16-month-old Elias Castillo and three other toddlers died after Tata left them unsupervised at her home while she went to a nearby store. Prosecutors say she left a pan of oil cooking atop a stovetop burner and that this ignited the February 2011 blaze. There were 7 children when the fire started, four died, three survived.
Tata still faces three more counts of felony murder in relation to the other children who died, and three counts of abandoning a child and two counts of reckless injury to a child in relation to three who were hurt. So she will be getting more years added to the 80 as other cases come up.
I'm sorry to say this, but I think she deserves the sentence! How the heck are you going to leave 1year olds unsupervised?
She got exactly what she deserved. Why did she run to Nigeria?Let her rot in there.
eeeeeyaaa....what a wicked life. If they'r right about her,then she must be kill as well, coz that's the best judgement for a killer. God knows the best.
Carelessness really does make one loose his life... I have ♍u̶̲̥̅̊cђ pity Fǿя̩̥̊ this woman but with G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥o̲̣̥ƌ̲̣̣̣̥ lawyers, 80 cud turn 30 or there about. Never leave kids (especially of a great number) alone unsupervised... They do J̶̲̥̅̊υ̲̣̥ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̲̣̣̥ about the craziest things ℓi̶̲̥̅ke trying 2 be superman Α̲̅πϑ jumping off from the top of the stairs... Funny shit...
One other thing... I hope this woman being Nigerian doesn't I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ one way put our Nation on the front pages of newspapers cus some people can be that paranoid. Thnks
She deserves the 80 years sentence that is just pure negligence on her part.
was this not the lady that ran away to naija and the whole houston city was hating on nigerians, abeg Linda dig up more info, did they extradite her or wat? and ehm Linda those boots and jacket in your DC pictures are falling my hand, please visit Macys and make up asap!
even though i read your posts a lot, that was actually my very first comment ever, you better post it! we love ur gbeorun style in ATL :)
She deserves the 80 years sentence on her part. That is a huge negligence on her part.
I sympathise wit her. The mishap, though caused by gross carelessness, does not look intentional in anyway. And t's gonna take a life time from her! It's a pity.
Dis is very on fair for this children ,she deserve more sentence because dis is carelessness
Is called carelessness! Poor her.
Linda..dont mind her..she thought she was in Nigeria where anythin goes..
Oh my..... Carelessness!!!
nobody deserves what she is going through ......unfortunate
Naijadeltapikin... Na wah Ooº°˚˚°ºoo God »W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ Ȋ̊§ happening, y would she leave dos little kids n go out now can't she send some1 ahh may God help her sha
why r u sorry..... She does deserve the 80 years.... But then again, who am i to judge? May God have mercy on her soul as she spends the rest of her life in jail
if this woman is 24, am reducing my age from 29 to 21 asap.
How can u say dat linda... Was it intentional, u'v got me tinkn u dnt hv a heart of forgivness again. Pls repent of dt linda
jeeze....what was she thinking?
Well, you can't act like a bitch, and judge her on your blog, what happened to her, could have happened to anybody. She was only gone for 15mins.
Linda, we are human and it could hv happened to anyone... Besides, the story says nearby store, it could be 2mins frm her house. You don't blame her for the accident. And 80yrs? Wow! That's pretty heavy. May God help her.
Linda she deserves to b purnished yes! Bt d 80yrs is outrageous...so dear don't say she deserves it.80yrs can write d wrong or do anyone any good. Feel 4 her
Very sad indeed, a girl with a promising future, all lost cos of carelessness. and to top insult with injury, she ran to Nigeria after the incident happen, that added to the conviction I think. hope she finds peace with herself, cos really, it was her fault.
Na yoruba woman 4 sure. Na dem dey careless with children. Dem go born 10 pikin from 10 different men, u wud see their toddlers roaming d streets of lagos
Dem for kukuma say life imprisonment which be 80 yrs jail.
