Dear Linda, my friend who does make up put this on her DP, but I find it hard to believe that it is the same chic. My friend swears its the same. Can make-up really do this amount of wonders? If it does, then any lady I'm gonna ask out go need wash face first o, make I for dey sure.Lol. The power of make up. Na im we take dey confuse men! Haha! Makeup by Kemi Kings
Nothing like a natural looking woman!
Lmaooo!yes make up does wonders oo..the effect is unbelievable
Na ha twin sister jor, one dey city d oda one dey village jare...kai see as dem wan run d village one down cos she wan advertise
Picture one is the person a man will be with at home. So....make-up is temporal.
Its Make-up plus Photoshop....
Not just d make up,bt alot of photo editing
Make up + Photoshop
before and after are both beautiful
Yes it does. But this has photography wonders in it too
Make-up enhances innate beauty
It's just not the same person.
Not the same person.
Yes she look so pretty, for ur information this was not a photoshop trick, but the true wonder of makeup. Because she is a friend and i saw her live........
makeup and lighting obviously
Jeez if i wake up for morning i go jump window ooo
Make up though photoshopped too
Has it occurred to anyone that the difference between the 2 pictures is the lighting (& not so much the make up as everyone is gasping about?).
Because if you observe the environment, you will see that the 2nd picture is significantly more lit up than the first.
Make up nicely done,though photoshopped
Make up + big photoshop!
This doesn't look like d same person 2 me oo, make up helps, but doesn't transform dis much
Its either photoshop or mother n daughter. They smile differently. Look at d chest too. Do they rub pancake to chest?
Dont believe it, both are different
na juju ???
How wld aany one believe its the same person??? Ve u seen the forehead????
she is still pretty without make-up
Makeup and lighting, the latter picture is brighter and she appears lighter. Makeup should enhance your natural beauty and not bring confusion as to identity so I say the makeup issue, less is more
Lie!!! It's not the same person..!
Make up dnt matter in bed....too much make up disgusts....notin like d original beauty jor!!!!!!after 2 mins ur make up go clean and we will see d real u
Perfect make up by kemi kings....trust me. You can visit her Facebook page for more pictures of this same lady and many more great transformation.
By the way, I'm not kemi kings and I'm 100% sure she has no idea who I am.
Notin go make Ðœ̣̣̥̇ε̲̣̣̣̥ agree say na d same person b dis.I no make up nd a lot abt it,it sure makes U̶̲̥̅̊ wonder bt it doesn't perform magic cos dats wat I'll call dat pix
Lai lai. Nt d same person. The left is an old woman. The right shld be her daughter. N the woman has dimple on her cheek while d transformed one doesn't. Na beans??? Nt d same person jo. We ain't daft. We can spot differences
definitely not the same person, the one on the left has yellow teeth..
@YK baby aka Kemi Kings , nice business promo lol
Kemi you too get mouth!your work is all photoshop!
Thanks anon 12:24. Kemi Kings is not all that.
Who is the makeup artist
Yuck and what happens later that evening when its time to ea that pussy??????
Thank you! Im surprised some idiot has not said she BLEACHED! Lighting does a lot and celebs know!
I dont think this is fair at all though. Imagine how the poor girl will feel after reading this. And it was her wedding day too. Not fair at all. Linda shudnt have posted it.
I feel u.
Truly make up. I don't like women with much make up but mild. Be real for my liking.
Lmaoooo oponu.
Lai lai. It is not the same person. The lady on the left is one of those non earring wearing church goers like them mfm, apostolic faith, CAC and co. The one on the right is a happeneing babe could possibly be doing runs on the side. Two totally different people jo. Even the background is not the same. THey just quickly threw a blue something in the background of the picture on the left so it looks the same
This is defintely a mom and daughter picture. Yes, make up does wonders but this one for sure are two different people and the one on the left is OLDER. Obviously so sef
I think the camera's lighten also helped brighten up her complexion: compare her neck, teeth and even the room she's in...they all got lighter along with her face in the 2nd pic. Makeup is not that powerful abeg.
The lighting of the camera did most of the trick!
These are two different people.
