During the fascinating procession, passers- by were
intrigued and shared different views about the pose. Akin Ogunmola,
a banker at Zenith bank thinks this is only a dress rehearsal. “I
love what I am seeing and I can only associate this moves with the James
Bond character. I guess they are doing a public awareness campaign about
the ‘Skyfall’ movie which is sponsored by Heineken.”
Similarly, Emeka Agwu, a businessman, who was dumb-struck
by the amazing display said, “I like the sightof these men; it’s
really looking cool. But I don’t really know what they are out to
achieve. Maybe they are trying to advertise a product or a film. It
is beautiful anyway.” Did you see these guys in your neighbourhood?
Tell us what you think about this puzzle-like animated choreography.
*confused look*
So they couldn't even go to the studio and score the video with a decent sound?
Whoever dished out this junk should hide his head in shame.So tacky, uninteresting and lacks creativity.
So what is the USP in this rubbish ad?
This is utterly malarkey!
Wat is d James bond look alike der now. Dis Linda sef sum times yu dn't knw wt 2 write.
Why don't I ever get to see stuff like this? My life is boring.
Those guys look nothing like James Bond sha. Bond ... James Bond would never do a line dance/pose. Just saying.
Really funny...lolz
Na wa oh...See wetin poverty fit make grown up men do! dem fit even naked too for road!...Jame Bond my A**
In the words of Jude Abaga in his song beef M.I says your just jobless (he was referring to Kelechi) Kelly ugly. same is applicable here these men are just jobless i don't care how much Heineken paid them this is crap no be today we begin dey watch James bond Daniel Craig is aging they best replace him. This marketing and advert model adopted by Heineken does not shake us one bit neither are we stirred
This is so creative , a true work of genius. Stevebond007 is impressed.
hehehehehehehe d height of unemployment
Wetin be this nah lind. U don com again.
Anyone fancy joining me to go watch? Must be within London though.Instead of bringing on hate comments here, why not let's socialize abit.
Nice one.
they look so odd! who send them?
wetin bi dis on nah??????
Yaaaay!!!1 I saw them last night on Ajose Adeogun VI
Biko who are dis hungry men? Nice concept sha. I'm sure dey wud be well renumerated. Noone does does dis under the sun for free. All is well
I saw them too at Falomo roundabout area...yesterday
I saw them yesterday, they achieved their aim though, to get our attention.
Hmmm... We like copy copy. Choi!!
Nigeria My Great Country *ROTFL*
They look foolish. Just saying...
I wonder how much they were paid to do this to themselves. LOL. Atleast they are not stealing sha.
Hehehehhehe see as them do waist like person wey get jedijedi.....they dnt look well organised †☺ M̶̲̥̅Ƹ..cos I'm sure the Americans wld have done it beta,nothing wrong È‹̝̊Å‹ wat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥y did cos man has got †☺ earn a living
Until una go shit for trousier na dia una eye go open.
Signed,sealed and delivered by Datshapiboboy.com
Plz wat do u tink I should wear cos am going 4 d movie too.n jus Find out in Nigeria plp over dress to cinemas n is so lame. Plz need help n is my 1st time in galleria too, av jus bin passing bye all this while.
Nigerians need to learn what a flash mob is. if you dont know, look it up. its a different sort of advert, and i think its quite funny and also the firs I've seen in Lagos so big ups to them
If u re a guy : casual shirt/tees,nice pair of jeans,comfortable shoes shld work..
If u re a girl :Nice jeans nd a a top,u can bever go wrong wif dat..flats(shoes or sandal)..dat shld work..
Don't get it
Oh actually saw these guys yesterday o! on my way home from work... ti think we were saying they looked like Mr. Bean....my mind didn't even go to James Bond.
1 word....iberibe...
two words: SUPER CRAP!
Awwwh! U lot need to learn to live life a little. No be all the time person suppose serious for life o! I wish I saw them, these are the kind of things I love seeing.
Arrant nonsence
Hahahhaa, to think these are people fathers and husbands ....jobless much
These guys don't look like James Bond.......they look like Mr Bean.....no hard feelings anyway.
These guys don't look like James Bond.......they look like Mr Bean.....no hard feelings anyway.
