K-Solo's new fiancee shows off engagement ring | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 4 November 2012

K-Solo's new fiancee shows off engagement ring

K-Solo has officially put a ring on it. Though he announced his engagement to Bimbo on October 24th, it wasn't until last Friday that he gave her a ring. K-Solo dated Bimbo for about 7 years before he ended things with her to marry estranged wife, Kikelomo.


Anonymous said...

Why does he like wowo girls so much?.

Anonymous said...

Tim says...
Linda, der are berra stories to tell.Abeg,leave dis dude story.

Anonymous said...

So this guy really played tricks with his first wife to stop her from tarnishing his image. Now that the both of them came out on video to say that the whole problem was a joke, she cannot even raise the issue of domestic violence on him again because of it. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Jehovah. Please, may I never come across such men as suitors in my life. Amen.

NecFix said...

Just had to look up the word 'Razz' in the dictionary & this picture came up

Anonymous said...

D weep used in floggin d old wife is waitin 4 d new wife.*mouth zipped#


I'm speechless at this level of razzness, it just cannot be quantified, that razzness such exists. Ugh! see those faces, LAWD! pls linda no more stories about these people, I have no idea who they are or what they do, so not relevant #tiredofranting

Anonymous said...

Match made in bleaching cream heaven.

Anonymous said...

oshi o da nile pako!

Anonymous said...

That finger again*frowns*meanwhile, could this one be love?????

Nkaytchee said...

Cos like charges/poles attract! Lol

Anonymous said...

Why this ugly guy,always getting attention

Anonymous said...

They look so razz, this guy is a very smart guy see how he shot the first wife up.Well thats a good lesson for her.

tasha said...

Y are dey ugly like dis na:(,I jst hv so much pity 4 dier unborn kids:(

Omas992 said...

Tired of seeing his face here!

Alicia says... said...

Lmfaooooo, i'm dying of laughter

Alicia says... said...

Hahahahahahahahaha. I can't. This is too much comedy

Anonymous said...

Linda, I really do not understand why the lady newly engaged to this man is laughing. If this man called Solo really loved her,why did he marry the former wife them? She should remember that Yoruba adage that says, the cane used to flog the first wife is waiting or has been kept for the second wife. From statistics, divorce rate is higher in second marriage. She should just be aware that if Solo did it before he can do it again.

Anonymous said...

enough of this fucked dude..enough with his story..who the heck is he...smh

Anonymous said...

Madam Bimbo, now that you are holding the engagement ring, it is sharking you abi but dont worry...until the first slap land your face tawaaii...and your right eye rotates/dilates inside the socket like fido dido...u go know sey sugarcane no be bamboo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction mgbeke. lol.

Blogtoto said...

As in...sumfin tells me his breath stinks n i won't even try to confirm dat

Anonymous said...

Amen ooo

miss dee said...

Why would a lady even agree to marry a guy that dated her for 7yrs only to dump her for a short lived marriage and then come back to her with a cheap ass ring....o ga ooooo!!!!.I really don't lik this k solo.

Anonymous said...

Mehn, dis K-solo guy is dryyyyyyy eh! C d bimbo face sef lyk terracotta image (4give mi, Lord).
Well... Dere mite b something positive in dis joining, lyk helping themselves in getting rid of those awful black spots on their bodies. #Jade Said#

Anonymous said...

Is that the correct finger for ring or is this new fashion ?? Pls help as I might be old school

Anonymous said...

Why is this thing still relevant

Omotola said...

Ugly*not interested*

Anonymous said...

Haba Ks, why is that ur ex-wife left u not long ago and u are already engaged with anoda gel, so u wanna pursue d lady b4, anyway its ur life,enjoy it wowopiss couple-@Richards

Anonymous said...

Yes been waitin 2 hear dis particular tin cause I knw dey av been datin since my secondary skl daiz I remember I used 2 buy weavon 4rm her shop den everybody used 2 know Ksolo nd Bimbo then in d area....very razz couple am happy 4 d gul tho

NecFix said...