If like the picture without make is how dark the lady is. Then she can't be d same person with d make up. Except I believe she uses lightening cream before this her flawless make up picture was taken. Photo shop and lots of lighening was used wen the picture was taken. I have seen tara the makeup woman and even as much as she uses makeup she never really changes much. It only enhanced her look. And these talk is from an expert.
its the same person.she was my course mate in unilag.shes on facebook.her name is toyin k.o
The girl is cute na. The makeup just enhanced her beauty.
abeg tell me who did the make up..abeg linda find out for us...i will be waiting lol for real sha...
Rili cnt say anytin abt da 2 pics. Bt I hat women wit 2 much make up. I personally believe make up is 4 ugly ladies wit no self esteem. OsBorn
Its does madam.go to banke m lawal let her transform ur look.
Same person. My cousin is also a makeup artist and I've seen her clients' before & after pictures. The transformations are so real that they scare me. I agree that the camera people add a little more light, but the makeup transformation is REAL [as are the large boxes of makeup kits they pack, a painter has nothing on them]. I've had my own share of the makeup transformation to attend a wedding. When I tell you that relatives walked by me without recognizing me, no be understatement.
Photoshop, lighting, jik, juju I don't care but this na witchcraft
Are u not a guy? U a fag
Nw u all agree wif me dah makeup mk ppl lighter. Fank God no 1 tlkd bout bleachn here
Not d same person plssssss one looks dry and d other very fresh and full on d face
U r a woman n u say its not d same person. Babe use Jik was eyes, maybe e go help
Its absolutely the same person. Nothing photoshopped here, but rather the lighting in the made-up pic added much to it.
LMAO @Anon Nov 14, 2012 12:06 AM!!Smh...LOL
It's more of photoshop,notice how the 1st picture has lines on her house coat abi watever wat she's wearing is called and it looks like plain white wit no stripes on the second?am very very sure its d same person...seen awon celebbs w/out make up&fotoshop?they look this awful too!!
Its d same person jare! No b heavy make up una dey find. U guys will b "running mouth" ur mouth and callu a woman like pero ugly cos she not putting on brazilian weav and heavy make up on. Mtchewwww
dis 2 re so not the same... one has dimples d oda doesnt....
Kemi kings toh badt. Shes really good at transformations! The bride looks wonderful!
Toke Makinwa....Before and After *wink*
It was not photoshop, abi? The make up lightened her entire body! Go and sit down jare, and learn about lighting and photography tricks.
This transformation aint nothing compared to TY Bello's Dora Akunyili's picture for Thisday Style a while ago. Dora looked like a 16 year old with the make up, lighting, photoshop things
This guy,weda u like date a gal u met without make up or not,its non of our bizness,but so far as am concern,for this lady to had put dis up on her dp means she still apreciates herself natural and on makeup. Samsung 2310
Abeg, there are two diff pple in this photo. They are not the same @ all. Haba. I never get catarax for eyes na.
It's the lighting. First picture is in dim lighting. Second, is in a well-lit area.
The guy should take heart sha. There's make-up available for me too :-)
Most so called natural girls always loose a boyfriend or hubby to what u call fake coz guys like it!!!! No one wants to be called mgbeke so do all they can not be passed over. Its the fault of men so they should stop complaining. Fyi I am a guy and I have seen many of my friends dump good girls for those who r tushed up
The pix are not of the same person. Check out the gap-tooth & high cheek-bone of the lady in the pic on the left and compare to the other. I beg, no be the same person
back in the day parents would look for a wife for their son and send him her picture, nowadays any guy who tries that will die of shock when he sees the real thing
ok ok ok... whats this argument? photoshop vs makeup....
now my analyses.... the two picture are toatally different persons, they are look alike.... who ever did the make up shuold have shown pictures how she started the first pic and arrived at the second pic.... there's this they call 'digital picture', that is what was done in the 'after look' of that lady... yes she was made up but picture wonders are involved...
conclusion- they are just 'look alike' not same person...
thank you....
D first persons hair was made before the second cos it looks old plus they ain't same person it's so obvious that they aren't
Quoting u Mr Tunde Ogunbitan, u be gay?
That is the effective power of good lighting!! Tho the make-up to, is on point
Not Kemi indeed! Just listen to yourself
ok......... now i need the name of ths makeup artist and phone no if she can do this wonders to a human being.
