DL Hugley and Kola Boof cuss each other out on Twitter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 2 November 2012

DL Hugley and Kola Boof cuss each other out on Twitter

In a recent interview regarding his new book, 'I Want You to Shut the F#ck Up: How the Audacity of Dopes Is Ruining America', Comedic actor D.L. Hughley made a statement a lot of black women may find offensive. He explained his dislike for black women...

D.L. told NPR,
"I've never met an angrier group of people. Like black women are angry just in general. Angry all the time. My assessment, out of, just in my judgment, you either are in charge or they're in charge, so there's no kind of day that you get to rest (ph).”
This statement caught the eye of Kola Boof and she went after him on Twitter. D.L didn't take her insults  lying down. See their heated exchange after the cut...




Anonymous said...

I hate Kola tho

David said...

He deserved it. She simply did what every black woman had on their minds. This guy is high on white KoolAid trying to gain approval in the eyes of the whites.
His generalisation of the character of black women is nothing short of pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Dr hugley just de use am rub, e was definately having fun with his replies. and trully kola boof is an angry woman, shes too bitter, she needs to take some chill pills mehnnn

Anonymous said...

Dis foolish woman just proved him right, anyway, DL is an ass 2 make such a statement he should b more specific n say black american women are angry after all he hasn't dealt with all african women xcept afro americans

Chinedu said...

i like the guy's response..

This lady should rest na... Haba

Anonymous said...

DL needs to give it arguing with this woman. Besides some things are better left unsaid even if they are true. You can't win. I learnt that from a short marriage stint to a woman....Kola can go on forever. #Too much time on her hands

Nimma said...

I agree with him. Kola Boof is one bitter, sad, lonely and angry black woman who is trying at all cost to be relevant. I also think she is very opinionated! Once u dont agree with her views she begins to rain insults on u! She seems to have forgotten that everyone is entitled to their opinion!

Anonymous said...

Hughley is right. Black women are always angry.I presume it is in our genes.

Dapizze said...

She's angry alright. Lol

Anonymous said...

...and black men re womanisers and cowards HEGOAT!

Anonymous said...

I agree black women especially African american women are angry b..ches.

Yemi said...

I think he won. After that 'don't you wish you had someone to love you' statement, he took the trophy! Wow, bad-mouth. Boof met her equal, in fact, her superior!

Anonymous said...

kola sorryooooo:)lol)

Anonymous said...

I'm my own opinion

I hate when people group African women and Black americans as the same

African women are not angry
African women do not fight for equality with their husbands

African women don't talk trash
African women have huge pride in their homes

We are not the same as black americans! Our stuggles are completely different

ONLY BLACK MEN WOULD GO online and start bashing the women of his own race. Bashing his mother his sisters his wife his daughters ..I guess they are all angry too

Something is up with black people and this race. Always putting each other down. So negative wannabe controversial whilst white people eat corn chips and laugh at our misfortunes

Adele said...

LOL! Followed this on twitter too and was just laughing my head off! Trust my girl Kola - the defender of the black woman! She doesn't take insults directed at black women lying down. D.L Hughley should go and sit down somewhere. He's trying to remain relevant and knows that black women would naturally rise to the bait he's set, thereby giving him the much needed publicity. And to think he is married to a black woman?! How do you generalize like that and not be disrespectful to someone whom you are married to and have kids with? SMH!

BLOGLORD said...

of course, she is an angry black woman.
the title of the book though....
this kola boof knows no other word than DICK! what a shame. its her type that gave DL Hugley the inspiration to write this condescending book of the afriacn black woman.

Anonymous said...

Slow news day abi?

Unknown said...

He shouldn't have generalised though, but he is honest to a fault, he should have used SOME. I have to say my opinion though even though some commenters are going to 'KolaBoof' me now.
Most black brothers or Nigerians abroad tend to avoid black chicks because of their rude or foul-mouthed nature, they would rather go after white chicks or any other race.(I am guilty of this,sorry not my fault.)

Ok back to home base now, generally I am a very sociable person and like to mingle with many tribes, but to be very honest, some Yoruba girls I have come across are very abusive and foul mouthed and Linda there are many of them on your blog.
That's my opinion, truth be told, now 'Kola Boof' me now.

Anonymous said...

I am Nneka'
Lobatan! I have never been a fan of boof but i agree with her on this one. She fights dirty though. Hughley, No comment

Anonymous said...

