Malory Owens, pictured left, was attending a Thanksgiving dinner in
Mobile, Alabama, with girlfriend Ally Hawkins, center, when the family
affair turned violent. The 23-year-old suffered numerous facial
lacerations and a broken nose in the attack, at the hands of
Travis Hawkins Jr, Ally's Hawkin's brother who didn't approve of their lesbian relationship. Travis took Malory aside after dinner and attacked her. He knocked her down and pummeled her with his fist. He has been charged with second-degree assault and was later released on bond. See what he did to Malory after the cut...
That good for her
Why didn't he beat his sister? She is also practicing or indulging in the same behavior
Ya we knw lesbians r nt approved,bt beatin her to dat extent nt fair @all.
@lindaikeji han han.....wahala dey o...y d guy no kill him sista 1st of all
Nawao dat was way too much,she got more than she bargained for,I guess d girl's brother should also retaliate.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This is very good. Its just the beginning for all of them out there. Infact, i will burn them alive, to ashes. Weldone Travis!!!
Hitting a Woman... Very wrong but then what is even wrong with these girls with all the single guys around?
Ur a fool
Very very good. Anuofia
Ahn. Dhtz Wicked of U to say. Y ddnt he Beat his sista also?
Anonymous 7.18pm, what's the meaning of 'good for her'? If only some of you could be bold enough to publish your names when writing your nonsense..........
Are u serious... U must be an evil person.. just because u don't agree with an individual's lifestyle, that does not give one d right to inflict pain on others..
Two wrongs make no right, go figure!
Good brother...hahahaha see her now. Demons. Lesbianism is demonic. If Ur mama say she wan be lele u for dey here? It's against the plan of creation. God bless this brother forever
As d sister no hear word na,he vats cast out the devil luring her cos she can't possibly practice lesbianism alone. Good for her. #Donttouchmysister
Egbami o! Yes, why didn't he pummel his sister as well? Too bad for the beaten up lesbo tho.
He probably wanted to knock out d evil spirit out of her.
kpele to the girl. But when u do something that's unnatural please expect unnatural treatment. Hopefully,he beat the lesbian out of u... b
Ʊ are such a retard 4 dis! Wen we still talkin of ow to stop jungle justice,Ʊ wanna take sum1's life Hodeoshi.......abeg! Its der lyfstyle, y dint he beat his own sis? Oh or maybe he's into. His sista nd got angry she's not into him!
Am a lesbian too,that guy must rot in jail. Who's he to beat up a girl ?
D guy don beat lesbianism commot her body *thank God*
She got served.
@ mimi, you're an animal. straight from the jungle. its your type we dont need in nigeria abeg. terrorists and killers. hisss
@Dj_slim_avo. Not only 2wrongs, even 300,000wrongs wunt make a right.... He's gone too far.
I'm straight and not very comfortable with homosexuality, BUT i will not sit down and fold my arms as human beings are beaten and killed! What did he gain by beating her? What did she gain/lose from the beating? In the end, this was unnecessary violence and nobody wins in the end. Women have fought for centuries just to be considered human beings- now we get beaten up just because a man feels he can dictate the course of our lives! This is beyond sexuality- this is human rights violation! NO TO VIOLENCE!
Judge not! All of you makin noise about lesbianism being a sin, I agree but out of all of you here how many of you do not sin every day? He without sin cast the first stone, if a person was beaten black and blue for fornicating which am sure you re all guilty of wud you all be sayin what u re sayin now? Am not a lele but I always like it when pple ve an open mind and not behave like hypocrites
this will soon start happening in nigeria. the whole world is not California or New york. most americans still hate homosexuality and are very aggressive about it. if u are gay or bisexual please keep it to yourself, if not this can happen to you or even's only celebrities in america who have the guts because they live in a bubble. people are killed daily or commit suicide because of their sexuality. i don't support homosexuality. i hate it. but i would never hurt another human being for any reason.
Mimi sweerie, ur thinking is seriously low, it baffles me. What if God burn every human for breaking his commandment??? When u have ur own gay kids, u can decide to burn them.
Haba mr travis na wa 4u O.Ikno say me sef no go like am if my sis dey do lesbo but mehn.Which one now?u wan kill am?
Anyway at least yr sis can turn to u when she needs help.
