According to police reports, Terry G hit the victim, Moshood Azeez, with his car while leaving Club Royale located on Oba Akran Rd Ikeja.
Moshood, whose leg was crushed in the accident, was rushed to General Hospital Ikeja where he is still receiving treatment. Terry G was said to have fled the scene of the accident now making it a police case.
Police at Wemabod Estate, Ikeja invited the Akpako master for questioning but he didn't respond to the invitation. Corporal Linus Reuben who is in charge of the case said Terry G has left the country for the UK. He said they plan to go after him once he returns.
Sis., this guy should be very careful Oooo... #Dnt_loose_ur_head!
Kindly, visit: http://chiboychuks.blogspot.com
Why are our "celebrities" like this?
This is irresponsibility at it's peak! He probably smoked 'whatever'it is they said he likes to.
Hmmm.... In as much as he is a mad man, Is he also an animal?? Na waa ooh. Wel, make we no blame am much, mayb he didnt even notice that he actually hit smtin or sombody. U knw say if dem don smoke that thing wey dem dey smoke...... Them eyes go begin play dem hide and seek.
Terry G why now? U should have remorse. U don't commit a crime and flee d country immediately. It soooo makes one guilty of the crime. Besides I'm sure u wouldn't wanna be referred to as Jessica Tata's brother. I hope he comes back soon enuff to clear d air.
WHAT???????!!!! Tell me this is a joke or a media hoax. If its really true it means Terry G has finally ended his fame. Smh.... Was he high as usual as what? Everyone knows the answer to that already. From celebrity to criminal? How sad!!
Nah dats no gud news atall,I pray he comes out clean.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
If dis story is true, then I must say its very irresponsible of him to "hit n RUN"
Terryg abeg show up ,maka y nau bro
I've always thought he should be in prison.
na marijuana dey work, terry G don smoke igbo......
if he ran tinkin' nobdy noticed, to save his image, he was wrong, nw c wat he got himself into runner away akpako master.
Terrible Gabriel @ it again.....Nawao!
Make. Una leave master. Terry G alone. Btwn friday and now e don enter Uk Lasma no dey road then?
let dem make sure terry G Pay for his crime.......linda if u dont post my crime den u ar supportin terry g for wat he did....
Lmao! Fugitive tinz sha
Dis niggar need τ̅☺ realize dat he is now a fada and dere are certain tins he needs τ̅☺ stop, niggar grow up
Jst passing
..too much 'igboo'..smh
Sure d guy was high on weed as usual.....this is so sad.....check out yelnatsfashion.blogspot.com
how are they sure his d one self?hope is not a plot to extort money frm him or maybe some set up or somthing frm haters just lk they did to devido if dis is true may he pay for it but if is a lie may god punish whosoever that plot it thank God he survived.
OMG! ¶ can't believe this....τ̣̣ђё Terry G ¶ know is humble....there Waƨ a time Ɯe use to see him with Lastma or Roadsafty wardens...hypocrite
What is wrong with him? Why is he running?? This guy will just disappoint his son no doubt.
hmmm.....this one that he has gone to the UK so, am sure they would die the matter before he gets back.
Terry G..hmm always knew his skosko would put in trouble, what would it take for u to show concern & take responsibility for ur mistakes..u hve money to tke care of the victim..why flee? Na waoh..
A.k.a ginja ginja, swagga swagga..akpako runner..lols, terry abeg go pay hospital bill for the guy, no enter wanted list, u no be terrorist biko nu..
annonymous 7.31am i cant stop laughing over ur post so u are that desperate for linda to post ur coment to d extent of calling it ur crime? oya linda post him/her crime so we can read.
lol at 7.31am post my crime olodo.
Make he come back,let's knack him apkako....Terry, get a driver naa eh....THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
Post ur crime...so na u dey drive terry g car?
Make up ur mind guy...is he humble,a hypocrite or a humble hypocrite?Lay off that kooncha boyo lmao!
Too much 'igbo tinz' can lead to Schizophrenia....................
On that note ,I charge the accused not guilty!!
Court stand!.....
Nigerians always jumping into conclusions like d Aluu community,so cos sm1 has given his side of the story dt means the person is telling the truth.There are alwys two sides to a story.
that was very irresponsible of him
well, I think we shouldnt be too quick to condemn terryG. I am not his fan though, but he could be innocent and otherwise. because to me, it doesnt just correlate. its not like he cannot afford the trearment administered to the victim or even Compensate the family. so running away doesnt make sense. make una wait small for d real gist before una begin wash the new "papa" trowey. lol
once he returns ??? what the hell.. why wait till he returns. nigerians i dont even understand you guys.. remember the jesica tata case? they came to look for her here in nigeria. and these ones are waiting. if he doesnt come back till next year nko. ... hit and run.... the very worst. lost my friend to this last month...