Like seriously don't know why Linda is making this girl so famous in nigeria

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest i have heard DL speak.

Anonymous said...

BAM!!! this guy gave it to her just right....BAM!!!

leroy said...

About time she got her comeuppance, this Ayamatanga!!!

Anonymous said...

DL hughely,black PEOPLE in general are angry not just women. They need to move on already! The white man this,white folks that.enough! Do something with yourself and let it speak for you.note:black Americans

Anonymous said...


happyhausabunny said...

Linda! You just could not help yourself abi! What exactly is your obession with this unstable woman!

Anonymous said...

hehehe...awon ode meji

danny said...

hahahhaha..nigerians know how to avoid gist wey no concern them..i can't believe i;m the first to comment..loool

Anonymous said...

Are african american women angry? Yes they are!!! What with all the irresponsibility of their malefolk. The next generation will be livid too. They did not grow up around daddy. Go back to the real family values...... And stop the. Use of foul language in the black community. Seriously. If its acceptable, why are the classy ones looking for partners in asians?

Anonymous said...

Linda, you fall my hand oh. Lol! I thought you were an English graduate....which one be, "cuss each other out of Twitter"?!!!
Abeg oh, correct me if I'm wrong, but this shoulda been "cuss each other out on Twitter"!!
Nor vex sha...abegii post!!!

Anonymous said...

Insect face? LooooooOooool! And his hair is the phyllum insecta too!

miss Sparxz said...

Hahahaaa...shit's funny!!! Anyways,I'm a black woman but I gotta admit dl says d truth. I know I'm not like that and I think he's generalizing but if we all are honest,black women tend to b angry all d time that it actually embarrasses me! Jeez! Do u watch movies? Did u see d you tube clip with d lady dat cussed out d driver till "she got served?!"Rotflmfao(sorry remembering dat clip jst gets me everytime lmao)Even daily occurrences?And several others I can't even mention..I know d ghetto ones are mostly d guilty ones but common,A great percentage of black women stay angry mehnn...datz d fact! shiieeetttt!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kola came for him. I looooove it.

A lot of black women are strong and don't put up with bullshit. Some of us have had to raise our children by ourselves because the same black men that are comfortable dogging us, refuse to stand up and take charge and be the fathers they're supposed to be to the children they abandon and don't pay child support for. When a woman has to be in control and wear both pants in the house, that attitude may carry over to romantic relationships. Raising kids isn't easy. I can't relax when it comes to my son, because I know that no one is there to pick up the slack.

And, please don't lecture me about the caliber of people we have relationships with. The bottom line is, be a man and take care of your responsibilities.

These celebrities should start criticizing black men for not taking care of their business, instead of attacking black women for doing the job black men are supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

this ugly woman can never stop hating...smh

fikky said...

I am yet to come across a more disdainful*, hateful, jealous, insecure, angry, bitter and mentally unstable woman than this kola buuf. Dirty mouth and totally deluded!

This woman needs to move to the north pole! Unfortunately, we will continue to see her coz Madam Linda is a fan of hers! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

#dont you wish u had someone that loved you?#....well, well. So he knows the issue. African americans pls luuuuuv d sistas. They won't be so angry if they don't have to put up with yo drugged azz. Some stay to put you straight and when you get the dough have a gazillion babies from every where.

Anonymous said...

Akatta twitter tussle

Anonymous said...

Dis hugley guy is a fool tho,he sounds nd looks gay,WTF!stwepidt ass mofo.

Anonymous said...

Dis hugley guy is a fool tho,he sounds nd looks gay,WTF!stwepidt ass mofo.

Anonymous said...

@hughley and boof.......read"what's wrong with being black" by mathew ashimolowo.

Anonymous said...

Take him for a deliverance.His behaviour is strange since you have not allowed him to get exposed to all these,then where did he learn it from?It might spiritual.


Two wrongs cannever make a right,Kola Boof is very notorious for hiding under d guise of defending blackwomen to say all sorts of rubbish.
"calling urself African doesn't make it so"
Atleast African women exhibit some level of piety and decorum in their actions and utterances.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Kola boof is pretty sha with that her boobs.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh...so dis DL hughley u be white?y d insult na?am black and proud to be one...nd I cee say u b ma felow broda no mata hw u deny am.nekkyville

Anonymous said...

D guy is right in a way!

