policy. Permit me to put that question here and it is as follows. Why did the President bow so low before Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah four years ago during his first state visit to the Arab Gulf state and why did he feel the need to almost touch his toes with his forehead when he did so. It is a matter of historical record that no American President in the last 200 years has ever bowed so low before any foreign leader, Prime Minister, Head of State, President or monarch. It appears to me to be rather strange that Obama, on his first trip to the Middle East as President of the most powerful country on the planet, should literally prostrate before an Arab King whose country has an abominable record on human rights, civil liberties, the rights of women and religious minorities and where the system of government is a totalitarian and absolute monarchy. Luckily a picture was taken of that celebrated event and that picture really does tell us something about the American President’s mindset. Yet it does not stop there.
On that same trip four years ago, after leaving Saudi Arabia, Obama toured the greater part of the Middle East and Egypt and in speech after speech he apologised to the Arabs for American policy in the Middle East over the previous 50 years. He did this despite the fact that in most of those countries christians,shia muslims and ethnic minorities have no rights at all and even though they have been killed, persecuted and supressed for many decades. Again he did this even though none of those countries were democracies and even though all of them, except for two, have refused to acknowledge the right of the Jewish State of Israel to even exist.This left a bad taste in the mouth of many at the time and the question that came to my mind was whether the ”Hussein” was coming out of the ”Barak Hussein Obama” more than the ”Barak” itself was. Yet whatever anyone may feel about the issue of his touching his toes with his head and his bowing before the Saudi king, as far as I am concerned, President Obama is not what he appears to be. There is far more to him than meets the eye. A couple more questions will suffice to illustrate this point.
Why is it that each time Barak Obama is about to submit himself for a Presidential election and seek a mandate from his people there is a raging, monuemental, earth-shattering and record-breaking freak of a storm which kills numerous people in America? It happened a few days before his Presidential election in 2008 and it is has just happened again a few days before his Presidential election in 2012. Again why is it that on the first day of the convention of the opposition Republican party, both in 2008 and again this year, yet another violent and dangerous killer storm hit the towns in which the two conventions were held causing them both to be partially disrupted? What is Obama’s relationship with the elemental forces? What is his relationship with God or some lesser deity? What is his source of power and what is his spiritual foundation? There is no doubt that he is a powerful orator and that he delivers brilliant speeches that mesmerises his audience. Yet so did Adolf Hitler and we all know what he was. I ask these questions because President Obama has supported every anti-christian and anti-faith policy that the American permissive state has thrown up and endorsed in recent years. The violation and literal denunciation of these religious core values, in my view, betrays the unfolding of an illicit,dark, sinister and subterranean anti-Christ agenda which must be rejected by all true men and women of faith. They must be renounced by every christian, every jew and every muslim and indeed all those that truly espouse the noble values and virtues of any of the three Abrahamic faiths. They must be rejected by all those that believe in the supremacy and efficacy of a monotheic God whose core values and holistic principles and standards are worthy of emulation and of being respected and cherished. There are many examples of these gross violations of our core religious values but permit me to share just four of them with you here. Firstly, President Obama has endorsed a woman’s right to have an abortion and he has publically denounced ”the right to life” of unborn babies. Secondly, he has endorsed same-sex marriages. Thirdly, he has consistently supported homosexuality and the rights of homosexuals and lesbians. And fourthly, and perhaps the most disturbing of all, he has endorsed the right of same-sex couples to adopt and raise children. Quite apart from these four Obama has also endorsed all manner of social perversions and deviant behaviour in the name of humanism, ”new age” liberalism and the permissive American state. No true believer or person of faith can possibly accept such practices, endorse such values and still stand right before God.
To put the cake on the icing let me make one more point. Rev. Jene Robinson, a vocal and practising homosexual, whose ordination as a Bishop split the Anglican Church in America into two, was specially selected by Obama to deliver the invocation of the name of God and prayers at the beginning of the inaugral weekend of his inauguration ceremony as President in 2008. What message was Obama trying to send to America and to the world by insisting on this?
Outside of the area of social and religious values President Obama has also failed in the area of foreign and domestic policy. A few examples will suffice. The unprecedented number of drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan which has led to record highs in the number of deaths of innocent muslim civilians, women and children in both countries. The alienation of Pakistan and Afghanistan as key allies in the war against terror. The destabilization of north Africa and the opening of the door for Islamist insurgents in the north African Arab Sahel states and the west African sub-region. The display of weakness and procrastination before Iran and its covert agenda to build a nuclear bomb. The display of double standards in the State of Bahrain and the over-pampering of the Arab Gulf states. The sheer mess that has been created in Syria and the indecision and procrastination of the Obama administration who have abandoned the opposition forces in that country even as thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered by Assad’s brutal regime.The insincerity of purpose and sheer coldness being displayed towards Israel and the indifference to her dangerous and existential plight. The disdain and contempt shown to all people of faith, the evangelical movement, the christian far-right and the vision of the old Pilgrim Fathers that founded the great country that is known as the United States of America.
The removal of the words “God” and “Israel” from the Democratic Party Convention. The disastrous handling of the American economy that has acquired a five trillion dollar deficit in the last four years. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Mali and Nigeria due to a shortsighted and reckless policy in Libya. The taking of power by the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the rise in power of Al Shabbab in Somalia and East Africa. The inexplicable refusal to declare Boko Haram (the Islamist terror group that is bombing and killing thousands in northern Nigeria) as a terrorist organisation.The gradual turning of America into a quasi- welfarist state where ”big government” reigns and in which the traditional engine room of growth that is known as the American middle class is being systematically weakened and destroyed. The desecration of the traditional family unit and good old fashioned christian values by the adoption of strange and liberal “new age” practices, values and philosophies. The inability to protect the lives of American diplomats living abroad and the lack of firm reprisals after the killing of the American Ambassador and other Americans by terrorists in Libya. The massive foreign debt that America has acquired in the last four years. The huge quantum of cash that America is is now owing China and so on and so forth.
These are just some of Obama’s disastarous legacies and sadly the mistakes he has made in his foreign policy in north Africa particularly impacts on us directly in Nigeria and in Weet Africa. Let me give you just one example of that. Had it not been for the fall-out of the mess in Libya and the brutal way in which Muammar Ghadaffi, the Libyan leader, was murdered in cold blood one year ago, his Taureg friends and allies in north Africa would not have been inspired and driven to take over northern Mali and create a Taliban-style islamic fundamentalist state there and northern Nigeria would not have been flooded with jihadist footsoldiers and all manner of sophisticated arms and bombing devices for usage by Boko Haram.
With Obama all we see and hear are beautiful and inspirational speeches, a good deal of doublespeak, a failed economic policy and a weak, dangerous and thoroughly uninspiring foreign policy. Worst still all we see in Obama’s African policy is unpredictability, chaos, the appeasement of terrorists and utter confusion. Given this I cannot come to any other conclusion than the fact that President Barrack Hussein Obama cannot be trusted with America or indeed the world for the next four years. In my view he is a very mysterious, strange and complex man and sadly he has proved to be a thoroughly disappointing President. Consequently my prayer is that Governor Mitt Romney defeats him in the Presidential election which will hold Tuesday 6th November. If he does not I fear that the much predicted “beginning of the end” of America as a world economic power may have just begun. With China on the rise, Russia waxing strong, Brazil, India and Japan flexing their muscles and the European Union finally beginning to take shape and find her feet, in the next twenty years the world will be a very different place and America may no longer be “prima inter pares” (the first amongst equals). Only Romney can stop that downward trend. I am aware of the fact that, given Obama’s ancestry, this may not be a popular position to take amongst those of us that are people of colour and that are Africans but nevertheless it is still my position. I may be wrong but at least I have provided some food for thought. God bless America.
