The results were so phenomenal that we started playing Spot the difference with KolaSoul's cover of "Dont Judge Me". Couldn't keep it to ourselves anymore, so here is the official cover of Chris Brown's "Dont Judge me" by Kolasoul. Listen to it below
This is so beautiful! But we can clearly spot d diff o
There's an obvious diffrence jor. He has an acapella tune to it> he jes dragging the song. that being said, his version is aii. Linda u too dey exaggerate abeg.
I guess u meant spot d similarity. Cos its all different. And the kolasoul guys smiling while holding d gurl. So happy as in.... Shio duplicate copy.
Awesome vocal ability!
Nice!!..so glad it aint a video which I can't get to watch on ma fone..buh I can totally 'spot' d difference wt my ears stuffed full wt cotton wool,my jaw wired shut and my eyes stitched..hehe..buh hez good..mayb I will do him d honours of letting him sing a lullaby for me every night..:-)
feeling the pidgin part oh ..... spot the difference abi ...... don't mean to sound blonde ...... but so like he is banky's cousin or something? although he has a better shaped head.
bullshit. why is he dragging d song like 1 razz thing, trying so hard to be beta
Lmaao to beta shaped head. My p iz y didn't he do somefin else wif his own voice. Y copy tho? @Michelleogo
lmao @ NEKS ...WHY U SEF DEY STUFF EAR ON FRI NITE NA ......... me im feeling the guy ..... as in see cutie na .... but on the real the second verse was the give away .... love his voice tho ... no autotune! and no "go down low" .....toying with the replay button
Y'all shud encourage this dude to be himself not a (bad) Chris Brown photocopy! Dumbass cover pic **loud hiss*
oh wow....i actually thought it was chris till i heard the pidgin part...lol...the guy is a fantastic singer and he is cuuuuuuuute...i wish i was the girl there....yummy..
this is a joke!
He tried sha,but nothing can beat the original song which is perfect!
Dis guy is clearly obsessed wit Chris Brown. He even took his time to make d same album cover, na wa o
i like ..i like ..i like...beautiful cover....like the fact that he did the pidgin thingy...nice...any other material from this guy linda?
7up abeg
He gud tho
He is a good vocalist...but I would pick breezy any day any time...he seems to be trying so hard to impress..there's def no similarity except for the rhythm..naija too like phonetics
as in really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how does this sound like CB. he has an amazing voice but leave it there pls.
Awwww lovely.
Linda r u serious? All we can spot is d difference.u jst killed my batt for nothin
Abi, sounds more like banky than chris brown. Diff too much
I've got dnt judge me by chris brown on replay , so I'm stil cool wiv d originall .
ermmm.... he sounds nothing like chris brown! nuttin! bt d dudes voice is amazeballs doe!! he can sing!
There is nothing like 'original'
This kolasoul guy has such a good voice but my Chris breezy's voice mkes me mighty emotional wen I listen2dis song.he has dis raw passion wen singing.definitely 1of the best singers of our time.:)
SIS. I love it... It's 9jaish
Please, visit: www.chiboychuks.blogspot.com
He must be a fool to be copying chris brown that goes about singing trash & if u have the guts to send insults back to me boko haram go deal with you. Trashy tinz
I can spot out d difference so well... He's just draging d song 2 much! Buh Nice one tho
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!! I love it..
Err... Not good!!! -___-
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! I love it..
I'm unable 2 listen 2 it can't even dwnload eida...Bikonu help me nau
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!! I love it..
linda ...... when will you have your own awards show na .....
oh please......spot on difference as soon as he said his first word......Well for me he tried but Chris Brown got it good.....felt it me more for Chris.....
Haaaa, me I dnt get the exceptionalty in dis cover ooh. Quite predictable and jst there sha. Dude has a good voice though.
If you listened to the Chris brown's version there isn't any basis for comparison. He should have tried a different song.
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She meant it hypothetically not literally don't understand why some people's brain can't think beyond the obvious.
No difference to spot biko, he sounds nothing like Chris!! More like a choir boy!!!
Beautiful voice.. Cute dude too..*wink*
I will definitely put my ijebu money on that. Really very very really good voice composition. I love!
That is all.
Hate it. Call me a hater I don't care. I'm all about #TEAMBREEZY
How bout Nigerian artists do your own thing originally n stop copying or remixing?thats fraud!be original....kai
Awesome stuff! Thumbs up Kolasoul. We look forward to more songs from you...
Rubbish, if CB did not sing it nko? Let him go and sing his own song joor and then we can judge!
veeeeeeery nice....i think the guy has what it takes to be an international star....very very nice
dragging the song ke? ....... erm nah ...its a slow song nah guys ..... but i must admit it was kindda different ..... i tweeted at him and he tweeted right bk .... humble and sexy (pls don't judge me pun intended lol)
Wait till he's famous,u go beg am 4 hi sef,e no go reply!humble my foot!
Calm down,no1 is snatching ur bomb from ur hand,as u carry d bomb na so u go blow to pieces.
Intresting...to tink ds is d same kola frm dept of agronomy ui!dude finishd wit a 2.1,I usd 2 c him around den bt nva knw he was in2 music sha!nywys all d best!but u wr a snob den o n u cld pose ehn
All i'm gonna say is listen to this version of the same song and compare guys http://www.hulkshare.com/jg0spljvlx4w
Yeah yeah ¯\..(•͡.̮ •͡ )../¯
Stop hating..a cover of a song is not to out-do the original owner of the song.the dude tried and sang it his own way or how the hell were you expecting him to sing exactly like Chris Brown..not even R Kelly can!
At least he has a soulful recording voice far better than the gibberish that we call Nigerian music these days!!!
...Comments from Pinnochio
'Beef'ist people !!,Cover (musically) means ur own version of an original piece, hence the "pidgin" part..... Haba we Naija we too dey do sef, this was a good Job,very correkt! and his vocal range is soo on point, Kola Soul u try well Jare, If sometin good make we hail am. More engine oil to ur voice. Na ur own song remain !
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