The jet was flown out of the US from Morristown, New Jersey in September 2012 to be retrofitted and serviced before delivery last week to Mr. Oritsejafor. Records accessed by SR on the Internet indicated that the jet’s owners in New Jersey listed it for sale in July 2012. The data also showed that the jet had once been upgraded to give it more engine power. The jet’s interior is furnished with gold accents in the toilet and bathroom area.
We will all get our own soon...
I hope they know the cost of maintaining a private jet. Money to service, get pilots, Money to land and time to get approval to land in a country. Yes he travels a lot but its way cheaper to actually hire Cos u pay every single day for parking ur private jet. Is it not the church that will continue paying for this services?
I hope they know the cost of maintaining a private jet. Money to service, get pilots, Money to land and time to get approval to land in a country. Yes he travels a lot but its way cheaper to actually hire Cos u pay every single day for parking ur private jet. Is it not the church that will continue paying for this services?
na waaa ohhh
Look it doesn't matter which way you flip this, a pastor in NIGERIA(in particular) does not need a private Jet.
A1:Because it is a "Living to Excess" symbol for God's sake even first class tickets will suffice.
A2: Because too many people in Nigeria can't eat(and dont ever tell me he can't feed everybody) He has a direct connect with the GEJ. He should make an impact
A3: Because it just looks fucking wrong and that counts. It would make any tithe payer think thrice.
Pls don't Jesus me, i'm a believer too but Nigerians and Nigerian scenarios are unbelievably crazy.
Yes the pastor travels all d time but av u guys considered the cost of maintaining a private jet? Is it the same people that contributed money to buy that will maintain it? Money to service,park,hire pilots,money n permission to land in other countries. It just doesn't make sense. We Nigerians do things just for d sake of bin among. Its actually cheaper,wiser n less stressful to hire private jets.
Classy Jet, Pastor deserves to fly in the air. Only Those who know he has paid his dues will agree with me.
Many have found hope and wealth through his positive and spirit filled messages.
Now that Pastor Ayo flies on private jet, he is no longer an "ordinary Nigeria." Everyone in Niaja must endeavor to reach this status, else GEJ wiil classify you as ordinary Nigerian who cannot influence the media. So what is he going to use the jet for? Attend CAN meetings? or fly to his church? The only thing you people in Niaja know is to sell crude oil and use the money to buy foriegn things. Let the jet have one mechanical fault; you will look for foreign expertise to fix it. Olodo people. You claim that the jet is for evangilazation; have you finished evangilazing those around you, before going abroad to convert others? hypocrites.
Whats the craze for jets these days, if it aint a governor,its a pastor, if it aint a pastor, its a bank exec or oil director and majority of the jet owners in Nigeria owe billions to banks. There is abject poverty on the land, and we that are a bit better of belong to the minority. All these material wealth won't follow you to 6ft under.
We need to do away with our luxury abit and focus on our fellow human being, let the change we want to see start from ME.
People are quick to quote bibles and call the name of God. But do u guys think its the pastor that does all d job. The workers that travel from state to state by road nko? I'm very sure they won't even av access to the jet.
And that stupid Gej. He's so jobless that he even has time to go and present private jet. I swear we Nigerians just dwell on stupidity and misplaced priorities and we are always afraid to speak the truth.
Isn't it amazing and disturbing at the same time how these pastors are filthy rich while their members are barely surviving?
Pastors,Politicians,Nollywood actors and actresses big business corporations and sucessfuL musicians like D sqaure and co r the ones enjoying Nigeria today! The rest r suffering,I mean suffering and smiling!Starvation is killing them!
Oboi.......... Damn!!!!! Money is good! See Luxury naw. I don't wanna start talking about if he should have a private jet or not, that's his personal decision but I know lots of you out there that would criticise him would get a better jet if in his shoes.
Chei! All dis pastors will not kill me! #sealed lips o!
Na real "holy sanctuary" !!!
Ok hope all d church members who contributed their hard earned money get to have a ride in this one day and pls no discrimination b/w rich or poor; every bodys money is the same colour.
2ndly when would all these jets be put to good use and church / state think of establishing airlines ( even short haul local flights) to generate funds for maintaining the planes, pilots and cabin crew?