@JUGZ: Like charges/poles repel actually. But u're contextually right tho, cos it attracts in this case. Their case actually defies the law of nature/physics. I guess It's a special case of relativity...A lil' bit more advanced than Einstein's. Lol. Smh

Anonymous said...

Oh well. So he dated this one first for 7 years, decided she was not good enough wife material and hitched with the one he battered. After the battery, he decided the battered one was not as good as the old and he returned to the old, who it seems waited forever for him to conclude his whatchmacallit with the battered one before he returned. Conclusion - Oh girl, you no get self esteem.

Eze said...

On the contrary, like charges REPEL,unlike charges attract :)

tinuke said...

Yoruba people we hail thee!!

Anonymous said...

Razzz and FUGLY! What is this pleaseeee. Looks like they suit each other after all!

Anonymous said...

Women should be careful,don't allow men like this;to use your brains.Men like this,are bad news and may such bad news be very very far from us.AMEN!!!

Anonymous said...

Who puts a ring on the middle finger abi he couldn't afford one that fits on the correct finger?
See the ring sef, its like those ones you get out of the 25cents gumball machine. Kmt!

Anonymous said...

Mumu people

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji must also come from a very local background to be showing us this idiot and charly boy all the time

Anonymous said...

I so agree with you.

Anonymous said...


DIVA said...

lol..wrong finger.. jezz the first wife is a big FOOL

The E said...

i cant even SEE IT...

Anonymous said...

the ring seems to be on the wrong finger...or the point that there is a ring on a, any, finger !? 0_0

Anonymous said...

Someone please tell all this nigerian girls, engagment ring don't go on the middle finger, tell your men to buy your size jesus christ

Anonymous said...

that is a wedding band, not an engagement ring, hes suppose to give her that when they pronounce them husband and wife, local people

Anonymous said...

these people are just uuuggh. disgusting. bleached out razz people. the girl is even wearing her ring on her middle finger. that ish irritates me


As in. The dude sef na wa. All we can do is pray for Kike the wife and the little innocent baby.

Unknown said...

lmbo@ \"like charges attract\" - earth or pluto?:|
Ah so pity K-solo. Lft Kikelomo wif their lil kid, wnt on to propose to B.
They\'re sooo present on Kikel\'z death registr.
he wu lavz last...lavz d best.

BLOGLORD said...

i pity her! abeg ds their gist is so annoying

Anonymous said...

And d movie continues.....watch out for part 3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LWKM,lolol but I agree wit u.lin lin darling,pls give eet a rest!We dont give a care(inchigul'svoice) wat dese pple re up2.if e like,e shud take her2toronto 2marry!RUBBISH

MJ said...

LOl! Cos no pretty babe accepted his "toast"!

KOFOSHY said...

Stupid guyyy!

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy! WHAT! Dis guy is heartless, I'm sure Kike stopped givin him cash dats y he started hitting her , well d story will stil continue let's watch n see

attitude said...

KSolo wit dis his face cap sha. But kai , this couple na razzmatazz. Linda ! We're officially tired of this duo and their woes. Give us a break abeg !!!

Lucasbalo said...

If u google ugly, k solo will come out. That is how yucky the guy is. Nothing good about this looser.

Anonymous said...

Why do you waste your time and ours reporting this loser that is looking for cheap publicity. Linda stop being a mumu, the guy is using all our heads. Stop writing about him pls

Dolabomi Smith said...

She's even wearing the ring on d wrong finger. I feel so sorry for Kikelomo. Dis guy jus milked her dry of all her money. Bimbo, I hope n pray dat u don't suffer what Kike suffered in d hands of dis dude.

ivy said...

Lmfao! Bleachn cream heaven indeed!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Damn! U r so ryyt.

Anonymous said...

Amen n amen

Anonymous said...