Omg! Its a pity,may God help her
should we call forstration or lack she being childless.if na naija they will she use dem 4 money.may god 4gv her her sin.
Ise owo awon aye ni.they have jazzed her that she must misbehave.those witches from village re bad gan.won gbe sise sise le lowo.
Maybe she deserves it but leaving toddlers to quickly get something from a store couldve happened to anyone. As per the pan of oil, that one is a very big mistake.I'm sure she didn't do these things intentionally but it's unfortunate she has to face the consequences. Sad
should we call it forstration or lack of she being childless.if na naija they will she use dem 4 money.may god 4gv her her sin.
Well let's b fair on dis she deserves it, hw can u leave kids dat young n u 4got oil also? Haba nobody shud just talk rubbish abt racism!
First things first..@ 24 and she looks dis old? Buh sad thing is she's gone forever. She gun die in jail. Its as good as saying life imprisonment.
I really feel sorry her, I hate to see gross negligience result in the deaths of 4 innocent babies. Murder? Hmmmm, manslaughter, most definitely. Murder goes with intent. Unless the facts of d case shows she lite d burner n put the pan of oil knowing and wanting the deaths of those babies. May God grant d bereaved family d fortitude to bare dis colossal loss. As a aside, I can't help but notice how d 24 year old lady looks, if she were a Nigerian celebrity nothing less than 60 comments wld be dedicated to d probe of her real age versus her "affidavit" age!
In as much as she was v. Wrong, she never intended for it 2 happen d way it did. She never knew there would be fire. I really pity her sha. Hard luck Ma'am. Me think the sentence was too harsh
Who even approved of her day care?
Who put d life of her kids in dis psycho's hands?
God help working mothers. God pls come to their rescue. It scares each time I tink of leaving my kid in a day care,cos I will be one someday.
Is this woman a mother,how cud she be so careless
Ow. Ds. 1 take concern us nao..imagine d lady in question is 24. Ds 1way b lik person mama..mtshew..nxt pls*sips otapia pia*
Haba!! 80 years?! This wasn't intentional naw, the death of the toddlers is sad but its clear that this was an accident and there wasn't any clear motive for murder.
I ask rhetorically: "Would it be the same story if she was a Caucasian"
8O years is too much,she shld appeal,twas not done intentionally though carelessly
OMG, this is grevious! She should have been more careful. Admitting everyone has made one recklesss mistake one time or the other in our lives but unfortunately hers caused death of four American children. American Legal System is so strict. sorry dear. And God comfort the mothers, this must be heavy on them.
Oh what a careless death,may their souls rest in peace
It could have been anyone Linda, she wouldnt hv wished it happenned anyway, buh it did. Just a very expensive mistake, I do feel for her and those babies.
All those yrs in prison? Its such a pity! May d souls of d dead babies rest in peace and may d injured ones get well soon.
Dats Nigerians for you,always careless about things.Nevertheless,i think the number of years given to her is too much.Killing her is even better if they cannot reduce the number of years given to her,bcos it is tntnmount to killing her slowly.
She's not a Nigerian. She was born in Houston USA, she's supposed to be a Port Harcourt girl but she can't find her way from Rumuola to Rumuokwuta. When they commit crime they call them Nigerians but when they achieve a feat, they are called 'Nigerians'. Mtschewwww
I remember this young woman. Lindiway featured the story here on her blog when it happened. I also remembered she escaped to nigeria after the fire, meaning she didn't even show some remorse; what the actual nerve! Well I think she deserves the sentence too. That was shocking & utterly irresponsible of her. Who leaves babies unattended like that if not a mentally deranged person.
what a pity,am sorry 4 u
yeah she deserves it alrite buh isnt 80yrs too mch??plus more yrs to be added. Cant hlp buh feel 4 ha. Gosh ha life s wasted ****switchloe****
She deserves it.tht child cnt be brought back to life..the parents will b suffering right nw..its just horrible.how does someone leave children tht ltl unsupervised.was d thing she had to get at the store a do or die affair?
oh dear....poor kids. She truely deserve d sentence. I weep for d parents of these kids that died ;-(
Damn! Wasted lyf. So painful ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
why is it that when people commit crime, it becomes Nigerian/American?...when they do good they are called black Americans..why is it that BoB, Nas and all Nigerian born artists abroad are not called Nigerian/American..