Nigeria has always been a dumping ground for toxic waste,
Take my advise b4 u say anything{he is man of God}so dnt judge him pls nd dnt say anything wrong
Executive tinx
Church business they sell sha!when people dey suffer some self they look 4 money they cry 4 help to do surgery na I'm man of God go accept private jet if na really suprise gift nd he go really enter nd him mind go dey sweet wen half of I'm church members dey stay street God dey watch una ooo
Yes, Oritsejafor should also own a private jet like his competitors, one of who owns four! Not just any jet, but luxurious jet bcos "man of God" must enjoy himself right here on Earth.
Serious misplace pirioty, when some of hiis memebers in his chruch, re hungry. They re buying him a private jet.. Na wa for nija
Serious misplace pirioty, when some of hiis memebers in his chruch, re hungry. They re buying him a private jet.. Na wa for nija
Na 2nd (abi na 3rd) hand b ∂α† na
God help nigeria....... Pple are their in street roaming arund..... No help but naija like wasting money.
nice indeed....just hope everything we hear z actually as it is.... @iAmhairs on twitter
This pple no even like their pastor, imagin getting him an 18yr old toks jet.... Na wa o!
so kooooooooooooooollll...
No pulpit inside?
Too much money and Effizzy from our pastor
Mehn so this is real ooo time to open my own church
Second hand product.hope the plane will not crashon Nigerian airspace...mtchewww
Congrats to him, and those who are talking, if its circular artists now you will be celebrating them, a man of God that his members bought him a jet is now an issue, word of life is the biggest church in warri, so allow the man, Jesus asked his the disciples to go get him a colt that hasn't been ridden by anyone, that's tear rubber. Leave the Man jor, how many of you can do and go through what Men of God go through? Enjoy your life sir, its not easy.
Chineke!!!Uhmmmmm, ₪☺ comment shaaa,as in Mouth sealed..
And the pitiful followers are left to justify these callous acts of self-aggrandisements..."Whatever happened to the reasonable Hoi Polloi?!" :-)*in patricks voice
Hmmmmmmm lord decorate me with Gold and Glory.... AMEN..
Yes beautiful..Fit for a Son of God..God bless you more and more papa Ayo
God be praised,the Lord keeps blessing his servants like he promised.This is great news for my week.Thank u father,pastor Ayo has come a long way in service to the Lord.let no one condemn this. Linda post my comment o.
I think we need to be very careful when responding to news that the concerned individual has not verified however, as a christian, I am very concerned with the lavish lifestyle of some of our Pastors and their congregation. I believe that millions could benefit from a hospital built in his name, schools could be built in his name, a scholarship foundation could have been set up in his name. The true measure of a christian is how you affect the lives of the people around you. Pastor Ayo did not buy the private jet so this is not directed at him however, the body of Christ needs to look at its self again; where flashy lifestyles have taken over.
See private jet.... Not that molue interior wey dem psquare and ebube dey shook yansh.
He deserved it n even much more.If U think otherwise, then U don't know Pastor Oritsejafor.Don't argue. Congratz Papa!
After getting this jet, then they will get a pilot who will be flying him to wherever he wants to travel to. Who will be paying for the land space at the airport? Where will be money used to pay the pilot come from? All of that from the church members' pockets. Greedy men who call themselves men of God. They buy planes/jets for themselves and claim their church members did. Well, Oritsejafor wants to be in the league of pastors with jets and planes but excuse himself by claiming the church members bought it. Who even knows if it was GEJ that bought it for him. He has never said anything bad about GEJ's administration even with the evident proofs that things are not well.
Naija, I bow for our people ooo.
This new style of everyone having a private jet, is not a good one for we poor masses. If thy dnt get to drive on our bad roads hw wil thy kw the situations. Anyway God thy.
I hope there wil be space in heaven or hell ( depending on where thy find em selves) where thy can park ds?
Jesus will be weeping now. Cos the whole ideology of christianity have been defiled by this modern day leeches who thrives on feeding off already wretched masses and corrupted few by selling them fake hope and miracles.
This oritsejafor is a thief! He used to steal eggs in warri back then b4 he became a pastor...guess a leopard never changes his spots..thief
Short of words. God help us
This is what I call ""CHILLING" Damn!!!
I heard Prophet Elijah went to Heaven with a private Jet sent to him by God. Is it true? #leaving-on-a-jet-plane
i heard it was given to him, its really nice
He deserves it as a man of God. This will help in the propagation of the word of God.
