Monalisa Chinda and Kelly Thomson/Toyin Lawani
The Exquisite Ladies of the Year Award held on Sunday November 24th at Posh Centre Lagos. More photos after the cut...

Miss Jaie and Tewa Onasanya/Kayla Oniwe

Matse Uwatse and Celine Loader

G Lory and Wunmi Bakara

Uru Eke and Tiwa Savage/Toyin Lawani
Pictures thanks to Maestro Media
ELOY 2012 Winners
Female Photographer of the year- Yetunde Ayeni-Babaeko
Female TV Presenter of the year- Helen Paul
Female On-Air-Personality of the year- Kayla Oniwo
Female Fashion Designer of the year- Kenny Okorie of Keto Couture
Make-up Artist of the year- Lola Maja-Okojevoh
Stylist of the year- Lucy Phil-Ebosie
Actress of the year- Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde(Ties that Bind)
Female Brand Ambassador of the year- Stephanie Linus
Female Producer of the year- Emem Isong(I'll Take my Chances)
Sportswoman of the year-Blessing Okagbare & Esther Onyema
Beauty Brand of the year- Sleek
Food Manufacturing Company of the year- Dufill Limited(Manufacturers of Indomie Noodles)
Entrepreneur of the year- Honourable Chief Mrs Oluremi Dangaji, CEO APlus Model Agency, Zakamfa Travel & Tourism, APlus Record Label, APlus Entertainment.
Female banker of the year- Mrs Marian Abubakar, Regional Manager, Eko Bank South-South
Lovely dolls!!
I'm impressed, they all looked nice and classy!
Lucy Phil-Ebosie Stylist of the year?? Wow! i knew d girl in high school oh..chei! thats very good! Good job Girl! congrats!
Sis., Kinda les_ thing! but gr8 one tho... *Lips Sealed*
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The girl on the 7th pic looks good
whats with the buba on tiwa.
Funny and nice. Is that iro and buba on Tiwa savage? Me likey.
Tiwa murdered dem all...xpecially, dat 'Mama Akuvi' ass Omotola.
when i saw tiwa,i actually thought she was linda,una resemble no b small....
Miss Anonymous101
All dese strange strange faces self. Shey
na iro and bubba Tiwa savage wear fordere?
Praiseeeeeeee The Lord, Nigerians finally stepped up their dressing game. Whoop whoop, these ladies actually look good!!!
Biko, wats that stuff 'wearing' Tiwa Savage???
Glamorous!! 9ja women have really caught the fashion flu.
Best dressed: Kelly thomson. Worst dress: TIWA SAVAGE!
What the fuck is Tiwa Savage wearing?
WTH is tiwa savage wearing??? ۳º̩̩́_º̩̩̀۳
Tiwa U Don get belle, issoka.
Wait o! Na tiwa savage wear iro n buba????
Wat is my tiwa wearing biko???
Tiwa tiwa how far now , tell me wats goin on, I still love U sha. Pearl.
So why did Tiwa wear buba ?na wa
They all look stunning....
What do I describe the woman in the second photo, eh? And this Uru Eke's arse is just something else. How can I take my eyes off it?!
Lovely event....even nicer looking people! Only one oddities tho, Miss Jaie's face looks off man! wetin happen abeg? Get a better makeup artist or better still, change your lipstick! Lin lin this Kayla Oniwe babe kinda looks like you o....i don dey fear ow u take reach that side, when na for yanke you supposed dey.
..And as for tiwa savage, i love you too much to see any wrong doing!
Please who is that hot mess in red and brown? Tiwa....hmmm.
Awwwwww....linda now tags her pictures.
dnt like wat Tiwa is wearing
Wat d fuck is Tiwa Savage wearing?
*dying wif lafta!
Is she pulling a fast one on us?
All dresses r absolutely gorgeous!
All des ladies r on fire!
Very claSsy!
Kelly thompson is a beautiful girl, whoeva she is!
Billie jean
Bia,are u ppl sure dat tiwas head is correct?
Abeg nah market tiwa dey cum 4m wey she wear iro n buba???#confused#
Is dat an iro/buba i see tiwa savage wearing? Monalisa chinda looking gud dnt knw of d rest.
Wots wit jaie lips arrrgghh ko make it rara..all the other ladies looked fab and dressed appropriately unlike dat eva dat dressed like a hoochie...I don't care if she Tryin to claim rockstar rapper..u dress decently for shows like dis..isi ewu girl
I have said it before and I will say it again;Tiwa Savage needs to change her make up artist!her make up is always horrible gosh!especially her lip make up,it always looks like der used black eyeliner to line d lips.she's so pretty but her make up doesn't do her good at all
Congrats to them all, but aunty Linda shey u no win anything?