Anonymous said...

the guy won

Gbabe said...


Anonymous said...

Na wa please enlighten me on the difference between black women and African American women I'd love to learn :)

Anonymous said...

If u think Kola boof is wrong by confronting hughley, wait till u watch his new documentry. He is a sick guy.

Anonymous said...

Serves her right, she doesn't have the word "Ignore" in her dictionary

Dr. Rukevwe said...

And she just proved him right! Ignorance, they say, is always the best answer to a ...

Anonymous said...

You can be in denial all you want, but Black women are angry indiviuals. If you ever hear a white woman shouting or showing anger...then you know shit just got real


And now we r supposed to go google koola boof and probably follow her, d next is a huge fan base and like dat she turns into a superstar. Kola boof cannot be taken seriously after she disgraced herself on social media while grabbing at djimon honsou. I will take a pass. smh
signed,sealed and delivered by Datshapiboboy

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I totally angry with DL. I live in North America and meeeennnn...black women are a bunch of angry haters...ha ha kilode. Don't miss it, I'm a full-blooded yoruba lady, but black-american women are angry bitches. They hate u and give u d look for no reason. Everytime I go out with my hubby, we always see a black gal giving me attitude : either she's d waiteress at the restuarant, or the cashier at Walmart. They feel that if u are a black woman that is not trashy like them, then u are trying to feel u are better than them or trying to be like d white pple. And my hubby is naija too oo. The very annoying one was d cashier at walmart, her attitude was so rude, for no response...oopps..I think I was looking nice that day, was coming from a friend's mum funeral and u know hw oyinbo pple dress prim n proper for funeral...but outside of that, its nt my fault that ur father has been in prison since he knocked ur mama up, or that ur mama don't even know who ur father is, I'm sorry ur mama's bf molested u but he isn't my dad,u chose to get pregger at age 16 to a 17yr round d block who is now in prison or been shot dead by his rival gang..u chose not to get an education even though its free..its not my fault, was ur decision n dat of ur mama..I work hard to support u and ur 4 children from 4 different fathers, cus d govt tax me heavily to give u unemployment n child benefit since u dnt work..d least u can do is be polite to me..B.t.ch!!!
They blame everyone else for their predicament, everyone but them...
The worst attitude I get is when I go for lunch with my oyinbo friends n colleagues...
That's y educated black men don't marry dem anymore, dey all marry white chics now,they always say how come I'm different to most black women dey know, but my hubby always tell them that Naija gals are not angry n nasty like dat ooo...we tell them how naija have fun and how my pple groove..dey are so itching to come to lagos once boko haram n kidnapping subside

Anonymous said...

Wteva mehn...NEXT!

Anonymous said...

Abeg who gave birth to him? I bet she's angry too. Omo ale!

Warri Girl said...

What DL said is annoying but still I like the way he replied

Warri Girl said...

What DL said is annoying but still I like the way he replied

Anonymous said...

@anon 12.11pm... Kola dsnt knw u buh she hates u 2

Anonymous said...

DL's comment on the black woman was definitely chauvnistic..but who the f#ck is kola boof to comment? She iz a low biatch for sure!

Anonymous said...

This Kola or Koala is a damned, attention seeking who,re

Using cuss words and displaying her stupidity globally.

DL is a matured and fact speaking lad! Kudos to him...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wharis this?
This lady descends in na gutter in na minute. Why do people even acknowledge her foolishness. To fools trying hard to exhibit their idiocy. Kola came out on top winning the prize as the most offense.

Hugely should no better... anyway he is not my favorite person either...too many ain't gots.

About black (african american) women being angry, that is an understatement

I think it is the sum total effect of all the black person has gone through and is going through in America

Anonymous said...

Eze, u ve been officially kolaboofed, and I am igbo

Anonymous said...

No mind d baboons. They caused the women to be like that. Irresponsible tinz

Anonymous said...

Black women in america have serious attitude and anger issues. That's what Dl hugley is coming from

Black canadian women are definitely not angry women
Black africans are most definitely not angry. They are submissive and collected

Black americans however don't like african women who act composed speak good english or are educated or have white friends

If you are not ratchet loud or unclassy, they think you are proud and they give you the "stare down".