Linda u neva post my commets. Congrats to him, datz all i can say.
Jeez couldn't take M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ eyes off it!!!
Hmm... What shall we say, all na work of God.
Congrats to him..Nobody should come here n talk abt abject poverty gibberish..His members include highly placed government officials,names wouldn't want to be called so it was tagged"the church bought him a jet"..Even jj okocha still pays homage to this man..Millions rolled in the last time Danjuma was in Warri ..if el-rufai has a problem with Ayo,he should leave CAN out of it..
Pls someone tell me how many orphange n old people homes †ђξ church get? I don't no and wld really like an ans. Tks
This is a man that used to ring bells in the market place to preach the gospel, what he has accomplished in Warri.. Very very few can achieve. Pastor Ayo oritsejafor. Put WaRri on the world map by always representing and calling Warri and Nigeria wherever he went. 40yrs he has preached the word, when I heard some pastors saying it was Pastor Ayo who converted them to Christ, I almost shed tears.. It is simple, good things still happen to good pple and hard work pays. Some rewards would be received here on earth and the rest in heaven. God bless everyone who donated towards this jet and pls, GEJ or any Govt pple didn't buy it, our hard earned money and love donated it. Pastor Ayo is loved and respected and I am proud of him abd how he loves God and preaches His word. May God bless all of us according to our works and hearts, amen. Celebrate and stop hating pple!!
Nigerians are the cause of their own problems. The culture and mentality of the people is messed up! This is wrong! The churches capitalises on this and poverty!
Am ashamed @ ur response, hw many of his church members leave in penury, was dis hw Jesus flaunt riches @ d xpense of d poor, remember Jesus feeding multitudes, do we see dat 2day, may d judgement of d lord come upon him.
Alrite i know this issue is going to cause a lot of heated debate well i am of the opinion dat pastors should not own private jets hell wat ever happened to commercial planes we gat members starving to pay tithe to enrich pastors and fat offerings that go into pastors pocket some pastors own countless concubine and mistresses dat the church pay to support their lavish life styles with out knowing it. millions spent on buying jets maintaining it fueling it is enough to help widows and kids in the church pastors sleep in 5 star hotels drink the best wine and drive the best suv yet their member trek to church God forbid bad thing my joy is they are already getting their reward on earth as for pastor Ayo oritshejafor well wat can i say though he is a veteran in the religious game him and arch bishop Benson idahosa of blessed memory started the pentecostal; movement in the seventies way before all these cockroaches pastors jumped on the band wagon of being called of (god)Ayo has tried in societal campaigns and crusade against injustice and boko haram but bros Ayo u dont need a jet
babe post my comment nau. this ting ur doing is not fair o. how u go feel if bank withold ya millions. same noni
We are in a very serious trouble in this country, truth has eluded us. Nobody can actully be trusted again, it's only and only God that knows the righteous ones. There's nothing bad in taking and giving gifts. But the big questions are "Who actually gave the gift?"; "On what type of relationship was such gift necessary?"; "Why would somebody veils giving out gift?" It's very glaring pastor's church members didn't give him aircraft as birthday gift. The person that gives aircraft to somebody knows himself. We leave him with his conscience, if he has any at all. May the Almight God judge them
Another ridiculous story about a man of God buying a private jet.. With all the church offerings he has been getting, that jet should be public!
I go buy my own too.
Check out yelnatsfashion.blogspot.com
Stupid much?
I couldn't keep reading these comment. Some of you are complete idiots. Utter foolishness. This man is a scam artist and you defending him as a man of God? Which God are you talking about? It cannot be the one sent his son to tell the world to feed the poor and help the sick. These "pastors" have conned you into believing the bible is all about earthly wealth so you dummies can give them your money which is a sign of God "blessing" them. I don't feel sorry for the people who are supporting this man's extravagant lifestyle. If you are stupid enough to believe this conman, you deserve what you get.
I am strappingly of the opinion that the jet allegedly bought by members of Pastor Oritshejafor's lead word of life Bible church is nothing but a big fat lie. First, we need to ask ourselves...
the population of the church and the caliber of its members.
