D'banj wins Best African Act at 2012 MOBO Awards | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 4 November 2012

D'banj wins Best African Act at 2012 MOBO Awards

The Kokomaster beat P-Square, Fally Ipupa, Sarkodie, Cabo Snoop, Camp Mulla, to win the 2012 MOBO Awards Best African Act of 2012. The awards held last nigh 3rd November at thhe Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK. Big congrats to him.

Meanwhile, he has lost out of the MTV Europe Music Award ‘Best Worldwide Act’ category.


hot girl said...

congrats to my husband.our wedding date to be announced on the 25th of dec.

Anonymous said...

You mean the MOFOS award? Suck ma Dick!!

BLOGLORD said...

dbanj dbanj! hmnnn! kip ur head up!

Anonymous said...

Eh! E no mean, he won africa act that one do *tongueout big congrats to him

Dammy said...

That's wat's up.That's my boy.Been expectn his news 4long.BEFFTA is da next.Yeah, when D'banj is in a category, let any other african or naija artist mellow down n 4get the award.Claro? Mas gran éxito.


Congratulations to d'banj! You go man

Unknown said...

Congrats my name sake *lol* you do well. Am proud and I will always rep 9ja proper wherever I go.

Anonymous said...

Congrats kanye's boy

mike said...

Dbanj when is the album coming out sha? It's been a while now? This album better be the shit oh!!!

ETHAN said...

Congrats Dapo.

Anonymous said...

Is dat D'banj? He looks so different in dat photo! Anyway congrats 2 him,he did it without don baba J

Anonymous said...

Linda did you just woke up? This old news you carry last for this news!!!!

Anonymous said...

So "he lost of the mtv Europe Music Award" o_o Omg omg omg!!! Glory glory glory halleluyah thank u jesus that he didn't win I am sooooo haaapppppyyy. Please join us in this good thing that the Lord has done for us...Glory glory glory. Thank u linda for that piece of information. So who won it aunty linda?hope it is ur towns person....

Gosh!! I rest my case on u. Guess I've made my mind clear. Thank u#Teamdbanj

Anonymous said...

Linda linda linda! But was that second paragraph necessary? OMG I cannot believe u will choose such words meeen!! Hmmmmm!! We thank God dbanj is this ahead of his game continue blowing it. OMG anyways sha!! We know where u stand in d whole equation. But if stupidity will publicly/openly make u take ur own sides as freeze then we will know

Anonymous said...

Yes he lost the MTV award glorrrrrrrrry glorrrrrrry #teammavin we are szoooooooooo happpppyyyyy and we shall pop rozayyyyy toooo thatttttt thank goddd o!!!

4k u haterz please keep celebrating and blowing up...ur choice of word says how u must have felt bytheway

Alicia says... said...

I honestly think they give these awards out based on popularity and past glory cause there is nothing d.banj has done in the last 12 months to deserve that award. Much better acts up there. And just cause he is affiliated with Kanye? And so??

Anonymous said...

Ahaan madam linda!! U seem to be excited that he didn't win the mtv award... By the way he did not lose out of the mtv award what happen was that he did not qualify to be part of the finalists for the award...get ur words right gel. Continue o!! Ur own is waiting for u wen u get to their level(if u ever get there) and some idiots then will be pitying u o!issorai

Anonymous said...

Oh he lost? I'm dancing azonto! Azonto azonto!!thank God for that!!!

Ok o!! God is watching our heart

Anonymous said...

#teamdbanj forever!! Lord we thank u for this one. Atleast even if he dnt win d mtv he is not jobless fighting twitter war about

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji comes across to me like she is excited he lost hence why else should she post that second paragraph? To dilute the vistory I guess!! Hmmmm!! But guess what, without ur love or support he won the MOBO and the one MTV even advertise he no win that's goes to show in dbanjs case God wants to bless him privately. Watch dbanj's space

Anonymous said...

Tired of this dbanj hate jor....u pple should get over urselves....can't u c that if u r hating dbanj u r in d minority....its not by have 450pple on twitter...even if james ibori starts giving money on twitter today Nigerians will follow him still. So plsssss!!! Ibo pple ur hate for the brother ain gonn change his numbers..I'm sure u guys have seen d best of jazzy from the tracks he just released...now he is looking up n down for who to salvage his career and na wizkid him wan use save him soul now!!!

