Okada rider beaten and stripped naked by policemen (Photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 1 November 2012

Okada rider beaten and stripped naked by policemen (Photos)

A LIB reader who witnessed this incident yesterday sent in the report and photos. According to her, the naked man in the picture is an Okada man who violated the new Lagos state traffic law. He was arrested at the junction adjoining University road and St Finbarrs college road Akoka by policemen in mufti, and before anyone could say anything, the policemen descended on the Okadaman, beating him mercilessly and then stripping him naked.

They stopped the inhuman treatment after people around gathered at the scene and begged them to stop. This is the police protecting us! SMH!


Anonymous said...

Dis is sow SAD!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dis is so sad!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm seems this ALUU incidence is even aggravating rather than mollifying violence in Nigeria. These policemen won't just learn. Smh

Omas992 said...

Police as lawless people! So sad!!!

Anonymous said...

Haba! The governor did not send them to go strip naked the okada rider. These are a bunch of overzealous uniform men. May God help us in this country.

Lagos-is-my-home said...

Naija we hail oooo. The Police as lawless as ever ... Was it necessary to beat him not to talk of stripping .
Na only God go fit save us in this country

Anonymous said...

The person who took this picture should pls next time TAKE THE PLATE NUMBER....... that way they can trace the policemen and a complain can be made.

Anonymous said...

They can beat a defenceless okada man who's struggling to get his daily bread but run away at the sight of true criminals.

Anonymous said...

need the plate number of the police car. What a shame


A society like ours,where a bigger crime is used to combat a crime. Two wrongs cannever make a right.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Linda, i thot the only reason u didnt carry that news of the gal masturbating on d street after sleeping with a married man was bcos u didnt want to overshow outright nudity but as u carry this news now its a case of that wld have been u abi....carry go jor okada kor okada ni....were u there. He say she say

supremacydone said...

Na wa oooo, striping of fellow human being publicly is now a common thing!!! No more regards for pples nakedness! At d slightest thing the next step is to strip ur fellow!if u know u are horny just go and buy porn,it cost only #100,thanks to alaba!! I really don't know wat is happening in nigeria??! Jungle justice and inhumanity is not the best solution! Supremacydone.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

OMG why will they do that.

Anonymous said...

This is no longer funny. we celebrate independence every year still we are still doing like a country who has not gotten one...one question for this officers- how will u feel if your own brother like your blood brother was beaten n strpped naked like this man?

Anonymous said...

This picture needs to be put on Fashola's twitter timeline or something, I want to hear what he has to say about it...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this jare. People now conjure all sorts of stories.

Anonymous said...

Mad guys!There is no such tin as THE NIGERIA POLICE,dey are just a bunch of HOODLOOMS.

Anonymous said...

This is barbaric

Anonymous said...

SMH indeed.... Sad wat nigeria has degenerated to. I pray things gets better someday.

supremacydone said...

Public stripping is now a common tin in naija! At the slightest thing its loosing the belt buckle,removing d victims boxers or bra,G string e.t.c that is not justice! That is the act of been a horny bastard! Mscheww!!! Go buy porn its just # 100, and jerk off! Leave ur fellow human being out of it!!

POLA said...

Jungle Justice is the way to go in that country of mine called Nigeria. How could the police force treat someone so inhumanely?
A police man forced a 15yrs old boy to obey instructions here in London and THE POLICE MAN WAS ASKED TO RESIGN OR FACE A SACK for using force on a 15yrs old.
When will Nigeria progress from such BARBARIC ACTS????????? SMH...

Anonymous said...

what kind of a country is this? does human right no longer exist in this country?? this is really unbecoming of nigeria.... jungle country with jungle police.

Anonymous said...

Naija is going downhill. Failed state, failed leaders and worse of it all sickos are being enrolled into the police force to safeguard lives and properties, "I wish".

Unknown said...

This is rubish.....na so police for lagos dey do-for ogba even for ojodu- Grammer skul n fes-ta-ic police.....rubush even if u dey ur right dem go dey claim becus of say dem be Police.......animals

Sent SPK Markee's

Eshmoney said...

Chaiii........no dffrnz btw dem and allu4. Hw r we sure dey are real police men? I jst pity poor 9gerianz wea no get money. Na Eshemomoh comment diz

Anonymous said...

which police?this is Naija and you get everytin for urself,water,light,security,health, where possible gan road,the world is truly getting warmer and humans colder!!!SSSMH

Anonymous said...