Femi Fani-Kayode served as a two time Minister and Special Adviser under the Olusegun Obasanjo government
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Coming from the same loon that ascribes the air mishaps in Nigeria to the "blood thirsty demons" in the aviation industry.
The dud obviously has so much time in his hands these days. I suspect he is under the spiritual tutelage of some of those fear mongering prophets .
linda i told u, u did as if u know more than us staying abroad, u r supporting this man, we r praying God sud remove it u busy updating nonsense on ur site, u r now seeing for urself now abi
Femi Fani Kayode is monumentally stupid
Linda all I can tell you is to be careful with all these ' I don't believe illuminati exist' ' I am an Obama fan and think this article is shallow'.Obama is without a doubt the candidate of the powers that be in America. Check out 'The vigilantCitizen'
Linda be Vigilant. Dnt let d devil use you.
Fani Kayode is a big IDIOT. He does not know what he is talking about. I and a born-again conservative Christian Nigerian-American and I have already casted my early vote for Obama
And then?
Coming from a man who really did not do much for Nigerian aviation sorry has nothing to say about Obama.pls focus on ur country leave America after all America is for the Americans and Nigeria for Nigerians .if u know so much become Nigerian president and change the country for the better.american elections is really none of ur biz femi .
Someone get this man a 'baby sucker' so he can keep quiet. Fanatical Bingo!
FFK just advertised his stupidity with this write up. He should face his marriage and stop the stupid flirtations with alina on his Facebook in full glare of his wife. Anti christ ko! Anti Alina ni!!!!
This femi guy should go and rest joor, he bases his claim on 08&dis 2012 election. It can just be a coincident if there was a 3rd election and a natural disaster happens again that is when we can start being suspicious, so as God would have it there is no 3rd term. By the way what's this guy's issue with America, he won't face our own country and write about how the government officials are embezzling funds meant for the masses and the way forward.
Man seeking attention.. Ask him if he doesn't visit American often.. we re somebody
Lol. Coming from a total moron that his own people refused to come back to Nigeria because of their idiotic, unfair, classism policies.
If this idiot is aware of anything, United States of America is a nation of multicultural, multi religion nation. Obama is not there for CHRISTIANS only. He is mandated to lookout for other religions too. FYI, half of the crooks that calls themselves pastors in Nigeria are the ones pulling back the country.
Homosexuality is the same as adultery, lies, looting and bribery. So all these holier than thou idiots should get off their holy horses and repent.
@anon1.12 u're an obama fan?! Give me 1 example wen obama or his opponent mentioned AFRICA as deir agenda during any of deir campaigns?! My advice 2 u & other african numbskulls is, concentrate on UR homelands
Mr Femi Fani Kayode.....dis is my advice 4 u.mind ur own business,during 4 reign as a minister of aviation we had d worst air crash in dis country no 1 asked u if u are d 1 using evil forces 2 pull dem down nor d president(OBJ).....leave America 4 d Americans..........If what Obama did 4 his ppl in his 1 tenure no 1 will vote him again.......u dat has pure power from God mention 1 good thing dat u do 4 us............Mr fani kayode talk to Boko haram leave Obama biko.
This article is very shallow.
Obama is a free mason / illuminati. All the powerful people in the USA are, as well as former presidents of that country. Obama or Romney, nothing will change in the game of imperialism and how the world is controlled...
You only support Obama because he is black. A shame really.
He may have a point & he may be talking a whole lot of hogwash, only God knows d truth! To many weird things going on in the world, my only safety is in Jesus!
lol. I am reading devil this, devil that. Pastors have done a good job screwing with a lot of Nigerians brains!!!
Seriously, these so called Christians are ones of the worst human beings on the face of the earth.
The cast out evil and evil things comes of their mouths and their deeds are worse than atheist.
God save us all.
Corrupt ex Nigerian official. Remove the spec in your own eyes...holy.mtscheeew
Pls, who da fuck is Femi Foolish-Kayode??? He should just pls go and hug the transformer and bury his head in the pit. mtchewwww
I concur.
Mr Fani Kayode Sir,If only you had done your research like this while you were in the aviation sector, you wouldn't be a failed leader now. You won't mind ur country bussiness and think of wa!!ys to make urself useful. Mstcheewww
Fani Kayode is a bored bastard..probably he needs to live in america for few years before writing his nonsense!..he shud better go and contest for a local govt chairman in his local govt..did obama contest when hurricane Irene happened?? fuckin osun idiot..kmt
Did Fani Kayode really write this? He must have been off his medication.
Thanks to people like femi fani kayode with too much time on their hands and too much stolen money in their pockets we be rest assured that nigeria will remain the same.
Kettle and pot mata. See Fani wey be thief and kolomental dey dish Obama...lmao.
Femi flop please. Why is it? 10000000x
you call this write-up shallow?
what do you know about politics in the U.S that you are an obama supporter.
Let me break it down for you, I was one of the political campaigners for Obama in 2008 , giving my money and time to this cause,was even in chicago city the night of his inauguration, babes lf I yarn you what was revealed to me about this man shortly after his inauguration you go fear.
I started regretting all the money I donated to his "hope for change" ministry
humbly Ask God to open your eyes Linda
as for fani kayode
you are a deep man but ewo ni ti e nibe n si yin?
instead of him to write such article about Nigerian leaders hes there wasting it on America..He should give Nigerians such awareness,not Americans...Obama is the president of America not the World..Like he mentioned China,Russia and others are waxing strong is Nigeria not good enough to wax strong too...mchewwww..Biko give Nigerians this kinda awareness not Americans..Bcos last last Americans will be alright biko...
All u fools abusing d man, don't u hav brains? He is speaking sense. Don't u see what is happening? N u Linda, obviously u hav no Christ in u. U keep saying alota tins n refuse to heed wat ur mum taught u. If u like don't sit n think stay der n b a huge Obama fan/umbrella. If u don't post my comment eh?
Very shallow,as if nigeria doesn't have enuf problems.wasn't he d one in power wen all the plane crash happenned.he's a natural disaster himself.let's fix our problems before carrying obama on our head.mtchew
Linda, i am new to blogging myself and i find some of ur articles very interesting and the fact that its gat a few people jumpy is what brings out the beauty of the message. I am gona re-blog this particular post of yours with a reference to your site as its source.
That aside, you know too well Illuminati is real,you are a celebrity and you know what am talking about. everything this Femi man said is absolutely true, his research on Obama is spot on, but i wonder whats the reason for his outburst perhaps is he trying to buy his way to the Illuminati? because one sure way to get their attention is through criticizing them. after all his one time boss Obj wanted to be part of it but he was bounced for reasons my source didn't disclose to me. so Linda you know they exist. we all do. They control the world on all spheres,spiritual,physical or metaphysical. we can only hope for Gods deliverance from there strong holds
Haha. FFK should also blame Obama for the floods in nigeria & our power & oil travails. This is some funny sh*t article. Does FFK think Obama has some sort of pact with mother nature or what? Anyway didn't expect much from a rabid ethnic chauvinist/religious fanatic. FFK's mind is shockingly opinionated. SMH
Hhhhhhmmmm......strong words. I must admit I agree with him.