LOL , very funny ... Got to copy & paste this on my blogspot , infact would really like to be in Linda's blog list , incase u see this linda .
nice concept........one of the dudes remind me of my company"s bighead accountant ;D
very silly!!!!
hahaha...this is kinda funny! mehn that 'pistol pose' killed me...all of u saying if this was done in london...i'm sorry but even if it was, i'd still laugh! they tried though...
chai, its a joncing world like d prince wld say. if they r advertising heineken why then r thry standing in front of another companys billboard. #naija tinz#
Trust Nigeria ... James Bond look alike - we can do oversabi pass the people wey make film sef
I sure se linda no see dis post
we can't see their face. look at one of the bending down as if he wants to poo. Lol
Lindinus lindinus,James Bond luk alike indeed. See wat unemployment is doing 2 our pple abeg. Linda hve u heard abt d "queen of virgina"? Her vidoe is on youtube ooh
Don't y'all tink we shud see d fun part of dese...nigerians are so skeptical abeg...dis is fun...at least someone stressed out during d day or thinking abt a lot, will see dis n be a lil distracted frm tots or may even laff...c'mon y'all!!!
Obi Chinemerem's comment.............lol
Y'all ar uncivilized. And shallow minded.....its an advert(flash mob)aimed at gettin the attention of consumers and this guys are models/dancers..who gets paid for what they enjoy doing
Nigerians and their thoughts of hate, why not make suggestions on how they can better act instead of negating their efforts.We won't go forward like this.
I was just intrigued by the cars they all look new!
The guys tried but they are so not qualified to be Bond guys.They did all this for 20k sha(At least it can buy an extra suit).The main event is happening right now. The Bond girls! are d'best and sexiest. Go Bond girls.
News Flash!!! You can as well under dress or put on a bikini.#smh# U know how to criticize Nigerians' overdressing'. If u know wat it means to overdress, i bet u know d'other...
'Jus Find out' see the grammar of a dressing critique. Choi! I bet ur from Cameroun sef or one of those poverty stricken countries. U for jas say u no get dress.I have noticed pple dress alright.I wonder were u saw ur overdressing from. Forming yankie or Jand. #smh#
A silly name like jojo and u sef de talk?
Pls join d rejected rams @ d back!
Olodo...go back read what Flash mob advertising is.
Did u join d parade?did u see anyone else join d parade?
Olodo!I too know.
Nice concept.whether borrowed or copied or manufactured..its totally worth it.
People referring to the guys as Jobless men,were u washed in d blood of a ram??an honest day yet you speak such folly!smh.
yall am busy commenting about the young men, did any of you guys saw the kind of cars passing by.... wow even in america you cant see may G-wagons flying around.
ah wonda when we\'ll begin to appreciate art. tell u, if #THE MOB was 2 be a Nigerian project, they\'ll b dead as soon as she jockz d disc. msheew.
Nyz work dudez... thumbz to d sky.
is that our major problem now as a Nation?
Mr anonymous teacher, whether its called flashmob or advert, just keep ur lesson module in ur locker - simples! its making pple laugh and they are expressing their feelings.
I might have to take a hiatus from Linda's blog cos the negativity is not good for me.. Everyone comes here to vent their frustrations, ignorance and bitterness on unsuspecting readers.. What wrong have these men done? They are on a job and all I can read is insults upon insults. U abuse politicians, then u also abuse people doing a honest job.. This is the reason the white man's brain is more advanced than u lot. Calling them jobless for what reason? Must everyone do the same "office job" in Naija? So far it pays their bills then I say well done. For those with all this vileness I say this to u.. Get well soon.
Thanks jare! Haba its just a fun thing, no need to start bashing. Wish I got to see it live!
Its not copy copy. Heiniken had the right to the James Bond concept
Wear wetin u dey always wear comot, shikena!
Abi o!! God I tire!!! Its just fun people!!!
U just typed exactly what is on my mind
Ok, nigerians will neva stop being shallow minded, this is actually cool, wow! The typa ppl that visit this blog tho! Laughd my a** off with the mfm prayer city advertisers on d oda post nw sm very annoyin ppl here cussin models who are happily gettin paid! Mssscheeeeew (viks)
Sasha I bet u dunno wat USP is.. USP ain't found in ad but d product itself ode oshi.
=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)) =D=)) â„“♍Ã…☺ , i Ã…♏ shaken, but not stirred.
Oh mehn! Dis is funny sha!!! C dia legs. ROTFL. Chai... Dem no practice well. #Jade Said#
Most of you finna be making negative comments...accept a growing idea for once, you nigerians -__- ...It's a nice concept../
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