Im all in for dealing wid guys who treat my sister bad,but travis dats a woman.U cant beat a woman like dat bro.lesbo or not.Shit mehn i aint messin wid yr sis dats for dam sure.Wetin you go do black man?
dis is wickedness may god punish him how can someone be dis heartless to beat up a girl to dis extent of destroying her face that guy is evil for those of u murderers supporting him pls murder and lesbianism which one is harmful?wicked people u reject evil with dis hand and accept another worst evil with d other hand evil dowers.
Sis., OMG!
Kindly, visit:
how can a guy do dis to a girl just bcos she suck ur sisters pussy or did she stole d pussy?didn't ur sister gave her concept? d guy needs to roth in jail are u God?if God should inflict such pains on u cos of ur sins how wil u feel?
As much as I don't agree with the means he used to show his disapproval due to the fact that violence is not the solution, it is good that someone stood up against these unnatural demeanour. Imagine telling a person suffering from ADD for example that there is nothing wrong with him/her, he/she won't get help, but if he/she knows the truth he/she will get help. It is the same with Gays, if they know they are not normal, they will get help but the way the US is handling this issue will make them think they are normal, they won't get help and it will eventually metastasize to the coming generation. I pity the future generation of US, if they don't nip this in the bud, some kids who would have never thought of homosexualism if born in a normal environment will experiment it. One of the annoying things about this people is that they adopt children, isn't that indicting enough knowing fully well that they can't procreate through their unnatural and pervasive ways. Linda and Others, please don't promote or support these people, don't be hostile them to either but let them know they are not normal and needs to get help.
Its unfair! I'm not a lesbian but naked women are just more easy on the eyes than naked men" (Balls just aren't sexy).
Am nt a fan of gay relationship, bt hei, dis is definatively nt d way 2 go abt it, besides we r all entitled 2 choose d way we live. Angelic
She looks just like Rihanna wen Chris B whoopd her ass!
But how did his FIST cos such damage?
Wud hav tot he used a baseball bat on her face!
Billie jean
Naijadeltapikin... Taking the laws in2 U̶̲̥̅̊я hands Ȋ̊§ wrong while do people behave ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ this, that guy should βε̲̣̣̣̥ jailed I agreed with bonaro y did he not neat his sister also n he Ȋ̊§ a man beating a woman they should not let him go unpurnish, he shuld βε̲̣̣̣̥ purnish α̲̅πϑ dealth with seriously too. Then gurls stop lesbanism
@ all lesbians in dis forum....make DEVIL DAMAGE UNA WELL WELL,if u kno u r a proud lesbian why nt give ur full details n c what will happen to u-moda fuckers!!!!
Your stupidity is immeasurable! "O YE OF NO SIN" behold a future aluu4 repeater, u have learnt nothing, and u will continue to be ignorant...
@ all lesbians in dis forum....make DEVIL DAMAGE UNA WELL WELL,if u kno u r a proud lesbian why nt give ur full details n c what will happen to u-moda fuckers!!!! linda plz just allow my post
Thank Ʊ goldelina 4 iQ is very lowwwwww jus wat I tried explaining @ first TEMMY
The amount of ignorance on this blog is sicking....
She'll never be the same again.
I ask this question again: Why do they dress like men?
Gone case
Get out of here. Sodom was burnt coz of pple like u. Nonesense
Come out of d closet darling!!!
Stupid FOOL. Eran jati jati
Yea lesbianism is not rite. But who is travis 2 beat her up? Since he wuz feelin macho n all y dint he pummel his sista as well. All u peeps sayin its a gud tin he beat her up remeba remove d speck 4rm ur eye 1st. D fact ur not a lesbian doesn't mean ur sin is diff.
Mehn, this is as good as Death! ****spits****
mimi jes pray God does naat purnish u real gud fr da yo stupid en senseles comment..Ewu gambia. Hiss
Don't mind them! Nigerians are way too pretensious! I'm sure they've done worse things, who knows, some of them saying crap could secretly gay, but denying it! Holier than thou people...
Oya,go and beat him @ "u will not sit down and fold ur arms".mschewwwwwww.wetin u wan do???
Mumu, U̶̲̥̅̊ don give ur own full details??? 4kin anonymous makin louzy comment.
Balls aint sexy but they're sure sweet. Sounds like you're gay to me.
Lol Pealie, I think you have a hint of lesbian in you! You mean if u see a hot naked guy it will not turn you on? But if u see a naked woman your heart rate will go up? Okayyy
Linda is Lesbian she has no boyfriend.