Is that " white powder" under his nose. He needs to just SIT DOWN & SHUT UP! Totally in coherent babble.
Nigerians like taking Panadol for another man's headache.
#shakingmyhead# pure gubberish
In this article the part I like is were he wrote "in my view" all he has written is his view freedom of speech/expression. Readers beware of educated idiots. My view.
Gosh! This Fani-Kayode guy has taken his stupidity to limit. How can he one breathe question Barack Obama's faith and another breathe cast him as a Muslim fanatic. Fani-Kayode should first off, go an extricate himself from the fraud cases hanging over his head and also purge himself of this delusional and arrogant 'my faith is superior to other persons faith" mentality.
And how did he handle the downward trend of the aviation industry during his tenure as a minister? So Romney that is mormon in terms of religious beliefs will be a better leader in his opinion? silly fish, he should find something better to do with his time and shut his trap!
lol@monumentally stupid. but in the end....... Let those that have ears hear.
While I don't care very much for the person of Femi Fani kayode and what he stands for, I have to say that I agree with the essence of his article here. Maybe not the entire fine details, but the general thrust of the article is actually true.
You see, we are at the beginning of the end of time and events are starting to happen which will usher in the end of this age. It really doesn't matter who gets elected because what is about to happen will still happen. The difference being that with Obama, these events will be sped up and he will hasten the emergence of the damned one through his actions or inactions. So he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
And how did he handle the downward trend of the aviation industry during his tenure as a minister? So Romney that is mormon in terms of religious beliefs will be a better leader in his opinion? silly fish, he should find something better to do with his time and shut his trap!
This fani guy is an idiot!! mr ex-aviation minister!!! what did he do during his tenure apart from speaking his queens rubbish english. ode!!! go and sit down jo.
Nevertheless, he has a point. All that he mentioned are true but romney is also not stable.his view of the future is not extactly clear.
Fani baba i trust you.Infact because of you this days no body tries to insult Yorubas and get away with it,u will definately take them 2 d toilet and bullshit dem.Buh on Obama,lets giv him a chance.D fear of Fani Kayode is the beginning of wisdom for Chinua Achebe and Linda Ikeji.
y shud he blame Obama 4 the insurgence nd uprising of BH in Nigeria. Y didnt nigeria take care of its own borders? All i c and cn deduce 4rm this article is dat ds guy's trying to tell us dat Obama's making use of voodoo(african mentality if u ask me) and he's trying to put the blame n muslims for all dat is happening. Mstchewwww
Hnmmm! There Ȋ̝̊̅§ more that beneats d eye, all I can say Ȋ̝̊̅§ God help us all. There still must b some atoom of truth I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ this write up. I honestly don't understand why "Ħ̀ε̅ "legalized abortion. If his mother had aborted him will Ħ̀ε̅ have been US president 2day? Certainly ₪☺τ̅. We all need 2 pray wherever we are cos allegations keep arising daily against Obama n certainly all these allegations cannot all b false.
I just read the beginning of this 100 pages long essay, all I could see is bunch of crap! The bible says we should not judge! Why is this man calling Obama the antichrist??? He asks why is there so much violence during Obama's campaigns, the answer is very simple, America is a very rascist country and having a black president is very humiliating for them! Got it??? Now cut off the Antichrist crap! Mtchewwwww
Dis article is monumentally implicating aswell,Fani Kayode u av dis much strength n iq 2 analyz Obama' Flaws? twill b wise if u did same 4 our Naijarian leaders 2..hey y'll free Linda she' only doin w@ she knws hw 2 do best.
coincidences. He's just being a hater. U nly talk lyk ds wen where u stay is in a perfect order
Whether he is right or wrong! At a point you all will see a Great mystery unfold and you will bite your fingers and curse the day you came to this world..........Find God when you can see Him
this Kayode man should shut up and go find a job...what he know about Christ and religion?jobless nicompoo
Whether he is right or wrong! At a point you all will see a Great mystery unfold and you will bite your fingers and curse the day you came to this world..........Find God when you can see Him
I think femi is kinda rite tho... A black president doesn't stand 4 the best leader *passing by*
Obama for 2012!!!!
Hahahaha! Make una leave Linda for waist na? Whether Obama wins or not, we are getting to the era of the Anti-christ. Obama has already played his part in initiating the anti-christ reign, the proposed chip under the skin due to his health care bill come 2013 . You might be surprise that his opponent might win since Romney is a good Business and good economist, he might fit into the Anti-christ agenda by controlling the economy of the world which will make the world have no other alternative than to Accept what the Anti christ will command.
Both of them are just pawns used by some powerful force governing this world.
I do not like Obama.
He is an anti-Christ.
hEis a supporter of gay mariage, abortion and everything the bible preaches against therefore i do not like him. he is misleading people
I guess we are all entitled to our own opinion. I'm a christain and while I wldnt ascribe myself an Obama fan, I do believe dt der's more to him than meets d ordinary eye. **dont throw stones yet, it's my opinion. U are entitled to your's**
What a dunce! Femi couldn't even be consistent with his argument, flip flopping all over the place.
God bless Dr. Fani Kayode! This is exactly my point, Obama is an anti Christ and he cannot be trusted with America for another 4 years. I pray God will show him out of the white House come November 6th. A president that supports same sex marriage, is not God sent.
HE IS SPOT ON!!...I keep telling people that all Obama does is give great speech but no show......I wont judge Obama as an antichrist cos i dnt really know much about that ...but his policies generally are awful..and they are going to use him as a blackman to destroy America and then blame all the misfortunes on the black....I dont care for any of the Presidential candidates as they are both dodgy but if i were to vote...i would go with Romney..
This Femi-Fani Kayode's skin can be so fresh sha.i am not interested in what he wrote,just the skin.bite me
this femi kayode or watever is just an illiterate.
stupid ass...he is bringing his stupid believe /(nigerian mentality to the states).
thats y you will not be a good politician cos u hav too much negative energy and come across as unlikable!
Femi na God go punish u,what have u done 4 the Nigeria people,instead of tuning ur mouth.so u are know I white man fool.u go kill ur self on tue when Obama win monkey . 4 more year Obama/Biden
Are you serious? Mchewwww.....
Really people this man has to look for something better to write abt
Femi u are abloodly fool.just voted 4 obama
I feel sorry for Femi Fani Kayode. What does this rude and corrupt guy know about spirituality? He is just trying to be relevant.He should be in prison. Anonymous 1:11 PM, thank you for your comment.
How can an educated man write such rubbish? How about all the other hurricanes that occurred before anyone knew Obama. These months are hurricane season, dumbo!
Femi kayode Íڪ a very stupid and a bigger idiot for saying this, when he was working with Obasajor what advice did he give to Obasanjor to make nigeria a better country? As far as am concern he just want to be a populajigo but he ll not get it. This acticle he publish makes him a bigger fool than he Ís. Linda pls always screen befor ur publish.
Dis man is sick.maybe be tur u go kill iur self when Obama is relected.
Unfortunately,u didn't read wat he wrote n secondly,av read on obama being a satanist online wif pictures where he made a sign wif his wife.This sign is a way of bowing/worshipping d devil.So,instead of u just typing to make Linda happy,GET INFORMED.U read nt only wif ur. Eyes buh wif ur mind.
