Unfortunately she passed away on the 30th of October, 2012 due to a mild stroke caused by the high blood pressure which she'd been suffering from before arriving at the penitentiary. She died at the hospital for women inside the penitentiary in Brazil.
No family member came for her body so she was buried at the Vila Formosa Municipal Graveyard in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The trip to Brazil was actually her first time out of Nigeria, and some heartless people decided to use her as a drug courier without her knowledge. She died in that country and was buried there. Truly sad!
Walahai tulahi this is really pathetic...for a mother that has seen birth and death alternating and still attained the age of 72 to be lured to such madness by a woman and buried in a foreign land like an animal is not only sad but terrible...
Mama, may you find peace with your maker and may He reward whoever it is that lured you into this mess...
Chai,so sad,dats if she is as innocent as u make her out 2 b,Linda..talk about being buried in an unmarked grave!!..may her soul RIP
So sad and may her soul rest in peace.
And they say igbos are covetous and heartless.I bet her kids did that to her
If you read the story of why and how she was arrested then you would agree that Brazil acted civil enough considering the fact that she was caught with drugs but allegedly she wasn't aware of the act she was helping in performing. And then her death is of natural cause too, the Nigerian government should be to blame for not being able to get the women released back home before her death and then after her death. May the old lady rest in the bossom of the lord, Amen!
This is really sad.May her soul rest in piece... Please no matter what or how close u are to someone,do not receive packages without checking it thoroughly ....especially from Brazil,Malaysia. Etc..People are really Heartless...especially shoes sealed packages.
eyaaah, i feel for dis old woman,,, well, may her soul rest in peace,, and for dat wicked lady dat tricked her, God's wrath will visit u soon.......kai, what a world..
**Sad** τ̣̣ђёy should have considered her age and ill health, just saying
Fausat Balogun!!?!
The name is diff from the original story now! If thats a mistake then you are taking your job for granted!
so sad, r.i.p
Linda how re u sure she was used as a courier without her knowledge?Brazil is notorious for drug dealing.so she probably was aware.anyway,not to spk ill of the dead,may her soul RIP.only God knows the truth
God help us. May her soul rest in peace and God will reward who so ever plut dat drug without her knwin. Wht a wicked world whr in. Chiluv owerri
Lin,my mum is 67.How can someone convince her to travel to Brazil, go thru immigration and visa processes and I and my family won't b aware? Kinship is very strong here in Naija. I conclude that her heartless and fearful family abandoned her and being a Mother, *for the wrong reasons* she refused to expose them.
Well if she was framed den may her soul disturb. Those who did it!
May she rest in peace. Is it just me or does anyone else think that grave is too shallow? The depth bi like 2ft naaaaa! Abi dem dey forbid to bury criminals in d standard 6x6? #justasking.
her first time out of the country, Haba Linda something is not right, wat was her reason going to Brazil...well RIP TO HER
Well, its sad and for the family not to come for her body, that's even worse.
Can't bliv dat........if true,d old woman is a big disgrace 2 womanhood..wat was she lookin 4,instead of er 2 sit down nd start enjoying d fruit of er labour @ dat age....nonsense....
I think you have the name wrong here. your initial post said Fausat Abosede, and this one says Fausat Balogun. Fausat Balogun is a yoruba actress oh! check you facts hun..
God knows best.may her soul rest in peace!
U a so on point!!I fully agree with u
Tragic is the word.
Oh,dis is sad! Now I wonder how the woman who tricked her into carrying drugs will feel,she might not even feel bad at all. Some people don't just a good heart anymore
So sad!!! The people were kind enof to lay fresh flowers on her grave. so soooo touching
1st tym out of the country and wthout her knowledge are two things that don't go together!
if her family members didi not come to pick up her dead body why cant the state goernment pick up her body for burial? What are the house reps abike and co? doing this is part of their responsibilities Msheeew.Nonsense Govt.
This is so sad,May her soul rest in peace.
R..I..P ma'am
Which tribe! Which tribe!!
Anonymous November 30, 2012 6:09 AM
you bet her kids did that to her...
Does the article not narrate the story? I don't know which is more appalling - the fact that you evidently either did not read the article before commenting, that you cannot understand the simple article or the fact that you linked this poor woman's story to your obsessive bigotry. I'm Igbo and my message to you is "please go and hug transformer" Meanwhile Linda according to you this woman has 2 last names...
Dats wot i tot aswell, aw can she nt be aware of d drugs. RIP
Mama should not have entered into such business.Anyway may her soul rest in peace
this world, even at the age of 72.
1st, you don't have the facts about her drug trafficking, and so you cannot be a judge to know if she was innocent of it or not. the fact that she's 72 years doesn't give her any leave; 90 year old men and women have been known to traffick drugs.
2nd, may her soul rest in peace, and for those who are writing rubbish about the place in which she was buried, lighten up. She was buried, meaning that she was given final respects even as a prisoner. How many of you will do the same for those in detention in 9ja?
she may be aware or not. But my annoyance is yoruba women too tear eyes, Rip mama. Yoruba women and travel travel. Pls WE should enlighten each other. My wife can fall into this kind of trap, all her eyes dey outside this country. I know she will read this. If any thing should happen to you (O.H.M.), I WILL NEVER SHOW UP.