Wrong they beat him up but who ask am drive okada wen it has been bound... In some roads..Abeg make we give ourselves brain to avoid #douknowme

Anonymous said...

instead of issuing the guy a traffic ticket they strip him, and Humiliate him, what does stripping someone naked have to do with a traffic citation.

our govt is so backward, instead to turn the okada ban to a revenue for the state, any okada disobeying the traffic law, issue him a ticket, when he pays the ticket he can get his bike back, why destroy something someone spend their life savings on. so not fear,

until they give us 24hrs electric companies are not going to come to Nigeria, before you take away there okada provide them with jobs

Anonymous said...

Mr fashola i had a lot of respect for you sir. THere is better way to enforce this law, hit them in the pocket, at list they will have their bike to make the money back, destroying their bikes, show lack of respect for the poor who elected you.

TWITS said...

These are those that claim they are our friends, right? Is that how to treat one that violates a law? And to imagine such a treatment coming from our "protectors". If not for people's intervention, they (the police) might have ended up lynching him in public, like was done in Aluu. Its so unfortunate..there's so much to learn in this country. Those policemen need to be PROSECUTED! I weep for this nation.

Anonymous said...

TheNigerian police r the worse in the world. They r all uneducated drunks . When will we have a serious leader that will do things that matter instead doing useless things . We need to fix our education system, overhaul the police force in the whole country as in totally change the face of the police force. . We need to fix the power problems .. In less that 10 yrs we can fix Nigeria . When will we have a leader that is more concerned about leaving a legacy instead of stealing money ?...

alam poser said...

Even our policemen are ALUUrizers. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Policeeeee....they are so daft. If you send them only left, they will end up doing both left and right. God will judge you people (the police force) accordingly

Anonymous said...

May God punish all the policemen involved in this inhuman act. y nt just arrest the guy. God will punish them. se if they did the same thing to thier children they will like it. I swear we have real animals in this this country.

Anonymous said...

this officers faces can be used to make a case of police brutality and inhuman treatment.i advice it be forwarded to the igp,cos most times we hear that tis act by force men are not true. if they could be tried in court openly,others will learn.

Anonymous said...

Why would they strip him naked. Wicked world.

Anonymous said...

Am sure he did not bribe them dat ws y dey had to beat him up nigerian police are wicked

Omas992 said...

The Nigerian Police will NEVER change.

Anonymous said...

Na God go punish all this our YEYE policeman. when they see robbers now they can't do anything.

Anonymous said...

You know when people yammer about the West being amoral and talk about how it is corrupting us I can't help but laugh. Maybe before, stripping someone was seen as a way to embarrass them completely, but the ease with which it is done these days is becoming suspect. Being gay is unAfrican my ass. What we are is a perverted country hiding in denial by making excess noise about 'perversity' *hiss* I hope they're happy sha

Anonymous said...

Police men are d worst citizens of dis country, a group of dem deliberately messed up my car dis afternoon whilst on a tight lane, and my Learner sign was on the car o.

Unknown said...

Na wa o what is going with Nigerian policemen? This is so sad.

Dolabomi Smith said...

Aunty, I checked out ur blog and I saw that u have good content. The only reason why u don't have much traffic as much as Linda is because of ur boobs. Why r ur boobs scattered all over d place.If its a porn blog, den change ur content ok.

gray smiles said...

we should publicise this event so action can be taken. use the police as scapegoats, so even people who think they hold some sort of power will know that they are not above the law.

Anonymous said...

We need this policemen here in maiduguri not lagos, so we can see between them & boko haram who strip other naked. Bunch of irresponsible homo-sapien 4rom sanusi

Anonymous said...

Am so tired of dis sick country oooo wen wld pple learn dis is nt d way 2 achieve wateva it is u wnt SMH.....God help us!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

one happened in rivers state where a taxi driver oversped or sth then some policemen traced him to my street, beat him with spannner and put him in the boot of his taxi and sped off with him to an unknown destination

OSHODI said...

A lawless society,being governed by lawless leaders,(ooh,meant to say rulers).Nothing seems to be working right in this part of the world and we have ourselves to blame.

Anonymous said...

Is that what they call justice? This is not funny at all cos this type of incident is making me distanting myself more and more from this lawless country of ours.

my brother keep asking me when next am coming, and i told him when they stop kidnapping and beating innocent people. Seeing this, I think I'll pass on coming for now.

I don't know how people that lives there do it.

Anonymous said...

Wetin I talk Governor? Dem don wear uniform come turn to animals.

Dr. Pinch said...

Close your eyes and imagine what will happen if we have state police.

Anonymous said...

linda , am not happy about this news, is just too sad.

chikarito said...