Anonymous said...

soooo, u fit show your face without putting on 'google'


Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile he has lost in the mtv europe music award"...thank God for this one.....abi no be wetin u want make we talk? Oya na!!!

Even the award wey u follow sponsor u cldnt get enuff pple to vote for u to win and I didn't see u advertize that u lost the award!! Issorai! Its our intention that God sees sha!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations D'banj.

Anonymous said...

And dbanj keeps winning, don jazzy keeps sharing recharge card and fighting on twitter..... Yeye dey smell!!!!!! And donj's voltrons if u insult me, the Gods of ur land will strike u....... Just pass by my comment and wave!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to oliver !! Aka donjazzy

Anonymous said...

Amaka, chikodi, ikejiochukwu

Amaka:hey have u heard that ofeimanu boi won that award?
Chikodi: which one? Its a lie o I heard he lost it o!!
Ikeji:hmmmm! C me I don't even care. Since they cheated "nidi be anyi" I just logg off!!
Chikodi: and mtv was just distiurbing us up and down with d advert!
Amaka: ewoooo, so u too hated that advert? Me I hated it ehnnnn
Ikeji: hmmm! I wish it was my bois that were there and mtv was show them every min. Anyways thank God he didn't win.
Chikodi: so which one did u say he won amaka?
Amaka: don't mind them it is that british pple award jor...thee m..m..m
Ikeji: ohh MOBO? Mschewww
Chikodi: lin lin na u sabi all them name shey u will put it on ur blog
Ikeji: I didn't want to b4 but thank God he lost the mtv so I can put it and still them them but he lost oo!!

Amaka,ikeji,chikodi:laffs in unism!!

Anonymous said...

Dbanj is out der piling international awards, don jazzy is here fighting freeze over distribution of recharge cards

coogar said...

You r d best man...congrats

Anonymous said...

T̲̣̣̥O̶̲̥̅̊ hell with him and his award.thank God he did Ω̴̩̩̩̥☺ win MTV EMA.this is how God is punishing him for what he did t̲̣̣̥O̶̲̥̅̊ his father DONJAZZY.. ‎​i̶̲̥̅̊ rep#teamjazzy al d way


He is really good. A big congrats to Dbanj

Slot price list here

Anonymous said...

Why do People Choose to Hate?? D'banj won an International Award. You are hating, He only Lost the Nomination for the Worldwide Act.. Afterall he also Won the Best African Act at the MTVEMA. D'banj lost the worldwide act bcos u haterz didnt Vote,he lost but Nigerians lost the Honour. Get Over it. Stop hating so God can blesr u too!

Anonymous said...

Linda, you harsh!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a glorious year 4 Dbanj! Despite d orchestrated attacks on him 4 his bold career moves, God rewards him with all d major dis year! That what d Yorubas call OTEDOLA

Anonymous said...

Keep wondering till he wins grammy....which is d goal.

Anonymous said...

@anonym 5:56.May ur father not be found fighting with pple up n down while u r giving birth and being recognised globally....say amen!

Anonymous said...

It will be a shame if wizkid is where donjazzy choses to gets his biggest hit this year...tomorrow some idiots go say it is bcos it was jazzy that produced the beat...

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly.

Anonymous said...

Kisses to u for speaking out ma mind! Dt was d only news Linda wanna to pass across
Linda u are so full of hate, gosh!
If u like don't post my comment..

Anonymous said...

@alicia no write crap 4 here o,better acts r dere but d fact is dat dbanj deserved it.how was d award based on popularity nd wit kanye?if u no get anytin write abeg write sumtin else,haters will keep on hatin,dbanj keeps moving 4ward,congrats dbanj

Anonymous said...

Zombie! U will die hating! Fool

Anonymous said...

Its not a curse. Her own will come....

Anonymous said...

Na una way na!!!! Inferiority complex and beef!!!! No wonder u are all marginalised!!!! Keep hanging around donj for recharge card......lol!

Alicia says... said...