OMG......(sad face) feel so sorry for her.
Ionno wat to say, but sincerely ¶ feel for her...some people are naturally careless though' dont u fink 5 or 10 years will do? Mehn! This is life imprisonment...madam if u fink ure innocent, #call Ūя God#
@LINDA Sharrap, this is simply inhumanity done by humans, such a despicable sentence. She made an avoidable mistake and is being persecuted as a war criminal. This is such a vile world.
gbam! Linda, she deserved more sentence! 4 x 80 = 320 years. she is wasted. Pls they should keep her in a safe pls. Fire starter oshi
Ehya,what a pity. She shouldn't have been that careless. May God deliver her from the mess she has gotten herself in.
Crucify the waste of human space #my2kobo
I really pity her.although she is careless that is why.but they shld not had another yrs 4 her.she can't even spend that 80yrs finish b4 death.
What a pity , she will spend less than 10 years in prison . Negligence
Oh God! It's sooo sad. If that is actually what really happend, then she was careless. But I still feel sad for her. Datz equall to life imprisonment. SAD
shes 24? wtf! she looks lik a grandma
I think d sentence is too much, 40 years sentence wld have been ok, but 80! She'll probably die in jail.
This was the lady who after the incident ran to Nigeria to aviod going to jail...the FBI had to go find her from where she was hidding in Nigeria
Eya , hope she enjoys jail blc that mistake was too costly. She had previously been found guilty of starting two fires arson when she was in highschool... What up with her and fire
OMG! So pathetic for the parents of the toddlers. 80 years is so much, but I think it is to serve as a deterrent to others. May God keep her.LMAO!
Oh its a pity.poor innocent children and a big temptation to d woman.
Its sad but yeah that's the law and she deserves it , I remember this case . Been following it . Dunno what the hell she was thinking nigerian law needs to punish idiotic women in nigeria that maltreat their house helps and husband family
eyaaaa, sorry my dear, but 80 years too much na, she go don die b4 she commote na, tnk God say na oyibo jail, sufferness no go be like naija own.......
Now linda that was harsh. Not justifying her actions but me think 80yrs sentence for carelessness is too much. Wasting the young lady's life will not in any way bring back the innocent kids, justice should have been tampered with mercy.
Carelessness in the highest order..
OMG..i pity her ooooo....more gist on entertainment and celebrity lifestyle here at www.gistyinka.com
He who is without sin... cast the 1st stone.
Is d@ lady really 24?? Sure looks 35/38... I wish this kind of cases would be seen here in naija. I bet you, alot of mothers too would have been in jail right now. Imagine here in Uyo were im serving, i know how many times i have had to look for the houses of two year olds at night to ensure they are safe.. We dont care anymore..
u dey craze,, no be accident, abi u no fit make such mistake, abi people never commit crime wey pass dat one, u no wetin delay her for outside....... U dey pace ur own judgement on her, bcos she no be ur sister... Odeh.
New Bride said.. Aunty Linda she's 29yrs not 24yrs please get Ūя̲̅ facts Right. Thank You
Oh God show mercy on her.
Linda i think for u to say she deserves it shows u are not as nice as u seem, lots of people make stupid mistakes even you! this woman made mistake, if she had done it on purpose it would have been a different case..and for all of you saying she deserves worse, i pray you dont end up making a mistake that would have disastrous consequences since yall are so perfect...smh! poor woman, it is well. linda if u like dont post my comment you hear? see your mouth like 'she deserves it'
@edobor, sharrap too!! Did i hear u say avoidable mistake? U must be really silly... How could she leave 18months old babies alone and u call that a mistake... U must be mad....ewu!!!
