These two girls are still at it. Chris Brown must be really good in
bed...cos I don't see why else they want to die there...hehe! Anyway, over the weekend Rihanna Tweeted a photo of Chris Brown lying in bed
with no shirt on...and if Rihanna thought the picture would make Karrueche Tran jealous, Rihanna had another think
coming...see Karrueche did...
Shortly after Rihanna posted the pic, Karruehe Tran 'liked' the photo on Instagram letting Rihanna know that she and Chris Brown still get it in.
And of course Rihanna wasn't going to let that slide and Tweeted 'Bitch don't kill my vibe' shortly after Karruche's stunt.

These girls need to quit!
beautiful pix
The dont have work i can see
Haha... Nice reply Riri!! Karate(or woteva her name is) shld give-up already..
They need to stop this childish behavior.
They need to stop this childish behavior.
LMAO. Of course he's good in bed, Linda. Have you seen that long schlong? Karufi (or whatever she calls herself) should just go and sit down jare. Chris has made his choice: Riri baby! Karufi has no shame or else she won't be reliving her memories with Chris in public!
Breezy's sclong must be delish! Too hard to forget, huh?
I love Rihanna jare. She no send. I love it when she gets bitchy and when she's sweet or playful too. Karufi cannot hold a candle to her. She'll have Karufi for dinner any day!
this chrisbrown pix shows dat he just finish a man job on bed and he is relaxing...
Old news! If you are tired why don't you stop publishing their stories???? Smh
rili? is he dat gud in bed? even if he is dat gud,dat dos nt mean Riri shld stoop dat low as to start dissing dis gurl on a social media...abeg joor mke dem comot 4 BRT lane, park wella jare
Your own no pass sex. I'm really amazed Rihanna can get back with Breezy after what he did to her. http://t.co/WpuEMPOP
Linda, you sef! You are making things up. Karrueche Tran 'liked' the photo on Instagram. There's no evidence that she "let Rihanna know that she and Chris Brown still get it in".
Rubbish and nonsense pple....mschew....
hehe none of them want to leave sugar boy!
ahh linda are you a learner?
this girls won't stop. they all bitc*S
Rihanna,I tink u are more Dan dis rubbish tweet war u are having wit his new gal!Haba!!...... U knew u still wanted to kip him,why did u make a big issue of ur misunderstanding to the point of almost ruining d guy's Carrier!.....................
Go else where and get ur groove on before its too late.!!
These two need to stop acting childish.
These two need to stop acting childish.
Well, I have seen chris brown's nude pic. "Full pic" he snapped himself and I understand their obsession. Teheehee.
He's successful, full of swag and am sure he's quite agressive(if u get my drift)
Lmao...dere's nufin else I cn say,he he
I guess we are supposed to believe that is post is as a result of "inductive reasoning". Mtscheeew!!!!!
Only in Nigeria sha, I'm afraid 2 fear...
Rihanna is being a bitch,kerrueche only liked the photo why is she gettn mad @ dat?
Black trash!ughhh!I can't even deal...
Hahahahahaha...dis film sweet die..lwkmd..
Dick control!
Its not easy to let go especially when the guy is young, rich and handsome like chris brown. At the moment im having a serious fight with my female boss at work over a young trainee. The guy is just too sweet, i knew his just fooling around with me and my boss but still, i don't wanna share him with my useless boss. There is nothing like working with the NHS, enough room to do it during my night shift.
Seriously! Am sensing Rihanna's a bit insecure
Riri is the one acting out here and not Karrueche. She is just showing off the fact that she got the man now and that's plain gibberish! Kerrueche should be the one acting up here because she was the one that was dumped, but she has remained highly civil.
This karaole girl shd just go n look. 4 another bf!! She nor dey tire?
I don't think its because he is good in bed that is why they ® still after him, its a game now, nobody wants to lose to the other, its what we girls tend to do.... For me mehn I stood up tall n walked away nicely, well maybe if I had sex with him, I wouldn't have probably walked away, would probably put up some drama...but naaa...I think the best payback is too date sumone better than him n don't hesitate to rob it on his face mehn.
smh, d both of dem still have some growingups to do. Umuazi rijuru afo.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
In the second pic chris brown was like what is this girl doing to me
Ds one na gist?ianh
Don't give up, quitters don't win and winners don't quit! The world is watching Dem 2.
They both need to grow up..after this idiot rihanna will be forming bad girl.. bad girls don't fight over stupid/indecisive guys!!
mumu pple
*yawns. Next story please...
Wats riri's deal, karrueche onli liked d pix wats d big deal, abeg mk she go tk chill pill, shei CB's nw wt her so shld plix chill alredi n stop being nasty
I think its you that needs to quit. If she liked it could mean they are on good terms. Stop making something out of nothing Linda get a real job.