If you choose to be diplomatic in conflicts and handle situations with thought and love they say you are not "100 percent real" they will not "fuck with you" because you are not real" because you choose not to argue or fight or get involved

If you speak proper english they ask u why you are trying to sound white

If you have a plan for your life and you are not angry or have attitude like them they will call you an "annoying Ho"

If you date white men or attract well to do men not rappers or athletes they think you are a sell out

What I don't understand however is that education is free for them, they have constant electricity, a good government reasonable access to healthcare and african women struggle but are not so agitated

Anonymous said...

Yes I know black canadian women are completely different

No anger issues OVER here

I believe african women are just husslers but not angry.

They just don't joke with their business or money

Economic problems lol

Anonymous said...

It is rather unfortunate to see some motherfucking, sellout, low-down-dirty-shame house nigger trash talking black women because he knows no better. He's a hood rat that just got lucky and made some change. Now he thinks that he has arrived. Typical ghetto boy trying to belong to the mainstream and the only way he can do it is curse his crackhead mother out.

But this big breasted girl should not have dignified the asshole with any kind of response. She's another mental case.

Hughley aint as funny as he thinks he is, trust me I know cos I lived in the U.S for donkey years and we know who the real deals are. He aint one of them.

Alicia says... said...


Unknown said...

I am so in love with kola. stupid black mofo saying he hates black women, disgrace to the black race. He can skin wash himself to purple if he likes who cares?

Str8FrmDaHips said...

@Anon 2.50PM
Nothing more to add..said it all!!
Having said that there are some very sophisticated Black American women..but they so different from the norm..in upbringing..values..moralsfrom the Shaniquas..and Mercedes

Danidiva said...

This kola should take a chill pill biko.......who sent her to be the"defender of black women"huh? and in such an abusive manner

Anonymous said...

For once I agree with Kola. DL is facing a lot of backlash about this absurd statement. Maybe he is referring to black Americans but other blacks in the US do not generally act the way he depicted and cannot tar everyone with the same brush.

omoyibo said...

DL is obviously speaking from his own personal experience whether or not we agree with him. I can say from my own experience that you do run into a varying level of african american women. I have dated a lot of great african american women & also have come across some potty ones but I cannot generalize when asked what I think about african american women, it has to be done on an individual basis.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww wat a cool story. Nice to know there are still good nigerians out there.

Anonymous said...

kola boof tho not a fan bt she did wat any other black woman would av dn...and 2 DL u re a disgrace 2 black peeps

Anonymous said...

Ignorant Americans! I'm sure DL has never left mainland USA so what does he know about "black" women? He should have specified if he was refering to black american women. But there will always be an exception. America is the most "uneducated" continent in the world but they sell their BS with so much confidence that people that don't know them buy it. An average american believes africa is a country. Bunch of ignoramus. No comment on the crazy lady.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

I no blame u since una dey suck oyinbo yansh dey slave for them y u no go dey talk like that! Look they are much worse than us they nag like hell and always want to know where you are, they cheat and God help u if your paper is not complete! Look bad and good women are everywhere just pray u meet good one, maybe God is on your side that's y u hv good one! they are not better than us

Anonymous said...

Mumu na mistake

Anonymous said...

Maybe u but not all black women are angry beast

Anonymous said...

He is also talking to his own MOTHER AND SISTER!

abi no be black woman born am?..mschew!

this time around i support Kola o jare!

Anonymous said...

Abi, u r right jare I concor. Most of them (African American women) r always agry thou to say the truth.

naijababe said...

DL is speaking of Black American women because this doesn't apply to African/Nigerian women at all. I can say most African women are polite, warm, happy and hardworking, definitely not angry.

Black men vs Black women war in America is very sad, constantly attacking each other. Slavery is evil, man. Time for them to change their mindset.

The first lady of America is a black woman and she doesn't fit into that stereotype, so D.L is speaking about the women in his life. Attacking, insult, disrespect is not the solution, they need to come with a better solution to helop each other out.

Anonymous said...

Keep that hate in ur bedroom,that bitchass hughley is a bitch...bitch!!

Straightfromlasgidi said...

@anon 2.50PM- wish I could like your comment a thousand times...


Anonymous said...

Attention seeker Tssk!and yes am a yoruba girl *eyesrolling**noweyeingu4rmup2down*

Anonymous said...

http://iearn123.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=38793.pls open and register is for everyones good

Anonymous said...

I'm a black woman. A Nigerian, not an African American. Get it?

Anonymous said...