Linda, it is now obvious that these born agains are the real devil worshippers. The same idiots supporting CAN president. Christianity does not exist in naija. You are all evil and wicked
Yes we all don't agree with lesbianism but Ahn one has the right to take the laws into their own hands. Even Almighty God would not approve of this. This doesn't solve anything
Kia ur gbagaun alone gave me a good laugh. *did she stole d pussy* Lwkmdh *didn't ur sister gave her concept* LMAO *roth in jail* LMFAO u jst inflicted pains wif dis ur english lool
@anon 8:39pm,pls tell dem.....if u kn u r a lez and proud of it,pls sho ursef....madam liberated,all u window dressers ,nigerian gurls and dia double fake,wannabe lifestyle,but we all kn ur parents,and d hole ya'all come from.....sho thysef!!!!!if u tink ur libber arzz will b same again....I will kill u ,if u were to b my sis!!!!mtcheeeeew!!!!!!
People are so hypocritical...I just pray that she pulls through physically and mentally.
Wow the bro try no be small
Hope ur not in naija o,if u are u wld b found and thrown in jail too,it's a crime against our law.
You guys need to lay of the pipe, seriuosly. What is your business with anyone's sexual orientation; who are you to decide who anyone should love. Last time I checked, God has given every human the ability to choose; if you believe hell is where these peeps will go then why are you still pained. Live and let live; afterall, we all fornicate, steal, lie, there is non without sin and the hell a lesbo or homo is headed last time I checked aint no different from the one you and I will go to if we where headed there. Like I said you guys need to lay of the pipe. The guy you are all hailing is going to jail for a very long time because he has just committed a hate crime
Abeg no kill person with your gbagauns.....lolzzzz
Omo, your english bad gan oo #gba# hian! Kiliode mhen!
One word its unfair. He should hv dealt wit his own sis nt d oda gal. Lesbianism or gay its a choice. We cannot and must not dictate how anyone chooses to live their lives. I'm neither but just saying we should learn to respect peoples choices. Learn to live with them. I mean arent they better off than armed robbers, rapists, child molesters? We hv more serious issues than lesbians and gays
Ika , can u imagine u are commending such disgusting behaviour . Nawa Ohh , idiots like u will be doing as if being homosexual is the worst crime in the world , those who have not sinned should cast the first stone , and I am sure u have sinned .
all you fools yarning trash and judging others based something you dont understand, are probably worse off. you fornicate, lie, cheat, and most of all,you judge. He who has no sin.... you are not God and you dont have the right to condemn, you will go to the same hell you talk about. no one deserves such...even all those holding back the progress of naija by stealing trillions of naira have not been beaten like that...lastly, it is just sex sha, the sooner you all realize there's more to life than sex. the better for us all.
I have a question, why is it that America which is considered a city of sin is way better off than our own country. Well I guess the answer is because there are so many hypocrites in this country. For those of you saying she deserved it, you are all hypocrites and that is why this country is the way it is. You better repent and remove hate from your heart. Pray for the gays that they change. Do not wish them evil because you hypocrites are fornicators and adulterers and hateful people. God help us all.
So now it is right for a man to beat someone else especially a woman less stronger than him,unprovoked and almost disfigure her cause you do not agree with her sexual orientation? You guys are applauding the violence right? So tommorrow if someone else thinks your skirt is too short or the shape of your hairstyle irritates them,they can go ahead and beat you to death right!! Hypocrites!!! I do not support any form of unnatural relationship and yes its a sin but violence is also a sin as well as sex before marriage or commiting adultery but its probably true that 90% of people who commented on this are actively engaging in it yet they think someone else deserves to be beaten black and blue,she is doing a girl but they the "righteous" are only doing their opposite sex and that makes them less sinful?!Remove the plank in your own eye before you try to remove the broom stick from someone else's!!
Lesbianism,homosexuality any form of gay behaviour is a sin and shud not be encouraged. It is one of d many vice of d devil.. D dude shudnt have beaten d gurl black and blue buh lesbianism shudnt be encouraged either... I mean come on with all dis plenty fine bobos, gurl go dy follow anoda gurl.. Funny world
How could he has done that now? Vry bad! If u don't agree, must you beat her like dat? Dats unfair vry unfair!