My question is this...
Why is it that when they win Olympic gold or get a breakthrough in science, they are Americans, when they kill babies, they become Nigerians or Africans or blah blah blah #justasking..
The biggest mistake she made was fleeing!!! If she hadnt, she probably would have received a much lighter sentence.
The biggest mistake her family made, especially her brother was enabling her to flee, as in her bro purchased the ticket. Also given her history, they should have done all they could to discourage her from starting up the business.
Mind you she is being tried individually, this was just 1 case, there are others to go. So even if she only got 20 years in this one, she would have received more in the other one.
This sentence can go either way, as a mother to be, like any mother it will be hard to go through pregnancy, labor and delivery, and then see your child go like that because of someone's carelessness. She went to Target!!!! It wasnt an emergency, this was stupidity of the highest order! Do you know how much it cost for the FBI to go extradite her from Nigeria?????
A mistake is if she had been at home and something went wrong with the stove. Now that one would have probably given her 5-10 years max, but to get in the car, drive away for 30mins+, when you are being paid money to take care of kids. No words, NO WORDS!
@edobor, sharrap too... Silly animal. U call that a mistake? how could she leave 18months old babies alone and u opened ur stincking to say trash.... Onye ara
Bia chidimma or whatever u call urself! Just shut up if u av noffin sensible to contribute!! It's only a stupid n careless person dat can do such.... So it cldnt av bin anybody!!! I guess u can do similar since u reason with her!! Anu ofia!! Damn! I'm so pissed rite now.dis lady deserves dis sentence!!
Eben my siblings in d u.s. Told me dat she ran bak to Nigeria in hiding after d incident! But trust d INTERPOL! Dey caught up with her here!!! Ole!! Murderer!!!
Cum on shut up n stop ur hasty generalization!!! Speak for urself silly!! Dumbo!!
Kai she for go herr villaage for naija na,haba she no hide well.*dodges bathroom slippersa
For people who said the sentence is too much, I don't blame you. Nigerians don't value human life - not to talk of that of innocent, helpless children - unless they are directly related to the person, that's why you can talk like this. Sorry, but other countries do. Not only did she leave the children unsupervised, she left a pan of oil on the fire. Can anyone on this blog imagine a maid or any helper doing that to your own children? Imagine if your own children had been killed in the fire, would you still be begging for mercy on her behalf? Then she now left the country again, which was utterly stupid. Abeg jo. My own issue is that they're calling her Nigerian. If it was something positive they'd have called her American
Pointlesss comment!! No direction!!
I concur wit u dear.... Well written!!
Haba.....people make mistakes nahhh
Please did I misread the word 'nearby' she went to a nearby store,so wtf did that happen?
Abeg she is not Nigerian biko. We are not that careless!! Leaving hot oil on fire with babies in the house and. Going out to buy stuff?? That is stupidity of the highest order!!
Thank you o, anon 9:44 abeg help me ask am, she can't find her way to Rumuola, but she ran back to Naija after the incident. Anon 7:57 u must have seen her hovering in d air, looking for Rumuokwuta. Smh!
Linda dearie u need not be Sorry. She got what she bargained for. How on Earth could she have left a pan of Oil when Little kids are around. That is the height of Unethical. insensitive and irresponsible. The Judgement has been made.
NOw Imagine this:
Wharrif one a'ya kids wer der how'd u feel...Goose-pimples already on me.. Yikes
I feel very sorry for her. I still wonder if our women based hear in Naija will lean from her mistake.... Why will they when the only sentence they will get is a mob action, police arrest, bail, elders from the village to pled on their behalf n its history.
Zee Jonathan
She made a mistake... Unfortunately it had mega repercussions... Can u just imagine how she must be feeling right now? She lost her kid and now she's going to jail...and Linda thinks it's good for her? *smh*
And what do u prescribe for in-laws who maltreat their daughters-in-law and widows in their care?