Dear LIBers,please..emphasis on the word please cos I don't want to be kola-boofed..what finger is the right one to wear an engagement ring?

Anonymous said...

Does he alwaiz av to mak dah sign wiv his fingers...razz bitch!

Oriade said...

Confused Man

Anonymous said...

Bimbo,smile while it last.na turn by turn,your own time will soon reach ask Kikelomo....

Anonymous said...

K-solo story again?!!! Linda wetin sef? These pple are looking for publicity and u are giving it to dem on a platter of silver.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooo GAWD Linda PLIX n PLIX can I av a K-solo free week?#smh# foolishly foolish tins #smh#

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:53pm, I have accepted that it is a Naija thing. You can say we did not copy one thing from the West. I might be wrong sha, maybe other countries wear engagement rings on the middle finger (scratches head)

hunnie said...

Mumu. U don't even know anytin. Like poles repel.

hunnie said...

See d razz ring sef. Aboki tins. Linda pls enuf of this dirty yoruba man and his razz gist. Make we hear word.

hunnie said...

Mumu. U don't even know anytin. Like poles repel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this guy is nothing but a joke.

Anonymous said...

they both look stupid [plus thAT HIS uncouth foul mouthed manager

Anonymous said...

Whip mumu, come on you sef you no even try small,even the pronounciations are both different, pele my dear

Anonymous said...

Why on earth do Nigerians keep putting and engagement ring in the middle finger. Wtf if u want to copy then do I right, its meant to be on the fourth (4th) finger of the left hand for crying out loud. So annoying...... ASJ

Anonymous said...

Bush pple,Rong Finger...*Abeg Next story jor!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up! Dats where an engagement ring shud be and not on the wedding finger.

MJ said...

They dont know d meaning&value of what they are showing off,next tin u'll hear its over.My blog-Maryjanedavidson.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Ksolo , abeg easy does it oooo .....kike sef na God catch u,shebi na u put ursef so low to dis local otutu boy called ksolo ....irase .....

Anonymous said...

Kikelomo the actress!.. Next time, you'll know its completely absurd to cover up for a monster. Now, he's dumped u.. #LessonLearnt hopefully

Professor X said...

The ring finger. (The wedding finger)


Women are our worst enemies. Bimbo, the same way he treated Kike is surely the same way he would treat you. Just wait and see...
Please these people should try to rejuvenate their skin! Oh my!

Muted Emotions said...


Warri Girl said...

I thought they were engaged since na

CantRmbrMyName said...

Ignorance sha.

Absolutely nothing wrong in wearing the engagement ring on the left hand middle finger or right hand ring finger. But it's usually NOT worn on the wedding ring finger (left hand ring finger). Just to clarify, the ring finger is next to the pinky- the smallest finger.

Google is your friend people. X

Anonymous said...

@hunnie..u an idiot he's not Yoruba..stupid bigot!!

Anonymous said...

these duo are so sick and fake....

Anonymous said...

Amin jesu...

Anonymous said...

Well we can not call it a trick anymore .. Remember the 1st lady already aknowledge that K solo have a girlfriend of many years.. Her Name was withheld Now we know who she is Bimbo.he already tarnish his image and family name. Well Me call this "K-solo Family Reality Show' this is season one.

Anonymous said...

Good for them- they seem to really love each other. I only wonder what made k-solo leave his fiancee after 7yrs to marry a girl he dated for 2months.

Anonymous said...

Choi! This girl has too much teeth in her mouth,I don't feel sorry for her ,she dated this guy for 7 years, So she knows what she's getting herself into.Their gist is just annoying mshewww!

Anonymous said...

Good for them- they seem to really love each other. I only wonder what made k-solo leave his fiancee after 7yrs to marry a girl he dated for 2months.

Anonymous said...

This guy smokes raffia palm.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here ehn...Kills ma soul...ROTFLMAO.......

Anonymous said...

She has bn der, they both trickd Kike.