Anon 7:18 u sud be ashamed of urself for dt comment...who r we humans to play God...I do nt support homosexuality n I neva will bt ow do u take it in ur hands to do dis to a defenceless woman...u fnk God doesn't see dis too...he didn't jst srike them died so who r we to luther king jnr once said returnin hate for hate will only add mre darkness to a nyt alredi devoid of stars..darkness cnt drive out darkess...only light can
Am so so happy this Guy did ds, lesbian ko lesbians ni, come try am for naija 3yrs imprisonment no fine!
Kudos 2 d guy, he would have finish d job by cutting off her lips and tongues with which she use in leaking the smelling pussy, useless and hell awaiting lesbos.... U pipo aren't notin yet this's jst d beginning.
If The God that u all r claiming hates them, then y did he create them like that, why cant he punish them by himself and why does he consider violence a sin? #thinkaboutit
bottom line people are gay and lesbian not even because it was something they chose,its just the way they are.
All you extreme straight people applauding this violence can u imagine yourselves being with someone of the same sex? the answer to that question is the same answer a gay or lesbian person will give you as their reason for not being able to be with the opposite sex
Omg! Is he human at all? Absolutely ridiculous. Thi world is too filled with ignorant animals nd I also can see that Linda you have some ignorant, foolish animals for followers. No wonder Ngr doesn't move forward.
If you are moved in anyway by those images then you are not human and don't deserve to be around normal people.
All of you that agree with the beating are all EVIL. Who are you as human being to judge lesbian or gay? you all are as guilty as them all. your daily thought and actions has put you in the same category as them. Let God that created us all be the judge of that.
The act is not accepted by my religion and even myself, but why would i pray for someone else to die in the hand of another? God will forgive us all.
I tnk Travis went too far by batering her like dis cos it dosnt change d situation on ground.
Don't mind Pealie o!she like prick no be small,its on this same lib she confessed to fucking 22 or is it 24 pricks and i'm sure she's fucked more pricks since that time.Oya ova to u ma Pealie,let dem know u're strictly-dickly
Everyone that is saying that the brother did a great job, why he didn't beat his sister or it's good that the girl got beaten...abeg, take a long walk off a short cliff. You may not agree with her sexual orientation, but violence isn't the answer. Besides, some of you have skeletons in your closet so take care of your own house before you come after someone else. Some of your own faces would look like hers (or even worse) if someone off the street decided to beat for your sins the way this man beat this woman.
Dis na test of hw d real hell wud be
You never hear?This ting full ground 4 we obodo Naija no be today.They get many naija-lesbian connections on twitter,alot of our women dey chop toto pass agbalumo
Got wat she deserve,....only dey need to be at par!!........
Her bros too should disfigure d oda gal!!....
Freaking_ass,hell bound bitches....wish dias was a different hell!.....mtcheew................yawns and sleeps off....
And ur english sef is sickening,tabon tabon!Na armoury 4 barracks u grow up ni?
Why do they use dildos n strap on?Who knows why anybody does anything in this world
Who made him judge?
He should have also beaten his sister! It takes 2 to do the act!
Omo gbagaun to bahd le eleyi ooo! Buhahahahaahah!
This one na dagger ni....
Now, your gbagaun is Sickening!!! Lwtmb
You too you are gbagaun because you have no fear of God!
Plus the sadamites aka lesbians and trvis the dyke beater,nah hell fire get 2 of unah cos me no no how God won take judge dis kind the way which one be say Travis beat woman Sabi she won wants play the role of man, oooyah nah wat a man can do a dyke can do lesser.....both actions are not acceptable. JEHOVAH say so.
I don't knw how som of this hypocrites used 2 thnk,vry soon dis blog is showing lesbialism & wat ever will b approve in u knw d weight of dat sin?pls if u are a xristain go & ask ur pastor lykwise muslim.u wil knw dat dis guy didn't do anytin.
Dats a taste of wot he'll wud b lyk.
C who is talkn
The same idiots who cried blue murder over the Auu4 incident are here baying their approval for the act of a fellow idiot. On sunday, you all put on your sunday best with evil stewing in your dark hearts and go to church to worship at the feet of charlatans milking your ignorance whilst stoking the flames of your deepest fears and prejudices. The good news is, your kind is nearing extinction no matter how depraved and in the majority you appear to be. sick, ignorant cowardly bastards who will die a thousand times before their death.
@anonymous 8.39 shut up your foolish mouth...animal! Its people like you that go out in the morning looking for who to quarrel with!..jobless fool..mind your business! It will save you high BP
See you!! is boys like you that conductor will be slaping on the road..but yet your tooth pick power will come out to beat woman! need to channel all that enegry into making money..broke jobless fool!