Linda, do you ever pass our expression to the society? you have gone a long way on this blog thing and i think its time you also make that positive move on this too.

Anonymous said...

Comment as useless as d writer! Shio!

Anonymous said...

I hate the Nigerian police with my heart,and soul,very lawless and shameless,i like the way Boko haram people are dealing with the idiots

Anonymous said...

I hate the Nigerian police with my heart,and soul,very lawless and shameless,i like the way Boko haram people are dealing with the idiots

babe said...

Dis is wrong, thunder go fire dem and der generation, stupid uniform beggers.. I feel so bad .. Mtcheeeeewwwww

Anonymous said...

U r obviously dumb to think dis is a fabricated story.

Itwizzie said...


Anonymous said...

okada people can be VERRY annoying on the road but nawa for these policemen oh.

Anonymous said...

Useless comment frm an olofofo!

Anonymous said...

Police are ANIMALS!

Anonymous said...

#SMH# There z no force in 9ja police, should be Nigeria Police Association or Nigeria police committee. Na only okada ryders nd bus drivers dia power reach. linda post my comment

Anonymous said...

The policemen should also be stripped naked for violation of basic human right to decency. How many of them were stripped naked for taking bribes!!!

Dr. Rukevwe said...

When would Human Rights mean anything in Nigeria???

Gozie said...


Anonymous said...

Did anybody see the jungle justice meted out to a man who stole some goats? (Even thoo they called them Rams) A soldier was even watching! If these guys can get one corrupt politician and burn him alife,maybe it will stem d corruption among some politicians! Stop chasing around the small fries,go after the big fishes!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

African policemen go to the same school,its almost like a curse to be in the force!
I tell you one time a policeman was beaten up by a Kenyan driver and unfortunately people celebrated!people caught it on camera shared it on youtube coz it was same script diff cast!citizens suffer in their hands!

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

i dont want to know wht happened, yes he committed d offence but dis is unfair. enfrigement of hid fundamental human right , dere is assault, battery, d okada guy should bring a petition against the nigeria police, this will serve as a lesson to others, pls go to office of the public defender or falana

Anonymous said...

This is unacceptable. The so called policemen should face the consequences of doing this. I think the police are taking the laws into their hands by going beyond what the law says. It is inhumane

Anonymous said...

...and you are absolutely CRAZY to have believed it intoto.

Anonymous said...

He should sue them ooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Linda the men must be from Aluu community! the IG should dismiss these men fast. they are not in the best position to secure stones talk more of humans.

BLOGLORD said...

This is barbaric! why strip him naked?i hate this!
meanwhile the aluu 4 is gradually die-ing.
Lucky face we no see till today. issokay!

Anonymous said...

U can imagine..the people that are supposed to be protecting us. May God save us.

coco said...

smh! Nigerian police are as good as aluu4 killers!!

Anonymous said...

naija police is going mad and will soon remove cloth,wickedness.

Anonymous said...

Someone should please send this to Emperor Fashola. I am sure a crime has been committed by the Police in order to enforce a law.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so difficult for Nigeria to be a civilized country?
Instead of the government to pass laws against de-humanizing, and police brutality, Gov Fashola is busy passing laws preventing from Lagosians from eating Gala while driving. Horrible country with equally devilish and unthinking government officials.

Anonymous said...

Arise! o compatriots. PARTHETIC

Anonymous said...

These police officers W̶̲̥̅̊ђεяε Α̲̅яε̲ they from ? They α̲̅яε̲ fathers,mothers,uncles cousins,nieces ,nephews ĄЙD̶̲̥̅̊ ђã† ♓αvﻉ U̶̲̥̅̊ .S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ ,†̥ђα̲̅†̥ means they didin't drop from †ђξ sky. The police ΐ§ a̶̲̥̅̊ reflection ☀̤̣̈̇f nigeria J̶̲̥̅̊U̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊T̶̲̥̅̊ ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ PHCN ,health,education,petroleum,aviation....ĄЙD̶̲̥̅̊ other sectors .this ΐ§ †ђξ nigeria ☀̤̣̈̇f today. A banana republic W̶̲̥̅̊ђεяε peaple commit crime ĄЙD̶̲̥̅̊ resist arrest ĄЙD̶̲̥̅̊ †ђξ police also display their animalistic tendencies that's i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ ãƪƪ ☀̤̣̈̇f us.they strip us everyday ☀̤̣̈̇f human dignity

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when are we going to stop condemming our own institutions in Nigeria?...has anyone ever think the okada man may stripe himself naked to avoid arrest?....have you witnessed where hoodlums were fighting naked as such?.....pls! all bloogers should confirm their story before posting. Some weeks ago, the video attached to a lady that stole at shoprite was not in Nigeria, it happened in Ghana in one of their university. lets us create a new brand for ourselves.....the insult is now unbearable abroad. thanks

baby cute said...

they should have just handed over his bike to the public, y do u have to strip him naked haba!

baby cute said...

they should have just handed over his bike to the public, y do u have to strip him naked haba!