Femi Fani Kayode or what ever you maybe called Kai... When you were Minister and also special adviser to BABA what do you do and adviser...? You are one of the people spoiled our Naija for us. You come here interferring for others people matter. You think OBAMA is like you people That like to go to Babalawo... Fani Kayode never you in your history talk this or post this agin in any blog oooooo. You bi thief. Kai go sleep...
Stupidity. You think its to speak big oyibo? So people should vote a Mormon over a professed Christian? Please think before u open ur mouth Mr Fani Kayode. If you have so much insight and knowledge help us fix nigeria. Anti christ tendencies? Did the bible say the anti christ woul come from america? Go do ur research well. When Bush was president there was hurricane Katrina why does he not have anti christ tendencies?
Same as u.Atleast he's informed.Unfortunately,noone wants to hear d truth.Wat a blind generation.D more u look d less u see,d closer ur to d truth d more confused u get.Mtcheewwww!
typical of Nigerians, attacking the messenger instead of facing the issues raised. Fani kayode has raised some questions ad posers, what i expect is people to pick and dissect his point one after the other not attacking the man.
Foolish Nigerians!!
While i wouldn't want to dwell on the superstitions aspects, almost all points he raised as regards omitting God, encouraging Homosexuality and supporting Abortion are all true
Fani Kayode is a big IDIOT indeed, he should just shut up with all the money he stole in government. Who is asking for his opinion, as if he is not part of the Nigerian mess..nonsense...shioooor
Its u d devil is using.Its called int'l news.Get informed.All dat happened in d days of Jesus were recorded dat y we can make sense out of it,go to jerusalem n u'll know dey r real.Look around u n tell us wat u see.Dats if u see anything.SMH
This idiot of a man that calls himself 'femi fanikayode' is just looking for international recorgnation but I can proudly say that femi has failed,fool's like femi are paid to do thing's like this n a lot of deals comes along with it as well.the main target of this new's is to circulate d international world and as long as it catches d attentions of d citizen's of d usa then d deal is sealed,I reside in d usa n I know what is happening here,especially things of this nature.. As for u femi,go get busy n pay more attention to our country nigeria n let us all make nigeria a better place and miss linda am sure u don't wanna b involved in matter's like this.A word is enough for the wise.
this man again! you are taking pain-killers for other ppl's aches. what were ur own parts and roles during your time in government? how much impact did you make on the masses? what have you proposed as palliatives, incentives, etc. for the civilian millions and their families that were slaughtered in cold blood during the Biafran War..attacking Achebe, right? Pls Mr.Fani-Kayode- which shd concern/bother you more?? I see you have so much time now..Leave Obama alone.
This guy needs to shut the fuck up and face the problems of his useless country and stop worry about Obama. This is why I cannot stand all these so called "men of God" in nigeria. Always quick to pass judgement and fail to remove the stick in their eyes
Born-again conservative christain nig-american my foot.Aborn-again dat lacks wisdom to decern btw good n evil.Mtchewww!
Femi's article is seriously disjointed - here and there.... it lacks substance and seems like he's just been cutting and pasting different write ups he found on the internet..... like a uni student doing course work.
i dont find this article very intelligent at all, esp coming from a former minister.....smh!
This man have wipe away our integrity and intellectual just luke at every one is now abusing our illuminate we have someone better than him .........we illuminaty we the best....... Bend down low....
lol Linda you find this shallow abi?
And all these stories about KIM K and K Solo u post on this site are what?
Please open ur mind and broaden ur horizon
Femi kayode,shut that toilet u call mouth up, idiot like you. i know you don't live in U.S, so don't say what u don't know. continue to spend all d money u stole during Obasanjo reign, i know you are seeking for relevance. you are talking of natural disaster during Obama's campaign, this flood that is ravaging Nigeria now what caused it? all these troubles and fraud in Nigeria is still there with you guys without any solution, You are running ur pit seeking to be noticed
Is dat all u can say?Wat is wrong wif dis generation?So if its nt abt d'banj its nt relevant?I would av said ur head is empty buh who am I to judge.
with obama or Romney soon the prophecy over america must surely come to pass.the word of God cant be broken.
Dat writer might have seen wat we are not seeing ooo. Abeg pass d mic mehn
The Pentecostal brain washing brigade is very successful at distorting the truth. Please people, use your heads. Obama is not the anti christ but he came to lift up the black race all over the world. These white southern pastors are lying to you o. Black people please unite. Don't let these racists destroy our race with your stupidity. Collect your braincells from them and start thinking for yourselves. Let it not be by your hands that the black race will go into oblivion. I don talk my own o!!!!
@Anonymous 1:13pm
Was Fani kayode wrong in all the points and issues he raised??????
If you are a true born-again christain like you claim, you shouldnt have used the word "idiot" on him. Was he wrong Kayode wrong on any of the points he raised about Obama and Religion???
Your casting your Vote for Obama doesnt in anyway prove Kayode wrong. dont get me wrong i am a big Obama supporter but fani is 100% right on all the points he raised.
Linda! Stop replying n dropping comments here! Quit trying to sway our interests with ur biased views! I know Obama is the devil, cz he's such a smooth talker that he cannot be one! ♍ not gonna talk about the pro's n con's of his regime... But i will say dis OBAMA's skin may be black, but his skin is white he does not care about Nigeria... This hs been manifested in his shunning of visiting the country! I am disgusted dt any1 who is nigerian would support him...
Kayode isn't stupid, Obama is a member of d Illuminati- whether u ppl believe it or not. Linda, d Illuminati truly exists(believe it or not)
So he gets powers from illuminati? Very dump article by F.kayode.. He shld answre these! Why do sumone great die when Ramsey(arsenal player) scores an important goal? Why does a couple(presidential) to Aso rock and one die? D dumb list is endless. Coincidence is a word in d dictionary jor!
All I can say is dis "Obama is part of d fulfilment of bible prophesy, so is d rise of China and all d oda countries flexing dia muscle. We r yet 2 see hu d king of d north written in revelation alludes to. *Daniel's prophesy, light for all mankind, volumes 1 and 2*r
Obama and who ever backs him up uses the HARRP technology to cause the storm and hurricanes, they are just creating disasters with HARRP. so they will make money from rebuliding those cities. but as for him been anti christ is total bull shit,
This still boils down to the illuminati and freemasons which have their leaders in the white house. I won't be surprised if obama is at the top of this cult. Fani kayode isn't far from the truth. These pple offer sacrifices each time they are about to have an undertaking. Look at whitney houston's death befor the grammy's in 2012 and michael jacksons death in 2009. We need to be prayerful and not allow the devil take over. God help us all.
You see why Ivy League schools are bad... This man is a Cambridge graduate and went to Harrow... see the rubbish he comes up with. Money wasted on top flight education.. He did not need to go to all these schools to produce this ...
If only the people shouting stupid, idiot and all will sit back for a second and think. Forget our skin color, look at the goods and bads of obama and weigh them to determine which tips the balance.
What Fani Kayode just wrote is not new to me and for months now I have been brooding about it but really nobody to share it with. Everybody is about the skin color and the beautiful speeches we get.
The facts are all there for you to see. Which american president in the past ever supported gay marriage? Obama did. Remember his govt is even against the recent resolution of the nigeria house of reps about gay activites and marriage on nigeria soil.
However I can also talk as a christian, why will he remove God and israel from their party convention? Fani Kayode said it all and the truth is he only confirmed what I know already. You guys can do some research too and stop being sentimental.