Because dbanj hasn't done shit in the last 12 months to deserve it. Just remixing other peoples songs and releasing two very weak tracks. Give me a fucking break. He is the best in ALL of Africa?? Then that means African music has gone down the drain!

Anonymous said...

Who is his father! God punish u and that his father. Oloriburuku. At least he won something! Didn't u see that part! That's why u will remain anonymous! See hatred o!!!! U will die hating cus u haven't seen d last of dbanj!

Anonymous said...

Don't mind this useless alicia. Always typing nonsense. Wiv ashewo name!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If u don't no wat u say jos kip quite. Wats d tin wit Ibo pple n wat has ur bro. Dbanj done since he left don j? Dbanj is a super entertainer n don j a super producer. So leave dis ur tribal rubbish out of dis. Its becos pple like u dat we ve boko haram.

Anonymous said...

If u don't no wat u say jos kip quite. Wats d tin wit Ibo pple n wat has ur bro. Dbanj done since he left don j? Dbanj is a super entertainer n don j a super producer. So leave dis ur tribal rubbish out of dis. Its becos pple like u dat we ve boko haram.

Mavin Critic said...

#teammavin is a failure!Dbanj is still relevant and recognised worldwide after dumping d ass of all mavin crew! Shouldn't that tell u something #whogodhasblessednomancancurse!

Anonymous said...

How can he? He did it with DON J... Dummy it is Sᵗᶤˡˡ oliver twist...

Anonymous said...

Kayswitch... Dis is obviously you. Try and produce a GOOD single..please

Anonymous said...

To hell with all u haters! He has won d award,that is that! How many international awards U̶̲̥̅̊r demi god Donjazzy don win this year,hun? Just get a life and stop hating. As for u Mrs Don Jazzy(linda),go hug transformer,do u think Dbaj get U̶̲̥̅̊r  ?witch!if u like don't post my comment.#walksawy

Anonymous said...

My thots exactli

Anonymous said...

Sharap u fool, asif if dem gv you d recharge cards u won't jump on it #

Anonymous said...

My thots exactli

Anonymous said...

this man deserves not all dis awards been given to him, what did he achieve this 2012? Other than singing wacky songs like oyatoooooo,,,,rubbish! Never liked him anyway.


Anonymous said...

Abeg ,all dis haters sud go and die naaa,congratulations dearie.#teamyoruba

Anonymous said...

ewu gboko! If not don jazzy, d'banj wuld have been roaming d street of lagos, running around all d lagos streets with yoruba urchins,,,,talentless ass d'banj.
Very soon oliver twist which was produced by our own don baba will fade away, lets see where we'll find d'banj,,,,mtcheeew!


Anonymous said...

ewu yoruba! What do u knw about inferirity complex? Mumu

Anonymous said...

i rep team marvin too, sky is our startin point,,,,sooner or later oliver twist will get faded shah

Desiree said...

Is dis dude bleaching?pls he won d award based on past glory n popularity in africa cz I dnt knw any song he released l8ly apart 4rm oliver remix n d small part wey Naeto give am sing 4 Tony montana abi na d poppin remi martins wif obafemi martins 4 kukere remix*aiz rollin*pls am nt feelin dis dude agn jare! LiLy baby no mind dm h8rz jare!keep up d gd wrk!

Anonymous said...

Linda you are such a hater it must be misery living in ur world! Lets see how many international awards you will get once you reach his level* post my comment if u want *

Unknown said...

abeggy D'banj knw deserve dat award.

kunle said...

Congrat, wish you more of that.

Austin Uche said...

i become stunned wen i see ppl turning an awards winning into tribalistic warfare, it shows how far ignorant, how far disoriented, how far childish and immature... Worse off is dat, it shows very clearly dat discrimination still very much exist among d 3 major tribes of dis country... Dis is not a gud omen for naija @ all, and i cnt help but weep.... i used to be a huge fan of mo hits crew until they parted ways, now all i see are bunch of confused ppl trying to get on their feet... both don jazzy and d'banj have rilly lost it.. Pls people are free to air their respectives opinion, they dnt have to like dbanj or don jazzy bcos u do.. SMH

Blogtoto said...

@11:06 we knoe d spelling-inferiority and while at it eat a dick n a dictionary mo'fo

kxl said...