Linda, I am suprised at ur statement that says she deserves 80 years in prison! How many times have u made costly mistakes and yet u were forgiven by God or maybe it did not back fire on u... Yes she probably should have been sentenced but at list not 80 years nd should be given another chance in life....
Akata u such a fool 4 dat words of urs!
I really do not tink she deserves dis sentence! She didn't set d children ablaze on purpose! And even tho she was careless but 80years!!! if we search ourselves we'd find We've all done similar things! makes me wonder if she'd hav gottn dis same sentence if she was a pure American!
To those saying she doesn't deserve it, if your kid was among I bet you won't be saying that. Who leaves lil kids unsupervised when she's being paid to care for them? And she already proved herself guilty by running to Nigeria after the incidence. LinLin post my words. P.S- Change those boots. Says TiNeX
From d aspect of law....she is guilty. Bt as a human i bliv she didn't do it intentionally n deserves pity
Thank u! Very heartless of pple to say she deserves it! Verrry heartless, she cld av bn gone fr 5mins sef fr all we knw.. It could be us looking away for 10 seconds and our children dipping their wet fingers in a socket or live wire ... God help us.. Just a pity. The "mens rea" (intention) doesn't go with the "actus reus" (action).... 24yrs tho! ..don diddy
But pple tho, u DO NOT leave kids alone not even for a second, I don't leave my toddler alone with his cereal, let alone leave d house completely worse off with oil on d stove?! Come on pple! Its, wrong, wicked and careless. And she runs out of d country wen she realised wat happened? Clearly dis isn't d first time she's doing it. Its wrong, wrong, wrong, don't leave kids alone unsupervised, if u av to rush off for 5mins, get someone to stand in for u. Pple need to realise dt there r consequences for every action - good and bad, and start doing d right things even wen no one's looking.
Its stories like this dt made me take time off work to look after my kid cos I don't want to put my kid ind hands of careless pple.
Mumu! When u leave ur states and congest other pples states, u no go know say worse dey happen 4 ur states idiat!!!... Don diddy
Am sure she has bin doing it for a long time... Why will she do a silly thing of such? Leaving oil on d fire is pathetic, oil gets very hot within 2min max how much more15min or so... She is so mean abeg leaving the children helplessly and running to Nigeria were shit happen.... She is a witch I swear..... I soo feel for the parent.
80year is outrageous. she's guilty of negligence buh 80 yrs .is jst too much.think of hw many tys u left ur lil sis or niece or nephew fr five mins to rush over somtyn.
@anonymous 9:26am..... Na u craze pass.. Oloshi.... Which kin mistake be dat? Wetin delay her outside wen she no say she leave children 4 house.... Na ur type na why u dey shit.... Onye ara
@Lil.... Sharrap!!!! which kin silly mistake be dat....
why should u b sorry linda?she does deserve it
U see where dt talk say she run to Nigeria ?
So U can leave oil on a burner and go out for 15 minutes leaving your children in the house?! U must be really stupid.. Next time please make sure U connect ur mouth to your brain(if U have any) before you talk.. Four babies died because of that "only" 15mins..
I knw she's guilty bt 80 yrs???? Dats abnormally 2much. Angelic
Yes agreed she made a mistake but 80years,haaa! its a no no. Its way 2 much joor.Dats life imprisonment u know. We ve all erred.
Anon9:26, U be mumu.. Its very obvious dat U don't read int'l news.. Dis lady started two fires on d same day in her high school wen she was a teenager, she was charged wit arson.. She didn't declare dat wen she wanted 2 get d license 4 dis day-care centre... Next time, pls get ur facts right b4 U attack ppl on here... Ode!
Agreed she made a mistake but 80yrs imprison! haaaa! its a no no. Dats way 2 much. Dey would ve said life imprisionment. We ve all erred one time or d oda.