I've been telling my wife for months that I hope romney wins cos of all this too.
And ask yourself what you gained as africans under obama that you never got under bush? Nothing my people!
God help us peeps!
This guy is the greatest educated nonentity that has come out of this country. You forget that you were part of the policy makers as an adviser to the president on aviation and you left the aviation industry in his comatose stage with no viable input. You have not removed the log in ur own eyes but trying to remove the speck in anothers eye. What have you ever written about the serial murders and human sacrifices your mates in the country do during elections. As an idiot, you ask questions without profferring answers, it brings to bear your kind of person. Only askings questions and not knowing the answers. Please stop looking for cheap publicity.
Look at Fani Kaoyode that kept an igbo mistress as a Minister inspite of being married. Took d girl around d globe sponsored by tax payers money! Buying her expensive JweLrries etc and when the security forces were looking for him during his corruption investigation,it was his girlfriend who told them where he was hiding!
For this fake man to be insinuating that Obama is anti christ clearly shows ppl how sketchy his character is!This man is a big fool!
Femi has really made some sense and I agree with a lot of points he has made about obama. Yes, but femi I also do not think ur any better than obama given ur stint as information minister under obasanjo. Uu were always so quick to call black white. Intelligent written piece of yours but for me, ur just an Esau who can sell his birthright for a plate of porridge.
Conservative huh?
Interesting read actually.
People just like drafting a small mound of sand into a mountain hill.... He sure does have time on his hands for him to have noticed all this... Anyways who am I to judge.. Only God knows the truth.. And he is the only one that can reveal the truth...
If you like insult Fani-Kayode na you know, the truth in due time will reveal itself. I followed Obama closely in the 2008 election and I knew deep within me that something ain't just right with Him, I don't consider Him as the Anti-Christ but I felt He has a huge role to play in ushering in the Agenda of the anti-christ, especially His wife, she has an aura around her that puts me off greatly, NO HARD FEELINGS... I admire beautiful, energetic, strong women, but Michelle is a complete TURN OFF for me, I just can't say why... Anyways in due time we will know the truth, no man truly with the spirit or fear of God will Legalise SODOMY, even in Nigeria as corrupt as our leaders are, not one of them can come out to say okay, WE WELCOME SODOMY... For a leader to reach that point, then God has completely left that individual. I remember a prophecy by a Late great man of God in America in the 70s, all His prophecies have come to past and many more still lies ahead...
In due time we will know the truth, it will stare at us in the FACE. In the mean time: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, Seek God when He can be found... A word is enough for the wise, so you dont get caught unaware... Icluding you Linda, Jesus is coming soon...
They say 'when d gods want to kill you, they make u go crazy first'. Please don't mind the dis-illusioned rantings of a mad man like Femi fani kayode still trying to make relevance after been booted out of cabinet donkey years ago. Too much unnecessary drama. Don't worry, he comes from a line of crazies so blame it on d genes.
LINDA! LINDA!! LINDA!!!.. Let fani kayode speak his mind, dats his own POV, but all he has said is sooo shallow. + whoever u suprot b it obama or romney its ur choice. I am an obama fan cos he's d 1st blck president in d us. Let's face our country we av a lot2 worry abt hre dan wastin tym assesin Obama.
Floberry aka berrywyze
Fani Kayode is very Correct,obama is a devil..I so much detest him
I feel for all who voted for him!
Please how many questions did the IDIOT ask OBJ as a Minister or SA? What questions has he asked in Nigeria before jumping into US Polity?
Linda, advice that man o! Na so craze dry take start o!
This Obasanjo former houseboy is looking 4 a 15mins of fame riding on Obamas coat tails! Mumu!
Check out this YT video of Obama mocking the Bible - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWHdQBMgb4
two time former minister will write such a shallow article on someone that is not in his levels. Aside from dat, he was a government official in Nigeria, what did he do that he can boost of. After stealing all the money under his adminstration. FEMI IS HYPOCRITE
Femi kayode is a big fool.
Truth! There are meaning to all these natural disasters occuring this period of the American Elections... This battle is of the Lord and not man.
Femi Fani Kayode is not STUPID,infact indeed his a wise man,to all those anonymous pple with your stupid comment,you guys are indeed stupid bcus ur too blind to see the truth,you guys are so lost with the things of the world,i pray for ur souls and i pray obama dont win...femi fani kayode ,GOD bless u for these message and i stand beside you 100 percent OBAMA IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
This guy is a bloody moron! It's called hurricane season! These storms happen every year with varying degrees of damage.
Ghen! ghen eh!! Good penmanship. Convince me more papa Femi
Let me start by saying that all those calling Obama the Anti Christ and voting for Romney is about to do what the Devil wants. Jesus said that ALL LIARS belong to their FATHER the DEVIL. Romney is a pathological Liar, so is Fani Kayode. Obama is going to win come tuesday. When fools like this guy talk about Natural disasters like this, we now know why Nigeria is underdeveloped.
He got a point der. We here in naija and in Africa see him as a messiah holding him in high esteem, smitten by his charismatic personality buh....tins re happening
This is idiotic. October and November every year is hurricane season for heaven's sake! The American people will decide who becomes their President on November 6. Thank God it's not a Fani Kayode with his negative, primordial postulations. Shame on you when Obama gets the ticket for the next 4 years!
Lol! Yeye man, he dey criticize persn wey dey america y cnt he go ahead n ask uncle jona y is tenure is so terrible and brought along with him subsidy and bokoharam, am sure he wld b der wen jona ll contest fra second tym. Oga ,park well. Remove the speck in ur eyes bfr u complain abt odas
Femi Fani-Kayode, former minister and special adviser under OBJ. If we want advice, we certainly won't seek it from a former corrupt govt official like you. Only God knows how much you carried when you were in office. If we want advice on siphoning money from govt, we'll ask for your expert advice.
Fani Kayode is seriously deluded.Can any Nigerian politician say in all truthfulness that they are for Christ. And i suppose that equates to being an anti christ. So Fani Kayode should shut up his hypocritical mouth and stop posing for us and for his pastor. Bloody Cultist. I dont like what Obama did especially with the Gay marriage thing and i believe it is definitely not Christian/Muslim oriented. Both religions abhor the act and it is a mockery on God's creation. But i feel that Fani Kayode is not the person to talk about this. Or any politician for that manner
A direct lift from the right wing blog. Come to think of it, this guys claim to fame is that he was a 2 time minister in Obasanjo Govt( In Nigeria) and he closes his write up with GOD BLESS AMERICA? Fools make the loudest noise. Romney is a mormon and their belief is that Jesus was just a man like any one of us. If Romney becomes the US president(the most powerful man on earth) he automatically becomes the New Jesus. The Messiah! Thats why he feels that just electing him will solve America's problem and bring about world piece. #The book of mormon
It is very sad that person of Fani Kayode can talk about godliness.He was talking that Obama nearly prostrated to KinG Fahd of Saudi Arabia.It's all about respect.Other past presidents of America were whites and don't have respect for anybody.Have we forgotten that Obama has a root in Kenya and that makes him an African first.Does Fani Kayode want to wipe off the way he adored ordinary OBJ and turned him to God while working under him.So , he does not have any moral justification to assume that Obama is an antichrist because of his respect for Saudi King.It is pertinent for everybody to know about separation of powers in democracy.Most of these policies on Gay and abortion is not sole decision of Obama,the bill was passed in the lower and upper house and what he did was to append his signature.At that point, there was nothing he could have done.Also, on issue of Israel and other Muslim neighbors.The problem was there and would continue after he must have left office.It is written in the bible that swords would not depart from his house(David) and his brothers would wage war against him and this as result of his sin against God by killing Uriah.I remembered in one of his campaign in 2008.He came out and spoke against Gay ism and homosexual.On abortion , why are we pretending to be saint when we are not, everybody knows most of virtues we cherished as an African people are nothing to developed countries.We should first face our own problems locally before going beyond our boundaries and pretend to be Godly.Fani Kayode does not have any moral standard to speak evil of Obama because he is corrupt morally and financially.He case is still with EFCC.He should answer all questions of frauds alleged against him.I rest my case.God help Obama.
