Yet another initiative from the innovation box of Unveil is Unveil Make Up Products (Unveil MUP), a range of beauty products that is strongly recommended for ladies to look beautiful, classy and stylish. It is long lasting, intense, affordable and is named after admirable everyday things like

To be the reference
brand in the beauty and fashion world of makeup.
To take fashion and beauty make-up to the next level through innovation and creativity.
.Makeup for all occasions
.Makeup classes
.Wedding bands and engagement
.Unveil makeup brushes
.Unveil MUP
Plot 775A Old Olowora Road, Off Atere Junction, (via Otedola Estate Gate) Omole Phase 2, Lagos. Tel: 07045332395,08020393333,01 8244005,01 8244006
Unveil CEO, Bunmi Oyeniyi
Dear future husbands,I want diamond ring for engagement oh!! With blue sapphire stone!
Bonario take note.
Wats with d weddn ring wen u ® talkn abt make up or dey deal with dat as well
That's lovely
These pieces r beautiful, hope I get smth this beautiful! #dearfutureHusband take the hint! Mmwah!
Whaoo am soo out of ma mind rite nw seein dis,jus one question Where hv u guys bin all dis while?
Sorry if ur church dos nt permit weddin bands....OMG!!! Iwanna get married. vry beautiful pieces!
Cheap looking rings!
Nice work...d babe is rily gud!she was rily professional n perfect @my sista's wedding.Kudos
Dis is lovely,all dis in Naija? We must locate dem. delpi007
I hope the products are not expensive
I want to take make up classes but I'm in abuja
The wedding bands make me wanna get married ryt away #wink#
I didn't see the relationship between the make- up she was advertising and the many pictures of diamond rings until after having read the whole advertisement and then it was just one short sentence (Wedding bands and engagement)! Maybe you could advise her that this isn't the best way to advertise as pple dnt always read to the bottom of anything not to talk of an advert. Please post my comment as last time you didnt!!
Model number one is my pweety friend Deola. All d models makeup r on point.
9ce but even d CEo,s makeup is shakky,not stable@ all. Imperrfect I must say! + is vunmi aging? Her face don de wrinkle oo,c wat mkup can do! Nawa
Awwwww this is so cool pls they should open a branch in Abj na
Been telling my mom the kinda ring I'd be having when I get married and she is been like 'I don't like silver bands and why have a purple stone on it?'' And I was beginning to question my choice for the bands but after seeing this pics,I'm so sure I'm either having an emerald diamond ring or a diamond band with a purple stone.. I actually saved the nos and I'm not getting married me cliche!!! all sha,,I think everything I saw there is super duper lovely....good work Bummi,keep it up!!!!
She has nice collections.and also pretty hope her prices are reasonable.
Wooooow! Those are some serious rocks! Lovely rings, if only marriages could be as beautiful these rings. *sigh* The weird thing now is most of those who wear those bad ass rocks seem to have the shortest lifespan of marriages! Not definite, just an uncomfortably common occurance. Hmmmmm!
Luvin every pics,nic 1.
One word,WOW.real ƍƱd̶̲̥̅̊.its ƍƱd̶̲̥̅̊ 2 no dat we hav stuffs lik dis.nice 1 Linda.pls post ma comment.Lilian
Whoa! Nice one
Dos rings ar cute,luvly,gorgeous,itz evrytin*luv struck*
Nice Accessories
Nice.. really nice
WOW! Dis Bunmi lady is soo cute! I've saved most of †ђξ pix cos am gonna b visitin dem soonest! Lindiway (in bonarios tots) hope ur planin †☺ get married oh! But mak sure U̶̲̥̅̊ dont snatch anoda babes husby lik most nollywood actresses! Tanx 4 dis article! Its sheer beauty!
@ jungle justice, I don't believe u, v had my rocks on now going 12yrs and my marriage is as strong as union bank phrase - big, strong and reliable
Marriage is what u make out of it
Those rings are sooo beautiful...kudos to unveil
That's y she said 'not definite' joor.
See story oo hmmmmm.
You people have just succeeded in taking Bonario down. Beautiful piece.
Cheap looking rings with crystals. Sorry but true. Nothing classy or special about these
i don't mind having one of those*big smile*
linda oya say a big thank you to us libers o,congrats on the naija blog awards dearie!you rock and keep soaring
Beautiful,fresh n love d rings n pictures of the models.
LOVELY!!!I love the silver ring wit d sapphire & d lipsticks!everythn is jst beautiful.I hope they're affordable too.
Lovely Rings.
Linda I just saw this from you on twitter: "@lindaikeji: Yay, I won blog of the year 2012 and entertainment blog of the year 2012 at the Nigerian blog awards. Go Linda! LIB rocks! :-)"
CONGRATS!! You deserve it all. LIB really Rocks!!
Tongue out - not definite indeed
Yes they do.
=))=)) haº°˚ ˚°º≈haº°˚ ˚°º≈ha=))=)).
It takes a cheap person 2 recognize cheap things..ur just a hater.
Lindiway choose one now, pick a date and let's put an end 2 single life....I W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡ U̶̲̥̅̊ when U̶̲̥̅̊ decided... Nice stuff anyway.
D lady looks like Sanaa Lathan!!