Speak for yourself and stop saying "all". If you too have done this, then you are equally meant to join her and serve some years. Stop defending something wrong. You are only lucky, your senseless action to the kids didn't cause any harm. It's good she was sentenced.
Now before any nanny thinks of doing such a careless act again, they'll reason 80 years in jail.
She even has a history of arson, setting fire at her high school for which she was jailed before. To make things worse, she ran to Nigeria again.
Sorry is not enough at times. Do you think the parents paid her to make their kids burn? Do you realise that?
Someone said "only 15 minutes" what is wrong with some Nigerians? So "15 minutes" is now "only" to you?
You can say rubbish cos you weren't directly affected.
It's the part of leaving oil on the fire and leaving the kids just makes me think she was up to something, I mean what was she thinking, oil kwaaaaaa!!!!!! And she went shopping and after that, she ran to Nigeria. I don't know what to call her ooooo. Cos she goofed in all aspect
Exactly!!Linda na wa o...if u were on d jury list,u'd av asked for her head,ba?May God forgive us all
Lol, my thoughts exactly ...something just ain't right with the combination of the boots and jacket, but then again, Linda isn't used to wearing boots and winter jackets..she'll come around, hopefully!
Yes Everyone deserves a second chance but you dont know how many she's already had, she maybe was getting away with it. Its beyond careless what she did. First of all its not your kids and you leave hot oil burning and leave the premises thats one mistake you cant not be punished for when lives are gone. And if you know the law she wont serve all those years even if given another 20. And lastly if you were the parent who lost their child so recklesly would u still say the same about giving chances?
AkAtA u'r nutin be a tribalistic idiot!!!wat brot yorubA into dis now ehn?d way pple reason @times sha,smh!!Bigot oshi,as for u Linda I presume u'r perfect n u'v neva eva made a costly mistake in ya life dats y u'd say dat...MAY God forgive us all!!
Hmmm Naija my Naija peeps this lady was the centre operator on duty she was in d bathroom that is being investigated find the real story here http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-20036103.html
If Nelson Mandela can forgive his oppressors, sure you can forgive anybody for anything..
You are just an idiot.. God! You have no brains, I actually feel pity for you sha, how can you be this shallow and dumb.. Ahh! Akata,You need Jesus asap.
Lwkmd! You no go kee person!
All you people saying she didn't deserve the sentence, I have one question; ARE YOU INSANE?
She killed children! Imagine their fear? Their horror? Imagine the agony of the parents? And customers shopping with her observed and related that even when she remembered she left oil on fire she didn't bother to hurry home, she was indifferent. Oh how I would LOVE to watch her indifference flee as she serves hard time and suffers behind bars at the mercy of others, just as those children were are her mercy.
Exactly! What this girl did wasn't planned! It was an accident! How many times we have forgotten something on the stove? I know she has to pay for the death of the little kids, but spend the rest of her life in prison is too harsh! If she was white, there is no doubt that the sentence would be lighter!
True! People act like they are perfect and have never been careless before! The only difference is that a disaster didn't happen with us!
Funny how people are so quick to judge! She ran to Nigeria because of no remorse but not because of fear?? Maybe her family wanted to protect her and helped her to run? There are thousand of possibilieties! If she was ur sister, daughter or mother I would like to know what you would say about it!
I'm so disappointed to read people's comment about the harshness of the sentence, Although she did not intend to kill the child, under Texas law a person can be convicted of murder if he or she committed an underlying offence and that action led to the death. When sentenced for murder you have to serve a minimum term of at least 20 years, 4 innocent kids have lost their life, and 80 years is not too much for her to pay for the loss of 4 lives. To everyone that complained about the sentence, for a second imagine if your child was one of the four kids that died, or even if all 4 kids are yours, would you still say it’s too much? people are saying no one is above mistakes, but when you're in charge of the welfare of other people, their life is in your hands to a certain extent, you can't afford the luxury to say you want to pop out for 15mins, she's still going be charged for leaving them on their own, she was reckless, careless, and irresponsible, she doesn't deserve to get less than 80 years, 4 kids will never have a life, their families will always be in despair, this pain won’t go away and I personally find it shocking she didn't get life in prison as she will be eligible for parole after 30years, but the 4 kids will still be dead in 30years
Well Linda i don't need to bash you cos ur LIB bloggers and contributors have done dat i guess u were airing ur opinion i gat 3 boys and it will hurt like hell if any of dem suffers fatality that is why i dont even trust theri nanny.