If u didn't get the twits ryt, she actually proved him ryt. Most black women are f**king aggresive. U keep fighting for control. It happens everyday.

Anonymous said...

Abeg wetin una de talk sef? Who no dey vex? Weda black or white, we all get angry and sometimes get mad. So what's de ish?

Anonymous said...

I think he was referring to African American women and I agree with him, most of dem are very wild, rude and uncultured

CocoSharmell said...

I'm sorry,who are these people?:|

Anonymous said...

Very well said!

AJ said...

Normally, it is African Americans that are referred to as black. Africans are called Africans. So some of you should stop defending yourselves. When he said 'black women', he obviously meant African American women.

Anon 2:50, you just said it all. Black women are so angry! And I dnt get why. Are they not the ones who give birth to these sons who become irresponsible black men? If they did not spend so much time angry and hating maybe they wudav raised a better generation.

@Joestar4sho said...

And the winner is... D.L Hugleyi

@Joestar4sho said...

And the winner is... D.L Hugleyi

Eze Chukwumereze said...

Kiloade ah ah, must this blog be tribalistic because my papa give me igbo name?? I know say if my name na kayode,una no go yab me. I am your friend o. I think a tribalism act has to be established in Nigeria just like the racism act.We are here to learn and express our opinions not to diss each other, Linda's blog is a tool for networking with Nigerians home and abroad to interact, by the way I no pursue any oyibo for paper, not worth it.Linda I think you should ban abusive replies, its not helping us.Thanks and once again, my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I guess kola boot is a prolific outspoken tweeter that you use for your slow news days. It either that or you are her publicist. Who the hell cares about this low level beef?

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Why she mad tho?? Have a seat ma'am with ur angry ass self. - Candy Cane

Anonymous said...

If u live in America and you're a parent of a male black teenager, you would be concerned about your son's date. Too many AfroAmerican women are uncivilizied. Such behavior is filtering into the so called "enlighted Nigerian women" They are so quick to defend "womanhood" using various excuses like he should be man enough to take care of his responsibility/ he does not spoil me/ he is not romantic enough. If you have sex with a married man for financial help, how are you not a prostitute? Which of the several customers is the father of the baby? Our believe system is obvious on the opinions on this blog.Those feminists should hide their heads in shame

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:50pm I wish I could agree with you 100% but no. You make a choice to be decent and be married and get an education and a job. Have you checked out some Naija ladies in your city and on this blog recently. You can just add them to the list.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, stop confrontation with men in the name of womens lib.
Most of us marry to make you happy and not because marriage adds to our status/ happiness. If marriage fails, you mostly take the short end of the stick. Sex to us is recreational with very little expression of love. Its not the same with you and thats why you have heart breaks several times more than men.If you live you current man, you only get a worse one while a smart man tends go higher on the next catch.
Tell me my analysis is not true. No cursing pls.

Femiluv said...

They're both dumb..

MJ said...

Yes o! He should restrict it to african american women, his mother included! A bad experience with a few black women does not give him the right to generalise! Oshisko!

Anonymous said...

I tire o!!! If I be the wife, u go explain dat statement! And u never see angry black woman yet!

Anonymous said...

Oga e be like say u never meet igbo girl wey go finish you with insults! I'm igbo, oya... Sellout!

MJ said...

LOL!!! From all the anonymous posts, u almost can easily tell the women's comments from the men! I be woman o, DL that comment was uncalled for. Be a man and name the women who dealt with you, don't generalise!

Anonymous said...

#WORD# you don't expect me to be a woman and a man at the same time (picking up the bills) then u also want submission all at the same time! Aint gonna happen! It doesn't work tha way! U be the man and live up to ur job and I will be a woman who will romance ur ego and balls!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5;53pm, U av dated a lot of them yet didn't find any to wife among them! This is exactly wat we are talking abt! Exactly y they are angry! Black women in generally, u date dem but end up marrying a white woman. Even our male Nigerians living in Nigeria are gradually picking up this trend too yet u say black women are angry... #amjokinginawaybutalsoserious# lol

Anonymous said...

O Ma Gaao (OMG) lol
Some valid points have been made though going thru the comments, women are emotional beings and they react as circumstances dictate, If the American MEN would stand up to protect, defend and fend for their African American Women, maybe they will not be as 'Angry'

Anonymous said...