Fanx anon 9.29, mk una lv terry G abeg. Uv nt even heard his own syd of d story n ur already concludn.
Abegii abegiiii..Gabriel had plans of visiting his family long ago before the incident so he didn't "flee" the country..the said incident is a hoax..why wasn't he trailed immediately...after like 3 days wen e foot print still fresh for airport,criminal police begin make noise..
Hahahaha, Boss τ̣̣ђё guy fall my hand...A̶̲̥̅♏ not a fan..buh ¶ use to love his personality & originality...not anymore sha!
Why you rub shirley for face take picture? Olongbo!
Buhahahaha @Dandy U̶̲̥̅̊'r S̲̅ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡ funny @Eyes playing hide Ãήϑ seek!
Well....i wish T̶̲̥̅ђe̶̲̥̅̊ poor lad quickest recovery! As fφя̩̥̊ U̶̲̥̅̊ MR WEED Abo aba loro e, i reserve ma comments until U̶̲̥̅̊ get Чя stupid ass back in2 country! Den ♍ξ Ãήϑ U̶̲̥̅̊ go put leg fφя̩̥̊ one trouser! Anuofia!
Buhahahaha OMG! @Post Crime oooo yeee ma head oooo! I can see U̶̲̥̅̊'r also under T̶̲̥̅ђe̶̲̥̅̊ influence ☀̤̣̈̇f strong weed! Pele ti e ooo! *SMH**KMT*
Terry G stewpid gaaan...diz 1 na real madness
Abeg go Ãήϑ take several seats joor! Tryin †̥ βε̲̣̣̣̥ relevant Ãήϑ funny abi? Miss Follow-Follow- Billie Goat's slave-slave Bee! Mtcheeeew! *kmt*
@Real mccoy,I support u on dt... Pls if any1 isn't sure of wat to say why not shut up instead of blabbing in a very confused manner.
Too badt!
I hate such news pls. Linda why not verify b4 puting it up on ur Blog? u of all people Haba! Terry G went to London to see his baby mama and Son why will u classify that as runing away? Beside he was already in London when he go the report of the incident,will he know he hit someone at that hour of the night? And some of u here commenting trash, if u dnt know what happened, keep ur bloody mouth shut.
Lmaooooo @Olongbo. Shet!!!!! Damn funny
Ɣ☺Ʊ are very stupid! Is a human being a mosquito that Ɣ☺Ʊ won't know Ɣ☺Ʊ hit regardless of the time of the day? The person would cry out in agony.U'll also feel ur car hit something.I'm sure Ɣ☺Ʊ don't drive. Mtschew.
These days with Nigerians taking laws into their own hands it's difficult to tell whether or not it was an irresponsible act. Accidents occur & under normal circumstances, you stop & take victim to the hospital. With policemen & communities taking laws into their hands, he could pullover & they decide to kill him. We end up loosing two lives as a result of diverted attention. At least they know where to find him for costs & damages. I pity u, be careful! u may not be that lucky next time.
shurrup! Wat do u knw abt irresponsibility? U only open ur gutter to utter rubbish! Did u give him anythn dat he smoked?
Meanwhile, Terry gzuz... U really misbehaved oh, if we were to go buy d news anyway.
Mumu of all artists na him dem go see plot against?.. Ders no smoke witout fire.. Bsides wen he was cald for questioning why didn't he go see the police.. Read the story well and undstndt bfore u start to talk frm your yansh... Mscheeewww
@anon7:13 AM. please the local name is not igbo. Biko.
@anon7:31 AM. i kneel down beg u abeg i no wan piss 4 body cox of laugh. No worry linda go post ur crime very soon. loll@linda if u dont post my crime den u ar supportin terry g for wat he did
This is d only REASONaBLE comment I've read so far... God bless whoever this is...