MY TURN said...

@Dr Pinch i don't even want to imagine it.

This is so sad. But i don't get it what is it with stripping people naked? Are we that starved of sex or have just lost all sense of being human?Only wild animals would act like this. I second the suggestion by someone here to take down the plate number to track these barbarians called Police.

Anonymous said...

Where is Boko Haram when we need them?

Anonymous said...

God ll punish fashola n al dez policemen. Oloriburuku people. Ogun kee al of u. Fuckn bastards. Any small tin 4 9ja dem go naked d person.fuckd up country. God I need moni 2 leave ds gaddamn country

Anonymous said...

Police problem stems from d recruitment excercise dat brot them in. Bulk of them are illitrate and hudlooms. We have very BIG problem in our hands. We gave the guns to the wrong set of people

Anonymous said...

This is so inhuman our police is ment to protect n ensure that Nigerian's abide by d rules . They are only asked by d governor to cease their bikes not for them to result into beating n striping some one naked.

Anonymous said...

take them to court. idiot people

Anonymous said...

just pathetic but it sad that the boko harams dont aim at the government officials still, d innocent soul suffering this mess.................i hate policemen to the bone marrow.............

Anonymous said...

Whatever he did... Stripping him naked + beating him to a pulp should not be an option especially from Police officers!!!

Anonymous said...

No way!!! This information is TOTALLY WRONG!!! I was at the scene when the whole drama started, the okada man took of his clothes by HiMSELF, he stripped himself, I was even scared cos I thot he was going mad, till people around said that is their usual practice whenever they think they will be arrested by policemen, the police guys didn't even touch him till I left the scene, and I was around there for over 30 minutes... Please guys, let's try to validate 'stories' before we start spreading 'the gist'....

Anonymous said...

I think these policeman are going to be the origin of disorder in the society because people are soon going to start combating policemen as they now act like bullies instead of people who maintain law and order.

Anonymous said...

Mr propaganda, u said u were at d scene...
See d report in newspapers:
Lagos Traffic Law: Policemen brutalise, strip okada rider
Some policemen reportedly took the enforcement of the Lagos Traffic Law to the extreme on Wednesday as they allegedly beat an unidentified okada rider and stripped him in Akoka, Lagos.
An eyewitness, who pleaded anonymity, said the victim was caught while riding at the junction of University Road and St. Finbarr’s College Road in Akoka.
He stated that the man was plying the route oblivious that plain-clothes policemen had laid ambush in a van with registration number NPF9544B, in the area.
The eyewitness said immediately the policemen saw the okada rider, they pounced on him, beat him up and later asked him to take all his clothes off.
Recently, PUNCH Metro reported that an okada rider died after he was hit with a baton by a policeman who insisted the victim violated the traffic law at Agege area of Lagos.
A month earlier, it was also reported that a driver of the state ambulance service, died after a policemen allegedly hit him in the head at Surulere area of Lagos for plying a road that has been designated as out of bound to commercial motorcycles.
When contacted on Thursday, the police spokesperson in the state, Ngozi Braide, neither picked her call nor responded to a text message sent to her phone.

Anonymous said...

What is this?is that suppose to be the punishment for this?Fashola should see this.talking about this okada thing,the police are just collecting all okada some re for private use,there should be a rethink.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on.This is unculful.Why should it be like dis for Gods sake.Nigerians change for good and not for bad.What is the govt doing about dis trash.Very annoyin.U stu pid police and hungry Fools.God punish u pple

Anonymous said...

Nigeria u are a big disgrace.They should learn theire manners fromoh other countres if they dont know.Dats why they cant progress

Anonymous said...

Why dis trash

Anonymous said...

Those beast call Police men should have throw out of the force...They are not worthy to be Police men

Unknown said...

I'm really disappointed in Fashola. He's a SAN and should know better. However, he's turned out to be "The Champion" of human rights abuses in Lagos. History is carefully watching and it will accord him his place in history.

Anonymous said...

Tell me what they have gained from treating the alleged okada rider like this... Shame on them... Even if he committed an offense, they dont have the powers to act as barbaric and sadistic as they did...

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