I have indubitable reasons to believe it was funded by 'brother Jona' or some people in High Places. Jet of course is a means of transportation to reach the nations of the earth with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as stated in the Bible but the same Bible said 'wisdom is profitable to direct' and it also went further to say 'in all things, get wisdom.' It is not enough to know the Bible. It is important to have wisdom in order to apply its instructions wisely. Even when such offer is made, shouldn't a highly respected man of God convert such billions into charity projects and other gospel missions? Just as Kayode Ogundamisi wrote "The Colonial missionaries came to this part of the world and many countries in Africa and blessed us with hundreds of schools such as CMS Grammar school, CKC in the East and loads of free health services for the poor masses.” Can someone please tell Pastor Ayo and other pastors who own jets that that they are directly or indirectly beneficiaries of that gospel? “Rather than join the mass to get government to fix death traps called roads, our pastors join political office holders in the jet race”
Though I'm not trying to teach my grandmother how to suck the egg but my dear Pastor Ayo should remember that he'll someday stop presiding over CAN and brother Jona will vacate office. How does he then hope to meet up with the high maintenance of a private jet other than looking back to the church I'll rest my pen for now but I sure know God's eyes aren't.
Oh lord I'm waitn 4 ur call...rili comptemplatin being a pastoRESS* #rozay
I turn to you Lord..
Na Wa!
@annonymous 1:43 you are a compound fool
Caramel or what is your name? It is secular and not "circular artist". But are you comparing a pastor to artists? Artists work to make their money. They bring their money for their music to be produced while pastors stay in their homes embezzling the money of their church members.
And besides, what kind of a dream are you talking about? A dream to buy a new colt for the pastor??? tear rubber as you call it??? Anyway, this is a second hand jet and the pastor didn't accuse the members' of contradicting their so-called dream.
Ode kobo kobo. Already judging who goes to hell or heaven. Find a sardine can to dump yourself. Mtshewwww
Shebi you saw him when he stole? Olodo!! Your poverty stinks!
Na qu'ran you For see am?? Mugu
'Cockroaches pastor'?? Watch what comes out of your cockroach infested mouth
Ode kobo kobo. Already judging who goes to hell or heaven. Find a sardine can to dump yourself. Mtshewwww
real piss take, really annoying. the money can be put in better use. scholarship or something. nigeria is a cursed country. God help us
This is absurd, whether it is a gift from the functional iliterate called Jonathan or from Ayo's congregation. Not in the mist of this abject poverty in this nation.
Totally a mis-placed priority. We should use common sense in our everyday show of oppulence. It is a shame for a man of God to exhibit such wealth in the face of abject poverty and feel comfortable about it.
When I drive to and fro from work everyday and see how people toil to make a living, I sometimes feel embarrassed in my truck even though I toiled for it. I cringe at the sight of kids, pregnant women and old folks toiling under the heat of the sun.
I pray for Ayo and God's redemption and I mean every bit of it because there's no justification for such display of arrogance in owning such luxury.
Imagine what a school, hospital or an orphanage would have don in the society. Not only that it will assist the poor, it also creates jobs.
The end result will await this country and these thieves. It will happen soon in this country, they must answer for their wicked deeds.
This is a very serious national tragedy. Are the preachers competing amongst themselves or what?
My thots exactly.u r flying around in jets and call urself a pastor God is watching you.
most of u re speakin against it bcos poverty is stinkin all over ur mentally. Talking abt helpin d poor, he's done it several times. He alone can't help evry 1 dat is poor. Dat d govt responsibility. So 4 som1 2 start complainin dat he has not help d poor bt he's buyin a jet is just too lame. Ur mentality is too poor dat's y u start namin d cost 2 fly d jet, 2 pack it e.t.c don't u tink e kno's dat ? Change ur mentality pls
As at 2004 there were only 20 private jet in nigeria mostly 0wned by big firms as at now there is over 150 private jets in the country making Nigeria and china the biggest market for private jets do u need to be a genius to be know y d rich is getting richer and poor are starving
Here is my take on all this... is there ANYTHING WRONG in using a private jet; of course not. I would probably but one too if I could afford it, lol. Having said that though, men of God have to be careful. In my opinion this falls into the category of things that you don't do not because it is wrong per se but because it might offend somebody else who is not as spiritual as you are...
Yeah dts d way to talk
Nigerians are soo messed up... crticizin is their daily bread..and its mostly the poor people doing the talking.. y cant he have a private jet what is wrong in your country men have luxury toys, its not their fault you are not RICH, they are not obligated to the society. Gosh! these freaking poor and middle class people think the elites of the society are obligated to you .. spare me the rubbish of helping the poor .. YOU talking if you have the money wouldnt u enjoy urself and be comfortable.. the energy you spend saying crap if u use 1% mayb u wld be in that category... POOR PEople Drama... get a life and help yourself stop waiting for pple to cme help u nd stop Hating ..ur opinion means nothing to the elites .. they dont even know u exist...