Abeg! Tell them o..
Shame on everyone hear who says it's good for her. Lesbianism is not a choice it's a lifestyle that can't be changed.
That boy who hit that woman would just have easily have beaten any one of us for being black. Would it have been good for us then? A lesbian can't stop being a lesbian any more than we can stop be black.
Abegi--make dem burn her alive--i support d MOTION..hook,link and sinker..2 HOLES íڪ a CURSE..death íڪ dier reward!
My friends she's a dyke....he she can fight like a man...if she's a woman so why don't she stay and act like one.
Best act.... Dat serves dem right
This is totally unacceptable! Why should u beat up someone for their sexual inclinations? The fact that 2 consenting adults decide to have sex with themselves should be nobody's business....and NO! I'm not a lesbain! Because i am straight does not mean i wont accept and respect those who have chosen lesbianism as their way of life. The world would be a better place if only we could just live and let others live. As for those of you saying it serves her right, there's no difference btw you and the animals that killed those boys in Aluu. Who are you to judge them? Have you not committed any sin before? And i'll have you know that there's no greater sin in the eyes of God! KMT!
This is inhumane, even though i hate these gay bastards trying to put an end to human race.
Aluu modafucker!lesbanism is very bad and murdering is also very bad.The brain is a terrible thng to waste,remove ur brain 4rm d gutters and begin to use it Pls.
Not that I condone violence, but I think the guy was not wrong! Why would you choose to settle for the same sex, rubbish? Was that how God created us humans? And plsssss spare me the crap about homosexuality being a choice of life. If your mama and papa no come together you for exist? Idiots. Am so ashamed of so many of the comments above supporting homosexuality and pls don't tell me we are in the 21st century, if its 21st century and we all wanna go crazy and be wild or do something out of the ordinary, why don't you go and have sex with snakes or lions or what have you, cos am not gonna say dogs or horses cos its already being done. Am waiting for the day a serial killer will come out just for all ya homosexuals, Slaughter your guts just for looking lustfully at the same sex. Am seriously waiting for that day. Disgusting people, homosexuals my ass. Linda post my comment o.
Being gay, homosexual, Lesbianism is very wrong. THE ALMIGHTY GOD condemns it, remember what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah. i do not support the brutality of the young man. all i condemn is the act of lesbianism and being gay.
All you Homosexuals and Lesbian in the house, repent for the kingdom of GOD is at hand. GOD Hates dis act. REPENT OOH do not say you were not told. this is a twenty 1st century wickedness . Remember what GOD did to Sodom and Gomorrah.
@ Anon 7:41 pm why didt you publish your name phone no and house address. we want to know you why are you using Anonymous and condeming some one who does same. Come out of your closet, you are hidding something or are you Gay?
ma dear LIBers, who r we to jugde? yes, homosexuality is a sin likewise fornication, as far as am concern, the percentage of those dt fornicates r higher dan lesb n gays,in sight of God all na full time sin n gate way to hell. there is no small hell for fornicators n big hell for lesb n gays... wat d guy did wz soooo wrong. finish.
Well I,m a les. So u all can jum off d bridge 4 all I care. Dat guy shuld be hanged 4 dis.*angry face*
Ok ok well i love looking at sexy girls but i have no desire to hook up with them in any way, not that either is wrong. However, I've never looked at a guy and thought" wow i'd love to see that guy's penis!" But i love" remimisce too much" song about dick, when im bored!
Pealie I fink I like u. I,m a les. Well if u dn,t mind u can send me ur datails tru linda.will send my number 2 her mail. Nd u can also send ur too.*kiss*
is this dude not a fool he is beating her like he doesnt sin as well oloshi buruku lets face it ur sista is into d same tin n u didnt touch her plus everyhuman is entitled to his or her sexuality it is left for God to judge nt u openin ur stinky mouth to judge Abegi pack well joo
kai i wonder when some irritants here became God kill her kill her on top d english wey una no fit speak u guys really do fink from ur anus how can u say its a cool tin to kill or beat sumone lyk dis cos she fucks a gal ah shatap if na u b d lesbian u for lyk make dem beat u awon oni iranu u jux talk lyk u r atill suckin breast abeg grow no lesbian i am strait to d core bt dis is total madness that i had an opp to b strait doesnt mean they had the same luck
Pretenders, thats wat most of u are. what is right in what that psycho boy did to that girl. why didnt he start the beating with his sister?
some of u guys here hiding under annoynymous are gays while the girls lesbians.
girls know it now 70% of girls are prone to be lesbians.... i know some girls here who are misbehaving all in the name of commenting are lesbians or have practised lesbianism sometime... the guys wagging their nonsense smelling mouth, know it that ur sister out there might be fucking or being fucked by a girl....
it is very wrong to beat that girl like that, so wrong.... if the nonsense boy really disapproves of lesbianism, i think he should go fight Obama for signing gay rights into law....