miss tata,s action was UN professional i guess when something bad is destined to happen there aint no way you can avoid it nothing hurts me to see kids die. but truthfully 80 years is harsh i was expecting 10 to 20 years but 80 is way too punitive in essence she will spend her life and die in jail she needs to appeal
Please no need to collect the children if you cannot handle them. Too bad, at least she would have waited till when the parents of the children came to get them b4 she goes shopping. Uhh dis is so sad.The sad part there is no amount of prison term that would bring the children back
@ fierysasha I'm sure you have no functioning brain cells, if you do there's no way you'd say if she was a "pure American" she would get a lighter sentence. What is a pure American? How does that make sense? There are laws that need to be followed, if you don't know the full scope of the case then its best you keep your comments to yourself. America is not a lawless county like Nigeria where with the right connections you can get away with everything. Don't worry let someone kill you, or even kill your kids and siblings while being reckless like she was, we'll see what your families opinion would be on the issue, it amazes me how people most especially Nigerians never put themselves in the victims shoe, or the grieving families shoe, only like to imagine how sorry the accused would be, SMH that’s when everyone remembers there’s a God that forgives.
The next time anyone decides to take up the responsibility of been a child care provider they would follow rules and guidelines as expected by the law, if all she did was forget she left oil on the fire and she was in the house with the kids she’ll get a slap on the wrist for not paying attention, but she left the kids alone in the house, that’s another law she broke, you can’t pick and choose which laws to follows , this would be a lesson to all the reckless unlicensed child care providers in this country, the United states government is different from Nigerian government so people should understand it has nothing to do with whether she’s a Pure American or not like the very stupid Fierysasha put it in her comment, clearly these are the words of an ignorant, uneducated person
She deserves the sentence. Her carelessness was terrible. How can anybody in their right mind put on hot oil and go to the store with toddlers in the house? She deserves a life sentence and that's what she got. I am glad. I even think her mental state should be questioned. She must have loose nuts to have done what she did. Toying with lives? Gosh!!
I can't even imagine what the parents are going through. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Simple!
lindus, i had to come back nd post oooooo, do you check wat age you typed....ehn, i think it is best not to be putting age ......haha dis woman 24 ke....so i old pas am,imposicant
But, who leaves oil on fire and then goes shopping???? Was it a case of insanity or that she was just dumb? Which?
So, she should be cut some slacks, huh?! Did she cut the kids some slack and give them opportunity not to be burnt by fire and die??? What of the trauma the survivors, parents, those who lost siblings but survived ans all are passing through? Oh you don't know she ran to Nigeria right? Nonsense! You should have your head examined a bit, this one you also run a day care. Just in case you foolishly plan on making such a mistake too, reason this her 80 years. Rubbish!
God forbid it was my child, but still 80 years jail term will not bring he/she back. She definately deserves punishment for her negligence nd lack of remorse because she flee to Nigeria . but I believe in merciful justice...let's see how long they give ALU 4 vampires!!!!
I pity uher as per human, but she is totally not a mother, bcos no any mother who had pushed or had CS for her baby will try dat, If it were naija anything goes, but unfortunately for her, Americans have respect for their citizen, imagine Allu 4, b4 long it will become history and so many others, she should face it n pray to her God who forgive sin, and who knows, if she truly and sincerely call on her God something good might happen! May d soul of d kids RIP! @ Lady, start calling on ur God for mercy!