Linda, you are doing a great service to the people of Nigerian by showing how all these church leaders are misusing church funds/properties to benefit themselves and their wives just like a lot of the Naija politicians do on a daily basis!
I salute and admire your courage to try and open the eyes of the people of Naija. But the truth of the matter is that Naija people are so gullible when it comes to issues like this. These pastors are rubbing them with their eyes wide open.
I've said it before. The quickest way to make money in this our Nigeria is to be a politician. The second is to be a pastor. Politicians and a lot of these pastors will rob/misuse money for personal gain AND our Naija people will find one excuse or the other to support or defend them.
What a shame! Shame! and Shame! Nigerian Pastors and Nigerian Pastors alone are known for this craze and pursue for wealth, fame and competition. This is a clear reflection of the rot that is onging in our society. Yet i feel so dissapointed as a christian to read fellow Christian's comment commending this unfanthomed acquisition. Our prime fore-runner Christ, modern means of Transportation of his time (horses) before he opted the least (donkey), infact, a mule. Are these Pastors really Christ-like? Christians Beware.
Let us take a Clue from the Catholics whose leader though runs an organization acclaimed to be the richest religious orginization in the world, yet, doesnt have a private jet. The Pope flies in Alitalia....not even the Anglican Arch-bishop of Westminster who heads the Anglican Church has a private jet....Shame on U Pastors. Where is your christ-like character>
If the first coming of Jesus Christ,should be in this our generation, what kind of lifestyle should He be living? do we think,He will be riding in Air Force One.or Limo to get He's message to the poor.
If the first coming of Jesus Christ,should be in this our generation, what kind of lifestyle should He be living? do we think,He will be riding in Air Force One.or Limo to get He's message to the poor.
Linda e never do? I think you should chill. it was a gift.
and the poor congregation can enter the jet abi yeye people
There are really more important things than jets for church. huh !
He is our pastor let him eat our money ooooo. Make una leave an alone. Na we buyer and NW we know how we go take main the costs. Stop criticising those on top so you can grow, yes you.
Catch much fun on gist at http://gossippme.blogspot.com
All these pastors are so vain. Bloody thieves! Buying jets and limos, meanwhile half of their church members are dwelling in poverty. This is where the Catholic Church gets all the respect. Them pope can never be this materialistic and selfish!
" y cant he have a private jet what is wrong in your country men have luxury toys, its not their fault you are not RICH, they are not obligated to the society. Gosh! these freaking poor and middle class people think the elites of the society are obligated to you .. spare me the rubbish of helping the poor"
What exactly is the point of christianity? Christians are obligated to help the poor. This so called "man of God" is obligated, you moron. He is a hypocrite. That is why I call this man is a conman. The church members are supposed to use funds to do God's work. The message of jesus can be summarized to one word, love. Is it love to avoid the inconvenience of flying commercial while there are children starving in this country and dying young from preventable illnesses? Fake christians. Him and his followers. Jesus was selfless. This man is self-serving. It's one thing to earn your money on your own work, it's quite another to collect money in the name of God.
Is the private jet meant for evangelism? where are we going in this country? with the level of poverty in this country, church leaders are concern with getting a private Jet and we have some Nigerians living below a liter a Diesel in a day, some living in a room apartment with 4 children. God have mercy
fly high pastor!!!
you people that are complaining aren't making any sense he's been working for the church for a very long time and he keeps payin for his flights becaues of the gospel so he deserves it so leave him alone since his church can afford it why shouldnt they buy it for him
Apparently, Papa Pastor Ayo's wife "Mama Ayo" suggested to the church to get her husband a private jet.... hahahahahaha
the lord is good
With any luck it might just fly him to heaven and not come back.
Are 9jas really so stupid that they look up to a pastor with a jet?
what next?A cruise ship?
O yeah by the way,if una like cuss my mama papa sef.At least they arnt greedy selfish vain rouges who instead of feeding people,buy jets.
PASTOR bring am make i fly am 4u.
U go see me frm da window waving u bye bye wid my parachute.
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