Fani Kayode is a flipping imbeciles & exemplifies the ignorance plaguing Nigeria at the highest level, he's an example of our naija leaders always blaming their incompetence on some unforseen enemies. The dude is only trying to stay relevant, when we all know how abysmal his was as a minister. What a douche bag!
well i think he has a point but blaming all the mis-happenings on the world on just one man is a little shallow....and he didn't even mention some of the good deeds that have been accomplished by him...i have got alot of frndz in the state and they have all casted in the early vote for obama that to show that he is doing something right at least
This guy is an idiot. And Linda as much as I love your blog, the kind of comments your followers leave make me question if I should even visit this blog. You can tell just how narrow their thinking is with comments like don't let the devil use you because you stated that you support Obama. Smh
well i think he has a point but blaming all the mis-happenings on the world on just one man is a little shallow....and he didn't even mention some of the good deeds that have been accomplished by him...i have got alot of frndz in the state and they have all casted in the early vote for obama that to show that he is doing something right at least
Thou shall not judge..... Leave criticism open and don't condem
Anyone who cares to know should check his record. FFK has mental and psychiatric problems. He was committed twice in a disclosed hospital. He obviously has too much time in his hands. No one should give him any credit for this shallow article. He failed twice as a minister. He has nothing credible to offer his own country. He wants media attention and no any sane citizen will adhere to his pranks. He went to law school but it is obvious law school went thru him. His recent behavior is becoming unbecoming. Let's tame this crazy dog and chain him to yet another mental institution.
Insulting Femi Fani-Kayode does not answer the question. Femi Fani-Kayode wrote his observation he didn't insult anybody. Why insult the man?
who died and made him judge?!
like seriously???
from him?
This dude is grossly misinformed. I don't think I'll be able to reply this zombie on the reasons why Obama apologized to the Middle East about American policies that have been known to keep them under suppression and bondage. The IMF, World Bank are examples of tools that the West uses to rip off lower and less politically influential countries of the world. FYI, American and Western policies that have been put in place for centuries is also part of what is keeping Africa in bondage, and financial debt, till this day.
What Obama has with the elemental forces? Nothing. Mr, Ignorance and Fallacious statements are all what you have. Like, the way you're blaming him for Boko Haram, and all other reasons why a country like Nigeria that is a couple of billions less as rich as the UAE can't have stable electricity, or even basic infrastructure such as Healthcare for its citizens, or even manageable road networks, or at least maintain the ones that have been built, or tackle the Niger Delta Militant/Boko Haram countrywide oppressions.
You blame him for allowing bisexuals, or homosexuals from progressing in life, just the opposite of what happens in Nigeria, where women, and the less influential ethnic groups are oppressed from major political offices, and the voices of common citizens are shut out on a daily basis.
How you blame him for trying to abolish Christianity, and other forms of religion, yet cry that he appointed a homosexual priest or pastor? How has Christianity, and Muslim solved our problems, other than to enrich the pockets of these religious leaders, and encourage their psychedelic show of wealth, and their malevolent inclinations to harm other ethnicities by manipulating the scriptures and playing with the ignorance and weaknesses of the uneducated and unenlightened congregation?
In a nutshell, if you and your ex-president were saints and knights in shining armors, what and why are the majority of Nigerians looking for ways to run from the country? Why do you prefer Mitt Romney who vowed to neglect 47 percent of the 330 million Americans he describes as free riders? Since you failed to go back in time and study the history of the Catholic Church, how it was used to perpetrate evil, and why power was taken away from the Church and handed over to the state, let me remind you that the Old Testament sounds as every bit as violent as what was happening in America years ago during slavery (the bible even supports the ownership of slaves). Barack Obama is making sure that the myopic, shortsightedness, and the somewhat dangerous nature of religious extremists are curtailed under his governance.
Who even made you a special adviser? You, Sir, display such low levels of reasoning only seen in people who are in the dark! Move over, Ignoramus, we're moving forward.
Obama for the win!
Linda Ikeji, post my comments o! Don't be a coward
From what I just read, This man is very correct in all his points and conclusion on Obama's regime.
If Truly we can see d truth; I can tell obama's an agent of the devil paving way for the Antichrist and his government, we all heard he's signed into law the bill of legalizing the implantation of 'radio frequency identification number' which is atherwised assumed as the mark of the beast as written in the bile.
He also went as far as signing into law the barn of grooming Home garden, and as well launched into space a satelite monitoring The earth, and so many others as we've read from the writer. Please let's make sure we know the intentions, visions and Who the real Barrack Nobama is. Thanks
The writer is as stupid as the article he wrote!
Like one Anonymous rightly wrote; "Femi is monumentally stupid."
When he was a Minister in Nigeria, what policy(ies) did he try to change or was able to implement? Hell 'NONE!' If any article should be thoroughly read and worked on.....obviously not the one written by a THIEF.
nigerians and their always attaching 'unfortunate occurences' to being SPIRITUAL. What happens to happenings called 'Natural Disasters'?
I am not so stupid to take your article hook, line and sinker!
Femi, go and sit your black ass all the way down....and watch as the next USPresident is announced!
Since u knw more,pls educate us,oshisko.ur a born again conservative christian nigerian-american-confused fellow..commenting frm ur 1 room rugged apartment in mushin. Park well jor
for some one who has moral failings like fani kayode i don't know what he is on about....what bout the mishaps when he headed the aviation ministry.....what should we attribute that to?
mtcheeew,remove the log in your eyes first! after u don chop Nigeria money finish u dey form christain abi?God is watching you. until you return your stolen loot before i can take you serious!
We al knw d@ obama is a real anti-christ ruler bt romney is also into d game. We jst nid God's protection nd guardians. God bless ur believers nd america d demonic nation.
Obama is an Anti-christ that 1 is undisputed. 2 those of u Anonymous claiming u ar Christians, u ar Christian jus bcus u were born in2 d families of christians u knw nothing abat christianity. What has Obama done in d past 4yrs of his rule that shows he is a true believing Christian? Da man is just Hussein.
Has he said anything outside of the facts? It is time we look outside the sentiments that brought Obama to power. His policies are clearly anti christian. Whether or not he has demonic ties I do not know but this is not a man that knows or respects the God that I serve.
I am surprise that femi falana can talk like an illiterate african man. i sincerely respect you more than your level of reasoning, but it only shows the type of leaders we have in nigeria.
Fani_kayode might be a deceptive idiot ACCEPTED bt d facts speak 4 itself.....I'm an Obama fan bt with all these revelations....its baffling if u think abt it......May d LORD guide n protect us here in NIGERIA n all over d WORLD....AMEN!!