I don't think the colour of one's skin should decide one's opinion...that he's black doesn't mean he should lie about what he feels about black women...maybe putting every women under one parasol was wrong..but insulting him is beyond range too...wonder how you would have reacted if a white had said the same...free world....successfully proved him right with your childish vilification...26114146

Anonymous said...

I dont even understand Kola Boof. Yesterday on twitter,I expressed my opinion on how she proved him right on everything he said. I did not even @ her. She found me and began to rain insults on me. I live in the UK and some of my British Nigerian friends have worse mouths than her. They spent the whole afternoon raining insults on her because they have all heard about her . The sad thing is that we are all teenagers and we see this fully grown woman as a disgrace to black women. She actually had the audacity to tell me that I would be kissing the foot of men till I die. I was truly perplexed. I'd rather worship my husband than end up an angry,ugly old bitch who goes around causing trouble and insulting people for no reason. When I joined twitter newly,I used to follow her but had to unfollow her after a while because she used to fill my tl with vile tweets. This woman is in her 40s,it is time for her to get a life. I remember the time she was fighting Kimora on twitter. It was just a one way fight because kimora never replied her. I felt sorry for her, Kimora is a fulfilled woman while Kola is a nutcase who thinks she's famous for claiming to be a sex slave of osama bin laden. Linda needs to stop giving this woman cheap popularity.

Unknown said...

Whether black American or African, we are all Africans. DL should tell that to his descendants. The whites will not even regard him as anything. He is still a Nigger.

Unknown said...

Whether black American or African, we are all Africans. DL should tell that to his descendants. The whites will not even regard him as anything. He is still a Nigger.

Unknown said...

That's not the point, the fact that he chose to generalize is very shallow and ignorant of him. How would you feel if someone called your mother an angry black woman ?

Unknown said...

That's not the point, the fact that he chose to generalize is very shallow and ignorant of him. How would you feel if someone called your mother an angry black woman ?

Anonymous said...

Black women dont find white men.... only for money! white women find black men attractive!we have a right to be angry limited variety, plenty competition!!! lol
Kola like to be controversial! she doesnt represent women in any women
DL Hugley is just luky he made it, if not he would fall under the category of guys u have mercy shags with!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely right. Black men needs to step up their games in regards to taking responsibilty. We know that racism is everywhere, but when you that showing white people that you guys can be smart like them if not smart they will start respecting you. Thank God we have seen Obama become president so it shows you can get there if you work hard. We need to stop blaming and start acting.

Anonymous said...

DL I like u as a comedian, but putting your sistas down like dis is not gud. This is d reason white ppl insult black ppl am tired of seeing black ppl attack each other. I get really upset when black ppl become successful that's when they will remember they need to marry the white ppl. If you so much hate the attitude of your black sista do something to help them. U will see a broke-ass broda in d hood, immediately he makes money dats the time d ppl he grew up wit are now ghetto ppl is not fair. African-American women are angry bcos the few good men left, goes ahead to marry white people and leave them 2 raise children alone. All am sayin is that if u like act white or black but don't put down your ppl to sell books.

Anonymous said...

DL! Something is wrong. He recently walked into one of my public meetings with his camera, talked a whole lotta shit and asked to do a retake, at the expense of the public. I no know wetin im dey find but if you like the white woman's kool aid, drink it. Aint nothing wrong. Some of them are feistier than black women in their attitudes.

Groovelink said...

Kpacam...even if W̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ wanted τ̲̅ȍ show our displeasure about Hughley's comments....STUPID BOOF J̲̣̣̣U̶̲̥̅̊§τ̲̅ proved him right...ε̲̣̣ don be olredy as W̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ take see A̶̲̥̅♏ ₪a....ℓ☺ℓ!

Anonymous said...

She just helped prove his point, ROTF! Not to generalise but I do find a lot of African-American women to be really angry at life in general though. They claim they're "liberated sisters" but they come across as very angry and unhappy bunch for the most parts, esp in an argument or when talking about men, lol.

I understand why though. They've had to be sister and brother, father and mother most times in their families as a lot of the men are in prison or dead. That's the life they got handed and they end up being the responsible backbones of most families. And then the brothers who are up and up then go and marry white or African women (That one kills them and sends then into a blind rage, lol)

Anonymous said...

And quite arguing about who he was referring to. Obviously he's talking about African-American women, not black women in general as that's the limit and extent of his experience.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Did not realize that DL is so pathetic. I mean, isn't his mother a black woman????

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