Memphis, yes last rites are given to people who die in prison in Nigeria. Stop being ignorant and thinking Nigeria does not do things right. Linda, I tire for your readers. So much ignorance.
Lwkm!!..u no fit warn her for house,na for blog u com get mouth..lol!!
Even my pet billy goat knows that if u go brazil na coca leaf dey for bush.
At 72 she still went and found heaven.
Meanwhile me and billy go give brazil a wide radius and stick to bitter leaf.
@cb hahahahahahahaha wahala dey o. Kuku use rope take tie ur wife leg to ceiling fan for house as e be say she chop dog leg, and wen u dey marry Yoruba woman u no know b4?
We all make mistakes, I am not one to judge the reasons for her action...R.I.P Mama @71
Anonymous November 30, 2012 6:09 AM
May God forgive you for your thoughts, cos I can imagine how putrid and vile they must be. What the heck is wrong with you? Must you be this offensive? How is her tribe relevant here? You need to free yourself from the shackles of your negative mentality, gosh I feel very sad for you, all that bile and excess baggage you lug around cannot be good for you. You need God's cleansing touch. Jeez.
RIP Mrs Fausat, may you find rest.
her name is Mrs. Hafsat Awosade
Cb, na wa for u, how can u say that of ur wife? That if anything happens to ur wife, u!ll never show up.
Anon @11:55am you are funny. May her soul RIP.
God help us
Shame on you.
Its won't hurt you small ethnicist brain to click the link to the original story dummy.
Be here asking Linda question, did Brazillian embassy deny you visa or are you barred from fact finding missions? You human beings, wonder how you will feel if someone was asking this question and your grandma was the victim.
Anon 1 and 2, both of you take stupid to new heights. Watch a few episodes of banged up abroad, I'm sure they will air one where the couriers didn't know they were carrying drugs.
Are you serious? May God forgive you and help cure your stupidity.
Really? You don't say. A woman was offered medical treatment abroad, probably by a fake ass NGO and tricked into carrying drugs. Is Jim Iyke not finacially okay at least? Wwhy did the older woman say her NGO paid for his parents medical trip abroad? Na wa 4 una. Try and be accessing at least 50% of your brains please.
Your brain stems swollen again I see.
God help me stay away from men like cb. Good lord you can tell the man can do aproko for Nigeria in Olympics and win Gold. Smh
Meanwhile why does it hurt you that anyone likes to travel? If they can afford it why not?
Yes of 'cos a 72 year old illiterate woman who was offered medical treatment abroad knows about Brazil and cocaine. Thank you Einstein, you're too wise. Ode oshi
WOW!!! what has tribe got to do with this? why is it that any story that features a nigerian that is shameful and tragic,then you see all these tibalistic foolish morons coming out in droves? i fail to use vital brain power to work out why! is it any wonder why nigeria is still the same way as it is? we like to bring our own people down way too much! hausa o,yoruba o,istekiri o ati bebe lo we are all one. we really need to stop this backward and barbaric attitude of tearing other tribes down
Nobody came for her. So Nigeria don't have embassy in Brazil even though what she did is a shameful and wrongful acts. This govt really fall my hand. Other nations will not do that but do it in a coded and wise way. We already know you're irresponsible even to ur citizen here. Whateva you did has a meaning and the world is watching. As u dress, that's the way u'll be address. R.I.P mama...............want to have a flat belly, burn fat from ur entire or part of the body, maintain fitness and shape. Visit this blog to learn more. www.fastweightlosstipsnigeria.blogspot.com
Even if she die in prison or hospital whatever, her corpes shouldn't have been left there for burial. It's not right and i don't believe such a thing should be allowed as a rule. The Nigeria govt should have taken responsibility and bury her here even if her famly reject. Mr literate, you can teach us , we wanna learn the laws.
A big AMEN!
It is a shame we have a govt and an embassy in that country. I have been arrested in Amsterdam once and had some people around from other countries with different offenses, in the morning after our arrest and detention I was the only person who did not have a representative from an embassy to seek my release. No matter what this girl did our leaders should be ashamed that she was left to die like a fowl. We (Nigerians) are not the worst offenders in the world regarding any crime but our govt (if we have one) continue to demean us (ordinary citizens) by claiming that our vices are too embarrassing, more embarrassing than the billions $ they steal daily!
It is only a yourba person that can do this....where were her kids? These bunch are just so greedy......it is only a yourba woman who would take a sim card and mobile phone gift and immediately assume mother and wife status.....nonsense people.
And i dont want to hear any pim from all of u who would jump to rescue the yourba race from this engrained trait....
A united states citizen cannot die in another countries prison just like that.......WE DONT HAVE GOVERNMENT.
Thats the lesson we should take home!!
Every other thing is part of life. WICKED WORLD.
I hope you guys are aware that more money has been stolen in this dispensation like never before.....
Too bad. RIP maam
Illiteracy again! U really didn't read the story well!!!! Lmao. This is just stupid! Am ashamed of u!
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