Politics and Religion do not blend in the secular world, you cannot expect President Obama to force christianity on Americans, the issues bothering on abortion and homosexuals are decisions human beings make of which they should not be denied the right ,anybody can make decisions in view of his or her freedom with referecne to what to do with their bodies and that is what President Obama is saying,you can't bully people into how to live their lives by the rules of your faith because you are president, it does not make sense to do so , in addition we can do as we please but we cannot dictate the outcome of any unrepentant perpetual action,we would reap what we sow.In terms of Foreign policy ,I think Femi Fani Kayode is wrong in view of his say on israel and God, what he said is not true with reference to the alienation of Israel and elimination of God.President Obama actually said that reference to God should be re-introduced to the Democrats again.Prior to Obamas reign to power , the foreign policy in the middle east and America was in tatters ,hence there has to be lots of diplomacy to re-gain trust after the controversial Iraq war.In terms of Syria , I think there is alot you need to know before you judge Barack Obama on it ,Syria is not Libya and Libya is not Syria so beware.There has been rampant disasters and killings in the state because the end of the world is at hand, the bible said that in the last days iniquity will abound and the love of many will wax cold,more than before there have been more cold-hearted murders, gang rapes, disasters, accidents and all sort of evil because the Devil knows his time is short hence he is sending out more evil to kill and destroy and cause carnage.The current evils has nothing to do with President Obama.The middle class in America has been squeezed abit because when the economy suffers , the middle class will suffer too.God has put President Barack Obama at the reigns of power to prove that black people can actually succeed,I doubt if Mitt Romney is sincere and I also doubt if he will ever deliver.President Barack Obama is a born-again christian who served as an usher in the church of Christ in Chicago for 20years before chaning his church.I guess you are saying these things because of the news and the ugly media which can in some case be very racist and biased.
This mr kayode is just a daftie! Very very lame piece. Some things he stated aren't facts. Well, that's his own opinion. As if USA never had mishaps and it all went bad when Obama came in to power. About the homosexuality thing,I can't remember him saying out rightly that he supports them. But am I very sure he stated something like- he believes everyman is allowed to be free and do what so ever (sexuality). And I feel that was a very smart statement to make. To be neither here nor there and not hurt anybody's feelings. Mr kayode should analyse GEJ-the lokoja/delta/bayelsa flood, bokoharam, fuel issues and all. So he isn't anti christ? LOL! He won't analyse our own is them yankee! Smh* silly man!
@ Anon 1: 13p.m though i'm not a Fani-Kayode Frienf/foe, but calling someone an 'IDIOT' for his opinion and u r not just a xtian but a born again one!u hav to reconsider ur type of xtianity.
@ Linda,dis is nt premiership where u r either ManU or Chelsea fan. This is reality and most of d things happenin around us sure have subterreanean motives. Illuminati, bokoharam et al. r slowly but steadily acting out an end time script unless u r part of them these tins r real-the Bible says so
At least his people are not suffering unlike here in Nig where our leaders are hypocrites. They watch pple die of starvation and steal public funds meant to cater for the masses.Tell me of the two devils which one would you prefer? The hypocritical devils(Nigerian leaders) or the devils whose country men and women are not starving, have jobs, light,good medical care and value for human life. God bless America and Nigeria
You can't rule America without belonging on d dark side. And when you belong on the dark side, u do the master's will not yours.
Stupid fool! What has hurricane Sandy got to do with Obama's election? How did this mad man ever get to be minister? I like conspiracy theories just like the next man but his man's theories are ludicrous. So what if he apologized for the evil America has been doing in the middle east? Isn't that the right thing to do? Is it because they are muslims in the middle east that makes it wrong for Obama to apologize? What a shallow minded man.
Na dem know,whether America will remain a world power is their wahala,my own is I don tire 4 PHCN! Linda if u lyk don't post my comment
Fani Kayode should go and sit down and shut up his bas ass mouth! After looting the treasury dry now he is looking for relevance!
how dare he write about Obama...what levels does he think he is?
Striking thing for me is that Femi Fani Kayode is far from the position to lampoon Obama. That said lets examine the merits and lapses of his various arguments.
Bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia is his personal decision and how it affects America or the world is so loosely depicted that i can make any substance out of it.
Second Point, The Human rights policies of a foreign country visited by another foreign president is far removed from reality. Femi Fani Kayode was a two time minister in Nigeria, we have our plethora of Human rights abuses in Nigeria, Please he should in his infinite wisdom and clcetic memory, remind in one swipe, where and when he has done anything to alleviate the suffering of the masses from the cushioned environment provided by his fathers and subsequently, his stolen wealth.
For Homosexuality, Removal of God and Israel from the democratic convention, and all other pervasive policies that has fraught America in recent season, I can only say, America is acting out a script. If you read the bible well, all the great cities and kingdoms God brought to their knees, even Israel, acted out this same script.
In conclusion, Mr Femi Fani-Kayode, I read you a statement written by Ceasar of old, "Look ye to thy own defences". We have a myriad of issues in Nigeria, Lets focus this you newly found love for God and defence of Human Rights towards, first righting the ills you perpetrated (we could start with restitution of the funds you are accused and technically proven to have appropriated to himself), then addressing the devilish things that are being done in PDP and by PDP to the masses.
After we look good at home, then we can look beyond our borders.
This FFK is all kinds of stupid. Couldn't make head or tail of this trash he wrote. He's just another conspiracy theorist on the block. Anything for attention, doesn't care if relevant or not. He's a nutcase.
Wait o,pple pls wait!my question is dis,and am hoping FFK sees this.pls sir,how does this Obama issue affect our lives in Nigeria?2ndly wat av you as a person,a human being who has been@∂ herms of power;done 2betta your nation or your next door neighbour4dat matter?HISSSS instead of the nicompu 2face d1 dat concerns him and his future generation.he's giving his opinion where no1 gives a FUCK!idiat!lolol #okbye (lindapostmycommento) *muah*
Does dis guy know that mitt Romney has no idea when it gets to foreign policy. Obama has kept d u.s free from any attacks, isn't dat enough. Ex obj adviser why don't u find a way to curb boko Haram's surge in Nigeria since u r d all-knowing man. Punk.
@Anon 11:1pm u'r a fool 4 saying dat, i can see u'r so stupidly blind and ur brain is not in shape! So u cannot in btw d lines huh? Obviously all fani kayode has pinpointed really happened n some ar stil happening n more ar stil 2 come if obama continues 2 be in power! Always use ur Brain b4 u talk!
Femi ke? Useless crazy attention seeker
Please ignore the fool. All the cocaine he takes has turned his head. Don't let us talk ooh. God would never make you Governor in Osun State. His private life would bring down this blog. Idiot.
See who's talking.
SMH @ ignorance all around...
That superstitious self-opinionated, ignaramus superstitious nincompoop was really a minister in Nigeria - a country full of highly educated people! Unbelievable. It just shows that you can put a donkey in a classroom but you can never make it get an education. Incredible.
So we blame Obama for all the problems of the world and even for Boko Haram? Is he the American or 'World' president? Must he take responsibility for the inability of the rest of the world to take responsibility for themselves. I guess Fani Kayode is just seeking relevance and has too much time on his hands. I would have expected better...