How did age get into this matter now? we are talking about something more importantvand you talking about age....na wah oh! I don taya for una
I pity uher as per human, but she is totally not a mother, bcos no any mother who had pushed or had CS for her baby will try dat, If it were naija anything goes, but unfortunately for her, Americans have respect for their citizen, imagine Allu 4, b4 long it will become history and so many others, she should face it n pray to her God who forgive sin, and who knows, if she truly and sincerely call on her God something good might happen! May d soul of d kids RIP! @ Lady, start calling on ur God for mercy!
I don't care if it was 10 seconds! You do not leave something on tthe burner with unsupervised children and go out.
will you say there was never a time your parents left you unsupervised as a kid? This is not first degree murder and was never intentional, so how does 80yrs in jail made any sense? That is life imprisonment, perhaps it would have been better he sliced all of their neck with his own hands.
Ahaa! I knew you were there somewhere. Let the age detector machine operators reveal themselves! There is no CERTAIN way to discern a person's age by his or her physical features!!!
the love of money is the root of all evil so says the bible.may God deliver our children
@TONIX, what are you doing on blogs, if you are in America it is daytime when you should be paying attention to the children your are taking care of. SEE you are part of the problem. LOG OFF and face your job
This 80 years that is disturbing people... you know it's basically a life sentence right? Don't they do life sentence in Nigeria?
November 27, 2012 10:08 AM, Please, where did it say her child died?
Kim, there re rules in america that re NOT joked with. And it is ur duty, if u recide in d States to kno those rules, and many of them re for children's protection; u must never, ever in yor life leav a child unsupervisef, much less 7 toddlers. And besdes, she shildnt hav had mor dan 4kids without help.
OMG!! Shits happens. Leaving a pan of oil on stove? Leaving toddlers unsupervised? Staying for 15mins? Hmmm!! Dis is still d same lady with d case of arson, setting fire at her high school some years back. Too bad of her. But who are we to judge & condemn? May d souls of dose innocent babies rest in peace. And may GOD forgives dis lady.80yrs? I pity her.
Na Waooo! God help u shaaaaaaa.
I beg Cynthia meshonu!!!! She was careless, accepted. But she wouldn't have done that intentionally. By the way, were u told that she ran to America?
Linda, dats not fair comin from you.Nobody deserves such punishment.
People just wag there tongues and say rubbish,24 yes old, she made a very silly mistake and u all talk like she did it intentionally, you guys should think before you talk, and Linda ikeji, try and be diplomatic you own the blog, your comment isn't needed, stop talking from your own selfish point of view
Well said!
She lost her own kid? U confused???
It's only u that will leave ur loved one without supervision! Stop generalizing, Mr/Ms Careless!!
U a wicked father to say 80yrs is too much! Let's see what u wlda done if it was ur kids! Anu mpama!!
What baffles me is this: are we saying The U.S didn't have it on record that she'd committed arson twice before awarding her a child-care license????
U are wicked, if she is ur sis ter will u tell her to rot in there idiot.
So, na today u know say oyido no like black.If na oyibo do dis thing dey no go give am 80yrs, I know say d thing way d girl do good but for crying out loud 80yrs for dt young girl too much haba. God way great ds world no go juge us like ds, human being is wicked na take our hand change ds beatiful world Baba God create. I sure d girl no do am delibrately.
U are a fOol, which can rule u don go America b\4?If na dia pple dey no go hammer her like ds.Animal
U are wicked, if she is ur sis ter will u tell her to rot in there idiot.
Linda omo ibo, you refused to post my comment, anyway you go see rainbow!!Just mind your way because you're so wicked for saying she deserved 80 years!!
This is just a double tragedy. She made a mistake, a very big mistake but her going to jail will not bring the kids back.
She did not mean the children any harm, it is just carelessness. Going to life jail at 24 for what is pure carelessness. What a tragedy!
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