That is Toyin Lawani oh! Always one step ahead of the fashionistas.. But this particular outfit should have been shorter
Tiwa i love ur iru n buba... N monalisa i know ur a naturally light complexioned lady, but i am not fooled! U ve successfully bleached ur self into the half cast category... Keep it up (skin cancer is real)
Ms Valerie
Female On-Air-Personality of the year- Kayla Oniwo please who the hell is this. not heard of her until now.. what happen to the like of wana wana, tosin(area mama), toke, lolo, mashe, just to mension a few...naija na wa ooooo
what is tiwa wearin? Na wrapper she tie so...lol
I love all the outfits.
Wat is tiwa wearin
Love that women are really stepping up their game......guys u had better not be sleeping.....check out yelnatsfashion.blogspot.com
Please what is Tiwa Savage wearing?im guessing she'd have thought"oh i'm african and i dare to be different"...Lady, this is a fashion faux pas..#pls Never again.
Cool fm.... Listen to her on the road show with Freeze (guess u dnt knw him too) 4-8pm. By d way, if u knw d likes of lolo and Marshe, why won't u knw Kaylah cuz cool fm and wazobia are one.
The other OAP's dint win cos u dint vote. Toyin lawani oooo, dat dress shuld av bin shorter. Tiwa ur MUA suld be fired.
You obviously don't listen to Cool FM.
Becos u havnt heard her name does it mean she isn't popular????
Tiwa dey form "Proudly African" ewu na ur surname....Tiwa Ewu!
The other OAP's dint win cos u dint vote enough for them. Toyin lawani ooooo dat dress suld av bin shorter, Is dat not the girl in bruna boy's video beside you?
Aunty Tiwa, for the love of God pls change your make up artist.
Dat one in a reddish short gown looks like a transsexual,an ugly one at dat!!
For real..Tiwa? Did she get the wrong invite or something? lol
Complain and criticize people too much that's one of the reasons why we are not in progress in our country. Later it's still the same Nigerians that would be complaining that celebrities are not promoting Nigerian culture. Now she she is wearing something Nigerian and all of u still open ur mouth and talk! Even those saying monalisa is bleaching, how do u know? People just open their mouth to talk about others
Tiwa is running out of clothes o wear
I luvv what Tiwa is wearing. Proud of you girl.. Is not all the time you wear skimpy or tight outfit..
Female OAP's no fine shaaa compared to their voices.
Kayla wins WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?That rude,uncouth, unprofessional girl hmmmmm na wa o. She started out fine but when she started trying to emulate freeze (who from Monday-Friday has a razor sharp tongue dipped in gutter water and on Sunday suddenly becomes PASTOR FREEZE) SHE LOST THE PLOT AND ARDENT RADIO LISTENERS LIKE ME TUNED OFF.Naija and our crooked way of giving awards. We should have a PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS like its done abroad...Then we know who the real MOHICANS are not who a bunch of biased people say deserve an award.
íڪ tiwa pregnant or sumfin??..#shirt,did d c#ndom leak d last time i ad it wit her?#
Anonymous @ 8.07am .pls shut d fuck up.... wen u know so much y didnt u vote for ur own favorite on air personalities....bad belle pple..mtchewwww!! Abeg reply i dey wait ....steph
i love G Lory's appearance. am not sure how i feel about Tiwa's dressmode.
Sweetest Linda its Porsche centre not Posh centre...you're almost there don't worry. Finishing school in Switzerland needed? yes? Afterall you now have the money. So buy the class if you can!!
Monalisa has put on BAAAADDD weight! After she did crash diet she come be like broom. Now all the weight is back! YUCK!
i lov
OMG!!..I fell down d stairs outta disbelief!!..Linda,so u can actually tag ya pics,d only problem wt ds now is dat we will have lesser numba of pics cos u used 2 include even d hawkers dat attended d events,cos u dint hav to ask dia names
Kelly Thompson is beautiful.
Madam porsche corrector, was that called for? if she aint got class, am surprised what a classy dundy like you is doing on her blog. silly!
Let our words be seasoned with grace!
Wot secondary school did u attend? Could lucy b lindsays(ex-QC girl) sister? Hav d same surname.
The ladies look classy and beautiful.