Linda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hmmm, am sensing danger!!!!!
and wat will all of u do if u find out 'LINDA IKEJI IS A LESBIAN' Bcos i've noticed she likes lesbians stories alot.... GUESS U WILL BATHE HER WITH ACID...
Serves her rite.
sex is sex,fornication is fornication,wether is woman to woman,man to man,woman to man, man to woman every premarital sex is a sin dat leads to hell. We only have heaven and hell. Are u going to heaven? Who are u to judge? U too need to repent if not u will met those homos in hell.
Horrible on many fronts. Since when did a man show his strength by beating a woman? Why did he not beat up his sister? Would he really have been happier had his sister had a boyfriend? Some men who are womanizers hate it when their own sisters have boyfriends. Finally, who is he to dictate another's sexual orientation? Is there not superabundant evidence now that being les/gay is from nature? Soon, homophobes will appear as stupid and ignorant as those who approved twin-murder because they felt it was unnatural. See the picture of the poor woman, almost murdered for loving a fellow human being. Does the Christian God approve of fornication? Some say gay loving is wrong because it does not create life. Most straight relationships are not aimed at procreation. We end up damaging women's reproductive organs from abortion and contraception. Nobody who has ever been involved in abortion or contraception has the moral right to condemn gayness for being non-procreative.
The reason alot of people still support homosexuality is cos they don't know God's mind towards Deuteronomy He gave specific instruction of their been killed and in Paul's epistle Paul said people who practice such have been given over to a reprobate mind by God and left to wallow in darkness.As you keep approving of homosexuality hope you don't also see anything wrong in bestiality,cos both could be on course to stop God's command of 'GO YE therefore and multiple'? i have SPOKE my own.........
Anony 9:45pm! Well I,m in nija I stay @oniru est. Nd a les. So bring ur police down fool.
i laugh so hard cause more often than not, parents of homosexuals are the worst critics. so to all of you praising this evil act of beating a helpless woman, may all your children and their generations become lesbians and homosexuals, may they be condemned for their choices. ignorant fools. i hhope you all know that you are also justifying boko haram(cause they have a different belief), aluu killing(cause they believe in jungle justice and as some of you put it, maybe breaking the armed robber out of their heads or burning the armed robber out of them).
For all of you supporting this barbaric behaviour, I have a question for you all. What makes you different from boko haram? The fact that you don't agree with someone else's lifestyle, doesn't give you any right to use voilence against them.We human being sit and judge other people like our life is pure. For the christians, isn't the greatest commandment of all, LOVE? Irrespective of sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, etc. The Bible says LOVE.And that is all we are obliged to do. STOP playing the role GOD, don't judge. There was a time when people that had our skin colour was seen as an abomination of nature.
@mimi r u 4 real? burnin some1 alive cox she is lesbian? u r goin to far.
@anon 8.39 "all lesbians in dis forum....make DEVIL DAMAGE UNA WELL WELL,if u kno u r a proud lesbian why nt give ur full details n c what will happen to u-moda fuckers!!!! From your comment, i think the devil has damaged u already. Is so certain u cant do without insult. Sori to say you r a damaged Goods
Y u dey shame, jus post ur #fone am sure u will have plenty bidders
Please Blogger God doesn't punish anyone, rather blesses them no matter their sins or crime.And please Can we stop using the name of God in vain. remember his commandment.
Wow, so many commenters here having high blood pressure over the lesbian/gay rights.Well this is my take, scientists and researchers hypothetically suggests that other animals and species have gay traits, although this is yet to be proven, but I believe in a normal society, such acts should not exist, western culture has promoted this perversion, gay rights,gay marriages,and oh they are adopting kids,how sick is that? To the extent that if you are claiming to be gay and you visit the US embassy, you will be granted asylum visa,straight up. I do believe its a form of psychological illness, if not gay people should be put in the same group with paedophiles(natural attraction for children).Now back to the violent guy, his offence is quite grave,1.assaulting a woman.2.hate crime.3.grievous bodily harm.
