Listen to Rihanna ft. Chris Brown - Nobodies Business | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 9 November 2012

Listen to Rihanna ft. Chris Brown - Nobodies Business

Rihanna has released a snippet from her duet with Chris Brown - 'Nobodies Business'..


BLOGLORD said...

hehhehehe,, befoire i even listen to the song, am so thrilled with the title 'nobody's business'.
all the tatafos that wont let them be! Nm-hmn! yes u Lindastic Ikejegbish. u are the number one culprit. hehehehe. All their matter naim u de report for blog. oya, dem don release music for u.
ok lemme go listen to the lyrics now....

mary gift said...

My darling linda, what's with the blank space

posh said...

Riri...I will just zip my lips till I see stuffs like 'am past CB' on ur twitter page. In d meantym, av fun whyl ur rent lasts.

Onyinye Chukwu said...

Hi Bloglord,I hp ur not offended by dis question o,am just being curious; do u jus sit n wait for linda to update a post so u can comment? I don't get it,does she ping u wen she's updating or something cos ur most times always d first to comment and u comment on almost every post! *bb confused face smiley*

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Its nobody's business.

Anonymous said...

Linda don't mind them, it will be nobody's business when he smack her face again! Time wil tell.

Linda emeafu said...

Riri is the bomb,am loving this seriously,tell them my dear Ribaby,i wonder wat makes them think is there business.Go girl.

Just Me said...

As Rihanna's greatest fan, i officially declare her 'insane', I feel this chic, She no send.

Anonymous said...

They are in love, aint nobody's business. Tafia's should leave them alone, especially the media.

Anonymous said...

When he beat u, y did u make it everybodies bidnez?

Anonymous said...

Mumu song

Anonymous said...

This two pple just dey carry us dey do business abi

Anonymous said...

Dear linder, I find it verry hard 2 read d blogs cos all d advert banners r blockin it on my fone.. Can't read anyfin n m such a big fan, s der sufim m supposed 2 do..abeg yarn me

truth hurts said...

Ummm..oga linda,i think that u're obsessed with this rihanna character #okbye

Anonymous said...

Nice one make tatafo rest 4 people matter

beewhy said...

Lol at the title of the song "aint nobodies business"... Hahahaha it is for the aproko people ooooo! lmao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pls LINDA IKEJI commemtators leave my girl alone dis two r madly in luv let them be pls I luv dis girl wit all my heart nd I hate wen evil tins is been said abt her abeg

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Una life is really 'Nobodies Business' jor! Love you two love birds loads..... #TeamBreezy #TeamRihanna

tax collector said...

Nice song.cnt wait to c d riri

Anonymous said...

All na illuminati stuf....

Anonymous said...


MJ said...

Off course,their lives their business,if it goes wrong its up to them.Visit/Follow my

dolapo adufe's blog said...

Wow nice,
looking out for it sha

princessa said...

Nice song! Nice

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly, she never did. The media did all the noise making. Chick had to be subpoenaed before she appeared in court. So keep quiet if you don't know.

Anonymous said...

FACT-rihanna aint educàted(she no even finish secondary sch)she sings crappy songs & all she ever seems 2 do in fotos & videos is touch herself wich drives y'all gaga.Small minds always flock 2gether

Anonymous said...


Drea said...

Onyiye I dnt undstnd y some 1 being d 1st 2 post a comment shld b ur case study here, no b blog if he like he post first or last Nigerians every thing is a problem to u

Anonymous said...

Downloaded operamini on ur phone,then go through from operamini to ll view it better like that,it has happen to me to wen I started blogging...enjoy,kaffy

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:47am, Its ok dt u r confused cos u both commented within an hour. N wot is ur business with wot she do with her time.

Anonymous said...

Abeg free bloglord º°˚ d guy na Linda assistant


Anonymous said...

Lol, its becuz linda usually posts bloglord's comment first everytime, so its not bloglord's fault oo, I understand dat she is friends with linda buh na so linda dey do as she like, #yinmu

goodie said...

b4 nko ofcos its nobodies business....nobody dey drag am wit una.

Anonymous said...

Hw is it ur biz. U always use this platform to insult pple.. If he comments on every post. Hw does dat bother u. Mind ur bi9

ebuka said...

lool....pls leave the guy alone joor

Makeover by T.E.J.U said...

Only BLOGlord has a App that notifies her when linda posts....hehehehe., as for af taya 4 his confusion.

Kogi Media said...

How will it not "no body biz", wen they've sold their lives to d whole world?

Anonymous said...

Bloglord is a female, awon olodo #kmft

sand said...

I hAve been in this position before especially for ones first love eventually she will see the truth all she wAnts is closure

sand said...

I think they are both looking for closure a stop to their" what if"
Hope they find it

Critical observer said...

Ok auntie Linda y did u take down the vid?

Anonymous said...

Is dat d sadey ah know? From fegocal????

Anonymous said...

Rihanna, cossy nd kim kardashian

Anonymous said...

Define illuminati? Like if u see chance u no go join!

Anonymous said...

Its "an app"

Anonymous said...

Onyinye am sure if it was ur dry blog,someone always rush to comment on,u won't notice or tell dis ur YEYE Observation,appreciate dear,so God can upgrade ur status and make ur blog famous!!!

Anonymous said...

Am sre if he had beat her indoors,no1 will no till date!hmmmm women!

kemsugar said...

Lmao! Onyi don fin trouble. I love bloglord jor.

Jungle Justice said...

LMAO!!! Una sef! D impulse to blast on dis blog is epic n hilarious! 1 wrong comment n d flood gates burst open! Una leave d main gist dey stoke Onyin. By d time I read thru d 1st 10 comments after Onyinye's, me sef come confuse n I 4get d issue 4 discussion! I had to scroll 2 d top to remind myself of d issue @ hand. Lol! It is a serious sontin ooh!

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