Kayla as some weight babe, ur head looks too big for ur body.
All in all nice outfits. Toyin lawani's body is banging
Choi!!!! This monalisa don turn half caste finish o, hehe, o gaju
Dem don "get" tiwa, hehehe, see how she's looking in that attire, lmao!
obviously Tiwa is tired!
I'm embarrassed on behalf of everyone who said "what is Tiwa wearing"..It was an event to honor african-nigerian women and tiwa was applauded by the compere of the night for standing uniquely african..I wasn't there but I watched d clip and yes she looked beautiful in it not pregnant or fat....and to think I'm not even a fan of the girl..western world has so eaten into naija yet we no go copy the better one...
tiwa tiwa tiwa how many times i call u
Linda, which one is Eko Bank,or do you mean EcoBank....just asking sha
@anonymous 9.33 spot on porsche not posh*heavy sigh* linda linda
nice car
Omotola and the Kelly Thompson lady for me were best dressed! Classy simple yet elegant. Obviously cream and black are back dresses are back! They ruled the night.
Dey all looked good, -Tiwa.......guess she joined from a burial/wake
Errr.. why exactly is Tiwa wearing iro and buba? #epicfail.
and this Ms. jaie always looks like a man in drag!
This Я̲Ʊ sis thing Ȋ̝̊̅§ very irritating. Ȋ̝̊̅§ she Я̲Ʊ sister? Mtcheeeeeeew
"Cough Cough" This is random but I just had to drop it here because its been bugging me. Can someone please tell "the voice" on Cool FM to look for another day job - his voice is not suitable for radio in my opinion.
He stumbles over virtually everything he reads and his "voice" or lack of it simply gets on my nerves. Instead of making me want to listen to more, I simply switch stations whenever he is on. This is no beef. I don't know him and have nothing whatsoever against him. Just telling him he is in the wrong profession.
Phew! Finally got it off my chest. Can sleep well now!
The lady in the 3rd picture looks like a shemale.she has this manly features,facially though.But love her outfit....Monalisa is always on point,love u gurl.
I swear, I like what Tiwa is wearing..she looks unique to me. Must they all wear Versace or Vera wang to look gud? Nigerians, won o le yeyin lorun
Exactly! Me I like what she's wearing sha, looks gud to me..
omotola is one woman i have respect for aside from her beauty and her sense of derss, none like her jooooooooooooooooooo
monalisa darling,always lukin simple n beautiful!!!
Matse Matse looks great. So is Toyin Lawani. Kaylah's dress is also very lovely. I was there and I saw them all. Tiwa Savage came from a WEDDING to attend the awards. Free her plzzzzzzzz. She attended a WEDDING on that same day.
effizy leave him nowww..lol. he is a very small boy judging from his pic and i guess he is looking up to his role model in blogging
And what the FUCK are you on about?? She was coming from a wedding you Nappy head. KMT
@ Anon November 28, 2012 11:14 AM you took the words right out of my hands
And what the FUCK are you on about?? She was coming from a wedding you Nappy head. KMT
Ano 11:24am, God bless u 4 dat comment. Bcuz, Tiwa put on iro N buba, evribody dey talk sey "wetin she wear?" after we'll b saying "Proudly Nigerian". If na one foreign artist put on our native wear we'll b praising him or her.... Mtwceeww! NAWTIWENDY
Awon Ode!! Some of you are just shallow to say the least. Tiwa was at a wedding I attended on Sunday at Alausa and that was the aso ebi for friends and family. In fact I left her at the Venue around 7.30pm so she must have dashed off to the ELOY Awards.
And for those calling her all names, for your information she is the most down to earth Naija Celeb I have met (not usually star struck with Naija Celebs). she took pictures with almost everyone at the wedding. She didn't have a moment to herself and I felt sorry for her.
That said, what is the big deal if she wore Iro and Buba to the Awards eh?? You lot should get a life Seriously!!
I have been here for 4months and its sad how our people have become. Here people will talk at you, no courtesy whatsoever! You go to an organisation and they will expect you to converse in Yoruba, kneel and greet your superior...And we expect to grow as a Nation. *Huge Sigh*
Matse, Lory, Toyin, Eke, Tiwa Savage all look good to me. Congrats Tiwa, Omotola, Eva, etc. Matse is still the best OAP of all time. Love her dexterity. She is doing it on 9ja Info like she never once spoke pidgin on wazobia. That, I call talent.