I wish they would lose all their wealth so they can act lyk sensible children....or 3 of them get into a mess and get jailed for like 3 yrs without bail
i don't see any connection
they should go get a life mtchwww
The two of them are ashewo. Simple. #BUKS#
Naaaaaah, Riri dnt hate, shes was there all the while U were apart kiping his body soul together, u should thank Karrueche for kipin him for U. I'm Riri/Breezy greatest fan buh i wudnt want U two go acting like under ages pls
Loool to the first person, where does jail come in ?? Don't hate the players, hate the game. Their wealth doesn't concern you.
Loool to the first person, where does jail come in ?? Don't hate the players, hate the game. Their wealth doesn't concern you.
Na d prick sweet
Shelly bee I luv ur comment! The payback ish,hahahahahahahahaha! Am currently doing dat to ma Ex and is seriously getting to hm! Cos ma new guy is ova having!!hehehehehe
Thats the game. Its Sweeter when its a game.I Love Rihanna only that Chris Brown is like a virus in her blood that she just cant use any medication to cure.
The twitter concept makes me dizzy
Bonario's wife!!!
Bia Linda...how sure are you that Rih was referring to Karrueche besides 'bitch dont kill my vibe' is a song (kendrick lamar ft Gaga). I hate it when people post up rubbish...its irritating...like if she likes rih's pic and so what!...there are definitely better gossip and gist. I think what is annoying, is that you think you are so sure that rih was talking to karrueche and there was some subtle fight that only you Linda could notice. Please please please stop misleading your readers abeg...am not against you spreading gist as far as its the TRUTH and you are sure and when I say sure...certainty with proof.x
Poor Karuche cannot let this meal ticket go, where else would she get someone like him to pay for a lifestyle she has become accustomed to!!
Chris has what both girls wants, besides, I think seriously Chris used karrueche to cool of the pains of letting Riri go, if Riri what him back, I bet it would'nt take a sweat. I guess thats what all these starting from the kiss at NMA is leading down to. Soon, we shall see
LInda! Stop it stop posting these stories like you are sure of the info! Hollywood gossip tabloids always make sure to state that they are only speculating!! But u stay here and publish all these stories like your sure its fact! Speculate don't make assumptions and mislead your readers! K.M.T
Its funny how all of u are on Rihanna's side, but if ur man left u for his ex, you'd be screaming blue murder! Rihanna and Chris cannot work, their relationship is too toxic. and she really needs to stop acting like a brat, throwing shade on twitter and instragram like she got nothing else to do.
U go girl don't let da boss have your man.u gotta keep it locked in.
Abeg they should borrow a leaf from annie macaulay and sumbo.
@Anonymous 4:06 I beg ur pardon while taking exception to that title u r imposing on me! #justsoyouknow I am not Bonario's wife. Please be guided.
You fools commenting,its just a fuckin game.... btw karrueche is just bin sarcastic liking d pic....N Riri replying doesn't mean she's taking d ish personal...Any bastard cud b a bitch so u lot shud start getin it str8 dat riri is still in charge... *tongue out*
if them beat u again riri, u go jump tell the world rubbish nw u dey fight the other girl like say no be d guy wey u fashie/beat u find her go.
anyways with ur level madam riri i no expect dis!
Lol! Accept d title!!!
Wat dat look on cb faces in †̥ђe̶̲̥̅ second pic????
Queen Bee! It is career and not carrier! Ode!
Babe hold ur thing well well ooo,how I wish I was in shoe!!!!
I was jus goin to type exactly this!! Linda don turn professional monger! Haba! See how she join-join dis story nau. Calm ur titties down o! Aunt linda! Hian!
Linda ds does not insinuate anythn, hw u sure riri was reffering to karuche, nawa o
@Anonymous 8:43 NO I won't!!! NEVER!!!
Two pple are fighting, the world is the referee.
(Haha... Nice reply Riri!! Karate(or woteva her name is) shld give-up already..) lmao hahahahaha karate! abi? i love this blog, so many humourous comments..... still laughing at that name mutation. hilarious.
***Haha... Nice reply Riri!! Karate(or woteva her name is) shld give-up already..** lmao, karate abi? i love this blog so many humourous comments..... still laughing at that name mutation... hilarious!!!
(Haha... Nice reply Riri!! Karate(or woteva her name is) shld give-up already..) lmao hahahahaha karate! abi? i love this blog, so many humourous comments..... still laughing at that name mutation. hilarious.
Lolz! It is really not about the guy...it's about the game, the ego...who wins and who loses! It is a pity, Chris Brown is caught in between...kindly follow my blog..thelettersinlove.blogspot.com
I like Chris Brown. He is just a player. Rihanna and karuche can keep deceiving themselves
Dis Rihanna and Karrueche babe shud quit nau! B makn chris brown feel like a boss at d price of dia own self respect! msheeeeeeew!
How does liking the photo on instagram mean what u say it means?
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