'May God deliver you guyz from them' well I hope you were referring to the ladies as guyz else I can infer a whole lot of ur choice of sexuality from this not too subtle comment. It's a free world anyways;)
not the same person
Ok, rili guys, u best believe make up can do wonders..just try googling stars without their make-up on! *Without make up i still have a fine face* #dontEvenGoThere,Eldee!! lol..but when i see wat makeup can do..mehn, itz not a mad idea sometimes. And for those analyzing, no dimple, smile differently..rili? Does she look like shez smiling the exact same way? I know it's the same person.. lightening + makeup..both still beautiful.
I am a photographer and can categorically tell you this is the result of a great makeup artist + a great camera. There's is no photoshop or editing in this picture at all.
Obviously the 2nd picture was affected by lighting from the flash or the room.
Use your senses people, find it.
Guys, abeg shut up!!! You all scream you don't like makeup but go after chics with makeup and leave the natural ones at home.
Shuush abeg...
Damn!!!!! I just checked the lady's wall now (Kemi Kings), she's actually the same person. There is a mark somewhere beside her nose, check both pictures, u'll see the same mark. Going forward, any babe i meet now must follow me to the beach for "face cleansing"
It is so the same person. Make up artists usually try to make the before picture quite wosky so they can feel like badt guys.
The before picture is not properly lit and her smile is wider thats y she looks different.
That said, the make up didnt obscure the pimple on her fore head in the after picture so that's it!
Its a lie joor. Did the make-up artist paint her body too? Kai dis one, I no gree o!
Linda! Take your time o!
that's not the same person abeg.
@ YK Baby pls wats d exact facebook page for Kemi Kings cos i cnt find it, i nid to c her work cos i'm nid of a gus mk up artiste for my upcoming wedding., thanks.
@ YK Baby pls wats d exact facebook page for Kemi Kings cos i cnt find it, i nid to c her work cos i'm nid of a gus mk up artiste for my upcoming wedding., thanks.
Makeup and lighting aside, its not even the same person. Take a close look at the facial features, especially the nose.
Yeah right!!! I knw make-up does wonders but it's just not d same person. Can't be fooled.
Liessssss. Not d same prsn
LusciousBerry, her Facebook username is Kemi Kings Imevbore-Uwaga.
Meanwhile, her work is just fantastic! I'm sure someone like her could turn a gorilla into Barbie...LOL...just kidding...but really people, she is that good.
I am so disappointed that you guys fell for this. They did a good work though but if you look real close you would see this is FAKE!! Its two different women here.
Take a close look at the difference between these:
The nose
The forehead
The difference in the natural texture and fullness of the lips
The little dimple at the chin of the woman on the left.
THIS IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abeg, they are two different pple. Y is d second's girl smile not as broad as the 1st' and where the hell are the dimples?
Kemi King performs miracles with her make-up brushes. She did my wedding makeup, her work is to die for. #she'sgotskills
Why people they like LIE like this?!Isn't it obvious that the facial structure is different?Look at the shape of the nose na?abi them do plastic surgery join?Abegi!
It cld be the same person but in these case l have my doubt ,Cus in the first pix she had a dimple on her cheeks but in the glam one she doesn't .where did her dimple go....,..!!!!! Lol
Omo im a lady and im still finding it difficult believing. Mehn the change is too drastic jare. Nawa oo
Well make up does a lot of wonders sha especially wen d make- up artist is a pro.
As for me i keep telling my male friends to be careful abt looks. Some girls dont even have front hair
proper lightening can make a world of difference in pictures - this is a classical example. Check the cloths and background you will agree with me that the first pic was taken in a rather dark room and the other was done with bright lights. I know that makeup truly does change the face of a woman, but this picture right here?.....clearly lights!!!!
Linda watch this video and put up still shots so people know that make up can completely change a woman's face. Thats why people say there are no ugly women, just lazy ones.
Na u need d jik 2 take (was) eye! U no see say pics one forehead com out pass d second one? They r nt same peroson,no matter d makeup or photo shop! Just same hair.
This is the same makeup artist Omotola always uses in London, no wonder! The lady is too good abeg.
I just checked her Facebook wall. She didn't use photoshop o because I can still see that pimple on the bride's head.