People just come on-line and be yarning dust,i was there,this is what really happened,terry g went to club royale at the invite of his hypeman and friend Mc Laulau,and as always those street urchins wouldnt let him be,anytime they see him they keep harassing the guy,so this time around after dolling out a reasonable amount of cash this area boys kept asking for me,they wanted to mug him so he had to defend himself by rushing to his car,as he was reversing they were trying to get into his car,those guys were just harassing him,when they saw that he was bent on living they stood in front of his car so that he wld be left with no choice but to alight,but terry wouldnt bulge,he kept flashing his headlights and horning,but they called his bluff and he had no choice but to zoom off and in the process he hit one of them,without even knowing.Mc Laulau has been taking care of the injured guy for a while now,he has spent at least 200k already,but everyday he keeps receiving calls from anonymous people demanding for more money and also threatening him,i guess thats why they leaked this sob story to the press.
Man u v got to take charge and be responsible
Just be responsible and face it who does have to run
Mumu other countries who does dat do it bkos d suspects dnt hv plans to return... Stop downgrading Naija in all afterall James Ibori was arrested in Dubai.
Everybody ıs making theır own comment because because lında posted a story. Has anybody dared to fınd out ıf thıs story ıs true or not?what ıf ıt was the guy that ran into hım? TERRY G could look rough but ıf u really know hım u would doubt ıf he dıd hit and fan.
Emy, why are you talking thrash? Why won't anyone know he hit someone with a car? That means he was obviously driving under the influence of alcohol. If really the story is true, don't you think the possibility of not able to make the trip is the reason he fled?
I am inclined to believe ur version. There's always two sides to a story and this sounds plausible. It's a club, late at night and most of these area boys are high or drunk, hanging around looking for who to harass.
Shayo thnx 4 d story... By ur name we knw who you are... Bird of the same feather na d same mama born them... If dats ao evry celebrity treat dia fans, ao many pipo wud be dead????
u pple shud wait to hear is own side of d story b4 we start castigating him.bcos he went to london doesn't mean he ran away mayb he had a show in london d followin day.
STFU u ass wipe,av u ever bn were area bois are mugging u 4 money.I av bn in a case where area bois av bn harrased me to the point my bodyguard had to shoot in d air.Put urselfs in pples shoes b4 u judge dem.
@ ejikebigdick....wats wit u n ur stupid name...does d stupid dick put money in ur pocket?? Or maybe ur suffering from "ibi" and ur callin urself ejikebigdick!! If u re so proud of it put up a pic of d damn dick so libers can see ur nonsense...u'll prolly be smelling!!!
na wah oooooooooooo may be na cuz of the nwe born baby thats why he hit person also na 2 mch moni dey worri am whn he cum bk nw he go settle police then case desmised
Wow! thats a very bad start for him now that he has a son to father
Hahahhahahahha. Choi. O di kwa egwu. Linda pls post his crime abeg.
too bad
anonymous 3.53 thanks for believing bro..that is really the true story..and for the other anonymous yes my name is shayo,i aint no hypocrite,i drink but i still take care of my home and my life,i have a life,u should get one
Hahahahahahahah laghf won kill me. Naija police una no no who to pursye na my oga terry baba kai una don miss road copra. Y una no folow am go UK? Terry na u oo
Linda, u should have a reputation to maintain. Am so disappointed in you. Those bloody social media out there said it, you went ahead to upload on ur blog without verifying the fact?? This is demeaning.why not hear fm him b4 bringing him down on ut blog with them-say-them-say. Be different fm others I beg of u.
But guy come to tink of it,dey do dat to celebs cos of money now?give dem money and move!!!
E be like say u gan,and ur Terry broda stingy o!!......
Its either u learn to drop,or stop going to such open clubs dat hav a lot of touts..period!!
queen bee.
queen bee,read what i said carefully and u would see that indeed i said that he gave them money but they wanted more..they actually wanted to mob him..so it is not a matter of being stingy..
terry G must be silly for his act.
Y guy
stop posting rubbishhhhh...shurrup and wait for his arrival to get the real truth.......mtchewwwww
Wow, u r rude. SMH
Is it me or is Bonario getin borin...step up bro
@anon 12.49pm he or she goat where do you get off asking people to shurrup. DumbA_ _! What's the definition of irresponsible? Nonsense
U guys are bunch of dick heads ... Can anyone prove that Terry G was da one who hit da guy besides being at da club and da guy's words? Anybody could pick on any artist and accuse them falsely .. Stop chatting shit and stop hating ... Haterz will never reach da top ...
Funny enough most replies.dint acknowledge the fact that he is a new dad.. Firstly congrats padi.. But as u sing "so high" finish.. Dis act via Highness no pure walahi.. Do sharp clear urself..
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