Ini Edo denies getting N600m from Gov Akpabio to build film school | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 17 November 2012

Ini Edo denies getting N600m from Gov Akpabio to build film school

“As a rule, I don’t reply every talk or report about me, but these recent ones are crazy and baseless. I don’t know where they got their information that my state governor offered me N600m to build an art or film academy in Uyo.This is just another work of mischief makers, who keep troubling celebrities. To put the records straight, my state governor has not offered me such money to build a film academy in Uyo as was falsely reported." - Ini Edo Ehiagwina


Nigeria Comedian said...

That will be great.....

Anonymous said...

Poor girl the price people pay for fame...

Anonymous said...

So y did she break her rule to reply to ds rumor?

Chop Chop said...

So who cares, u cHoP I cHoP. U go girl.

Sheila said...

ALINGO VIDEO- THE GREATEST EVER FROM AFRICA. P SQUARE keeps raising the bar. we proud of you guys. Love from SA! (sorry dis isnt d right thread)

Anonymous said...

Only time will tell,i hope corrupt leaders will learn there lessons someday.

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TWITS said...

Linda pls an update on P-Square's Alingo video. heard it's a BOMB, and just been released. keep us informed, PLSSS. Thanx.

anwana said...

Is there any thing like "art school".
Is it going to be built in Akaw Ibom?
Are you in any way connected to it?
If in the affirmative, where did you get the money from?
Can you state the source?
For sure our banks does not offer loans to such ventures and you know it.
Lastly, why is it always you and you with Akpabio?

Anonymous said...

bottom power.

Unknown said...

They should leave Ini Edo alone that is the price of fame.

Anonymous said...

She even refered to her self as celebeity? Celebrating what? What a big Bozo this village bush meat Ini Edo!

princessa said...

Then y didn't she just keep quiet about ths 1? Time will tell,most rumors are not baseless,if she wasn't offered 600m for a film academy, the gov must have offered her mny for smething else, the truth shall unfold.

Anonymous said...

or perhaps he offered her N600mm for something else under the guise of "a film school contract" and the offer was too low for her to agree on terms, we all know the lengths to which some of these unscrupulous governors would go to sample some of our so called "Nollywood celebrities" can stoop. Real gist....

Anonymous said...

We r not stupid Ini. U didnt say he didnt make u any offer to build an art sch, u said 'my state governor has not offered me SUCH MONEY to build a film... So how much is actually involved since its not up to 600mm. Shebi na so Omobi name take style enter Ruke Amata wife gist. Nollywood actresses una welldone

Anonymous said...

Rly d price of fame but i rly lov n admire her a load

Anonymous said...

Very Soon we shall knw d truth! Nothing is Hidden under d Sun.
I'm curious, y are u replyin dis report then?

Anonymous said...

Can't people just mind their business for once.

Anonymous said...

..Yet he offered u money for ?????Hmmmmmmmm..

Unknown said...

This is what most of these governors do with our money. God help us all.

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D.E said...

You must be really dumb anon 12:09 she answered the question and your still asking.


I pray dis smoke is without fire.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

I believe her. All those false rumor mongers are the DEVIL'S advocates. May God Almighty punish them. They shall not know peace in JN.

Anonymous said...


MJ said...

Not hating,No smoke without fire,well this days there is fake/articial smoke.Visit/follow my

Sakara said...

Anwana good questions,

Now Ini arrogant, answer those questions and why are u two always in the news?

Well if it's true, d money wl go into something else and definitely not school anymore, no smoke without fire

Anonymous said...

Got ur drift bro, for sure 600million no be 600k, abi how *mush* den dey pay actors abeg?eehn, if no be bros giv u d moni, tell us who ur sponsors ar mek we ma go get we share.

Anonymous said...

You both are so senseless. Can't u see she disproved the rumour? Hmph!

Anonymous said...

Like we expected u to own up. Nigerian politician are pussy crazy

Anonymous said...

Even if this is true and so what?? People always carry rumour about....HOUSE OF ZINNO

Anonymous said...

600 Million is not a joke oh, even if Akpabio is sleeping with her he won't offer that kind of money. Akpabio is one hardworking gorvernor and I admire him, the fact that he supports the arts and Nollywood in his state doesn't mean he'd drop 600mill just like that. Take it easy on d rumours guys... Leave ini alone.

Anonymous said...

pls let er sho shz telin d trut.ini go gurl.u 2 much.pls dnt 4gt ur maker.gve ur lyf 2 God n concentrate mor on makn heaven.JESUS LUVS U.

@drippingwet02 said...

even if d gist is real, i c nottin wrong wit wat she intends to do wit it. d community wil benefit frm it one way or d oda so lets giv her a break abeg.she's worked hard to b where she is today.

bee said...

Celebrity u mean? who is d village bush meat now?...cos it takes one to know one

Ema Micheals said...

N U anon 9:53 r soooooo dumb! Can't U see she's bin evasive!
Daz d prob dis days: too much smart phones = less smart people! *smh*

Critical observer said...

She prolly has some project on ground..

BLOGLORD said...

Abeg make una leave my INI EDO for me o! i pray this rumour is baseless. she is one of my favourites.

Anonymous said...

Guys its 600m not 600k...even obama won't pay that much for pussy,the rumor is certainly baseless.

Anonymous said...

What is bad in building an art school or whatever? Is it not development that we yearn for to reduce unemployment and poverty? Nigerians will never stop amazing me with their their retrogressive thinking. Would we have rather she buys a mansion with the money (if it is true) than build a school that will better the lots of others? We seek for good things in our country yet we stand against it when we see signs of it. It's a pity!

Anonymous said...

Lol I love ds!!!

Nora said...

Linda pls i need advice, i am 28yrs n ‎​A̶̲̥̅♏ a single inlove wit 34yrs married guy. Ħ̀ε̅ love ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ so much dat Ħ̀ε̅ want τ̲̅ȍ marry ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥.am So confused dat i don't want τ̲̅ȍ hurt any body. Ħ̀ε̅ loves M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ daughter so much

Anonymous said...

Plssss naija leave Ini ooo, u can't mind ur bisness for once!!! I iuv Ini somuch. I will b glad if she hook up wit on facebook am her biggest fan. (Chioma emmanuela) pls linda post it ooo. U will b savin d life of baby if u do so. God bless u linda, ur blessin is d way!!! Clergy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dont do it, Nora! Im talking from experience. If u do, d scale will fall off ur eyes not too long after u do. Infact if u fall preg for him b4 u marry him, reality will dawn on u. Pls dont.

Anonymous said...

I seriously wish it wz true,I trust Governor Akpabio it will sure be a world class school.if Ibori's girlfrnd had build a world class Fashion in delTa state wit all those money deltans would be benefiting from it today.Ini edo please ask for it.

Anonymous said...

she called herself a celebrity*bahahahahahaha*

Anonymous said...

Lol@Anwana I do not think your questions make sense. It is obvious you did not listen to yourself while typing your comment. I will advise you read again and retract such questions because they are not in line with a progressive individual, state and nation. I pray you see my point of view.

Anonymous said...

Lol@Anwana I do not think your questions make sense. It is obvious you did not listen to yourself while typing your comment. I will advise you read again and retract such questions because they are not in line with a progressive individual, state and nation. I pray you see my point of view.

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