After this pummelling, I doubt if it will change her.
I like our stance against this perversion. Let the world super powers know that we cannot be influenced over their nonsense. My opinion.
Skin colour and sexual orientation are 2 different things entirely and can't be compared in similarity. If a child is born normally, what will make him have unusual attraction to the same sex? This western influence is creeping in too much, imagine Nigerians celebrating halloween,thanksgiving,etc.
wats wrong wif all of you? lesbian or not she's still human.
it takes 2 to tango so why leave his sis out of the bashing.
I agree homosexualism/lesbianism is disgusting !!!I consider them as smelling depressed low lives !!!but he shldnt hv beaten her up.he shld hv beaten his sis
If u guys kn the poplation of nigerians that are gays and lesbs. U wil realize it not foreign culture but natual inclination. By the way gays is common n integral part of my culture. Hausa word for gay is dan daudu n yan dan daudu for male gay cross dresser. So take sit homosexuality is common to all races
whats ironic is that a vast population of africans go to church n hear the sermon every day, yet we beat the chart when it comes to encouraging violence and hatred. accept it or not, people are gay, its not an infection an abnormality nor a lifestyle...and for some, its nothing even a chioce. sm pll jus exist tht way. yall dont have to accept them, dont have to hurt them either. we are humans for christ sakes! we have all @ some point felt the agony of losing or coming close to loosing a loved one, yet some of u really have the balls to pass this judgement on a young lady who has done nothing but loved another woman. seriously??? being gay hasnt made any negetive impact, on our society, economy, security. all they did is exist. so y cant yall jus let them b n let God do his own work. my opinion? yes love happens between two people. ANY TWO PEOPLE.
Ignorant bastards. May they beat the hell out of your family members.
O kill her abi? Yet when four armed robbers were burned alive you all cried fowl?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...or blow in this case.
If you still think sexual orientation has been distorted by the West then you shouldn't even own a computer.
My gays and lesbians, please learn to protect yourselves. Carry guns, take defense classes, speak boldly and don't let any prude do something like this to you. All women in fact!
If we all went about beating and burning people we find "disgusting," then we may as well have been Germans under Hitler's rule.
Omg you people are so backward and barbaric. This is violence, sexual orientation or no sexual orientation. This is domestic abuse and he should serve jail sentence for assault.
Linda pls u can like to post this comment pls!! Look we all come out here and say it's okay for him to hit her cause she's nt his prefect woman.. Or lemme say has chosen to love another woman than a man like him. Have u tot of hw many men have beaten their gf's/wives up? Poured acid or in the case of the banker cut them in pieces.. How many broken marriages do we have didn't this women decide to love men and yet those never satisfied men went after more women.fornication adultery and everyoda sin we all go to the same hell and believe me we will be shocked how most of this people can go to heaven and us straight people who spend our time judging will end up roting in pretty sure this guy beats up his g/f and Linda pls stop posting abusive comments, it only encourages most hate and if u like more voice for those who usually won't have one!
Don't ever hit a woman even if she's gay.
Lmao @pealie, which one u dey, abi no dey
See all this girls who don't get enough satisfaction from Charles dick-ens.They eye other girls but get angry when we men do...the ones i can't stand are the bi-sexual ones,wanna have it both ways, then they start complaining when their boyfriends cheat..what is good for the gander is good for the goose yo...if we can't do then we can look abi? Then if you gals do other gals, what do expect us guys to do eh?Well, if you like gals,come one, come all and bring your gal friends along, i can watch y'all get down.Back to the issue at hand, i guess the guy dealt with it wrongly, he should have slapped his sister in the process,stupid violent boy with no sense...THE GREMLIN
I am a christian and have my reservations about same sex relationships, but jezz, when it comes to naija people reacting to gay people, our common sense and tolerance jumps outta the window. God, just look at some of these statements bigoted people are making!
What happened to praying for people to find Christ and turn from their unGodly ways? Why judge and reign abuse?
no matter how straight a person is if u start practising same sex,u ll eventually become gay/ if the homosexual world revolution wins the election(that is every human becomes a homo...even animals) then after two generations the human cycle will end(no more giving birth) which will give us THE END OF THE WORLD. Then we will all finally meet BABA GOD together. Continue supporting homo so that all this wickedness in the world ll end sharp sharp.
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