Its people like u wit low self esteem dat complain about odas weight, leave monalisa alone joor! Bonga fish like u, she is lush. Get dat into ur skeletal brain
I think the way some of the pictures were taken did not do justice to the ladies, they are actually pretty women there, Kaylah has done well as a co host on the radio, she has an amaziiing body really and she has a lovely voice, Femi Sowolu once wrote about her as well, the fact that she isnt all up in your face doesnt mean she isnt relevant. So chill with the hate.... Congrats to all the winners
obviously a tribal stuff. all yoruba.
I swear down. Soooooo irritating. I think say na only me dey do. Everytime sis. Leave here abeg
Obong house Nanma Labar and your blomblom breast and ur wild ashawo sister I greet you. How are you? Yes lucy is lindsay efunjoke houses sister.
Tope Ada Mohammed
Please you people should leave Tiwa alone! Maybe she was coming from church and decided to branch :)
In any case she is looking good, at least she left her usual pant and bra fashion at home which if She had worn una go still criticize. There's no pleasing you guys. Free her jor!
Nigerians n our inferiority complex.we're never proud to showcase our own things.how will other ppl appreciate it if we don't.there's nothing wrong with what Tiwa is wearing.go to Ghana they showcase kente n other african prints bt nijja,mba,we must be western,even caucasians in Ghana where african prints cos d indigenes r proud of it
Even if Tiwa was coming from a wedding..she shd know better than to attend the event looking so off..she cld have gone home to change..we love u but u r messing up too much..first it was ur make up artist that did coke and fanta make up for u,then ur protruding tommy and now iro and buba to an award they call "EXQUISITE LADY OF THE YEAR**yuck*
Tiwa is the BEST dressed of them all. She looks real, free and happy.
Have u see here recent video "Ife Wa Gbona http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8CFZpC_QZs"
If you see that video then u will appreciate why is changing her dressing.. at least for a while.
i will stop comment and even logging on your blog, while is my comment not posted.. this is like the seven time and i dont get to see my comment... what is wrong, it just and an honest opinion of my..she doesnt deserved to win the onair personality of the year.
Female On-Air-Personality of the year- Kayla Oniwo.. for your information i do listen to cool fm, now i understand why i didnt know her, she hide under the cover of freeze, dont even have a show of her own and she win OAP what a crack... if listen are allow to vote and it count.. she will not even come among the first five..
i luv them
I saw Tiwa at a wedding wit dat Iro n Buba a day b4 dis event. Look nice thou.
All of you talking crap about Kaylah. Go jump in a Lagoon. She won, die if you must. You can't change it. She is AMAZING!!! Beat it.
Anonymous 6:55pm . You need to go back to primary 1, your written english is terrible. You sit back criticizing someone who has worked hard enough to be recognised and her name has gone down in History. Shame on you that you have no respect nor courtesy as to come on here with no name nor face to insult someone. Oh yes, she is a co-host , a good one at that, she holds it down , so get off your high horse and get a life. Congratulations to Kayla and all the winners. Well done, many more to come. The poor girl is probably has her eyes on the bigger picture while you are on lindas blog hating, thats how everyone hated Linda and here she is doing well and the same haters are famzing! Good night all.
Abeg na Toyin Lawani sweet pass, shiiiit like dat booty gonna pop out of her dress
It's more work to stay in shape and while made to feel they're not, some of the most beautiful women are big, curvy, and proud of it. However, some of these old girls need to shape up.
Lol,haba,u guys shouldn't be this harsh to d boy now,there's nothing wrong in a little famzing!hehe
Tiwa bafs don finish hehehehe. Toyin lawani is wearing fake yansh by d way
for those that dont know; Tiwa is wearing, traditional yoruba iro and buba without the gele. A gele would have completed the outfit.
Hahahaha the lady in pink dress on the second row looks really funny....her lipstick is horrible...but nice dress tho
And toyin lawani please leave ths blog and stop commenting under anonymous ,until all your sugary starts to wrong.more over tiwa what is the problem!
Kelly you and toyin lawan????am sure you know what happnd to Mandy ?yours will be worse !nice pics
Shut the fuck up. What happened to toyin and many? You guys be coming here to start some shit. Hiss. Go get a life and leave toyin the heck alone.
Shut the fuck up. What happened to toyin and many? You guys be coming here to start some shit. Hiss. Go get a life and leave toyin the heck alone.
Why is toyin lawani hiding her hand in the last picture with tiwa?bleaching?
Kaylah is a wonderful O.A.P she deserves the award in case you don't she works with 96.9 CoolFM lagos.. Got it
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