Trust me its the same person, im a makeup artist too and this is very possible, kemi kings is very good at what she does, so no need to doubt it. Indeed wonders of makeup, you need to see more creativity and skills of makeup artistry and how its evolving for you to believe that makeup actually does wonders. Nice one kemi kings.
una never har of the chinese man that sued his wife and won$120k in damages cos she gave birth to a very ugly baby!!..investigations discovered that the woman was ugly b4, but went for surgey, wch made her beautiful.
dis might be mum and daughter ohhh
Well make up does do wonders...I had a thing for this girl recently and she was so pretty that i had to ask her out..After a lot of paroles and she agreed, the first day she spent the day in my house, i had to go WASH MY EYES at night to know if it was the same girl cos i swear i thought i was dreaming, her complexion which was hitherto fair became brown, her blemish free skin was filled with spots etc....I knelt down and cried..Infact my MOJO was lost......
If found my wedding makeup artist to turn me into a Barbie even if it's just for one day. Hehehe
this is a matter of enhanced lighting not makeup.
this is mserious photo shopping oh my days...or it's not the same person
It is not the same lady,look closely and you will know
Don't you guys ever heard the saying: "There are no ugly girls, just poor ones." Let every woman find the means to beautify herself. When age comes upon her, let her have her beautiful pictures to look back upon.
Ugly happens eventually. It's called old age, so for the young let them enjoy their years of beauty.
You just took d words outta my mouth. Not Kemi kings...Yeah rite!!!
Linda, while you do write some brilliant stuff it is unfair to post someone's pictures up for a debate by the general public without her consent. As always, some people will leave nasty comments and you have given them a platform to do just that without taking the lady's feelings into consideration.
For the record, its' the same person in both pictures, she's my sis-in-law and I was there. Before you leave a comment, imagine that it was your picture up there. In addition, don't advertise your ignorance if you don't know much about photography, lighting and make-up.
She is the same lady that does Omotola's makeup every time she's in London.
She's very good.
That's Omotola's makeup artist, Kemi...
I second Ade's comment. It is totally unacceptable to put someone's picture up for debate. You have no right.
Just for the record, it is the same person. She is my friend and I was at the wedding.
any babe that says it is not the same person, you are fooling urself! especially that one with a face full of make up, as if you do not see yourself before and after. jonzer!
It's not fake Kemi Kings does real good make up and did this ladies make up...
The lighting caused the dramatic change; she even said it in Instagram here:
@akomuefefaroro thanks dear. I guess the lighting caused too much difference in hue
Lol.....it's the same person.
I know a lot about make up an I can tell you for free that this is not the same person.
Take a close look at the facial structure, neck area etc. The made up girl is obviously younger than the one that s not made up.
Lai lai, d same person ke. guys luk am wel nah...
U no kuku fine reachA̶̲̥̅♏@linda.u dare no try ds shit wit mi,
Na ur way,I knw u wldnt post my comment.fool.A̶̲̥̅♏ indiff abt u.*eye rollin*
See, this is why there are so many divorces. Imagine taking the one made up one home and waking up to the other. women, stop making up. Damn
Not the same person. If I can't notice anything d dimple s sure. 2nd one no get dimple. Lielie make up artist,b4 n afta ko beginning n end ni
Pryncecharming why are u a mugu..can't u see its the same person? Same head shape, same hair style, same chin, same eyes..IMO pic 1 isn't even bad sef, she just looks a Lil more sophisticated in the edited pic
you guys should stfu.. I think its the same person and yes makeup can do this ive seen even worse. all of you saying this kemi kings babe is not good wetin concern you ehn? bcause you cant do it doesnt mean you should weigh another person down! OLODO ODE
Mumu People its the same person oh Toyin....Married shes is MRS OPA.......
Some of you people r just outrightly foolish. How do you not av sense ehn? Ur eyes deceive u all of d time and ur brain doesn't work either. Now, the person in d before picture is a naturally beautiful lady as u can see. How many ladies can plan their wedding and stl look good ehn? Now, for u jobless ppl who keep saying crap, d person u r talking abt is now happily married and I'm sure she's laughing at u all as she cuddles her hubby. Kemi Kings nice one jare. I know it was no fotoshop. Odensins
Na d same person guys. Yes she has dimple on one cheek, its bcos her smile is more deep in d 1st pix.d texture of d lips shows what d make up artist wants u to see. She made d lips fuller lukn.
Its two different people, check the fore head, the neck bone, the lips shape,
Common guys, its two diff person. Pay attention to the fore head, the neck bone, the nose tips, even the cheek.
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