Ohhh! Pls where ws ths same man when Obj ws making bad decisions for nigeria, am sure fFk ws to busy packing mny into hs agbada to speak up about the ills in nigeria, who made him a judge over obama? Shallow arguments .barack has only created equality for d gay, cos they were bn killed, He is a president n not God,FFk hasn't made any sense@ all
Fani kayode is an educated retard, i think he has too much time on his hands.plus mr anonymous too supporting him, so obama cooked the storm @ ur backyard and sent it abi? Black man trying to progress other black men pulling him down.
We all know what he is saying is the truth,pres obama is not to be trusted and pls linda stop saying you don't believe illuminati exists,it exists go to vigilantcitizen.com and check for urself,obama is the anti-christ,may God help us all.
Why doesn't this Idiot focus on what is going on in his own country. a**hole
Shuush! To what extent did u show u know this God when u were in Govt?
I am surprised that Femi Fani Kayode keeps attacking gays even after his own brother who was gay died fighting the cause. Is this how to honour your big brother's memory My Fani Kayode? Instead of putting his name in the book of Nigerian legends you hid him from the world until he died and the truth was revealed through bloggers. Leave gay people alone they are not harming you okay. Linda read it in this link and see how he is shamelessly mocking the memory of his big brother. smh
Just seeking popularity from Americans.I promise u won't be noticed ever...u tink say na una yeye Nigerian political maradona...
Ceriously?! that's just to make people more sceptic. That's true that there is a lot of devil link acts but, what are you gonna do about it ? Obama may be the pr of the most powerfull country in the world that's not why he can't bow in front of Saudi Arabia's king? Those guys have what america wants. and when you want something from someone, you get yourself down not up as a chief no matter your social status. everybody know that muslims are stubborn people. so u you better act calm that act as a powerfull person and they will exterminate your entire population.And PPLLLEEAASSEEE, stop those nonsense links about hurricanes and elections. find something real and strong to talk about President Obama, not those things. What do you know about what Romney can do? Nobody knows exactly what is behind the mind (religiously) of those political persons. All I care for is that Obama is fighting to better the image of America while the others want to use the power (as you are insinuating) to get what they want. Americans are dying without knowing and Obama want them to live. I don't wanna have a political debate but that's what I think. stop linking Obama to those arab in such a way. Just hope that one day some people will stand between them and ask to stop those criminalities.
This article is a joke. First he insinuates that Obama is the anti-christ, then he says Obama is a Muslim, then he says Obama is a Muslim killer, then he says Obama is a Muslim lover. And the funny thing is that people will believe all these garbage...Africans! When will we wake up?
In my opinion, Obama is just trying to make people of all races, culture, sexual orientations, and diverse beliefs love each other. Without this, people will keep fighting eachother over flimsy reasons.
This guy is just a jobless person. This is total rubbish. If he doesn't have work, he should go hug wet transformer. He is there analysising another country when his country is trying hard to progress. Sometimes some people have brains but just can't use it for any good.
Why shouldnt abortion be legal biko nu. what happens if the mother is not financially or mentally able to support the kid huh? Its d african barbaric way of thinking that leads to such articles. Obama bowed down in respect(isnt that a virtue?), but that doesnt mean the U.S will not properly deal with that country if need be. You r proudly listing countries that could take over world power but ur country is not one of them. isnt that a shame? Didnt u have an opportunity to make an impact? your running ur filthy mouth after u n obj exploited d wealth of d country and of the citizens. Pass d mic n have several sits abeg.
I think shallow is an understatment to describe this article coming from a former minister, but that aside, my question is why is he taking panadol for another persons headache, I think we av more anti-christ here in nigeria, all our politicians are wors than anti_christ, why is he not writing articles on them, since he is all of a sudden concerned about the anti-christ
I don't care what Fani or his cohorts/loons are saying.
Even if Barack is the devil himself,I just don't care. am proud to identify myself with him and will always follow him.
Of course, My Barack Hussein Obama is God's chosen son and am happy that he is the president of the free world.
Lol, he needs publicity. Just string a few coincidences together to create a "theory" then BAM, you get people talking. Lol
He should lend his all seeing eye to us and let the usa deal with her issues. Pls funny-fanny, look ibto your crystal ball and tell us who has the gnarled hand turning the boko haram soup
Look at this fool! If it were to be in a country where the rule of law is upheld, this idiot would have been ia prison by now, taking into consideration the attrocities and corruption he engineered during the rule of the buffon. But no, he's a free man today enjoying his ill gotten wealth and having the temerity to write this utter rubbish.
May I remind this idiot that there are so many other calamities in this world that he failed to attribute to obama. He forgot that the ice in the polar regions are melting so fast; what about about the earthquake in japan a few years back;or the fact that the earth is becoming unusually warmer? To bring it closer home, what about the fact that the buffon his master couldn't get a third term or the fact that there were several air crashes during his time as aviation minister? From the rubbish he put up as an article, obama caused all these and yet, he failed to list them. Obama even made him to steal money from the government coffers and to leave the aviation industry in the worst shape than he met it. Lest I forget, obama is equally responsible for recycling crooks and robbers like him in positions of authority in nigeria.
I think shallow is an understatment to describe this article coming from a former minister, but that aside, my question is why is he taking panadol for another persons headache, I think we av more anti-christ here in nigeria, all our politicians are wors than anti_christ, why is he not writing articles on them, since he is all of a sudden concerned about the anti-christ
Fani Kayode is entitled to his opinions likewise you Linda . I think it is beneath you to call or tag someone's opinion as being shallow or dumb only because it did not follow your school of thought.
I like your blog but it becomes messy when you leave the sideline and take on gloves to fight personalities.
Femi has spoken his mind and it's up to everyone to believe or not.
I think he should pay more attention to the people in NIGERIA who display anti-Christ tendencies everyday.
America isn't a place of religious fundamentalism. Obama understands this and respects this. Obama is unique in that he is humble enough to bow in front of other leaders. People like Femi intrigue me about the type of Christians they claim to be. I am a Christian and I grew up to understand that humility is key: It is a Christian value. I bet Femi, as president of Femi Kingdom, will be so damn arrogant. Femi, you are pathetic and hypocritical. Rubbish article.
Why didn't he write an article on the billions of dollars he stole,when he was. Aviation minister. Mumu man
Wat is Fani Kayode saying same hurricane happened last year in d state and dere waz no Presidential election..... Smh 4 dis man!
People don't be deceived. Fani words are truth. Obama was sworn in by the holy bible which teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. For Obama to endorse gay marriage, it is ruling against the bible instructions. It is just like disobeying the 10th commandment. Obama failed but may God forgive him. Because he obviously supported gay marriage cos of his second term reelection. Which I term GREED.
#Born again conservative christian Nigerian - American# indeed! From Ur comment I can only dipict a shalow minded miopic pagan! MAY GOD ALLMIGHTY HELP US ALL...
As far as I'am concern , Obama is an agent prepared to usher in the rain of the anti-Christ!
Hmmm sounds foolish..but reall!
Adultery and Homosexuality are both sexual sins, none weighs more than the other. Yet millions of Nigerians cheating on their spouses will also open their mouths and condemn homosexuals. It makes me laugh.
Hmmmmm sorry dat I can't spare a thought about dis whole US and Obama ish,coz d troubles in my dear country gave no room for dat. Am surprised u Kayode had all dis time to analyse anoda beta country like dis.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This na just conspiracy theory. I could cook up one about Romney too......... how its a scheme by the Devil to make Mormonism more acceptable and thus contaminate true Christianity.
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