Billie jean
Hater!dear future hubby,I wnt dis kinda ring,tnx.
Bona is already taken pls try smwhr else
Beauty is a fascinating subject for peeled, apalgi if we really are in a circle itu.keep blogging.
I don't know about the makeup but my husband and I bought our wedding bands and engagement ring from unveil in 2010 and the price was fair compared to some other places. It wasn't particulalrly very cheap, but they gave discount
The rings are cute. But platinum bands beats a gold band every time.
Men! Pls take note!
Sorry dear,4get him. D boy is mine
The rings are lovely and the make up product, lovely!
Please I need someone to educate me on this: which ring should come first; is it the engagement ring followed by the wedding band?
I see the opposite in some of the pictures above.
Thank you in advance.
Dear future husband if u want to hear yes frm my mouth u know d kind of khole kardashian ring or any one of this ones if u want to hear yes from my mouth
When u are googling rings ZOOM it if necessary
@ Track: Muaaaaaaaah!
Dear Future Husband,
I hope you're reading this letter where i think you should,I mean in
your very comfortable office or in a 5-star hotel or somewhere in the
Well,wherever you are right now,i need you to pay attention to all the
contents of this letter.
First of all,
I understand that we haven't met and that is why i demand to meet You
at one of the finest shopping malls in Nigeria.I know you're wondering
why this,well you don't expect that we should meet at Bodija market
[in Ibadan] and think that we are made for eachother!*
I don't think so*
As a woman,i want i man that can buy me all the things i need! So you
can begin to watch the places you go to if we must meet.
Yeah!so after we have met in the finest mall in Naija,you wee sha
propose to me after about 3 or 4 months abi?..*mi o ni time[I dont
have time]…If you don't propose on time na u know*..As for ur proposal
to me,please i don't want u dropping any ring in my wine….this is not
nollyhood,this is reality!!
As a chick that doesn't waste time,I tend to drink my wine as fast as
i can,so…dont be suprised if i ask for another shot and i didnt
discovered any ring!* I had swallowed it niyen*.Sweet heart,do
something romantic to propose to me…shhhhh!'yhyh,every woman loves
*mayb,mayb nt*!
After your romantic proposal,we should get married!!!
Well,for our traditional marriage,i am going to make a very long list,
*get ur pen and paper*.
I will need,5 cartons of kellogs cornflakes,rice krispies,frosties and
my lovely cocopops,10 cartons of hobnobs,Indomie
noodles,wristwatches,bags,shoes,ankara*daViva please*,make
up,jewellries and dont 4get,nightwares!*very important stuff*!I dnt
want yams and fruits pls,i detest things that are done the ancient way
as I am a 21st century gurl..*in willow's voice*.
Baby,our wedding is so gowin to make sense!A very expensive one!
Our wedding rings!!*I don't even wanna talk about them,so that you
don't pass out*.Our honeymoon???…*leave that side*..*winks*…as a bad
girl…you know what to expect!!
Now,our family can begin to grow!
Get it straight!we aren't gowin to have more than 2kids.yeah!I
determine what number of kid to have,i'l carry the babies,won't I?
I've also been thinking our kids have to be very smart!*about IQ 150
and above*! I don't want them attending schools below reasonable
standards,they won't listen to Ice Prince,wizkid and all dem retarded
Well,maybe because i don't want them to get involved in all dem alomo
talk and azonto dance and more importantly iceprince is not porshe
enough for the kind of kids we r gowin to have…i don't want them
singing *feeling my soup or star*..#okbye!
More importantly,get your money ready for equipment that will take
care of all the house chores;washing machine,dishwasher,vaccum
cleaner,pressure cooker and all…
oh!y???because i wuldn't be washing,sweeping and cooking.
I am not going to get married to you to become a maid!
In conclusion,please don't wear 'carrot jeans' and the 'ama kip kip'
shirt on the day we'll meet!
Free advice…take it!well,I kinda miss u sha buh I cannot say that I
love u untill we meet….you knowY ?
YOLO*You Only Live Once*…Life is too short to marry an ugly and poor thing!!
Yours faithfully,
future wife.
How convenient, on the one post he is told to take note of a longing for a diamond engagement ring, the ever ubiquitous Bonario fails to comment on said post!
Linda making her millions.. Nyc collections
btw so there's something lyk niger blog of d year award.? So wen wil d avid reader of niger blogs award be? Ol d same, Congratulations
MsM I don't mind any of the sliver. Trust u to get me a beautiful one. Can't wait. MsM
Na wa o Linda so na true say u dey choose which comments u post
loolz @Gretel noted,I pray we don't expend our kids skul fees on engagement ring.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
even if the guy dey cripple i go sey 'YES I DO'
Marriage is not about wedding bands silly! Grow up first before u start talking of marriage.
Pls tell ur friend to link me up abeg i really want to model but dont know how to
Thank you
beautiful pieces from Bunmi Lasaki... always been a go getter from our days in OAU... nice one
Cheap hw ?
Iyawo indomie ati cornflakes...
Awwwww....I feel so much pity for you.How deprived you must be..anyway,a girl can dream,right.
I love a woman who works hard.Bunmi Oyeniyi,hats off to you!!!
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