Anonymous said...

case of stupid... i feel sad 4 her.. letting a man walk ova u.. am sure kike had d same smile on her face den... patiently waiting for her own saga

Anonymous said...

Make una leave d girl if Annie macullay(idibia) still married 2face despite d bulshit he did with her heart and life (kids here and there, mistresses, gfs, etc),Goldie too with prezzo! who is Ksolo? Leave d geh mbok! Its trending; to be stupid!

Anonymous said...

please linda enough of stories about this guy. who is he? he looks sooo scruffy like an area boy. stop making him feel important please.

Anonymous said...

LMAOROTFL. Hahahhaahahahahah. Dis is so damn hilarious. Chai

Anonymous said...

Now i knw dis dude is sick,kilode see looks nt interested unto the next one.

julit said...

all these washed type yoruba girls that can like to fix lashes and bora! ksolo and the girl fit though but he's just in need of public recognition....ok, now we see you

julit said...

ksolo got engaged at yellow chili. Ode oshi.

Anonymous said...

She waited 7 years for a rock that size?? Psshhhheeeewwwww.... hahahah

hunnie said...

Look anonymous whoever u r, don't be stupid. U r d bigot here, ur prolly yoruba and wldnt want him to be yoruba bcos of obvious reasons. And to set d records straight stupid I didn't call him yoruba bcos I don't like yoruba people but bcos I simply thot he was yoruba. So DO NOT BE AN IDIOT and mind how u use d word BIGOT. Fool

Anonymous said...

S/he wrote the word the way s/he pronounces it.

@i_am_sherilyn said...

Wow so true. Everything is making sense now. Dis dude is so smart and very ugly like his soon 2 be wife

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Fido Dido

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ terracotta image. So true. You people are cracking me up

Anonymous said...

The women look alike somewhat.
The callousness he has show the first wife will be visited on the second

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U could have fooled me..just couldn't help but jump on the Yoruba tribal bashing..u were looking to score some cheap shots!!..just crawl back under the rock u came from..

Anonymous said...

K-SOLO U are wat is refereed to as a BIG FOOL!!!!!!! I don know why Nigerian women allow themselves to be debased by scum like these Mtcheww!! next story please!!

Anonymous said...

pls Linda what is it??? if its not ksolo its vic o whats with u and these local superstars? this boy is an ikeja bustop major.

Anonymous said...

Ouch that stings. Not far from the truth though.

John J said...

Hunnie, sometimes actions done in pure innocence r misunderstood. Religious & ethnic issues r very sensitve issues & mentioning Yorubas in negativity will surely upset d yoruba fellows. I undstnd u meant no disrespect but u sent d wrong signal

Anonymous said...

Agaba + Agaba= Agabasts.....d wowority no hold joke for ds people side o!winch self go 'overlook and overtake' to next victim before d wowo defeat am.

abby said...

They both look ugly and d ring looks cheap, I am quite sure this girl bought her own engagement ring for this ugly looking gigolo to put on it for her

Anonymous said...

Dude is a douchebag and his chick looks retarded! Next!!

B said...

please where is kike's brother in all this?who posted different pics of the wedding for weeks on his bb insulting ghost bad belle pple? d wedding nor even 8months.... na wao.. this movie don dey enter part 2 so ooo. D slighted gf has gone to do juju to collect back her long time bf... and now he is bck and engaged to her. let us watch kike's return match, not forgetting she's from a white garment backgroungd. hmm d film go BAD... Who do juju pass na e go win... lets see ksolo in the second marriage and how d journey goes. d movie odikwa BAD OOO

Anonymous said...

Funniest comment ever... Hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahaha, sugarcane no be bamboo true true!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate dis ksolo so much he is jus a bloody fool bt dis bimbo is a bigger fool. So she dsnt av feelins 4 her fellow woman. See hw ugly dey both r wif d pimples on their face dts more dan d sand in barbeach

boroje said...

Chai as in @blogtoto u took d words right outta my mouth!

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