I will only say congrat to @donjazzy , he took out his previous time to produce good music for dbanj....I will only respect dbanj if Oyato can win Lagos street award.. Congrat to Donjazzy

Anonymous said...

Stop hating on DBanj!He is the best and doing even better without the silly Mavin people!
Let him increase or is it a sin to want something better?Abeggg!

MJ said...

Yeah he won,thats great,Psquare deserves to win too.Visit/Follow my blog-Maryjanedavidson.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Shut up Ejike!I'm sure your supposed di*k is a large as an HB pencil!Go look for something to do and stop hating on Yorubas who are so successful all over the world!

Anonymous said...

WORD!!!Ignorant people don't want him to go farther than the shore of this country!Ride on DBanj!

@owolabz said...

congrats eja nla

Anonymous said...

U r all foolish people, don't focus on ur own life. Idiots

Anonymous said...

Ejike omo yiiibo oshi. The only achievement u have is a big dick. Am sure ure a drug baron or a kidnapper. And to d idiot, if na recharge card be your problem. Its not mine! Fuck him and his recharge card. Very soon he will be selling recharge card.....

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha.....look at these sore of sorry ass losers. U pple must be very foolish if u were someone to reckon with dont u think u will have ur own award show?u give d credit to donj....i laff. Just the same way achebe was shouting wen wole soyinka won d nibel prize. I pity ur types.

For u all that said what has he done in 2012.is it not a shqme that d pple u think did something in 2012 were not good enuff to win an award...una never hear anything. Lets c if jazzy will win any award producing for any of u pple. Dbanj don take the olivertwist hustle beyond ur comprehension even jazzy didnt know it was going to be this collosal him for no coomot.

#nuffsaid....u cant just hate success mates

Anonymous said...

Shut up Ejike!I'm sure your supposed di*k is a large as an HB pencil!Go look for something to do and stop hating on Yorubas who are so successful all over the world!

Anonymous said...

My brother the tin tire me o! And the funny thing is that its the so called 'educated' ones that are championing the cause. It goes a long way to show how ignorant and shallow minded We can be.The last time I checked, We had Igbos that didn't like Donjazzy/Psquare jst like there were Yorubas that prefered them over Dbanj. Did I miss something? Why all these riduculous comments? Like seriously y'all need to get a life! I know ur tribalistic asses will reply to my comment but I won't even waste time coming back to check on it so you better keep ur silly thoughts to urselves. Having said that, Congrats Dbanj.

Mavin Critic said...

Linda u are a witch ooo, y have u refused to post all my comments,ehn?! i know u wan marry Don Jazzy, but that doesnt stop Dbanj from being greater than him in all aspects.#gohugtransformerjoor#

Anonymous said...

"if not jazzy dbanj wld hqve been roaming d street"hahahahah, witout dbanj jazzy is roaming twitter seeeking attention.....no time we have remove our don from the name...#

Anonymous said...

If Nigerians are receiving bullshit from winning MOBO awards, then I am suggesting they could stop pushing themselves to be nominated. shikena!

Linda, wetin u tink?

Anonymous said...

i am proudly igbo but i love dbanj and omotola on the otherhand i dont care about genevive or donjazzy...my reason for liking the people i mentioned is personal...so my point is that people shouldnt let tribalism becloud their sense of reasoning.

Anonymous said...

why not appreciate success and urs WIL come instead of hating.if u abstain from success it wil keep itself from u.

Anonymous said...

Any which way Dbanj yato :p

Anonymous said...

NA DJ sing d song for em,c wahala O shiooo

Anonymous said...

NA so she dey do

Anonymous said...

U no get work,which one is my thots exactly,common get. Out of hear my friend

Anonymous said...

Kay switch koor Kay on ni,erry thing is turn by turn That's life

Anonymous said...

entertainer lomo

Anonymous said...

U sef fflw join. So shut d f**k up

Anonymous said...

Kay switch koor Kay on ni,erry thing is turn by turn That's life

Anonymous said...

Tribal warfare aside but this is just a public presentation of a bought AWARD na today? shebi g.o.o.d music contract too na buy dem buy am....leave story D'banj dey hustle sha. Grammy na im cost pass.

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